• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter Eighty-Six: Accidents Happen

"So now you see why we asked for you to be here," Carrot Cake concluded after a short speech of his request, his wife in the other room tending to their foals. "Your assistance could make sure Pinkie doesn't... Get ahead of herself while we're gone."

If I could fold my arms, I would. But I nodded regardless, understanding exactly what this stallion was asking of me. Babysitting the kids like last time? Oh no. See, the Cakes want to spend some quality time with their children, and a trip to Ponyville's park seemed like just the ticket. But since this was a work day, customers will be expecting to order the many delicious treats this bakery had to offer.

And Pinkie, of course, volunteered to run the store in their absence. Not that they didn't trust her, but the Cakes were worried that the energetic mare would eventually overwork herself by maintaining such a place all by herself for the whole afternoon. So, naturally, they asked for me to help.

That, or there's some ulterior motive behind all this I'm not entirely certain of. Who knows?

Yep, I'm temporarily running a bakery store with Pinkie Pie. Who knew?

"We already have the instructions to managing the place written down. And Pinkie can help you with any problems you have."

Said Earth Pony was blissfully hopping around the store, mumbling out how happy she was to overtake Sugarcube Corner again. Err... Yeah, sure, I'll be sure to go to her in case anything wrong happens.

Carrot Cake smiled in understanding, "It'll be fine. You both worked well together when you looked after the kids. I'm sure nothing will go wrong; Pinkie's enthusiasm balanced by your focus, it'll be a hitch!"

Just as he said that, Pinkie immediately wrapped a rather tight hoof around my neck, squeezing me in for a hug. Okay, should've seen that coming! "You can count on us Mr. Carrot Cake! It's gonna be great! Aren't you just as excited as I am Stardust?!"

"Pinkie... I need to breathe..."

"Oops." Pinkie grinned unapologetic and let go. Much better. "Ooh! You could bake as many brownies as you want Star! Hey, you could teach me the recipe to those superly duperly amazing treats you bake that makes them so scrumshishly delicious!"

"I'm sure he will." Cue Mrs. Cupcake entering from the other room, smiling exasperatedly at the pink mare. "But remember Pinkie, the customers will be paying for plenty of other things aside from brownies." Then pink eyes turned to me. "I know we can count on both of you to take care of the place while we're out for the day."

I nodded, smiling myself at the faith they had in my abilities... Even though I had no real idea how to bake anything aside from brownies. I'll leave that to Pinkie. "We'll do the best we can."

Emphasized by the mare almost crushing my neck with the tight limb around me. "The very best we can!"

Why are you wasting time over this?

I scowled slightly, waving the two Cakes off as we exchanged fond farewells, myself behind the counter already getting to work while Pinkie continued loudly saying bye to the departing adults. Wasting time Sombra? There's nothing time-consuming with helping friends.

And while you're 'helping friends,' that monster Tirek has most likely taken the magic of Equestria knows how many of my kind. We must act to defeat this creature, not stand behind a counter and satisfy some greedy sweet lovers.

...I hate to say it, but you might have a point.

Then why are we still here?

You sound awfully anxious your Lordship. Are you maybe scared of confronting this villain yourself?

Harsh laughter barked through my mind.

I fear nothing!

Yet something was telling me otherwise, now that I thought about it. Something in Sombra's tone, even in denial, convinced me that perhaps the ex-King had some concerns of his own. Regardless, we'll face Tirek with our friends beside us, as I have promised them not to engage him on my own.

But for now, helping out friends.

Pah! They have blinded you with misguided priorities.

Ignoring that remark, I continued wiping the clean counter with nothing else to do.

That was until Pinkie hopped over before me, grinning enthusiastically, "Isn't this great?! We foalsitted here once, now we can run Sugarcube Corner together! We'll make Mr and Mrs Cake so proud!"

Smiling at the sincere glee, I paused from my wiping and picked up the rolled-up list next to us, unrolling the contents and handing it over to the mare, "We can start by following these instructions they've left behind. I'm managing the counter, and you the kitchen. I'll come to help if there's a problem, alright?"

"Ditto!" Pinkie snatched the list after looking at it for a few seconds, reading through the long list as fast as Twilight looked through a book whenever looking for information. Then, the pink Earth Pony promptly ran straight into the kitchen, list in hand. Or hoof.

Ah! The bell ringing above meant the first customer was here.

Honestly, I don't see what could go wrong, so long as Pinkie doesn't get ahead of herself.

We all possess wishful thinking I suppose...

Repressing a twitch, I grinned politely at the approaching smiling pony. "Hello! Welcome to Sugarcube Corner, what would you like?"

At first, everything was going fine.

"Two banana muffins and a strawberry-apple crumble!"

"On it!"

Even I was impressed with how well we were working together. Pinkie was fulfilling her orders and the satisfaction of the customers in no time flat, like she was born to do this. With another smile the pony who paid for his food took the order off the counter and left, and the next customer stepped forward, requesting what he'd like.

"A slice of carrot cake and one plain souffle, Pinkie!"

"I've got it!"

In about three minutes flat, the pink Earth Pony exited the kitchen and placed the baked warm food down before rushing back into her work station, in under a few seconds. The stallion licked his muzzle and paid for the treats, walking off with them to the next customer.

And more and more, any worries I had felt about working with Pinkie on this was vanishing.

"Four cherry brownies!"


Cherry brownies? Those existed? I must try one sometime. And as ever, the mare placed the order on the counter in about two minutes and returned to the kitchen, and my own smiles kept widened while the customer grinned and Pinkie was loudly humming merrily. Heh, maybe I wasn't really needed after all.

"I'd like a- Oh! Stardust!"

My eyes lit in pleasant surprise, "Hey Bon, how's it going?"

The cream Earth Pony blinked, before grinning, "Not too bad. I didn't know you worked at Sugarcube Corner."

"Only for today," I explained, while wiping off some crumbs from the counter and checking behind the mare in case the energetic unicorn was accompanying her. Nope. Odd, I was so use to Bon Bon and Lyra being together almost all the time. "The Cakes wanted to spend time with their kids, and asked Pinkie and I to look after the place for the afternoon."

Dark blue eyes wandered around the bakery, taking note of the happily munching-away customers, "And I can see you're both doing a good job."

"I try," I smirked humouredly, before getting back to business before the line behind the mare starts complaining, "What would you like-?"


What the [BEEP]-?!

My cape blew over, covering my eyes while my fur pushed forward from the explosion within the kitchen. Immediately shoving the cape off my face, my eyes widened in surprise and apprehension, black smoke pouring out from the kitchen behind me, and I could distinctly smell the burning sensation of...



With no time to waste, I left the stunned panicking ponies watching and sprung headfirst into the kitchen, intent on aiding the pink mare. Oh God, what if she's injured? What if she's in danger?!

I was answered by fire emerging from the main stove and oven, and Pinkie in a dazed state on the other side of the room. Obviously the blast must've sent her flying into those bags of flour right there. Half her upper body was coated in the stuff. Quickly I moved to aid my friend, pulling her up from the bags and carrying her out of the kitchen-

If she hadn't immediately recovered without warning, "Oh, hi Stardust!"


"Are you alright?" I asked, checking the mare for injuries by dusting off some of the flour.

"Yeah-huh. What happened? Why does it smell like something's on fire... Uh oh." Uh oh is right. Pinkie turned to the state of the large kitchen appliance with wide eyes. "Not again..."


Never mind that! A large sound of metal falling apart snapped me out of it, staring intensely at the mare to the stove, "Evacuate the building. I'll sort this out-"

Remember when I said that Twilight was full of surprises? Well, Pinkie's like a hurricane of them. As demonstrated by the sudden act of speed and working on fixing this life-threatening situation that would put Sonic the Hedgehog to shame.

Even before I could finish my words, Pinkie had rushed to the side and pulled out a fire extinguisher, heading over to the burning stove before I could stop her, and spraying the appliance in white moisturized foam like an expert, coating the entire fire and oven in the stuff under ten seconds. I could only watched in stunned awe at how quick and efficient the mare was at rectifying this problem, ending the danger to her, myself and the customers in the other room without breaking a sweat.

What concluded was Pinkie casually tossing the extinguisher away, dusting her hoofs in satisfaction, saying in both relief and elation, "There we go! Problem solved!" Before looking over at me with a sheepish grin.

...What was I suppose to say?

"Uhh... You don't know how to repair a stove, do ya?"

That broke me out of my awed stupor, blinking rapidly before frowning, "No... Are you sure you're alright?"

"I'm fine silly! It's not the first time I set the kitchen on fire!" The casual way she said that was just eye-widening.

"...Right," I said slowly, before glancing over at the stove. "At least the danger's over then. Good job Pinkie," She beamed at the praise over fixing a problem that was her fault to begin with. I sighed, breathing in fresh air now that the black smoke was gone, and looked over to the double doors. "Though I suppose we won't be getting anymore customers for the rest of the day..."

"Oh... Right." And just like that, Pinkie's ear drooped. "Gee, sorry about this Stardust, I didn't mean to-"

"It was an accident," I interjected, not unkindly, forcing a smile of reassurance to the saddened mare. "These things happen. I suppose we should be more careful next time, huh?"

You mean, 'she' should be more cautious so it won't happen again.

I know what I said.

"Come on," I continued while Pinkie smiled slightly, heading over to the main area, "We'll have to inform our customers of these events."

Without waiting for the Earth Pony, I exited the kitchen back to the store, meeting the frightened yet concerned gazes of all the ponies who had entered the structure to begin with. Especially Bon Bon's worried look, "Are you both alright?"

Hearing the sound of Pinkie following through the doors, I nodded, and sighed before addressing the rest of the customers, raising my voice for them all to hear, "An accident occurred in the kitchen. The main stove and oven has been damaged. Luckily we managed to put the fire out, but I don't think we'll be able to bake anything for a good while." Their relief swiftly switched to disappointment. "Sorry about that."

"No, I'm sorry," Pinkie spoke up next, sounding both sheepish and guilty, "I got way too ahead of myself. Guess it wasn't a good idea to put everything in there at once after all."

It was Bon Bon who responded first, speaking reassuringly, "We're just glad you're both okay," Some nodded in agreement, "Though it is a shame about the stove... Hm..." We observed as the cream mare's gaze shifted slowly to the rows of untouched treats, presently delicately behind glass walls only accessible by myself and Pinkie, "But these are still fresh, aren't they?"

"Uh-huh!" Pinkie nodded enthusiastically.

"And the kitchen will need cleaning up, correct?"

"Yes. I was going to do that," I replied, wondering from the mare's tone where Bon was going with this.

A small smile rose on her muzzle, turning back to us. "I think I have an idea."

"So you see," Pinkie concluded somberly while the Cakes had their jaws dropped at the sight of their burnt yet recently-cleaned main kitchen appliance, "We couldn't bake anything else and had to make use with what we had left underneath the counter. In return, the customers paid instead by helping us clean up the mess I made."

All thanks to Bon Bon, who had recently left to go home. I'll find some way to repay the mare for helping out later.

"I'm really, really sorry for overheating the oven again."

Oh no no no. I'm not letting my friend take all the blame. Stepping forward, I spoke up, "I'm just at fault here. Had I been keeping a more close eye, I'd-"

"Oh Pinkie dear." Without warning, Mrs. Cupcake pulled the saddened mare into a comforting embrace, which the pink Earth Pony returned immediately.

"You're not mad at me?"

"We're just glad you're okay," Mr. Carrot Cake answered while approaching them, smiling in pure relief. "We were worried something like this might happen again, and we figured Stardust here would help you in case it did." Wait, that's why I was asked to be here? The yellow Earth Pony grinned apologetically at me. "I knew we could rely on you to help as a precaution. Neither of you are at fault."

"And besides, that stove is quite old." The blue mare added, smiling sadly at the appliance. "It's been with us a long time now. We were thinking of replacing it eventually regardless."

Oh, how convenient!

"One might say you did us a favour, Pinkie," Carrot Cake pointed out humouredly.

Pinkie, meanwhile, was beaming in pure relief and bliss at the fact these two ponies weren't the slightest bit mad, "I'll make sure never to put so many things on there at once ever again! I promise you, Mr and Mrs Cake!"

The two older adults shared fond yet amused glances. "We know, dear, we know."

"Anyway, it shouldn't be too difficult; I've repaired this old thing constantly," Carrot Cake approached the large appliance, inspecting it thoroughly, "Mm-hm. Hmm... Looks like not everything was damaged; there's one part of the oven still working. Should be enough to bake one thing at a time."

...Is that so...?

"Then, if you wouldn't mind." The three looked at me as I suggested an idea. "Might I use that to bake something for my... Special somepony?"

Again, not quite use to describing that as my girlfriend.

All three grinned in surprised elation. "Why, that's a splendid idea! Why, as thanks for your help today, we'll make it together! What do you say?" My own grin was enough of an answer for them.

"Can't I take a peek?"

I smirked, amused by this persistent dragon's crave for food. "No Spike, this is for Twilight." The dragon pouted, folding his arms in dissatisfaction.

Said purple alicorn only smiled at the scene, before regarding the pink box before her with interest. Even she could smell the baked treat from within, just like Spike. Unwrapping the bow steadily, Twilight took her time pulling off the lid, and blinked as the whole box split apart, revealing the large purple cake before us.


Yep, about four layers of pure chocolate and hay, the latter her favourite. Decorative edible stars covered the many layers and purple icing, for Twilight's love for the stars currently glittering in the outside sky. And the best part? The blue worded icing on the top layer of the carefully-baked and crafted cake, simply saying: "To the most amazing special somepony in all of Equestria."

"Wow..." Spike said in hungry awe, already reaching with his claw to grab a piece of the cake. I responded by promptly, and softly, pushing him back from the fresh dessert. Meanwhile, Twilight continued gazing at it like it was a majestic piece of art.

"The Cakes and Pinkie helped," I said rather sheepishly, staring in joy as the flattered grinning Twilight circled the cake as though examining it thoroughly. "To celebrate our anniversary over... How long we've been together... It has hay in it. Your favourite."

Eventually pausing, purple sparkling eyes gazed at me. And a soft gratified peck to the cheek was my worthwhile reward. My body froze, heart doing a flip, before matching Twilight's gleeful grin, "This was so sweet and thoughtful of you Jack... Thank you. And I'll be certain to thank Pinkie and the Cakes tomorrow too. This is incredible."

"You like it then?" A rather idiotic question, but my heart felt compelled to ask.

"I love it," Twilight answered sincerely, embracing me for a brief moment. I replied in kind, our tender interactions here reminding me how Cadence and Shining did their hugging exchanges of love. Then, upon seeing Spike's impatient and greedy gaze on the cake, Twilight giggled cutely. "Alright. We'll have some tonight."

Spike fisted the air happily, rubbing his hands as Twilight carefully lifted the cake by magic to deliver it to the library's kitchen. And although I'd rather not eat hay, for Twilight, I'd do anything.

"Oh, by the way." Twilight glanced over to me as I followed, smiling in amused fondness. "It's been fourty-two days, two hours and eighteen minutes and sixteen seconds since we began dating, Jack. So well over a month of our anniversary."

That long... Really...?

Well then...

My own reply had Twilight blushing in pleased flattery. "It felt like far longer than that to me, my dear Twilight."

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