• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter Fifty-One: Kamehame- ARGH!

Over a month has passed now since I finally began conducting exercise. And progress was being made, as noted by myself and the others. Yet whenever I felt like taking a whole day off from the training, the image of that dastardly Queen incited me to keep on going. Twilight and Spike were absolutely amazed, more than the others, of my resolve.

I used every exercise I could think of, from jogging to lifting weights. From press-ups to push-ups. And so on. Twilight, deciding to use this newfound conviction of mine to our advantage, even allowed me to exercise during our sessions, using that giant machine of hers in the basement, hooking me up as I trained, reading the results. Though as pleased as the mare was, both she, Spike, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash remained curious as to why I was even doing this in the first place. I stayed my tongue, telling them all in due time.

Applejack, Rarity and Pinkie Pie kept quiet, thankfully, pretending to be as oblivious as their friends, despite their own desire for more information about the upcoming wedding we were being invited to.

All in all, this training will hopefully pay off by the time that event comes. With the book Spike provided me about royal weddings in general, and the assistance of everyone else with my training, I could prevent that villainous mare from ever attempting to take over Canterlot.

And yet, despite all this, this still didn't feel as though I was doing enough.

Hence why, after this morning's session, I requested something from Twilight. An idea I had last night.

"'Weighted clothing'?" The puzzled unicorn repeated quizzically, tilting her head at the surreal request.

I nodded, "Yes, I was wondering if it was possible to use a spell to make my cape heavier in weight." Who knows, it could work. A certain character from Dragonball Z used weighted clothing to become stronger.

Twilight regarded me for a moment, raising an invisible brow, "If such a spell exists, Jack, then I've never heard of it." Damn. "But I could go check for it if you want."

"That would be greatly appreciated. Thank you Twilight." So there's a chance after all!

The mare nodded, heading towards the staircase out of the underground lab, "I'll be back in a moment."

And waited I did. Patiently, I paced around the room as my friend searched around upstairs. If this works. then the plot against Cadence and Armor will be defeated in no time. Although, nowadays it feels as though I was becoming more of a bodyguard, as the event slowly approaches. How long anyway? Cadence said the wedding wasn't too far off, last time we met. Perhaps it was postponed now, with the Changeling attack.

Speaking of which, have any more attacked the kingdom while I wasn't there? Everytime I arrived it seems I just put myself in danger. Hopefully the Changelings weren't in Canterlot this time, otherwise I would've put Spike in serious danger.

"Here we are." Twilight announced her return, as she walked down the stairs happily with a dark brown book floating besides her. Reaching me, the satisfied unicorn opened the book and turned to the right pages without pause. "Perhaps this is what you're looking for: 'In days of old, those who sought to protect pony society without the aid of magic would utilize a weight spell that granted the pony's clothing heavier mass for a temporary time.'"

"Is the spell in there?" I inquired, unable to hide my eagerness. This really might actually just work!

"It is indeed." Twilight nodded, eyes evidently memorizing the contents within. "...Okay, I think I've got it. Shall we test it out?"


Then she looked up at me, expressing slight concern. "You aren't planing on keeping that cape on while I use the spell, are you?"

"Hakuna Matata, Twilight." My body stood up straight, prepared for the magical incantation. At her confused expression, I smirked, "If I get hurt, don't blame yourself, alright?"

The mare slowly nodded, frowning slightly, "Alright, but don't say I didn't warn you." That said, her horn began lighting up, magic pouring from her power as I felt a sudden warmth envelop where my cape covered. And just after that, the magic disappeared, Twilight taking a moment to breathe before looking at me curiously, "Well, it should've work."

Yet I didn't feel anything happen. My eyes glanced over to my cape, a frown of my own, "Odd, I don't feel any different- Argh!"

Karma's a [BEEP]!

"Are you alright?!" I heard Twilight ask in shock and worry, as the full extra weight of my clothing took me down without mercy. My body struggled to get up from the painful mass. "Oh, I knew we should've agreed to on a specific weight before trying out the spell!"

"I can't... measure... for [BEEP] anyway, my dear... Ugh." There was brightness from the corner of my wincing eye, before, thankfully, the weight lessened, and I made myself slowly stand up, Twilight supporting me by the side. "Thank you..." The unicorn nodded, stepping back to give me space.

Big mistake. My hoofs struggled to firmly grasp the floorboards as the weight attempted to throw me down again. Not this time. "I did warn you, Jack." Twilight stated, sounding both amused and concerned.

"Hakuna Matata, my dear Twilight, Hakuna Matata..." My body stood up straight again, eyes wincing at the struggle the cape was giving me. This will take some getting use to...

The Mane Six had to depart the very same day, leaving me to cope with the newfound weight of the seemingly innocent cape by myself. And that was fine, I didn't need a pity party or constant assistance just with some clothing. It took me a full hour to even start walking around properly. It's a good thing I began training earlier, otherwise this lighter weight than before would've kept me down regardless.

Where were my friends, you ask? Why they left Ponyville earlier to deliver Mr and Mrs Cupcake's greatest baked cake yet. A giant arse design for some competition in Canterlot, and whoever had the greatest baked food won a ribbon, according to Twilight. I declined tagging along for very obvious reasons.

A waste of my time one of them.

Instead, deciding not to test this extra weight in the library, I resorted to simply walk around the town. Already I gained strange looks from ponies left and right. Can't blame them, I must be making the impression that I was carrying some invisible baggage. Evening was already hitting the streets, the sun setting down on another peaceful day in Ponyville. No monsters, no Trixie, no nothing. Good thing too, I'd hate to have this cape slow me down in case of any attack. But then again, I suppose it'd make decent target practice for the wedding.

"Oh, hey Stardust! You don't look so good."

Ah, now there's a voice I haven't heard in a while.

"Hello Lyra." I greeted, throwing the two observing mares a tired grin. "Bon Bon. I'm just having a stroll, that's all."

"Looking as though you have the fate of the world literally on your shoulders." The cream Earth Pony commented flatly, smiling at my casualness.

I shrugged... then wished I didn't. My eyes winced, explaining to the evident puzzled mares, "Weighted clothing, my cape is heavier than it should be. I'm just getting use to it."

"Oh okay... Why?" Lyra asked, as both she and Bon Bon decided to accompany me down the street now. Not that I didn't mind the company.


Bon Bon regarded me then incredulously. "Training? You?"


"...Who are you, and what have you done with the real Stardust Balance?"

A chuckle escaped my muzzle. "Very funny Bon Bon." But aside from that, I held my tongue. The less anyone knew of my true intentions behind this constant exercise, the more it benefits me.

"Wow! That is heavy!" We both turned at Lyra's exclamation, the lime unicorn lifting up a part of the cape with some struggle. She released it before her hoof got tired, regarding me in shock. "Jeez, Stardust, exactly how strong are you?"

I wonder that myself...

A moment's silence, before Bon Bon spoke up conversationally, "You know, we just on our way to visit a friend of ours. She needs some help with groceries. You wouldn't mind tagging along, would you Stardust?"

...Well, I suppose it wouldn't do me any harm. "Of course not." They smiled at my sincere reply. "Do I know this per- Err, pony?"

"I'm not sure." Bon Bon shrugged. "But you might like her, she rarely speaks with those headphones on her all the time."

Headphones? ...Ah!

"Her name wouldn't happen to be Vinyl Scratch, would it?"

The cream Earth Pony grinned lightly, "So you do know her."

"Well we've never met." But that's about to change.

I didn't believe I could regret this decision anymore than yesterday, but that immediately changed upon making the possibly most dumb-[BEEP] choice since my arrival in Equestria.

Sleeping with the weighted cape on.

The following morning has been nothing short of excoriating. With every step a pained groan escaped my muzzle, walking down the stairs didn't help either. It was hard enough getting out of bed with the thing blanketing me, but moving about today worsened the aching covering my body, more specifically the back where my cape covered. And last night I thought sleeping in it would help me improve my muscles by getting use to wearing ther thing the majority of the time.

How dreadfully wrong I've been.

Ow... Hurts... So much.

On the bright side, what little there was to this catastrophe I've inflicted upon myself, yesterday I was finally introduced to the DJ pony herself. Saying very little - in fact saying nothing at all - Vinyl was still a pleasant mare to meet. She expressed her words through expressions, during the little times in-between bobbing her head up and down to whatever music was playing through her headphones. And it was quite humourous watching Bon Bon get frustrated trying to translate to the white mare, asking what kind of groceries she needed.

But that amusement quickly died out the moment I started helping carrying the food back to Vinyl's place.

Maybe I should just take the cloak off now... Twilight wouldn't protest to it at all, I imagine, even she would want my body to take a rest from wearing the magically-enhanced cape all day and night-

Speak of the mare...? "Twilight?"

Lo and behold, there stood the purple unicorn herself, turning to greet me with a bright smile. Yet even then I couldn't help but frown; shouldn't she be on the train to Canterlot still? She said so herself yesterday that she and the others wouldn't return until late evening today.

"Good morning Stardust." Twilight greeted, rather happily. "Did you sleep well?"

Well, it was nice of her to ask, but something still felt quite off about it. By the way I was walking, Twilight would point out right away that something wasn't right about me. Was she in too much of a good mood to notice, perhaps?

"I slept fine... thank you." My narrowed eyes refused to relax. "I thought you wouldn't be back until later this evening?"

"Oh, well, I forgot something, that's all." The mare shrugged casually, seemingly oblivious to the absurdity of her excuse. Forgot something? Did that warrant the unicorn to leave a train halfway to Canterlot by now? Noticing my look, Twilight grinned, "So, would you like some breakfast?"

My muzzle immediately answered to reject the offer, as I have the other numerous times Twilight offered to make me breakfast. Not that she was a bad cook, though Spike was more of an expert in that department, but I'm far too much of a gentleman to let her cook for me when I'm capable of doing so myself. Yet all that came out from my mouth was another pained groaned, my hoof instinctively rubbing the side of my aching body.

I should really go lie down, without the cape this time.

"Oh dear, you look hurt." No [BEEP], my dear- Wait. "Maybe you should take it easy. Not to worry, I'll take good care of you."

...Something wasn't right about that tone; it sounded almost... sinister. And this sensation, I've felt it before, the uneasy feeling as though a threat was very close by. The same feeling that crawled up my back since...

The rodeo.

Before I could politely decline the mare's offer of assistance, the front door suddenly burst open. And flying through, crashing on the floorboards in an unceremonious heap, was none other than our ditsy grey pegasus herself.

Quickly recovering from the crash, Derpy grinned in greeting. "Good morning Stardust! I was wondering if you wanted to hang out-" Then she noticed Twilight, who was looking both surprised and annoyed. "Oh hey Twilight! Shouldn't you be on the train to Canterlot? I didn't see you or the others return this morning."

Alright, that confirmed it.

"Who are you?" I immediately snapped at the mare who was seemingly Twilight.

In answer, the annoyed and nervous expression she displayed quickly shifted into a disdainful sneer, before a blinding green light enveloped her. My own look changed to shock... and horror.

No... Not here. Of all places.

Beside me, Derpy inhaled a large gasp at the black bug-like pony before us, glaring at us before immediately making a beeline towards the door. And the cape was too heavy for me to pursue the intruder.


The grey pegasus yelped in shock at the creature flying straight towards her, unintentionally causing it to crash right into her, the two rolling around the floor near the front door. Now was my chance! Without delay, ignoring the protesting aches of my ponified body, I caught up to the stunned intruder, grabbing it by the horn. Immediatley it protested with snarls of loathing, but the look on my face quickly shut its mouth.

Good job Derpy!

"You alright?" I asked the grey mare beside me, who had quickly recovered again, nodding swiftly.

"Uh-huh." Thank God. Derpy then pointed, both in curiosity and fear, at the creature I held. "What is that?"

"A Changeling." Said creature snarled at me for answering Derpy's question. "A minion of a power-hungry Queen, and shouldn't even be here."

Was I the cause of this? That Changeling at Canterlot claimed that their monarch wanted me out of the picture. Had they hunted me down here? If so, how many others were hiding in Ponyville? How many of the town's populace have I endangered by crossing Syphilis-?


The Changeling, taking advantage of my aching and internal questioning, kicked all four hoofs into my chest, reeling me back and forcing me to release it. Grinning triumphantly as Derpy grabbed my side to steady me, it wasted no time in retreating.

"Get back here!" To no avail. Outside we already saw the minion fly into the sky and fade away from our sight. "Dammit!" There was no holding back my frustration, slamming my front hoof into the innocent floorboards beneath me. This wasn't what I wanted first thing in the morning.

"Aw, cheer up Stardust." Derpy, ever the enthusiast, rubbed my side in comfort. Not helping, but I appreciated the gesture nonetheless. "If he comes back, we can catch him next time-"

"There won't BE a next time." No Changeling was welcome here. Not while I lived in this town.

"Huh? Where are you going?" The mare was quick to follow me outside, matching my brisk pace.

There was no beating around the bush. Even Derpy had to understand the seriousness of the situation. "There could be more among us. We need to find them before they harm any of Ponyville's residents."

"M-More of them?" My eyes glanced at the unnerved pegasus, Derpy shivering at the thought of more of those things invading our hometown.

...Did I just inwardly regard Ponyville as my home?

It was quiet.

Eerily quiet.

Not a pony in sight. As we walked through the town streets, Derpy and I failed to see any of the townsfolk. Was it early? No, it was eleven in the morning. If there's anything I've learnt about these ponies, it's that the majority of them are early birds. Lucky for them, and occasionally unfortunate for me, as Twilight sometimes literally drags me out of bed for the morning sessions.


The fact that Changeling disguised itself as her prompted even further questions and worry, the latter for the mare. Have these creatures been spying on me for a while? Did they know of Twilight's close relationship to Armor and Cadence? Were they planning to harm her in case they've failed to eliminate me?

The studious unicorn, along with the rest of my friends, were heading towards Canterlot this very moment. The same location that Queen was targeting. With hope, they'll manage to make it there and back safe and sound. After all, it was me that villain wanted, along with Armor and Cadence. I'll be damned before I endanger Twilight and the rest like that.

Though it already seems too late for that...

"Hello?! Anyone out here?!" Derpy proceeded to shout up, clearly hoping someone will answer. I noted the distress in her tone. As we turned a corner, the nervous pegasus tried again, "Anyone?! Are we playing hide-and-seek, because this is no time for that! If you are, we'll find you!"


"Derpy! Stardust!"

"Whooves!" The grey pegasus exclaimed at the sight of our approaching friend, clearly elated to see him. The brown stallion seemed happy to see her too, yet was taken aback by the fierce embrace the mare suddenly engulfed him in. "Thank goodness you're alright!"

It took a moment for the Earth Pony to return the gesture, hugging Derpy back. "I should be saying that about you..." The spectacle warranted my small smile. Charming. The two were clearly into one another. Brown eyes then focused on me, Whooves smiling, "And I'm glad to see you're unharmed as well."

"Ditto." I nodded, before gesturing to the entire empty streets. "But I'm more concerned with where everyone is."

Whooves nodded, as he and Derpy released one another, looking back at the relived pegasus with a grim expression. "We must get inside at once. It's dangerous out here."


"There are creatures roaming the town." The brown stallion explained rather hurriedly, looking ready to drag the mare to safety. Eyes darted around nervously. "They've forced everyone back into their homes. We need to find shelter before we cross them."

I could hazard a guess. "All black with bug-like eyes, can change their appearance to look like anyone we know?"

Whooves blinked in surprise, "You've seen them then?"

"More times than I've preferred to..."

"There was one disguised as Twilight at the Golden Oak Library." Derpy explained to her lover- friend, "We chased him out, though. And then left to make sure everypony's okay."

The stallion's eyes widened in concern, before placing a hoof on Derpy's shoulder after quickly inspecting the unfazed mare for injuries. "Well, I'm glad you're okay, all the same. I was worried you could've gotten yourself hurt, so I had to make sure."

The pegasus beamed. "Nope, not a scratch on me. You don't have to worry too much. Have I ever gotten myself hurt before?" Whooves let out a pained smile, and Derpy realized what she just said before grinning sheepishly, "Forget I said that."

...Yep, totally an item-

Triumphant-sounding snarls were heard from behind me. I froze, carefully looking over my shoulder, and then I felt the blood drain from my face.

"Oh dear Celestia..." Whooves muttered, fear lacing his normally composed tone. But to be fair, that was entirely justified.

Changelings. Changelings everywhere.

As the three backed up to one another, the group of minions surrounded us menacingly, eyes glinting and bare sharp teeth showing. This... This wasn't what I was prepared for first thing in the morning, a squadron of Changelings to greet me with clear contempt. It was clear why they were here, and I felt a shiver down my spine at the thought of my friends behind me getting hurt because of my own actions.

That said, I wasn't going to allow that to happen.

Swallowing this fear, my hooves stepped forward, narrowed eyes focused firmly on the Changeling's challenging own. "You made a grave mistake coming here, Changelings." I addressed the entire group, who didn't seem fazed at all by the threat. "I'll make sure your Queen at least partially recognizes you after I'm through with you."

It was Whooves who spoke up, rather than the minions. "Stardust, you're not actually thinking of taking them all on, are you?!" The stallion asked in frantic disbelief, and I felt a hoof behind me. "We're severely outnumbered, not to mention you don't look in the best of shape."

He must've noticed my rather limping state. And I refrained from glaring at the stallion for acknowledging my pained body, out-loud, to the entire crowd of Changelings. They responded with hungry grins.

Let them underestimate me. I slowly removed my weighted cape off, taking another step forward as the fabric made a rather noisy impact to the ground. Let them think they have the advantage-

"[BEEP]!" A wave of new pain coursed through my body, paralyzing all of my bones as I hissed at the new sensation. What the [BEEP]?! Where did this pain come from?! "Son of a [BEEP]!" The exclamation even startled the Changelings, who took a step back warily, before grinning in realization.


My limbs shook wildly, my body refused to obey me. Teeth grind and my eyes clenched shut at the new experience. Jesus Christ! Where was this new pain emerging from? The second I took a step forward after removing my cape-


It must've been holding itself in until I removed the heavy fabric off me, building up until the valve was turned. And now I'm suffering the consequences for wearing the damn thing all day and night, while I'm surrounded by [BEEP] Changelings!

Who were more than delighted to see me in this state, grinning gleefully at the full advantage presented to them. "Stardust!" Derpy yelled in distress. "What's wrong?!"

"Pain... Too much pain." I managed to answer, glaring with all the hate I could muster towards the smug creatures. "It's me you want... Leave them out of this."

"Stardust, no-!"

"Do with me as you please." If this was the end, then I won't allow anyone else to join me. Let the ponies live their lives peacefully without my constant intervention. It was my fault they're here to begin with, and now I must pay the consequences for my actions. With what little strength I could muster, I kept myself steady, head tall against the Changelings. "I'd rather die than allow you to hurt those I care about."

The creatures were more than eager to oblige, stepping forward dangerously, "Stardust..." I heard Derpy say rather quietly, as though disbelieving of the situation.

And while there was still time, as the Changelings looked as though they wanted to draw it out as long as possible. "Derpy... Doctor..." I began, closing my eyes in preparation. "You two and everyone else I've met have all been amazing friends... It was nice knowing you..."

"Please, don't harm him!" Whooves pleaded futility. "He's our friend! Don't do this!" As he said this, the blackness that coated my vision was lighting up in dark green, indicating the minions of Queen Mephiles were about to attack.

Cerys... Twilight... I'm sorry-

Yelps of surprise and pain cut me off what would've been my final thoughts. My eyes quickly opened at the noises as the Changelings reeled back, shock overtaking their sinister features. Stains of various fruit and vegetables were being thrown directly into their faces over me, forcing them to back off.


"Don't you dare harm our friends!"

"Thinking of hurting them? Not while we have anything to say about it!"

Wiping off the remains of the healthy food was futile, as more was hurtled right into their faces, decorating their disdainful features into art. It was clearly effective, as the minions slowly withdrew from the onslaught of your five-a-day.

That was then two familiar mares stood between me. "As our friend here once told us; true courage isn't about being brave." Bon Bon began.

"But being afraid and facing your fears anyway." Lyra finished evenly, both ponies looming more intense than I've ever seen them.

What the hell was going on? Yet as I looked back and forth, more recognizable ponies stood with them. Derpy, Whooves, Vinyl, and even Big Mac. The former two looked nervous yet determined anyway. The head-bobbing unicorn appeared calm and collected, while the red stallion glared rather fiercely at the unnerved Changelings.

"C'mon, let's show these clowns what happens when someone messes with our friends!" Bon Bon cried.

"Eeyup." ...Excellent contribution there, Big Mac. Yet the six ponies halted hesitantly as the group of Changelings immediately changed forms, reflecting their appearances flawlessly.

"Er, how do we...?" Lyra began uncertainly.

I sighed tiredly. "The ones that are sneering at you."

"Oh! Got it!"

And what followed had to be the most surreal and hilarious battle scene I've ever witnessed. The six ponies made certain to keep the Changelings away from me, giving me time to recover. Hopefully it'll be sooner than later, as I was rather itching for a fight myself now, the ancestral legacy calling for battle.

Lyra and Bon Bon worked off one another flawlessly, synchronizing their attacks as though they were one being. The cream Earth Pony back-hoofed any Changeling charging at the unicorn while Lyra magically hurled all nearby objects towards towards those aiming at Bon Bon, both standing back-to-back and uniting their attacks occasionally. With each successful hit the two smiled and winked at one another, efficiently dealing with their group of enemies as though they were child's play.

...I ship it.

Derpy, meanwhile, was being her usual clumsy self, even in battle. But that was working for her instead of the opposite; the frustrated Changelings kept on crashing into one another with objects landing on top of them by the pegasus's lack of stability. The grey mare knew she was just being a huge inconvenience towards her foes, and was reveling in it. Even to the point of a large barrel dropping on six Changeling's heads after the mare caused them to fly into one another.


Whooves was... Well just being himself. As in mindlessly rambling on about many of his scientific research and theories. And, surprise surprise, it was working! His opponents was letting out moans of pain, clutching their heads as the stallion wouldn't stop talking. A smirk crossed my features.

Clearly inspired off the Doctor.

Vinyl was preoccupied listening to her music... and dancing. Dancing in a way that was fighting off the Changelings in an impressive manner. The blue-haired DJ-glasses-wearing unicorn effectively dodged, swerved around and even tripped her assaulting foes without breaking a beat, posing here and there in her own smug victory.

Defeated by music. They'd give the Sirens a run for their money.

Finally, Big Macintosh was busy being a tank; literally pile-driving through his opponents. There was no stopping him, the large red stallion either rammed into the yelping minions or swatted them away like flies. Both invisible brows of mine raised to considerable heights at the effortless work he was doing. I suppose working in a farm since birth would of course make someone like him frightfully strong.

The battle lasted for over five minutes, before the Changelings regrouped. As for the six ponies, they looked quite exhausted themselves. Can't fault them; they weren't fighters, despite their best efforts. Though to their credit, the invading Changelings didn't look so fresh themselves. Both sides were breathing heavily, save for Vinyl, who continued bobbing her head up and down while smiling at her quarry.

A group of over twenty minions against seven ponies, the Changelings glanced at one another, as though silently communicating. My recovering body, the aching slowly fading minute by minute, tensed as the group of minions suddenly grinned, standing in line of one another.

"Get ready, they're going to try something!" No [BEEP] Whooves. Around me the four mares and two stallions prepared themselves, ready for whatever their foes were going to try next.

No... No, I won't allow them to get hurt because of me.

As one by one the black horns lit up menacingly, I grit my teeth, forcing my hoofs to step forward again.

Ow... Ow... Ow...

It took a second too late for my friend to notice what I was doing. "Stardust, no-!"

The combined energy blast fired, and I brought my two forward limbs up in defense, taking in the full front of the assault. A large green light enveloped my field and vision, and my eyes squinted at the blinding light, feeling my body being pushed back at the force of the blast, the recovering aches returning with tremendous pain.



I won't give up! I won't give in!

I. Will. Not. Submit!

With all the strength I could possibly muster, my limbs pushed forward, breaking apart the magical blast into green nothingness. And I wasn't stopping there. As the smoke cleared, I was greeted by shocked and slightly terrified looking Changelings, bug eyes widened as they began stepping away in retreat.

When I've only just begun? Not likely.

Stretching my two arms as wide as possible, hoping this counterattack will work, I matched their sneer with a raised forceful voice, "Get out of my town!"

Concluded by clapping my two hoofs as hard as possible.

For a moment, nothing happened. Yet the deathly silence was immediately broken as the shockwave released from my hoofs, impacting into the yelling Changelings. The strong forced current swept up the minions of the Queen without effort. I couldn't quite believe my eyes, as the strong wind created by my own two hands - or hoofs, whichever - swept away the protesting Changelings into the air, and as far from Ponyville as possible. It wasn't until they faded away completely from distance that I finally put my own hoofs down to rest.

"Always wanted to do that..."

And I did it. I actually, did it! If there was enough energy for me to fist the air in victory, I would do so. But right now, I was extremely exhausted.

Yet before my body could collapse from the exerted power, two ponies quickly rushed to my side, helping me maintain my balance. "Easy there." Whooves said in a comforting manner. Yet as I met both his and Big Mac's eyes, I saw nothing but shock and awe towards me. "You've been keeping secrets from us, my friend."

"Eeyup." The red stallion agreed.

Before I could respond, my vision was then greeted by Lyra and Derpy. "That was awesome!" The lime unicorn exclaimed with wonder, beaming at me though those golden eyes reflected clear curiosity and awe.

"How did you do that?" Derpy inquired, barely containing her own excitement. "I've never seen a pony do any of those things before. Are you some kind of prodigy?"

Any kind of explanation I could get was again interrupted, this time by Bon Bon. "Impressive as that was, you've missed one, Stardust."

Turning to her, we all spotted the lone Changeling nearby, clearly dazed and vainly trying to stand out of the food stand. The cream Earth Pony stared down the minion, making sure it stays still.


"Whoa there! Don't overexert yourself." Too late for that, Doctor. Pushing myself gently off the two stallion's support, my dizzy hooves moved towards the trapped Changeling. And, ignoring its sneer, my front hoof reached out and grabbed the thing by the neck.

"Stardust-" I glanced at Bon Bon before she could continue. She hesitated, before allowing me to proceed.

My eyes stared into the Changeling's own, gaining its complete and undivided attention. "I have a message for your Queen." I began quietly, my venomous tone rising with every sentence. "I know what she's planning, and it will not succeed. I will stop her, and I will protect everyone I care about from her. I'm giving her one chance; stay away from the wedding, or else I won't be so merciful. Tell her she's incurred the wrath of the Twilight Warrior, and will pay severely if she doesn't do as I say. I am Stardust Balance... and I look after my friends."

Concluding with shoving the minion on the floor, I inclined to the air, "Now get out of my sight." The Changeling wasted no time in obliging, wings fluttering with as much speed as they could muster, retreating into the cloudy blue sky above.

If Whatever-The-[BEEP]-Her-Name-Was has any common sense, she'll heed my warning and stay away from Cadence and Armor's wedding.

Feeling multiple eyes on me, I looked back to face my audience, opening my muzzle before I noticed exactly how big a crowd I've gathered.

The entirety of Ponyville. All staring at me, as though I was something they've never seen before. Silence took over the air, as I found myself unable to speak with all this attention focused on me.


Thankfully, that tensions was broken by none other than Derpy herself. The grey pegasus began clapping slowly, and then wildly, as though she watched the most entertaining spectacle in her life. Copying her actions was Whooves, beaming at me along with the mare. Then Bon Bon and Lyra. Then Big Mac. Then Vinyl. Followed by the Cakes who were with the crowd.

Pretty soon, I found myself, along with the others, being applauded by all of Ponyville.

"So, the 'Twilight Warrior', huh?"

After the morning battle against the invading species, we were pulled through the cheering crowd back to Sugarcube Corner, where the owners quickly steered everyone else out to give us time to rest from our ordeal. Needless to say, I was more than grateful. The two ponies tended to any of our injuries, which were very little, save for the bruises hiding beneath my back due to wearing the cape for so long. Derpy wasted no time in getting her favourite muffins, and I simply requested a bottle of soda.

Soda always helps.

"Yes well..." I began with a polite cough, doing my bets to ignore the observing audience outside through the windows. "It's something I always wanted to call myself for a very long time."

And in that situation it felt... right.

"I like it." Bon Bon complimented, nodding in approval.

"Me too!" Lyra.

"Me three!" Derpy.

"Eeyup." Didn't need to say who said that then.

Whooves smiled thinly, sipping his own drink of tea. "It was quite an ordeal, I have to say. Never have I ever put myself in danger like that in my life."

"What about the time we went exploring through the Everfree Forest?"

The stallion almost choked at Derpy's innocent question, avoiding our curious glances, "Yes well, the less said about that little adventure the better I think, Derpy..."

"Looks like I'm not the only one keeping secrets." I commented lightly, the six of us, save for Vinyl, chuckling at poor Whooves's expense. "But, I'll be honest, seeing you all fight like that was impressive, and completely unexpected. To say I was taken by surprise would be an understatement."

"We could say the same thing about you, Stardust." Bon Bon replied casually, regarding me curiously.

"Indeed." Whooves concurred, relieved the subject about him was removed. "Never have I witnessed a pony not only block a powerful combined spell, and create a shockwave powerful enough to blow away a group of ponies like that. How was that achieved?"

Hah. After everything we went through today, they most likely deserved to know the truth. Gulping my drink of fresh cool soda, I responded first with a shrug, "Well, it's not something I understand completely just yet, but apparently this power of mine stems from balance itself."

The ponies blinked at the confession. "Balance?" Lyra echoed.

I nodded, proceeding to tell more before Mrs Cupcake opened the door to the store, prompting us to see the new visitor. Really, I should've seen this coming, yet I was taken aback regardless by the arrival of the Mayor of Ponyville herself. The aged Earth Pony immediately spotted us, walking towards our table while Mrs Cupcake closed the door before the crowd could follow the Mayor in.

"Mayor!" Bon Bon said in surprise, before nodding politely. "Good morning."

The light brown mare nodded back, addressing all of us as she spoke, "It seems Twilight Sparkle and her friends aren't the only ones capable of showing bravery in the face of danger." There was pride in her tone, "In their absence, you seven have fought valiantly against those monstrous invaders, defending our dear citizens without fear. On behalf of Ponyville, you have our gratitude."

An air of modesty elapsed the table. "Aw shucks, it was nothing." Derpy said while beaming, clearly adoring the praise by the Mayor of her hometown.

"I am inclined to disagree." The Mayor - does she even have a proper name, or was she just a Time Lady in disguise? - smiled humouredly. "There will be a ceremony at Town Hall this afternoon, to reward you for your courage and protecting the fair residents of Ponyville. I trust you will all attend?"

The others looked at one another gleefully. "Are you kidding? Count me in!" Lyra said happily, while the others nodded.

Save for I. "A tempting offer, Mayor, but one I must decline."

Multiple shocked eyes rested on me. "What? But why not?!" Derpy exclaimed, as though getting a reward from Town Hall was the greatest achievement anyone could receive.

"Because I don't deserve it." That was the simple truth of the matter. As they frowned in confusion, I clarified, unable to contain the shame in my voice. "It was me those Changelings were after, and by pursuing me I put all of you in danger. It's my fault they were even here to begin with, and I accept full responsibility for it."

Yes, it was all my fault. Not one shred of doubt about that. Because of me, those Changelings invaded Ponyville, targeting me and potentially my friends. It was my actions that gained their Queen's attention, and my friends almost suffered because of it.

Some friend I am...

"Stardust..." Bon Bon began, prompting me to meet her blue forgiving gaze, "Whether you are the one to blame or not, no longer matters. We've stopped those creatures before they could hurt anyone. And you were the one who cleared them away for good. The fact remains, we, as friends, look out for one another. Either if they were targeting you alone, did you think we were just going to let them hurt you?"

"Well no but-"

"Bon's right!" Lyra spoke up next, determination in her tone, "We've always got your back, no matter what, Stardust! Just as we know you've got ours! Right guys?"

"That's right!"

"Oh I agree, yes."


"Ya see?" Lyra continued after everyone said or expressed their agreements, "So what if they were after you and you alone? We'd help you out without question!"

...These ponies... I swear...

"Thank you, my friends." They smiled at my sincere gratitude, and I couldn't resist smiling back at their loyalty and friendship. "Though while I still blame myself for all this happening in the first place, I am forever grateful that I can rely on all of you without fault."

Lyra winked, "What are friends for?"

I remained adamant about accepting no reward for saving the town along with my friends. But I was there to observe as they humbly accepted their gifts by the Mayor in front of the cheering crowd. Basically trophies of courage. Eh, I had no use for a trophy anyway. But the Mayor insisted I at least be rewarded for helping Ponyville somehow, so resorted in, giving me the peace I needed all day.

Thus spending the entire day relaxing on my favourite hill, reading a fictional book which I randomly picked out from the library. Now I currently lied down observing the yellow sky as the sun began setting on this eventful day. The Mayor requested of her people that I not be disturbed until tomorrow, giving me ample time to rest after today's exhausting battle.

Funny how this all happened while the Mane Six had departed to Canterlot. Coincidence? Were the Changelings aware of their capabilities, and waited until they left before striking? It seemed plausible.

Closing my eyes, a sigh escaped me. When will it end? With the wedding I hope. I don't think the Changelings have even been this much of a threat during the show. From what I understand, they only appeared in the season two finale. That's it.

And if I couldn't return home by then, that means the next threat will be...

Well, I'm in no hurry then. He always was my favourite villain of MLP-

Hm? The light my eyelids protected me from was blocked. A cloud?

Opening them, the last thing I expected to see was Twilight's amused expression, purple eyes sparkling with that warmness I hadn't realized I missed until now.

"Exhausting day?" The unicorn inquired humouredly, stepping back to allow me to sit upwards.

"You could say that." I replied evenly, stretching my tired limbs. Beside me was the cape I refused to adorn for the rest of the day, not after that morning.

"Well I did warn you wearing magically weighted clothing will tire you out than usual."

If only you knew the truth of things, my dear. "Yes you did." Followed by a groan as my back expressed pain again.

"Are you alright?" I heard a concerned Twilight ask from behind.

"My back's bruised a little, nothing to worry about." Yet knowing Twilight, she won't take it lying down.

And my presumption was flawlessly correct. "Let me see." I didn't bother protesting this time, after today's event; seeing Twilight again was enough to improve my mood.


"Keep still." The unicorn demanded lightly, as I felt a warm hoof brush the back of my fur, followed by something incredibly cold touching the pained areas. An icepack, I assume. "Typical, I leave for a full day and night and already you injure yourself. Though I'm as much to blame here too..."

"Don't believe that, Twilight." I said in-between the stings. "This - Ump! - It was my choice to wear the thing all night."

A pause, my eyes widened as I realized my folly, before disapproval and disbelief leaked from Twilight's voice. "Seriously, Jack? Are you trying to make me worry?"

"Not intentionally..."

I could imagine the mare behind me shaking her head, "What am I going to do with you...?"

"Pat me on the back for my efforts?"

"If only that were possible in your state."

I chuckled softly, "I've missed you, Twilight."

Another pause, before the stinging icepack touched my back again. "I've only been gone for a full day, Jack..."

Instead of responding to that, I realized now probably wasn't the time to inform the mare of today's events. Nah, I'll leave that for tomorrow... if I remember to do so. "How was the trip?"

At the abrupt change of subject, Twilight replied without hesitation, "Oh, it was... quite eventful."

I shuddered at the freezing pack of ice cubes pressing against my furry backside. "That sounds intriguing."

And the mare indulged the conversation further, describing the events that traversed on the train all the way to Canterlot. How the Cakes entry... well, cake, was partially eaten in the middle of the night, and it was up to Inspector Pie and Sherlock Sparkle to solve the case. And during the day the investigation worsened when the other baked entries were eaten off as well. In the end, the first case was solved by Twilight - shocking - revealing that Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Fluttershy ate part of the large cake each.

As for the other entries? Inspector Pie cracked that case wide open; turns out, the other contestants devoured one another's food entries. So with what little pieces of the baked goods they had left, they combined their food together. And when they got to the contest...

"We came in second." Twilight concluded, not sounding the least bit bitter about it. "But we managed to still make the combined work delectable, all the same. The Cakes were happy that many loved their work, and forgave our friends for failing to restrain their hunger."

Really now...?

"Sorry to hear about the cake..." Thank God she was too preoccupied to notice the rising smile on my muzzle.

"There's nothing to be sorry for. Besides, Pinkie ate the whole thing before the judges could try a piece." Twilight responded, probably shrugged. "There's always next year, at least."

Yeah, sure... "So, who did win then?"

"Hmm, actually, I'm not sure. We never saw the victor, but apparently his entry was the 'food of legend,' according to the judge when he tasted it."

"Not a name was given?"

"None at all, the baker wanted to remain anonymous. so he sent a friend over to accept the prize in his stead."

Is that so? My smile was fully evolving into an evil grin, as my eyes spotted the small figure of the dragon walking up the hill. "So, riddle me this Sherlock; what other bakers do you know in Ponyville?"

Twilight paused, again, before I felt another sting against my back. "Hm, well aside from the Cakes, there's Pinkie, Granny Smith, you-"

"And have you seen Spike all day?"

"No, I remember him saying the day before that he had business to attend to at Canterlot, top secret by Princess Celestia herself. Why do you ask-? ...Wait a minute."

"Hmhmhmhmhmhm..." Now I was chuckling evilly, as the gears started turning in the smart mare's head.

"...You didn't."

Oh yes I did!

"What place, Spike?" I asked the approaching lizard by way of greeting.

"First place, Stardust." Spike responded when he reached us, holding up the almost empty plate with a blue ribbon attached to it. "The judges loved it, even Princess Celestia."

Of course they did.

"Well done Spike, have the last piece as reward for your efforts." The dragon saluted happily, before the devouring the final piece of the cake.

As I nodded proudly, Twilight spoke up in disbelief, "I can't believe you, Jack..." Fully inciting my laughter. "You entered the contest without my knowledge?"

"Hahahaha! Planned it the moment you first mentioned it." I gestured to the burping lizard. "Asked Spike to deliver my entry the day before, to surprise you all."

"Well, what did you bake?"

"A fruit-brownie."

"A... what?"

"Combination of two of my favourite baked treats." I love brownies, and I love fruitcake. Throw that [BEEP] together, add in some delicate chocolate sauce, and we have gold! "I thought 'why not?' And decided to make something myself for the contest."

"Even though the Cakes were hoping to enter first place themselves?"

"To be fair, Twilight, it is a competition. You can't expect to win off the bat." I shrugged, the grin remaining on my muzzle. Now I felt much better after today's occurrence. "Plus, I think it's rather a testament as to how successful my baking is."

"...I'm not sure whether to be ashamed or proud of you." Why not both? The mare obviously shook her head from behind me, and I felt another sting on my back. Gah! "Congratulations though, for winning first place."

At least she sounded sincere.

Then today's earlier events popped up in my mind. "So... nothing went wrong then, at the contest?"

"Aside from the dilemma on the train, none. Why?"

Oh thank goodness. "Just checking." And while we're on the subject. "Here, Spike." The full dragon slowly acknowledged me, patting his stomach in satisfaction. While I'm glad he enjoyed it, there were more pressing matters. Picking up the rolled-up scroll lying on my cape beside me, I passed the parchment to the curious lizard. "Send this to Celestia, ASAP."

"Princess Celestia, Jack..."

"We're not in the library right now, Twilight, I'm obligated to address her as I please." The sting felt worse, the cloth pushing harder into my bruise. "Goddamn... Fair play Twilight."

In the midst of our argument, Spike sent the letter... And just two minutes after nothing but silence, the infant dragon burped out a new parchment, and I quickly snatched it before the surprised Spike could possibly read it. Swiftly unrolling it, I read the contents.


It is imperative you depart for Canterlot first thing tomorrow. This recent attack you've informed me about has escalated matters. If four friends are potentially endangered, then the situation is more worse than I've imagined.

There will be additional protection for the upcoming royal event, but I've made it clear you are not to be suspected. It appears you have a much larger role in this than I've considered earlier. I hope you understand the seriousness of the situation, and leave for Canterlot immediately in the following morning.

Mark my words, the Changelings will be stopped before they can damage the wedding. I will ensure Twilight and the others will be protected in your absence.

With warmest regards,

- Princess Celestia.

...Well, seems I can't catch a break just yet.


Gah! Forgot Twilight was right behind me. I quickly folded up the letter before the curious unicorn could read more over my shoulder. But that didn't stop her from walking around to face me, staring at me with a raised skeptic invisible brow.

"Is there something you want to tell me?" Twilight asked rather rhetorically.

"Not really."

"Oh, because what the Princess wrote to you seemed awfully concerning." The mare pointed out with a tinge of dryness.

"And it will be resolved in no time, trust me." I said reassuringly, yet that didn't seem to soften Twilight's expression in the least. I sighed, "It;s nothing you need to worry about-"

"'I will ensure Twilight and the others will be protected in your absence'." The intelligent unicorn paraphrased. "That's clearly something to be worried about. Jack, what is going on?"

...I was afraid of this. Now Twilight was most likely going to get herself involved, insisting she accompanies me to Canterlot so we can deal with this menace together. Well to that I say 'Hell no'. Not that I didn't have faith in the mare, but I'd rather she remained blissfully ignorant altogether, and enjoy her brother's wedding without anything, or anyone, ruining it.

"Jack, if you and our friends are in danger, you need to be honest."

But that seems quite too late now.

Her eyes were both serious and pleading, as if begging me to trust her... God dammit. "It's... something I've been dealing with for a long time." I confessed, and Twilight nodded for me to continue, both she and Spike attentive, "There's a threat looming over Canterlot- perhaps all of Equestria - and I've seemed to have gained its attention. Three times it's been after me now."

"Why didn't you tell us?" Twilight inquired, sounding a little hurt and concerned by the truth, "We could've helped you-"

"Because it's my fault this menace is targeting me, and by extension my friends. I'll be damned before I allow any of my friends to get caught up in the middle because of it."

"Even so, if this threat is so serious, we can help!"

"You have your own studies to focus on, Twilight-"

"My studies can be set aside until my friends are safe." Twilight retorted hotly, eyes burning with a intensity that made my own spine shiver. "Whatever it is you're facing, we can - and will - face it together." Spike nodded in agreement, face expressing firm determination just like Twilight's.

But still, I wasn't losing this debate easily. "Not this time, Twilight. This threat I must face and defeat alone." For the sake of keeping my promise, and protecting those I care about, I will face that fiend by myself. As the mare opened her mouth to argue back, I cut her off quickly, "Do you trust me, Twilight?"

"I- Of course." She nodded sincerely, taken aback by the question.

"Then would you keep this promise; do not interfere, no matter what happens?"


"Promise me, Twilight."

Our stares were even, neither giving above ground. Twilight was persistent in helping her friends, just as I was adamant in dealing with situations I'm partially responsible for alone. Crysa-Something invaded my hometown by sending her minions, which means enough is enough. I won't let that happen again.

And I won't let anyone stop me otherwise. Not even Twilight.

Eventually, one of us gave in. And thankfully, it wasn't I. Twilight sighed, glaring at the ground heatedly. "You can be so damn frustrating sometimes, Jack..."

...Did Twilight Sparkle just say 'damn'?

Yet her dark purple eyes again locked with my blue-green orbs, with that same determination despite her reluctance. "I'll indulge you, this one time. But if you're biting off more than you can chew, then we're helping you."

"Okay then-"

"And if we don't hear from you in the next few days, we're coming after you."


"No arguments."

...I sighed. Fair enough, as long as Twilight promises to not interfere until absolutely required.

"But please." Her tone softened. "Be safe."

"Knowing me, it's unlikely." At her glare, I smiled slightly. "I'll try my best, okay?" When Twilight nodded slowly, I began to stand on my four hoofs again, before being engulfed in a firm embrace by the unicorn herself.

"Sometimes I hate you for making worry like this..."

Hearing that uncertain tone incited me to return the hug, my voice whispering in a comforting voice, "I'll be fine, Twilight, I won't let her win..."

No question about it, tomorrow is the day. The wedding approaches rapidly, I can feel it. And that Queen will be stopped before her plans come to fruition. If not by me, then by Twilight anyway. But while I have the opportunity.

This is the final confrontation. And I will win.

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