• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter Eleven: Addictive Song Up

I could be twenty years old right now and I wouldn't have even noticed.

That's how long I've been here, from the start of this world's summer all the way to the approaching conclusion of winter. I've spent almost a full year trapped in this world of multi-coloured ponies and other sentient creatures, with no contact to make with my family, who must be worried to death around my sudden disappearance.

I sometimes wonder, besides my family, if anyone else tried to search for me, at least for some clues to my inexplicable absence? The police obviously. But friends? I had so few back home I'd be amazed if they even tried. My next door neighbor old childhood friends perhaps, but I was so despised by others back home-

Okay, 'despised' was stretching it a little, more of 'indifferent towards by others'.

Anyway, during my long-arse months of staying in Equestria, more specifically the rather eventful Ponyville, I have grown more accustomed than I would've preferred over the course of my imprisonment here with the socially-open citizens; the Mane Six and Spike especially, the latter I would consider to be the second closest to whom I would call a friend. But right now they continued to be in my 'acquaintances' category.

Rarity, Applejack and Fluttershy were the ones I 'hung out' with the most outside of the Golden Oak Library.

The white unicorn and I shared a disdain for getting our body literally dirty over anything and had specific tastes over many things, though my biggest gripe with Rarity was her insistence and attempts to comb/wash/cut my mane and beard.

The orange Earth Pony and I shared an appreciation for blunt honesty, though we disagreed over my lack of conducting any activity that requires a heinous amount of bodily energy.

The yellow pegasus and I shared an appreciation for quietness, I often visited her just for the sake of finding some peace whenever Twilight or Spike behaved in noisy fashions for whatever reason. And while the politeness was considerably adorable, I had to exhale exasperation here and there whenever it starts to get old.

Now, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie? I've grown more... shall we say tolerable towards them over my stay in Ponyville. I mean they're both still a major pain to deal with or even stand when we're in the same room, but somehow I've managed to shockingly put up with their obnoxious personalities... I've even taken some pleasure here and there with Rainbow Dash's confusion whenever I casually address her as 'Sonic Ripoff'.

And finally Twilight... now she was the closest I had around in this forsaken town, even the world, to a friend, despite her and the rest always addressing me as their friend. Our appreciation for books and knowledge, exasperation and irritation over the stupidity of others, appreciation for silence and taking care of the library, and our often conversations/arguments maintains her status as my most favourite pony of all. I still kept my secret from her and the others but Spike...yes I continue still in my refusal to let them know the truth.

But in the end, I dare tell myself that I've grown overly fond of these ponies... it almost feels like a shame when I leave.

But I must; my family is waiting for me. My little sister waits for me to always be there for her and read her bedtime stories. My young brother waits for me for our many arguments where he spouts some nonsensical bull to 'reinforce' whatever absurd point he was trying to make. My young teenage sister waits for me to... actually I have no idea what benefit I am to her, other than just being a sibling.

But just you wait everyone... I'll be back home as soon as possible.

I like snow.

And by that I mean I LOVE the stuff. My reaction to first seeing the stuff on the very first day of Equestria's winter the first morning made both Twilight and Spike raise amused brows, which I quickly explained to them, after tearing my eyes from the beautiful sight, that in my homeland snow was something that rarely showed itself, even during winter.

And due to England's lack of the wonderful weather, I had fully expected all the snow to disappear the next day... but I was admittedly completely surprised when it continued snowing the next day, Twilight informing me the pegasus' who control the weather are making sure the snow stays until the end of winter.

Suffice to say, first with my repaired ear and now a full snowy winter, I've gotten to grow fond of this world even more.
Now here I was, of the morning of the last day of winter, just sitting by the edge of the window in the main area of the library, enjoying the sight of outside falling bits of frozen water before me. Oh yes, despite my love for the cold substance, I prefer to just sit inside and observe rather than go out there and be possibly pelted by snowballs by certain people... or ponies.

"Dare I repeat myself saying your body will go stiff with you just sitting there like that all day?"

I smirked at the exasperated voice behind me. "Dare I repeat myself that your concern is noted, but not necessary?" Really what else was there for me to do? I've read like over a hundred books in this library, and I certainly wasn't going to attempt writing on paper again and produce a sloppy mess as a result.

The fact that most of these ponies write using their mouths had me exclaim how more difficult that was than using their hooves.

Finally looking away to the two who've just finished with their breakfast, I raised a brow at the small dragon climbing onto Twilight's back for a ride. How she always tolerates that I have no clue. "Going somewhere?" I asked.

Spike responded before his mistress, clearly tired still; I swear that dragon was more lazy than I. "Mayor Mare's giving some boring speech about Winter Wrap Up-"

"What Spike means to say is," Twilight cut off the uncaring lizard while giving him an unamused stare. "Every year on the last day of winter, the Mayor of Ponyville announces the official beginning of Winter Wrap Up, and everypony's going to help clean up the town." Ah yes, Twilight told me all about 'Winter Wrap Up' a few days back. And as part of tradition none of the unicorns around town are permitted to utilize magic to help in the cleaning.

...Yeah good luck with that love.

"Are you coming with us to Town Hall?"

To blend in with a crowd of happy-go-lucky four-legged sentient woodland creatures?

"Certainly." I replied while the cons of the idea outweighed any pros, walking towards the front door with the pair. May as well see what all the fuss was about and why these ponies were on the level of Twilight-uptight today with this event.

However, if they expect me to participate in their traditional event of making way for spring...

"Well look on the bright side Spike." I said as the crowd of multi-coloured creatures dispersed to join their respective teams. "At least the speech was quick."

"I think that's the bright side for you Stardust." I shrugged at the drowsy reply. Touché my reptilian friend, I had to credit the mayor for at least getting to the point of her speech and having her citizens work as quickly as possible.

It's rather a shame, really. I enjoyed this season to the fullest, agreeing with yet pretending to ignore Twilight's remarks that winter was the season where I was active most. This was the best winter I've ever had, honestly. And I'm sure if any other British person somehow got transported and stranded within Equestria, they'd more than likely think the same thing.

All in all... I'm sad to see this all go. This was the most fun I've had ever since arriving in Ponyville.

"Oh gosh!" A surprised voice returned me to reality as I raised a brow at the purple unicorn looking around rather wildly. "Where should I go? I'm not sure where I'd fit in... what exactly does everypony do?"

Welcome to my world Twilight, have a brownie. "Ugh, teamwork..." I couldn't help but mutter in disdain at the numerous groups."

"You're not fond of teamwork, Stardust?"

"I see no value in it... for me anyway-"

I was then cut off by a song so good the damn thing wouldn’t stay out of my head the whole day through.

Winter wrap up, winter wrap up...

Dammit, though I should've expected this. Aside from the song itself being played today of course, but now it remained stuck inside my head, playing never-endingly just to spite me for not taking that big a part of it. Why should I? That was the town's song, not mine. Now I'm currently awaiting the purple unicorn I was accompanying at the moment from finishing helping Rarity with... whatever it was she's doing.

The only bright side to this eventful morning I suppose was having seen why that song was so popular with the fans. I would've enjoyed it much more further if it didn't feel five minutes long and my own mouth joined in like that.

Unexplainable strength. Magic not working all that well when used on me. Voice singing on its own accord.

These are the things that hurt my brain whenever I constantly attempt to figure them out with logic. Yeah, remember logic? That seems to be the thing Equestria laughs at whenever possible-

And she returns.

"Any luck?" I inquired casually as Twilight approached, and I seemed to get my answer as she lowered her head and released a groan. "Not as such then..." I speculated after glancing then at the direction of Rarity conducting work upon... honestly I have no clue what she's doing over there. I'm just gonna assume it's something important in relation to the whole wrapping winter up.

Winter wrap, winter wrap up... dammit.

Winter wrap up winter wrap up- "Oh Jesus... careful- Twilight, keep an eye on that- no you shouldn't be spinning like that. Geez Twilight use your balance, it'll help..."

Laughter to my right. "Stardust, calm down. She'll be fine. There's no need to worry."

"I'm not worried."

"If you say so."

Well if you're not going to take such a thing seriously Spike I might as well be. Honestly, ice-skating. Dangerous activity, never understood the pleasure of it. I've tried that sport once, and those are memories I wish never to relive again. My eyes focused on the purple unicorn who was already losing control of herself!

Though I don't think she had any control of her movement the moment Spike pushed her onto the thick ice.

Dear God what if the ice breaks-?

Uh oh...

I winced, imagining the pain of the impact as the three skated right past me and straight into a large pile of snow, resulting in a snowman comprised of the three before they shook the stuff off them.

While heading towards the three, Spike exhaled more childish laughter. "You are a natural Twilight - Haha - a natural disaster! Hahahaha!"

Casting a glare at the rude behaviour, I asked the purple mare. "Are you all right?" Better to ask since no one else was.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Twilight answered quickly. Oh you say that my dear, but the tone and disappointed expression claims otherwise...

"Twilight, you did a great job your first time around!" Pinkie Pie then began congratulating the getting-up unicorn, before immediately adding some words that I'm more than certain are of no help at all. "I'm sure my first time was just as wobbly and blobbly and crasharific as yours!"

"Really?!" Twilight, seriously...

"...No." I sighed in disdain because, let's face it, that's how I can only react to this situation. Spike was about to laugh before quickly covering his mouth at seeing my expression. Pinkie Pie continued after the downcasting answer. "But did I make you feel better?"

Oh I'm sure she feels just peachy, Pinkie Pie.

"Hah... yeah, I guess." Ya see?

"I bet you'll be super-awesome at something that keeps your hoofs on the ground. I know; Fluttershy could probably use your help with the critters."

"Well, I'm pretty good with animals." Twilight entertained the idea... while slowly sliding on the ice. "Yeah, I'll go help her!" Before moving across the ice again in comical fashion...

Oh THIS next attempt should be good... do I mean the skating or helping out Fluttershy?

Pick one.

"So let me get this straight..." I began conversing with Spike while Twilight and Fluttershy tended to awakening the woodland creatures. "Your owner, or friend if you prefer, is arguably the most intelligent knowledgeable genius across all of Equestria... and you've never heard of, nor have known any meaning of the word 'hibernation' until now?"

A sheepish shrug. "Sometimes when Twilight talks like a know-it-all, it just gets kinda hard to pay attention to her, especially if she uses a big word like that." Hardly a big word Spike. I was about to voice as such before he spoke again, this time in a hushed tone for the two ponies near not to hear. "Do they have hibernation in your world?"

I nodded, speaking just as quietly. "They do, and let me tell you I know a lot of my kind who wished hibernation was a thing with humanity."

"Oh, are they usually tired?"

"No, they're just usually lazy."

The dragon searched my blank face for a moment before laughing a little at the jab towards my own species. "You know, sometimes you make me wonder whether I ever want to meet a human who hasn't turned into a pony or not."

Heh. Time for a vague answer from yours truly. "You never know my friend."

"Wah! Snakes! Snaaaakes!" Our attention then turned to the backing-up purple unicorn who moved away from the hole of the dangerous reptiles - she wasn't afraid of interacting with a dragon but with snakes? - before entering a cave behind her... before running out with a feminine scream as multiple bats followed the frightened Twilight outside.

And here comes the icing on the cake.

As my freezing hoof - which I'm amazed hasn't become frozen to the snowy ground yet - automatically reached up to rub my forehead at Twilight's behaviour. the purple unicorn meanwhile was now running away from a nest of bees due to their home being stuck on her head.

And the curtain closes as I released a small smirk at the admittedly entertaining show before me; a family of skunks exiting the small cave Twilight entered, and, judging by the smell of things and the unicorn's groan inside the hole, someone was going to need a very good washing.

"Ohh... all this winter wrap up stuff is a lot harder than it looks." Twilight complained while her loyal assistant scrubbed the poor unicorn, who was currently being bathed in a pool of orange to clean away the smell left behind from the woodland creatures.

I was always skeptical of tomato sauce being a cure to get rid of skunk's... well skunk. Today might just prove me if it was true or not.

"Right," Spike concurred in irritation of his own, covering his nose with his free hand. What was I doing? Well I'm standing on the other side with a towel on stand-by, taking in the warmth of the library after being outside for so long assisting in Twilight's pointless quest. "Because there's no magic; why don't you just use magic Twilight and get it done the right way?"

Now, let me just point something out I've actually learnt since becoming a resident of Twilight's house.

Since I have no ability to utilize magic whatsoever, nor since I was never an Earth Pony in the first place so I have not that magic that allows me to become in 'tune' with nature, it made me realize just exactly how under-credited this form of these species was. Earth Ponies have always been the grunts of Equestria, the ones who have to do all the work practically without using either magical nonsense or flying; which is why me becoming an Earth Pony makes sense. What I'm getting at here is this: Earth Ponies are underrated, and are seriously in more need of appreciation.

They don't use magic or flying to solve their problems, their solutions involve either brute force or rationality. And for that I've found myself over the months of my stay here respecting them for it.

"No Spike, I have to do it the traditional way. Ponyville has never needed magic to wrap up winter." Also it took me now to realize Twilight was almost entirely dependent on magic, which wasn't a good thing.

"But they've never had you here before either." Spike objected with a weak counterargument. "Think how much quicker they can wrap up winter with your magic!"

"Why the hurry?" I decided to then speak up. Seriously there's no need to rush in getting rid of such fantastic weather. "Besides Spike, if Twilight wishes to stick to tradition, then we should, and shall, respect as such."

"Thank you Stardust." Twilight said, grateful someone in the library agreed with her... Before grunting in displeasure as the dragon poured the next can of sauce on her head. "I'm going to find a way to help wrap up winter, somehow."

Winter wrap up winter wrap up… God dammit Twilight.

"I'm not the only one who believes this was never a good idea, correct?"

"Correct." Both Spike and Applejack answered between me while we observed the determined purple unicorn assist the large quantity of Earth Ponies in piling up the snow... but first Twilight had to deal with moving the weird, yet credibly creative contraption. That was then the orange mare decided to glance at me and inquire. "So why aren't you helpin' with the winter wrap up, Stardust?"

My answer was immediate, having prepared beforehand for anyone asking me that exact question. "It's not my town to clean up."

"Regardless, don't ya think ya should contribute at least a little bit? I mean you have been here for a while, so has Twilight and look, she's tryin' to help Ponyville with the winter wrap up." Applejack gestured to the rather downcast mare looking over the area below.

"Applejack... I don't work."

A scoff. "Ain't that the truth?" Well to hell with you too then my dear. But the Earth Pony shook her head at the glare she was receiving. "Look, I know we've had this conversation multiple times, and you've always made yer feelin's clear on the subject, but ya could at least show some amount of effort today of all days!"

"Uhh, guys..."

"'Show some effort?'" I echoed in irritation. "Applejack, this is not my business to clean up. If you want to get rid of this gorgeous snow, then do so without me. I much prefer this all as it was, anyway."


"So you'd rather have snow to bury all the crops and plants we need to survive?!"

"That's not what I said."

"Tch. Sounded like it to me."

"But in answer to your question; it's not my problem."

"Now you listen here you lazy Earth Pony-!"

"Guys!" The panicked cut-off caused us to cease the trivial argument and looks to our left at the lizard that interrupted us, pointing in the direction where Twilight was to which our eyes followed to see...


My instincts immediately kicked in as I leaped out of the way, leaving without a shred of regret the orange pony and dragon to become victims of the giant snowball which now was heading elsewhere, with the source of the white boulder being... Twilight...

Looks like she took Spike's advice after all, and look how well it's turning out...

Shaking my head, I ran in pursuit of the non-stopping unicorn and the boulder that was growing by the second.

To which I immediately then regretted.

Peh! Bleh!

My body worked to pull myself out of the remains of the avalanche, every bit of fur shivering at the freezing assault, my then-cold cape offering no help in keeping me warm now. Shaking the small piles off me after getting myself fully out of the white ground, my teeth chattered while my eyes looked around for any sign of the two ponies and dragon.

I knew I shouldn't have joined them outside again...

Ah, there they were.

I flinched God knows how many times while approaching the three popped up heads, eventually within hearing range of Applejack's lecture. "-how we do it around here Twilight, and especially not on my farm!"

"Well, see..." I heard Twilight reply weakly, and I felt the shivering of my own body from the cold literally halt upon seeing the expression of the purple unicorn.

Was she... about to shed tears?

"I-I just wanted to... Ooh!" My eyes blinked in shock as the upset unicorn leapt out of the snow and ran away, straight past some mad Earth Ponies in the direction of the town.

And without any sense of logic or justification upon doing so, I gave the unfazed Applejack a hardened glare before running in pursuit of the unicorn... again.

Rarely have I witnessed Twilight become so upset over anything like that. Clearly, I've underestimated just how much she gave a damn about the whole winter clean up ordeal. As I walked around the town square filled with bustling hard-working ponies, I wonder why, exactly just why, Twilight was so concerned over the whole thing.

I'll ask her, of course... after finding her and helping her calm down.

"Twilight?" I called out while seeking out the hiding mare. Maybe she's returned to the library, to her own room and was producing a fort of books to shut out the outside work right this second- nah, that sounds like something Spike would do-

"I'm here." A muffled, yet familiar voice replied, and my body automatically jumped at the shaking bush I was walking by answered my question.


"You know, I don't think an icy bush is going to help in any possible way with the cold." I began jokingly. "Come on Twilight, get out of there."

The downcast reply caused me to blink. "Why, so I can cause another disaster with my so-called 'help'?"

"That wasn't your fault-"

"Yes, it was." Wow she's REALLY upset. "I allowed my reliance on magic to get the better of me, and in doing so I made things worse for the hard-working citizens of Ponyville... I knew I shouldn't have followed Spike's advice." Concluded with a sigh.

"Well there's the problem." I ignored the looks towards myself talking to a bush. "You listened to Spike. I'm certain there's something around this forsaken town for you to accomplish in assisting with the winter wrap up."

Did I honestly believe that? No not really; maybe there was something, but my true goal here was to make Twilight stop embarrassing herself like this and get out of the damn bush.

There was a pause before the saddened mare spoke again from within. "That's nice of you to say, Stardust, but we both know that's not true. I've done nothing but disturb and distract my friends from their own parts of wrapping up winter. Is there honestly anything I can do today that won't mess up someone else’s hard work?"

"...You can always advise others, you're pretty competent at offering support and opinions... even when they're not needed..." Understatement of the century, really. But upon receiving no answer to the idea I sighed, growing rather irritated by all this nonsense. Time to get to the point. "Twilight, why are you doing this, really? Why are you so determined in helping the town with this insane amount of dedication?"

"I want to help..."

"But why?" I couldn't stress the word enough. "Why? Why are you so fixed on assisting them, when clearly they're more than capable of handling their respective tasks themselves?" We both know there's more to it than just Twilight wanting to help out because they're all her friends, and because winter wrap up day was of great importance to, I imagine, all pony-kind.

Finally, some part of the unicorn escaped the bush; two purple eyes staring out from within at me rather sadly, a lengthy pause before Twilight finally decided to tell me. "Princess Celestia tasked me with discovering the magic of friendship." Okay, so? I gestured for her to continue before she sighed again. "How can I do that when I'm not even competent enough to help them out on a day as important as this?"

"...You're kidding." THAT'S what this was all truly about? "Twilight... you do enough you're not required for every small task your friends need to work out on, right?" As the eyes retreated within the bush it was my turn to sigh, again. "They won't always need your help you know."

"I know... but... right now I just feel so useless."

And we return back to my world; welcome back. Have a second cookie. But I scoffed at the claim. "Useless, you? You the student of Celestia?" I ignored the collective gasps from passing by ponies while they worked. "You who sent an Ursaminor back to its cave peacefully? You who showed no prejudice towards Zecora when she visited the town? You arguably the most rational and intelligent pony in all of Ponyville? You forget, my dear, looking down upon one's own self is my job, not yours."

Hopefully that humourous statement got some positive reaction out of Twilight... yet she inquired in muffled and now meek voice. "You really think I'm the most intelligent pony in Ponyville?" There's that secret ego she attempts to hide numerous times.

But before I could reply, another familiar voice called. "Stardust! There you are!" My head turned to the approaching Spike, who looked apparently exhausted as he clasped his tiny knees and took deep breaths. "Glad I... caught up to you. Have you... seen Twilight?"

"Right here Spike."

"Whoa!" Well at least unlike Spike I didn't give a vocal reaction to Twilight's hiding spot. "Twilight? What are you doing in there?"

"Hiding, obviously."

"I was asking her."

"What Stardust said."

I couldn't restrain the small smirk on my muzzle while Spike recovered from his seemingly tiring exercise all the way here. Really I didn't run that far, or was the snow too much for you to climb across? "Hmm... come on Twilight, come on out." Believe me I've already tried that.

"I'm a winter mess up."

"Did you just immediately forget about our conversation?" I quietly asked in disbelief.

"Well you're good at a lot of things!" Spike then attempted to encourage the poor unicorn like I did. "Just not nest making, ice skating, animal waking, snow clearing..."

...Sometimes I wish you'd just get neutered for your tactless words, Spike.

"Hmm thanks a lot for making me feel so much better." Ahh Twilight, if there's one thing I lov- enjoyed about you was your sarcastic behaviour.

I snickered to myself as Spike currently lacked comprehension of the tone. "That's what I'm here for sister!"

"Rainbow Dash!" Ah great, a mare I wouldn't rather see right now addressing another pony I'd rather not see right now. "Y'all on the weather team need to melt the rest of this snow here on the ground and the trees, pronto!"

"Got it!" The blue pegasus proceeded to help before halted by a protestant Fluttershy.

"You can't! Or the poor little animals homes will get flooded if the snow melts too fast." Oh no, it's not like they can just either move all the snow elsewhere, or find the animals new homes for that matter.

"Got it."

"I'm tellin' ya Rainbow, ya gotta melt that snow, now!"

"No! You simply must wait!"




Meanwhile Spike and I exchanged glances at the argument before us over what's to be done. Let's see... Applejack's more concerned with the crops, and Fluttershy with the animals. Which sounds more important here.

Oh please ladies don't make Rainbow Dash choose like this!

"Ugh! Make up your mind!" Ya see?

"Oh!" And in comes the mayor! I'm sitting down to enjoy this, "Just what in all of Equestria are you arguing about? This sort of silliness is why we were late for spring last year! And the year before that! And the year before that!"

"Blimey what a disorganized town." I said while Spike 'Mm-hmm'ed' in agreement.

"Did she say... 'Late?'" Both the dragon and I blinked as Twilight finally popped out from the bush, looking over to the scene in surprise and worry.

Ooh I think I know where this was going...

"I was hoping my amazingly inspirational speech-" Don't flatter yourself that speech wasn't worth even remembering. "- would urge everyone to do better than last year, but now it looks like we're going to be later than ever!" The mayor proceeded to look around. "I mean just look at this catastrophe!"

We followed her gaze to a downcast Pinkie Pie for screwing up the ice, to then a panicking and eventually crying Rarity, then to numerous areas the elderly pony felt like pointing out. Obviously this was just making things worse for the matter. "This isn't good; not at all!"

You know, it just occurred to me then... exactly what is it the mayor does in this town as her daily job? I mean aside from preventing any trouble and making petty speeches. No brony I know has ever given her praise. Was she really this incompetent to just start whining at everyone and everything instead of solving the problem via telling them to behave and just get on with their jobs?

"We get it!" I called out while approaching the group, the mayor's eyes lit in clear recognition towards me. "This town is an incompetent mess. You see Twilight?" I said over my shoulder to the purple observing mare. "The damage you've done is minimal compared to the yearly mess these residents produce."

"And it's gonna be all to pieces disastrous if we can't get our seeds all planted."

"Chillax Applejack!" I can't believe I'm thinking this but I concur with Rainbow Dash; even she's tired of the Earth Pony's attitude today! "We're busting our chops as fast as we can!"

"No!" Fluttershy spoke again. "Not fast! We have to wake animals slowly." Because they're such delicate species...

Shaking my head while arguments broke out from all sides around the town square, I walked in return to Twilight and Spike, addressing the former when I stopped. "Well, I think we've heard enough Twilight. You know what to do."

She blinked in surprise. "I-I do?" After that Twilight looked over the bush to the mayor of this disorganized town complain some more about how things weren't going her way.

And that just seemed to set the spark for Twilight's ascension to 'heroine of the day', jumping out of the bush and landing between Spike and I. "Spike, get my checklist and clipboard. Stat!"

I raised a brow as Spike saluted obediently. "Y-Yes ma'am!" He said before hurrying to off to do as tasked.

"Stardust!" No need to yell my dear. Yet the commanding tone made my body turn unwillingly to full attention as Twilight addressed me next. "Are you up to helping this town become more organized?"

"...Are you implying I will get to boss these ponies around?" At her positive nod, I grinned lightly. "Of course, after you my lady."

She smiled back, more confidently than I've seen her all day, before turning her complete attention on the arguing townsfolk. "Stop everypony! Stop!"

Wasn’t working... Oh! Idea! "EVERYONE SHUT UP!" The no-nonsense yell caused them all to cease their childish squabble and look in our direction, and I feigned ignorance to Twilight rubbing her ear at my heightened voice for a second. "All yours."

Nodding in both annoyance and appreciation, Twilight continued while she could address the surprised ponies. "I know you all want to complete your jobs on time, but arguing is no way to go about it!"

Time to add to the speech for no reason. "She's right citizens. In order for spring to come we must all work united as one." Except for me. "And to accomplish that we need one simple thing."

"Organization!" Twilight finished as Spike returned with the equipment his mistress asked for. "And I'm just the pony for the job!"

"I can't believe it!" I heard the mayor exclaim happily, which informed me both she and the majority of Ponyville arrived from the other side of the tree. "Spring is here! On time!"

Yes it was rather a fruitful day cleaning up winter yesterday. I don't know about Twilight but I took such delight in telling the residents what to do. My favourite part going 'Sergeant-Stardust' on the Earth Ponies over piling away the snow, ignoring fully the disapproving look of Applejack as I commanded the hard-working four-legged residents. What can I say? I had a blast issuing orders to these lost and confused ponies.

By the way, when Rainbow Dash and her troops cleared away the clouds, the method upon doing so was quite possibly the most stupidest thing I've seen since Pinkie Pie led away those parasprites.

All in all, Twilight and I were satisfied with organizing the townsfolk, bringing forth a large team that cleared away, to my small reluctance, the weather belonging to winter making way for a new season.

Now here I was, leaning with my back against a tree overlooking the town, out of sight of the nearby crowd. This was Twilight's moment, not mine.

"And we have you to thank for it." The elderly voice continued. "If it weren't for your organizing skills we would still be arguing." Arguing which someone of your authority should've broken up, and set everyone straight. Put me as the new mayor guys I'm ready!

"It was a team effort." Modesty... I look forward to the day when the mayor's no longer useful due to Twilight becoming a princess; hence a new ruler of the town.

"And since you helped every team, we have an official vest for you." I glanced to my left at the announcement. A vest? Applejack got a trophy for dealing with a stampede, but setting everyone straight in preparation of spring earns Twilight nothing but a vest?

...Ah whatever. I didn't get a trophy for fighting off that Ursaminor... though that was because me and the ones to witness the battle agreed that I deserve some peace after that, to most of their reluctance.

"We give you the title: All Team Organizer!"

What a stupid title.

"Gosh, I don't even know what to say..."

"Try 'what a stupid title'." Of course my mutter fell on deaf ears as no one but Twilight knew of my hiding spot.

"Thank you everypony!"

"And hereby I declare that winter... is wrapped up on time!" The announcement was followed by loud cheering... before laughing at the poor mishap of Spike. Yeah laugh you awful ponies. I have to remind myself to question the lizard how he even got there on the last block of ice in the middle of the lake in the first place...

"By the way." I heard the mayor speak again. "Where is that dashing young stallion who helped with the organization? I would like to thank him as well." Who me? Twilight don't even think about revealing my location-

"Oh Stardust? He's... back at the library, he doesn't really like crowds."

Good girl.

"'Dear Princess Celestia, winter wrap up was one of the most special things I've ever been a part of here in Ponyville; it helped me to learn that we all have hidden talents, and if we're patient and diligent, we're sure to find them. And as always with good friendship and teamwork, ponies can accomplish anything!'" Twilight looked out the window proudly for learning an okay lesson like that, and I couldn't help but smile a little as I walked towards the pair. "How's that Spike? ...Spike?"

My smile morphed into a smirk then as I gently placed the warm cup of hot chocolate next to the chair the snoring dragon rested upon.

"Oh Spike... Tehehehehe." Giggle.

"Well what did you expect?" I inquired with humour while passing the other mug off my back to the grateful mare. "You did, after all, leave him stranded in the middle of a lake... on ice for that matter."

"True." Twilight conceded while taking a sip of the warm sustenance.

"My apologies if it's bad; hot chocolate isn't a drink I can make efficiently."

"It's lovely Stardust." Twilight quickly assured me, smiling genuinely as though I needed the comfort. "Thanks, and thank you as well for helping me and the town with winter wrap up. I know practical work isn't a favourite of yours."

"...It isn't something I prefer to do a lot I'll grant you that." I shrugged admittedly. "But still, an opportunity to express superiority over the masses? How could I have said no?"

Twilight rolled her eyes. "Whatever you say." She took another sip before glancing at the cold dragon. "How long do you think he'll be asleep for this time?"

"Long enough I imagine to have me complete his chores for him." I answered with an eye roll of my own, before becoming serious after the unicorn chuckled. "But truly, Twilight, I dare say we made... A good team yesterday."

A raised amused brow. "Why, Stardust, are you implying you think there's some value in teamwork after all?"

I scoffed in humour. "Come now my dear, I've told you once I am not a team player, I never said peo- Ponies working together was ever a bad thing."

"Fair enough." A third sip of her drink before Twilight spoke again, meanwhile I was taking off my cape and proceeding to drape it around the pitiful freezing dragon. "Did you mean what you said, by the way, yesterday?"

Hmm? What did she mean? "I'm sorry, what did I say yesterday?"

"About me being... well, 'the most rational and intelligent pony in all of Ponyville; do you really think I am?" For some reason Twilight looked embarrassed to even ask the question, avoiding my questioning gaze. Hmm, did I say that... oh yeah, back at the town square when she was upset.

I was half-tempted to say that I don't think, I know. But I think the mare's ego has been boosted enough today with the 'prized' vest rewarded to her for her hard work today. Why indulge Twilight further? So instead I shrugged and began walking away from the pair, deciding now was the time for me to return to my room for solitude once again. "Well, I had to cheer you up somehow my dear."

"So is that a yes or a no?"

"Why do you care?"

"I... I'm just curious, that's all."

"Then I'll satisfy that curiosity another time, I'm going to my room. Have a nice day Twilight."

I closed the door with a smirk before I could hear the unicorn's irritated reply. How entertaining it was to infuriate that pony.

Winter wrap up, winter wrap up... god dammit that song's still stuck in my head!

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