• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter Eighteen: The Friend Stopper

"Before you get mad, I had nothing to do with this."

Well considering I just got up and have yet to get my water, I'll either be mad or weary.

Still I raised a waking-up eyebrow at the dragon who was attempting, and failing, to block my field of visiion, slowly pushing his raised arms back down to get a look at whatever's happening on the first floor-

Oh Jesus...

I sighed and rubbed my tired head at the mess of books and scrolls a few feet away, created by the three fillies whose heads were poking out of the mountain of literature. Because that's what I want to wake up to, a part of the library that appeared as though it was attacked by a hurricane... or Rainbow Dash.

Spike smiled meekly when I glanced at him in question. "What happened here?"

"They're trying to get their cutie marks." The deadpanned lizard explained. Ah... and by making a mess of things they hope to achieve such?

Ugh, I was too tired for this [BEEP]...

"Oh hello there Stardust!" The yellow filly, I believe her name was Apple Bloom, noticed my presence, waving as though unfazed by the annoyed expression. "Twilight's not here at the moment if you're looking for her."

The information had me frown, while Spike walked away to return whatever he was doing. "Why would you assume I'd be looking for Twilight?"

She shrugged while continuing to look through the mountain she and her friends created. "Well, you don't look like you've got a book with ya, so I just assumed you were going to ask Twilight to help ya find a book to borrow."

Ohh... my tired brain realized the implications. "I live here... temporarily anyway." I responded with slight amusement, to their continuous ignorance. I shrugged and turned to the dragon. "I'll clean up this mess, Spike." After I've had my morning drink of course.

Spike beamed in gratitude. "Thanks Stardust."

I nodded before proceeding on my way to the kitchen, glancing at the fillies while I passed by. "You're all fortunate I'm too tired right now to lecture you about the mess made here. Next time, I won't be so charitible, alright?"

"Yeah sure." The light brown one replied - Scootaloo I believe - while looking through the pile.

I shook my head at their ignorance. Honestly...

By the time I entered the other room I heard a surprised question. "What happened here?"

"The Cutie Mark Crusaders!"

Cue fanfare. Because that proud announcement of theirs was the first thing I heard upon returning into the messy room, a glass in my hoof while the three fillies seemed pumped up over something, brohoofing each other.

"Did I miss something?" I inquired while joining Twilight and another pony who I've never met before.

"Oh hello Stardust. Just woke up?"

I nodded while the unfamilar mare next to Twilight raised a brow... wait... I think I know who this is. "'Just woke up'? Pardon me for saying so, but isn't it two o'clock in the afternoon?" I shrugged to her disbelief. In my defence I was up the majority of the night pondering about my latest conversation with a certain voice.

The purple unicorn clarified in amusement. "Stardust is a late sleeper... a very late one."

No point denying it. I've always had difficulty sleeping until a late time. "On the bright side, at least I don't stay in bed until a time like four." I ignored Twilight's mumble of "Yeah, rarely anyway...", instead gesturing to the smiling young children. "So, what's with the hype?"

"'Hype'?" The dark pink Earth Pony echoed curiously.


"Ah, well-"

"We're going to enter the Ponyville School Talent Contest!" Apple Bloom interjected loudly.

Then Sweetie Belle. "Yeah, maybe there we'll finally learn what our special talents are."

And finally Scootaloo. "And finally earn our cutie marks!"

"Cutie Mark Crusaders! Let's move out!" The three fillies exclaimed before rushing over to the open exit.

As they left, they were blissfully oblivious to the Earth Pony's call: "Wait a minute you three, you need to clean up this mess!" All for naught. I took a sip while the mare sighed and glanced apologetically at the library's owner. "I'm terribly sorry for the mess those three have made."

"It's fine, Cheerilee, don't worry." The unicorn rassured her. Cheerilee... Cheerilee... Oh right, yes, a teacher who runs this town's school.

"You know how kids are, Twilight."

"Yes I do." The purple mare glanced humourously at the working dragon. "I suppose we'll have to clean up."

"I'm dealing with this mess, Twilight." I stated. "Already told Spike I'd clean up anyway."

Of course, the uniocrn protested. "Oh. Really, Stardust, you don't have to do that-"

"I insist. It pains me to see a messy library anyhow."

"Well well." Cheerilee smiled in interest. "I wasn't aware we had another librarian in Ponyville besides Twilight here."

"Oh. Stardust isn't a librarian, he's-"

"Standing right here, my dear." I smirked as Twilight flushed in embarrassment while the other mare chuckled behind her hoof.

"Of course, sorry. Stardust, this is Miss Cheerilee, who educates young colts and fillies at the Ponyville Schoolhouse. Cheerilee, this is Stardust Balance, a good friend of mine."

A good friend of yours? Since when did I reach that level of friendship in your mind Twilight? Regardless I bowed formally to the dark pink Earth Pony. "A pleasure to meet you, Miss Cheerilee."

"My, a gentlecolt as well. It is nice to meet you in turn, Mr Balance."

I nodded before addressing Twilight once again. "Anyway, as soon as I'm done with this drink, I'll get right on it."

"You sure you won't come with us to watch the talent show?"

"I'm sure Twilight. There are just some things I need to dwell upon. I'll probably attend sometime later,"

"Alright. Well take good care of the library while I'm out."

I smirked as the two headed for the door. "You expect anything less from me?"

"You haven't stopped surprising me yet." Touche. "See you later then." I nodded in farewell as Twilight and Spike exited the clean library through the doorway outside, closing said door behind them. Once again I was left to my own peace, quietness and thoughts.

Just the way I like it.

Already my hooves began moving in their own accord, beginning the pacing I usually go through when in deep thought. And today my thoughts dwell over a specific subject that occurred during my temporary imprisonment in stone.


It's been a while since I pondered about that mystery entity, due to the fact I've been more focused on adjusting to the lifestyle of this world and interacting with the residents. Plus that voice hasn't spoken to me since the whole ticket affair. To hear it again after so long was unexpected, to say the least. And the fact he was apparently making himself at home within my own mind only made me more curious and apprehensive... and annoyed.

That coward believed he had the right to do that.

My brain wasn't a house to reside in. Who was he to take refuge in there?

What was even more irritating was his words said to me that day, where information from him was very, very scarce. Nothing new about my predicament, just a comment over how 'well' I'm doing over my interactions with the ponies. I didn't need a compliment; I needed answers.

Answers that he refuses to give me for whatever reason.

If he wants me to make friends with the Mane Six, then Specter should at least give me some sufficient details as to why I should.

During my contemplation, my ears picked on the sound of knocking, directing my attention from the wooden clean floor to the front door. Were they back already? Or maybe someone either wishes to borrow a book or return one. I opened the door, and the pony in front of me was not the average resident I anticipated.

But rather a mornach.

"Hello Stardust. It's been a while."


For a moment I couldn't form a vocal response, instead resorting to rapid perplexed blinking and a mouth agape at the unexpected presence right in front of me. What... what was she doing here?

Celestia smiled at my reaction, seemingly taking delight in it. "No need to look so shocked my friend. May I come in?"

I slowly nodded, steeping aside for the mornach to enter. Come on Stardust; you may not like her but she's still royalty! I swallowed, finally regaining some common sense. "Twilight's not here if you're looking for her."

"I am aware." Oh? The Princess glanced over to me while I closed the door behind us. "Quite the contrary, it is you who I currently wish to speak to." Oh... oh dear. "Now now, no need to look wary my friend. But before we speak, you wouldn't mind making me a cup of tea would you? I'm feeling rather parched right now."

Talk about awkward.

Princess Celestia, in the Golden Oak Library kitchen, drinking a fresh hot cup of tea made by yours truly - who was I to be an impolite host since Twilight and Spike were absent? - taking a seat by one end of the table, and I by the other, having myself a cup of soda.

Of all the unwelcome things I could have not desired today, this was the most.

The mornach seemed unfazed by the atmosphere of tension, sipping her own drink with satisfied delight, setting down rather formally before speaking. "For a stallion who holds no taste for tea, you seem to make an effective cup."

"It's not the first time." I shrugged. "Twilight often wants a drink while Spike is napping."

"Oh?" The Princess raised a brow. "She asks you to make one?"

"Actually no, I just make one for her."

"And why is that?"

"More to the point Celestia, why are you here?" Civil conversation when there's something more important to discuss stalls me for so long. Though unlike last time, as I expected the alicorn to at least make a reaction to my clear disrepsect, she simply took another sip of her tea.

"Not one for pleasant talks, I see."

"If it's alright with you, I'd just like to get to the heart of the matter."

"Very well." Celestia set her cup down again elegantly, staring at me with those pink eyes that holds centuries of knowledge and experience. Though I wouldn't dare add wisdom to it, this mornach was anything but wise. "I have come to check on how you are doing in Ponyville, along with discovering if you've learnt anything new about your situation."

Ah of course.

"Alright then." I took a gulp of the refreshing fizzy sustenance before setting the drink down in turn, clearing my throat before continuing. "My time here in this town has so far been... fair shall we say. I am getting along well with the residents, especially with Twilight, Spike and the others. The former two have been very gracious hosts, and I erather enjoy spending time with them. So far I have yet to encounter anything that has caused me grief."

"Oh? Not even when facing a hydra head-on and getting turned to stone?"

Oh so this Princess of the Sun knew. As she asked that her features shifted to that of blankness, and I shrugged at the look. "Not even those."

"I see." I bet you do. Celestia proceeded to sigh a little in thought, looking down upon the reflection of her own tea for a moment. "When Twilight informed me over these incidents, I kept questioning myself whether having you stay in Ponyville with my student was in any way a good idea. Despite my status as a Princess and power, I am not wholly wise as everyone is led to believe."

"My dear Celestia, I'd be shocked if that was the case."

She said nothing for a moment, seemingly in deep contemplation. What, no counterargument for that jab? So did she secretly thought that some of the decisions and ways she gets things done were complete and utter bull-[BEEP] as well?

"However, I must thank you."

Hang on, what? "Thank me?"

"Indeed." Celestia nodded, again smiling at me but this time in gratitude. "You risked your own life for my beloved student, not once but twice. The fact you were do conduct such noble acts for the safety of another is enough to earn my trust."

Wow... oh wow... you trust way too easily then my dear. Still, I felt a sense of pride rise up within me over the fact royalty was thanking me for something.

"In addition, I must offer my gratitude for saving my royal captain, Shining Armor, and a colt in danger from that house on fire back in Canterlot some time ago."

Oh yeah, that happened. Honestly forgot that. "No problem." I replied politely while having a gulp of my cool drink.

"If there is anything I can do to return the favour, Stardust, let me know."

"That depends if you've discovered a way to transport me home as of yet." I responded rather jokingly.

Yep, Celestia confirmed the unsurprising bad news, shaking her head. "I apologize, but despite my efforts, I have uncovered no method of transportation than can take a pony bwteen worlds. You are stuck here in the meantime." I nodded, not really that fazed by this any more. I doubt anyone in Equestria will find a way how. "But this topic brings revelance to another I wish to bring up; has this unknown character - Specter I believe you called him - reappeared recently?"

"...You know, as a matter of fact he has, but not in the way you might think." Not that it was any of your business Celestia. But who knows, maybe you can be of some use. I continued while she regarded me with intent listening. "While I was encased in stone by that cocka-what-its-face, it seems my unconciosuness led me into a part of my own mind, a part where Specter was apparently residing."


"Indeed. I encountered him there, though like last time I only heard his voice. I of course demanded more answers as to why I was in your world, alongside who he was and where he came from."

"And what did he say?" Celestia seemed to lean forward a little. Very composing of you.

"Very, very vague things." I replied, not bothering to display my frustation at the lack of information given to me by that damn voice. "Only that I was progressing in my 'task' rather sufficiently, and that same responce where he will provide me with more answers after I've geniunely considered Twilight and her friends as, well, my friends."

"Hmm." She was evidently thinking really hard about this. "Go on."

"That was about it, before we could speak further Fluttershy already made the creature turn me back from stone, bringing me back to reality." If I can call this world that...

"I see." Well... can't blame you there Celestia. I would say the exact same thing- hey wait a minute, of course I can blame you. In fact I can blame you for just about anything. Or that might just be my irritation talking. "Then it appears I can repeat my statement from last time; you will have to continue doing as this Specter requests if you are to find a way home."


Then the mornach threw me a humoured expression. "Though I don't see why you are complaining as much; according to Twilight's letters, you're getting along with her and the others rather well."

Normally I would deny as such, but one part of Celestia's words had me raise a brow. "Twilight... talks about me in those letters?"

"Of course." She nodded, her small smile widening a little before taking another sip of her tea. Oh right... forgot I even had soda with me, and that my hoof clutched around it was freezing. I let go of the cool drink as Celestia continued. "It seems she took the task of helping you feel comfortable in Ponyville rather seriously."

"She takes everything rather seriously." I pointed out with a smirk. But I had to swallow a lump of flattery over the fact Twilight would even consider me important enough to have me mentioned sometimes in her letters to her mentor.

The tall alicorn chuckled. "Her commitment and loyalty are astounding feats, that is true. Sometimes I wish she'd be more light-hearted about things. But whether you realize it or not, Stardust, my beloved student desires to befriend you completely."

"Hm. You're very luck to be teaching someone like her."

"Thank you Stardust."

"But no offence to her, yet it sounds as though, considering befriending me was a task you set upon her, I'm a means to an end to her." Now that this topic was brought up, it makes more logical sense as to why Twilight goes to such great lengths to befriend me. No way would anyone willingly attempt to be my friend. Except for Spike, but he's only a child who doesn't know any better.

And Fluttershy. But that's due to her being more kind and trusting than she should be.

"I believe there's an irony to your words." Wait what? I frowned as Celestia's tone and features shifted a little, looking and sounding more serious and... accusing. "Because it also sounds to me you are merely using Twilight and the others to get what you want. How am I to know when you eventually leave Equestria you will do so without so much a tearful farewell to my student and her friends?"

Why... you...

"How dare you..." You want to try and intimidate me with your expression, you glorified Princess? How about a glare in return at the ludicrous accusation you throw at me. My voice rised alongside my disbelief and anger. "How dare you! You think I would ever use Twilight, Twilight of all people, and Spike and the others as pawns? If you think I would ever even consider toying around with their feelings, then you may as well admit to yourself how incompetent a monarch you truly are!"

For this alicorn to have the gall to... not once since I've been to this world have I ever considered using Twilight and the rest like chess pieces. Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash maybe, but just thinking about the idea of messing around with all their feelings and then leaving them in a devastated state after I depart from Equestria made me feel sick to my stomach.

I was no Palpatine.

To my further annoyance, Celestia looked unfazed by my raised tone at her. You'd think for a Princess she'd be more use to other addressing her with proper respect and honour. "I would appreciate it if you would calm down and subside your anger, Stardust."

"Oh I'm sorry. Maybe if some wild accusations weren't thrown at me I wouldn't be so mad."

Despite my ever increasing attitude, the monarch's features softened a little. "So you have no intention of using my subjects as a means to an end?"

"If that was the case, you'd think I'd be a little more open and interactive to them. They are not tools to be utilized and thrown away with. Plus I would rather set myself on fire and then tap dance in front of an ursamajor than ever intentionally hurt Twilight or the others." There was no exaggeration to this, I would do just those instead of inflicting any pain, physically or emotional, against them.

"Then we should have no problem." Celestia finished the rest of her tea before standing up, staring down at me with an expression I couldn't decipher. "In addition to your words, you also almost cost your own life for the safety of Twilight, Spike and their friends a number of times. I only hope when the time comes for you to return back to your world, they will understand."

"I hope so too..."

"Hm. Well I have kept enough of your time. And before I leave, Princess Luna sends her regards." I nodded, though why Luna would send me any regard was curious.

"Tell her I send them in turn."

The royal alicorn glanced at me while she was leaving. "I shall. But hopefully, Stardust, you will trust Twilight enough soon to tell her the truth about yourself. And hopefully I can take your word for it that you are not simply taking advantage of the task given to you."

I have only one thing to say to you then before you depart, my dear...

"Excuse me. Pardon me. Coming through. Stallion getting his way through life here." I muttered several sentences while passing through the crowd of cheering ponies, eyes seeking out a certain purple unicorn in hopes of having a word with her. "Twilight, are you around here?" I called, hoping for a response.

Just where could she be? Backstage perhaps? That mare probably has that kind of permission-

Hip hop sounding fanfare blared from the nearby stage, causing me to look up in annoyance.

"Please welcome the Cutie Mark Crusaders!"

...Well seeing as how I'm here regardless. I sighed and shifted around, placing my full attention on the drawing curtains temporarily.

Before immediately regretting it for the rest of my miserable existence.

"Oh my God..." I whispered my justifiable disbelief at the three heads popping out of the shadows.

What... What the hell was I looking at?

What was the look they're going for here, the diva pirates? Seriously what in the name of sanity was going on right now? My jaw was literally agape at what those three... rather bold young ponies were doing.

The full stage lights then turned off while they were all vocally exclaiming how loud they were going got sing, revealing a set that made me glad the plays I use to be in at school were all costumes and no sets. And don't get me started on those costumes of theirs, didn't they know this was, as I presumed, a talent show and not a Halloween dress display? Who designed them, a Gothic Willy Wonka? I can't tell who looks the worst; probably Apple Bloom because her costume looks the closest to being pajamas.

And that makeup. Oh the horrendous paint all over her faces...

I observed the display with my feelings a mix of horror and pity.

Those poor girls...

Cheap crude sets. Scootaloo singing as though she's never had singing lessons to begin with. Apple Bloom... using kung fu.

I suppose this is all just payback from that damn monarch for my parting words to her...

Yes, that's it smoke, cover up this atrocious display. So then I can fully process what the [BEEP] was even happening before me right now.

Were those three really so desperate to gain those tattoos they would resort to such an awful manner? I know, I know, they're just kids, and I'd hate to go Simon Cowell on them but... wow, this performance would give my teenage sister's singing a run for her money.

But I will give them credit on one thing, despite all the horribleness before me and the understandably shell-shocked crowd.

They're trying.

Did I mention they were already screwing themselves up with minor accidents occurring on the stage? As if this wasn't going to bomb enough already.

The rather fitting conclusion for this song was everything falling apart and crashing right on top of them, to my concern but then relief when they appeared from the rubble unharmed, staring at the crowd as though awaiting some applause.

The audience of course gave the right response.

I know what you're thinking, isn't it cruel of me to think that laughing at all the hard work and effort three littls fillies put into in hopes of obtaining their cutie marks?

Indeed, hence why I wasn't laughing along with the crowd, instead watching the three ashamed young ponies slowly leave the stage.

While after a long moment the enjoyment from the crowd over what they saw slowly subsided, I raised a brow as numerous colts and fillies, two I noted were Snips and Snails. I guess the crusaders were the last to present whatever it was they were doing.

What WERE they doing anyway...?

Ah, there's Spike, on the stage, walking alongside the teacher whom I met earlier this afternoon. The Earth Pony spoke loudly, "Let's hear it for our talented fillies and colts!"

I rubbed my ears while wincing as the audience proceeded to repeatedly stomp their hooves on the ground like a herd of elephants.

"Our first award goes to Snips and Snails!" Well what do you know? "For best magic act!" I smirked a little, clapping my two hoofs softly while the whole crowd cheered happily.

Oh, and hide all you like you three, you'll get your awards soon I imagine.

"The next award goes to Sunny Days and Peachy Pie! For best dramatic performance!" I love how it's Spike who's placing the medals on the young ponies. Regardless I clapped again. No need to be sour about the whole thing anyway.

"And finally, the last award of the night goes to..." I'm drowning in suspense here. "The Cutie Mark Crusaders!"

Of course. I rolled my eyes.

"For best comedy act!"

I blinked in comprehension while the crowd cheered for their bold fillies. Oh so THAT'S what they were going for... though judging by their far-off expressions I assume that wasn't quite the case.

Well, a comedy award is better than no award I suppose. I do wonder though if my little sister was here, what award she would have won. Probably singing, since that's a talent she wanted to show off last time I checked.

Still, I was happy for the three fillies receiving some sort of reward for their performance, no matter how demeaning the medals were or their show in general. The three fillies bowed before eventually leaving the stage.

Let's just hope they NEVER do something like that again.

Having spotted three particular mares earlier, I hurriedly exited the applauding audience and followed Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow Dash - though why the latter was here I did not know - in hopes of seeing the elusive Twilight.

And look and behold, here she was on backstage.

While walking by the three beaming fillies who were running to the taller ones, thankfully no longer wearing those absurd costumes, I joined the smiling purple unicorn while turning around beside her to watch the fillies boast about our awards. "Well, that was certainly a... unique performance." I commented, attempting sound more casual than humoured.

"That's one way of putting it." Twilight concurred, nodding and seeming not to notice my forced tone. "All in hopes of gaining their cutie marks. Now they believe their special talents involves comedy."

"So, nothing new then."

I felt a soft nudge to my right. "Be nice, Stardust. They worked hard."

"Oh I know. Which is why I didn't laugh alongside the audience over their display of... comedy."

"Well then at least you have some composure."

I glanced sharply at the smirking unicorn, who feigned obliviousness. "I have plenty of composure, thank you very much."

"Indeed? There are multiple times which you proved otherwise."

"Name one."


The name of that insufferable griffon had me sigh in frustration. "You're never gonna let that go, are you?" I added as Twilight opened her mouth to answer something no doubt smart-arsed, before I raised a hoof to interject. "Never mind. I needed to have a word with you anyway Twilight. Privately."

The studious mare finally turned to me in question, before nodding and escorting me further away from the chatting others, still within sight but enough not to be in hearing distance from them, even for a pony's tall average ears.

"Thank you, Twilight, you know what I have to say in privacy is of importance."

"Oh no, who did you hit this time?"

"If you would take this seriously, that would be greatly appreciated." I snapped irritably. I was no mood for games right now. Playtime's currently over. "Or would rather not hear about your beloved mentor's visit while you were out?"

The reaction was completely expected, as Twilight dropped a shocked expression. "P-Princess Celestia was here? In Ponyville?"

"More specifically, the library." I confirmed with a firm nod. "She arrived intentionally just as you and Spike left to this show."

"But... she could have said hello, or something..." I waited while the disappointed unicorn looked down at the floor thoughtfully for a moment, before looking back up, regaining herself. "Well, what did the Princess want?"

"A word with me."

"Oh... about?"

Ahh, there was that inquisitive mare, who didn't even care if the matter wasn't any of her business. Lucky for her, some portion of it was. "How I'm doing here in Ponyville; she was wondering how I was getting along with you, Spike and your friends."

"Oh... and?"

...Was it me or was there a trace of worry in her tone for a second?

I shrugged casually. "I told her you and Spike have been great hosts, and that I was getting along with everyone else fairly."

Twilight sighed, obviously in relief. "Okay, was that all?"

What, no gratitude for commenting about how you and Spike treat around the tree-house? Frowning a little, I lied. "The main gist of it, yes... however there was something during our conversation that led me here to seek you out. I need clarification from you."

"Oh?" You seem to be saying 'Oh' a lot, my dear. "About what?" Twilight asked, evidently puzzled.

"Over our supposed growing friendship." The purple mare blinked in confusion as I continued. "I need to know, since it was Celestia who requested you to befriend me, that you are or not simply befriending me because your mentor asked you to. That everything we've been through was purely due to your commitment to Celestia and her tasks."

It was a nagging feeling I couldn't get rid of.

I had to know, just so I can understand where we stand completely. While the idea alone of Twilight becoming a friend with the likes of me was flattering - though that might be a tad understatement - there was the most likely possibility I was simply being used by the loyal unicorn just to appease to her teacher.

As if I didn't feel used enough already by that God-damned voice...

Already, despite mentally steeling myself while confronting this intelligent pony about the matter, I for some reason felt an unusual amount of dread within me for any upcoming answer from Twilight. As if what she had to say actually mattered to me... well it did, but not to extent I would feel happy or hurt because of it.

The unicorn stared at me for a long moment. I imagine my thoughts were about to be confirmed before she spoke, rather softly I might add. "You... honestly think I would become your friend, simply because Princess Celestia asked me to?"

That is precisely what I'm saying, yes. "I just need to know-"

The purple shorter pony cut me off, her tone changing that with her expression to disbelief. "Stardust, do you truly distrust me so much that you'd think I'm simply using you as a means to an end? There is no absolute way I would ever even consider that!"

"No need to raise your voice..." I glanced to the side. Thankfully the other ponies were busy congratulating the fillies to notice.

"True she asked me to help you out, but my befriending you was an order I took not just because the Princess asked me to, but because I really, genuinely want you to be my friend." Twilight finally clarified, still staring at me as though I slapped her or something. "I would never use you, you know that."

Actually, I don't. But instead of admitting such suspicions I slowly nodded. "Alright... I just had to check."

She sighed, rubbing her own face tiredly. "After all we've been through... Stardust, you're just as much my friend as Spike, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash and the others are."

I nodded again, allowing a small relieved smile on my features to appear. "Glad to hear it, Twilight, I just sought for clear clarification, that's all."

Twilight then smiled in turn, though much more exasperatedly. "What puzzles me is what on Equestria would make you think that. Because there's no way Princess Celestia would."

Hmph, always quick to defend your mentor my dear. I said nothing while replaying a scene from my mind today from earlier, which was both hilarious and very, VERY risky.

Imagine this oblivious unicorn's reaction if I told her my parting words to Celestia was telling her to go [BEEP] herself.

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