• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 138: Griffon Dissension

Now, we had to have reached the point by now. After a grueling long walk from the train station out to the middle of nowhere, I paused, keeping my eyes open and sense sharp. Rocky terrain, a mountain overpass to my side, grey depressing skies and without a trace of life in sight. You sure this is the right place, Starswirl?

The imbalance emerged here.The wise mentor affirmed.It would be prudent we investigate the area before dismissing anything.

Even though that creature would be long gone by now?

We must overlook nothing, my friend. Any trace, regardless of how long it's been placed, may lead us towards a clue in our search. Extend your senses, Jack, and we may find something yet.

Right right. Inhaling sharply, my eyes closed briefly to concentrate, feeling the magic within pulsing. It was another typical day of 'Zagreus hunting,' as no one but me liked to call it. Starswirl has sensed a lingering trace of imbalance around here somewhere, right near the decaying kingdom known as Griffonstone. Twilight, upon my heading out, insisted I promised not to engage Zagreus head-on if I spotted him, but contact her so she and our friends may arrive as back-up, Unfortunately, nowadays I couldn't say no to those sparkling eyes.

Once upon a time, you could do so without hesitation.

Yeah well, times change. Anyway, I wasn't sensing anything out of the ordinary, save for a few rumbling vibrations beneath my hooves. Sounds of rocks crumbling from inside the mountain to my right, powerful enough to affect the outside world.

A rockfall. The mountain has reached the peak of its age by now. I recommend we wait until it has ceased before we look inside the mountain itself.

Sure thing, I-


Sensing something... Something inside the cave. A presence...!


...No. No, this being wasn't made of imbalance. This was someone else... Trapped inside the mountain in the middle of a rockfall! Eyes snapped open, I hurried forward. Quick, Starswirl, where's the cave entrance?

We don't have time to rescue a straggler when our foe could be somewhere close-

He could be a victim of circumstance for all we know. I won't abandon someone who's hurt. Even here I sensed the pain. Starswirl!

Thirty more steps. I greatly recommend using your magic.

Oh yeah! Super speed! Haven't used that one in a while!

Making no delay, my limbs picked up as the magic enhanced my physical abilities, everything slowly beginning to become a blur. A black opening, large to grab my attention, prompted my hurried pace to halt, skidding across the ground briefly before heading within the crumbling mountain, using Balance to direct me to the trapped creature. Whatever was inside wasn't any pony.

How do I know? Ponies in general aren't capable of exerting such anger from their hearts. Sombra's an exception due to being a villain, and I'm also exclusive because I was only a pony in body. No, whatever or whoever was trapped inside was something else, but I'll worry about that after I saved him/her/it.

Carefully dodging by small falling rocks, collapsing stalactites and breezing by dust, my pace quickened at the closeness towards the creature I sought now. Nearly there, just gotta make sure a rockfall doesn't crush me before I reach the person.

If there is a hostile nature present from this creature you're foolishly seeking out,Sombra commented irritably.At the very least remain on guard. It might not welcome your rescue attempt with open arms.

I'll be careful. Was just about there anyhow. Slowing down my pace slightly, I entered through another part of the cave towards a dead end, where the creature in question was sat back against the wall, eyes fluttering open and closed repeatedly in obliviousness to my presence. Should've known, considering the place that was nearby. Main black body and wings, dark brown furry chest and yellow tail. Light brown features with blond short hair.

A griffon. That explains the bitterness pouring from his soul.

More vibration snapped for me to act, approaching the laid griffon without hesitation. I can work out what's wrong with him - Obviously male by lack of feminine eyelashes and more prominent features. - later on. For now, I'll focus on getting us out of here. Steadily, I heaved the stirring large winged creature by the upper limbs and chest, gently placing him on my clothed back. The extra weight wasn't an issue with Balance on my side. He groaned, looking down at his saviour wearily.

"Who..." Even his voice sounded pained, straining to speak coherently. "Are you...?"

"Stardust Balance, Twilight Warrior." I answered, making sure the griffon was well-balanced on my back. "Here to get you out. Now I know you griffons are far too proud to accept help from anyone but-"

"Thank... You..."

"...Huh." Okay, wasn't expecting that. "You're welcome." I answered, quite befuddled by the polite gratitude from this tired griffon. Could we be dealing with another Gabby-?

The vibrations increased, almost causing me to drop the groaning creature.

We can save the questioning for after you make it out in one piece.

Good point. "Hold on tight friend." I ordered, getting ready to escort us both out.

Feeling yellow claws around my chest clutch at that, I reared back in preparation, and charged forward. Balance made sure I sped through the collapsing cave and breezing past any obstacles in out way, sharpening my reflexes whilst maintaining a firm grasp on the griffon I was rescuing. I remembered the way back, and thankfully the cave wasn't too long to traverse through. I was already nearing the exit.

Come on, it's just in sight...

The light pouring from the outside world was waiting for us, and I felt the griffon's hold tighten further, albeit rather uncomfortably. Didn't need to be strangled right now- Oh of course, stalactites falling right before the entrance. With a short growl, I used my empowered strength to leap forward, right below the descending pointy rocks, and into the world of grey skies and bleak atmosphere, throwing my hoofs into the ground as we skid across, eventually slowing down. From behind us, the sound of a complete collapse worsened the vibrations, before slowly, finally calming down for our cautious gazes.

"...Another happy escape." I quipped lightly, grinning at the blinking griffon.

"And... There you are." I stepped back after making sure the wet fabric was wrapped up tight, inspecting my own handiwork. "It's not much, but hopefully it'll cool down the swelling somewhat."

The griffon only stared at the ripped part of my cape around his right wing, the extra limb extended so I could work without difficulty. Slowly folding and unfolding the mighty black wing, his sharp gaze turned back to me. Unfazed by the stare, I offered the rocky cup I had purchased from the kingdom containing water from the lake right next to us, the two of taking refuge there, as my friend insisted on going anywhere but the former kingdom.

"It might be contaminated, I'm not-" He was already gulping down the liquid after swiping it. "...Sure." Well, guess griffons couldn't have complete manners. Even Gabby for all her friendliness wasn't perfect when it came to respectful approach. Wiping his beak, the male griffon placed the empty cup down.

And burped. Loudly.

"Charming." I remarked, unable to hide my own grin.

Leaning back satisfactory, his eyes gazed towards me with a stern gaze. His refreshed mouth spoke with more force and composure than in the cave. "You have my gratitude, Stardust Balance. Not many would risk their lives for an exiled griffon."

"Just call me Stardust-" The last word caught up with me, blinking at the newfound information. Well, that explained why he was alone and taking refuge inside a mountain. "Exiled or not, I couldn't leave someone to be crushed under a mountain."

"Hmm." His eyes narrowed, as if searching me out. "My kind did not send you."

"They did not. I rescued you on my own volition."

Leaning against the rock wall again, he nodded. "That makes sense. No griffon would ever want to see my face again, much less save me from a doomed fate, ever since my family line was banished a long time ago."

"Banished?" I frowned. So it was an ancestral punishment. "I'm sorry."

The griffon waved off the words, looking away. "I need no pity."

"Not pity, sympathy."

He kept quiet for a moment, bird-like features thoughtful, as though deciding on something. After some seconds of silence, he spoke up again. "My name is Zenith, and I am the last line of the royal bloodline to the throne of Griffonstone."


A curious glance. "You don't sound terribly surprised."

I grinned sheepishly. "Sorry. I've been through a lot of bizarre coincidences in my time on this planet." What were the chances though? I essentially rescued the rightful heir to the throne of a kingdom with prideful species. "So Zenith then... That's a cool name." Rings a bell, though I'm not sure from where...

He wasn't amused, not in the slightest. "I'm glad you find that my name meets your own approval." The griffon remarked dryly, resting into a comfortable silence. Maybe I should start a fire going, despite it being near the middle of the day. Obviously not a great conversationalist.

That's fine, neither was I. Hey Starswirl, did you know I was saving a Prince?


Tch, don't be coy old timer. In any case, this might work to our advantage. Continue conversing with this fallen griffon, Jack.

Unsure what Sombra was up to, I sat down comfortably and clasped my two front hoofs together, getting his attention. "So, why the family banishment then? I'm guessing it has something to do with the royal prized treasure being stolen long ago?"

Zenith glared, snarling irritably. "Then you know the answer already, pony." Sheesh, how rude. As if realizing just that, he turned away to stare heatedly at the ground beside him. "I am the descendant of Griffonstone's fourteenth King, King Guto, the last ruler before the Idol of Boreas was stolen from us. After the thief fell down the Abysmal Abyss, taking our treasure with it, my ancestor was far too ashamed of his own actions." The voice muttered, filled with bitterness to times gone by. "The family exiled themselves from Griffonstone, and the rest is history."

Damn. I mean I heard the story before in the Rainbow and Pinkie episode, but hearing it from the mouth of this griffon made it sound far more meaningful and a truthful punch to the gut. "You should see the state Griffonstone's in now. The repercussions of the past affect its people and their lifestyles to this day..."

"I know." He confessed sourly. "Time and time again, I take a peek at what my ancestor's kingdom has become; a state of despair and ruin. How I would want nothing more than to repair Griffonstone to its former glory; fix the mistakes of the past and unite all griffons to a proud and prospering empire once more." A short self-loathing laughter. "Hahahaha. That is, if it were not for one problem..."

I nodded, knowing what he was referring to. "The Idol."

Zenith turned back to me. "Without it, the kingdom is lost. That treasure was the very foundation of our kingdom. Should it somehow be retrieved... Well, that would be wishful thinking on my part."

More silence, the griffon idly poking the ground to create small holes, leaving to dwell about this. Rainbow had failed to recover the treasure a while back, and Gilda had sacrificed it in favour of saving her friend. A sign that Griffonstone had the potential to become a better place thanks to the impact two ponies left behind. But even so, Zenith here was struggling because of past consequences. And every part of me yearned to help this poor griffon and restore a kingdom of self-serving prideful winged beasts, even though my former sole interaction with a griffon was Gilda herself, and we didn't particularly get along.

...I've made my decision.

"Well, never say never, Zenith." The griffon glanced my way, myself smirking widely. "Why dwell on what-ifs when you can make it happen?"

Zenite snorted. "Easier said than done..."

"Won't know until you try."

"What, you're seriously suggesting I should try and recover the Idol of Boreas?"

"No, I'm seriously suggestingweshould try and recover the Idol of Boreas." I added to Zentih's skepticism. "Think about what you said; the kingdom can't prosper without it. How great griffon kind would be, united once again thanks to the one thing which held them together in the first place." The Idol was essentially their version of the Crystal Heart. I couldn't just leave them to suffer any longer.

Why not? You owe them nothing Jack. And here I believed you despised creatures which thought too highly of themselves.

The black griffon glared warily. "And what would be in it for you? Power? Money? A place by the throne?"

"Oh nothing so narrow-minded." I dismissed with a genuine grin. "Some friends of mine are close with few of your kind. Partially I'm doing this for them. But moreso, I'm doing this because I can't sit by and let you or your kind endure this hardship any longer."

"...Even if what you claim is sincere, you're asking the impossible." Zenith pointed out matter-of-factly, slowly rising to stand. "The treasure hides within the very bottom of the Abysmal Abyss. To venture there without thorough preparation is a fool's errand."

Does that intimidate me? Not really. "In that case, let's prepare beforehand." Also standing, I respectfully approached the griffon, offering a hoof of partnership. "You want your kingdom to prosper. I want your people to suffer no longer. Let's work together, Zenith."

The griffon glared at the golden hoof reaching out to him, then back to me. The hoof again, and back to me. The motion wa repeated for almost a minute. But I wasn't too worried about him declining the offer.

I already sensed his heart making the answer.

A firm yellow claw clasped my hoof, shaking it in confirmation. "It would be wise not to double cross a griffon, Stardust Balance."

I smiled jokingly. "I've made foolish errors in the past. And trust me, today, I don't feel like doing that."

"Here it is." Zenith declared upon our arrival, reaching the very edge of the destination, leading towards a narrow valley. "The other entrance into the Abyss. Already you can fell the strong turbulence its creates."

No kidding. My fedora almost flew off my head at the strong winds roaring from the valley. Keeping my hat firmly on, my ripped cape flowing violently against the powerful gusts, I stood my ground, Zenith himself looking unfazed with his feathers ruffled by the wind, staring straight ahead.

"We are halfway below Griffonstone itself." He then pointed downwards. "If you're right about the treasure falling deeper into the Abyss since your friends' visit, it will have most likely reached the very bottom of the pit by now."

I raised a brow. "I thought 'abyss' implied there was no bottom."

"Oh, it's a secret among us royals." He grinned faintly. "Long ago, a brave explorer ventured down the Abysmal Abyss with nary food or water. Against the strong winds and darkness, he prevailed and reported his finding to his King." Zenith glanced at me. "There is, indeed, an end to the Abyss. But the journey down will take us quite some time. You've gathered the necessary items?"

In answer, I placed down the bag resting on my back, opening the top. Climbing rope, hooks and helmets with torches on, all gathered from a brief trip to Griffonstone after we laid out our plan. Pulling them out, Zenith inspected the equipment with a nod of approval. Well, so glad I earnt that.

"We must begin then, if you're certain with pulling off this insane plan, while the day is young." Zenith continued briskly, helping me attach the hooks and firmly wrapping the end of the ropes near a sturdy ingrained boulder. "The night would only hinder our search."

I nodded, agreeing with the sound idea. "Alright, then let's-" Hm?

A claw placed on my side. "I'd recommend keeping your cape up here as we venture down." Sounded more of an order than anything. "That too would hinder the search if the wind were to blow you all over the place."

Good thinking. With a smile of thanks, I walked around the pointy boulder to a spot where the cape would be safe from the wind's reach. My hat too, for good measure. Afternoon had already sprung, and if we dwardle any further no progress would be made. Halfway down the Abyss already, although the wind will be stronger, that was time less spent than starting right from the top.

Jack, we need to talk.

In a sec, Starswirl.

Heading back to the waiting black griffon, Zenith and I attached the other ends of our respective ropes around our waists. Have to admit, never done this activity before; rock climbing didn't appeal to my tastes. It always felt rather reckless and dangerously stupid to do. But in this case, it was a necessity. And back home, I could always boast against Rainbow's claims that I've never performed an extreme exercise in my life.

"You're absolutely going through with this." Zenith commented warily, staring at my resolved posture, binding the rope tight. "Despite the dangers this represents; your rope could break and the winds would carry you into the depths of the Abyss. Yet you're determined to see things through."

"Eeyep." Was my simple, grinning response.

Shaking his head in pure disbelief, the griffon raised a small wry smile. "Ponies." I chuckled, Zenith making sure his own rope was bound tightly with a few pulls, nodding in affirmation and looking back to me. "Ready?" He inquired, the moment both of us leaned on the edge of the viewing cliff, the cold gusts brushing against my furry exposed backside. I nodded regardless, more than prepared to do this. Zenith returned the motion, folding his wings in and glaring down determinedly. "Let's go."

For a split-second, I half expected my rope to immediately break and have me fall down into the black depths with a splat. But that passing moment of paranoia was quickly replaced by my back hoofs digging into the stony wall upon the harsh winds immediately trying to push us around uncontrollably, Zenith digging his own claws to the wall, both of us grimacing. Yep, this certainly wasn't going to be easy.

Taking our time, our venture downwards started off with baby steps, slowly graduating to a steady pace once we learnt to match the paces of the winds. The powerful gusts only occurred once between every ten to twenty seconds, giving us ample time to speed up carefully right before we could detect the stronger turbulence's heading our way. My eyes squinted, already feeling tears prickling from the corners, blinking rapidly to get rid of them. Zenith was having more luck; no doubt griffon eyes were made for opposing strong winds reaching them.

Should've brought goggles with me. On the bright side, for once I'm thankful my mane wasn't as long as my human hair; the fringe would've been a massive inconvenience for this whole trip.

Jack, please listen.

Sorry, listening now. I paused with planted hooves as another strong gust came around.

I ask you consider this choice in assisting young Zenith. Although your intentions are noble, we must thoroughly discuss the repercussions from helping him restore the fallen kingdom.


Is it not evident?

The backlash would be powerful. Will be, if you continue to go through with this. The restoration of the Griffonstone Empire was never meant to return, not this early. By helping the lost Prince recover the Idol of Boreas, it would impact a significant amount of change to Equestria. The imbalance would be powerful.

Enough to empower our adversary much further. By doing this, you may condemn all of your friends moreso than you already have.

...Well, thanks for waiting before telling me all this, guys. But what's done is done. I can't just abandon Zenith now, nor his own suffering people. What kind of friend would I be?

A logical one. Don't try to use some half-[BEEP]ed excuse similar to something your Princess would conjure up. You will doom the inhabitants and everyone you love further by going through with this asinine plan.

We only ask you consider what you intend to do carefully, Jack. Though we can't stop, you must understand the consequences today would impact.

I understand. Really, I do. And I've already made my choice... But for all we know, the repercussions would be either big or small. The restoration of Griffonstone wasn't an episode in itself, yes? So the damage would be small by comparison.

Grunting at the next gust causing my back to shudder, I continued trailing downwards, the bottom shrouded in darkness waiting for us eagerly. Looks like it'll take us a while yet. God knows how much time has already passed since we first started. I haven't seen the small area of the valley where Rainbow was trapped with a damaged wing and Gilda had to rescue her. We must have already passed it, or maybe because I'm keeping my head focused between the wall and down than anywhere else.

"So!" Zenith called over the wind. "How are you so familiar with my kind, warrior?!"

"Oh, you know!" My own voice sounded parched already, raised enough for him to hear. "I punched one of them in the face for making a pony friend of mine cry!"


"Yeah... No regrets!"

Over the wind, it sounded like he was laughing. "Violence never seemed like your kind's shtick! I thought ponies generally loved more than hate!"

Hah, too true. "Let's just say I'm not your average loving equine!" Another strong wind passed before I clarified, "I got sick of watching my friends get taken advantage of for being nice! Myself included!"

"So you're a pony with pride then!"

"What's a warrior without pride, Zenith?!"

"A valid comment! Maybe after we return with the Idol of Boreas, I'll make you the Captain of the Guard- Agh!"

Danger screamed to my senses from both instincts and Balance, whipping my head to notice Zenith was clutching the the rocky wall with a very fragile rope. Something was wrong. I snapped my head up and squinted hard, ignoring the wind to the best of my ability.

And what I saw incited my gasp, as what remained of the griffon Prince's rope descended towards us from the heavens, easily snapping off after long duress of the griffon's weight combined with the strong winds. At Zenith's own sharp inhale, that prompted me to act, immediately letting go of the wall and swinging over.

The griffon caught my tail just in the nick of time, myself quickly digging my hoofs into the wall again before the extra weight could cause us to both fall.

Oof! Okay, now I was beginning to feel under duress.

With sharp claws causing me to wince at every prodding, Zenith climbed up my tail and lower half to reach my backside, yelling into my ear. "Once again, you have my gratitude Stardust!"

"No need to yell, you're right to my ear!"

"Ah, yes..." The rather embarrassed griffon, who'd probably admit anything but embarrassment, cleared his throat with an authoritative tone, "In any case, we'd have to retreat back upwards. The combined weight would snap your rope and send us both down to oblivion."

And give up already? I wasn't going down without a fight. "Where's your sense of adventure, Zenith?" I inquired rhetorically, steadily balancing our pace down. "We're not leaving until we grab that Idol."

And now you're beginning to act and sound like that overbearing pegasus friend of yours.Sombra grumbled sourly.

Zenith, meanwhile, was far more incredulous. "What are you doing?! You're risking both our lives for a pointless search?!"

"No. I'm risking both our lives so you can save your kingdom." I motioned upwards. "You can climb up the rope back to the surface if you want, Zenith, but I'm not giving up. Not yet."

"But what if this quest ends in failure? What if we our attempts are futile?"

"Then we try, and try, and try again, until we succeed." I grinned cockily, flinching at the next trail of wind blowing against us. "That's... The point of failure, Zenith, so we learn and make another attempt. My friends taught me long ago that you mustn't give up on your friends, and I'm not giving up on you."

Zenith kept quiet for a long moment, his emotions in brief turmoil. "Your own pride could condemn you." He finally pointed out.

"I'm willing to take that chance." I responded through grit teeth. "And if there's anything Crash Bandicoot taught me as well, it's that you'll never progress if you can't make it through the hardest trials."

This from the man who gave up on the first Crash game.

I'm still spiritually recovering from those bridge levels.

Zenith made no further comments, most likely in deep thought. And just below us, blackness was beginning to encompass our visions, the strong winds slowly dying out the further we reached the depths waiting for us.

We finally reached the darkness.

Even when venturing further into the blackness, Zenith opted to stick around, looking down for me with his lit headlight as I kept a sturdy grasp on the wall. Good news is, the winds have stopped, guess they could only reach so far. Bad news; it's too dark, even from the sunlight pouring above, for us to get a clear view of our surroundings. The headlights were helpful only to what was close to us-

Dammit! I was startled then by the screeching of bats nearby. Of course, this kind of place would be infested by them. Ignoring Zenith's evident glare of annoyance, I resumed taking us downwards.

And further down...

And further down...

Further down...


...Wondering how my friends are doing. Were Rarity and Pinkie at that restaurant episode yet which had the Gordon Ramsey pony cameo?

They are.

Ah, great. Meaning they're having a blast with clashing their own ideals over what someone else's establishment should look and act like. That's always been a thing with those mares; they usually implement what they think would work without discussing it thoroughly with the pony they're helping first and seeing what they can conclude with. I love my friends, but sometimes, in this case, I'm reminded time and time again just how...


...Moreso naive they really are.

"We're here."

Hm? I followed where Zenith was pointing, both out lights looking downwards to view the sturdy ground waiting for us about ten feet below. Haha! Yes! With a grin, my pace quickened, though not recklessly, enough for us to reach rock solid ground. Gently, I placed one hind hoof down... Seemed stable enough. Zenith finally released me and settled on the ground himself, patting the dirt to make sure it was safe enough, myself detaching the rope around me, steadily walking over to join the exiled griffon.

I thought the ground was-

Oh Jesus!

The ground trembled somewhat, small cracks emerging to our sides. Stilling, a wide-eyed Zenith and I stared at the cracks before us, the rumblings ceasing slowly. What the [BEEP] was that?! Exchanging startled gazes, I took the initiative and placed another hoof forward, slowly and deliberate... Nothing.

Zenith followed suit, taking a step forward with a quicker pace than mine-


We froze at the ground's rumbling again, further cracks leaking through the fragile ground. Zenith and I then shared comprehending looks. "We'll have to move very, very slowly."

"Agreed." Zenith nodded, and we did just that, taking one tiny step at a time.

Thinking about it, as we traveled with careful paces, this exercise would be great for someone like Fluttershy to do. But then again, I'd rather it'd be myself than her doing this dangerous venture forward. The tremors themselves were few and far between, each small rumbling reminding us how getting ahead of ourselves we were. Just gotta be more careful from hereon. Above us, the resting state of hung bats, oblivious to our presence, and suddenly I was shot with a horrific memory of Spike accidentally setting those bats off when he and Rarity were mining for crystals.

Hope to God they weren't those kind of bats...

"I still can't believe I'm doing this..." Zenith suddenly spoke up.


The black griffon sighed, beady eyes barely visible through the darkness. "Risking my life for hunting down a long lost treasure we have no idea will be even there. If one strong step's enough to make the ground crumble, what stopped the Idol of Boreas from falling through after landing? We could be on a wild goose chase for all we know!"

I shrugged, not wanting to doubt out search too much. "Still, if there's even the slimmest chance it's here, our investigation must be worth it, mustn't it?"

Zenith clicked his tongue. "Wait until we don't meet our maker from falling through the ground and make it back to the top empty-handed. I'll get back to you then."

"Hm, and what happened to that infamous griffon pride?"

"Don't condescend me Stardust." Zenith almost growled, gesturing further on. "There's a vast difference between pride and foolishness. This could be the latter.Willbe, if its turns out we're too late!"

Okay, he needed to calm down, quickly. "Zenith, I understand, but please keep your voice down-"

"Our search here is utterly pointless, and you know it!"


"Are all ponies this stupidly hopeful, or is it just you? What guarantee do you actually have that we'll-?!"



I roared in pain, the pair of us covering our ears at the multiplied sounds of disturbed bats awakening from their nests, releasing loud vocal noises enough to shatter the eardrums of a herd of elephants. Swarming downwards, the group of annoying vermin forced us to duck in time as the bats flew overhead, heading towards a deeper part of the darkness. Rubbing my ears, my teeth clenched at the irritable aftershocks of the pain to my ears. Even Zenith looked worse for wear.

And, as if matters couldn't be made any worse, a soft rumbling began to gradually grow in vibrations, almost knocking off our hooves/claws. In bewilderment, the pair of us looked behind us, headlights focused on the ground slowly beginning to collapse further into the endless black void, heading straight for us.

Well [BEEP]. "Run!" I yelled, the pair of quickening our limbs regardless of consequences, ignoring the cracks emerging and growing violent shaking all around us, falling ground hot on our tails. It even sounded like the walls down this narrow 'hallway' were beginning to cave in.

[BEEP], at this rate, it'll only be a matter of time before we reach some dead end or cliff that we couldn't jump across to safety. We needed a plan, here and now-!

"A bridge!"

What? Oh! Good call Zenith! The pathway became much more narrow, leading to the one-way bridge with some kind of platform near the end of it, reachable only from leaping. Sharing knowing glances as we ran, we knew what must be done. Tensing our bodies even when running, we hurried towards the edge...

And jumped leaps of faith, barely managing to reach the corner of the rocky platform. Oof! My stomach hit the edge of it hard, both Zenith and I grabbing the sides in an attempt not to slide off. From behind us, the sounds of complete ground collapsing further down the depths of the Abyss.

Jesus Christ... Talk about cutting it short. Pulling my upwards, I checked on the stable griffon. "You alright?" He nodded, pulling himself up while dismissing my help, sighing in relief... And stilling, something before us catching his eye.

What- Oh...


Of course it'd be here...

Seems your search wasn't for nothing after all. I never had doubt.

Quite right, for before us was the mother[BEEP]ing treasure itself. As if landing on a convenient pedestal, the Idol of Boreas stood tall and shiny upon the center of the platform. Cautiously, we approached the golden object for closer inspection. A gold claw keeping it steady, a fiery-like wing wrapped around a colourful red gem neatly kept inside. No wonder the griffons were so mystified, it carried a presence that demanded attention and respect. It symbolized a right to power...

"This is it..." Zenith whispered, unable to tear his eyes from it. "The treasure which bound my people together..." His voice radiated awe, wonder and relief. "We've found the Idol of Boreas, at last." Then, leaning forward for a much closer look, Zenith grinned, his beak twitching into something related to bliss.

And I was genuinely happy for him, and his kind. "Congratulations, Zenith. Looks like we managed in the end." It looked as though he was barely paying attention to anything else, the black griffon transfixed on the shiny object of his desires alone. Couldn't blame him, I suppose. One hesitant claw reached, gently grabbing the treasured item and pulling it close to his feathered chest.

As though setting off an alarm, Balance roared in my ears, alerting me to danger. Just a second after Zenith grabbed the treasure, the ground shook violently once more, startling our off-guard postures. The Idol quickly fell from his surprised grasp, heading straight towards the edge-


I sprung forward just as Zenith cried out in horror, swiftly clutching the treasure just as it began descending, upper body over the edge of the platform. "I got it!" I called out, looking over my shoulder. Zenith exhaled in relief, his eyes then widening.


What... Oh [BEEP].

I was so focused on him and the treasure I neglected to spot the cracks around me, crumbling the ground beneath my weighted body. Without time to react, I suddenly found myself sinking down towards the deeper black depths below, firmly keeping the Idol to my side.

Well, this was bound to happen! Starswirl, teleportation spell please?!

No need; look up!

Huh...? The [BEEP]?! A black blue with a headlight soared down towards me- Ah! I almost dropped the Idol in shock, keeping it held in both front hoofs tightly as I begun being carried upside down by the tail, looking upwards in pleasant shock. "Zenith?!"

The prideful griffon grinned, both wings extended and ascending the pair of us without difficulty, the part of my cape used to nurse his previously wounded right appendage gone. "Keep a tight grip on it!" Understood. I allowed myself to this fate, making certain with enough Balance the Idol will stay in my grasp without breaking from the pressure. But hey, if it survived falling down an abyss without breaking apart, this must be cakeWAAAAAAAAAAAALK-!



The second the light of outside greeted us, so did the winds. Powerful gusts even for a griffon to handle, impacting us left and right. My vision was becoming a blur, spinning in all directions, yet I maintained a firm grip on the treasure we ventured so far for. This felt like a roller coaster without any seat belts and no stopping! Now I usually loved roller coasters, but this was... Was...

Actually, pretty [BEEP]ing exhilarating!

As Zenith used the winds to the best of his ability in carrying us upwards, I was laughing like a crazed lunatic."Woo-hoo!"I couldn't help myself! This was [BEEP]ing fun! I'm having a blast being carried upside against strong currents! Okay, this whole adventure was worth it just for this moment! This must be how Rainbow feels whenever using her Sonic Rainboom. Now I'm beginning to see why she loves showing off so much!

Even from my blurred state, I could tell from the lack of grayness in my sight we weren't inside the valley anymore. Our screams of joy and terror died own somewhat, our visions clearing enough for us to see we were now over the valley and thirty feet right above regular ground. Only one quote came to mind as I yelled joyfully.


Zenith, finally recovering enough, managed to grab my tail again and soar us down right to the patch of dirt waiting our way, landing the pair of us into rolling heaps. Oof! Ow! [BEEP]! Damn! Ee! Ah! Ugh! Kck!

The ride finally ended, to my slight disappointment, and I groaned loudly alongside the griffon, both of us struggling to compose ourselves and even attempt to stand upright. My incredibly dizzy vision soon gained enough composure to meet the incredulous gaze of a certain griffon I was, for all intents and purposes, preferring to avoid my entire trip here.

"You?!" Gilda sneered, features narrowed in disbelieving irritation. "What are you... Huh?!" She gasped after her gaze trailed down to the golden object in my right front hoof. "How... Where did you...?!"

To be honest, I could care less, still groaning while rolling over to stand properly, limbs shaking somewhat in attempt of recovery. Zenith was faring no better, clutching his forehead and wings with a weary expression, slowly turning to meet my gaze...

...And we started chuckling.

And that chuckling evolved into laughter.

Sweet, blissful, disbelieving laughter. Like two chums who just had the time of their lives, our lungs heaved in joyful exertion, the pair of us proceeding to hug one another in tight relief and incredulity, ignoring the bewildered stare of the female griffon watching. What a day! What a fantastic day this turned out to be!

Raising up the Idol, I offered it to the Prince-in-waiting with a joking chuckle. "Your Highness?" Zenith slowly took the golden object, grinning in sheer triumph and relief, proceeding to point it upwards majestically with a proud tone.

"The kingdom of Griffonstone will be restored in all its glory once more!"

"...What the heck is going on?!" Gilda's annoyed tone ruined the moment.

And so, a descendant of royalty, a human in the body of an equine, and a pestering griffon marched all the way back to the middle of Griffonstone itself, looking for a good spot so Zenith may announce the return of the decayed kingdom's greatest treasure. And would you believe, the black griffon snapped his beak in the direction of the perfect place; the collapsed roof of the fallen library. With a smirk, I lingered back alongside a curious Gilda pretending to be indifferent, waiting for what Zenith was about to do.

Climbing atop the hay, my fine-feathered friend stood tall and proud, despite various passing-by members of his species barely sparing us any glances. Zenith, unfazed by the lack of deserved attention, merely cleared his throat, taking his sweet time. No other griffon turned a single head his way.

That soon changed, however, with a raised formerly lost treasure raised towards the sun. As if by magic, the clouds above immediately cleared at the revealed golden item, making way for the hot yellow orb to gleam down from the heavens and shine upon it, like it was giving the new ruler its blessings. At the sight of such valuable treasure, the greedy residents paused and stared in wonder towards the object and the griffon wielding it... Well, mostly the treasure itself.

With a victorious call, Zenith addressed his gradually gathering audience. "Citizens of Griffonstone! Residents of a fallen kingdom! Today marks the restoration of our glorious empire! I, Zenith, descendant of King Guto, fourteenth king to the throne, have retrieved the fallen treasure, and declare our kingdom reborn anew. Feast your eyes upon the Idol of Boreas!"

Certainly had the voice for a King.

The crowd shared incredulous, skeptical and awed looks, but Zenith was undeterred, confident in the moment. "Let Griffonstone rise once more, out of the decay of years past! Join me, my fellow griffons, as we work together to forge a new tomorrow!" Some were looking more convinced by his words, slowly approaching the royal standing above them like a... Well, King among men. Or griffons, in this case. Grinning at the progressive support, Zenith's words strengthened in his voice. "The time is now! Let all griffon kind work together once more!"

"Listen to him!" Gilda suddenly added, prompting my somewhat startled jump. She gestured to the treasure with an insistent tone, "That's the real Idol of Boreas, the same one our ancestors lost long ago! Somehow, these two got it back from the Abysmal Abyss!" Then she too smirked. "Looks like Griffonstone's rising back to glory griffons!"

Mutters amongst them, followed with sounds of approval, their hearts being persuaded by the combined words of both Gilda and Zenith. Good, everything was going well. Now Zenith just needed to sweeten the deal. I can't imagine myself being needed to convince the masses, now all observing from the ground or their perches and windows around us. The whole kingdom was probably listening in, it wasn't exactly a large populace.

Zenith, once again, thrust the Idol higher, more force to his words. "I cannot do this without you all. We've succumbed to our state of misery and despair long enough! We can continue doing so, or work together to achieve a new tomorrow. The choice is yours, but I implore, my fellow griffons; make the right one!"

I was only worried for a split-second or two, as was Gilda and Zenith; though neither would ever confess as such. It took a few moments from one griffon to join us next. Then two, then three, then four. Then six. Then eight, and twelve. Finally, we were surrounded with roars of triumph and cheers in celebration to their new King, and their new era.

Hah. Watching from the side, I grinned brightly. All's well that ends well.

Keep that in mind,Sombra commented dryly,When the repercussions following today will come bite us in the rear.

I'll live.

A ludicrous huff.I suppose reality would have to persuade you how foolish your actions were, regardless how sentimental or noble they were deemed. For all we know, this entire event was set up by Zagreus in order for these events to happen.

It's a fair possibility.My teacher added.Nonetheless, though we may endure the consequences another day, it was indeed noble of you to help restore a fallen kingdom, Jack. Perhaps, in not only uniting a species wholly back together, we additionally have gained further allies for the future to come.

Hmm... Dragons, then Yaks, and now griffons... Liking the sound of that.

Zenith emphasized his call with the Idol, "Long live Griffonstone!" And the crowd cheered equally with pride.

"Long live Griffonstone!"

"It will take quite some time to get everything repaired and made anew." Zenith motioned matter-of-factly to the interior of the decaying throne room, looking quite solemn by the state of such. "But now, we may finally begin working on bringing back the glory days of our empire."

I smiled. "I'm really happy for you, Zenith... Or would you prefer King Zenith now?"

The tall griffon smirked. "For you, I'll make an exception over that slip... Just this one time though." Fair enough. We exchanged humoured grins, before the newly crowned King inquired, "Are you certain you can't stick around any further? The Captain position is still on offer."

"Very tempting." I chuckled, shaking my head lightly. "But I'll have to decline, your Highness. I'm already working under a royal back home. Besides, wouldn't want to keep you from working on restoring your kingdom."

Zenith shrugged. "Suit yourself." The indifference made a good attempt in concealing the disappointment. "You've already done enough today by helping me find the Idol of Boreas, and usher in a new era for all griffon kind." The golden prize in question stood upon a pedestal, right in the center of the room, sparkling beautifully. Briefly gazing at it, Zenith looked back to me. "For that, you have our immense gratitude, Twilight Warrior. If you ever need anything, you are welcome to request our services in the future."

"Happy to help," I said sincerely, a quick image of a certain alicorn in my head inciting me to add. "Actually, there is something I'd recommend you add to your new reign."

Zenith raised an intrigued brow. "Oh? That would be?"

"Encouraging friendship." I grinned rather cheekily. "Nothing too taxing, but something that would make your kind grow stronger, not to mention making future alliances with other kingdoms much easier. I recommend you consider it."

"Friendship you say?" The black griffon stroked his feathered beard with slight interest. "Not exactly a common trait among griffon kind. But we'd never turn down a challenge."

"It's great for building trust and, not to mention, affection." I pitched in to help seal the deal. "A kingdom without love is a doomed kingdom to start with."

Saying this so your Princess would be pleased, I see.

Oh nothing of the sort... Though I imagine she would be proud of me for implementing this idea.

Indeed she would. I too approve of this line of thinking, Jack. Friendship is never exclusive among species. Pride aside, griffons shouldn't be considered the sole exceptions. You've made more than outstanding progress today.

"You possess much pride, Stardust Balance." Hmm? Zenith switched the subject, placing a bird-like claw on my shoulder, rather piercing through my flesh, thank God. His next words were sincere, and held meaningful weight to them. "You have the heart of a griffon." Before turning to direct his attention elsewhere to two workers fixing up the place, leaving me to ponder that last statement.

Heart of a griffon...

Heh, sounds pretty bad[BEEP].

"Just so you know." Ah, was wondering when she was gonna comment. Preferably, for her, out of earshot to her new King. "Just because you're friends with our new King now, doesn't mean you're friends withme."Gilda's eyes narrowed, voice oozing contempt. "I still haven't what you did ages ago."

I shrugged, smiling cheerfully. "Fine by me. You still haven't apologized to a friend of mine for publicly making her cry that way."

"That punch stung for like a week!"

"You made Fluttershy cry." And to me, there was no greater crime.

As though looking slightly unnerved by my dead stare and matter-of-fact words, Gilda quickly scoffed and stormed off. But not before adding one last, "This isn't over." And flying out the broken window back to the town below.

...Certainly not.

Well... Business here's concluded. No sign of Zagreus, but I helped out an entire kingdom, overall, so it wasn't a complete waste of time. Time to head home, and see the look on Twilight's face when I remark about playing a role in restoring a whole kingdom.

And tell Rainbow and Pinkie I retrieved the lost treasure of Griffonstone after them.

And rub it in their faces.

Pinkie? Hell no.

Rainbow? Well...

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