• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter Fifty-Four: A Deserving Hero?

The party lasted much longer than welcomed, by my standards anyway. As soon as the carriage was out of sight, all hell broke loose; ponies partied and celebrated the newlyweds harder than I've ever witnessed a party in Equestria. Hell, my school prom party wasn't as wild as these ponies were making this event. Though I suppose it was understandable; a royal mare just got married, and that most likely hasn't happened in centuries or something. Anyway, the celebration was spiraling out of control, as all equines from Canterlot and guests from far-off lands partied like it was the last night it'd ever happen.

Prompting my self-removal from the celebrations.

Luckily I managed to find a part of the kingdom where no other pony was in sight, staring at my smiling reflection from the large fountain. This area was far enough from the celebrations, though the loud cheering was still palpable, but not enough to damage my eardrums any further, thankfully.

What an event...

Chrsa-Something was defeated, the wedding proceeded perfectly, elation waved over Equestria for the lucky Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and now Prince Shining Armor. I can still recall their beaming adoring gazes at one another during the ceremony, and thus prompted the small smile on my muzzle.

I fulfilled my promise, became best man at the wedding, and witnessed a historical event firsthand in a world populated by talking equines. All was well in the world... for now anyway.

But before that business occurs, I'm content with enjoying the peace while it lasts. The threat of the love-sucking Queen was over, and I wanted to take in this moment of serenity before I probably stick around for the next villain to pop up.

And I knew exactly who...


A lovely familiar welcoming voice inquired, following with Twilight's own reflection appearing next to mine. The purple unicorn was observing the water's surface as well, smiling in her own content.

Ah yes... This mare was partially the reason I excused myself from the party also.

"With you? Always." Okay, that wasn't meant to sound the way it was said.

But Twilight didn't seem to notice the tone, nor my reflected smile brightening upon noticing her. "I don't blame you for departing the party like that; I know you're not fond of loud noises."

I smirked lightly. "A bit of an understatement, my dear."

Her own expression seemed to brighten considerably at that. "Although, I suppose my singing didn't help matters in the slightest."

Hm? Quite the opposite. "Twilight, your voice would never send me away." After that, we finally glanced at one another, and I felt an unwelcome lump in my throat just from meeting her eyes alone. Steady there, Stardust. Quickly, I inclined my head to the direction she came from, "I thought you'd still be celebrating with our friends."

Twilight smirked light-heartedly, "Well, you're also one of those friends, Jack."

"...Fair point." We both chuckled lightly... Before an awkward silence elapsed. And then I realized I was blatantly staring at those serene violet eyes before mentally slapping myself out of it.

Say something you mong! You can do better than act like an awkward teenager!

"You look lovely, Twilight." I nodded to the formal green dress.

At the compliment, the mare looked away bashfully, a small blush matching her features. "Thank you... You look dashing yourself, Jack."

I snorted playfully. "Hardly. Though your current dress is an improvement from that last one from your Birthday."

Twilight frowned in mock-hurt at the playful jab. "I'll be sure to tell Rarity you said that."

"Please do." Which was, again, followed by shared laughter. God, any implied insult we say to one another can no longer be taken seriously. Showing just how deep our bond was over our time together-

Wait... did I just say 'Bond?'

"How are you feeling?" Twilight then inquired, obviously mistaking my expression for something else. "Any aches anywhere?"

"Small, but I'm doing my best to ignore them." Particularly the most notable one in my chest.

The brilliant unicorn nodded, "That's a relief, your recovery is going better than I- we hoped for. I'm so glad you're okay Jack..."

Was it me, or where there something reflecting out of her eyes, not just the bright lights from the party a distance away?

"...I'm glad you're okay too." [BEEP], correct that you stupid boy! "Um, you and everyone else. I'm glad the wedding went off without a hitch... my week-long coma aside."

Yet the mare didn't smile at that light joke, resuming her gaze on the water before us. "I guess so..."

...Well, welcome back awkwardness. Please enjoy your stay until I figure how best to continue this conversation.

I sighed, looking back at the surface of the water with her. Distant noise from the event behind us returned, along with the pouring of the small waterfall before us, rippling the reflective liquid and mixing our expressions. What else am I suppose to say...? This palpable tension wasn't something I'm use to, and these newfound feelings I've discovered towards Twilight - I'll figure out what to do with those later - didn't help in the least-

"You should've told me."

"...I know." My mouth automatically agreed before I could even figure out what she was implying.

From the reflection, Twilight's features frowned. "You knew you were in danger by Chrysalis and her Changelings from the very beginning, and never told me or the others about it. Imagine our surprise upon hearing the invasion on Ponyville last week."

Don't remind me...

"And learning from Rarity, Applejack and Pinkie Pie over how you were aware of my brother's wedding for a long time, and you were cautious about a threat looming over it. And then, it was Shining and Cadence who informed me about your friendship with them, and you never bothered to tell me you knew them at all."

I winced at the sharp tone. But the mare was far from finished.

"You kept secrets from me. You mindlessly threw yourself into danger. You risked your life because of a hunch. You allowed yourself to almost... Almost..."

Die? It's not that hard to say, love... not for humans, anyway.

"And why did you do it? Because you thought you had nothing to lose, that your life means nothing to another's?" Twilight finally looked up, and I couldn't bring myself to look at those blazing eyes. "Well, I've got news for you Jack Wright; your life does mean something; it means something to our friends! To your family back home! To Spike! To me!" Hearing that emotional confession, my eyes hesitantly regarded hers, and I felt a stabbing sensation at the enraged tears leaking from her eyes... all because of me.


"Don't 'Twilight' me." The relentless pony said sternly, still frowning while the droplets continued falling down, ruining the make-up. "You are impulsive, reckless, brutish. Your occasional wisdom is contradicted by your irrational charges into battles. Every stupid decision you make, such as facing Chyrsalis all by yourself, is absolutely infuriating! Are you so thoughtless about your own well-being to the point of willingly dying for someone who doesn't deserve it?"

Doesn't deserve it- Oh Twilight...

The mare didn't stop me from reaching out, slowly cupping her pony cheek. "Do you have any idea how much you mean to everyone... To me...?"


"I'm sorry."

Because it was all that I could say. This unicorn was pouring her heart out to me, I could see the fear and worry reflected in her beautiful eyes. I had no absolute idea that I was causing this much distress to her... simply because I didn't give a damn about myself. The bonds Twilight made with others over friendship was practically her bloodstream, and I was doing her no favours recklessly endangering myself like this.

...Now that I thought about it, I wasn't doing myself any favours either.

"I'm so sorry, Twilight, for hurting you like this." Swallowing a lump, I did my best to comfort the saddened mare. "I... I just didn't want you or the others to worry, to enjoy this wedding without the possible looming threat of anything. I just... Wanted you all to be happy."

"Seeing your best friend throwing himself close to demise like that does the opposite of making someone happy, Jack..." Yet Twilight's voice was softer now, no longer holding that tone of anger and fear from earlier.

Thank God...

"If I... If I promise never to endanger myself like that without anyone's aid again, will that help matters?"

"...It might." Twilight nodded slowly. "It'd be a start, at least."

"Then, consider it done." Was my immediate vow. Anything so I would never have to emotionally hurt Twilight like this again.

For a moment there, Twilight looked as though she didn't buy the promise for a minute. Tch, don't blame her, I don't have a reputation for generally making promises like this. But, to my heart's content, she nodded, a small hopeful smile lifting on her muzzle. "Alright... I believe you, considering you tend to keep your rarely-given word."

And thank God, the tears have stopped-

"But if you ever do so again, then whatever threat against us next time will be the least of your problems when I'm through with you."


"Noted." That quiet amused response was replied by a physical hug, one to which my body stiffened at the warm touch.

"Why do you let yourself get hurt like this...?"

"...Because life has never been kind enough for me to care what happens to myself." That along with many other reasons, but which Twilight here is better off not knowing.

"Only if you allow it." The mare countered weakly, releasing me to my rather disappointment. But, fortunately, her features seemed to have uplifted slightly as she rubbed away the rest of her dried tears. "Sorry... Should've saved this confrontation when back at Ponyville. Guess I've ruined the atmosphere."

"You, my dear Twilight? Never." She smiled lightly at the reassurance. But with the now ruined mascara, I gave an apologetic amused look. "Though I've seem to have ruined your make-up."

The unfazed unicorn shrugged, gesturing with her head to the direction of the party. "Shall we head back?"

Yes... That was probably best. It was a relief, though, getting this confrontation over with. Twilight was obviously upset the whole time through the wedding, all because of me. Syphilis had been beaten, but at what cost? My own near-death. I must've devastated everyone.

...Did I honestly deserve such friendship to begin with?

Noticing that Twilight was regarding me patiently, I quickly nodded, bowing formally, "Certainly, after you my dear. Whatever excuse to hear your beautiful singing once again."

Those cheeks brightened again. "Jack the Charmer has returned, I see." The mare stated with amusement, as we headed back the the bright lights and loud noises. "Don't think flattery will easily mend my irritation with you."

I smirked at the mock-seriousness. "Oh, you wound me, my dear Twilight."

That, at least, got a small giggle out of her. "So then, how did you first meet my brother and former foalsitter?"

Hm? "You mean they didn't tell you themselves?"

"There was little time when we were preparing the wedding." Ah, fair enough.

"So, you suspected the deception right from the beginning?" Twilight asked after I recounted last week's events.

"To be fair, Twilight, that Queen didn't make it so difficult to sniff her out." I shrugged, raising my voice slightly as we returned to the party, the crowd of over-energetic ponies still dancing and enjoying themselves like there's no tomorrow.

The mare had to heighten her tone as well. "So then what happened?"

"Oh, you know, she ambushed as soon as I was on my own, taunted me, trapped me underground, taunted me some more. And when she disappeared I heard the real Cadence, rescused her from the mines, she kicked some arse herself against a large group of Changelings that were blocking our way, we reached the surface, the genuine bride and groom reunited, and I can imagine you know what happened next."

"Chrysalis attacked?"

"Indeed, and I don't think I need to describe the whole battle." And I suppose Twilight here wouldn't want to hear how Celestia almost got owned by the wicked Queen. A part of me wishes I hadn't intervened during that magical struggle between the monarchs.

But, to be fair, upon saving the ruling alicorn, it wasn't Celestia I did that for.

"Because you didn't want to admit you were losing?"

"...I beg your pardon?"

Twilight giggled at my expression and tone. "I'm just teasing, Jack. Though you seemed to have not been succeeding by the time we arrived to help."

"Only because I was achieving victory until she took the form of you!" I retorted hotly... Before closing my mouth quickly in realization. Oh how subtle of you Stardust!

Her eyes, understandably, widened while she paused, "You mean... You stopped fighting because she disguised herself as me?"

My eyes looked away, pretending something else had caught my interest. "...Maybe."

"Even though it was an obvious act of deception?"

"...Maybe." I felt the nervous urge to pull at my suit's collar.

"Jack... That's very sweet of you." Huh? Suddenly a jolt ran though my body, posture straightening at the warm muzzle brushing my ponified cheek. Widened eyes slowly turned to the flattered purple unicorn, herself smiling lightly. "No need to look so flustered. I'm gonna go find the others, are you joining me?"

After what you just did, my dear, any normal response would be a quick "Hell yes!" But since I'm far from a normal person - not that anyone was really 'normal' - I refrained myself. "Err... Well, you know how I am with crowds. Plus, I think I'll turn in early. This body of mine still needs to recover, after all."

Twilight raised a humoured brow, "Rest early? Who are you and what have you done with the real Jack?" But she nodded anyway, heading back in the direction of the back crowd. "I'll see you tomorrow then."

"Yeah... Goodnight, my dear Twilight."

"Goodnight... My warrior."

Wait... what?

Yet the mare only grinned knowingly at my expression, before departing completely into the celebrating crowd, intending to find our friends and continue partying with them. That left me standing there, gaping like an idiot. Foe once, it was Twilight who left me speechless, instead of the usual other way around.

Her warrior... I like the sound of that.

"You know, sometimes I wish you two would just kiss and get it over with already."

In comes the amused yet exasperated voice of our favourite dragon.

Glancing to my right, I inquired, "Shouldn't you be gorging yourself through the food?"

After approaching me, Spike shrugged casually, "Pinkie's eaten all the best cakes. And besides, someone has to keep you out of trouble." Oh har har. He smirked at my look, "Though Twilight seems to be doing a good job with that."

"No idea what you're on about." Was my flippant response, turning around and swiftly and walking away from the party. The last thing I needed to be teased about now was this infatuation I had for Twilight...

For a pony.

Yet Spike followed, refusing to leave me be, "So, enjoying the party?"

I shrugged lightly, "Eh, tolerating it enough. You?"

"Yep!" I imagined the lizard grinning beside me, "And have you seen what Rarity's wearing? She looks amazing. As if the food wasn't the best part of this wedding for me!"

Nor for I, it seems, my friend...

"Feeling better?" Spike then asked curiously, a hint of concern in his tone.

"Doing better," I responded to ease his worries. "Whatever it was Canterlot's medics did to heal me, it's working faster than the service we get from Ponyville."

From the corner of my eye, the dragon nodded. "That's great!" He said in relief, while we turned a corner down the dark empty street. "The Princess wasn't sure when you'd recover, and some of us worried you might never wake up again. Yeah, that was clearly an exaggeration on our part." Spike added upon seeing my amused expression.

"...I'm flattered you were all so concerned for my well-being." I said sincerely while Spike smiled. "But, if there's one thing I've learnt while being stuck in your world, Spike, it's that fatal injuries are a rare occurrence in Equestria."

The young dragon scoffed, "Says the pony who suffered injuries time and time again. Maybe you won't get hurt again, and if you stay long enough, you can be Best Stallion at my wedding."

I smirked, scoffing playfully, "Tch. Well if I stick around until then, then I better be your best stallion. I'll kick your arse otherwise."

"Sure you will- AH!"

The hell? I followed his shocked direction, "What is it- Oh..."

Both our bodies stilled, a shiver crawling up my spine, while we stared at the large bug eyes staring through the darkness towards us, creeping slowly out of the alleyway. Immediately, I recomposed myself and stood in front of the stunned dragon guardingly, eyes narrowing at the black creature slowly moving towards us.


The minion of Syphilis hissed at the acknowledgement, yet curiously enough it sounded rather weak. "You..." He sounded as pained as he looked, clear enough now for us to see him limping towards us. "You... Ruined everything..."

"Spike, prepare yourself to run." I whispered.



"...Yes sir." The lizard relented, thankfully.

"My Queen's glorious plans... Turned to shambles... Because of you..." The hateful Changeling stopped about ten feet away from me, pointing in my direction. "You vermin..."

'Vermin?' "Calling the kettle black there, aren't we?"

The creature snarled at the retort. "Silence, foul worm! You destroyed our plans to feed on these pitiful ponies love. And now my Queen suffers... because of your meddling..."

Well, I've been known to meddle quite a lot in life. What else is new? "How are you here, Changeling? I thought Cadence and Armor blasted you all away."

"Almost all of us." The black bug-like creature grinned savagely. "I was one of the patrols in the mines below, after that foolish alicorn defeated us. They all retreated after the Queen was hurled across the sky above us, following after her."

"But you stayed behind..."

"Yes... To exact justice upon the one clearly responsible for all of this." Our even stares met.

"Er, Stardust, I think he means you."

"Thank you, Spike, I never would've guessed."


The Changeling continued talking, taking a prepared stance. "In the name of our glorious Queen and all Changeling kind, I shall finish you here and now, pony."

"I am so much more than a mere pony." I frowned, straightening myself. He wants to fight? I can gladly oblige. Because enough's enough; I've had it with these mother-[BEEP] Changelings threatening my mother-[BEEP] friends. But first, "Though you don't seem to be in any condition to fight, my friend."

The disgusted minion glared at the observation, "I will destroy you regardless, just as you've destroyed our hoped for a kingdom worthy of us and us alone."

"You and your Queen intended to suck out the love of other ponies like fine wine. I acted accordingly."

"They don't deserve to feel love!" The hissing Changeling countered with ire. "Not with that prejudice they hold towards Changeling kind!"

"Can you blame them?" I retorted evenly, folding my arms if I could, "When all you intend to do is absorb the love that isn't meant for you? To sip on the warmth and caring each of those ponies have for other individuals? You chose to doom yourselves upon attempting to ruin not only a royal wedding, but society in general."

"Bah, what does pony society mean to us?" The minion asked rhetorically. "Our Changeling society has always been superior to yours. We deserve to feel love, the most powerful emotion of all! But instead, only you ponies are worthy enough to share that kind of warmth with each other."

That was bitterness in his tone. I frowned, "But... What about your own love for your kind?"

The Changeling scowled in confusion, "What do you mean, vermin...?"

If they operated like insects, or any other normal functioning community. "Surely, your kind cares about each other, correct?" It nodded slowly, "Then, why not feed off the love from one another? Love isn't exclusive to a particular species, after all. Take my friend behind me, for example. He's a dragon, yes, but he loves and cherishes his friends and family deeply."

"Hey, keep me out of this!" Spike protested.

We ignored him. "And I, as another example, care and love my friends and family as well, despite the fact I'm not even a pony."


"Long story." I said after the Changeling expressed even further confusion. "My point being, anyone, no matter who and what they are, can feel love without taking it from others. Even Changelings. Instead of drinking on the affection of those not of your kind, just feed off the love they hold for you, and you for them. As you said, love is a very powerful emotion, it can even ignite the stars; it is shared throughout all living things, exclusive to no one. Not you, not I, not the dragon behind me, and not even your Queen."

Upon finished my short speech, the Changeling simply regarded me silently, still glaring but his features tilted slightly, as though contemplating my words. Hopefully, this'll work. Because quite frankly, I was too tired to begin another battle with these creatures once again. After Mephiles had been defeated, I was hoping that was the end of the Changeling threat. No more interfering with my life or my friend's. But no, there seems to be some unwanted leftovers. But, if I'm lucky, I can convince this Changeling, followed by countless others, to feed off love another way.

"How do I know this isn't a trick?" The bug-like pony finally asked, frowning.

Well, that's a start. "You don't," I shrugged casually. "But it doesn't hurt to try. Return to your people, Changeling, and tell them to try another way. If it doesn't work... then I will be waiting for you."

Another pause, before it responded, "Very well. I'll spare your miserable existence for now, non-pony. But don't think this is the last you've heard of us Changelings!" Concluded dramatically by the creature taking off into the dark skies above.

I certainly hope otherwise, my friend...

"You're letting him go?" I heard Spike ask behind me, in palpable disbelief.

I nodded, "If what I suggested works, then there'll be no more quarrels between pony and Changeling kind, Spike." As the black blue disappeared into the darkness completely, I looked back at the frowning dragon. "You honestly want another battle to break out between both kinds?"

"I guess not..." Spike replied quietly after briefly thinking about it. "Hopefully, he'll manage to change their minds."


"Heh. Get it, 'change their minds'? Because they're Changelings." Spike chuckled at his own pun.

Rolling my eyes, I rubbed the lizard's head before resuming the walk. "Come on Spike, let's go see if there's any wedding cake left."

"Mmm. No need to tell me twice!"

The next day, while many were cleaning up the leftovers of the celebration, and many of the citizens were still resting in their homes, Twilight honoured everyone by taking us all to her former home, where her parents currently resided. Velvet and Light were more than ecstatic to meet the very equines responsible for keeping their daughter happy and full of friends, yet only much more happy with the wedding of their eldest.

Needless to say, only after seconds of introductions, they approved of them.

The mares and dragon were surprised however - save for Twilight curiously enough - over my familiarity with the two adults; Velvet and Light happily greeted me as though I was one of their own, and we explained to the stunned purple unicorn over how we met and how they saved my life during a Changeling ambush.

"You neglected to mention that last night." Twilight pointed out quietly when she got the chance.

"To be fair, you only asked how I met Armor and Cadence only." The mare shook her head in exasperation. Hm, imagine her reaction to her parents being familiar with Trixie. Won't that be funny?

As the kind dark grey mother of Twilight was busy preparing lunch for everyone, Twilight was preoccupied showing our friends the entirety of the house's library, to their internal dismay. From the side, I observed the show; witnessing Twilight happily reminiscing her childhood through her books, even sharing some stories of when she was younger, Spike pitching in now and again.

It brought a smile to my face over how elated she was, and I was amused by everyone's attempt to pay attention to her.

"It's wonderful to see her so happy, isn't it?"


I barely noticed Night Light - Pfft - standing right next to me, observing the scene also with his own content smile. Golden eyes glanced at me, "First my son gets married, and now this. I missed seeing her so joyful like this. My little Princess, completely happy because of her friends. I am grateful to both you and them."

"Uh... No prob." I recomposed myself, watching the scene again.

"Lunch is ready!"

"Yippee!" Spike exclaimed at Velvet's announcement from the doorway, already rushing towards the kingdom, pursued by an eager Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash. I moved to follow with the rest-


"One moment please, Stardust." Light said after firmly holding the side of my cape, calling out to the others. "We'll be there in a second!"

Well, I wasn't that hungry. And I suppose what this blue unicorn had to say was probably important. I met his look, and those golden orbs of his reflected... God I don't know what.

"You upheld your promise."


I nodded, "I did."

"At the cost of almost devastating my daughter."

Now my jaw dropped, "How-?"

"We know what happened." Light continued, his voice both warm and stern. "We visited while you were unconscious still, our children told us what happened. You selflessly risked your own life not only for my son and daughter-in-law's wedding, but to save my daughter's life as well." His hoof released the fabric. "You have absolutely no idea as to how grateful we are to you for doing that."

His voice held sincerity. I simply nodded, uncertain as to how take this praise, "I just did what was-"

"Right? Of course. Though I am curious, my young friend." His eyes narrowed softly, "Was it the promise you made that incited you to take the blast like that, or because of how much you care for my daughter?"


"I... Did what I could protect my friends, her included..."

"Funny, because from the way you've been looking at Twilight since you've arrived here, one would assume you view her more than a friend." Oh [BEEP]. Yet Light seemed to hold no disdain towards me for displaying such emotions for his own wonderful offspring. He continued nonchalantly, "And how she checked on you when every opportunity presented itself, as Cadence had told me."

...Twilight's been doing that?

Light smiled slightly at my clear confusion. "We don't hold anything against you for causing our daughter grief; the fact you risked your life for her like that not once, but previous times as well, more than makes it up for it. However, we do hope it won't become a continuous habit."

I gulped at the edge of that last statement and glint in those stern eyes. The message was clear: Make our daughter happy, and we won't make you swallow your own cape.

"Be honest with me, Stardust Balance." [BEEP], full name alert. Meaning he was to have my complete and undivided attention. "Are you infatuated with my daughter?"

...I think the hesitant silence is enough to answer your question, sir.

"I see..." I inwardly winced at the blue hoof placed on my ponified shoulder, his eyes softening considerably. "Then we would be honoured for you to be the key to our Twilight's further happiness."


Now I was just gaping, and the stallion seemed to be taking delight out of it. "After everything you've done for us, our children, for her, I think it would be unfair to judge you too harshly. Besides, Velvet already thinks of you like a son."

Currently, I was feeling a tornado of emotions swirling within me. Happiness, pride, embarrassment, nervousness, hesitation, and perhaps most importantly... guilt.

Sighing, I glanced away, eyes on a nearby bookshelf. "It.. can't ever happen." I finally spoke up, regret leaking from my tongue. "Considering who and what I am... Plus, to say I'm not worthy of someone like Twilight would be an understatement."

Twilight was everything I was not. She was the epitome of perfection, a shining beacon of hope and friendship. Some random autistic foolish human doesn't deserve to be with the unicorn that way.

"Hm, I used to think about the same way with Twilight." Huh? "Velvet." Ahh. "Whether you deserve my Princess or not isn't for you to decide, however. It's up to her. And considering how close the two are you are, it seems unlikely she doesn't regard you that way."

...This was too much. The whole room felt rather suffocating right now.

"I need some air..."

Looking back, the blue unicorn was nodding, smiling in understanding, "Of course, your hesitation is justifiable. Go have a walk, Stardust, and clear your head a little. I'll tell the others you need to be alone for a moment."

"Thank you." I said gratefully, following the taller stallion towards the door.

Glancing towards me, Light smiled slightly. "No Stardust, thank you, for everything you have done for my family."

Twilight sharing those exact feelings... As if.

The only plausible explanation was that Light was exaggerating, and the purple unicorn was simply concerned for one of her friends. Because absolutely no way in hell could the mare be... well, dumb enough to be infatuated with someone like me.

Why? Plenty of reasons.

I'm me, being one of them. We have little things in common; save for our love of books and shared exasperation most of the time over our friend's antics. There's also a considerable age gap; though I've never really asked Twilight how old she was, but I can only guess she's about sixteen.

And I'm twenty.

Heh, who knows, hopefully with that Birthday of hers months ago, she'll be seventeen- Wait, hopefully?

Dear God, this is frustrating!

A bit for your thoughts?

Well look who shows up.

"You..." I growled in distaste. Conscious of the fact I'm walking through a street filled with bustling posh ponies, I kept my tone low. "What do you want?"

Simply to congratulate you for your efforts. Your near-sacrifice was an admirable feat.

"Keep your praise to yourself, Specter. Unless you have something important to say, it means nothing to me."

The warm aged voice didn't sound the least perturbed. I did, however, warn you that some events couldn't change no matter your actions. Such as when Prince Armor and Princess Cadenza banished Queen Chrysalis and her Changeling minions from the kingdom, instead of you. Yes you solved it all earlier than expected, and I applaud you for that.

My nose wrinkled thoughtfully. I knew Cadence and Armor were responsible for defeating the villain in the show before, but that was a fixed point?

As though sensing my thoughts, Specter continued casually, Love is the most beautiful, powerful and complex emotion of all, my young friend. Chrysalis failed to comprehend exactly how strong their affection for one another was, and suffered the consequences. Regardless, you only helped stop the Queen in her tracks at an earlier point in time. Much like Discord, it wasn't your fate to best the villain this time.

I frowned heavily, "So what you're saying is... Everything I did for the wedding was overall pointless..." Well, that's a bummer. Thanks for being the life of the party, old one.

I wouldn't say that, Jack. After all, you willingly endangered yourself just for the safety and happiness of those you care about. You supported Cadenza in her distressed state, you saved Celestia from embarrassing herself during that duel with Chrysalis, and prevented an entire army from invading the kingdom. And as icing on the cake, became the Best Stallion for a royal wedding. I'd call that a successful event, wouldn't you?

...Well, I suppose. I mean, I can't deny doing any of those things. Somehow, that voice's words brought some sense of pride and satisfaction within me. Yes, I can acknowledge my victories there. It may not have been much, but the fact I at least prevented more ponies from getting hurt was enough.

My voice was less hostile towards Specter, "So then... Is that my second task over or...?"

A warm chuckle, Hmhm, not quite, I regret.

Of course...

You have changed much, I will say, with very few repercussions. That is quite impressive in itself.

Yeah, save for the fact those Changelings attacked Ponyville and almost harmed my friends. And whose fault was that but my own?

In reward for your efforts, I shall reveal to you an answer to one of the many questions that has been plaguing your mind as of late.

At this, I perked up. What, why I was here? What purpose I serve in Equestria? The point of all these tasks? Why I had to befriend Twilight and the others in the first place? Why Celestia makes a Disney Princess look more competent at her job?

How you were able to sense the Changelings in disguise.

Dammit... But I won't lie, that was something I occasionally dwelled upon.

As I have told you a while before; there is much more to balance than the powers you currently rely upon, including its capabilities beyond the physical realm. As you continue utilizing its power, more abilities will be granted for your usage. Such as your recent new skill to sense the Changeling's deception, by identifying the chaos - or darkness, as you'd prefer to call it - in their hearts.

I nodded slowly, unaware of the multiple eyes watching me, "So that's how then, at the rodeo, the library, and recently at the castle..."

Precisely. I imagined the owner of the voice nodding. You sensed their dark intentions, and very soon, you will be able to sense the harmony in others as time progresses.

This... I desperately wanted to say it made absolutely no sense. But... The more I thought about it, the more likely it seemed. If balance can grant one the power to sense the light and dark in people's hearts, then it just backs up my theory over the Twilight itself. So disagreeing with Specter would seem like a contradiction.

However, before I can even inquire to the voice more about balance and why it's so fascinated with me, a high-posh voice broke out. "You there, Stardust Balance!"

Instantly my gaze switched around to face the owner of the voice, and before me was a stallion I haven't met in quite a while.

"Fancypants." I blinked in surprise at his approach, the monocle-wearing white unicorn accompanied by a pink-haired mare who was standing rather possessively over the stallion. "It's been a while."

He smiled pleasantly, "Indeed. Imagine my surprise upon seeing you out here, up and about considering your recent battle with that vile Queen. I've had thought you would be recovering still; I didn't see you at the after party."

I shrugged, "I was at the party, just standing by the corner- Wait, you know about the fight?"

"My dear stallion, everyone has heard of it by now. The same Earth Pony who not only bested Prince Blueblood in a magical duel, but fought the Queen of the Changelings and lived to tell the tale. You've made quite the name for yourself in Canterlot, Mr Balance."

...Well, this was something new.

Fancypants, to emphasize his point, motioned to the entire street, "Why, simply look around, and take notice of the eyes observing us, or more particularly, you." I obliged, and a sense of unease welled up within me at the vast among of eyes from ponies either sitting by cafes or walking by, regarding me with interest. Ah great. "Though while I've managed to catch up with you, I was wondering if you would accompany us later tonight, Stardust - I may call you Stardust correct? - as a guest to our own private celebration party. It would certainly be advantageous to have the Hero of Canterlot among us."

...Whoa whoa, back up! What now?

My widened eyes turned back on the stallion, who nodded at my look. "As I said, you've gained quite the reputation around here." No kidding! But 'Hero?' I can accept warrior, but never hero.

Yet as I opened my mouth to rectify this problem, a much more younger voice spoke from behind me. "Excuse me... Mr Balance?"

What now... Oh!

Turning around, standing before me now was a young brown colt, looking up at me with a hint of nervousness. A small colourful hat with a tiny rotor on top made me recall the last time I've seen one of those, inciting my bright smile. "I remember you, young one."

At this, he grinned excitedly. "I knew you would! Mother said it was doubtful, but I believed you'd recognize me!"

"In fairness, it was a long time ago since we last met." My eyes glanced upwards at the mare in question, smiling at me pleasantly. "Hello, Stardust Balance. We meet again."

Seeing these familiar faces widened my smile. "Indeed, it's wonderful to see you again."

She nodded, and suddenly I was presented with the very hat of her son, thrust into my hoofs by him along with a pencil. "Could you sign my hat, sir? Please?"

I blinked uncomprehendingly at that eager-looking child for a moment, before it dawned on me. Was he... asking for my autograph? Talk about a bizarre scenario! I was going to respond that my handwriting's atrocious at the moment, but his expression had me cave in. Ah well, what harm will it be in indulging a child?

"Thanks so much!" The young colt - I didn't have the heart to tell him I honestly forgot his name - exclaimed happily after I was done, not seeming to mind the appalling work when examining the signature-


Now I was being hugged fiercely by the kid, "You're my hero sir! I want to be just like you when I grow up!"

...Was that my heart choking up my throat?

"Pardon me, Mr Balance." After the boy released me, I found myself presented with two random ponies, a stallion and mare. "Would you mind giving us your autographs too?" What the [BEEP]?! "We would be honoured to have our papers signed by the Hero of Canterlot."

And it only got worse, as I now found myself crowded by ponies, all requesting I sign something of theirs or take pictures of them. Oh great, so THIS was how celebrities felt! How did they put up with all this obnoxious attention?

I didn't ask to be famous! Yet it appears the things I do for my friends rewarded me with... this!

"Stardust? Stardust!"

Oh thank Christ!

"Twilight!" I greeted the mare in relief, never more elated to see her now than ever. As the unicorn pushed herself through the crowd to see me, I quickly used that advantage to exit the opening she made, grabbing her hoof along the way.

"What's going on- Hey!"

"No time. Run, quickly!" After letting go of her, the intelligent mare understood, and we ran by a surprised Spike, evidently accompanying Twilight.

"What's happening- Gah!" Twilight quickly scooped up the dragon onto her back as we ran from the pursuing crowd. The sound of multiple hooves chasing after us was enough to give me a headache. And all this running wasn't doing my still-recovering body any favours-


"Twilight, teleport!"

"Huh? Oh, right!" And a purple flash enveloped us, followed by me finding myself in the middle of an alleyway. I managed to stop myself crashing into the wall in time.

"All clear." Twilight announced, after checking the exit to the alley. "The crowd's dispersed."

Oh thank Christ...

"What was all that about, anyway?" Spike asked, dusting himself off.

I honestly have no clue.

"Apparently, I'm a celebrity now." I informed them... and even then it sounding completely utterly ridiculous. A humoured chuckle escaped my muzzle, "Heh... It's quite funny, actually, heheheh..."

Spike followed suit, laughing lightly as well, "Hahahaha! Yeah, you famous. What are the odds?"

"Hey! ...Pfft hahahahahahaha! Yeah, it's so stupid, isn't it?!" I couldn't help it, the reality was so absurd it warranted laughter.

"Down on yourself as always, Jack." Twilight pointed out while shaking her head... before a small smile appeared upon her muzzle and pretty soon all three of us were laughing. "Heheheheh, how do you manage to find yourself in these situations, Jack?"

"No idea, my dear. Haha... Ahh." Eventually, the moment between us three ceased, but we were all still grinning. "Man, have I got some information to share with you."

Twilight raised an intrigued eye, still expressing amusement. "Oh?"

"Yep. Had another talk with Specter before I was swarmed by my oh-so adoring fans."

At this, I had her rapt attention, before Spike pointed out. "Erm, maybe we should save this for when we've rejoined the others. They're waiting for us."

"Oh, right, good point Spike." Twilight nodded approvingly, motioning for us to follow. "We went out looking for you Jack, anyway. Mom was insistent of having you join us for lunch."

I smirked, "How nice of her." And Twilight shrugged in amusement back.

Although, it would be beneficial to explain this new skill Specter explained to the others. How? No clue. But what would be more possibly beneficial with this new ability, would be against the next threat; a threat that had me both terrified and excited at the thought of it; my favourite villain in all of the show.

How exactly would balance help me against him? Again, no clue, but we'll see. Get ready your Majesty; the Twilight Warrior's coming for you.

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