• Published 2nd Feb 2015
  • 18,860 Views, 1,952 Comments

A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter Thirteen: Whether Friends or Not

Finally, I never thought I'd be thankful to be outside this much.

But after the incident where I found profanities were magically banned from usage days ago, Twilight has pestered me to no end; asking repetitive questions about how I learnt the words if they couldn't be heard, and if my own homeland knew these words and how to say them as well.

Even when I told - lied to - the intrigued inquisitive unicorn that my land's ancestors discovered a way to break the spell there, to my immediate regret, it just raised further questions than answers from the inquisitive mare. And when I made it perfectly clear that her 'interrogation' was beginning to give me a major migraine, it only dissuaded Twilight by a slight estimate; the mare entering my room late at night to ask these questions the next few days in the evening.

I can admire her pursuit of discovery, I really can. Like her I was one to always ask questions even about the most trivial of matters. Which was why I inquired to her one afternoon why she desired to know so much, as it really wasn't relevant to anything.

And the knowledgeable unicorn simply said that since I refuse to tell her other nonsensical things about myself, she had to hold her curiosity and wanting to know somewhere.

That was then I had half a mind to yell some censored profanities at her just to shut her up, as Twilight knew full well whatever the beeping words were; they were completely close to insulting. But I held my tongue while Spike was inside the library, personally having no desire to use such language, censored or not, while there was an infant around.

Instead I resorted to this day to leave the house when Twilight least expected it until her inquiries have calmed down, currently walking around a pathway to… wherever I guessed. As of now I couldn't care less, as it was a huge relief not to be annoyed right then by Twilight's unending questioning.

Still, the idea that swearing was a thing in the olden days of Equestria continued to puzzle me. Hasbro would never have allowed the characters of their franchise, even from the Dark Ages, to vocally utilize profanities. So what gives? It was quite hard to imagine even ponies using that kind of language, except for me because well, I'm human.

Just fantastic, really, another mystery to add to the pile I can't find out about. Just like Twilight. Another thing we had in common-

My thoughts immediately halted alongside my walking, as the calm brown stallion feet away showed up from another side of the street before entering another around the corner, blissfully ignorant to the gold pony observing him in clear shock. Finally, a potential positive day for me! Immediately my hoofs advanced in pursuit of the Earth Pony, carefully side-stepping any of the town's residents, who were all busy preparing for some contest or something similar Twilight mentioned this morning - as if yesterday's wasn't enough. That was eight hours of my time wasted.

I had no intention of allowing him to get away this time.

"Excuse me. Pardon me. Coming through. Please move." My voice kept on repeating to the crowded townsfolk as my eyes stayed fixed on the brown stallion, who was oblivious to my pursuit of him until I called out towards him. "Stallion, a moment of your time please! Doctor!"

Finally calling out the name worked instead like last time. At that the pony slowed down for a moment while glancing over his shoulder curiously, speaking in a tone I wouldn't really associate with any of the actor's incarnations. "Yes? Do I know you?"

He didn't deny being addressed that by me. Could it really be... no, it-it just can't be the same Time Lord, somehow in pony form. Those are mere fan theories, right? Being in Equestria for me was fair enough, but if this was the same man in the form of a pony... well then I might just die of a heart attack.

Hey, even I can fanboy about things.

Taking a deep breather from my brief fast pace while stallion turned to face me fully, I inwardly cursed myself as I had no preparation beforehand what precisely to ask. Oh, wait, I know. I spoke casually while some bubbling excitement within me rose with alongside the questioning. "You are the Doctor, correct?"

He nodded. "It is a name I go by from many of Ponyville, yes."

"Doctor Whooves?"


"Time Lord?"

"I- excuse me?"

"Time Lord." I repeated while the Earth Pony's blue eyes blinked at the question, seeming unfamiliar with the word. "Or Time Pony, if you prefer."

"I'm... afraid I don't follow."

And the excitement died down immediately. "Your special talent is... time, correct? As in... time travel?"

"Ah." Something seemed to brighten in his eyes, but before any glimmer of hope could birth within me the pony continued. "A general misconception is what you've heard, I'm afraid. My special talent is in fact time, as shown as my cutie mark." He glanced at the mark in question. "But it has nothing to do with time travel or anything quite that impossible; my talent is telling precisely what time it is now, I'm sorry to say."

I had no idea what else to say but, "Oh."

An apologetic look casted at my disappointed expression. "You're not the first to assume so, my friend. Forgive me for disappointing you."

"So, TARDIS? Daleks? Cybermen? Gallifrey? None of these names mean anything to you?" I asked rather weakly for one last attempt. And as he opened his mouth to answer-

"Fillies and gentlecolts!" Oh just what I needed to hear. Our attention turned upwards to the loud voice at the obnoxious pink Earth Pony standing within a hot air balloon, calling out to the entire town with a megaphone.

Because if there's anything more annoying than Pinkie Pie, it's Pinkie Pie with a megaphone.

"Welcome to the annual 'Running of the Leaves!' This is Pinkie Pie your official eye-in-the-sky announcer!" Ah yes, that competition Twilight conversed with Spike about while I was sneaking out. "As everypony knows, the run is a very important tradition; for without it, the autumn leaves of Equestria would never fall!"

Wait... what?

"So get ready ponies; the 'Running of the Leaves' will begin in five minutes!" Would that give me enough time to go over there and snatch that megaphone of hers?

"Well, that sounds exciting don't you think?" I heard the brown stallion ask beside me, energetic in his tone for whatever reason.

"Not really." I answered honestly. I could really care less about some contest to decide who the best runner is.

"Well, if you'll excuse me then sir, but I must be on my way. I'm in quite a hurry you see." I glanced at the smiling Earth Pony, who was already beginning to walk away. "Sorry again for the misunderstanding!"

"It's no problem." I called out as he departed back into the crowd, who were all heading in one direction outside of town. "My fault entirely..."

Well great, one potential way of leaving this world quicker thrown into the wind. I'm still stuck on this godforsaken land. Excellent.

What do I do now then... well I certainly wasn't going anywhere near the competition, where the majority of the town was going to be. I have no interest in my ears screaming in pain from the loud cheering and clapping of whoever wins their silly contest.

And I certainly wasn't going back to the library, not right now anyway. The possibility of Twilight still being there, ready to continue her 'interrogation' was fresh on my mind. Then again I was just acting paranoid at the moment, but I couldn't take any chances; this migraine combined from the disappointment from Whooves and irritation from Pinkie Pie could do without the addition of an inquisitive purple unicorn.

No, I needed a drink...and since everyone else in town was busy I know just the place.

Autumn leaves couldn't fall without ponies running... what does that even mean?

"Another bottle my friend?"

My eyes glanced lazily to the yellow stallion over the counter, smiling at me with that generic –smile-at-your-customer-for-good-service expression, before turning my gaze to the almost empty bottle, previously filled with the sustenance that would potentially assist in uplifting my mood.

…Nothing yet; so why not?

"If you don't mind," I replied rather quietly, the tone reflecting my dampened day.

"Of course not!" Well at least someone was energetic around here. He gestured to the stack of currency on the side. "The amount of bits you've paid for the soda will give you much more to buy here."

That was because, since I had no idea how exactly the economy worked in this damn world, I just dumped the money on the side, given to my reluctant self a while back by Twilight in case there was anything that fancied my interest. Well the only thing that interested me right now was getting rid of my current mood so there.

This soda… almost as disappointing as finding out another potential way to escape this colourful world was thrown into the dumpster.

I sighed in disdain, resting my tired head against my hoof while downing the rest of the fizzy drink. Equestria's soda, while it had the taste of a usual cola, was stale and rather weak compared to the wonderful sustenance that was coca-cola; the drink that always kept me awake and my spirits high… to a degree.

And I needed that. I so desperately needed that right then.

"I'm surprised you're not attending the Autumn of the Leaves like everypony else." The Earth Pony, known to all as Mr. Cake – first name I'm unaware of and indifferent to – commented conversely, setting the next bottle down. Idle conversation, not usually a favourite of mine, but if it'll help…

"Competition isn't really my thing," I didn't believe I'm sounding as casual as I thought, nodding in thanks as I took the offered opened bottle on the counter. "Neither is anything sport-related, for that matter." Plus I would never consider for a lifetime competing in anything where the commentator was you-know-who.

No, not Voldemort.

...That would actually be funny.

A toothily grin, "I understand. I'm not quite an athlete myself." You don't say? I raised a brow as the Earth Pony chuckled, glancing over his shoulder. "Even if I tried, I doubt it would escape the notice, and disapproval, of my love; who wants me to stay and work here at all times."

The light blue head of his mate poked out of the kitchen, calling out rather jokingly. "Nor would any conversation that goes on around here, darling!"

Mr. Cake chuckled further, turning to my admittedly bemused state. "You see?"

I nodded. At least some of the previous disappointment was being cast aside to allow anything in to cheer me up. "Quite the married couple you are." I pointed out the obvious.

"We try our best." The yellow pony shrugged modestly, grinning rather happily. "Sure we have disagreements here and there, but hey; that's love correct?"

It was my turn to then shrug at the rhetorical question. "I wouldn't know, honestly." I proceeded then to take a gulp of the fizzy drink, savouring the after taste. Not coco-cola, but still quite adequate. Nothing like a fresh soda to keep one up in the morning.

Silence befell the establishment before Mr. Cake, as I was currently the only occupying customer within the building, spoke up again happily. "But I must say, it's great to see you again after so long, Mr. Balance."

Oh? "Indeed?"

The stallion nodded, seeming genuinely pleased of my presence. "Ever since you left Sugarcube Corner after we helped you so long ago, we were concerned we'd never see you again after you never came back for a long time."

Ah yes, how could I forget the time they assisted in healing my starving state during my arrival within Ponyville? "Any sane per- pony would rather I have never turned up again at all." Perhaps it was that kindness they gave me that led me to come back in this sweet shop… aside from the fact the town's residents were occupied with that pony race outside.

I took another drink while the stallion replied positively. "Oh now don't be like that! You're pleasant company, believe it or not. Besides, here at Sugarcube Corner we hold no prejudice to anyone, just as long as we get along and you pay for and enjoy our delicious treats!"

At the proud proclamation I raised a humoured brow. "Well that explains why you've hired Pinkie Pie."

And to my truthful bafflement, he laughed at the clear jab towards his absent employee. "I must say I rather enjoy your wit, Mr Balance; we don't get that many ponies around here that are as blunt."

Surely that role was filled alone by Applejack? Also who said I was being witty? Goddamn these residents will take anything so casually. "Well, I prefer honesty above all else." Deceiving others about where I originated from notwithstanding.

"Just like Applejack then."

"…To an extent."

"I see." …I got the distinct feeling this was going somewhere. And my intuition proved correct. "Are you also a hard worker?"

"Pfft," I couldn't resist expressing my bemusement at the idea alone. "I don't work, I'm afraid." I suppose there's an irony to it; myself being turned into an Earth Pony with no interest whatsoever to working; seeing as how Earth Ponies were apparently the hard working types of ponies in Equestria.

Mr. Cake tilted his head, eyes reflecting genuine curiosity. "At a job?"


"Oh." Well at least he didn't look as though he was judging me for my lack of commitment to working anywhere. Instead the stallion glanced behind at the kitchen doorway, where the steam of recent baked treats came pouring through constantly. "Well, if you ever feel like taking up work, we could use a hoof around the place whenever Pinkie Pie's occupied with something else."

…Pardon me my friend while I stare at you incredulously. I would never, ever, consider working for anyone, especially under the same employment and workplace as that over-energized Earth Pony.

Besides, I'm not even that great a baker.

I couldn't help it, I immediately laughed straight after, but not in scorn or anything as rude. "Unless you want an employee who only bakes brownies, then I'm afraid I'll have to decline such a position. Thank you for offering though."

"Hm, you can bake brownies?"

"The only things I'm outstanding with, really." I admitted without dwelling much on the consequences for such. But that was quickly rectified upon seeing an intrigued glint in his eyes.

"Are they that good?"

"They're adequate at best… regardless of what everyone says about them." Twilight, Spike and the rest, to be specific. Really they're just overreacting because they've never tasted anything made by a human before. There was bound to be a difference in making food between the two species.

"And what do they say?"

"That they're more than good. But that's just because I'm only an expert in baking solely brownies, nothing more, of course. So don't take their word for it." I added with a chuckling, inwardly cursing myself for the traces of nervousness in the tone.

The last I needed was this interested Earth Pony to request me a-

"Perhaps then, as I find myself interested in your claim Mr. Balance, you could perhaps bake some brownies right now? Since business is slower than usual today due to everypony else being outside to watch the competition."

…You know what? [BEEP] it. Why not? Maybe baking some of those treats will lighten my mood even further.

I downed as much as I could of the fizzy sustenance before replying while wiping my drenched muzzle. "Very well, but I advise you, Mr. Cake, not to expect perfection."

"You needn't worry friend," There was that toothy grin again. "We never judge the baking of anypony. Oven's over there."

"Mmm! My! These are positively delicious!" The rather high-pitched voice of Mrs. Cake declared enthusiastically, savouring the taste of the recently fresh plate of brownies, sharing them with her mate.

"Hardly," I replied, doing my best not to sound earnest as they devoured the treats too fats for my own preference.

From the other side of the counter alongside his wife, Mr. Cake turned to me with his eyes closed, eating one of the gooey treats before swallowing and saying with just as equal elation as his wife. "You are far too modest Mr. Balance; these are some of the best brownies I have ever tasted!"

"You have a natural talent." His mate added happily.

I slowly nodded, finding myself admittedly mesmerized at how delighted and gushing the two grown-ups were about my brownies. To be absolutely honest, I was not expecting nor anticipating this reaction in the slightest. A comment about how average they were or that they needed to be worked on more were the only reviews I assumed they were going to give me.

But instead they're acting as if the sugary treats, made completely by me and without any help - as I had repeatedly declined any assistance - were life-saving or made pure by a holy angel.

Like Twilight and Spike when they first tried out the baked goods; only much more dramatically.

My ears then picked the sound of sniffing, prompting me to look behind me at a familiar grey pony smelling the air curiously. "Mm, something smells good! Hey, are those brownies you're eating, Mr and Mrs. Cake?"

"They sure are!" The mare baker confirmed in elation. "Why don't you try one my dear?"

"Hello Miss. Hooves." I greeted with no objection to the offer, admittedly surprised with the small smile on my features as the pegasus walked over happily. Must be something special about her that just causes one to immediately like her; it'd explain why the mass of fans adore such a background character. "Am I to assume from your visit then that the race outside is over?"

Derpy nodded energetically, almost reminding me of my encounter with Lyra a while back, as he took the offered brownie from the yellow Earth Pony. After taking a bite and chewing said treat, there was a satisfied "Mmm!" noise just as the two owners of the shop were making. "Well, not as good as muffins, but still absolutely good!"

Oh not you too...

"Yeah, so everyone says."

Well I suppose the only bright side to this would be Pinkie Pie not being around to devour the whole plate and constantly declaring them a job well done.

Again they exaggerate over the so-called quality of my dish, Mr. Cake looking at me with that same smile. "Don't doubt yourself my friend; these are some of the brownies I've ever tasted. In fact, this just convinces me more and more now to give you a proposition!"

Morbid curiosity then took over. "...I'm listening."

Derpy cut in before he could continue, looking at me in surprise. "Wait, you made these?" I nodded slowly as the grey pegasus then decided to narrow her yellow unusual eyes at me in thought.

I had nothing against the way her eyes moved at all, of course. Who was I to judge?

Then she beamed as something had obviously occurred to the mare. "Hey, now I remember you! We bumped into each other a while back... quite literally."

I nodded again. "Indeed Miss. Hooves. It is a pleasure to see you again."

"Silly." There was mock-offence in her tone. "I told you to just call me Derpy, remember?"

...Oh, right. "Sorry." I apologized quickly with a sheepish smile.

"So Derpy darling." Ah, Mrs. Cake finished eating as much of the brownies as she could I imagine, wiping her mouth with a tissue before addressing the bubbly pegasus. "How was the race? It must have been exciting to watch."

"It was!" The grey mare affirmed, nodding wildly as she informed us of what occurred. "It was so funny and surprising when it seemed Rainbow Dash and Applejack were about to win before ending up in last place!"

"A tie in last?" I raised a brow. Huh, and I hear though they would draw in first place and learn some lesson about never being too competitive or something. So who came first, a rock?

"Uh-huh. Then Princess Celestia arrived to watch the race-" I automatically frowned at the mere mention of the monarch's name. "- to give the two in last place a pat on the back, I think. I couldn't hear the conversation."

...Oh. Oh now it makes sense.

...No, no it doesn't; what was Celestia even doing in Ponyville? Shouldn't she be occupied ruling a kingdom? Was observing a pointless race really worth prioritizing more than managing an entire monarchy? Couldn't Twilight have just written a letter to Celestia detailing what the pegasus and Earth Pony have learnt today?

"- had the opportunity to see her." I returned to reality as Mrs. Cake spoke, evidently thrilled to hear their ruler was around for the moment. "So then, darling, what can I get for you today?"

"A lemon muffin please! Or two, or three, or how many you've got!" I couldn't repress an amused smile at the requests. Yes I've heard all about her obsession with muffins. Already I'm beginning to see why so many of the fanbase adores her.

A previous topic remained fresh on my mind, as I then turned to the observing Mr. Cake. "So, you mentioned a proposition."

"Hm? Oh, oh yes! How silly of me to forget!" The yellow pony quickly said before clearing his throat, his tone turning rather comically business-like. "Mr. Balance, how would you like to get paid for making your special brownies?"

"I'm sorry; 'paid?'"

He nodded confidently. "Oh yes. You see, Sugarcube Corner thrives on providing the best treats in Ponyville to its customers, so we're always open to anyone who wishes to share anything they baked here, for the happiness of this town's ponivillians. In return, we offer small payment for their generosity, varying on the quality of their food to the mouths of the hungry customers of course."

"So you're asking me to make more brownies for this shop in the future then?"

"What I'm asking you is, if you would like, to deliver your wonderful baked treats to our establishment from time to time. If the customers enjoy the treats just as much as we do, then we can guarantee your volunteering will be rewarded. Small payment, of course, while you are not an employee."

I won't lie, the offer intrigued me. On one hand it wasn't exactly a job - something which I will never be ready for in the life of me - and it implies I can make just as much of my best food as I pleased. So in the case that Twilight suddenly decides to one day kick me out - not that I would blame her - or I leave the library for good, I could have enough currency to provided myself food and some small shelter.

There was, however, one thing I desired to know before I accept. "Is there a schedule to this?"
Mr. Cake shook his head. "As I said Mr. Balance, it's strictly volunteer work. You may deliver your treats to our shop at any time you feel."

"You should totally do it Stardust!" Derpy pitched in, having watched our conversations as she waited for her own treats. "Just imagine how many ponies you'll make happy for trying out those delicious brownies."

...Then who was I to decline such a gracious offer?

"Very well, I accept."

"Wonderful!" The stallion was purely elated by the fact I agreed, offering a hoof to which I shook. "I promise you will not regret this, Mr. Balance. Your brownies will make the stomach of many ponivillians happy!" As he concluded speaking, the sound of an opening and multiple voices informed me that more and more ponies were entering the bakery.

"I'm certain I won't." I replied sincerely, a small smile raised on my muzzle at how much better my day was going.

I can't wait to see the looks on my family's faces, after returning home, upon learning I willingly volunteered to help out a shop.

"You know, you might seem like a grumpy stallion who glares at anyone in his way." Derpy began as we walked along some pathway across town. "But you're not really that bad."

At that honest statement I raised a brow, having an idea of what was going on in her mind.
"Thinking back to the griffon incident, are we?"

To my surprise rather than hers, the grey pegasus nodded without any embarrassment. "Uh-huh. When news first spread around the town how you punched that bully of a griffon, everypony was scared of incurring your wrath." From the corner of my eye she grinned, glancing in my direction. "But now? You're not as bad as I thought you were."

"I had an excuse to land a blow on that hybrid." And I still stand by it.

There was quietness; the only sounds being made were the passing by ponies, before Derpy spoke again. This time there was a curiously quiet tone to it. "I'll be honest with you, when I bumped into you; I was scared I might have angered you when I recognized who you were."

My pace wavered for a moment at that admitting sentence, my eyes blinking for a moment before I inquired slowly, just to have some clarification. "You... thought I was going to hit you, Miss. H- Derpy?"

Then there was embarrassment, as a red hue appeared on the side of the face I could see. The pegasus looked down at the ground for a moment, stopping right next to me. "Maybe..."

Before I knew it my tone was on the defensive. "I would never hit a woman... or a mare." She blinked in surprise at my firm declaration. "I only did to a griffon because... well I lost control. Simple as that. Anyone would be if they saw someone make a fragile pony like Fluttershy cry like that."

Honestly I thought the whole fiasco was dead and buried with already. Just why did this need to be brought up again, especially when I was in such a pleasant mood.

"I guess..." I dislike that uncertainty in her tone. "Well, it's still wrong to hit a female, pony or not. You know that right?"

"I do." Of course I do.

Just as the pegasus was about to say something else, another feminine voice cut in, one I was most familiar with than anyone else in this damn town. "Stardust! There you are!"

Our heads turned to the approaching unicorn, who was smiling proudly for whatever rea- oh. I just noticed then the medal hanging over her neck.

"Hey Twilight!"

"Hello Derpy."

My brow raised at the shiny reward. "I don't recall you saying you were competing."

“Because you weren’t paying attention.” Ah, fair enough. Twilight shrugged modestly. "Why do you think I spent so much time reading those exercise books?"

"...Are you insinuating you read a book on how to run?" That was worthy of two raised eyebrows. Of all the ludicrous things this unicorn does.

"Of course. Why else?"

"I don't know, to help Spike?"

"Very funny. But today I won in fifth place." Twilight declared while beaming, puffing her chest to show off the gold trinket with evident pride. "You should've been there to join in the race. It was fun!"

"Exhausting myself to no end while competing against the likes of a cheating Rainbow Dash?"
"If you must know, unlike yesterday Rainbow Dash didn't use her wings until the very end. Both she and Applejack came in last place and-"

"- And Princess Celestia turned up right the [BEEP] out of nowhere just to congratulate the pair?" I finished the sentence with clear disinterest.

But instead of asking how I knew, a different expression flashed across the unicorn's features for a moment to my surprise, before she composed herself. "Actually yes. I'm going to assume Derpy told you that."

"Yep!" Said pegasus must have been nodding her head, but I didn't check because I was focused on the look given to me in Twilight's purple eyes. Guess she didn't enjoy me having her mentor and a swear word in the same sentence.

"So..." I began after a small silence ensued. "You were looking for me?"

She nodded. "Indeed. I was wondering perhaps if you had the time you can... well I think you know what I'm going to ask of you."

I didn't restrain my loud annoyed sigh. Of course I knew. "I'm afraid you already know the answer to such, my dear."

"Oh come on Stardust!" Was it just me or was there a tinge of whining on her voice. "This isn't something I can just ignore; I try my best already just to not repeatedly ask about your inexplicable strength and why neither my nor Rarity's magic works properly on you!"

...Hang on. "'Rarity?'"

"She told me what you two were doing at her place." Remind me to pay that unicorn a visit then for informing Twilight of my own business. "And while I can tolerate enough of you not providing me or anyone else about what's so different about you, your forbidden profanities is something I can't add to that list."

"Well tough luck missy." My frown deepened as I spoke with finality. "I already told you I don't know how my ancestors discovered a way to break the spell."

"Yes, you do." A firm, convinced no-nonsense reply that caused me to blink at the blunt truth. "I can see it in your eyes, Stardust. You know how to use that sealed language, but you refuse to tell me or anyone why."

Why? "Because it's none of your damn business. How's that for a reason?" I snapped, already feeling a headache pounding above me. I don't know what's worse, these repetitive questions or how she was able to catch out my lie so easily.

"Insufficient." God dammit! "You're just being an infuriating pony-!"

"I'M BEING INFURIATING?!" Finally the unicorn closed her mouth, purple eyes widened immensely as I raised my voice to a height not used since back at that hospital. "YOU'RE ONE TO TALK! JUST THIS ONCE GOD DAMMIT! HOW ABOUT YOU JUST LEAVE ME THE [BEEP] ALONE AND STOP BEING SUCH A NOSY [BEEP] IRRITATING PONY!"

I felt my breath heave heavily as my anger expressed itself at the shocked mare, who was taking a few steps back away from me. My teeth grit as I allowed my fury for anyone - even my favourite pony - to inquire about me too much show.

This mare... this mare had no damn right to-!

"I'm sorry..."


I felt my contorted features soften slightly as the unicorn let out that choked apology, her eyes staring at the ground sadly and... oh no... My glare quickly died down as I spotted the bottom of her eyelids produce tears, some landing atop of the shining medal.

Holy [BEEP] What have I done...? Twilight was intelligent; intelligent enough to know that use censored words used against her were very, very rude.

"I'm so sorry for irritating you..."

Oh good God...! I can feel immense dread rise up with me as I gazed upon the state of her, ignoring the crowd around us.

"Twilight, I... Twilight!" I called out futilely, as the purple mare had quickly turned and ran, ran, away from me, no doubt to go back to the library...

And I just pathetically froze there, having no idea what went wrong today, eyes glancing around me as I attempted to comprehend what just happened. Ponies quickly avoided my gaze and hurriedly returned to whatever they were doing, but I knew inwardly they were despising my very existence at the moment for what I just did.

I just made Twilight cry...

Something cold passed through my body, and I couldn't help but shiver at the recent memory of the poor unicorn's distress. And it really didn't help when Derpy, whom I forgot was even there, commented sombrely. "Well, at least you didn't hit her..."

She didn't deserve being sworn at either...

Well, right now I felt like the worst human [BEEP] being alive... probably because I was.

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