• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter Eighty-Five: Shining Star

I haven't felt this nervous since talking to Twilight about our relationship.

Rightly so, considering what was ahead. The train was ever slowing down, my destination inching closer and closer, the sound of the engines and ponies muffling from other compartments, radiating excitement over as to where they were going. Looks like I was the sole passenger feeling anxious with a taste of dread, folding my arms and regarding the wall before me with an expression perfectly matching my inward feelings.

You will be fine.

Then why did I felt like I won't be?

Specter's voice was a welcoming comfort, in brief replacement of the absent Twilight, Your guilt is understandable, my friend. But rest assured the kingdom harbors no ill feelings towards you, especially its rulers. Have faith in the forgiveness of your friends; they already expressed that towards you at Canterlot, did they not?

Right, on the day of Twilight's coronation. Still...

The speed of the train decreased with every second, the slowness making it blatant that we have arrived at the famous ancient kingdom. And spotting the glittering castle from the window by a glance, I stretched slightly and stood from my seat, my expression unwavering. In fact, I only felt more anxious.

You will be fine, Specter echoed his previous words, reassuring and calm as always.

I certainly hope so...

Hearing ponies exit their compartments, I swallowed and nodded, prepared to face the music, and exited my own small room, having wished for privacy the whole trip. With no one having accompanied me to the Crystal Empire, I didn't fancy having a chat with some random pony. Additionally, these moments of quiet contemplation to myself was starting to become a rarity.

Not that I don't enjoy the company of my friends, mind you.

Waiting for the other passengers to leave through the same door of the halted train, I followed after them, steeling my expression. And at the station, I was greeted by something I honestly should've expected.

Guards. Plenty of them. Regarding me with stern looks. And at the center was...

"You've got to be kidding me..."

The pegasus in gold armour didn't seem to hear my exasperated mutter, stepping forward with a stiff posture. Of all things- It's too early for this bull-[BEEP]! Sentry cleared his throat while passerbys watched curiously. "His Highness, Prince Shining, has requested we escort you to the castle posthaste!"

Oh, don't make a big deal out of it...

I slowly nodded, and the guards proceeded to form a circle around me, the bland pegasus leading the escort. And as we headed towards the beautiful sight of a castle, looking recently polished as always, one thing only came to mind as I glared in both irritation and exasperation at the back of the stereotype.

Worst. Welcoming committee. Ever.

The kingdom and its castle was still as gorgeous to look at as I last recall. It's as though nothing has changed at all... Although the place does seem alot more cleaner than usual. Though that should've be that surprising, since this will be the kingdom to host the Equestrian Games.

See? I pay attention.

The trip to the throne room didn't take as long, even though I kept getting passed on to new guards the closer I was to meeting the old friends who summoned me here. Just like now. I refrained from rolling my eyes at the newest stallions replacing the former, escorting me to the door to the throne room, instead sighing quietly, prompting my lead guard to glance behind curiously, but instantly snapped his head back forward in attention upon my glare. Oh of course, Sentry gets the 'honour' of leading me the entire way.

I guess Cadence and Shining are still somewhat mad to have done this to me.

Without knocking, the pegasus opened the doors leading into the throne room, and I briskly followed, expected to be greeted by a platoon of guards, all glaring at me in suspicion. It wasn't news that the royals guards of Canterlot despised me, and I imagined some from that kingdom transferred here to protect the new rulers of the Empire, and partially out of respect for their former captain.

Imagine my surprise when it was just Shining Armor in the room, glancing away from the window he viewed outside at, turning to me with a pleasant smile. "Your Highness, Stardust Balance is here as requested," Sentry obediently announced, bowing to his Prince with the utmost respect, and I resisted clicking my tongue in distaste.

Twilight wouldn't appreciate my lack of manners while visiting her brother.

"Thank you. You may return to your duties." The guards obeyed without question, not seemingly bothered over the idea of leaving me alone in here with their Prince. Huh, did Cadence not tell them? "I have faith you won't harm me or anyone else in my kingdom," I heard Shining say from behind, obviously noticing me watching the guards leave and close the doors behind us.

Looking back at the white stallion, I smiled lightly in turn, the mixed feelings of anxiousness and dread still bubbling. "You clearly share Twilight's trust in terms of friendship."

"Let's hope you don't ruin that." Shining chuckled, before grinning with a sincere statement, "It is good to see you Stardust." Okay... Without warning, the unicorn stepped forward and pulled me into a brief hug, myself too stunned to even respond, but Shining then provided me with personal space a split-second later. "I trust you are keeping my sister happy?"

My negative feelings slowly retreated, replaced by relief and happiness that this stallion didn't seem too mad. "I'm doing the best I can. I trust you're making your wife happy?"

Shining matched my tone, "I'm doing the best I can." And we both grinned at one another, before the stallion gestured for me to follow. We walked towards the same window he was previously viewing out of, big enough for us both to see the blissful kingdom below, Shining speaking with a more content tone, "I must admit, I half-thought you wouldn't come, considering the circumstances. I'm glad you did. Cadence is in Fillydelphia, discussing with some representatives there about the Equestrian Games. It gives us plenty of time to talk."

Oh, I imagine we have plenty of things to talk about.

As though sensing my dry thoughts, Shining looked back at me. "I wish to show you how the Crystal Empire's thriving in its entirety, if you feel comfortable about it."

Certainly. I smiled in gratitude. "Of course my friend. I'd love to see how good you and Cadence are doing with the kingdom, though you two are undoubtedly amazing and fair rulers." Shining shrugged modestly, before motioning for me to follow out of the throne room.

Y'know, speaking about the Empire, Sombra has been keeping quiet this whole morning... Though I don't consider that too much of a bad thing.

Just like any two friends who haven't seen one another in a good while, we caught up on how we've been doing. Myself informing Shining of events ever since the Tree of Harmony incident, hanging out with my friends, helping the town with advice or physical labour whenever I could, and above all, making her sister the most happiest mare in all of Equestria. Or at least, trying my very best to.

The Prince, in turn, explained as we walked through the town how the Crystal Empire was doing; its citizens content, joyful parades are often thrown since they can't get enough of the fact they were free from the tyranny of their former monarch, and the preparation for the upcoming Equestrian Games, which was to be hosted in this very kingdom.

"The kingdom is thriving," Shining claimed with a proud smile, as passerbys bowed and waved towards their Prince, some regarding me with open curiosity, not doubt intrigued by the stallion walking with one of their rulers and speaking as though they were friends. "Everypony's happy for the Crystal Empire's restoration to its former glory. Cadence and I have done the best we could to accomplish such."

"And sometimes, the best is all you can do," I stated casually, trying not to feel uncomfortable by the continuous staring. It wasn't working.

"Even if it ends in failure?"

We passed a corner of the market. "Then you be proud of the effort you've put in to reach this far."

Shining glanced at me with a wide smile. "Truer words have never been spoken." It was then I noticed, while walking through the streets, our destination was heading back to the towering castle, its sparkling structure reflecting the light of the sun radiantly.

The tour was nice, I will grant that. Seeing how happy and joyful these Crystal Ponies were with their new freedom brought a smile to my face. I did say those two would be the perfect rulers for this kingdom, and look how one-hundred percent right I was. Ponies merrily walking through the town discussing the casual things of life, and in numerous locations during our tour of the kingdom, I spotted some worker ponies in construction attire, building and cementing away, obviously for the Games.

"Prince Shining."

"Yes?" The unicorn turned at the interruption, and we were greeted by an approaching guard, who bowed.

"Excuse the interruption, your Highness, but I have received word Princess Cadence has concluded with her meeting at Fillydelphia, and is returning as we speak."

Well what do ya know-?


My attention was inexplicably drawn then to the shining heart, floating harmlessly underneath the center of the large castle. The following conversation between Shining and the guard started to fall on deaf ears, as the only sound occupying me now was the enticing radiance from the Crystal Heart. Without command, my limbs walked forward, nearing the object of unimaginable power, halting once near reaching distance. For some reason, I felt like this powerful heart was inviting me in for some reason.

And, finally, Sombra spoke from the depths of my mind.

Magnificent, is it not?

I could only nod, regarding the object in a way I couldn't control myself.

Once powered, the Crystal Heart can influence the soul of any living thing in close proximity, The fallen tyrant almost sounded wistful, It festers from light or darkness within ponies hearts, becoming an object of unimaginable power; either to bring about destruction or protection to all living things with the Crystal Empire. This kingdom's ancestors created it as a shield for their subjects.

Whereas wanted to use it as a sword against the defenseless...

Still, I could only gaze at the hovering blue heart in awe and wonder. This was the very thing Sombra had desired to bring about his infinite rule. And what Cadence had used to help spread love and joy all over the Empire. Chaos... And Harmony... What would happen if it was used for something like Balance...?

Why not find out?

"Stardust? Stardust."

What? The sudden voice and rough grab of my pony shoulder startled me from my state, looking beside me at the obviously-concerned Shining Armor. The stallion frowned at me in turn.

"Are you alright?"

"I... I guess so," Was my confounded response, gazing down on my hoof in question. What was that just then? It's as if I was entranced by the object that glowed before us, my hoof having subconsciously reached out to touch the thing. Sombra, did you have anything to do with this?

No answer.

"...I figured something like this might happen." What now? I looked back in surprise, meeting Shining's serious gaze, and he slowly removed his hoof off me. "When Cadence informed me of your... Circumstances, I was skeptical, I won't lie."

My circumstan-?


"You know then?"

Shining nodded, glancing momentarily towards the radiant object, the light reflecting from his firm eyes, almost like a blue fire had ignited in them. "You always seem to get yourself in trouble somehow."

"Trouble usually finds me," Was my lame attempt of a response.

"Clearly," Shining quipped, regarding the Crystal Heart thoughtfully, and part of me wondered if I should just leave here and now. If Shining considered me a potential threat. But instead, imagine my surprise when the white stallion finally looked back at me with a small smile. "It's a good thing I trust you then that you know what you're doing, huh?"

...What? "Just like that?"

The unicorn cocked his head, sincere with his words, "I know you would never intentionally endanger Twilight or anyone else, and Cadence relayed to me that that monster living in your head no longer has enough power to influence your decisions. You're my friend, Stardust, and I have faith in you, even in attempting to reform an almost irredeemable creature. Besides," He shrugged, his smile lowering lightly, "After everything you've done for me, my wife and my sister, it'd be unfair of me not to give you the benefit of the doubt right?"

Honestly, I had no words, the short speech had me stunned at the genuine faith and trust this stallion was putting on me. He considered me that close, as close as the others did. And with that, a new resolve was rising within me, prompting my confident nod. Yes, I won't let him down. I won't let Cadence down. I won't let my friends down.

And most importantly, I won't let Twilight down.

The tour concluded by walking around the castle. I never had the chance of looking around the place in its entirety, to which Shining happily rectified. And needless to say, I was enjoying myself all the more as we arrived in a rather large room, looking as though this is where the residents within train their magic and hone their skills. And upon spotting the neatly stacked swords by the side, my grin widened to surprise and elation.

The Prince of the Crystal Empire had followed my gaze, and expressed in pleasant surprise that I had an interest in swords. I proceeded to explain that I always enjoyed the concept of sword-to-sword dueling, even sparring with Spike occasionally using plastic weapons. So when the unicorn wordlessly brought two clean deadly swords over towards us, passing one into my hoofs and taking his position at the other end of the room, I was elated to the extreme at finally using a real, genuine sword for a spar.

My arse getting kicked repeatedly aside.

Shining was no rookie; this pony was a skillfully trained master of the sword combat, his years of training in the royal guardsman showing itself continuously whilst we dueled. I had rejected the offer of the stallion purposely making things easy for me, and I suppose by 'easy' he meant not moving the sword around via magic. My Makashi and relying on my two hind legs to stand didn't do me any favours, to say the least.

I was exhausted before half an hour had passed, although I seemed to have gained Shining's respect somewhat more from this. The stallion looked pretty pleased with himself.

The entire afternoon afterwards, as we waited for Shining's wife to return, was spent with mindless chatter and laughter across the hallway, recalling our own separate adventures throughout Ponyville which led to mishap. I was recounting an event a short while ago involving Fluttershy and Breezies, which prompted my friend to start laughing harder for some reason.

"It wasn't that funny." Yet I couldn't restrain the grin on my muzzle.

Shining's laughter subsided, regarding me with traces of amusement. "How you find yourself in these situations, I'll never know."

"Blame your sister and our friends."

"Don't you dare place the fault on Twilight," Shining said sternly... Before chuckling again, and I expressed that same gesture. "Hahah, I see my sister has been the best influence on you by far, my friend."


"I mean, just look at you," Shining proceeded to clarify, expression reflecting pride. "When we first met, you were distant and untrusting, uncomfortable with the very idea of making friends in Equestria. But now, you're smiling, making jokes apart from sarcasm, and laughing to your heart's content. You're more happy than I've ever seen you Stardust, and I think we know who's responsible for it."

Welp, there's no denying that.

"Your sister, Shining, has been the greatest influence on my life by far," I admitted, rubbing my own hair sheepishly, the image of the smiling purple alicorn prompting my smile to widen into a blissful grin. "Were we not dating, I would've called her my hero."

"And what would you call her now?"

Meeting his curious expression, I answered with the sincere intensity my heart burned for. "The best thing to ever happen to me."

And just like that, Shining paused in his tracks, and I stopped beside him. The stallion was regarding me with open surprise, jaw slightly agape, eyes uncertain of what to express. Yeah, I can even take this pony by surprise too. But what I just said then spoke from the heart, body and soul, and I will never take back those words.

"You have no idea how much that means to me, Stardust..." Oh I think I have a pretty good idea. Shining then composed himself, a small smile emerging on his muzzle, azure eyes reflecting... Respect? "I was hesitant over the idea of you and Twilight since what happened when we last met here... But now, now I see why Twilight speaks so fondly of you everytime we write letters to one another."

...Somehow, the idea of Twilight even mentioning me in her letters to close relatives doesn't surprise me anymore. And I suppose it shouldn't considering our relationship now.

Then, his look started changing, shifting to a more serious and stern tone, "But I should warn you on one thing."

Oh boy, knew THIS was coming... One of the many things I anticipated since arriving at this kingdom. Welp, might as well get this over with.

Shining stood towering over me, casting his eyes down with an intimidating look for emphasis to his vowing words, "If you ever make my sister unhappy, if you do something that would shatter her heart, then not even balance itself can save you from the fury of a brother's love. I will hunt you down all over Equestria, and make you pay dearly for hurting my sister. Do we understand one another?"

Steeling myself, refusing to be scared by this pony, I glared back upwards, matching his look with resolve. "I would never, ever, hurt your sister willingly. She means more to me than anything else on this planet. I would die than harm her. I would die FOR her... And I will if I have to."

And that was the simple truth. I could never deny how strongly I felt for that mare now. Human or not, affection is an emotion unbounded by gender or species. Love even more so. Although it was still a little early to say I loved Twilight.

But... These things take time.

Yet before even Shining could respond, another voice perked up, this one more softer and approving than her husband's own, "That's all we needed to hear."

And of course, she shows up at this moment.

The white stallion turned in surprise towards his loved one, his expression immediately dissolving into bliss as he and Cadence headed towards one another and locked horns lovingly. Shining asked after a welcoming kiss, "How was the trip?"

"Exhausting, but nothing I couldn't handle," Cadence replied tiredly, matching her husband's soft smile flawlessly, "Things have been okay here?"

"Yep. Everything's proceeding as normal, not a single disturbance. Not to mention, I've been entertaining our guest here." I waved humouredly as the two turned to me.

Cadence's eyes flashed amusement herself. "A funny way of naming an interrogation, dear husband."

"Hardly interrogating," Shining protested, that smile still plastered on his face. "I just had to make certain our friend here was the perfect candidate to make our sister happy."

You know, I wonder, if that's how Twilight and I act around company? This lovingly and with open affection? Well, I mean, maybe not so much; sometimes Twilight and I are hesitant to even hold each other's hoofs in public. But as I said, these things take time; I'm not overly worried that Twilight was still getting use to having a boyfriend. I won't push her.

"I hope Shining hasn't been too hard on you."

I shrugged at the approaching mare, my train of thought disrupted, smirking. "Nothing I couldn't handle. When you've faced creatures like Syphilis and Sombra and live, an overprotective brother doesn't seem all that threatening."

Cadence chuckled lightly. "I can imagine." While Shining looked slightly annoyed that his attempt to look menacing towards the boyfriend of her sister's was hardly effective.

"Still," The white stallion said, joining his alicorn wife, regarding us both with an approving smile. "Stardust's words confirmed all I needed to hear. So long as he doesn't intentionally hurt our sister physically or emotionally, then he's a welcome addition to the family."

"Err, now let's not go that far-"

"Indeed Shining," Cadence concurred with her husband whilst cutting me off, smiling at him affectionately before grinning towards me objective state. "Join us for dinner, Stardust. It's been too long since the three of us last had a meal together, after all."

Did I mention how good it felt to speak to these two again?

"So yeah, an incident occurred, by accident mind you, where a few Breezies were blown away from the herd. We managed to bring them back to their migration by Twilight turning us into those things... Then turning us back to walk all the way home, which was nice of her..."

Followed by us chuckling, the oh-so fond memory replaying in my mind. Cadence smiled after I let out the short version of yesterday's events, "Sounds like quite the adventure. I'm glad those Breezies managed to return home in time."

"It was... An odd ordeal." Very odd, in fact.

Resuming my consumption of the food before me, I had to give the Crystal Ponies credit; their chefs were amazing. Save for the edible crystals which I carefully avoided on the plate, the food was delicious! Exquisite, as Rarity would put it. I feigned blissful ignorance to the looks on my friend's faces while eating.

Until Shining spoke up humouredly, "Hope you're enjoying the food."

Swallowing pie, I chided the white stallion with mock-sternness, "Sarcasm is my thing Shining."

"And how Twilight tolerates it is beyond me."

I shrugged, speaking half-seriously, "I wonder the same thing."

"I'm certain there are qualities in you that Twilight sees above anypony else," Cadence consoled, obviously noting my partially somber tone, "We all have faults, even my lovable husband here."

Shining grinned, brushing his face softly against hers in an affectionate gesture. Erm, excuse me, I'm eating here. Nah I'm kidding, do as you please. It was rather adorable to watch, seeing how much these two loved one another, displayed for any and all to see without any hesitation. A small spike of envy rose in my stomach, but I immediately squashed that down.

These were my friends, and I'm happy for them.

As such, I spoke with conviction while the two regarded one another fondly, "I'm proud of you two." They then glanced at me curiously, and I smiled brightly. "It was never in question what great rulers you would be for the Crystal Empire, and I was one-hundred percent right." As always. "You two are outstanding examples of royalty, from what I've seen upon every visit here."

They smiled bashfully, flattered by the compliment. "That's kind of you to say, Stardust."

"I mean it," I continued after Cadence's expressed gratitude, leaning forward slightly to express how proud I was of Twilight's brother and step-sister. "You are compassionate, wise and competent rulers, caring for your subjects and their needs. I've seen how happy these citizens, of how they smile and wave whenever they see you. How much you desire to make them happy and never have to experience the iron fist like their former ruler. Twilight has clearly the best family one can ask for."

For a moment, the two ponies only regarded me with stunned silence, as though taking those truthful words in. Then, eventually, both unicorn and alicorn exchanged pleased and joyful grins, as though my words had a great impact on them. "You can't begin to think how flattered we are for such high praise," Shining said sincerely, his hoof brushing over his wife's on the table, both smiling in elation. "I'm glad to have you as a friend, Stardust, and more than honoured for you to be the special somepony of my beloved sister."

And you have no idea how much that meant to me...

"We both share that sentiment," Cadence followed after, eyes reflecting warm serenity. "We would be proud for you to be the key to our sister's future happiness. You'll make a great Prince to stand beside her."

"Now hang on love-"

"That's not going to happen-"

Both our interjections aimed towards Cadence, before Shining heard my statement and looked back at me in surprise, "What do you mean, 'that's not going to happen?' Not that I'm against objecting to my sister being married off too early but... You want to be with Twilight, right?"

"Of course I do," I reassured them, slightly annoyed at the trace of accusation in the stallion's tone, sighing and propping an elbow on the long clean table, crumbs surrounding my limb. God that cake was good, but that's beside the point. "But it's not as if I intend to stay forever, nor do I want to. I have my family back home. People who miss me desperately."

"...And... Twilight is okay with that?" Shining asked slowly, frowning, but fortunately not in anger.


"We talked about it," I explained to their waiting expressions. "And we agreed to enjoy our time together for however long possible, until I return home... And besides, I'd make a terrible ruler." But they looked hardly amused, not even cracking a smile at the light attempt of diffusing the tension.

Cadence, after regarding me rather intently, nodded in understanding. "Of course. You do have family back on your world. We won't hold that need to see them again against you, we understand completely."

Shining nodded in agreement. "And although I may not approve of this eventual heartbreak for my sister, know, considering the circumstances, we won't blame you for it. Family is more important than anything, and I'm certain you want to go home."

And yet, when I opened to mouth to respond determinedly that yes, I did desire to go home, I found myself choking on my own words, as if the statement didn't want to leave my muzzle.

As if I'm beginning to doubt what I really want...


Shining voice prompted me to glance up. "Hm?"

Yet the stallion suddenly grinned. "I can count on you as a friend, right?" Yet said grin looked rather... Sheepish.


"And you know the Equestrian Games is happening very soon." I nodded, frowning slightly. Where was Shining going with this? Even Cadence was curious about her husband's words. He rubbed the back of his head, "Well, they want me to ignite the torch which would commence the games, for my deeds over protecting the Crystal Empire."

Oh! "Well, congrats," I smiled sincerely. Good job Shining, you deserve it.

And yet, Shining shrugged modestly while Cadence leaned her head against his shoulder happily. And I had the brief image of Twilight sharing that exact sheepish expression she occasionally had whenever I complimented her skills. "I was wondering if you could do a pal a favour."

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