• Published 2nd Feb 2015
  • 18,955 Views, 1,952 Comments

A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 176: Midnight to Dawn




A left here. A right there. A jump over some fallen stone and a swerve between two flat boulders. The thrill of being chased and the apprehension of getting caused fulfilling my being with adrenaline. The back of my gown whipping against the stone I rushed through and by, ears picking up on the hollow winds and the flapping, barely discreet noises of my pursuers from behind.

Wouldn't have even noting I was being followed had Starswirl not warned me.




Slide over another rectangular rock, skidding across pebbles, stomping across small puddles and nose sniffling with the wind picking at my eyes behind the glasses. Faint echos of the clouds above the close forests forewarning a storm was on the horizon, growing in power and threatening to consume the grey skies.

May thy thunder strike thee mother[BEEP]ers on their wings and sent them hurdling to the hollow stone grounds below.

So, who were my pursuers, precisely? Wonderbolts? Nah barely managed to avoid another patrol of theirs scouring the skies yesterday.

Royal pegasi guards? Tch! They couldn't catch a two-legged Timberwolf burdened with a whole tree on its back.

Dragons? Nah, had enough of those chasing after me for a lifetime already. Hopefully, at least for now, Garble and his minions learnt their lesson to reconsider 'hunting' me down yet again. So whom, exactly, where the flying creatures going after my state... And possibly life- Oops! Almost tripped there.




Shadows flying above me, eclipsed by the yellow sun peeking through grey clouds. The opponents flew overhead against their prey and decided to make a dramatic gestures then, positioning themselves towards the canyons which surrounded this rocky valley.

And took their places amongst the small stone towers, sharp talons gripped against and caused cracks within the structures, prompting my brief pause and, admittedly needed, opportunity for breath. Proud, mighty four-legged species with bird-like claws and brown and white feathers. Their appearances and features all too familiar, carrying the air of cocky arrogance and the pride carried on from the glory days of their ancestors.

Griffons... And I counted about four of them, in the least.

More sounds of dramatic landing incited my head to whip around behind and upwards. Alright, make that six of them.

But something else, too. Unlike their kind back at Griffonstone, these [BEEP]ers were equipped in some kind of gear, strapped around their chest and limbs. Their scowls and puffed gestures anything but friendly. My hand produced the screwdriver from my pocket, having already sent Nightshade to hide while I let them focus and chase after me and me alone just a few minutes ago.

"Guessing Zenith didn't send you clowns." I offered a tight smile, my expression anything but genuine warmth.

One griffon - Wearing an eyepatch because how else would one discern the rough leader? - flared through his beak nostrils, his chest hair and eyes a darker brown than his followers. "You'd be right." My new friend responded with dark intent, leering down on me like a bird to a mice. "And we're being paid handsomely to bring you in unharmed or... Well, either works for our employer. Just to be certain you're still intact enough to be brought before him."

Oh, Zagreus wanted me alive for a change? "How charitable of him." I countered lightly, corner of my vision spotting the other griffon members leaning down in preparation. Mercenaries, of course. "Shame I can't oblige to your employer's wishes. Perhaps another day gentleman."

"Oh, we insist!" A rough female voice karked out with malicious hunger, greed dancing in those beady eyes. "He's waited so long to see you again. You do, after all, have much to answer for in his name."

'So long?' But I just met Zagreus last week; we practically had a lethal jousting match with a horde of Diamond Dogs getting involved. Took two days to patch up my clothes in the aftermath. But the longer I stayed to ask for clarification, the more time I was giving these assailants the opportunity to attack. With one cocky smile, I immediately bolted before they could pounce.

The griffons retaliated, though, through soaring through the air yet again by the sounds behind my fleeing state. No matter, all I needed to do was find some place to conceal myself; maybe a small crevice or cave they couldn't fit through and sink further into the darkness, hiding or getting so lost in blackness they'd never catch up, hopefully spotting an exit on the other side. Was a long shot, but these valleys suggested there were such things lying about- Whoops, sorry cockroach! Almost stepped on that!

Apologizing for stepping on an insect. What had Fluttershy made of me-?


...Alright, works too!

MASSIVE clearing from the edge of this pathway, leading down to a massive ocean below in a semi-circle of many other open cliffways leading to a considerably fatal demise below. Grinning in wary disbelief and running a hand through greasy unkempt hair, I whirled back at the sound of griffons laughing and dark cackling from behind, prompting me to turn with slow panting.

"Poor little monkey." Little monkey? There's a novelty. The sad thing was, he wasn't completely inaccurate. "Nowhere else to won. Only to fall."

"Why not?" The female member of the group deadly approaching like hungry hyenas baring uncleaned teeth. "Make things more interesting for the hunt? Unless the little monkey is afraid of some little water?" That last statement made in a condescending baby tone. Charming.

My lips curled to annoyance... Before a wide smile of mockery, prompting the group to pause very briefly. Big mistake [BEEP]holes. And with two gestures from my hands considered the highest art of finger profanity back in my homeland, I leaped backwards and felt the wind rushed through my hair, vision shifting around from rock to water to skies to the whipping side of my blue gown, gravity not on my side.

Flying free~! Defying gravity~!

Starswirl, quick, knock me out! It'll be less frightening to see water looming closer this way-!

"I was a little worried, you know..." Twilight whispered a moment later, pulling back slightly to meet my gaze softly. "A part of me thought you were on another hunt for Zagreus, and intended to find him without us." Without me...

My tone was tender reassurance. "I learned my lesson long ago, love."

A tiny smile. "When do you ever learn anything, Jack...?"

"Well..." I started in quiet playfulness, twirling the Princess around again. "I've learnt the importance of friendship again." And back to my arms. "I've learnt how to love again." Our noses brushed one another, my voice lowering in sweet bliss. "And I've learnt what it means to hope again... All thanks to a stubborn, Goddess Princess and her amazing friends."

Pink cheeks again, but Twilight beamed lightly. "Once more, you exaggerate. I'm hardly flawless, Jack..."

"No." I agreed, smirking faintly. "But it's your flaws which makes you perfect. And I wouldn't have it any other way..."




Huh wuzzit-?!

Something loud and obnoxious startled me from my pleasant sleep, looking around wildly in panic and anxiety before recognizing the thunderous noise as that of... Well thunder. Damn... Wait!

Checking myself, if memory served... Hmm, not wet. No marks of sharp talons dug into clothes or skin either, thankfully. Glasses were still on, so they never fell off. No rough landing to mark my posterior and leave a bruise after carefully shifting my sat position. No signs of bruising anywhere, checking. Surroundings suggest a cave with heavy rain pouring and lightning flashing with beautiful thunderous sounds to my right about fifteen feet away.

So I was fine, and escaped just fine... Damn, and I was having such a good dream too. That rooftop moment with Twilight... Arguably perhaps the best romantic gesture I ever gave to her. Now, it was unfair to even compare moments together at all, as each and every one were sacred and wonderful, and I wouldn't trade a single second of them all for the world... Bickering and heated topics included. They say passionate arguments are the signs of a perfect, healthy working relationship.

If that's true... Well, Twilight and I are maybe the pinnacle representation of this 'ideal' romance all should strive for... You know, before I ran away and left her terribly heartbroken-


Okay, chest pains! Wasn't expecting that- Ow and growing worse...!

[BEEP]! Another stab from imbalance-!

Keep still and breathe, Jack. It'll pass in a moment.

Taking the advice, my accurate teacher predicted it as the pain slowly faded away, a hand on my chest and allowing myself to inhale and exhale steadily. From the other side, Nightshade nestled comfortably upon a next of rocks, sleeping and oblivious to my own physical episode. Hell, the storm outside didn't seem to be fazing him even with the constant flashes of lightning and roaring thunder.

Kinda wished the imbalance killing me could just hurry up and kill me already instead of all this 'teasing-' Okay that wasn't fair. Starswirl was doing his absolute damnest to keep me alive and breathing... And I appreciated every minute of it. Honestly the sight of Nightshade cheered me up, knowing then he was okay and the griffon hunters didn't catch him. Small miracles after all...



Now, Starswirl might as well be near omnipotent from beyond the grave... But I don't think the old unicorn was capable of tending to physical wounds too. He never did so before... So why these bandages around my hands?

Yeah, I cut my hands while passing a sharp edge of rock whilst fleeing from the bandits, barely acknowledging the wounds in favour of adrenaline and running to safety.. I never recalled taking care of them myself, I was too busy running for my life and mentally insulting their mothers. So what... Or who was responsible for this...?

Slowly standing up, the save was large enough so I couldn't bang my head against the sharp ceiling, I idly glanced around in wariness and curiosity before calling out faintly, "Hello?" Not wanting to disturb Nightshade from his well-deserved slumber. "Is anyone there...?" I'd at least like to thank whoever was responsible for tending my injuries, however small they were.

They stung a little, but still. It was as much a mystery as when my ankle was suddenly wrapped in bandages and properly tended while I was unconscious beneath Mount Everhoof.

Funny you reference that...

Oh ho. Coincidence? I think NOT.

That mean I had a mysterious stalker following my every move, or maybe I was just lucky? ...Or maybe Starswirl was being a secretive old prune and can do more than he lets on towards the physical realm. Either all, I shan't complain.

In light of calling your teacher an 'old prune-'

Anyway, what lovely weather outside! Weather others would typically scoff and steer away from, but I welcomed with open loving arms.

Rain! Who doesn't love good rain! Heaps of it! A solemn atmosphere which radiated hidden beauty and the gift of bringing life.

And it was calling to me!

Removing my dressing gown and showing off the blue shirt and jeans beneath, I placed it towards Nightshade so he may use it in case he woke up for a moment, and smiled with hands on hips approvingly. To the rain I go; not passing up this chance!

Don't stray outside for too long. In addition to the stormy winds and fatal lightning, the water may cause your bandages to slip off and induce sickness... Never mind...

Sorry Starswirl! Couldn't hear you over my sick rain dance moves and how much I was enjoying myself! Performing a small, ritualistic-like rhythm of movements with arms, legs and head, feeling the harsh raindrops pelt against my dark hair and cold skin.

Yeah, loving it!

There's just something... Wondrous about dancing underneath the rain. Raising your head upwards with closed eyes, feeling the neverending droplets of life clean and trace down your face, tightening the bonds between your clothing and bare skin. Yeah yeah pretentious as [BEEP], but I just loved making something out of it. I was making dance moves slow, methodical and meaningful, putting every thought and precision from the smallest joint of my shoulder to the spin of my fingers. Maybe I should've gone shirtless... Well, that wasn't entirely too late.

Hah, reminding me of a moment one day during a neat thunderstorm courtesy of the pegasi in Ponyville.

"Twilight... What exactly is your special somepony doing?" Starlight had inquired in befuddled humour, her, the Princess and Spike present as audience to the golden Earth Pony back then focusing on his movements and precision, rain drenching and soaking his fur and mane without a care in the world.

"That, my good student, would be his compulsion to dance under the rain every time the weather turns this way." Twilight replied with a wry smile, the three observants safe beneath the entrance doorway of the castle to be pelted from the harrowing raindrops themselves. "And I must say, Jack certainly has been practicing ahead."

"Ever since Rainbow Dash announced what weather would arrive tonight, he's been looking forward to it." Spike had snickered, smirking at the sight alongside Starlight. After the gold stallion performed a neat and precise dance trick, the youthful dragon proceeded to blink and then clap in impressed awe. "Encore! Encore Dad!"

"Don't encourage him too much Spike. Lingering out there for too long will make him sick... Again." Twilight sighed with intended exasperation, but unable to stop the small fond smile rising on her purple muzzle as she watched with them. "Still... It's always nice to see him take some enjoyment out of such dreary weather. Seems the rain just likes calling to Jack."

Hmph... Heh, if anyone but those three had been watching me then, if they would've now, I might as well look like a complete tosser.

But what else was new?

Now, a rain shower was fine. But know what was even better? Returning to a campfire within the cave... Which I never started.

Hm... Starswirl?

Not my doing.

Thought so, and Nightshade was clearly still resting, though remaining on the spot the blue dressing gown was now wrapped up around the content owl. Seems my mysterious saviour was making an effort to keep us warm and comfortable, whomever he or she was.

Discord? Nah he'd leave a calling card involving some means of chaos. Next thing I know the campfire will explode with literal fireworks all all over the damp cave. I could draw up a list of candidates, but why speculate further?

She was right there. Hiding in the darkness save for the glowing violet eyes, acting as though I was completely oblivious to those entrancing sparkling orbs. Which were awfully too familiar...

So... We're playing this game now, were we...?

Shrugging with a coy smile, I decided to indulge my now hidden companion, for the moment, sitting down by the fire and removing my shirt. The fire was warm enough to contrast the coldness, and if I stayed near it enough. I laid out the shirt neatly on the jagged ground, dusting away some pebbles to help, right beside the campfire.

From the corner of my vision, the purple eyes remained unmoving, though they were narrowed then. Fair enough. The pants would remain on; not getting that naked for my guest, especially if it was who I thought it was...

My stomach cut off all thoughts with a growl, and I instinctively patted the belly. No muscle; all training in balance went to my pony body than my human form. Not exactly eye candy for anyone, but beggars couldn't be choosers. Anyway, hunger. What's on the menu tonight, my good teacher?

In visible answer, a menu popped up between my crossed legs. Haha! I laughed in honest amusement at that, rubbing my hands excitedly and proceeding to open said menu. Even when currently homeless and far away, I was still lving the life of luxury.

...Although, honestly it never felt like that with Twilight and the others, even living inside a castle. Guess because it had no servants or chefs it aided with the humble atmosphere which home possessed. Everything always felt modest and... Sincere.

...Anywho, menu! Apple foods with some of Nightshade's favourite seeds in a bowl for when he wakes up, please. Thank you, as said filled metal bowl appeared next to the resting owl, prompting my wide smile.

Now as for me...


Ah, [BEEP] it.

"You don't have to stay there, you know." The sparkling violet colours widened in sheer evident surprise as I called with with a humoured grin, motioning my friend over. "Come, join me. I don't know about you but I'm starving." No movement for a long moment, those eyes then narrowing which can be interpreted as distrust. "I don't bite." I added if it helped. Which it did not; still no inclination to emerge from the dark. "I promise I don't bite...?"

Finally, progress! Cautiously, the figure began emerging from the shadows; first a purple boot, then lavender arm, then dark demonic wing - Though if you ask me, she'd always be displayed as angel to my eyes regardless of appearance - before the full figure whom expressed sheer distrust, wariness and apprehension.

"My guardian angel reveals herself at last." I offered with a gestured arm, and her features only frowned harder, but one could almost spot the faint hue of pinkness presenting against lavender cheeks, the woman rubbing her arm in clear self-consciousness, even despite maintaining a thoughtful and serious expression.

Haha! Even when she's in this form, she's still the same person no matter what. Cinch nor Zagreus could ever change that.

"How long...?" She seemed hesitant to ask, trailing off and grimacing as if in self-chastising. But I understood what she was asking, nodding with a wry smile.

"Eyes kinda gave it away; I'd recognize them anywhere." Followed with a sheepish shrug. "As for how long... Just now, really." She blinked innocently, in contrast to her form. "Come on, sit down, you must be freezing over there-"

"Aren't- Aren't you afraid...?!" Twilight almost sounded hysterical, uncomprehending about the boy offering her a spot by the campfire, that she made, mind you. "You know who I am... What I am! Shouldn't you be... I don't know-!"

"What? Running for my life? Shielding Nightshade with my own body from you? Announcing you a monster?"

"A-Any of that!" She exclaimed in dubious doubt, motioning to my state. "By all accounts you should be terribly afraid of seeing me and make a run for it! You're in a vulnerable state and making no means of defending yourself!"

"Do you want me to?"

"I..." She paused at my challenging question, deflating quite visibly with a step back in hesitation. "You're really not afraid...?" Sounding painfully timid coming from the poor girl, as though my boldness was something new to her.

For the third time tonight, I shrugged. Truthfully I was on edge, perhaps a little, but all senses and instincts were commanding me to favour curiosity over defensive. "I'm more interested in meeting and thanking my mysterious savior than anything... And why she's currently defying orders from that monster."

She frowned yet again.

"Come, sit down." I gestured to the camp fire friendly. "I'm hungry, and I don't think being in that form negates you from hunger too." In emphasis, a loud growl echoed through the damp cave next... And it wasn't currently from me. "Pfft!" I couldn't stop myself, bursting into laughter as Twilight flushed in open embarrassment, eventually storming over and plopping right down to one side of the fire between Nightshade and I, the former still oblivious ot it all. At her heated glare despite pinked cheeks, I subsided my laughter for the moment. "Sorry."

"Where did you get that?" The alternate version of human Twilight inquired at the menu on my lap, sounding deadly curious despite herself. "You can't use magic, and it just appeared from thin air."

I smirked at that fact, pointing upwards jokingly. "I have friends in high places." And the demonic form of Twilight looked upwards in earnest puzzlement, the adorable expression immediately prompting my humoured chuckle, proceeding to open the menu yet again. "Right, so, what would the lady fancy?"

In answer, Twilight simply stared at me, head tilted with a guarded posture despite kneeling down, examining my body as though I was some riddle to solve. The innocent expression painfully reminding of a time back in the day where my Twilight inspected me as a science project, the purple unicorn at the time metaphorically poking and prodding me to my annoyed resignation and fondness. The memory prompted my small smile, this Twilight then leaning back a little in reaction and her brow furrowing, blue flaming hair lighting up the cave alongside the campfire between us.

Amazing how it wasn't lighting up in the shadows earlier. That was a neat trick-

"What are you?" She looked compelled to ask, sounding earnestly baffled, wary and deeply curious, not to mention incredulity leaking from her tone and expression. "Every action and statement you make contradicts everything I've been informed about you. I was led to believe you were a danger to everyone around you; manipulating and deceiving your way to getting whatever you wanted! Using my alternate equine counterpart and toying with her heart, then throwing it to the side whenever you deemed fit! Sometimes for your own sickly amusement!"

Someone's been telling fibs, but I couldn't find it in myself to feel annoyed or angered by the insinuations. Instead, I felt sadness. Tiredness, regarding the poor used girl solemnly. This was a Twilight who knew first-hand what it was like to be taken advantage of her and have her skills exploited by others, suffering the consequences for it in their stead. And that physical reminder before me still hurt.

"And yet..." She trails off then, glancing away in doubt before continuing with firmness. "And yet, from everything I've seen, everything I've heard, it all declares otherwise! Why would you run away from the safety of your so-called friends when you have them wrapped around your fingers, using their kindness as a shield? Why would you liberate a village from sirens, or protect some ponies from yeti, or deliver that town their treasures back? You had no one to impress, to deceive and yet... Also you're... You're...!"

"Dying?" I ventured, and she flinched and looked away. Sensitive subject for anyone in this world. I nodded with a wry smile. "Yeah, it's not a hard concept love." At least, not for someone whom was familiar with death by knowing someone long back who experienced as such... But that's a story for another time. Never mind the countless deaths from murder or disease on my homeworld... Another motive for why I left, I suppose.

No, that was EXACTLY a good reason for leaving and never turning back.

"I just don't understand..." Twilight then muttered, confessing in soft uncertainty and shifting on her spot, bringing her knees to her face with arms wrapped around them. The sight felt like another stab to my chest. "I'm not even sure what to think anymore. I was left to believe you were a threat to the whole worlds, but now? Now... Ever since following you from the mountains, seeing what you've done and how much you seem to care for every living thing around you... And you even tried saving me at that tower back then..."

The fact she referenced herself with such despair made me feel like keeling over, regarding the state she was in and deducing Twilight was holding back from tears. I recognized that look and posture anyhow, and it still was painful to see. A world where a Twilight Sparkle was in pain was a world not worth living in, regardless which version. I'd swear to protect on of them; I swore to protect them all.

Even one which tried to kill me.


But we both knew the truth there. Even if I was beaten, at the Tower, Twilight would never bring it in herself to deal any serious wounds. She was too good, too kind-hearted for that. And I would never forgive myself for otherwise. Slowly placing the menu in one hand, I shifted slowly so not to startle the currently jumpy corrupted teen, leaning my arms on bent knees and regarding the woman silently.

I was so, so sorry for what became of you, love... And I wanted nothing more than to express that with physical hugs and comfort...

But that would scare her off more, I imagine. Great care would need to be handled in this situation. And silently inspecting the self-conscious girl expressing nothing more but innocent vulnerability to me was far from a good start.

Would I help her, though? A Twilight who has unwillingly donned the appearance of Midnight for so long, attempting to rid my life several times ever since?

...Like that was ever in question.

"You know what I fancy?" She turned to me. "Fish and chips." I smiled, lips widening at the incredulous blinking from my new acquaintance. "And some coca-cola too. Ever had fish and chips, Twilight? Because I will show you the wonders."

"You're completely fine dining with the enemy...?" Twilight sounded terribly bewildered by my casual disposition around her... And sounding a little more than hopeful.

"You're many things to me, Twilight, and only my enemy when it comes to chess." And I must be starting off right, judging by, for the first time I've seen this counterpart of my love life, the very faint, tiny smile on her face.

"Enjoying them?"

My new companion made no vocal response, simply content to dining on the chips in the paper bag on her lap. The closest I got to a physical response was the glint in her violet eyes, still the same feature as her original form as opposed to the blue eyes with tiny purple pupils. That was a real good sign.

Another sign? Thus far, my guest had yet to make any inclination of an attack. If Zagreus was hoping to have this Twilight strike whilst my guard was down... Well he's gonna have to be disappointed. Then again, that may be myself clinging on to the present hope that it wasn't too late for this version of the person I loved, and that there was still a chance to save her from the darkness and back into the light.

It's nice to live in hope; a lesson my Twilight and the girls have taught me time and time again.

I was tempted to speak some more, lift up the tension suffocating the cave a little, but I think Twilight would appreciate the silence more, speaking herself when she's ready. The human Twilight always struck me as a version whom enjoyed silence when she's pondering or enjoying herself. So, again, in her own time. I was content myself with dining on the freshly baked greasy chips and warm fish sitting on my own lap, the steam of the food drifting through the dark cave and warming up the body appreciatively.

The rain was still persistent outside, and Starswirl had acquired me a towel for my hair, which was now trailing down my head and back down. The weather indicated it wasn't safe to leave until morning, and night was already on the loom from the sky darkening all the more since the storm began, trees outside rustling loudly and looking ready from every glance to be torn off and thrown into the ruthless winds.

I could just go outside with an umbrella right now... But I wouldn't want to risk a Franklin incident. Another potential embarrassing demise. But I'll tell you what, it was getting humorous how jumpy this woman-in-demon-form beside me was getting jumpy at the flashes and roars of lightning outside. Some things never change, and I was trying my best not to smile every single time.

"Why do you insist on helping me?" And she speaks! Mid- Twilight turned from her food to resume her curiosity on me, frowning still, but not quiet as guarded as earlier. The tone was genuinely puzzled. "I just... Don't get it."

The fact of how much she was questioning herself sparked hope. I shrugged, offering a wry smile. "Do I need a reason?"

Twilight tilted her head, an adorable features in contrast to her otherwise intimidating current features. "When I've done nothing but tried to harm you?"

"Did you ever try to harm anyone else?"


"Well there we are." I shrugged. "Lack of self-preservation, love. Not to mention, you've been tricked by a madman to attack me under the false promise he'll restore you back to your real form, am I correct?" The unintentional flinch was all that was needed, and I smiled in light sympathy, restraining the urge to place a hand on her shoulder and scare the woman off.

"But I have hurt you!" Twilight couldn't resist exclaiming in regret and befuddlement. "At that tower, and with Sunset at the dam... You should be hating me and trying to get away, by all rights!"

"You've also kept an eye on me, and healed my wounds before they could get any worse." As I raised my bandaged hands. "Thanks for that, by the way, and before. You're a lifesaver and a good person regardless of what you may think, Twilight."

The woman hesitated, violet eyes uncertain before clouded with doubt, turning away again to regard the fire somberly. "I'm not Twilight Sparkle... Not anymore." Her expression looking close to tears, food forgotten by both of us.

"I don't believe that." I had to say gently, the sight causing my own grief and guilt. She never deserved any of this. But my refusal to accept otherwise prompted the uncertain glance my way, prompting me to continue solemnly. "Who else would show compassion to look after one she considers an enemy, despite what she's been promised...?"

Silence followed, Twilight looking back to the cackling fire which was nearly ready to die out. Hopefully the message sank; If there was any chance to save her... Well, you all knew me by now.

"You're not my enemy..." Twilight mumbled in her arms quietly, sounding deeply upset and shaking her head with grit sharp teeth and closed eyes. "I just don't know what to think... My life's been a whole mess up to now... Everyone just wants to use me for their own intentions, and I'm just so... Tired of it."

My own head titled sadly. "Do you hate them? For what they did to you?" A simple question, but a thousand meaningful things behind it.

"I..." Twilight hesitated, still refusing to meet my inquisitive hazel eyes and looking out to the dreary rain outside. Then a final, quiet answer barely heard through the echoes of the weather and the damp cave. "I don't think I can hate anyone, even those who wronged me..."

And if she thought that was what I expected to hear, then you, my dear Twilight, was terribly mistaken. THAT was what I wanted to hear, now grinning to myself wildly and causing the corrupted teen to blink when she noticed my beaming proud expression.

"You see?" I motioned then happily, the hope in my chest rising brighter than the dying campfire between us. "You're still you. The appearance outside never changes whom you are on the inside. And inside; you're still the same compassionate, knowledgeable, kind and thoughtful, brilliant, considerate, strong amazing Twilight Sparkle I've... Well, I think you know." The faintest traces of pink on dark purple features, but Twilight never lingered her gaze from me or my great smile. "And I want to help you, Twilight Sparkle, not just as an obligation, but because I believe... I KNOW." I affirmed with conviction. "You deserve happiness and peace."

"...How?" Came the small, meek response, but I knew those eyes long enough now; enough to catch the glint of vain hope in those beautiful violet orbs. How indeed, love? Well I already had the perfect start in mind, lucky for you.

Smiling, I proceeded to offer an open hand gestured for shaking. "By starting over. Because forgiveness, my dear Twilight, is always the opening to a new peaceful beginning." And added with slight humour in my otherwise light tone. "My name is Jack Edward James Wright, my dear. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Twilight didn't react in kind initially, as I anticipated. Of course she needed a moment, and I could wait forever for her if need be. The teenager looked down to her own open purple hand, examining it and then mine for a long, drawn out minute, internally at war. But something, in the back of my mind under the smallest glimmer of hope, informed me over the decision this woman made before it even happened.

Tenderly, a small purple hand reached and clasped my own with gentleness, allowing a slow shake. "Twi... Twilight Sparkle." Still sounding completely unsure about addressing herself as much, but the lavender teen managing to keep going regardless. "And... It's nice to meet you too, Jack Wright..." And then suddenly frowned, and my mind quickly panicked. Had I done something wrong? But it wasn't the frown of caution or anger or malicious intent. Instead, it was a frown I was all too familiar with regarding my own Twilight, having bore witness to it time and time again.

The disapproving frown.

"Your bandages are wet." Oh, so they were. Twilight regarded my hands with an expression displaying annoyance, followed with her suddenly grabbing said hands before I could react. "Hold still, let me re-apply them." And paused, looking up albeit shyly. "It's... The least I could do for your kindness."

A part of me was tempted to point out the comparison between herself and my own girlfriend, but I neglected from mentioning as such not to upset the girl further. Instead, I grinned as my hands were currently being treated, this time me being conscious for the act, knowing better than to argue. "Afterwards maybe we could play some chess. Did you know I am currently beating Twilight by thirty-six to twenty-eight?"

A big fat lie, and even this Twilight knew it. Her lips curled upwards to a genuine amused smile, lighting up her beautiful features. "I sincerely doubt that... But you can prove otherwise in a moment."

"You're being hunted down." A voice joined me from the side, looking out to the wondrous view alongside.

The rain had stopped, after a long while, and morning light was already beginning to peek over the valleys far off, reflecting beautifully after a long night of unrest and ruthless storms. Really, who could sleep under that weather? Too loud for the likes of me.

Still, the view before us was worth it, the peace after the storm. Nothing looked too damaged out there, thankfully, and the ground beneath me on the edge wasn't completely drenched in puddles and small waterfalls caused by the harsh rains.

"By Zagreus? I'm fully aware." I couldn't resist quipping back, offering a small smirk in response to the teen beside me. Her transformation into that incited a bit more height, one or two feet taller than me. Almost as bad as the often times I ponder where Twilight's alicorn status will make her grow much taller than I as we grew older.

Seeing Shining and Cadence never helped my concerns there.

"Not just him." This Twilight continued while shaking her head, looking out still to the distance with me. Her tone sounded mildly disturbed, failing to portray calmness. "There are other forces out there tracking you down, wishing you out of the picture for good."

"You mean yourself?" I grinned then quickly added, "Sorry just kidding love."

"I'm serious, Jack."

"I know. I know all about Garble, Sunset and all those others who have been chasing me down. Seems Zagreus is providing empty promises to them as too. I almost feel bad for their expectations."

But Twilight wasn't in the mood to jest. Far from it, in fact. Shocking, and I was slightly disappointed. "Not just those working for him. Zagreus also has allies in high places." Hm? "In your world's royal court, in fact." My stomach dropped. "He's had someone dispatch contacts to locate you and bring you to them. Someone who wants to get rid of you as much as he does."

"...I see." Was all my parched throat could say, narrowing small eyes glaring into the sunrise. Figures, Zagreus would start seeking allies from the higher classes to use for his own ends. He's growing more ambitious.

But a royal enemy? Lucky me.

A purple hand then clasped my shoulder, guiding me to meet her serious firm gaze. "That's why you need to stop this chase." What now? "Cease your pursuit and run, run and hide far away until someone else deals with them. You're no match for Zagreus or his new ally. You know this as much as I do. You running away from your friends was part of his plans to keep you alone and vulnerable for the taking in the first place." Ah... That explained a lot. "Jack, come with me." Twilight then sounded half-pleading. "You can't fight this, and I... I don't want to be any part of this any longer. There's still time to retreat and live for a better tomorrow. You have no obligation to get yourself destroyed over this!"

Didn't I? From her first statement of that little speech was my mind completely and utterly made up, gently cupping the hand on my shoulder with my own, a renewed bandage wrapped around it. I offered a weak smile, unable to hide my affection for this girl and what she's trying to do.

"There is nothing more I want to do than run and hide." Was my sincere, quiet confession, gently removing the purple hand and bringing the knuckles to my lips, Twilight looking earnestly surprise by my gentleman kiss. That done, I released her hand and shook my head alongside a wry smile. "Thank you, Twilight, for trying... But I must see this through, to the bitter end... It's time I cleared up my own mistakes than have others clean them for me... For you, for my Twilight, for Spike and everyone I know and love... It was never really a question of my life over theirs, honestly."

"You don't have to do this..." This Twilight looked closer to crying yet again, sparkling purple orbs reflecting fear and solemn despair. "I've already hurt people I care about... I don't want to lose someone who cares so much..."

I inhaled deeply. "Go, go back to your own world, Twilight." Was my next statement, both firm and kind. "You have the power to do so. Go be with your loved ones... They're no doubt missing you. Go and be safe." At her reluctant flash of expression, I've added then in humoured sincerity. "They'll help you, regardless what you may assume... I know a certain bacon-haired teenager in your world who would never leave you to suffer, never mind how much your parents, Shining, Cadence and Spike want to save you."

Followed with one last peck, but this time myself slowly approaching the purple teen, leaning upwards with lips pressed to her forehead, for a split-second. Thankfully my hair never caught on fire from her blue flames... And her eyebrows weren't on fire at that moment either. Leaning back from the stunned teenager, I grinned cheekily and winked. "If you're lucky- or unlucky - there may be a version of my sorry [BEEP] there too."

And I was already on my way back to the cave to collect my stuff and Nightshade, hoping the message worked. But barely twelve steps were taking before her voice called out then, hesitantly. "Jack?"

I had to glance over my shoulder. "Hm...?"

A long silence. "...You're a good man." What? Twilight smiled yet again lightly, looking more and more like the woman she once was. "Despite what you may think, you're a good person too."




That was two Twilight's whom believed in me now. Three if one counted Casey's girlfriend. The human Twilight from the world connected to this Equestria? Nah didn't think so. That Twilight had every right to be skeptic of me.

Just as every Twilight had no reason to have any faith or belief in me whatsoever. I don't know, shaking my head with a disbelieving smile. What was it about me that screamed worth believing in? These characters will find any hope in something small and insignificant, like a pebble.

Just ask Maud. Hmhmhmhm...

"Something amusing in that human mind?" A startling yet all too familiar voice popped up. I jumped slightly, but wasn't entirely too surprised. After all, it was an altogether unexpected surprise coming from him. "Oh, there's a surprise, and here I thought there would be a more cautious disposition considering what you're doing and who you're hunting down today."

Ignoring the clones of myself between wearing lit car sirens on their heads, I smirked upwards at my old friend with folded arms. "I was expecting you to turn up sooner or later." Was my amused confession. "Inevitably you'd be dispatched by Twilight and the others to bring me back. I'm sorry to disappoint."

"Oh pish posh my good friend." The floating lounging chair disappeared. "I come here of my own volition of course. Even your genius special somepony worked out how powerless my magic is against your present form to even teleport you back home." And he smirked, conjuring up next paper copies of six certain mares all with expressions of despair. "Though that barely stopped them from begging anyway. They must really love your grouchy company."

"Spare me the guilt trip, Discord." I snapped, but still smiling wryly. "Why are you here then? Persuading me to come back seems the opposite of chaotic for you too."

"I can't simply track down a trail of what shouldn't be to drop by on an old friend amongst his daring travels over the borders of Equestria?"


"Fine." Discord rolled his eyes in good humour, the paper dolls vanishing next with the draconequus wrapping himself around my body, but not close enough for our physical forms to have contact. "You, Jack Edward James Wright, have kept yourself busy. It seems our dear pal Zagreus is not the only pony wanting your head on a plate." With him literally slicing his head off with one finger spinning onto a place in his bear hand. Charming. "See for yourself." Still headless, Discord produced scrolled up dark yellow paper with a snap of fingers, unrolling a second later. "Voila."




500,000,000 BITS

...Might I turn myself in for a reward? "Should I be flattered they got a picture of me on my good side?" I asked dryly to the picture of my human self obtained during the time I rode that chariot across Canterlot, favourably smiling at the [BEEP]-eating grin on the picture's face and peace signs with sunglasses over comprehending the fact I was wanted for five-hundred millions bits.

"Wish I could've been there." Discord shrugged. "Looks you were having so much fun. A novelty if ever there was one." And then appeared before me with a wide grin. "Well, I'm guessing this news won't deter you from ending this pointless crusade and return home to the ponies who deeply miss you?"

I gave one look as an answer, and he shrugged yet again.

"Fair enough. And I'll have to deliver Fluttershy the bad news." For a split-second, I spotted a flash of genuine distraught across his goat-like features, the draconequus turning away briefly with visible annoyance next. "Typical, what a fine way of ruining our next perfect tea party..." He sighed. "Oh well, such is the way of human stubbornness. Always bringing forth terrible consequences to others."

No need to remind me there, Discord. "Do we have any idea whom the one responsible for placing a bounty on my head is?"

"At the moment, I didn't care to ask." Discord shrugged yet again, smirking. "But I must say how impressed I am, Jack, causing strife amongst royalty like a true denizen of chaos. Your people really know how to bring internal conflict to others." Cheers I guess. "Better keep moving, Jack. I overhead earlier that Rainbow Dash plans to persuade her fellow Wonderbolts in another routine check over the skies of Equestria any second now."

But before he could snap his fingers and leave, I had one last thing to say before so, something I had meant to converse with Discord before I left. When we all went to Fluttershy's cottage that day before I left, I had hoped he was there causing mischief and whatnot. Now seemed a perfect time.

"Take care of her."

Without even needing to inquire who 'her' was, the draconequus paused, choosing then to regard me silently, that playful and chaotic expression into something more... Human. "You'll be back to take care of them all very soon."

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