• Published 2nd Feb 2015
  • 18,955 Views, 1,952 Comments

A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter Eight: Think Before You Speak

"Thank you again for helping me with making sure my friends are all tucked away, safe and sound until that awful storm goes away, Stardust."

I glanced over my shoulder, shrugging indifferently. "Again, it was my pleasure, Fluttershy." Before looking back and carefully placing the blanket over the tiny woodland creatures, all blinking up at me blankly. Looking after some animals wasn't as hard as I first suspected; it was almost as similar as taking care of my dog back home. "Though still I remain puzzled that you would ask me of all peo- ponies to assist you."

"Oh, well." I heard the shy voice approach me. "I thought it would be nice of me to return the favour, after you helped me back at that mountain."

I scoffed lightly. "That was weeks ago." And my limb and ribs have been fully healed just a few days ago, just in time afterwards when the yellow pegasus knocked on my door, nervously requesting my help in securing her animals safely from the oncoming storm.

I had nothing better to do anyway, aside from frustratingly trying to write something with a quill and a hand without fingers, Spike was away on some mission to Canterlot and Twilight was still acting as though I didn't exist anyhow, so I thought 'what the hell?' "You already returned it by saving my life, remember?"

"Oh... y-yes of course!" I couldn't resist the small smirk as the shy Fluttershy flustered to my left. "O-Oh, nicely done Stardust. Shh... it's okay little ones. You will be safe here until that nasty storm passes." She soothed the various fragile animals, while I took a step back to observe her do her magic.

Such an admirable trait, selflessly taking up everyday of one's time just to take care of every woodland creature one comes across. My eyes could see nothing but animals all around the interior of her infested house, all cuddled up and cosy. How does Fluttershy put up with them, especially in any rabidness or mating season? Hopefully if I ever help her out like this again I'll find out about neither.

"Are you sure you've never taken care of animals before?" Fluttershy then turned to me curiously.

I shrugged again. "Well I do have a pet dog back in my homeland - well more of a puppy - so-"

A gasp interrupted me. "A puppy?" I nodded in amusement. "That's adorable! What's he like? Does he have a name? How old is he? What breed is he?"

"He's a she. A troublemaker. Her name is Scout. She's about two years old. And a cross-breed." I answered in the same order she asked.

"She sounds wonderful; I would love to meet her sometime- oh, it's starting." The yellow pegasus pointed out to the window, and my eyes followed to see that indeed the first droplets of rain was falling... and my smile grew all the more.

"Well then." I began politely, already marching to the front door. "It was lovely helping you out, Fluttershy." What wasn't lovely was getting my hooves on these filthy animals, but I won't comment that. "But I'm afraid I must go back now."

"Of course." The smiling mare nodded to me, as that white bunny on top of her head waved at me in farewell. "We should... do this again sometime." She finished before quickly looking away, a red hue appearing across her features.

Was she really that embarrassed to even ask such a thing?

"I look forward to it." I replied whole-heartedly. I mean sure I may act rather crass or blunt to the others sometimes, but I don't think even the most cold-hearted person can find it in them to behave rude against that pegasus.

"Will you be alright on your way back going through the storm?"

"My dear, I welcome the storm." I nodded in farewell to Fluttershy and the woodland creatures before exiting the house, quickly closing the door before a draft enters.

And as the growing wind caressed my face and rain pelted me, my smile grew into a grin. By God how I've missed such weather.

Many believe that England was known more for being the most cloudy and rainy country in all the world, the majority of the weather nothing but storms and then snow for the winter. That was always a misconception. While it's true my country had quite a large part of raining going on, there was an equal time of sunny days alongside it.

Yet I felt never so closer to home as I walked through the stormy town, the grin never wiping from my face as harsh rain landed all over my head and cape protecting the rest of my dry body, though not for longer as the dark blue fabric wasn't soak-proof. But that mattered little to me as I enjoyed my stroll while the town's citizens were busy hiding themselves away from the beautiful weather.

I love rain.

I really do. I can't explain the details of why I hold such fondness over this particular weather; I just enjoy whenever it's like this. Many back home often acted ungrateful to the wonderful weather; forgetting that rain is one part of what's keeping us alive. No rain means no water. And a thunderstorm? Icing on the cake.

And I have no one to complain to me about letting my hair become so soaked by the falling water.

Ah. there was the library now. Better not keep the mistress waiting; not that she apparently cared right now, but I won't allow Twilight's childish silent treatment to get the best of me, I will linger outside as long as I please until going into the house.

...Okay good to go.

The grin still plastered on my features as I returned into the house, the door open widely for some reason, I immediately called out humourously upon waltzing in. "Honey I'm home." Before proceeding to close the door. "Have you seen the weather? Completely fantas- what the hell?"

My amusement changed to bemusement at the sight before me; a certain white unicorn applying some green stuff onto Twilight's face. And an orange Earth Pony observing in evident disbelief. "Now wait just a gon darn minute!" Applejack spoke in a voice of annoyance. "Ya make me wash the mud off my hoofs, but it's okay for y'all to have mud all over your faces?"

"Silly." Rarity chided her. "This is called a mud mask. It's to refresh and rejuvenate your complexion." Before noticing me feet away. "Ahh Stardust, I was wondering what took you so long."

"Rarity, Applejack." I nodded in greeting, still wondering what the hell they're doing here, shaking the water out of my fur like you see a dog do. What can I say? These kind of opportunities don't last long. I shrugged at the disapproving gaze given to me by the white unicorn in turn.

"We're giving each other makeovers!" Twilight then said, still blatantly ignoring my presence with a squeeing noise. Since when did she care about good-looking appearances? "We have to do it; it says so in the book."

"'Slumber one-oh-one.'" Applejack read aloud the floating book shown to her. "'Everything you need to-' oh hey, would ya look at the time? I gotta skedaddle on home quick, I'm powerfully late for a uh, um- goodnight!" And then the sound of the mighty thunder roared, causing the Earth Pony to halt from leaving, to my amusement. "Or maybe I'll sit here for a spell..."

So... they're having a slumber party, from my understanding? ...Eh, sure, why not? "Well." I then said, gaining their attention. "As long as you all don't involve my room in your sleepover shenanigans, then I'm okay with this. Now, if you'll be excusing me, I'm off to enjoy the spectacle that is the storm from my room."

"Hooray slumber party!" I heard the ecstatic Twilight say while I walked by. Seriously, a book on how to conduct a proper sleepover? I didn't need such a thing when I was a child...

"Stardust dear." Rarity called out as I reached the first stair step, looking back in question. "You don't have to feel left out you know, despite you being a boy, why not join in on our little slumber extravaganza?"

"...A tempting offer." I replied with amusement as Applejack was blanching in disgust at the makeup Rarity was applying to her. "But I'm afraid someone might oppose the idea of I joining in your lovely party."

The white unicorn blinked. "Why, who would object having a friend join in the fun?" She asked in disbelief while planting two cucumbers over the orange mare's eyes.

In answer I glanced at the purple mare who was avoiding my look, focusing instead on that ridiculous guidebook. "Who indeed." Before continuing up the staircase to my room.

If this storm was going to occur all night, then I won't be able to sleep. My sensitive ears will pick up on anything. Plus the possible high laughter and enjoyment the girls would be having downstairs wouldn't help me get my beauty sleep either... implying I've ever had such thing as a beauty sleep.

Ohoho this is just grand!

Never have I bore witness to such a sight. This thunderstorm has got to be the most beautiful thing I've ever witnessed since arriving in Equestria. The lights were off, and I was just sitting here on the floor in the middle of the room enjoying the show.

So far no screams or loud laughter from downstairs, which was good so it provides no distractions for me. And I think my tail is wagging side to side... Clearly expressing my joy at the thunderstorm. Obviously the lightning rod has been placed on top of the house, otherwise I would get that unpleasant smell of fire. The rain and wind was getting all the more harsher, as multiples leaves landed straight on the glass I was observing from-

Oh, what do you know, screaming.

I sighed in disdain before instantly getting on my feet and running out of the room, heading straight to where the three mares were. It might be a false alarm, but it doesn't hurt to check.

"What happened?" I asked sternly upon entering the room, quickly looking around. No sign of a struggle or anything dangerous, despite Applejack and Rarity holding onto each other tightly for some reason, then letting go upon realizing their positions. "I heard screaming; is everyone alright?"

"Ghost story: check."

...Oh. I frowned in annoyance before proceeding to return up the stairs back to where the real excitement was, before a classy voice called out. "Oh wait, Stardust, it was sweet of you to check on us like that; perhaps you also know a ghost story or two."

I threw the unicorn a stare. It was kind of what she's trying to do, but wasn't it already made clear someone didn't want me around? I was about to voice as much before Applejack added. "Yeah, maybe you know a good story that'll really spook somepony out."

Very, very tempting. "I do know some stories." I answered slowly. "But I'm afraid they would all make sure you'll never sleep peacefully again." My own kind is capable of stomaching many of these horrors, but I'm not too sure about ponies being able to do the same.

"Oooh, so you're saying you know some tales scarier than Twilight's Headless Horseman story?" Rarity inquired.

I immediately scoffed at the title of what the purple mare apparently told them. "Headless Horseman? Child's play. I have more terrifying stories that I've not merely heard, but witnessed too."

"Oh?" And she speaks to me at last! Twilight finally turned from the book and raised a brow at me. "I highly doubt that."

My frown deepened. "You'd be surprised my dear."

"Surprise me then."

...Ah to hell with it; the thunderstorm wasn't going anywhere sometime soon from what I gathered. "Very well." I replied smoothly to the evident challenge. "But don't come crying to me when this tale haunts you at night for the rest of eternity." And as the other two ponies sat down comfortably, a hesitant Twilight joining in, I walked towards the three and took a seat of my own, clearing my throat to tell the tale... of the stallion in the woods.

"Then you place one marshmallow on top of the chocolate, Make sure it's centered; that's critical, and then carefully put another perfectly squared cracker on the top. Annnd done, ta-da!" Rarity concluded her instruction on creating a 'perfect' smore from a few feet away, while my gaze remained fixed on the outside storm.

"Oooh!" Was the intelligent Twilight really looking at a smore in awe? I released a small snort at the melodramatic attitude the unicorn had been acting tonight.

Well, I was impressed with the three, they handled that ponified version of the tale of Slenderman rather well. I even voiced as such when they weren't cowering underneath a table or something. But I did gain some satisfaction to the two guests admitting my tale was much more frightening in thought than the headless horseman; Twilight even reluctantly agreed the prospect of a faceless stallion wandering the Everfree Forest at night sounded more terrifying, but expressed annoying, yet also understandable doubt that I've seen such horror with my own eyes.

And to Twilight's further reluctance, Rarity insisted I stick around for their smore making, even when I kept declining the repeated offer politely, but in the end I gave in simply just to get this over with. And during this time I've noticed some hostility between the white unicorn and orange Earth Pony. What was the source behind this sudden dislike of one another? Honestly I could care less. I might almost consider it as bad as the hostility Twilight has been showing me these last few weeks.

Seriously, what did I do to make her act so cold towards me? Surely that petty argument we had back at that hospital wasn't the cause?

"Now ya just eat 'em!" Ah, a proper guide to eating smores by Applejack. I smirked while imagining from the munching sounds the Earth Pony just devouring the treat like any other person would, to Rarity's disgust. And to top it off a loud burp. Five stars Applejack.

"Ugh, you could at least say 'excuse me'."

"Oh I was just about to but then you interrupted me! ...Pardon."

You know, with the roaring storm outside and some animosity behind me, right now I'm just glad to be here. Right now anyway. I wonder how my family is doing anyway. I must have been gone for over a month now, they must be worried sick about me... my little sister must be continuously crying her eyes out, praying for the return of her eldest brother...

...Dammit, I need to get back home soon.

"Smores: check." I then heard Twilight list off that activity. "Now the next item of fun we have to do is... truth or dare!" My ears then perked instantly at the sound of that rather fun game, looking at the two guests. Truth or dare? Oh this should be good-

"I dare Applejack to do something carefully and neatly for a change."

"Oh yeah?" Oh here we go. "Well I dare Rarity to lighten' up, and stop obsessin' over every. Last. Little. Detail. For a change."

"Uh-huh. I think the truth of the matter is that somepony could stand to pay a little more attention to detail." Where's my popcorn?

"And I think the truth is somepony oaught to quit with their fussin' so that some of us can get things done!"

"Erm, I don't think this is how the game's suppose to work-"

I scoffed loudly at Twilight's words. "You're right, but this also provides some entertainment. By all means ladies, continue arguing."

"No wait!" From the corner of my eye the purple unicorn started speaking outloud the words in that ludicrous book of hers. "'You have to give an honest answer to any question or do what anypony dares you to do."

"Oh?" I cast her a look. Well since she wants to play by the rules. "Alright then Twilight, why don't you be truthful with me then: what's the reason behind your childish attitude with me these past few weeks?"

In answer she raised a disbelieving brow. "Childish? I was never being childish-"

"Oh no?" I quickly cut Twilight off, my glare matching her own. "The silent treatment? The lack of acknowledging my own presence ever since I returned from the hospital? Pretending I wasn't here by focusing on your books and studies?"

"Um... now Stardust, Twilight, I'm not sure if this is the right time for whatever it is you two are going through." Rarity volunteered to be the voice of reason, but our attention was completely focused on one another. Twilight then spoke as if the other unicorn said nothing.

"I have my reasons-"

"Then enlighten me."

"W-Well I... I..." My glare hardened as she quickly looked away, obviously trying to conjure up an excuse. "Y-You disobeyed me by following us to that mountain!"

I raised a brow. "'Disobeyed you'? First off my dear, you never ordered me to stick around in the library. And secondly, who are you to believe you can order me around? ...You have no idea why you've been ignoring me lately, is that it?" I guessed, and that suspicion appeared to be true after a moment's pause.

Then Twilight answered, sounding more calmer than earlier. "This isn't really the time-"

"Quite the contrary; I can think of no finer time to discuss this!"

"It's complicated-"

Another scoff escaped me. "Complicated enough to make me feel like an outcast (more than I already was). I see." Perhaps I was being far too unfair here.

"No, that's not what I..." The unicorn rubbed her forehead irritably, and I managed to catch the soft words. "Why are you so infuriating...?"

That does it. All bets are off. "Why am I so frustrating?" My voice raised higher with every word, and from the side the other two ponies took a few steps back, I almost forgot they were even here. "I've done absolutely nothing wrong. You're the one who has been acting so irritating lately, blatantly feigning acknowledgement of my presence. Was it something I said? Was it something I did apart from 'disobeying you'? Tell me!"

"Alright I will!" Twilight finally snapped at me, and I raised a brow at the heated tone. "Ever since Princess Celestia asked me to give you food and shelter into my library you've been nothing but a puzzle to me; a puzzle I've been trying to figure out, without much success I might add! You knew about Nightmare Moon's return, and you knew what the sixth Element of Harmony was. You know how that stampede Applejack prevented happened. You somehow knew it was Trixie who was visiting Ponyville."

"I never claimed to know about Moon's return-"

"And even when I think I've got you figured out, you pull some stupid stunts, some that almost got you killed! Never mind the fact that it takes a lot of my magic to even concentrate it on you, not just me but the unicorns at the hospital as well, and I can't figure out why! You happily threw yourself into danger without any clear sense of reason!"

"You were all in danger; I acted accordingly-"

"You managed to fight off an Ursaminor AND a dragon with just your bare hoofs! And then, back at the hospital, you tell me you have no concern for your own being whatsoever! You dismissed mine and the girl's worries as though they mattered little to you!"

"I don't even see why you bother-!"

"And finally, imagine my surprise upon learning that Spike is obviously hiding something, something I have a feeling he knows about you that I don't. You are such a frustrating pony to deal with; so reckless and negative and thoughtless of your own life!"

I took that moment, while she was pausing for breath, to process her words fully, before my teeth grind together and I glared angrily at her, my own hooves walking on their own accord as we approached one another face-to-face. "So let me get this straight..." I began in a harsh whisper. "You're throwing your own anger out on me, simply because you are dooming your own curiosity. Is that it?"

Maybe if Twilight minded her own business none of this would be happening.

As she said nothing, purple eyes staring right back at me instead, telling me all I needed to know, I finally sighed in irritation before being the first to turn away. "You're a fool Twilight." I remarked. This argument... was beneath me. "If anyone needs me I'll be in my room." I'm done here anyhow.

"Stardust..." I heard a weak voice behind say as I moved towards the way back to my temporary room, halting my feet for just a moment. "I-I'm sorry... I just... you..."

"Don't bother Twilight." I curse the trace of defeat in my own tone. "You're completely right about me, everything you said was spot on. I'm sorry for being an inconvenience to your slumber party. To be honest... I'm a mystery even to myself."

This conversation was over, I returned to the staircase, not even glancing at Rarity and Applejack, both who were simply staring at us, stunned at the heated argument. At least now with me gone they can continue their own little petty argument. But my hoofs clenched while I walked upwards as I heard Applejack not-so-quietly whisper to the white unicorn. "I think we've watched somethin' way too personal..."

You know, at first I was enjoying the extraordinary show outside that was the first and biggest thunderstorm I've seen since I've been trapped in this world. But now I only feel the raging weather was a perfect reflection of my current mood, as I heard lightning roar and felt the white light illuminating my face for a brief second while I paced back and forth in my frustration.

That damn mare... that she would have the gall to...

And here I believed only Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie would be the sources of irritation while I was in Ponyville. But no, somehow that stubborn purple unicorn, my favourite pony - period, in fact - somehow managed to get on my nerves just as much. How? How has this even happened? Twilight Sparkle somehow managed to become a pain in the arse for me. just goes to show even the most intelligent ones can act like the dumbest people in existence.

God how I could use some coca-cola right about now, that'd get rid of this growing headache.

And yet, somewhere amidst that anger and disbelief at how the purple unicorn believed she can just look into these matters and expect promising results, I knew Twilight was right about a few things. I was aware that villainous mare was going to return, I was aware what the sixth Element of Harmony was (speaking of which I haven't seen those powerful objects for a while now), and I predicted Trixie's visit to Ponyville very accurately.

I should've been more careful, there wasn't any anticipation that Twilight, the most studious thoughtful mare in all of Equestria, would note those little details like that. She's a lot more clever than I expected of her, which was quite a lot. But some things said during her little uncharacteristic tirade were also details I have been pondering about.

I stopped my pacing and lifted my front right hoof, inspecting the clear gold darkened by the night. Just how was I able to hold back that Ursaminor and the dragon in the mountain? I've never worked out... Okay not true I do some exercises here and there but not enough that'd make me capable of almost defeating some titanic beasts. It makes sense how Twilight would try to also find out more about this sudden boost of strength.

And what was all that 'too hard to concentrate magic on me' about? A memory back to when Twilight fixed my teeth, and straight after the mare looked a little exhausted, passing it off as having exerted too much magic among other things that day on her part. Was she implying that a little magic wouldn't work on me or something? Or was that just a simple fabrication; another excuse for more ammunition to fire at me during our argument?

Well... Whatever the reason, that's the third quarrel we've had against each other ever since the whole griffon incident. And some gut feeling of mine says it won't be the last. Jesus even other female species apart from humans can be so complicated to deal with... Perhaps it'd be best if I stayed out of the house for a while, let things boil down a little-

My body immediately jumped as the ground around me shook, following a loud rumble that sounded its origins wasn't too far.

Checking downstairs was a waste, they weren't even there, so I immediately looked for the second place they'd be which would be Twilight's bedroom, finding the door already open as I rushed towards it, feeling the harsh drafts of the outside storm.

Gotta check gotta check gotta check!

"Twilight?" My mouth almost yelled her name on its own accord, as I halted in place at the sight of a giant-arse tree covering up part of the room, various branches and leaves being blown in. Rarity and Applejack seemed to be fine; one trying to find some warmth by hiding under a book while the other was looking a bit in shame. The tree that had evidently fallen through the window appeared to be covering not just some of the shelves and wooden floor, but where Twilight's bed I presumed to be was-

Oh God!

"Twilight!" I immediately called out, a sense of panic and dread rising sickly in my stomach. No no no no no no! My hooves headed to the tree itself, and I had the urge to just rip apart this damn now-lifeless big plant piece by piece just to make sure Twilight was alright-

"Stardust? I'm right here." My head snapped, looking instantly at the purple unicorn whose head was sticking out of the leaves, looking at me in confusion.

...Well, that was pointless of me.

Regardless I sighed in relief by saying in annoyance. "Thank God; don't worry me like that!" Jesus...

Twilight's next words then caused me to realise exactly what I was even saying to her. "You were worried...?"

But any common sense right now was substituted by irritation. "Of course I was! Why wouldn't I be?" ...Ah Christ. She was looking at me with an obvious mixture of relief, incredulity, confusion and, what she should only be feeling right now, gratitude. I forcibly swallowed my nervousness, but that didn't help the matter how needlessly awkward this moment was getting...

"I hate to interrupt such a romantic moment, we have a real crisis that needs to be dealt with first!" That snapped me out of this ridiculous stupor I was in. now I can just glare at the white unicorn in disdain for implying I would ever engage in any kind of romance with a pony.

"I'm mighty sorry Twilight." Applejack then stated, as though it was her fault the tree had fallen into the library in the first- wait a minute... no, no I shouldn't be surprised. I sighed in exasperation; it probably must've been an attempt on her part to show off.

"Well... Wm no it's not okay!" That rather weak outburst incited me and the orange Earth Pony to look at Twilight in question. "There's a giant tree branch in the middle of my bedroom! And the book doesn't say anything about having a tree branch in your slumber party." Again with the stupid guidebook-?!

Whoa hold up, this was just a tree branch?

"Well if it's just a tree branch." I pointed out. "Then we should have no problem in getting rid of it."

"At least-" Twilight continued as though I said nothing, inciting a justifiable eye roll from yours truly. "- I haven't found that entry yet."

And while Applejack was clearly off to have another go at Rarity, I walked towards the purple unicorn and said calmly, as someone must use their head with a situation like this. "Twilight, you can just use your magic to get the tree branch out, yes?"

"Give me a moment; I just need to check the list." The unicorn replied in worry, still looking through that dumb book as though it'll provide answers. "Looking... looking..." I sighed in irritation. If this doesn't get dealt with soon... then... actually I think the only problem with this is just Twilight and the girls having to sleep elsewhere; we could just get the branch out in the morning after the storm is over.

"Stardust, help me out here!" I heard Applejack call out, and I had walk forward and lean over the branches to see her pointlessly attempting to get the branch out her own way. "Use those muscles of yours!"

Muscles? What mus- ahh. "I'll see what I can do." I replied before walking over the many piles of leaves and twigs, wincing at the filth I was walking on before arriving at the front. Well I could grab the end of the whole branch and pull, shoving the whole thing out of the small window... Just how did it all fit in anyhow?

"Rarity for pony's sake!" The Earth Pony called out to the quiet unicorn as I set to work.

My hoofs found one end of the unrealistic giant branch and held on. And... Heave! Heave ho! Heave for God's sake! ...Heave ho? What the hell?! Why wasn't it working?! Where's that strength I had when I fought those beasts?! Now I was trying to pull with all my might, albeit to no success. What. The. Hell?!

"Stardust, stop messin' around!" My eyes instantly shot a glare at the ordering Applejack.

"It's not as simple as it looks!" I argued back before returning my gaze to the pile of leaves my arms were stuck into. Come on... why wasn't it working?!

"Look, Rarity... I'm sorry alright?"

"...What was that?"


"I said I'm sorry!" In the midst of my frustration, I overheard the two ponies talk. "I should've listened when you noticed this here branch would end up!" So this WAS Applejack's fault. Again, no big surprise.

But what was surprising was the fact they're doing this RIGHT NOW!

"Your annoyin' attention to detail would've saved us from this whole mess! But right now, ya need to stop bein' so dead fussy, pickin' up all those little things, and helpin' us pick up the one big thing that really matters... Please!"

Oh come on are you all for real?!

"B-But I'll get all icky!"

"RARITY'S FOR GOD'S SAKE!" I couldn't restrain my frustration any longer, my own anger at my apparent inability to move this branch being thrown in all directions. I finally let go from my obviously futile attempts and stared at the shocked pair, taking a deep breath to calm my boiling nerves before continuing. "Please, just help us out here. You are capable, I know you are. You can wash yourself up later. Assist us with this little crisis, and I'll bake you all brownies for breakfast if that's what it takes."

"What he meant to say was: ickyness is a side-effect of hard work." Applejack then added. No I didn't. "But y'all need to get over it! On all accounts I know me and Stardust can't handle this all by ourselves. We need your help..."

...Well, since they're doing this, I suppose there couldn't be a worse time than now to throw out my share of sentimental garbage.

"Twilight!" I called out, despite her not being in my current line of sight and ignoring the other two mares looking at me in question. But I imagined she heard me anyway. "I'm sorry for earlier, for causing that unnecessary argument a few hours ago and back at the hospital. I had no intention in causing you irritation or grief, and I never wanted to make it seem as though you and the other's worries over me meant nothing to me. I wish I can be fully truthful with you, I really do, but..."

My eyes cast down for a second as my mind reeled on what to continue that trail of thought with. "I'm just... sorry, okay? I'll leave this house if I'm such an inconvenience to you."

As my sappy speech, which I'm rather ashamed of myself to even use concluded, I then jumped in shock and blinked as the large branch suddenly transformed before my very eyes, tiny resemblances of trees taking its place. And with a full vision of sight it was revealed that Rarity was the cause behind it, gently placing the small pieces down with her own magic.

And behind I felt the wind finally cease in assaulting the room, as obviously Applejack closed it- hang on, if the tree branch didn't smash through the window (which would explain how that wasn't any broken glass anywhere), how did the tree branch get through?

"Ugh! Oh, I look awful!" Rarity then announced, and I shook my head at the sight. I'll save such questions for later, right now I think we all deserve a rest after solving out this catastrophe... I sighed in tiredly. Well this was a rather hectic night.

On the plus side it was rather eventful...

"Stardust?" Oh Christ I almost forgot. Slowly my eyes turned to the purple unicorn walking towards me, staring at me with an expression I couldn't decipher, which could mean just about anything because I wasn't an expert on reading one's face.

"Yes Twilight-?" I cut myself off at the sudden embrace the unicorn proceeded to give me, and my body stiffened at the touch. What... What was she...?

She released before I could recover to return the hug, smiling at me warmly for the first time in a while, and just seeing it caused something inside me to burn... in a good way. "I'm sorry too... For taking out my anger on you, and for sticking my nose in where it didn't belong."

Uhh no. "Now hang on there my dear, it was my fault for acting so impulsive and causing you to worry and be curious about me from the start." I reminded her gently, rubbing the back of my neck for no clear reason.

"Still I shouldn't have tried to find out more about you without asking first-"

"I don't blame your inquisitive nature, I would've done the same-"

"It was my own frustration that made me yell at you like that-"

"I lost my composure, throwing needless irritation at you for no reason-"

"You have no reason to apologize to me."

"Neither do you... Hmm?"

Both our heads turned to the snickering two ponies observing from afar. Both from their clear entertainment and smirks I immediately identified what was going on in their filthy minds which incited my disapproving glare, but that just made Applejack's expression smugger. I swear to God they need a good scolding.

"Ooh these are pretty! Did you make these Rarity?" The hasty tone had me glance at the flushing purple unicorn look at the small work of art the white mare made.

"Now that was a mighty fine slumber party." Applejack announced happily at the front door, as both she and Rarity were being seen out by Twilight the following morning. Meanwhile I was busy continuing my small task in standing on two legs again.

"I must concur." The classy voice of Rarity added. "I do hope we have another one soon. You and Stardust have both been such gracious hosts."

"Oh I don't know about that." I was quick to say from the other end of the library.

"We look forward to having you over again." Twilight stated, before an obviously enthusiastic idea popped up. "Oh, next time we can ask Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash to join us!"

Uhh... "You do that with the latter two I'm going to sleep outside." I vowed seriously, shrugging at Twilight's amusing look thrown at me, causing my body to return on all four legs. Thirty-six seconds. Well it was a major improvement.

"And thank you again, Stardust, for baking us these brownies. I'm sure my dear Sweetie Belle will adore them." Rarity said gratefully over Twilight's shoulder, holding up the bag filled with the treats in question.

"As will Apple Bloom." Applejack added, both grinning at me as though I've done them a great service. Well I did say I'd make those brownies after last night's incident.

"Don't overdue it ladies." I said jokingly, watching them leave with a genuine smile plastered on my features as Twilight waved at their departure before shutting the door. "And then there were two." I pointed out.

"I recall you saying that to me once before." Twilight pointed out humouredly while approaching.

Another half-heated shrug. "And I recall straight afterwards it didn't end so well."

A short laugh. "Yes well... let's try not to end this conversation on bad terms like back then."

"Agreed." ...Was it just me or did the temperature of the room heat up a little? Probably due to the upcoming subject; may as well get this over with like last time. "Twilight... I know there's some things about me that don't add up, the unexplained strength and knowledge I seem to possess-"

"Forget about it."

...Uh what? "I'm sorry?"

Twilight let out an amused look at my understandable confusion. "I realized, last night, that I should've minded my own business. Of course there are some things about you that don't make a whole lot of sense. And as much as I want to find out about what you're really hiding... well, you can tell me when you're ready."

"...Who are you and what have you done with the real Twilight?" I instantly inquired seriously. Surely she wouldn't allow this whole matter to slide that easily? Or was this just some cheap trick into getting me into revealing my secrets?

The idea was dropped by the honest look in her violet eyes. "Hey, I'm not as persistent as I look."

"Could've fooled me." I replied jokingly before taking a step back instinctively, as Twilight was beginning to invade my personal space.

"Just answer me one thing, though." Twilight hesitantly began. "Am I not that trustworthy that you would tell Spike only?"

"...Ah." I finally understand now. "So that's what this is all about." Not a question, yet Twilight confirmed the truth by sheepishly looking away. "Well... I don't know how you knew Spike was hiding something about me. But I didn't tell him out of trust, Twilight, if that eases your conscious; it was rather a spur of the moment during the Ursaminor incident."

"What do you mean?" A slow glance in my direction, and I inwardly winced at the slight suspicion in her lovely eyes-

"I thought I was going to die." I answered with all the honesty I could muster while trying to banish that previous unwelcome train of thought, shrugging at the incredulous expression. "I thought I'd go out in a blaze of glory, with nothing to lose. That's why I told Spike that night the things I can't just let everyone know, purely for the hell of it." Obviously she believed I told the small dragon how I knew about Nightmare Moon's return and the like.

"So..." Her eyes narrowed inquisitively. "You only told Spike whatever your secret was... Because you thought you had nothing to lose, and was completely certain you would meet your demise by that Ursaminor weeks ago?" I nodded firmly. "But he's not the only one who knows isn't he? Princess Celestia obviously knows too."

"Indeed." No point in trying to deny that. "And her sister."

"Anypony else?"

I smirked. "Hoping to interrogate them?"

And to my amusement her eyes widened in horror. "No I-! Oh." Twilight cut herself off at my sniggering.

"Snips, Snails and Trixie are aware as well." I said after she wiped away that frown, replaced then by surprise. "Like I said, spur of the moment. I told you long ago Twilight that it takes a long time before you or anyone else can earn my trust. And I regret to say you're not quite there yet."

"And I'll repeat what I said back then, again: I look forward to the challenge." Suddenly Twilight's eyes softened, her tone resembling that of comfort and I froze again as a hoof was placed delicately on my chest. "But, Stardust... You were wrong about having nothing to lose. We all care about you; me, Spike and the girls. And you have never been an inconvenience to me; my little tantrum last night wasn't just about your mistrust of me, but also... I just never met a pony so uncaring for his own safety, willing prepared to meet his end like that..."

Why... Why was she doing this? What did this mare honestly believe was going to come from this; being so concerned about my own life?


"Hey guys I'm home- whoa there!"

The sudden burst of a welcome, yet for some reason slightly irritating, interruption caused us to cease... whatever it was we were doing and quickly look to the side at the stunned Spike, mouth agape and eyes as wide as possible staring in our general direction, before breaking out of that stupor via shaking his head. "Oh I'm um... sorry for intruding on your... moment..."

Oh not him too...

"'Moment'?" Twilight echoed in question, and for once I was glad there were a few rare times the unicorn would become so dense.

"Nothing was going on." I quickly interjected before any further misunderstandings happened. Applejack and Rarity were bad enough; throwing Spike into the mix would just make it worse. "Get your mind out of the gutter boy."

"Ri-ight... Uh I mean, it's great to see you guys again!" The small lizard quickly amended as the look on my face demanded of him, then sniffing the air. "Mmm, that smells like... Brownies! Did I miss out on some delicious breakfast?"

I shrugged, pointing at the origin of the smell. "In the kitchen, there's some left. Help yourself; think of them as a welcome back present."

"You need don't need to tell me twice, it's been a long trip for me!" Spike replied enthusiastically while licking his lips hungrily, before immediately departing towards the kitchen... Then halting for some reason while passing by us. "Oh! Before I forget; this is for you Stardust." And I felt curious as I took the offered item out of the dragon's hand, inspecting the closed parchment.

A letter? From Celestia I imagine.

"It must be from Princess Celestia." Twilight stated outloud.

"No really? I thought for sure this parchment was from the Mayor." Feigning ignorance to the mare's eye roll, I opened the rolled-up paper to read the contents inside.


"What is it?" Twilight inquired curiously, obviously noting the look on my face as I re-read the paragraphs in the parchment.

I sighed without looking at her. "It appears I've been summoned... for a cup of tea."

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