• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter Ninety-Eight: Rainbow Rocks II... Goodie...

"Oh yeah! Snips and Snails in the house yo!
They call me M.C Snips, and that ain't no lie!"

...Think I'm beginning to see where Eminem got his inspiration.

While my ears were begging to die, I observed, as dumbfounded as the rest of the people here, watching Snips and Snails make the Rapping Dog from the animated Titanic flick look like John Williams. Afterwards, I believed it was the girls turn for their performance, standing between me as we waited for this... Display to be over with.

I take my words back; perhaps I should have my enemies suffer by enduring through this... Multiple times.

I smirked. A fate worse than death. But still better than what's to come, in the future...

My cringe immediately turned to a amused look and chuckle as Celestia asked plainly, "Please do not drop the microphones."

Yeah, we can't afford to fix the lights of one hallway; do you have any idea how expensive those microphones would be to replace?

Snips and Snails - dressed in clothes from One Direction's closet - only picked up the objects and made noises as though they did a job well done.

How I would desire to shatter that reality right before their eyes.

"In your face, Rainbooms!" The girls hardly looked fazed by the comment, simply expressing disbelief and bemusement towards the departing tools.

"Least we know one group who won't stand in our way until we get to the finals," Applejack commented in amusement.

Rainbow voiced her enthusiasm. "Let's get ready to rock!"

"Wait!" Pinkie then exclaimed. "Where's Rarity?"

On cue, the sound of a panting Rarity drew our attention. And, just like from the movie, the teen dressed like a styled hippie. The girls were just as unimpressed, even when Rarity swished her hair to show off her glittering clothing. "We are going to perform before an audience; I'm not going to wear something fabulous? Hm."

"...Yeah, you look great Rarity." She looked slightly put out by the quick dismissal, prompting my rolled eyes and sigh. "You look positively beautiful." That sincere compliment raised her hopes somewhat, and I addressed the eyebrow-raised group. "Remember, don't show your magic in the least, that'll be saved for the finals. Be good, but not too good."

"Heh, no promises."


"Just kidding. Sheesh."

Huffing, my eyes glanced then at Sunset, who looked humoured at our antics. "You feeling okay?" The girls turned to their friend as well.

She shrugged helplessly. "Guess I'm a little nervous..."

"Hah, you got this!" Rainbow began encouraging the mare-turned-teen, lightly punching her shoulder with a confident smirk. "You were great at the rehearsals. We know you're gonna pull this off!" The others nodded in agreement, smiling at their friend to express their support and faith.

At the reassurance, Sunset only grinned a little, looking both grateful and relieved at the vote of confidence aimed at her, before smiling in conviction. "Then let's show them what we're made of!"

"Yeah!" Pinkie yelled victoriously. Damn right, we've got this.


Nothing. Was Sombra's response, his shadow done scouting out above. You were correct with your hypothesis, for once; there is no one attempting to sabotage their display.

Good... Thanks Sombra.

Hmph. Don't dwell much on it.

Smirking, I nodded, leaning against the wall with folded arms while watching the girls perform. If all goes according to plan, the sirens won't manipulate the students to try and destroy the teen's show by using magnets on Rarity's outfit or focusing a stage light on Fluttershy. Also, for good measure, I asked Pinkie not to contain confetti within one of the drums; wouldn't want Sunset choking while she sang.

And she sang... Quite well. Despite the initial nervousness, Sunset was already getting into it, taking Twilight's spot as lead singer. Although no one in this world or Equestria can match Twilight's voice - Yes I know she and and Sunset shared the same VA when it came to their songs in RR - that didn't mean Sunset wasn't good.

Quite the contrary, she was doing great!

"Shake your tail 'cause we're here to have a party tonight!
Shake your tail, shake your tail!
Shake your tail 'cause we're here to have a party tonight!
Shake your tail, shake your tail!"

...Would it be wrong of me to say I enjoyed High School Musical more than this?

Yes, but by all means, do continue.

I mean, this film is trying and failing so hard to be its own musical, making songs just to push for more products and merchandise. I can't even remember half the songs in this flick; hell, I'm barely struggling to even recall the lyrics of what's playing right now. As a kid, I liked High School Musical.

Yeah, I know, sue me.

But at least, while the story there was lacking and the characters weak themselves, it had more going for itself than this. But at least, with the power of Disney, the songs from the film I still remember to this day. Not all, mind you, but more than this. Hasbro has got nothing on Disney; the latter knows how to advertise and appeal to all ages right. The argument that Insert-name-here is for kids so it's okay to be bad is just a lazy, incoherent excuse. You can make art from anything with the slightest amount of effort.

"We don't know what's gonna happen!
We just know it's gonna feel right!
All our friends are here!
And it's time to ignite the lights!"

Now comparing Equestria Girls to High School Musical is hardly fair, I'll agree. Equestria Girls isn't decent; it's commercial diarrhea!

Are you gonna keep quoting Mr. Plinkett the entire time we're here?


"Shake your tail 'cause we're here to have a party tonight!
Shake your tail, shake your tail!
Shake your tail 'cause we're here to have a party tonight!
Shake your tail, shake your tail!
Shake your tail 'cause we're here to have a party tonight!"

And even though only Celestia and Luna applauded the teens while the student body acted like sour losers, the girls looked quite pleased themselves. As was I; no sabotages, no arguments, no nothing. And when Sunset turned to look at me with a hopeful smile, I winked with a thumbs up, messaging what a great job she and the girls did.

Even though I hardly paid attention. But when it was Derpy's turn, then I began paying attention.

You know what's funny? Watching Sentry throw a hissy fit after discovering his "band" lost to the Dazzlings.

It's a shame though, considering what he did to Twilight in the original timeline of RR, I have no justification now to deck the [BEEP]tard below the belt. After Legends of Everfree, that piece of [BEEP] doesn't deserve to have any type of reward for anything. Speaking of which, what is the award here? What's the grand prize for winning this contest? The movie never stated.

A trophy? A pat on the back? If it's the latter, I'm throwing my own hands up in frustration. If there's no substantial reward, why bother making an effort to win? Bragging rights? The feeling of accomplishment for winning a school competition that will no real bearing on your overall life? I can see Sunset and the group entering for fun, but someone like Trixie?

Who, by the way, was playing arguably the best song in this entire film. Not an argument.

"You better believe I've got tricks up my sleeve!
See me dominate, 'cause I'm powerful and great!
You better believe I've got tricks up my sleeve!
See me dominate, 'cause I'm powerful and great!"

Yeah, we've already reached the semifinals. And I have to say, thanks to my advice, the girls have had little-to-no arguments through the majority of the competition. There've been some hiccups here and there, but nothing too damaging revolving around friendship. Although some of said heated debates were a ruse, whenever the sirens were near, to keep up the illusion we were under the Dazzling's influence.

Got to give them credit for their acting skills, most especially Applejack and Rainbow's. The Rainbooms have yet to fall apart by the seams... Which is more than I can say for the rest of the competition.

Bulk Biceps bested Snips and Snails with a tiny violin. That must be more embarrassing than their rapping.

Sentry's band beat the vegan band.

The Rainbooms stomped Octavia's violin... Although the sight of the human violin player caused me to grimace. Another loose end I had to resolve when I go back to Equestria...

Trixie's group defeated Lyra and Bon's piano duet.

And so on and so on. And although in the film the sirens played another of the few decent songs in this flick while displaying these bands beating one another, I had to again cover my ears with those headphones, which played another catchy song Starswirl provided.

Ducktales! Woo-oo!

"Looks like you were right," Sunset spoke from behind, prompting me to glance over my shoulder. "Seems we'll be competing against the Dazzlings in the finals, if we beat Trixie's band first."

"When we beat Trixie's band first!" Rainbow added cockily, wrapping an arm around the uncertain teen's shoulder. "She's got nothing on us, not with the song we'll be playing this round!"

Right... That song...

Sighing, I said flatly, expression stern to emphasize how important this was. "Remember Rainbow, don't overdue it."

She scoffed, waving in reassurance. "Don't sweat, I've got this."

"We've got this." Applejack pitched in firmly, inciting Rainbow's eye roll.

"Um, are we still going to play my song at the finals just like we planned?" Fluttershy inquired shyly, clutching her tambourine to her chest for weak support.

"Yes we are." She brightened at that, inciting my own smile. "That will be the song we play against the sirens. After they believe they've succeeded in their plan, then we strike." My gaze then resumed on all the girls, holding up their respective instruments readily. "We're almost there; we'll show them the power of friendship which triumphs over anything soon." They nodded, grinning at one another.

"You better believe I've got tricks up my sleeve!
See me dominate, 'cause I'm powerful and great!"

Ah, sounds like Trixie's done.

After bowing with smug grins, the lead singer of that group decided to come join us, mocking speaking to us, "Heh, you're never top that performance, Rain-goons."

But before Rainbow could retaliate, I stepped forward, a broad smile on my face. "That was a fantastic performance Trixie." The teens blinked in surprise, whereas Trixie only looked more pleased with herself. "You wouldn't happen to have a recording of that song for download, would you?"

Really, Trixie's the real winner here; she never once used magic to win the competition. Technically, these girls cheated if they were declared the victors of the contest. Hell, during this scene she even pointed that out about Twilight.

This time, the teen looked genuinely taken aback, before quickly recovering. "N-Not yet. But Trixie is flattered you enjoyed her spectacular performance. I guarantee you it will be far more noteworthy than what your friends here play."

I placed a hand on Rainbow's shoulder when she was about to open her mouth, saying calmly, "We'll see. Let me know when you're giving away records of your song, I'll be first in line." With a satisfied smirk, Trixie glanced at the others condescendingly before walking off.

And as soon as she was out of sight, Rainbow glared at me, shrugging off my hand. "And just what was that about?"

"Just because I'm helping this band doesn't mean I can't appreciate others songs." Even though what little there was. The blue teen regarded me with a heavy frown, before huffing.

"Next up: The Rainbooms." The speakers called, rather unenthusiastic.

And before Rainbow could eagerly approach the stage, I grasped her arm firmly for a moment, though not unkindly, while the others moved ahead. Pink eyes glared in confusion, but my own expression was firm. "Remember, don't show off... Too much."

She rolled her eyes, and quickly joined the others to perform as soon as I released her arm. Crossing my arms, I leaned against the wall, observing the upcoming display with slight apprehension. The other girls I can trust, but I can't have faith Rainbow won't get too overboard with herself; especially when this is a glorifying mostly-solo but what a great person she is.

I think even pony Rainbow would say her human self needed to chill a little.

At least this world hasn't taken away too much of your wisdom, what little there is.

...Not going to comment.

Good, because we may have an issue.

Oh dear God... What now?

I did as you requested-

After five minutes of arguing, also.

Let me finish, boy. From the side, Sombra's shadow looked like it was leering at me. It probably was. I have reason to suspect the sirens are aware of the teenager's magic. What?! My observations from the shadows revealed to me some of the pathetic wretches in this school have blabbered more than they should.

...God dammit!

We need not fret. Starswirl's voice reassured us. We have reached the point when any attempts of sabotage on the siren's behalf would prove naught.

I'm hardly concerned old one, Sombra retorted in irritation, while the stage dramatically opened for the music to commence. I could care less what fate befell this world. But I'd rather not have my host fall under their egotistical influence as well.

Love you too Sombra.

Quiet worm!

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!
Awesome as I wanna be!"

Sombra/Stardust shippers, commence with the art and fics.

Will you cease this mindless amusement- Oh Equestria...

What... Wait, I'm sensing a presence approaching. One of the sirens?

Worse... For you, in any case.

"You really think they're gonna win?" Oh [BEEP] off! Dark blue eyes stared at me in full skepticism. "With Sunset in the band? Not exactly appealing to the crowd."

"I'm sorry," Was my cool response, inwardly imagining setting Sentry on fire where he stood. "I don't recall asking for your opinion, Sentry."

Those eyes of his narrowed, before he looked over to the performance. "You're making a big mistake."

Yeah? Hasbro made the big mistake of creating you, but I don't see them rectifying that.

Timber Spruce?

That's worse!

"Yeah, I'm awesome, take caution.
Watch out for me, I'm awesome as I wanna be! (Yeah!)
I'm awesome, take caution.
Watch out for me, I'm awesome as I wanna be!"

Jack, calm yourself. Specter- Starswirl advised. Your disdain will provide the sirens more energy.

Hmph. Sombra commented thoughtfully, Perhaps the school was never necessary to empower them to begin with; you would've been enough.

Will you shut up-!

Jack, the stage.

Hm? Oh Christ!

Just like in the flick, Rainbow was beginning to enjoy herself far too much. Unfolding my arms, I took one step forward, ignoring Sentry's tuned out words. For the love of- She needs to calm down, here and now. What should I do? Close the curtains? Unplug the stereos? The stage lights were now all focusing on the guitar-shredding teen. This was bad; I got the feeling she would keep playing regardless.

Dammit Rainbow, TONE IT DOWN!

Then, as though hearing my internal demand, Rainbow paused briefly, pink eyes blinking rapidly, before shaking her head and resuming her solo. But, to my surprise, the tone was lowered significantly, and the stage lights resumed focused on the other girls, who looked just as surprised as I was, before quickly playing their instruments again after the light focused on them individually.

What happened just then...?

"Step aside now, you're just gettin' in my way!
I got sick chops you could never hope to play!
When it comes to makin' music, I'm the ruler!
You wish you could be twenty percent cooler!"

"Ugh, what was that...?" Huh? Sentry, meanwhile, was clutching his temple, eyes clenched shut. "It felt like something was screaming in my mind just now..."

...Did I... Do that...?

Who else? Sombra sounded particularly disgruntled himself. It would be enough to provide anyone within the vicinity with a migraine. Ugh, that was painful...

Starswirl, however, sounded rather proud. It seems balance has revealed to you another ability. Your connection to your friend had her hear your plea.

But... Wait, I'm telepathic now?!

Hmhm, not quite. I'll explain it later. Yeah, you always do...

"Yeah, I'm awesome, take caution.
Watch out for me, I'm awesome as I wanna be! (Yeah!)
I'm awesome, take caution.
Watch out for me, I'm awesome as I wanna be!"

I'm surprised.

Hm? By what Sombra?

By your lack of interaction with the sirens. And here I believed you thrived in attempting to reform other creatures with your words.

What? Reform them? [BEEP] that, I'm far from interested in speaking with, much less redeeming them. For starters, their powers could still have an influence of me for all I knew. And second, considering the power-crazed state they were currently in, when their plans seem to be so close, why bother? I doubt any of the three are up for sitting down and discussing their origins to find a compromise.

Sonata, maybe, but right now, there's no point. Maybe another time.

Or perhaps you are too simple-minded on your desire to see your Princess again everything else just presents an obstacle to you.

That's not-

"Alright, why'd ya call us here?" My gaze turned from the setting sun towards the girls, who have arrived on the school rooftop, Rainbow tapping her foot impatiently, exclaiming heatedly, "We have to rehearse for the finals, remember?"

Rarity stepped forward. "I'm certain Stardust wouldn't have asked for us to meet him here without good reason."

"You're right Rarity." Sunset added, looking at me curiously. "Is it about the Dazzlings?"

Nodding, I unfolded my arms. "Firstly, I want to express how proud I am of you girls." Which wasn't something I entirely expected, in all honesty. "You've worked together to reach this point, you refused to allow your friendship tested in the name of pressure and competition. Twilight would be proud of you too."

Now with that plot point of the girls needlessly arguing with one another to help fuel the siren's magic out of the way.

The teens all smiled, looking pleased and flattered by the genuine praise. "Aw shucks," Applejack replied modestly. "What kind of friends would we be if we focused more on winnin' than our own friendship?"

"It's the whole point of this band," Pinkie pointed out brightly.

A smile rose of my own face. "Although apparently the sirens are now aware of your... Magical display back at the Fall Formal." Several eyes widened, prompting my reassuring gestures. "But we've reached the point where any attempts on their part to sabotage your friendships will be pointless. They think they've won, that we're all oblivious to their own magic."

"Heh, we'll show them wrong."

"Indeed, Rainbow." Walking forward, my expression turned solemn. "But in order for the final stages of our plan to work, they need to believe they have achieved ultimate victory. And to do that, we have to perform exactly at the same time as them from a spot where our music will clash with their own."

Beginning a literal battle of the bands, something which was both laughable and utterly ridiculous.

"Um, how do we do that?"

"All in good time Fluttershy. But I will say this, it's not too late to back down now." Well, it kinda is. But I at least like to give people the chance not to endanger themselves any further. "I'm not exactly comfortable with getting my friends in danger but-"

"Then it's a good thing it ain't your call," Applejack interjected humouredly, looking back at the smiling others. "We chose to help, and we certainly ain't backin' down now, not when we've come so far."

"Heck yeah!" Rainbow pitched in, smirking in disbelief. "Let the Dazzlings take the competition and the world? As if we're gonna let that happen!" Standing between us, the blue teen extended a fist. "Ready team?"

"All for one and one for all!" Pinkie bounced happily, joining her fist with the others to create a circle of conviction. Applejack followed, then Rarity, and Fluttershy, and eventually Sunset. Then, six expectant looks turned to me, prompting my small smile.

Perhaps they're not entirely unlike their pony selves...

"Then let's show these sirens what we're made of," I announced confidently, joining my own fist with the group. And together, our hands soared through the air as Rainbow called out triumphantly.

"Got it! Let's show these Dazzlings not to mess with our friends!"

I added after Rainbow, "We'll need to find Vinyl Scratch for this final phase of the plan to work; she has something we'll need." Something terribly contrived and nonsensical, but it's necessary to sort out the final mess of this movie.

Pinkie winked. "On it!" Before speeding out through the door into the school, slowly followed by the others. Now just one moment. One hand placed firmly on Sunset's shoulder, prompting her startled gaze at me, whereas I smiled at the others.

"We'll join you in a moment." They nodded, and I waited until they were fully out of sight before meeting the mare-turned-teen's look. "How are you feeling?"

"...A little anxious, I guess. Okay, maybe a lot more anxious." Sunset sighed, furrowing her brow. "Not that I don't have faith in my friends or the plan but... I'm just worried."

"They'll do just fine."

But she shook her head. "That's not what I'm worried about. It's me... Or more specifically, if I'm capable of doing this." She met my gaze again after staring at the ground, eyes pleading for some type of reassurance. "Can I really do this for everyone? I don't know, maybe Twilight would've been a better lead singer than me, maybe I should've let Rainbow be the lead the whole time. Everyone clearly still distrusts me. And if the sirens know about my past, who's to say they won't use that against me tonight-?"

"Oh Jesus, you're beginning to sound like Twilight." Just what I needed, two worrywarts. Sunset blinked while, I chuckled, patting her shoulder gently. "You're gonna be fine. And how do I know this? Because I'm typically right."

"That's not exactly reassuring..." But a small smile cracked on her lips. In my mind, Sombra snorted.

"Sunset, I told you, we all have faith in you; it's you who needs to have faith in yourself." She expressed guilt at that, prompting my comforting smile. "Twilight would say the same thing; she would want you to be more confident with your capabilities. I didn't request you as lead singer for [BEEP]s and giggles, I did it because I trust you; have faith in you. And the girls, over the majority of your performances together, have too. You are capable of doing this."

"...Are you sure?"

"More than you believe."

At the lack of hesitation, Sunset walked past me, staring off into the... Well, sunset herself, expressing hidden from me. Guessing now this is the part where she eventually looks over her shoulder with a confident smile, ready and willing to aid her friends in this hour of crisis. The phoenix rising from the ashes.

And, right on cue. "Let's finish this."

"Welcome to the show...
We're to let you know..."

Wait a second...


We prevented the girls from getting trapped beneath the concert stage, correct?

You did, but proceed.

And that would've stopped their own negative energy from empowering the villains, right?


So why the [BEEP] are they STILL powering up as though nothing's changed, with the girls here right beside me and ready to perform?

...I think you just uncovered a new "plothole" of your own making.


"How are we suppose to play over them from up here?" Rainbow asked from our position on the hilltop overlooking the performance, Rarity taking the quick time to craft new costumes for them during this one-time event, including for Sunset, who adorned the clothing Twilight would've worn. The answer to Rainbow's question, came in the sound of a beeping car, and we turned our heads to the one of the most absurd plot conveniences of all time. Human Vinyl Scratch, with her fancy white convertible, transformed from the press of a button.

Into a large stereo.

While the girls cheered, I shook my head. Alright, let's get this [BEEP]show over with. "Alright girls, show them what friendship is all about!" They nodded, grins of confidence and hope on their faces while taking their places, myself stepping out of the way to allow this to happen.

Though I changed little, I was content with what I've managed to do so far.

Oh I would hardly say a little, Jack. Starswirl confided, voice expressing enthusiastic pride. You cast aside your prejudice for this world to help your friends, prepare them with the knowledge needed, gave Sunset the role she deserves and gave her confidence to become a better person. Perhaps an alternate vital lesson would've been shared within that room where the girls would have been trapped within, but you reminded them constantly that their friendship was more precious than winning an overall competition. Princess Twilight would be proud of you as well as them.

...Thanks, Starswirl. That, really means a lot to me-

Oh, they've begun.

"Oh-oh, oh-whoa-oh!
I've got the music in me!
Oh-oh, oh-whoa-oh!"

Even from all the way up here, I can sense the siren's outrage at the sudden disruption to their performance. They paused from their ascent with their newly-regained small wings, which looked quite laughable all the way from up here. And Sunset took the lead where Twilight would've, pouring out her effort and feelings into this performance.

"Don't need to hear a crowd,
Cheering out my name!
I didn't come here seeking
Infamy or fame!"

Doesn't quite work for her, the lyrics...

Eh, what can you do?

"The one and only thing
That I am here to bring!
Is music, is the music,
Is the music in my soul!

Gonna break out! (Out!)
Set myself free, yeah!
Let it all go! (Go!)
Just let it be, yeah!

Find the music in your heart,
Let the music make you start,
To set yourself apart!"

Right now, I was just content letting them take the lead, until the real battle began. But my interference would be a short one. The transformations already took place; ears, wings and tails appearing all over the determined teens... Save for Sunset. But she didn't look entirely deterred, still singing alongside the girls in their effort to defeat the threat to their world. Even if this wasn't her place of origins, this world was home to Sunset...

As Equestria was home to me...

The sirens, meanwhile, accepted the challenge.

"What we have in store, (Ah-ah!)
All we want and more! (Ah-ah!)
We will break on through, (Ah-ah)
Now it's time to finish you!"

A red flashing light, the sirens summoning what is essentially their Stands. By that I mean their true forms, the human bodies hovering as three serpent-like creatures rose in the air. But I'm gonna call them their Stands, just as I typically call Sombra my Stand.

Which still remains unfunny, mind you.

Then the real battle finally commended. Through the power of Pinkie's enhanced drums, magical blastwaves momentarily repelled the beasts. Followed by Rarity's crystal shard attack, Fluttershy's beam of butterflies-

I'm sorry, I can't possibly describe what is happening right now with a straight face. This is too [BEEP]ing silly for me to take seriously. I was torn between laughing and shaking my head. Not even Disney went this far in terms of music battles.

The lead siren, having enough of the stalling, retaliated with an echoing scream aimed down at us- Ugh! My hands reached to cover my ears at the onslaught, and the girls weren't doing much better. Together, all three of the creatures fired off waves of a siren's call, forcing the girls back. And my instinct told me what would happen next.

The microphone knocked from Sunset's hand by the raw power.

But, by good timing and remembrance, my outstretched hand caught the microphone, secured tightly in my grip. Nope, not gonna let this roll off somewhere. Getting up the girls turned to me in clear worry, and I wordlessly stepped forward, towards a distraught Sunset Shimmer. However, her expression shifted from concern to confusion as I held the object before her, waiting for her to take it. And a brief moment of meeting my gaze told her all she needed to know.

Your friends have faith in you. As do I.

As though hearing that, the teen closed her eyes briefly, expression conflicted. Then, a small, confident grin reached Sunset's lips, and she wordlessly took the microphone, stepping back into place with a glaring defiance at the observing sirens. The scene where she took off her jacket for display of epicness was replaced by staring the three large creatures down.

Sunset was filled with DETERMINATION.

...You went there.

I did.

Vinyl took that as a sign, pumping up the jam as Sunset began rising like the phoenix she was destined to become.

"You're never gonna bring me down!
You're never gonna break this part of me!
My friends are here to bring me 'round!
Not singing just for popularity!

We're here to let you know!
That we won't let it go!
Our music is a bomb and it's about to blow!
And you can try to fight,
But we have got the light of
Friendship on our side!"

And just like that, a large wave of rainbow colours blasted back the charging sirens, repeating exactly what happened in the flick. Dazed students from below began turning their heads at the more triumphant music, paying no heed to the three flying humans on the stage. No, when it comes to music, just like food and relationships, a teenager's mind is always stubbornly simple-minded.

"Got the music in our hearts!
We're here to blow this thing apart!
And together, we will never,
Be afraid of the dark!"

And, at last, Sunset gets her reward. By learning to have confidence in herself and trusting in her friends, who in turn completely and utterly trust her now, after displaying how convicted she was to save everyone and joining in the fun, the phoenix gains its long-lost tail. And the ears, but they're far less symbolic. No wings though... Not yet anyway.

"Here to sing our song out loud!
Get you dancing with the crowd!
As the music of our friendship,
Survives, survives, survives!"

And, all hovering together, their friendship fires a rainbow beam into the sky, forming together their combined Stand.

And this, ladies and gentlemen, children of all ages, spawns one of the most ridiculous, ham-fisted, laughable, drug-induced spectacle only the writers of this show can think of. As emerged from the clouds, by the united might of friendship, was a gigantic bohemian which forced me into uncontrollable laughter.

I mean, they're trying to be all epic here, but it's just hysterical, even in person.

The comical Horse Jesus rose in the skies, staring down with pure white eyes at the scared sirens below, before firing off a simple white beam from the horn which immediately evaporated their true forms and destroyed the red gems the girls adorned.

Hahahaha... [BEEP] this film...

And the sirens lay beaten, attempting to sing with their weakened selves but boo'ed off the stage by a salty crowd of ungrateful teenagers, I was still laughing my arse at what just occurred. Okay, even my final battle with Sombra wasn't this overplayed. Let's just take a moment to appreciate our new Lord and Saviour, Horse Jesus.

Thank you Horse Jesus.

Stop saying that. Sombra complained in exasperation while Starswirl chuckled in deep amusement.

Beside me, the girls exchanged victorious yet blissful grins, initiating a group hug for a job well done- Ugh! And pulling me into it. Sure, why not? I happily embraced the teens also, exchanging a second of pride with Sunset's gaze, who smiled ecstatically at my expression.

Proud of ya kid...

And as we reached the stage, it was she who examined the fallen broken pieces of what was once dear to the fled sirens. "Guess we know now why these were so important to them."

Shouldn't we pursue them?

Nah, I get the feeling we'll cross paths again sometime in the future... That's how it usually goes... Although this only proved the fact they never needed to feed off negative energy in this world to begin with. Their motivations - mostly Adagio's - was pure selfishness, nothing more. Perhaps this can be talked to, but that's for another time.

Indeed it is. Starswirl concurred, voice betraying warmth. My gratitude for tying up a loose end of my own. You've earnt it.

...Earned what...?

"Where's that music coming from...?" Fluttershy suddenly inquired, and we all looked upwards, beginning to hear the faint sound of music which was rather familiar...

...No way...!

Oh good grief, no...

Oh good grief, yes!

My hand reached out to grab a discarded microphone, quickly heading towards the stage where hundreds of students observed in surprise at the music from thin air, before cheering at how hyped it sounded. Alright girls, you've had your fun. Now it's my time. I'll show you all what real music is.

Crush 40 style!

So then, overall thoughts?


The movie.

Ah... Well, despite the fact it held the same problems as its predecessor had - cliche circumstances and settings, weak story, weak morals, weak characters, all made for the sole purpose of blatant merchandising so unsubtle it makes Frozen look like Citizen Kane - it's still not as bad as the first one.

I waved to the girls from my spot, continuing my trail of thought. Oh it is bad, horrendous even. But at least some effort was put into it, at least if by a margin. At least some were given character. At least you can fine some humour in it at places; mostly Maud Pie and Derpy. And some of the songs were actually memorable and catchy.

So, it's bad, but compared to the first and the following sequels, it's the least bad. The Revenge of the Sith of the prequels. The Heavy Rain of the David Cage games.

Tell you what, I'm glad this was all over...

For now anyway...

Hmph. Enjoy it while it lasts boy.

Don't worry, I will.

"You're certain she'll be here soon?"

A voice startled me from my thoughts, Sunset approaching me with a raised brow. I shrugged. "Hopefully, that mare always did go to the library alot." Relying on the hope that she spots the buzzing book in the room after the stallion delivered the books to her castle. But I had faith.

It's what kept me going in Equestria.

A light smile. "You miss her."

"More than you realize." Was my automatic response, smiling back at the girl rather tiredly. Last night's performance really drained me. And speaking of. "Just as you don't realize how proud I am of you for last night."

Sunset waved it off, looking quite bashful. "I just did the best I could."

"That doesn't make me any less proud." I tilted my head, grinning at the shy teen. "I mean it Sunset, you showed a lot of courage and willingness last night, for your friends and everyone else in the school, not to mention the whole world. Redemption has come closer than you realize."

"All thanks to you," She responded, grinning rather gratefully. "If you weren't here to support us - support me - I dread to imagine what the different outcome would have been."

If only she knew.

With one hand clenched to her fist, Sunset's eyes closed, a small yet firm smile. Then followed by flashing blue-green eyes. "But I know now, without a doubt, I do deserve my friends. And I will never return to that past life of loneliness, not when I have others care for me, as I care for them. "

Hmph, remind you of anyone?

Nodding, beaming quite proudly at the realizing teen, I looked back at the others. The teens lounged around the statue and mirror, waiting for a certain someone to appear once more. And the mere thought alone of seeing her again rid me of the present topic with Sunset just now, getting the faint sensation she'll pop up any minute. My body tensed somewhat, a feeling on anxiety finally rising up from my stomach. Sunset obviously picked up on my state, noticing my expression and shift of posture.


"An understatement..."

"...I still don't understand about one thing," The yellow teen began, regarding both the mirror and myself curiously. "You arrived me in spite of there being no full moon yet, without Twilight's knowledge of your current whereabouts. You knew all about the sirens and their plans. Come to think of it, you knew of their intentions even before they arrived at the school, and the way you guided us around the school, as if you knew where they were going to be and how they were going to perform their next action..."

As she said all this, a slow amused grin grew on my features.

Rubbing her chin, green-blue eyes widened slowly as the implications began sinking. "You knew about the book I had that was once used to contact Princess Celestia. And the way you looked completely unfazed when they transformed to their true selves, and just as we used the magic of friendship to beat them, almost like you've seen it all happen before...!" She gazed at me in shock and disbelief. "But that means-!"

Her train of thought was cut off by the sound of someone arriving from the portal. Our heads whipped forward, and my heart stopped beating. Sparing me a small glance, Sunset approached the lying girl along with the exclaiming others.

She's here...

She's here...

"I'm here!"

My breath halted at the sound of her voice, insides feeling like tearing themselves asunder at the aching and yearning I held for this angel since the day I departed from her. How much time had passed for her? Did she think too much about me? Did she cry a lot? I hope not, but it would gratify me to know how much she missed me.

I couldn't begin to describe how much I missed her...

While Sunset helped pull the Princess up, the latter found herself swarmed by chattering, ecstatic friends before another group hug was commenced. And I stayed stuck, rooted to the bottom of the steps in frozen shock and apprehension. I had this all planned out... And already it felt like everything was unraveling faster than I expected.

But who cared... She was here...

My Princess...

"I read there was an emergency, so I came as quickly as I could," The love of my life explained to the girls after the embraces, myself unable to see her expression. "What's the emergency, exactly?"

Applejack, glancing over, smirked with a wink. "A certain someone misses ya." And I gulped, everything freezing to a halt when Sunset simply smiled to Twilight's blatant confusion, wordlessly turning her around.

Purple met blue-green.

For what felt like eternity had passed, neither of us dared to move, our expressions more than stunned. Twilight's mouth was agape, purple sparkling eyes widened to impossible degrees. And I briefly noticed the necklace, the small silver crystal book with a star in the center hanging around her neck. She still wore it...

Did she ever take it off...?


Even all the way here, the faint sound of her beautiful voice reached my frozen ears, and I could only swallow an inaudible gulp. One small step forward from her. I had this all planned out, I would let her approach with a small, confident smirk of my own, addressing with a quiet teasing "My Princess" before she would hug me and potentially smack me-


Ah [BEEP] it!

My feet tore across the ground without a moment's hesitation, only taking a second or two before we found ourselves in each others arms. Without even thinking, feeling the warmth and comfort of her body once more, my arms spun her in the air, a blissful laugh and grin emerging on my face as her hair whipped in my field of vision. She's here! She's here!

She's here!

Calm the [BEEP] down, boy...

Ignoring Sombra's negativity, too focused on the mare before me, we didn't let go for a very long time. From the corner of my eye, the girls snickered and smiled brightly at the scene before them. And I barely heard myself whisper in pure bliss.

"My Princess..."

"My Warrior..."

To my slight discomfort, the hug departed, instead replaced then by more warm as a small purple delicate hand rose to grasped my cheek, purple eyes searching, more life returning to her eyes than the day I lost her... Or she lost me.

"It's you..." She said quietly, sounding both in disbelief and joy. "It's really you..."

I could say the same thing, my love... One hand of my own reached up to brush Twilight's cheek, grinning like the stupid idiot I always was. "Well... I did say it wouldn't make sense for two of me to exist, love..."

That was all the incentive needed. Without caring we were being watched, our lips met after so long of departure. Longing and love intertwined together to create a perfect harmony, a moment of pure, unadulterated happiness between a pony and human.

And my heart soared.

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