• Published 2nd Feb 2015
  • 18,901 Views, 1,952 Comments

A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 145: Promise of a Warrior


Probably never gonna get use to doing that, almost hit the harsh damn pavement upon arrival. I stood up tall, dusting off my dark blue coat and picking up the fallen top hat, cracking a small smirk at seeing it again. The insufferable building greeted my line of sight upon composure, with all the insufferable cliches housed within.

Luckily, I wasn't here to visit Canterlot High. My mission here was far different. Tugging at the edges of my, admittedly, awesome coat, I glanced upwards expectantly.

Alright Starswirl, you said you could help me out here.

The wise voice chuckled.Indeed I did. Ask, and I shall assist.

Normally this would be the last place or world I'd visit voluntarily, but this was a matter I couldn't risk my pony friends getting a sneak peek at. And I wouldn't trust, say, Pinkie or Spike not to slip anything in front of Twilight if I was acting all secretive again. I left Equestria with the excuse of Sunset asking my presence, and made my departure.

Okay then teacher, first of, I'm in need of American currency for this plan to work. Think you can help out?

It is within my power. How much will suffice?

Just about enough to purchase rather expensive items.

And done. I would inspect your right pocket, my friend. You will find everything needed to assist in your endeavors today.Starswirl then added warmly.The Princess will be estatic through your efforts today, I'm certain.

Hopefully. Putting a hand through the coat pocket, I did feel something loose and papery, prying it out and examining the... Check... Signed for a 'Mr. Stardust Balance-'


Five...Five-hundred thousand dollars?!

Jesus Christ Starswirl, get me a mansion while you're at it! This is insane! You can't trust me to wield this absurd amount of money responsibly! I could all buy the coke in the world with this!

It is on me, Jack.He sounded both humoured and proud, as though pleased I was stunned by this amazing gift of his.My own expression of gratitude for your efforts thus far in maintaining balance to the worlds. And you needn't be concerned with spending; purchase this world's many valuables to your heart's desires.

I... Your mistake! Isn't that right Sombra?

...Oh yeah, still not answering me since the Crystal Empire. Ah well, I've got money to spend first! Yippee! I indulged a small dance by the mirror of joy before walking around to the near road. Maybe I'll get a chocolate fountain. Or better yet, my own vending machine! Aww that will be the best thing ever-!

Do not forget you must cash in the check first, my excitable pupil.

Oh, right... Now where's the nearest bank...?

"I knew there was only one person we know who exclaims with those kind of words." Well, looks like I'll be having myself some help from another source. I grinned, turning to the source of the feminine voice as a familiar red-yellow-haired teenager in her blue shirt, leggings and black jacket strode up to me with a bright smile. "You could've told us you were coming 'teacher!'"

'Us?' Then I noticed the human version of my girlfriend accompanying Sunset from behind, her smile not as bright but eyes sparkling beautifully; a contrast to our last encounter in this world-


I... Hm. My brain was anticipating to see Twilight in that CP uniform, but instead I was greeted by her adorning a pink shirt with buttons and white shoulder fabric, a pink bowtie, dark purple skirt and her hair style in the form of a ponytail, just like in Legends of Everfree.

Huh... Only word coming to my head was 'adorable.'

"That look suits you." As though being stared at wasn't enough for Twilight to shyly avoid my gaze, now she was flat-out glowing pink at the sincere compliment, digging her boot into the pavement in embarrassment. Sunset smiled at her friend's antics, looking back to see me still beam happily. Couldn't help it, I was already in a jolly good mood with seeing these two again and having a five-hundred thousand dollar check in my pocket. "Oh come here you two!"

I didn't need Balance to feel their immense surprise by the sudden embrace around both their shoulders. Releasing them after a few seconds, Sunset's cheeks visibly brightened just as much as Twilight's, chuckling nervously. "It's great to see you too Stardust..." Trying to compose herself, Sunset took a deep breath and tilted her head. "Although it is the weekend, if you were hoping to find us in school."

I shrugged. "Truth be told, I wasn't here to visit the school."

"Oh." Sunset sounded disappointed. "Another search for that Zagreus character?" Human Twilight flinched, recalling her own encounter with that monster well. Instinctively my yellow hand rested on her shoulder with comfort, inciting her tiny grateful smile.

"Not quite." In answer to Sunset's question. "I'm actually here for... Well, several reasons, all to reaching a single goal." They leaned forward curiously, too much alike, and I smirked. "I'm doing something for Twilight. My Twilight. But first I need to know where the nearest bank is and cash in this money supplied by my... Well, that's a story for another time."

The two girls traded glances, before Twilight answered this time with a gesture down the road. "The closest bank is downtown, though it'll take a walk getting there."

"Cheers love." I expressed before I could stop myself, inhaling sharply at that slight error and then turning my body around slightly. "Well, you girls have a fun weekend. I won't take up any of your time any longer."

"Wait." Hm? The bacon-haired teen raised a palm as a gesture for halt, smiling rather meekly. "Twilight and I could escort you there, if you want that is! We wouldn't want you to get lost in this world." Twilight blinked, before nodding quite eagerly.

"I-I agree! If you're doing this for my... Other self... Still getting accustomed to that." Sunset and I smirked at her uncertain furrowed brow. "Then, I'm sure she wouldn't appreciate you potentially getting lost anywhere in town."

"Are you sure? Itisthe weekend, the days where teenagers should be relaxing and having fun."

Twilight waved dismissively with a smile. "It's fine, we were only visiting the public library for study purposes. But helping a friend is more important... Right Sunset?" She glanced rather shyly at her friend as though hoping she got that right.

Sunset nodded with a smirk. "Yeah. Not to mention, it's not everyday we get to hang out with you Stardust. I'm sure it'll be fun."

"Well... If you're sure." Then an idea popped up, and this time it was me suddenly growing sheepish. "Actually then, if you're insisting, there's something else I'm gonna need help with when we reach the bank." I held up the white paper for display. "I never cashed in a check before, so I'm gonna need to be taught how."

Twilight leaned forward with a curious squint as Sunset nodded happily. "We'd be happy to help, right Twi-?"

"Five...Five-hundred thousand dollars?!"

"Well, that went easier than I thought."

"Things often do when you first give it a shot." The bacon-haired teen turned to me with a bemused smile. "Although you didn't need to withdrawallthe money." I shrugged with a smirk, my pocket filled to the brim with neat stacks of cash. I felt like a millionaire. Bottomless pockets. Another courtesy of yours, mentor?

Only what's best for my hard-working pupils.

Twilight was rubbing her purple chin meanwhile, regarding the pavement we walked upon with a frown. "I'm still wondering about how it was you already had your own account set up and prepared before we arrived to the bank."

Your doing too Starswirl?

Always looking out for my students, Jack.

Noticing from the corner of my eye, I quickly pulled Twilight by the arm before she could accidentally collide into another passerby, prompting her embarrassed grin of thanks. Sunset found herself amused by the display. "Guess you're always looking out for Twilight Sparkle regardless which world, huh?"

"Speaking of which." I looked to the sheepish purple teen. "How are you doing in your new school? Being treated well?"

The question incited the glasses-wearing human version to brighten visibly, a wide smile while fondly answering me. "It's wonderful. Sunset and everyone's been teaching me so many amazing things about friendship and learning there's more than just focusing on my studies. I couldn't be more grateful for such wonderful friends."

"And we're grateful to have you, both as a fellow student and friend Twilight." Sunset shared the other's blissful expression, both grinning with enough power to brighten the sun above. I found myself smiling in relief at the answer.

"I'm glad to hear it. If anyone's giving you, Sunset or anyone else a rough time there, let me know. I know how to handle bullies."

The yellow teenager cracked a wry grin at the playful dark tone. "I dread to imagine what would've happened if I was still a bully at this point. Your Twilight tells me alot how... Abrasive you can be at those you don't like."

Human Twilight muttered in faint amusement, "I'm not sure I should ask..."

"So." Sunset looked up to me with curious cerulean orbs. "You now have enough money to buy a yacht if you wanted. What's next on the agenda?"

"You still haven't told us what is it exactly you're planning for my other version." Twilight then pointed out inquiringly, both girls obviously expecting answers.

"Why spoil the surprise?" I grinned lightly, turning back to my student. "And I'm glad you asked Sunset. Next stop is the very place all teenage girls love to go, so I promise it won't be so dull hanging out with the likes of me."

Sunset thought for a moment. "The mall?"

"The mall." I confirmed with a pleased nod, pausing for a moment with them and glancing around the busy streets. "I hope you know where that is. No offense Sunset, Twilight, but neither of you really peg me for mall enthusiasts."

"You'd be surprised how often Rarity takes-slash-drags her friends to the mall whenever she gets the chance." Sunset smirked, pointing forward. "Lucky for us, it's just a few blocks down the street, pass the next corner. We'll see it right away."

"Well then ladies." Both my arms extended invitingly. "Shall we?" They shared embarrassed yet pleased giggles at my playful offer, swerving their arms around mine. And I couldn't resist grinning impishly at the curious glances of teenage passerbys, and the humoured smiles of adults.

Interacting in this world and its people aside, I had a feeling this was going to be at least a tolerable day.

Hello generic mall!

In all seriousness though, the wide complex, packed to the brim with wandering shoppers of all size and ages, may just have the stuff required for Twilight. Mine that is. Without wasting any time, I strode further in with purpose, human Twilight and pony Sunset in tow, but hurrying to catch up with my eager pace.

"Someone's eager." Sunset pointed out in amusement, cerulean eyes gazing at the stores we walked past curiously. "So, what are we looking for?"

I answered simply, "A jewelry store."

The bacon-haired teen turned to me in slight surprise. "Huh... Honestly that's the last place I expected. I thought you were going to get Twilight a book or something like that."

"What kind of jewelry?" This world's Twilight inquired studiously. "I saw her wear a pretty necklace when we first met, thinking about it. Are you getting another one for her?"

"Why? Don't see yourself with ear rings, Twilight?"

The flustered purple teen looked away. "I... It wasn't the first thing to cross my mind..."

I smiled lightly. "Spoilers, in any case."

"How about that one?" We followed where Sunset pointed, the very store we sought just a few paces down. Without breaking stride, we made our way over there, myself faintly noting how close Twilight was to my arm, clearly not use yet to large public places. A harsh reminder of her treatment back in Crystal Prep.

Reaching the entrance to the store, I turned to the two girls briefly. "Please wait out here while I take a look." Human Twilight looked visibly deflated, pouting almost, whereas Sunset noted her expression and smirked faintly, playfully pushing my arm.

"Go on then; get your secret present for your girlfriend." Will do. I looked back and entered the store glittering with gold and silver jewelry alike. Rings, necklaces, bracelets, watches and everything else this typical store would possess.

My eyes canned through the glass cases. Let's see, I'm looking for something specific.



Hmm, not really...

...This could take a while.

After asking the store owner for the specific item, I discovered the perfect one for Twilight. Purchasing and thanking the man, I proudly walked out from the jewelry store with a small brown bag in two, raising it with a jolly expression on my face, flat-out ignoring the curious stares of passing teenage boys, and giggles of teenage girls at seeing a grown man happily leave a 'girly' shop after buying something. Sunset and Twilight had waited by a bench, perking up upon my approach.

"You got what you wanted?" Sunset asked warmly.

"Correction my dear Sunset, I got what my Twilight wanted." I say 'my Twilight' continuously without making it sound possessive, only because it wouldn't get too confusing around the human version eyeing the bag in open curiosity. "She just doesn't know it yet."

"Never pegged Twilight for jewelry."

"This will be more meaningful than you realize." Just then, I finally noticed something. "By the way, where's Spike? Thought you two were inseparable."

"Spike's taking a nap back home." Twilight answered with her gaze still fixed on the concealed item, prompting Sunset and I's shared amusement. Snapping her head upwards, the girl grinned sheepishly. "So... What next?"

The answer arisen in a loud growl.

"Now, we eat." I patted my stomach begging for food. "Haven't had lunch yet. Would you two lovely girls care to join me?"

Twilight shyly looked away and Sunset smirked, bowing playfully. "We'd be honoured to, right Twilight?"

"Y-Yes, of course!" We couldn't resist chuckling at the embarrassed squeaking.

The couple of next few minutes consisted of us dining in a small, neat cafe and listening to Twilight enthusiastically inform us about her grades and progress in Canterlot High, Sunset happily adding in some comments here and there as they sat opposite of me. Lovely little spot by the window, but my attention was more on the rapidly speaking glasses-adorning teen than the walking shoppers outside. Like my girlfriend, this Twilight's voice was melodiously and entrancing to listen to, especially when it's about a subject she loves.

After I took a bite from my sandwich, the human Twilight blinked with a pause, grinning quite sheepishly in epiphany. "Sorry, guess I went a little overboard..."

"The day I stop enjoying hearing you talk, Twilight, is the day of the apocalypse." Haha! My own grin stretched at the reddened hue on her cheeks. Sunset chuckled at our antics, elbows propped on the table with a warm smile.

"I'm just glad we get to hang out without any looming danger on the horizon, for once."

"...What about that race derby back in Ponyville?"

"I mean, hanging out together without so many ponies in the way... Not that I'm not happy making lots of new friends! But y'know, you and I personally don't hang out too often without something getting in the way, Stardust. I-I mean, not that Twilight here's getting in the way either-!"

My laughter cut her off. "Sunset, I swear, sometimes you're just as bad as Twilight." The yellow teenager stared at her food sheepishly, her blush matching the current human Twilight's. "But yeah, it's great we're hanging out together. And Twilight, it means a lot to me how well you're doing in CHS. You're gonna do fantastic there, as I said before."

"That means a lot..." The purple-haired girl replied with a meekish gratified smile, eyes sparkling in warmth. Then, the teen glanced around the open cafe with interest, then snapped back with an embarrassed look. "A significant number of people keep looking at us, why...?"

"Ignore them." Sunset placed a hand on the other girl's shoulder. "They're probably misunderstanding something."

And I had an idea as to what. "Most likely thinking we're on a date." I shrugged, smirking at their reactions and casting a side-glare to the observing patrons, immediately resulting in them all looking back to their food. "There we go. Sorry about that."

"It's not your fault." Twilight shook her head. "I guess some people's imagination often get the best of them."

"Yeah." Sunset concurred in amusement, grinning lightly. "A boy dating two girls at once. A bit of a stretch, don't you think?"

"You'd be surprised." I took another bite from the fulfilling food, observing their curious looks as they waited for me to continue. Swallowing, I obliged the two. "Back where I... Come from, there are, in many places, instances of a shared relationships between a boy and two girls, and vice versa. Hell, even more than that. Sometimes they work, other times they end in disaster."

"Oh." Both teens traded rather bewildered looks, Sunset leaning forward with a cautious frown. "Haveyouever...?"

"Dated two girls together? If only." I snorted in amusement. "Unless you count prom, the answer's no."

"Why? What happened at prom?" Twilight's ever inquisitive nature showed itself, leaning forward more eagerly than her friend beside her.

"I took two dates."

It was a brief moment before the reaction. "Two?" Sunset's eyes widened. "Wow, you must've been popular with the ladies, I'm guessing."

"That was a long time ago, yes." I smirked at Sunset's surprised blink, the teen only just kidding upon her statement. "Those days are long behind me though. And trust me, I have no desire to recollect my prom night. It wasn't fun, I'll tell you that much."

The next few minutes were spent in comfortable silence, finishing our main courses and moving on to desserts. Sunset insisted ordering and getting them herself, and I relented enough, inquiring to Twilight exactly how well she's doing making friends, to which the teen sheepishly, yet eagerly responded with another long speech with few pauses of breath, ceasing only when Sunset arrived with the bowls of jelly ice cream. Suffice to say, I was relieved to hear the progress human Twilight was making, better than her horrendous experience back at Crystal Prep.

More minutes of pause before Twilight spoke up again, "B-By the way, I was wondering about something..." Oh really now? My eyes glanced up from my bowl to the teen in interest. Already, Twilight was glowing a faint pink upon asking this, "When... When did you and your Twilight started... Dating?"

"I wondered about that too." Sunset added whilst digging her spoon into her strawberry ice cream, sounding slightly forced saying that. "It must've been something, getting together with a Princess. How did it happen?"

History lesson commenced! "Believe it or not, it was right on the night of her coronation." I grinned at the memory. "And it was Twilight who confessed first, having overheard me discussing with Spike about my feelings for her." A reminder to keep doors shut at all times when sharing a secret with someone else.

Sunset perked up in intrigue. "So in other words, it was before we met." Twilight glanced between us curiously, evidently interested to hear this tale.

"Yep. And in fact you could argue that our first official date was during the Fall Formal." Though I'd rather it wasn't and instead that restaurant, personally.

"I've heard snippets about that." Twilight confessed, no longer focusing on her ice cream. "You and Twilight came to this world to search for Sunset after she stole the Princess's crown, if I'm correct." Glancing at Sunset's flustered look, I nodded. "Maybe we could hear your side of the events, Stardust? I'm interested to hear what you and Twilight went through visiting our world for the first time."

It was no picnic, I'll say that much...

Nonetheless, I was happy to oblige despite the awful memories. "As I'm sure Sunset and the girls made it sound more complicated than it was. Allow me to set the record straight love." Leaning back as Twilight leaned forward, I relaxed myself and started off. "This whole affair started when Twilight, our friends and I were invited to the Crystal Empire, for a reason I have forgotten about entirely. One night Sunset stole the crown and the Princesses provided exposition which really didn't help with anything, and Twilight and I followed Sunset to the human world so that we could... We could..."

"...Stardust?" My eyes snapped open as Sunset said my name in slight concern, grinning sheepishly.

"I'm sorry. I fell asleep, because the whole thing was boring." Both teens blinked, Sunset then trying not to giggle behind her spoon. "Now where was I...?"

"You and Twilight were heading to this world."

"Yes, that's right. Twilight. She was Celestia's student you know... Or was Sunset her student?" I blew a playful raspberry, making an 'eh' gesture. "Her memory is flexible." Twilight looked earnestly confused in contrast to Sunset barely hiding her amusement at my 'spin' of events. "But, to be fair, it was all part of a grand scheme, because Sunset wanted to use the crown to take over a school that she already had control of."

"I... Huh?" Sunset was now hiding her giggles behind a palm, Twilight furrowing her brow questionably.

"You see ladies, only a villain deals in absolutes."

"But wait, that doesn't make any sense-!"

I raised the soda bottle. "I on the other hand deal in absolutes!" And took a wide gulp, trying not to laugh as hard as Sunset was behind her hand. Twilight blinked, probably wondering if she was being teased or not.

"But... What you just said is an absolute in itself..."

"Anyway! So Twilight and I practically declared war with Sunset for winning the crown in a convoluted plan to obtain votes from a student body who never heard of Twilight and feared Sunset for some inexplicable reason."

"Not exactly inexplicable..." Sunset stated in quiet sheepishness, a wide grin still on her face.

"But how were we suppose to know that the very mare who was denied by Celestia would come back to enact her revenge? We didn't see that one coming!"

Sunset perked a humoured brow. "You didn't suspect me coming back?"

What followed after another sip of my drink prompted Sunset to laugh into her palm. "Well, you see, our vision was clouded. And, our leader is very stupid." That's right, laugh at your former teacher's expense. Sunset seemed to be having the time of her laugh, probably thinking I wasn't being serious over making fun of the Sun Princess.

Well... She'd be half right.

Twilight continued to frown. "But what I don't understand is why, as you put it, 'declaring war' on someone would be something a 'Princess ofFriendship'would do. Isn't that counterproductive?"

"We declared war in the name of friendship!" My soda slammed on the surface playfully, inciting their brief blinking, and I declared with joking seriousness. "We couldn't let Sunset run everything. She was a tyrannical zealot who ought to oppose her will on everyone else, and that's Celestia's job!" Now Sunset looked close to bursting to tears at my behaviour, Twilight also cracking a small smile at my jokes. "Don't you see, don't you see there has to be a balance between Chaos and Harmony. And in order to maintain that balance, Celestia wanted to get rid of Chaos forever!"

I'm on a roll here.

I admit, I too am amused by this.

"And all of a sudden, after a thousand years of Harmony, Sunset wanted to make a thousand years of Chaos! That's not balance!"

My wide-eyed stare gazed back at their incredulous looks... Followed with humoured laughter from all three mouths, ignoring the annoyed and curious stares of patrons at the three teens enjoying themselves to their heart's content.

"Starlight's been asking about you, by the way."

Sunset swerved head to the side with a warm grin. "She has? I was considering visiting the castle again to see her. I think we got along greatly at the derby and after-party."

"That you did." I nodded, smirking, the three of us walking down the large hall, inspecting stores we passed by here and there, often making other purchases that fancied my interest and would make do for tonight. "The two of you will make the best of friends considering personality and past events."

"I hope so." She replied earnestly, casting me a knowing smile. "I'm guessing it's Twilight taking on a pupil that inspired you to call me your student."

"Actually, that was during the siren fiasco." I shrugged, hands filled with enough bags now. "I aim to succeed where Celestia failed."

Sunset shook her head. "It wasn't Celestia who failed me..."

"And it wasn't you who failed her either, Sunset." My free fingers placed on her leather shoulder with a small smile, noting her downcast expression. "We all make mistakes. In any case it's my goal to make sure you become ten times the person you once were, and it looks like that's going just fine."

She looked back with a warm smile, responding sincerely from the heart. "I'm more than happy to call you my mentor, Stardust..." Before adding in faint humour. "Though we should really do some lessons together sometime to make this 'relationship' of ours official."

"Any reason for us to be alone together on your behalf, sure." The yellow teen looked away promptly, myself chuckling and glancing to my left. "So, see any store that fancies your... Twilight?"

"Down there." Sunset pointed as we looked around for the sudden absent teen, spotting her with an awed expression by a shopping window. Briskly backtracking, we joined the staring girl to see what caught her interest this time.

If I could whistle, I would.

Twilight's fixated stare was currently on a dark blue and silver metallic glittering telescope on display, looking very shy and very, very expensive. "That's Cyon Production Telescope Mark III." Twilight stated in awed enthusiasm. "They only recently got released. The view through it is phenomenal, and he could see all the way to Uranus with the right placement and trajectory!"

"And I'm guessing you want it?" Sunset smirked.

Twilight shook her head with a feeble smile. "It's three-thousand dollars on sale alone. I don't have near that amount, and it'll take a long time for the price to drop. I can wait before then."


"Only three thousand?" Both girls looked to me, and I grinned while raising the bags. "Mind holding these for a minute, Sunset? I'll be right back."

A petite purple hand stopped me by the sleeve before I enter the store. "W-Wait!" Obviously she realized the clear intention. Twilight sounded positively nervous. "You don't have to waste your money like that. The patience will pay off."

"You're right, I don't have to spend my money for a friend." I gently brushed her grip off me, smiling coyly. "But I will." And thus entered the store before the lady could protest further.

Four minutes later.

"Here you are love; a brand new expensive telescope with your name on it." I promptly placed the box down before Twilight's feet, looking back up to the stunned expression. "I hope that shocked look doesn't prevent from at least saying 'thank you-'"

"Thank you thank you thank you thank you!" Twilight adopted her pony's self tendency for sudden firm embraces, her face pressed to my clothed chest with enthusiastic gratitude. Then, realizing her actions, the teen quickly stepped back with a blushing face and regarding the packaged box. "You really didn't have to..."

"I live to make Twilight Sparkle smile." Was my amused response. "Regardless of which version of her." And as the human Twilight stuttered and nervously picked up her new gift, I turned back to a smiling Sunset. "Now then, thank you for carrying those, I'll take them off your hands now. Where's the nearest music store, Sunset?"

"Stardust, stop."

"Nah I'm good."

"You don't have to do this."

"For my favourite student? Of course I do."

"I'm your only- Look you already bought something for Twilight, both of them, you don't need to include me-"

"Of course I do. No more arguments."

"But..." Sunset huffed by the time we reached the music shop, welcomed with tons and tons of decorated guitars, drums, violins and all other accessories for a musician's early Christmas. Sunset's protests were forestalled by her betraying eyes gazing around the various instruments, prompting my smirk and placing the box down, carrying Twilight's new telescope personally after it was beginning the strain the poor girl's back.

Twilight, carrying some of the bags now, also gazed around in interest. "Very organized." Of course she'd note that.

Dusting my hands off, I gestured to set electric guitars that caught the yellow teen's fancy that most. "Well, you said you needed a new guitar in our messages; I pay attention. Take your pick." Sunset opened her mouth before I added firmly, "No buts my dear. You're getting a new guitar and that's final."

"I can't just-"

"You can." Both my hands placed themselves atop her shoulder, keeping my stern gaze on the teen who flustered at the touch and close contact. "Would getting a new guitar that works for you make you happy?" She nodded slowly, and I released her with a determined look. "There we are. Now, get yourself something that strikes your fancy young lady, or I'll pick for you."

With a reluctant sigh, yet eyes glinting in gratitude, Sunset intertwined her hands behind her back and gazed at the selection of clean neat guitars introspectively. She can take as much time as needed; it was barely reaching the evening anyway. And I had a [BEEP]ton of money to spare regardless.

"Twilight? Sunset? Stardust?"

...You hear that? That is the sound of my day automatically ruined.

"Huh? Oh hi Flash!" His ex-girlfriend responded with a cheerful wave, the blue-haired Neanderthal approaching with a guitar in tow. "Why shouldn't I be surprised seeing you around here?"

The boy raised the instrument. "I'm just returning this guitar I rented. Wasn't expecting to see you guys here either." And now I had every inclination to leave, thanks to you. His gaze turned to Twilight with a bright smile. "Hey Twilight... We met before, remember?"

The purple teen nodded, squinting in recollection. "Flash, right?"

"Uh-huh. Nice to see you and Sunset are becoming good friends. If you ask me, with those girls, you're in safe hands around Canterlot High!"

Ten thousand... Fifteen thousand...

"Heh, thanks. I couldn't be happier to call them my friends."

"I'll bet."

"Here, twenty-thousand quid- Dollars." Sunset blinked at the stacked sum thrusted into her arms. "Get yourself something nice, I'll be outside." I couldn't hurry any faster picking up the packaged box and making my swift departure, heading towards the empty bench in the middle of the hallway, swerving by various shoppers.

One day, you may have to reach an agreement with Mr. Sentry.

That day will occur when Earth Ponies fly.

Hmhmhmhm. That day may arise sooner than you think.

"You were in a hurry to leave." Twilight noted, having followed me seconds afterwards and sitting down beside me, facing the store Sunset was still within. "I'm guessing you and Flash don't get along."

[BEEP]tard asked me for advice on hooking up with you, love. "Yeah, something like that..."

Twilight tilted her head with a pondering expression. "He seems nice enough. Did something happen between the two of you?"

"Twilight, my contempt for Sentry is more complex and difficult to explain, even to your amazing intellect." My gaze idly went in different directions, not really wanting to discuss this any further. But with Twilight, it was inevitable-

What the...?

Did- Did I just see...?

"Is it something to do with your Twilight-?"

"Sorry, love, could you just wait here a moment and keep an eye on our stuff." I briskly stood up, smiling briefly to the blinking teen. "I'll be back shortly. Something I need to check on."

Without awaiting a response, I quickly hurried down with a short job through the busy corridor, intent on confirming something. Sorry Twilight, but this was probably important. Because, going past a corner as I had spotted, were three certain teens I had originally suspected I wouldn't seeing again for a long while...

Looks like then is now.

Now this was a surprise. My pursuit led me to a wide area of the mall, the center of which holding a small stage behind curtains with tons of viewing table seats filled with eager or bored customers. The stage wasn't big enough for a celebrity to perform, but it was definitely appearing like it's situated for mild entertainment. The pursuit of the giant fluff of orange and yellow hair ended here, but it was the sign nearby that caught my attention the most, promoting the upcoming performance these people were waiting for.

Well well well... Appears as though we weren't seeing the last of them after all.

A familiar enthusiastic voice bellowed from behind the curtains. "Ladies and gentlemen! Thank you for coming to see the amazing singers of our time!"

Starswirl... Should I be worried?

At ease, friend. They're still under no power to influence the innocent.

Well then, might as well enjoy the show while I'm here. Leaning back against a small gate housing a large plant, I crossed my arms and waited with a small smile.

"And now, introducing your all-time favourites: The mysterious! The entrancing! The sirens of song! Live today, theDazzlings!"

This oughta be good.

Sonata's attempt for excitement followed with the curtains drawing back, smoke billowing from the stage as if to impress, like the same trick they pulled during the band battle. Three slender figures in their typical attire emerged from said smoke, revealing her smug smirks and smile, the latter from the least dangerous of the three. Although, nowadays none of them can be considered a threat, since they're just as powerless as any regular human watching them.

Barring me of course.

Still, I've always wondered what befell these three after RR. Now it seems I've gotten my answer. Best guess? Probably either trying to become famous, or taking entertainment jobs ti scrape up enough money to provide themselves. Either way, I leaned back and shifted comfortably, waiting for the show to start.

Steeping forward by the edge, the leader, Adagio, grinned wickedly and snapped her fingers, her sisters opening their mouths to commence. For some internal reason, my body was already bracing itself to cringe.

"Oh whoa oh! Oh whoa oh!

You didn't know that you fell!

Oh whoa oh! Oh whoa oh!

Now that you're under our spell!"

...Looks like listening to my gut was the smartest move. The audience wasn't too happy about it either.


"Get off the stage!"

"My mother can sing better than you!"

"This is a waste of our time!"

Yeesh. Even the sirens were trying hard not to shy away from the negative reception, continuing to sing... Or whatever you can call it, with the exception of the blue-haired Dazzling, Sonata, slowly backing up in open fear. Poor girl. Their performance came to a swift end when someone hurled their own soda at the girls, smacking Adagio right in her displeased face. It didn't take long before the girls retreated to the back of the stage, safe from the onslaught of discarded food and drinks, whatever pride they had left intact.

But the uproarious boo'ing noises probably followed them to the back. I should be going back to the others, leave them to the fate deserving of them... But I stood here, still, for some reason, as if Balance itself commanded it.

...Or because that damn thing named a conscience demanded so.

...God dammit. Bare with me Twilight, Sunset...

A quick stroll around the table area, heading to the open backstage where, behind the curtains, the three teenagers were being openly scolded by a business-looking woman who probably hired them to begin with. The harsh criticisms emerging from her throat had me flinch at such harshness, worse still by the expression on their faces.

Was that... Pity I'm feeling? For them? Christ I've been made soft. The tall woman briskly departed, not spotting me hiding behind a curtain whilst passing by. And with that, the three powerless sirens conversed with negativity.

Sonata sighed. "I guess we're stuck like this forever, huh girls?"

Aria huffed, rolling her eyes with an annoyed look. "What do you think...?" The most deadpan siren muttered and faced her leader. "Adagio, we can't keep going like this. We have to find a place that'll take us otherwise we'll starve. And I don't fancy picking food from trash for the rest of my life." For emphasis, Sonata's stomach grumbled, prompting the kinder siren to pat her belly with a distressed groan.

"Ooh, how I could really go for a taco right about now...!"

"I'm doing the best I can." Their leader snapped, rubbing her forehead and sighing quite miserably. "If it weren't for our powers being taken from us... We wouldn't be wandering around scraping food and money like... Likemortals!"Their demeanor then softened. "We have to keep trying. I'm not giving up anytime soon."

Balance, stop me if I go too far.

"Admirable, although that resolve turned against you before." All three heads snapped in surprise at the golden boy leaning against the wall, observing them with an indifferent expression. "Still, never thought I'd see you three in a mall of all places. And I was having such a good day too..."

Adagio frowned warily. "Do we know you?"

Aria squinted, then stepped back in revelation. "It's you!" Both girls turned to her expectantly, the purple siren pointing in enraged disbelief. "It's the boy who hung out with Sunset and her friends at Canterlot High! What doyouwant?"

I shrugged, pushing off the wall to approach, rather cautiously I might add. "Just watched your performance. Seven out of ten, too much tryhard."

"No thanks to your friends." Adagio seethed, walking forward without hesitation and jabbing me in the chest, dark pink eyes blazing into mine. I held my ground. "If it haven't been for them, we would've-"

"Controlled everyone? Fed off their negativity? All for the sake of your petty attention-seeking?" I scoffed derisively. "As if we were going to let that happen."

"We needed that energy, you fool!" The siren with the impractical long orange hair exclaimed angrily. "Without it we'd starve. Their negative emotions are the only things which sustain us!"

"Clearly not." I pointed out matter-of-factly. "Since you girls seem to still be walking and talking after so long."

Aria scoffed. "Yeah well, destroying our gems somehow made us mortal. Now we resort to feeding on actual human food and drinks. You have no idea how inconvenient it is to feel hungry again and again after a few hours."

"It's not that bad!" Sonata pitched in with slight enthusiasm, despite a small wince at her increasing hunger. "There's chocolate, and ice cream, and cake, and marshmallows. Mmm hmm! These people know how to make good food!"

"The point is," Adagio added through grounded teeth, "We're stuck like this, now and forever. You have no idea how many jobs we took, the amount of shows who declined us because of our now-atrocious singing! We're... We're practically homeless and starving! There's nothing for us left..."

Despite the loathing on her features, I spotted the distress and sadness in those pink orbs. Her sisters shared equal looks of despair and worry. This was something else, something that happened at the end of Rainbow Rocks. They weren't just distressed, they wereafraid.Hopeless and utterly afraid, fearful of dying slowly and painfully in a cold unforgiving world. And suddenly, a brief image of Sunset and Starlight hit my brain.

...They needed a fresh start... I sighed. Well Starswirl?

No creature is beyond redemption, Jack. Whatever choice you make here, today, I shall support it.

Even though it was these sirens you fought with long ago?

Times change. History educates us for the better. We may follow along the stream, or step across it. But our choices are eternal. They may starve, or they may have hope once more. That depends on your charity, or that of the girls in the unseen future.

"...Just don't make me regret this." I said plainly, inspecting my pockets as the three blinked at my words, frowning in suspicion.

"What are you-?"

"One second."

...This should be enough.

"Here." Adagio suddenly looked confounded, regarding the money before her as though it were foreign. "I can't stand by and let three helpless girls suffer, though they were villains once. Take it."

Now, all three girls were circling the offered stack, Aria frowning in slight disbelief at the amount. Sonata however grinned in small hope. "That's a lot of money."

"One-hundred thousand to be exact." Incredulous gazes snapped my way. Ha. I grinned quite humouredly. "Get yourself a nice apartment. Get some food, and drinks, a TV, any necessities you need. Get some proper jobs, get some singing lessons. Just, promise me in turn you'll use this money wisely."

"You're... You're serious...!" I nodded, confirming Aria's stunned statement and return to staring at the money.

Adagio's gloved fingers gently curled around the green stack of paper, taking it off my hand and skimming through the amount in shocked disbelief. Then, dark pink eyes looked back up to me. "Why...?"

I shrugged. "You're not exactly dangerous anymore, as you just said. There's no harm in helping you get back on your feet and starting fresh."

Aria then growled somewhat. "What if we don'twantyour charity- Mmph!"

Adagio wisely, and quickly, covered her sister's mouth with her free hand, nodding rapidly towards me with a small grin. "We promise to take good care of what you've just given us." That was probably closest piece to gratitude I'll get from her. Nodding back, I smiled lightly and turned. Sunset and Twilight have waited long enough.

"Thank you so much mister!"

"My pleasure Sonata!" I called back humouredly to the waving siren, leaving them to sort their own future out. I just hope it doesn't one day bite me in the arse.

You did the right thing, my pupil.Starswirl said with warmth.A little kindness, entwined with forgiveness, can cause a greater impact than you realize. One day, that will repay you in kind.

My trek back to where my friends were wasn't further delayed. Both Twilight and Sunset rose from the bench on seeing my approach, having had an animated discussion about something. "Where have you been?" The yellow teenager asked jokingly. "We were starting to worry you've gotten lost."

"Give me more credit than that, Sunset." Glancing over my shoulder after my snort, I added vaguely, "I was just... Helping some lost souls start finding their place."

"What do you mean?" Twilight asked, both her and Sunset exchanging puzzled glances.

Shaking my head, I smirked back to the two of them. "I'll tell you about it for another time. Got your new instrument?"

My student raised a guitar case with a proud smile. "Right here. And like you, I'd like to keep it as a surprise for my friends. Just let me give you the change."

"Nah keep the change. You'll have more use for it than I."

"Oh... If you're sure."

"Also, Sunset, after we leave, I have a favour to ask of you."

"Of course. Are we finished here then?"

"Hmm, not yet." As an idea sprung to mind. "There's still one more necessity I need to get. Where's the nearest clothing store again?"

This is more stressful than preparing for a final exam. Here I was standing here like a fidgeting mess right before the mirror, the portal back home. My breathing was somewhat shallow, hands clenching and unclenching repeatedly. Not even Balance itself could calm me down for the events to come.

I'm certain she'll adore your gift tonight, Jack. Everything today was in preparation for this event. You'll be alright.

Wish I had that optimism. I can only hope for the best. By now Sunset would've contacted Twilight and asked her to come here, as my last request for the teen before we departed for the day. It was nighttime now, the moon and stars illuminating the night sky beautifully, perfectly for tonight's plan. My yellow hands grasped the inside pockets of my temporary suit, checking myself over again in the mirror before stepping back to allow the inevitably-coming Twilight some room.

It'll be fine. It'll be fine...

It will be fine.


Instincts quickly had me catch Twilight before her ungraceful fall to the ground by the arms and waist, prompting her disoriented gaze to regain and composure and notice me in pleasant surprise, blushing lightly at our position.

"So this is where you've been all day." The Princess greeted in all her unending beauty, the stars reflecting from her eyes like priceless diamonds. Helping her straighten, Twilight took a step back and appraised me in further surprise, noting the dark suit with blue outlines and tie and- "You have your hair gelled. Thismustbea special occasion..."

"Everything to make this night perfect." I grinned, feeling our bond brighten. "Hm. You look annoyed about something."

Twilight huffed quietly. "Long story short, apparently a griffon visiting Ponyville gained her cutie mark from the Crusaders, but it turned out it was fake. That was hours of research down the drain."

"Aw I'm sorry."

The Princess smirked faintly at my playful apology. "I'm sure you are." And motioned to my suit with a wondrous smile. "So, what's with the formal attire? Not that I'm complaining at all, you look incredibly handsome, Jack."

"Hardly a thing of beauty compared to you, love." She smiled bashfully at the compliment, accepting my offered outstretched hand. My nervousness was cooling down the further we talked. "I have something to show you. This is gonna be a night to remember, my dear Twilight."

The pony-turned-teen chuckled lightly. "I'll hold you to that, Jack." And I escorted her arm-to-arm towards the school, prompting her brief confusion. "Wait, isn't the school closed by now?"

"What Celestia won't know won't hurt her."


"Trust me Twilight, it'll be worth it." My girlfriend rolled her gorgeous eyes as we headed to the entrance, already open for us.

"Can I open them now?"

"Just a second love..." Careful not to make her trip over anything, entering from the doorway to the top of the building itself, then gently removing my hands from her eyes with an enthusiastic, "Alright, open them up."

What followed was a loud gasp, the Princess of Friendship stunned at first by the wight before her. Upon the rooftop of Canterlot High itself, circling around on cooling ducts and other things were lit wax candles, helping illuminate the scene somewhat. Petal roses scattered neatly by the gentle breeze. But the most breathtaking thing for Twilight was probably the stars looking much closer themselves, sparkling like her eyes.

But the most breathtaking thing for me was the awed Princess standing before me, back turned to me in evident wonder. Our powerful bond shone radiantly as Twilight slowly looked back to me with a brightened expression, attempting composure at what I've obviously done for her.

"You've been busy." A tinge of nervousness to her beautiful voice, her body trembling somewhat as the flames of the candles revealed her reddened cheeks. "No wonder you didn't say what you were up to earlier."

"Had to make sure everything would go perfectly." Gently grasping her hand, I raised her knuckles to my lips with a soft brush against them. "All for my beautiful Princess."

"Jack..." Twilight looked lost for words, her eyes and smile doing the work for her. Oh dear. My other hand quickly brushed away the oncoming tears of joy leaking from those alluring violet orbs. Gazing around again, she expressed content. "This is wonderful... You did all this for me?"

"No, I did it all for Discord." I smirked humouredly, prompting her choked giggle. This was a little overwhelming for her, clearly. "I just thought, how about a perfect night together, without any potential interruptions by anyone. Just the two of us."

"So you chose the very world that repulses you." Twilight teased with a touched grin.

"Whatever makes my Princess happy, I'll endure the suffering." Warm laughter between us, before Twilight suddenly shivered by the breeze, inciting me to walk to the side where the shadow hid some clothing. "Cold? I have just the thing."

The teen regarded the clothing presented to her in bemused humour. "A hoodie?"

"I thought it'd suit you." Twilight accepted the gift and decided to humour me, placing on the dark blue hoodie helping her grow warmer under the night and gestured to herself expectantly. I blinked. Really, I wasn't expecting it to fit better than I assumed. "Veeeeeery attractive."

She blushed at the tone, tugging at the hem of her new hoodie and grinned bashfully. "No fair, you had all this time to prepare and left me no time to dress myself for the night."

"Why spoil it?" I smirked mischievously. "Besides, you're breathtaking regardless what you wear. You don't need to impress me with dresses."

"It'd certainly help though."

Grinning lightly, I walked over to the placed small radio nearby, switching it on with the correct cassette inside. Reaching the right song number, I turned the volume a good high before twirling around, approaching the wondrous Princess and offered a golden hand out with the manners a gentleman could respect, moreso to royalty. "A long while back, you taught me how to dance the pony way. Now, I'll teach you the human way." My expression softened, in both excitement and hope. "May I have this dance, my Princess?"

Twilight grinned beautifully, a tender purple hand gently grasping mine, allowing me to pull her closer, her hand on my shoulder and mine on her waist. Purple eyes sparkled in affection and playfulness. "It would be my pleasure, my Warrior."

Please, for the love of any God out there, make this night just perfect for me. For us...

I lost all control of my own legs and movements, as if some invisible force was guiding us, keeping us from accidentally trudging on each other's toes as we danced to our heart's content. Slow, in synchronization, tender and balanced. My eyes were fixed on those orbs sparkling like the stars above, unable to look away nor wanting to. My wide grin was different to her blissful smile, but I was just as happy. In fact... I was ecstatic.

Hell, I don't think any word related to 'happy' could do this moment justice... And the radio releasing the music for this wondrous moment was just appropriate.

Beauty and the Beast.

"You knew Gabby wasn't going to have a cutie mark, didn't you?"

I smiled sheepishly, facial expressions the only part of me I had any current control of. "Couldn't spoil anything, sorry Twilight."

Twilight smirked playfully. "But you left me to feel disappointed by myself. I swear, sometimes you're insufferable."

"But my love, annoying you gives me life!"

A raised humoured brow. "'My love?' That's a new one."

"Do you like it?"

Twilight cocked her head affectionately. "I think I could grow accustomed to hearing it." Followed with my gratified smirk, and her twirl, outstretching from arm's length of each other before pulling the gleeful Princess back into my limbs, her head now resting under my head.

And the song reached the main verse. An amused snort beneath me. "Is that how you see yourself; a beast?"

"King among them love."

"Well..." Twilight inhaled with content, her cheek resting against my beating heart. "Certainly the handsomest beast I've encountered."

The lovely Princess sighed in content, nestling into my chest as we slow danced peacefully. "Your dancing skills have improved."

I laughed rather nervously. "I don't think I'm in control right now."

"Hmm." She hummed, a pleasant soothing sound to my ears. "Then I'll be certain to thank Sombra for keeping you on your toes tonight."

"I- Hey...!"

"I was a little worried, you know..." Twilight whispered then tenderly, pulling back slightly to meet my gaze softly. "A part of me thought you were on another hunt for Zagreus, and intended to find him without us."Without me...

My tone was tender reassurance. "I learned my lesson long ago, love."

A tiny smile. "When do you ever learn anything, Jack...?"

"Well..." I started in quiet playfulness, twirling the Princess around again. "I've learnt the importance of friendship again." And back to my arms. "I've learnt how to love again." Our noses brushed one another, my voice lowering in sweet bliss. "And I've learnt what it means to hope again... All thanks to a stubborn, Goddess Princess and her amazing friends."

Pink cheeks again, but Twilight beamed lightly. "Once more, you exaggerate. I'm hardly flawless, Jack..."

"No." I agreed, smirking faintly. "But it's your flaws which makes you perfect. And I wouldn't have it any other way..."

And now, for the ultimate step of making tonight's plan work. Twilight blinked in brief confusion as I suddenly regained control of myself and stepped back, inquiring with a hint of coyness. "By the way, I think I left my phone in that hoodie's left pocket. Could you check love?"

With a suspicious amused glance, the Princess obliged and reached into the open left side, blinking at feeling something else within. With wide curiosity, Twilight pulled out the folded piece of paper and examined it curiously, opening from my encouraging nod. As she read, I waited patiently for the physical reaction.

And our bond flared up in love and affection, assuring me that she did, indeed, love the poem written by yours truly. I was grinning lightly at the tears threatening to fall from the blissful Twilight's eyes.

Purple tearful eyes glazed upwards from the paper to look at me in stunned awe. "Jack..."

With a content smile, I replied lovingly, "I think there's some tissue in the right pocket, love." Sniffing slightly, the Princess checked with her free hand, and I observed her surprised reaction to the touch of soft metal as opposed to thin paper, pulling out two pieces of something which, examining from her palm, incited a sharp, disbelieving inhale.

Not entirely a bad sign.

"Jack... Are these what I think they are...?"

"I wasn't certain they existed in Equestria, but I couldn't risk checking." Before she could ask any further, I swiftly lowered on one knee, softly clenching her fist holding the two rings with both my hands, and smiled rather sheepishly. My voice, by contrast, blazed in resolve. "You gave me hope, a reason to exist. Our friends contributed, but you most of all gave me that precious gift of all. I promise to love you until the end of time. I'm not Flash Sentry, nor Timber Spruce - Thank goodness there - I'm just your plain, autistic meddler who attracts trouble. But I will do everything to keep you happy for the rest of my life."

My eyes firm on her stunned sparkling orbs, which softened in bliss at every word, I slowly stood, my hands still on hers as I vowed what my heart was speaking. This was what I wanted, and there was no going back now.

"These are promise rings, a vow that one day we'll dedicate the rest of our life together, that we'll eventually make that full commitment we all know. I wouldn't dare ask that important question while you're still young, and have your whole life ahead of you. But I promise, until that day comes, you, Spike, and everyone I love - But you most of all - will be my first priority above all else-"

"My answer would be yes, now and forever, regardless." Twilight replied with newfound quiet enthusiasm to my ear, arms wrapped around my neck in tight affection, our bond pulsing with shared, equal, pure love. I returned the embrace warmly, the Princess adding in her own blissful resolve, "I love and cherish you just as much, my brave Warrior..."

I... I couldn't be any more happier... And it seemed the stars above shone brightly, as if giving their approval of this impactful moment between Warrior and Princess. Human and pony. Balance and... Twilight...

Within a few seconds, after an embrace that lasted for eternity, we helped each other adorn our new rings, fitted with amethyst gems, fitting perfectly. Twilight inspected hers with content eyes, the colour matching them without fault. And together, as the last candle burned out, we spent the last of this wonderful, amazing night sat in each other's embrace, watching the glittering stars for, God, a very, very long time...

Twilight sighed into my neck. "Happy anniversary Jack..."

"Happy-" ...Wait. WAIT WHAT? "Happy anniversary Twilight."

"...Why did you hesitate?"

"Sorry, just... Choked up on the moment."

"Oh..." Twilight sighed contently. "I'm happy too, my beloved..."

...That, was WAY too [BEEP]ing close. Talk about perfect timing!

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