• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter Seventy-Seven: City of the Hill

Rollin' around at the speed of sound!

Got places to go, gotta follow my rain-!

Cease your internal obnoxious tune.

Make me, [BEEP]-wad. Not even his Highness was gonna stop me from being enthusiastic over going to the big city.

The Mane Six, Spike and myself were now by the train station, prepared to take our trip towards what they called "Manehattan." I know, stupid pun name, but you can't have everything. And hey, considering how hype the others were to going there, it rubbed off on even me.

"Won't you be a dear?" I noticed from the corner of my eye Rarity saying to Spike in that affectionate voice, motioning for him to help pick up the second mountain of suitcases she had nearby.

Erm, excuse me? Did you forget about our little agreement oh so long ago about not taking advantage over Spike's infatuation like that, Rarity? Both Twilight and I shared annoyed glances. "Sure, I'll be a dear," The dragon responded in hesitant obedience, prompting my sigh.

"An entire week in the fabulous city of Manehattan!" The white unicorn exclaimed in an ecstatic tone, grinning at the thought. "Plus, all my very best friends there with me!"

I smirked. You flatter me love.

"Of course we'd all come along to support you during fashion week, Rarity!" Oh yeah, the main reason the trip was planned in the first place. A fashion show was to commence in the city, and of course, Rarity would enter. No doubt win.

Fluttershy backed up my internal statement, "Not that you'll need it; we're sure you'll win."

"Oooh!" Rarity squealed happily, "I can't begin to tell you how excited I am that you'll all be there with me!" Same. "However." Uh oh. The mare followed that with opening her bag, pulling out eight familiar items to present to the others. "Perhaps I can show yoooou!"


"What's that?" Twilight inquired at the purple tickets floating before us.

"Oh oh oh! I know! A paper fan!" Heh, I don't think so Pinkie.

"No, it's-!"

"A magic trick! You know, where I pick a card and remember which one it is and then you put it back in the deck and I look away and-"

"These are tickets to the hottest musical on bridleway!" Oh, a musical?

The girls glanced at each other in elated surprise. "You couldn't mean 'Hinny of the Hills?'" Who of the what? "Because that show's been sold out for months!" Twilight gasped. "Or could you?"

"I could. I do."

The alicorn gasped again, to my humoured smile, "Oh Rarity you didn't have to do that. But, since you did..." And the mares cheered in excitement, clearly more than pleased to be able to attend this musical while we were at Manehattan.

Save for Spike.

Noticing the defeated posture and walk between carrying the suitcases, I shook my head and placed my own case down, walking over towards the dragon. Spike looked up in gratitude at my assistance, both picking up the unnecessary suitcases Rarity was adamant in taking with us.

"You know, I've been to a musical once," I said conversationally. "When I was a kid."

Spike glanced at me curiously. "Was it good?"

"...Honestly, Spike, I am totally indifferent to it now."

Well, they certainly weren't kidding. When the girls said city, they really meant a whole [BEEP] city! I wasn't expecting much, to be honest, but it was a sight to behold! Helping Spike by carrying half the luggage, we followed the enthusiastic mares around, spotting first where the musical will take place, which then they wouldn't stop talking about, Rainbow even claimed it to be the "best musical in all of Equestria."

Well, since I'm a stranger to Equestrian musicals in general, I'll take her word for it. Even though that musical during Christmas - I'm sorry, Hearth's Warming - didn't really encourage me to believe the musicals around here were state-of-the-art, no offence to them.

Speaking of musicals, that was cue for Rarity to begin the song number about how great Manehattan was as we begun touring the city, showing us many sights and wonders the large city had to offer. But this couldn't wait until we drop the luggage off at the hotel first?

Shortly, to mine and Spike's relief, my wish was granted.

Followed by a ride on a cruise ship around the city! Seriously, how technologically confusing was this species? Their time era is so unclear! Ah, who cares, I'm on a cruise ship baby! Wait, was that statue of liberty... In pony form? Oh Christ, I laughed out loud at the ridiculous sight. Hell, we even went inside it!

I could call this my first technical visit to New York City.

The rest of the tour was, for lack of a better word, amazing. I was having more fun than intended. Even Twilight expressed that observation outloud upon noticing the stupid grin on my muzzle almost the whole way through, to my realized embarrassment and the other's amusement. Still, I was enjoying myself, I really was. I haven't had this much fun since the Power Ponies incident. But you know what the best part was? The absolute greatest thing about coming here, apart from going with my friends?

With her too.

"Is there anything left to do we can help you with?" Twilight asked Rarity as we paused by a nearby clothing store, the latter staring dreamily into the reflection.

"Hmm, nothing I can think of. The dresses are all completely finished, all made from a fabulous new fabric I've been working on for months, stretchy but not clingy." Rarity clothing mode. Rarity clothing mode. Activated. "Jibbery but now showy."

"Sounds amazing," Fluttershy said in quiet awe.

"There's nothing left for me to do but check in at the runway by two this afternoon!"

...Wait, this afternoon?

"That's funny," Pinkie then spoke up, pointing at the far-off clock tower. "Because that clock over there makes it seem like that's ten minutes from now."

Followed by stormy clouds appearing from nowhere, rain pouring down in perfect timing, the urgency already apparent. Yep, welcome to the city life, Rarity.

"Taxi!" And the mare sprung into action. Well this ain't good, if she gets disqualified the main reason for coming here would be pointless.

"Hey bud, is this cab taken?" Rainbow demanded atop a taxi cab to the stallion pulling it, the passenger answering for her.

"The line's back there, buddy!" Emphasized by a ludicrous line of ponies.

Now see, this was one of the minor points about this concept which baffles me. Pony taxi's. I mean... What? Was there some kind of pony taxi school to make these stallions faster than the average equine? Why include such a nonsensical idea if all ponies could walk and run at pretty much the exact same speed? Why do these poor mother-[BEEP]s have to pull a cab occupied by a lazy equine who can pretty much get to his destination without difficulty himself?

"I'm afraid pulling a taxi at this time could be almost impossible!"

"We'll find a way." I assured the white unicorn, as Twilight approached the front of the line.

"Please won't you let her have this taxi? She has somewhere very important to be right away!" The purple mare appealed to the next passenger, who scowled towards her disrespectfully.

"Not likely! She can get in line like the rest of us!"

Uhhh, no.

"Excuse me, [BEEP]hole?" I practically stormed forward, ignoring Twilight's surprised look and gesturing to her at the stallion's gaze, "Are both wings and the horn not a clear indicator you are speaking to royalty? Who are you to talk back at her like this? I could kick your [BEEP] for such your tone and rejection of her request!" His eyes widened, realizing his error.

"Jack-" Twilight began, but the rude mother-[BEEP] stepped off the cab and bowed in apology, stepping aside hurriedly.

"Oh! My apologies Princess! Guess I was in a hurry myself." The beige-coloured pony said, moving aside.

Hmph. These pathetic excuses for ponies have been oblivious to their proper rulers long enough. Let me in charge, and I will-

Heh, nice try Sombra. I'm not letting you take control for any reason. The pony in my mind grumbled in dissatisfaction.

Meanwhile, I nodded in satisfaction, gesturing to the cab for Rarity. "All yours."

While Twilight was sending me a disapproving look, Rarity was more than willing to accept my methods, "Oh thank you thank you thank you!" And hurriedly leapt onto her seat, barking out the destination quickly to the 'driver,' who nodded and sped off without fault.

"Ho, that was close." Spike pointed out.

Smiling, I looked back at the mares who were happy for her friend, before Twilight looked at me with both amusement and exasperation, "You know I don't want anyone to feel intimidated by my Princess position, right Jack?"

"Oh I know." I nodded, smirking lightly. "But the means justify the ends."

"He's right," Rainbow spoke up in agreement.

"Uhh, does anypony feel like we're forgetting something?" Spike asked thoughtfully. Why, are we suppose to do something-?

"The dresses!" The girls then exclaimed in surprise and horror.

Oh... [BEEP].

Very nicely, that hotel attendant rushed to bring the dresses over to where the fashion show was taking place for us, all for the nice mare who gave him a purple gem as payment. To our relief, we all exhaled happily at the fact now that Rarity will, hopefully, won't be disqualified. With that out of the way, I turned my attention to an idea I had before we arrived at Manehattan, asking Twilight if there was a park around the city.

Followed by my next question, to her blushing flattery and the other's amusement.

"You had this planned from the beginning?" Twilight inquired in light humour, as we trailed down one of the many pathways throughout the beautiful park, complimenting the purple mare beside me flawlessly.

Shrugging, I answered with an even tone. "It crossed my mind."

She smiled. "Well then, I'm touched by the gesture."

"I'm glad."

Followed by comfortable silence, which was fine. But I think part of that was due to us not really knowing what else to say. I suppose it's fair, considering it was our first romantic walk in the park, our sides lightly brushing against one another as we moved, and Twilight had this content and shy expression that I couldn't resist mirroring the exact same look, the alicorn my only focus of vision from the rest of the ponies and couples passing by. If she noticed my fond observation, the purple Princess made no comment or indicator she did.

"I still can't believe you did that." Twilight looked at me again, her voice bearing neither annoyance nor trying.


"Taking advantage over my Princess status like that. I would never do that to anyone when I can help it."

Of course, and that modesty is one reason I adore you so. "Are you though, love? Are you really surprised I did that, considering all the other [BEEP] I pulled?"

"...Fair point. Just don't repeat it again." Twilight returned the playful smirk. "Also, no swear words while we're together like this. It ruins the mood."

"...Yes dear." Your wish is my command. We resumed our gazes on the path for a moment, before I spoke up again casually. "Well, I'm certainly enjoying my time in Manehattan. You were right, Twilight."

The mare grinned, looking rather proud of herself. "You see? I knew you'd like it! For a moment I thought you were to nitpick at everything as usual."

Oh? "Well, now that you mention it..."


"You brought it up, love."

Twilight rolled her eyes. "Don't make me regret it." And we shared laughter, just enjoying each other's presence. Purple eyes sparkled. "Still, thanks for accompanying us, and helping Rarity out like that."

"Of course. Anything for my friends, and..."

Twilight raised a curious brow. "'And...?'"

"Girlfriend," I said after a moment, shaking my head, "You're not making me say the Equestrian term."

"And why not?"

"Because it's silly."

"You're being silly."

"It was silly of you to consider dating me."

"It was silly of you to agree."

"You're amazing, and I enjoy every moment with you."

Twilight opened her muzzle to retort, before processing those words and looking away in flattered embarrassment, "I feel the same way..." And my heart flipped in joy. But I expressed concern at the sudden hesitant look on the mare's face. "Have I been... A good special somepony?"


"Twilight," I said in fond amusement, walking in front of her as we halted, gently cupping her pony chin. When she met my serious look, I answered without a shred of doubt, "I should be the one asking you that question."

With a small smile, the mare responded with content sincerity, "I wouldn't ask for anyone else."

"Ditto." Following that word was a warm embrace, happening briefly before we resumed our walk, our sides practically leaning against one another now as we trailed down the many pathways. Twilight, in all her knowledgeable glory, proceeded to explain away the statue fountains we passed by, how the park was made and the history of Manehattan itself.

In turn, I told her all about the Earth counterpart of this city, and she looked at me with childlike wonder as I happily explained about the most famous city in the world... Or infamous, depending how one looks at it. I made myself certain not to mention or reference even the seedy parts about New York, though I've never been there myself.

But anything to keep Twilight looking at me like that, in awe and wonder.

"You'll enjoy the musical; I guarantee it, No other can compare to Hinny of the Hill!" Twilight vowed while we were stopping to view the scenery, leaning over some rail bars to the rest of the landscape below.

They really love that musical, don't they? "I'll take your word for it, love." I smiled humouredly, "I haven't been proven otherwise since we got here yet."



"You were in a relationship before, correct?"

...Ah. Well figures, it would eventually have been brought up. "Yeah..."

"Were you happy?"

...Good question. Was I?

"...I wasn't ready," Was my response, keep my gaze focused on the exotic land below, seeing Twilight's curious glance from the corner of my eye. Unpleasant memories began to stir, "I was less in control of my condition than I am now. I wasn't prepared to take on the responsibilities and... Consequences, that came with a relationship."

"Oh..." Her voice sounded regretful, "I'm sorry for-"

"Don't," I said firmly, shaking my head, "It was going to happen sooner or later." That said, I glanced at the concerned mare, "As for your question... Yes, with one of them... I was happy... Just as I am now."

Perhaps that was what she wanted to hear. A hoof gently placed on mine in affection and comfort, and instantly the memories vanished.

The walk resumed, and already evening was on the horizon. Hell, during that time in each other's company, we engaged in some old fashioned romantic cliches. Getting hot dogs together, watching the colourful birds chirp. Myself getting drenched as we walked by the park lake when a stallion water-skiing sped by me. All to Twilight's fond amusement, so I wasn't complaining on that last part.

Not too badly, anyway.

"And to think, we have an entire week," I pointed out while resting under the shade of a tree, my cape removed and laying under the sun, hanging on a nearby branch for dryness. "Aside from hanging out with our friends and Rarity's fashion show, we can do this together again or, y'know, see if there's a cafe or restaurant around to go to."

"I'd like that," Twilight said sincerely, her head gently leaning against my ponified shoulder. I returned the gesture, my own head resting against her own. What can be better? "And speaking of which, I can't wait to see Rarity present her designs to the judges. They'll love them."

Agreed. "I don't doubt it." Imagining the scenario prompted my smirk. "And the other contestants will cry in jealously and awe."

Twilight giggled, trying and failing to sound exasperated. "Jack."


There was no one else nearby to hear our chuckles. Twilight continued, "I mean, I don't want to say that the other designers have no chance, but..."

Always trying to be nice to the other competitors, eh love? "But comparing their skills to Rarity is like comparing other's magic to yours: Pointless. You're both unbeatable in what you do."

I practically felt the heat on her face against my fur. "Rarity, certainly, but I think you grossly overestimate my skills..."

"Or maybe you just underestimate them, love," I said teasingly.

That prompted Twilight to pull her head back a little, focusing her gaze on the beautiful sunset to me. "Jack..."

"Twilight! Stardust!"

And just like that, the mood was ruined. But the sudden urgency from Spike was enough tow arrant our concern. Our attention turned to the hurrying dragon. "Spike? What is it?" Twilight frowned in concern, but even I heard that tinge of annoyance in her otherwise calm tone.

Well, I feel flattered.

Spike pointed wildly behind to the way he came. "We've got a problem! Rarity needs our help!"

So a couple of things happened. One, some [BEEP] copied the entire line of Rarity's unique designs and showed it off to the mare in charge of the event. Two, Rarity has been introduced to the ugly side of the city life, earlier than expected I might add. And three, we resolved to help the distressed mare create a new fashion design in time for the event.

By literally making them ourselves... Out of the furniture of the hotel room itself.

...So what makes Rarity assume any of us, much less myself, have any skills with clothes-making? Well, Twilight did reassure her that, as her friends, we'll do whatever it takes to help her see this through. I was more than willing to help, of course, but I didn't anticipate designing the clothes personally-

How the [BEEP] do you work this thing?!

This goddamn sowing machine is [BEEP]ing me off...

Sombra, meanwhile, was taking crude amusement out of it. And to think, under my rule, you wouldn't be subjected to such frustration. None of this would have been happening...

Shut up.

"I go out of the way to get you tickets for the show, and this is how you repay me?" I heard Rarity speak up admist my troubles, addressing the entire sheepish group, "Abandoning me in my hour of need?"

Guilt trip much?

"No one's abandoning you, Rarity." I probably shouldn't have spoke up, as the mare was uncomfortably in my face a split-second later.

"Splendid, then get back to work. Chop chop now!"


"Uh! Uh! Uh! Fine!" The white unicorn slammed her hoof down at everyone's hesitant expressions, "Go and see Hinny of the Hills tonight! And then tomorrow morning when you come to see my fashion show and you find no fashion to show you'll find more entertainment!" Proceeding to mock us for our apparent tardiness and lack of interest over the whole thing.

Which wasn't true. Hell, I'm honestly more pumped for the fashion show than the musical... Which is odd, thinking about it like that.

"Rarity, calm down." Thank you Twilight! "What's gotten into you?" Ooh never mind...

"What's gotten into you?! Go ahead, see your little show! Congratu-pony-lations fillies and colt! Sounds like you all fit here already as everypony for herself in this town!" Concluded by the frustrated mare storming out of the room, leaving a trail of uncertain ponies behind.

Don't even think about it.

Hm? It'd beat learning how to avoid getting my hoofs stuck in this stitching machine.

"I'll be right back." I said to the others, hurrying out of the room myself to catch up with the upset equine before they could respond.

Don't, boy. She's not worth the trouble.

My friends are always worth the trouble. Now, where could she have gone... The balcony? That seems like a good spot to sulk away from everyone else in a hotel.

Why encourage an ungrateful weakling? Sombra pressed on as I rushed by, heading towards the staircase. This has been her entire fault from the beginning; placing her trust in a stranger, when it is more sensible to trust no one. You knew that before even arriving in Equestria, boy. Don't be a hypocrite.

Gee thanks, your Highness. I'll be certain to heed your oh so wise advice when I have no friends left.

Hmph. I shall hold you to that.

It wasn't literal- Aha!

Reaching the staircase, I quickly sped up the spiral, hoping that the mare was there. Otherwise, she'll be out in the city God knows where. And even in a city of ponies it could be dangerous to wander outside in the dark.

And, to my immense relief, there she was, sulking on the railing over the large city. Rarity briefly glanced at the sound of the door opening, before sniffing and looking away, as though ashamed of herself, or just mad.

"Shouldn't you be working?"

I frowned at the stiff tone, approaching the distressed fashioner. "When my friend is upset?" Rarity let out a choked sob, refusing to even look at me as I joined her. "Lovely view," I commented idly. And indeed it was, even the night sky complimented the skyscrapers of Manehattan beautifully.

Rarity stayed quiet.

Sighing, I regarded the mare. "I'm sorry for what that copycat did to you, Rarity. No one deserves to have their originality be plagiarized like that."

She smiled weakly, "Oh, it's alright darling... Which is more than I can say for myself..." Followed by a short wail of distress and self-resentment, "Oh Stardust! How could this have happened?! How could someone take advantage of my generosity like that?! What did I do to warrant such a horrible action?!"

Well, no one's perfect. There are times when even selfishness and greed could corrupt a pony. Look at the being stuck in my head, for instance. I ignored Sombra's grunt at that. Regardless, this sulking mare, whose back I patted for comfort, did no wrong, and prompted nothing to deserve such harsh reality.

Perhaps ponies have more in common with my kind than I thought...

"You know something? There's an important life lesson to be taught here." At that, Rarity looked at me through upset eyes. "[BEEP] happens, unfortunately. Life is never fair, not to anyone or anything that happens throughout time. We will always be [BEEP]ed over by something or someone for their own selfish agendas. But you know what?"

"...What's that?"

I smiled, meeting her uncertain blue gaze, "We do our best to overcome those trials in life; learn from them and for the better. And the best part? Your friends are here to back you up."

"Stardust... I..."

"Those mares downstairs are working tirelessly to make you the most perfect designs for the upcoming show." I inclined my head to the door, "Because they love you so. Even myself and, perhaps most importantly, Spike." She, at least, released a tiny smile at that, inciting me to go further, "Original designs or not, you'll win. I guarantee it. But you must be patient; throwing your anger and frustration on us won't help anything."

Rarity looked away at the chide, nodding slowly, "Of course... I've wrongfully placed my negative emotions on you all... But, the fashion show is soon, and-!"

"Have we ever failed to help you before?" I interjected calmly.

"Well... There's a first time for everything-"

I shook my head, motioning to behind us. "Come on Rarity, put faith in us. As Twilight said, we'll help you no matter what... And you can start by telling me how to work that damn sowing thing."

I overslept.

And to be fair, we all did.

Working our [BEEP] off the whole night designing those clothes does that. The first rays of sunlight already hit before we were done. And God damn were we tired. Exhausted, I welcomed myself to blissful sleep; that new early hours regime Twilight installed for Spike and I made me typically more tired than usual, so I was more than happy to sleep for like twelve hours or so.

Unfortunately, as I told Rarity last night, fate wasn't so kind.

I was yawning still as we walked through the rain to the building where the fashion show would occur, only to find we missed the entire event... And that the mare disappeared herself.

Where could she have gone? Naturally, we began to worry. Rarity was previously at the show, that was confirmed by that snobby-looking mare who looked suspiciously delighted upon informing us, but left so suddenly during her own showing off the designs.

But why...?

But, thankfully, the white unicorn returned at the reception, and we eagerly exited the stage room to greet her. "There you all are!" There you are, Rarity! "I can't believe it I thought you all went back home!"

"We missed the show because we overslept." Twilight explained regretfully, "Suri told us you lost." Which I found hard to believe myself, really. "We're really sorry."

"I lost?" Rarity said in disbelief, looking down for a brief second before her expression hardened, "You know what? I don't even care! I'm just happy you're all still here after how I treated you! Taking advantage of your friendship the way I did, how could you ever see past it?"

"We all make mistakes." I shrugged. But at least she learned. That was the important part.

"But you were pretty rotten."

...Jesus Applejack!

Rainbow shared that sentiment. "Wow Applejack, I know your thing is honesty, but c'mon!"

"Last night we may not have seen you at your best," Twilight said to our doubtful friend, "But we know you! And we never let one thing like that change how we feel about you!"

Group hug!

Hell, even I joined in.

You're letting them change you to their ways.

As opposed to being changed to your ways, eh?

"Y'know," Rarity began as we left the building, after expressing her gratitude to us. "I already arranged to make it up to you this afternoon! Hope you're all available for an exclusive performance of Hinny of the Hills!"

I chuckled while the mares and Spike cheered. Of course we are.

"Maybe on the way we can get some soda," I spoke up with glee, and they rolled their eyes and groaned playfully at my enthusiasm for the drink. "What? I'm [BEEP]ing exhausted! Also, I'm never sewing anything in my life again!"

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