• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 190: The Little Merpony

"You really don't need to come with us Twilight, Stardust. We can take care of this mission just fine on our own."


Which Scootaloo was all too happy to demonstrate their complete independence in spit of youth. "Yeah!" Cue comedic gag of child on scooter knocked into a pile of moved suitcases, covering the three Crusaders, and Twilight clearing up the mess. Only the faintest smile from myself.

Just remembering the time I babysat these three for a few days. Wasn't that a blast? Even sent Spike to school.

"I know that, but I'm not sure the ponies who care about you want you going off so far on your own." Yeah, like Applejack, Granny Smith, Big Mac, Rarity, Rarity and Sweetie's parents, Rainbow and Scootaloo's parents.

If those last ones actually existed anyway.

"Besides, there's some school business that needs to be taken care of at Mount Aris." Twilight continued. "This permission slip's for Silverstream. It's very important that her mother and father sign it, or else no field trips." Ooh, the horror.

"Precisely why you're dragging me along for the ride..."

Without even skipping a beat. "You're coming along for your closeness to the Hippogriffs, Jack. They and I are still... Ahem, not on the best of terms."

Raising a brow, and taking some satisfaction of her initial embarrassment to whatever crime my dear Twilight's committed to the species' kingdom we were visiting, I merely held up both hers and mine own hoofs.

Chained together. 'Insurance,' Twilight called it. In another language: 'In case I wander off when needed, and so I didn't do something incredibly stupid, again.' The Princess of Friendship and (Justified) Paranoia pointedly gazed away from my physical emphasis.

"Sounds like somepony just wants a vacation." Scootaloo's awful whisper prompted cute giggles between the three fillies, and a smirk from both Twilight and I. Yep, and dragging her boyfriend along for the ride.

Now to be fair, I had no objections going, in fact I even offered to go in Twilight's place, but the mare was adamant in accompanying to Mt. Aris, also clarifying the way to this station that she had to make amends with the creatures she's wronged sooner or later. And sooner it was.

"Okay yes I've been wanting to visit Mount Aris ever since the Hippogriffs moved back. But it's... Purely research." Suuuuuuure. "Silverstream's brother is gonna meet us there, and takes us to their houses."

'Houses?' What? We having divorces in Equestria now? Those were a thing here, or did Hippogriff culture involve some kind of unique housing between spouses?

"Wow! They have more than one house?" Apple Bloom voiced the question we were likely all pondering.

"I guess so." Could be divorced. "The social structure of the Hippogriffs and Seaponies is a bit of a mystery." Divooooooorced...

"All aboard! Last stop: The New Mount Aris Station!"

That's our cue, and thankfully we had sparse luggage to bring. Quite literally nothing but the excitement on our backs, and the permission slip Twilight's then concealing God knows where. I smirked by the side-eyed look the mare gave on mentally hearing that.

So yeah, Mt. Aris again! Only been there, like Twilight, once. I had declined the offer proposed by the Hippogriff family I rescued in Blueblood's former kingdom to accompany them back to their home despite their promise they could protect and care for us as repayment for saving them, having been continued my fruitless search for Zagreus. I could have only brought more harm than good back then, should accepting their proposition occurred.

Now, nothing's stopping me from visiting on social, friendly terms, even despite knowing then divorces were a thing in this world. A sudden mental prod across our link as Twilight communicated through our minds.

"They're not divorced, Jack."

"If you say so, dear."

"So Stardust." Hm? Sweetie suddenly began conversing between us about halfway the train ride to the far off mountain, leaning in her her seat forward. "How exactly did you and the Hippogriffs become friends?"

Provoking the eager curiosity of the other Crusaders. "That's a good question." Apple Bloom concurred.

As did Twilight, who I knew precisely would be intrigued as well. Didn't need Balance or a bond to see the interest in those vast, sparkling orbs. "Yes Jack, I would like to hear about that too; you never went into detail regarding the circumstances that brought you and the Hippogriffs together."

Most likely the reason for that, my dear, being it wasn't really a whole event I preferred recalling time and time again... Save for the [BEEP] kicking for Blueblood. That I relished recollecting when needed in times of stressful doubt.

Still, my Princess and these fillies desired a tale, that I shall give... In the basics, rubbing my messy brown hair with a small grin. "Well, uh, I simply brought back something that was precious to them."

Quickly sensing my intentional vagueness, Twilight rolled her eyes in humoured exasperation. "Very well, you don't have to be more specific." Cheers lo- "Oh, actually, yes! Kindly be more specific." Damn, the three fillies sharing each other knowing smirks. Four against one, I've tangled with much worse.

Females, however, just one of their kind was almost unstoppable alone. "A VERY important thing." Grinning with half cheek at the frowning alicorn, shrugging then casually and having this in the bag. "It was a thing that-"

"Oh it was a thing?"

"Yes it was indeed!"


"Did I mention how important it was?"

"You're going too quickly Jack!" Scribbling this 'info' down on some sudden paper from nowhere. "'It was a thing.'" By then, other ponies in the compartment turned their heads at the bantering commotions, some curious, some smiling in knowing adoration. Suppose our banter must be legendary at this point. "Did this 'thing' matter in some way?"

"Oh it was important."

"An important thing! I see now!"

Good grief, the sarcastic playful levels between us are through the roof, I was slightly laughing when replying in good-natured argument. "I can't stress enough how important a thing it was. It was very important."

"And just what was this important thing you returned to them, Jack?"

"I'll tell you, Twilight, after you tell us what it was you did that [BEEP]ed off an entire species so easily while I was away."

Haha, gotcha! Immediately the blushing Twilight looked to the window, invoking the shared glances between the amused Crusaders and I before we started giggling to ourselves in accomplished humour. Score one for the Warrior!

"Language in front of children, Jack..." The whole train, I was certain, could hear our bursts of hysterics by then.

So after Apple Bloom relished a fabricated tale of Applejack beating the Storm King in Canterlot - seriously, what? Selective memory, Apple Bloom? I defeated the Storm King and sent him packing... In the Crystal Empire! - here we were! Mt. Aris, in all its restored glory, just as it appeared my first trip here in recruiting one of their own to Twilight's successful school.

The awe of the three fillies didn't last long, upon exit to the station. While they talked about the mission the map dispatched the Crusaders on to be here, I gazed around while following, even tugged a few times by the chain holding my right and Twilight's left limb together. By God, it was breathtaking as ever, this magnificent work of a kingdom. You know, it kinda puts Canterlot to shame. By comparison, Canterlot looks like a massive, glorified penthouse attached to the side of a mountain, while the civilization here takes full advantage of the terrain and lush environment spread across the gorgeous mountain by the vast ocean.

I'd live here if I could. Maybe this would be the perfect honeymoon arrangement between Twilight and I, but that's faaaaaaaaar off... Still, certain Twilight appreciates the planning ahead.

"Attention please!" Scootaloo's loud call then almost having me jump out my thoughts and admiration for the scenery around us. "Any 'Griff here have a problem?" To my none existence of shock, no answer but shrugs and shaken heads. Please, like this probable episode would expose the issue too soon; I knew how this worked.

Plus, it's better to be prepared for my inevitable calling from the map in the castle. It's gonna happen whether I liked it or not, I could sense it- Whoa!

Helplessly then dragged along by an enthusiastic Twilight accompanied with the equally zealous three young equines down the steps - extra careful then not to trip - and further across the pathway by a gorgeous beach. And this was coming from a guy who regularly avoided beaches like the plague. Trust me, they're not suitable for anyone with nails.

Now, ponies didn't HAVE nails, but you know what I'm talking about.

"Excuse me!" A young male voice called. "Miss Sparkle? Over here!" Aye, these he be me hearties, splashing in Davy Jones' pool! A white Seapony with greenish-blue fins waving towards us. "I'm sorry I'm late, I'm Silverstream's brother, Terrarmar."

Dear God, a Digimon! Quick, I call out Starramon, Digivolve to... A joke not many people will understand...!

"A Hippogriff can have a Seapony for a brother?" Wait what? Applejack did you tell your little sibling actually anything? "How does that work exactly!" By God! Even I knew how and I haven't been underwater! A faint jab to my side by you-know-who just then, as the male Seapony came closer towards us.

In Hippogriff form after a flash of light just then, flying forward and landing behind us, ourselves turning around and- Okay I would be more impressed if this damned chain getting tangled between our moving limbs wouldn't be ruining the moment, irritably fixing ourselves.

Terramar didn't mind Bloom's skepticism. "Heheh, it is kind of strange. See, after the Storm King was defeated, the Seaponies didn't have to hide anymore. So some of them changed back to Hippogriffs and went home to Mount Aris."

Followed by Twilight adding in the history lesson. "But others got use to living under the water and stayed in Seaquestria." Seaquestria. Creativity on this planet of imagination can be a novelty at times.

"And me, well, I kinda go back and forth." Looking somewhat sheepish there, Terramar. "With this." Pointing to a small necklace around the white fur, holding by the front a small purple jewel of a sort. "It's a tiny piece of the magic pearl, it was split among our kingdoms."

What, by everyone? How many of his kind in either form were there in total for the pieces of the pearl to be shared? Was there enough, or not given to those who decided indefinitely whether they'd live on land or in the sea? I had these questions of my own to ask, after Twilight got that slip signed.

Hey Twilight, when were we gonna start our own 'Glad-To-Be-An-Alicorn' festival when we get home? Heheheheheheh.

"Ha, there's my boy!"

"Hi Dad!"

Aww, wasn't that sweet? Father and son bonding, after the former showing off such 'skills' that weren't honestly too impressive after one has known Rainbow Dash for a couple of years at this point.

"Haven't seen you in days son. Wish you'd come around more often." Ruffling the kid's blue mane for good measure. Reminds me of my Dad everytime he checked in daily or on weekends. Hah, good times.

Good times...

"Oh, Dad, these are Silverstream's friends from Equestria." Mentally, I braced myself, just in case ANY of the reactions to Twilight came off in negative. Had to be prepared, since Twilight wouldn't even explain what happened between her and their royalty. But according to the vague mentions Spike had given, it was something worthy of war. "They came here to-"

A gasp. "Prince Stardust Balance!" Wait WHAT? Followed by a sudden screech that caused my body to shudder in stunned agape. "Attention Everygriff!" Oh dear. "Prince Stardust Balance is here!" Whoa whoa slow down buddy! "He's the one who saved General Seaspray and his family."

Gossips and awed whispers around, Twilight giving me a startled expression, prompting me sheepish grin and immediate attempt of rectifying this. I.E, bringing the attention to the one more adjusted to the fame. "And uh, Princess Twilight Sparkle's here too! You know, Silverstream's Principal!"

Regrettably, no one really seemed to care. Ouch.

Help! Help! I was getting surrounded by the fluffy winged beasts on all sides, managing a weak grin and nervous eye contacts. Jesus Christ, I thought Seaspray would have had the decency not to have me be mentioned like some kind of celebrity. This was different than the ponies, at least they were around my height!

Finally, Terramar's Pops joined in the gathering, almost suffocating crowd and gestured proudly. "Here to take in the marvel that is Mount Aris, your Highness?"

"Well it wasn't really by choice..." Finally regaining some composure, then hastily added after an annoyed Twilight cleared her throat. "Uh, and uh, my Princess here has a permission slip for you to sign, Mister... Uh."

Twilight took over, thankfully. "It's for Silverstream." Floating the paper itself between them. There we go, now we can get back on track.

"Glad to." Excellent. "But first." Not excellent, the male adult Hippogriff wrapping an arm around my neck and tugging me forward. "Let's show the Prince and Princess some real Mount Aris hospitality!"

Uhhh, no no no no. You don't- You don't to do that, much appreciated though.

Twilight, however, was all too happy to tag along, and tug me along as well. "Ahh, research!" Came the half-arsed excuse to the kids. "See you later, and good luck! I know you'll find your mission!" No, kids, take me with you! I'm not accustomed to celebrating with people I only just met! The autism in me screams to run!

And Twilight was fully aware, practically and literally dragging me from my comfort zone to partake in the next set of activities Hippogriff kind had to offer.


Spitting out grass from my muzzle after that rough landing caused by an eager Twilight finding the others. "Hey everypony! This festival is FANTASTIC! Look what I won in the ring joust booth!" Holding up a bronze trophy by magic.

"Yeah by a margin..." Came my grumble, shaking my head with a low groan. Twilight's eagerness or being a celebrity out of nowhere, wasn't sure what was more headache-inducing for the day. No regrets in saving that family, or seeing the Princess having a blast, but I felt so out of depth here, feeling as though Twilight should be receiving all the attention instead of me. Honestly, Twilight's done far more for the Hippogriff-slash-Seapony species than I have, despite what some may argue.

Yet, the attention was sort of nice. The Hippogriffs were warm, friendly, and asked some questions that weren't too personal, especially how Twilight and I met and hooked up to begin with. That was some tale to share while Twilight was dragging me away to every booth and sport their festival had to offer. Overall, for the most part, I too was having a good time.

Especially by this exotic view of a park Twilight just flew us into with the Crusaders and Terramar. Wow, a serene and pleasant atmosphere. Let's see how long it lasts before Twilight takes me along for a race of something.

Magically enhanced or not, I could break this chain between our limbs with little force, but I didn't. Maybe, perhaps, for I was enjoying myself a little too much today too.

Perhaps, because, I didn't want to separate with Twilight again for long either, especially by her zealous behaviour now. The mare was bubbling with excitement ever since the Crusaders were summoned by the map, to get here.

A light cleared throat. "But of course, I'm really here on business!" Acting skills on point, love, myself sharing a glance with the kids before snickering quietly. "Sky Beat's already signed the form-" Yeah after five, six rounds around the tug-of-war contest. "- now I just need your Mom's signature. Is she around?"

Apple Bloom answered for the young Hippogriff. "Erm, she's a Seapony, in Seaquestria."

Wait... Were we finally doing this? The main motivation behind coming to this kingdom for myself? The one thing I never got to do first time around? Was this it? Please tell me this was it love!

Twilight obviously picked my internal eagerness, throwing me a faint grin before stating, "That's what Silverstream meant by 'houses.'" So the parents WERE divorced.

"Mhm!" Terramar seems rather casual about it, no sense of bitterness in his heart other than some hidden worry. Must have been a long time since the couple split. "If you'd like to mean my Mom, we were just heading down there now!"

Yes, yes, YES!

Bloom still looked mightily confused about something. Come on already! "And how exactly are we gonna visit underwater?"

Shoe was on the other hoof this time, having dragged Twilight all the way to the sea this time. Feels bad, doesn't it love? Still, I couldn't possibly contain MY enthusiasm, ever since learning it was possible for ponies to become their own version of merpeople. The six of us soon in the center of the pool by the beach ready to be transformed. Twilight assured me it was painless, but even if it was otherwise, the hurt would be numbed by my own passionate zeal in finally fulfilling a dream as a kid.

Fearless of water this time.

Myself holding Twilight and Apple Bloom's hoofs each as the equine equivalent of a hand-holding session was required for the magic to work. I won't bother asking how precisely the mechanics of a pearl's power operates, I was just eager to go underwater and liver under the-

Nope, no! Too early! Wait for it to happen first Jack, the water up to my furry chest rippling faintly from my own eagerness.

When Terramar tapped the split jewel on his necklace, the magic, as you guessed, happened, the cool water replaced by a sensation of relaxed warm for a brief moment. Seconds later, I was-

Underwater... Underwater... UNDERWATER!

Twilight immediately picked up on my instinctive panic, quickly grasping by transformed state and offering a reassuring smile, gentle soothing waves of affection and care across our bond, calming down my hysteric breathing which was shockingly normal under the even more shocking clear sea. Once sensing I was soothed enough, the mare floated back and-

Oh... My... GODDESS...!

Never mind how I looked as a Seapony. Twilight was... Twilight... Oh Jesus Christ on a chocolate bagel. Twilight was... Goddamn, I couldn't even put in in words! I'm pretty sure I'd be drooling if it were possible under the water. And the Princess, in all her glorious, merpony form of sparkling perfection, sheepishly gazed away with the most reddest hue on her adorable features, her now mer-tail swishing gracefully and beautifully. I should have had us visit the mother at the beginning instead!

"Where's your Mom's house Terramar?" Oh, right, his mother's house... Yeah...

Sorry, couldn't stop staring. Wasn't sure it was even possible at this point.

Twilight noticed me still regarding her transformed beauty in awe and pure wonder, the mare, still brighter than a tomato, smiled lightly in humoured love before gently prodding my side. "Jack." Nope, still staring. "They'll be going off without us." Not my problem anymore. A wry, adoring sigh before Twilight leaned forward to whisper in coyness, close to shyness. "We're gonna be stuck like this if we don't get moving."

"You make that sound like a problem..." All the real wonders of the sea were right before me... But the smallest part of my mind still grasping sense pointed out how right my gorgeous fiance was, and that we should catch up with the others. Reluctantly, I forced myself to look away and help begin swimming after the kids.

...If I even knew how, soon floating upside-down in the ocean with no practice and lack of operating my newfound brown fins to good use, while the Crusaders, with no experience themselves, mastered in the spam of four seconds.

Goddamn little Mary Sues...

Of course, Twilight would chuckle uncontrollably by her coltfriend's unwilling antics and offer assistance, straightening me back regularly, holding my right new fin and pulling me along, showing how it's done.

"It's quite easy once you get the hand of it." With that faint blush remaining, still.

"If you're taken aback by my new appearance, Jack, imagine how I feel seeing you like this..."

Atlantica. [BEEP]ing Atlantica. Sorry, I couldn't compare everything I was viewing before my eyes but Atlantica, everything was far too similar, the further Terramar escorted towards his mother's home in some kind of giant pink... Shell house attached to a spire? That's the most apt description I could provide now.

Yet before we entered, as Twilight's breathtaking fin guided my own, showing me the ropes of becoming a pony-fish, I managed to lightly pull mine from her gentle grip and offer a wry grin.

"Okay, I've got the hang of it now." And my Princess as the most beautiful sea creature ever appeared more than pleased by my progress. "And I would love to join you all in this continued tour, but...?"

Raising the fin still connected with hers via chain, prompting Twilight to raise a brow and glance back and forth between the metal and my pleading, grinning expression. Come on love, I couldn't miss this chance. My hopes came true, as the Princess sighed in fond consent before the magically boosted steel disappeared, full separation since our departure from Ponyville. Thank God, was starting to feel numb there, rubbing my newfound fin with emphasis.

"I can trust you to stay close to the Seaquestria Palace in the meantime?" Something else eluded in her tone, a crack of hesitation. Worry I'll vanish again, or concerned how the people of either here or above will react to the Princess who has somehow wronged them in the past without her only insurance protecting her?

"It'll be fine." Came my eventual response, smiling before brushing that same gold and brown fin across beautiful features. "You'll give me something to look forward to when all business is concluded on your end." Rolled eyes of playfulness, but Twilight smiled in relief and-

Oh, a warm peck on the cheek, followed by Twilight Goddessly swimming to join the observants by the entrance into that pink home. The kiss being a permission for me to enjoy myself without Twilight's watchful eye. Well, don't worry love, I won't venture away from the underwater kingdom, nor will I ever leave you again.

So... Looking at my surroundings, Seaponies and other aquatic life moving about, enjoying their own lives to the fullest. Actually, why are they called 'Seaponies?' Twilight and I are those, but Hippogriffs in mermaid form aren't. They should be addressed as something more sensible, like... Mergriffons.

Mergriffons. Hm, there's a pun there if I was ever clever enough to find it. Ah well. Now then, time to have some fun, and do something I wanted to do the moment we ventured underwater, aside from gawking at Twilight the whole trip.

Although, caution first, descending myself towards the bottom sea floor of the gargantuan palace, as to not disturb any of these Mergriffons or any cultures they're currently doing in favour of my own entertainment, joining the fish, seaweed and various other rarities of the ocean. Already beginning to feel like a certain Jamaican crab.

When I was a wee lad, The Little Mermaid was always my go-to film. I had a thing for mermaids - but mostly I blamed the seashells - hence my appropriate amazed reaction to Twilight and regarding her merpony state as the best thing witnessed since our reunion. Anyway, Little Mermaid, a cherished class in my heart, so much so I was bullied for liking it in Primary.

The second film was okay, though nothing of substance worth remembering. Never saw the third one, though, like with ninety percent of direct-to-DVD Disney sequels, I heard the reception was nothing too positive. I wondered if this place had its own equivalent to Ursula. If so, poor unfortunate souls.



I cleared my throat out-loud, smiling down to the watching or indifferent sea life, getting myself ready for the most important thing about today. Permissions slips? Reputations? Friendship problems? Chuck it all down the drain, this is WAY more essential. Starswirl, if you would kindly do the honours?

Ah, already heard the sounds of music in the air... Water. As did the other aquatic life, Mergriffons turning their heads in surprise. Just wait friends, you're in for a treat. Dududududu dududu dudu, dududududududu.

Dududududu dududu dudu, dududududududu. And my voice had more passion in it than for a long time.

Pouring my heart out this time around. Too bad Twilight was busy likely looking up family photos of Terramar's childhood to observe the show, currently garnering interest of the underwater citizens to the singing and dancing merpony below.

Oh, right on cue, the Mergriffons were already to begin joining the musical, some venturing down by the sands to start dancing and swaying to the addictive beat. And who can blame them? This song was the most lit before Hakuna Matata!

More and more were participating as the song progressed, including adding into the vocals as if by instinct, the world's magic taking its effect when it comes to music. Wild dancing, some dancing together friends or partners, including the starfish, turtles, fish of great and small sizes. Let Twilight and the Crusaders have their fun, I was having my own, better blast than the festival above! If only they could join in!

Oh, there were the three fillies in merpony form along with Terramar, and by God were they already dancing to the beat. Twilight must have stayed inside to get the slip signed while the Crusaders explored more of the ocean. Well, they're in for a treat!

Oh, I took it back, while swimming and dancing and getting the hang of this merpony business, Twilight I spotted, peeking out the window with an adult Mergriffon I assumed was the mother, myself beaming wildly with a pleased wave. The Princess happily grinned back, sending waves of content by how much I was having such a good time, and seeing me sing my heart out despite how averagely terrible my vocal cords typically were.

Welp, time for the grand finale! "All together now!"

Which concluded, like with the movie, everyone participating in the musical pointing to the one whom orchestrated its beginning; Mergriffons, seahorses and countless other aquatic life having had such a wonderful life, all applauding one another, soon afterwards, before swimming away to hum to themselves cheerfully the song still. Who could blame them? So was I! Addictive, guys, what did I tell you-?

Loud clapping of fins from right behind me, followed by a somewhat shriek of a voice. "That. Was. AMAZING!" Huh, turning around to face a young, but tall light yellow female of their kind with bright blue fins and wide eager eyes, still happily applauding away long after the performance was over. "You're just what we need! Are you the new conductor? If not, are you interested? Ever played an underwater shell guitar? Would you like to?!"

Dear God, underwater Pinkie Pie. Despite that, I smiled sheepishly with a half-hearted shrug to the cheerful interrogation. "No... Though I always wanted to conduct an orchestra personally-"

The Mergriffon, to my immediate concern then, inhaled loudly, before exclaiming a noise of triumph and fisting the water air. Okay? Gah! Quickly she took hold of my right fin and tugged, still beaming widely as though there had never been a burden in her whole life. By God, personal space didn't really exist among their kind did it? Halfway exploring underwater and Mt. Aris I was keeping an eye on Terramar's close proximity to Twilight, and now this!

"You must come with me, you MUST! Mother would be so delighted to have you help our festival!" ANOTHER festival? These creatures might top ponykind in how often they celebrate and party. "Come on, this way!" Whoa! Didn't have much of a choice being dragged through the waters upwards, upwards and upwards, deeper into the large, magnificent palace.

Skystar mentioning being a Princess earlier might have helped save this more... Awkward predicament.

At least, awkward on my part, before the Mergriffon continued chatting away, swimming around the Goddamn QUEEN of Seaquestria and Hippogriff kind in general, the latter looking more indifferent to her spawn's antics. While the former swam around needlessly singing praises about the embarrassed male merpony observing at the center of the massive throne room.

"- And then he performed a chorus with some sea snails before conducting the starfish and having them dance in harmony, and then!" Another giant inhale, prompting my mild wince. "Mother! He's just perfect for the role!"

"So you say." Queen Novo replied all too regally. Honestly this was a poor first impression, especially from the judging stare the white-pink elegant monarch provided, unable for me to tell if the look was in interest or in disdain. Her heart says she doesn't really give a [BEEP] what kind of creature her daughter brought to the throne room. "Obviously one of the ponies above. And your name was...?"

"Stardust, your Majes-"

But Skystar was a few steps ahead, spoiling the better information that caused my whole floating body to stiffen. "Prince Stardust, Twilight Sparkle's husband! I saw them enter Seaquestria with Silverstream's brother."

Suddenly, the emotions in Novo's heart skyrocketed, the previously bored Queen shooting up from her seat in startled shock, before frowning down with a newfound edge to her voice. "I wasn't aware the Princess was married."

Goddamn, Twilight, what the Hell did you DO to earn sure ire? Regardless, I coughed into my fin, offering a small grin to break the tension. "Well, not yet, we only got recently engaged."

"I see..." Not really looking like she cared again, the tall Queen regaining composure and gracefully sitting down again, perking a brow. "Congratulations are in order then." Neither sounding as though she meant that. "Your taste in Princesses are left to be desired, however."

"Please, your Majesty." Swimming forward just a tad, remaining humble but standing my ground. Already had enough enemies. Gesturing to myself with a firm voice. "Forgive her. Whatever damage Twilight has wrought, whatever frictions or crimes, do not blame her. Twilight is naive and often makes ill decisions. Whatever punishment you have in mind, take it out all on me."

"You would nobly accept all the consequences of your fiance's errors, despite having no clue what crime she had caused, without even batting an eye?" Skystar looked between us, beginning to soften her expression to express worry.

Hazel and purple met, standing our grounds. "In a heartbeat."

Novo blinked, the internal emotions now sparking curiosity and... I dared feel respect emanating from her, the Queen leaning back in her round throne, smirking a little. "For her own faults, the Princess has decent taste in her own partners." The royal acknowledged, and I breathed out in relief a little. "I can see why my best General speaks so highly of you." Those vast purple eyes glinted. "'Man Who Walked The Stars.'"

Skystar gasped loudly, and I inhaled in sharp response, merely giving a small grunt of affirmation. This time, the Queen chuckled, shaking her head with a more pleased, and satisfied grin.

"You need not be concerned for whatever punishment I would bestow, Prince. The fact you saved Seaspray and his family from the vile clutches of a greedy royal is enough of a gratitude, and to excuse Twilight Sparkle's actions." Oh thank God. I managed a dazed grin, nodding in thanks myself, a gesture Queen Novo returned. She wasn't the only giving respect in this room now. "But if you're adamant in making up for her wrongdoings, my daughter here is correct of our need for a conductor. Our most accomplished musician fell ill of a bad sea cold."

'Sea cold?' Nah I won't bother asking. I blinked whereas Skystar grinned in wide excitement. "Does this mean he can...?"

"If he desires to." Noting my curious expression, Novo explained some more. "Our orchestra is well regarded. Once every month we celebrate the defeat of the Storm King with a grand spectacle, one with music that messages across the whole oceans. If you desire, Prince, you may participate and aid us. If you wish."

Orchestra... She said orchestra...

Despite having no experience in music or conducting one whatsoever, I grinned like a wide fool and allowed emotion to rule over logic. "Where do I sign up?"

"Jack, there you are!"

"Hm?" Having been left to my own thoughts just a short distance away from the palace, needing some time alone to think matters through after Novo had her ridiculously enthusiastic daughter explain everything regarding the festival. God knows I needed to write everything down, but in the meantime, Twilight's back! "Oh hey love."

"Hi." The Princess of Friendship greeted, still awestruckingly radiant in her merpony form and beaming with amused affection by my rapid blinking and brief gaping. "You're catch seahorses with your mouth open like that."

"Now look who's going native."

"It never hurts to learn the lingo-" The Princess then paused, noticing something attached around my gold neck and pointing in surprise. "Is that...?"

Hm? Oh yes love, yes it was, proudly grasping and holding up the piece of the pearl. "A gift from Queen Novo herself, after saving her favourite General and family." Twilight's expression, then, was anything but pleased. "I thought you'd be more positive about that news?"

Answered by a shake of the head. "I am happy for you Jack, don't get me wrong. It's just, learning why you're so fondly regarded by the Hippogriffs and Seaponies only today took me off-guard. You never said anything."

Lowering the jewel back around my supposed gills, I could only shrug halfheatedly. "I didn't want to talk about it." Who would willingly share the ale of one of their most darkest moments in their life during a casual conversation?

"Was it that bad a memory?" Yes love, it was. And Twilight could sense, indulging and not pushing, nodding next with a small smile. "I'll trust you to tell me when you feel ready."

"And that's another reason to love you hopelessly."

"Oh? So you're saying I never respected your privacy until now?"

"Twilight, dear, you're arguably the most nosy person I've ever met."

"Guess that's just one thing we have in common." Twilight smirked teasingly, mirroring my expression, then softening hers. "Banter aside, I'm just glad they didn't hold any grudge against me for so long."

"I spoke to Novo, she's pardoned your actions." Eliciting a wider grin and sigh of relief from the happy merpony, followed by me adding then cheekily. "My charm works even on their kind's royalty, love."

Replied by a humming scoff. "In other words, you went off in a tangent until her Majesty saw your point of view whether she liked it or not?" You make me sound so commanding, love. Twilight chuckled. "Just kidding, but thank you for speaking up for me in my absence, though I could have handled making amends myself." The Princess then added before I could banter right back. "In much better news, the friendship problem has been solved! Turns out it was Terramar's indecisiveness for his mother and father, feeling as though he would be forced to choose between them."

"...So not really a 'friendship problem,' more of a family matter." I pointed out after a moment, offering a wry smirk. "Maybe I should have handled it instead of poorly singing with the fishes."

Rolling her eyes fondly, Twilight inclined her head towards the palace. "Shall we head back? Everyone else is still partying on the beach."

Bleh, beach party? No thanks. Besides I had a much better idea in mind, smirking cheekily before Twilight gasped in surprise by the sudden, seductive posture of an embracing, dripping the blushing merpony down as noses brushed against one another.

"When I can spend some alone time with my Princess in one of her most beautiful forms yet...?"

Flushing brightly, Twilight coughed a small cute giggle before slyly gazing away. "Well, it wouldn't hurt to do some more research on underwater life up-close..." I coyly raised a brow. "A-And to spend some time with my bold Warrior." That's the spirit, Twilight playfully pushing back, but our fins still holding together and bodies swimming side-by-side, close to touching. A perfect ending for an eventful day.

...Oh yeah. "Twilight?"


"We might be sticking around longer than you'd think. Or I would be anyway."

"...And why is that, honey...?"

"Well... Novo wants me to conduct her Seapony Orchestra."

"An orchestra."




"You conducting an orchestra."


"...I have way too many objections about that."

"But you'll be more content swimming in the ocean beside your favourite human-in-merpony-form and not ruin the moment."

"...Just promise me you won't be copyrighting by using Disney songs for the orchestra."




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