• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 162: Dance Magic... Hmmmmmm...

Well... That was an entirely new sensation.

Apparently, going through the portal as pure human again induced some volatile reaction in my body, almost keeling over with the feeling to throw up all over the white stone floor. Starswirl was right to warn me just now. My hand gripped the edge of the mirror for support, other clutched to my stomach over the brief but asinine sensation. Just a reminder never to go through into this damn alternate universe when I could help it.

Alas, I could not. For my being here was needed, according to my sage of a mentor, because some event was happening involving my friends here which required my presence just to keep an eye on things. You know, imbalances or what-not.

Straightening myself after the sensation finally subsided, I gazed towards the front building to find everything... Well, seemingly normal. Canterlot High looked as dull and lifeless as its surroundings as ever. Sure there's any imbalance going on, Starswirl?

None which I can detect for this moment. Perhaps Zagreus intends no sinister plot at this point in time.

Good, now I can leave. Fastest trip to this world ever, not that I was complaining-

However, it may be imperative to inspect the school for a moment. Not to mention we should wait for any side-effects of your present body interacting through the magical portal to subside.


Huffing, I turned back to face the insulting building and rolled my eyes tiredly. Alright, I'll take a gander. Couldn't take too long though, what with Twilight's recent paranoia of late. Long story short, the alicorn had me confined to bed upon my release from the hospital, wanting to make certain nothing else was wrong and that, if I really was ill, should take things easy and not strain myself with anything. Now, I wasn't opposed to staying in bed all day.

I mean, what human was?

But with Twilight acting like a mother hen of late, constantly checking my health and temperature every three hours a day, even my body was aching to do something aside from bathroom trips. Thankfully, Starswirl provided that oppotunity by dispatching me here, to a world I utterly despised without empathy.

Twilight was of course reluctant at first and insisted she tagged along, but Starswirl had me assure the alicorn that everything will be fine, and that Sunset and her human friends would take good care of me while I was here. All were oblivious to my flinch when I repeated those words to the concerned lavender mare.

Speaking of which, haven't spotted my friends yet. Although to be fair, Sunset hasn't been alerted to my coming here-

"Hey you!"


Oh fantastic, five steps forward and I get tackled to the ground.

Landing on soft grass, thankfully, my vision was dazed despite my glasses managing to hang on briefly, feeling an uncomfortable weight holding me down in the form of pink intense eyes and rainbow-themed long hair. Oh of course... My sight cleared up eventually as the human Rainbow Dash spat with venom.

"What are you doing here?" Tight blue hands pinned my wrists on the ground, preventing me from even moving. I considered kicking her off, but that scenario just felt unnerving to even ponder. "Trying to cause trouble like last time?"

"Rainbow..." I growled, not in the mood for this. "Get off me. It's me for God's sake!"

She scoffed with a coy smirk. "Hoping to fool us again by pretending to be our friend, by looking younger? In your dreams pal!" And she leered forward. "You better start explainin', or I'm gonna-"

"You'll what? Kick a soccer ball at me until I submit?" I snarled back with sass, struggling to free my wrists. "Get off me dammit!"

"You're not Stardust pal, and you never will be, Zagreus!" The young athlete grinned with snark, leaning back up again. "And you know what? Great idea about the soccer ball! Might just consider it." Oh [BEEP].

"For the love of- I am Stardust!"

A snort to my justified outrage. "Prove it then!" What?! "Tell me something only Stardust would know, and make it good."

Make it-? "Rainbow I swear to God-"


You... "What can I possibly say to convince you it's me?!"


"Rainbow Dash, for the love of Twilight, I won't be as merciful as I was at Camp Everfree if you don't let go of me this instant-"

"I know how you can persuade us it's really you."

Huh? Oh. I was too busy being indignant at the girl straddling me to the ground to notice the six other girls watching from the side with angered and skeptic expressions, Fluttershy cautiously hiding behind the group. Sunset, with that admirable boldness, approached forward and unfolded her arms, kneeling down beside my head and stared firmly into my gaze, features scrunched up in determination.

"When I was deeply uncertain about performing in The Battle of the Bands, before our final confrontation against the sirens, what was it you said to me on the rooftop of the school?"

...Good grief, that was a while back. I had to think hard on that, expression clecnhed in concentration. Sunset only waited, stalling Rainbow from carrying out with her threat. The girls from the side watched in apprehension, looking grimly prepared for any outcome unpleasant.

It was as if the words just sprung from my mouth.

"That I never requested you as lead singer for [BEEP]s and giggles, but because I trusted you. I had faith in you, just as your friends have as well. You were capable of achieving more than you know."

Please be right, please be right, please be right...

Sunset just regarded me for a long moment, searching my expression as if for any deceit, and then finally nodded, a small smile gracing her features. "It really is you..." She sounded both relieved and concerned at once. "Twilight mentioned that something unique happened involving you in Equestria, but I never considered... Rainbow, could you please give our friend some space?"

The bewildered teen looked back and forth between Sunset and I, hastily getting off me as if in realization and allowing me to breathe again. Oh thank God! I eagerly accepted Sunset's hand to help me stand, dusting myself off with a geniune grin in the pony-turned-human's direction.


Sunset only smirked sheepishly. "Sorry about that. We immediately thought you were... Him." Yeah... That was understandable.

"Stardust...?" Our gazes turned to Fluttershy, hesitantly approaching with curious eyes. "It's really you?" I only nodded with a small smile, prompting her to add. "Goodness, we barely recognize you. You look very... Unique."

I snorted. "I look like the poster child for a deform center, I know."

Sunset perked a humoured brow, shared with Applejack and Rarity. The farmer stated, "Yep, yer Stardust all right. What in tarnation happened to ya?"

"Eheh..." Rainbow then laughed nervously, rubbing the back of her head with a sheepish smile. "No hard feelings, right Stardust? Guess I kinda acted without thinking things through."

...I sighed. "No Rainbow, your actions then were pretty warranted. My fault for not warning you girls about my arrival and condition beforehand."

The human Twilight, meanwhile, was busy circling around me as though I was some fascinating specimen to behold. Which in her case, I suppose I was something to examine, looking nothing like their, objectively offensive, version of humanity. The knowledgable teenager only blinked after concluding her examination, stepping back with curious violet orbs. "What has happened to you, Stardust?"

"Celestia happened." I shrugged, grinning simply before something else came to mind. "Before any of you ask further though, have there been any irregular occurances prior to my arrival? We suspect something may be amiss."

The teens exchanged glances. "None which spring to mind, regrettably." Rarity answered, before adding with some firmness. "But please refrain from changing the subject, darling. What could have possibly been done to make bear the resemblance to that dastardly fiend whom pretended to be you back at Camp Everfree?"

"And why do you look like Zagreus?!"

"That is what I just asked, Pinkie darling..."

"It's a long story." I shrugged, but seeing that their expressions weren't changing from saying that, I then motioned to the building. "Could we take this inside though? I'm not... Feeling so..."

My legs wobbled a little, thankfully caught by Applejack and Rainbow to my shoulders and chest respectively. "Take it easy sugarcube." The farmer muttered with worry and reassurance. I swallowed. Must be another side-effect from travelling through the portal.

Sunset, frowning with concern, nodded to my wishes and gestured for us to follow. "Let's talk more about this indoors. I imagine you don't wanna be stared at by people openly, no offense."

Tch, none taken whatsoever...

"So, this is how you're suppose to look?" Fluttershy was the first to ask once my summary was complete, the seven of us occupying a spare musical room for the time being in favour of privacy. Of course the journey there was greeted by multiple wary and curious stares of their classmates, increasing our brisk pace for seclusion. And on the way my mind fell back to faint recollections of treatement in my old high school by the mixed expressions.

My mood was getting no better out of all this.

At my nod, the human Pinkie decided to help herself by poking my arms with open awe. "Cool...!" Not what I would call my predicament, but at least someone was amusing themselves. The tall teen barely above my own poor height stepped back and grinned brightly. "Nice glasses too!"

I simply scoffed and looked away, prompting the others to share looks. In fact, the whole trip here they appeared deeply uncomfortable about something. And I'm guessing as to what. Zagreus did leave quite the impression. "If I'm making you all uncomfortable I'll just leave-"

"Oh, it's not that darling!" Rarity swiftly interjected by shaking her head, grinning weakly. "Rest assured we're very happy to see you." Uh-huh.

"Though I've never heard of magic performing something like this." Sunset chimed in open puzzlement, leaning against a desk with a tilted gaze, brow furrowed. "And you're stuck this way until Twilight can find a reverse spell?"

Something like that... Starswirl was awfully vague about it.

"She mentioned something that happened to you on a huge magnitude, but I was assuming... Never mind." The bacon-haired girl waved it off with a sheepish smile. "It doesn't sound too serious, at least. Twilight will probably find the solution in no time."

You mean, find the solution before I likely die from prolonged exposure.

"That's all good and all, but there's one thing that doesn't add up to any of this." We all glanced to Rainbow, whom was glaring at me not in hostility but complexity. "Why, in the name of Daring Do, are you wearing a dressing gown, in broad daylight?"

I looked down to the open clothing covering my shirt and whatnot. "What's wrong with it?" I'll question what significance Daring Do has on this world later.

Unimpressed brows. "Dude. You're wearing a dressing gown over your regular clothes. What's up with that?"

I shrugged, refusing to be judged by this. "It's comfy and warm to wear. You have no idea how often cold this body of mine easily gets."

Twilight cocked her head in intrigue. "Is it a condition?"

"Yeah, called 'being me.'"

At that, some of them smirked. "Least ya kept that wit." Applejack chimed with crossed arms, leaning comfortably beside an instrument. "Taste in clothin' aside-"

"Just for the moment, mind you."

Applejack continued as if Rarity hadn't interrupted. "What brings ya to CHS Stardust? Last I checked you swore you weren't comin' back for a while second ya left the bus."

Twilight pitched in with deep concern. "Please don't tell me there's another crisis close by. We're really in the middle of something right now."

Aside from talking to me? "Why, something up?"

And suddenly, as though a light switch went off, the teenagers all quickly looked away, showing traces of nervousness and apprehension whilst refusing to meet my inquisitive gaze. "You could say that..." Rainbow replied sheepishly, rubbing the back of her head. "Sunset will be all too happy to explain, right Sunset?"

The girl in question cast the athlete a sidelook for evidently being called out, but steeled herself with a sigh and straightened, approaching my curious state with a rather grim expression. "I think we should talk." Hm? Sunset looked back to our friends, whom gaze the teen looks of encouraged acknowledgement. With composure, Sunset brushed past me to the door and opened with a motion for I to follow. "We'll be back in a moment."

Curious... I glanced back to see the group all idly avoiding my stare. Oh God... Sunset wasn't choosing now to divulge her feelings towards me, was she? No... No she had far more tact and sense of timing for that.

What then? And what's this pit of dread slowly crawling up my spine every step following the girl to another secluded room...? This time an empty classroom with Sunset turning on the lights, the room as bland and soulless as the rest of this world.

Her leather jacket's back facing me, Sunset was taking a moment to compose herself, gathering enough courage to obviously confront something. I swallowed, that sensation of apprehension building up in my throat. My fists clenched and slowly unclenched, feeling stiff cold even with the heat of the classroom and gown and sleeves.

Red and yellow hair tilted to reveal a yellow ear. "What was that about back there?"

About you seven acting all secretive and anxious? You tell me. "About what?"

"Twilight." Huh? She turned to regard me with a puzzled frown. "You kept looking at her as though you were expecting her to burst into flames at any moment."

"Aren't you... Repulsed by... This...?"

"Let me save you."

I shuddered, repressing those depressing memories for the time being. "It's nothing... Doesn't matter." Was my brisk response, heaving a sigh and getting to the point. "Was that all?"

Sunset's expression flinched. Was I too flippant? "No, that's not all." The yellow teenager answered rather quietly, carefully looking away as she continued. "In response to your question earlier; yes, something has come up that we're in the middle of." Okay...? "Camp Everfree's in need of more funding, and we're helping out. In fact, we were about to start the next gathering of money through washing cars right before you arrived."


"You're kidding."

And this time, the teen looked at me with a trace of defiance. "We're not." Her tone was far from jest.

Are you... Jesus Christ!

Holy [BEEP]! I just can't escape it, can I?! It's like my personal destiny! My mood went from bad, to neutral, now to worse. Scratch that, worse than worse. I couldn't stop my incredulity from bellowing against the standing teen. "Why would you do something like this?!"

Sunset raised a brow, clearly expecting the answer to be quite evident. "Because they're our friends, and we owe it to them?"

"You owe them nothing!" What the [BEEP] Sunset?! "It should be their job to handle their own taxes! What about those workers Filthy Rich sent to aid them?"

"There's nothing wrong with friends providing some help despite previous mistakes, Stardust."

I was close to sputtering. "That doesn't answer my question!" And, after taking a deep breath from realizing that yelling at the calm Sunset's face would solve naught, I tried again with an attempted subdued voice. "They can't rely on seven teenagers to pay their bills for them forever, Sunset." Voiced through grinded teeth notwithstanding.

She nodded. "We know that." Did you though? "But sometimes they're gonna need some help by people who care just as much for the camp as they do." Well, good luck finding them then! "Stardust, you agreed that Camp Everfree should stick around and that Timber and Gloriosa had the capability to handle their responsibilities."

"I agreed to none of that." God, even the mention of those names out-loud was giving me a migraine. Couldn't we just have all pretended LoE never happened, moreso than any of Equestria Girls thus far? Starswirl, why do this to me? "And clearly they're not good enough if they have to ask seven, high school teenagers, to gather enough money to fund their little camp. Sunset, you of all people, please tell me you see the flaw in this?" I practically pleaded with a rather desperate disposition.

Because that's what this was! Sheer madness! What workstation asks a group of high schoolers barely near graduation to handle their taxes? Surely even FANS of Equestria Girls should see the fault in this idea! Now I wished Sombra was back in my mind just to agree as the second only voice of reason around here!

Come on Sunset, you're smarter than this!

"And that's what brings up something we should've discussed back then. I was afraid of possibly ruining our friendship, and so caught up in the moment of setting up the fundraiser and dancing with my friends..."

Sunset's eyes closed for a moment, gathering the right amount of conviction to to snap up and glare with steeled blue eyes.

"Stardust, you went too far."

One second ticked in my brain before the words impacted. "...EXCUSE you?!"

"You heard me." Crossing her arms determinedly, Sunset Shimmer leaned forward with an air of defiance and challenge. "Your attitude from beginning to end at Camp Everfree was completely unacceptable." WHAT?! But the incorrigible teen was far, very far from finished. "You treated a good majority of people there like dirt, especially those who were trying to do good. You presumed and reacted without giving anyone else a chance to redeem themselves. And then you decided to play God and dictate the fate of a camp which wasn't your right to judge. What you did back then, Stardust, was inexcusable."


Oh no no no no! I will NOT be treated as though I'm the villain in this!

"So, it's MY fault that Timber and Gloriosa made horrible decisions?!" My voice rose in outrage with every question, features tightening to express my incredulous anger. "It's MY fault that they endangered everyone around them through their bull[BEEP] actions?! It's MY fault that-"

"Yes. All of that is your fault." My jaw paused in sheer astonishment, Sunset regarding me impassively but with eyes lit in passion. "All of those things which could've been avoided had you decided to actually prevent them as opposed to waiting for them to happen and judge the two for it. They are good people, Stardust, and you had every chance at helping them learn from their mistakes!" Now Sunset sounded ridiculed with her next statements. "Instead, you carried this air of self-righteousness and casting holy judgement when it wasn't even their fault! Aside from Zagreus' own interference, Stardust, you're just to blame for everything that's happened if all we're gonna do is point fingers!"

"I gave them the chance to get their [BEEP] together and put the geodes back!" My mouth spat a little saliva in emphasis to my indignation. "So what, I was suppose to babysit the two the whole time?!"

"You could've offered them advice and guidance, not throw them under the bus at every given opportunity!" Sunset exclaimed back, matching my features and losing her own composure. Clearly, she had been given a lot of time to dwell on this.

But I was not to be outmatched. Not about something like this. "I gave them the choice to put them away and they defied me-"

"No, you gave them an ultimatum. Do as you say or lose what's precious to them!" Sunset raised a hand to cut me off, sounding deeply unimpressed. "Honestly, what right did you have to even make that decision for them? You're not a deity among us, Stardust!"

Oh if you had any idea! "The right as the only person to think like an adult-!"

"In that situation? You mean, you couldn't trust anyone to think for themselves? Even your friends? Even me...?" For as how incredulous and angered the teenager sounded, I vaguely detected that trace of hurt in that tone. But Sunset persisted. "You had no right to choose what benefits yourself and others like that."

...Y'know, for a brief, tender moment, there was a quiet trace of pride in my swirling hurricane of emotions, aimed towards this young woman for passionately speaking her convictions and defense for those she considered innocent.

Unfortunately, it's overshadowed by all this justified rage!

"They kept the camp in the end anyway!" I pointed out in disbelieved fury. "So why is this such an issue now?!"

The yellow teen shook her head. "Only because you took pity on them." Two firm fingers prodded my chest, very roughly to emphasize her own passion. "You chose their fate without any input from your friends. You decided what's to be done with their camp without their own consent. You made a call on what's best in your eyes just because you could. Tell me Stardust, how does that many any better than what I've committed in the past?" She really drove the point home. "How does that make you any better than the likes of Cinch? Or the sirens? Or Zagreus?"

Something inside me snapped.

"And what? What, Sunset? Your solution was any better?" I took one step forward, getting into the girl's defiant face, feeling my own features begin to strain by how hard I was squinting. My voice was more calmer, but lingering with rage, my fists shaking on my sides violently. "Let them keep the camp with no repercussions? No punishment for their actions? Let Timber hit on Twilight with no acknowledgement for his own shortcomings? Let Daisy assume responsibility but also learning nothing? Everything resolved as though nothing happened. Don't get self-righteous on me girl; your overly forgiving nature is a fatal flaw that needs me to balance the unfair results out!"

A brief pause.

"Is that so?" Sunset folded her arms knowingly, perking a stern brow. "Then just answer me this... Why should I get away with punishment from my past actions, but they suffer for theirs?"

I blinked, wondering what in God's name she was going on about now. "I told you why back at the camp-!"

"No." She held up a finger. "Don't you dare tell me that the circumstances were any different. Timber and Gloriosa made mistakes, we know that, but they were pure of intent. They were trying to do good. Gloriosa wanted to make the campers have a good time, misguided as her decisions were. And Timber was protecting his sister. Those merits are crimes to you? How would they be worse than my past mistakes? I blackmailed, bribed and hurt so many fellow classmates long ago..." Sunset glanced down briefly.

"Sunset... They almost killed innocents-"

"So did I! When I threw that sledgehammer into your face!" Sunset snapped, cerulean eyes blazing. That new gem wrapped around her neck vibrant in reddened hue. Blue orbs blinked back some tears, but Sunset persisted with voicing her own thoughts without any hesitation. "I've done far worse than either Timber or Daisy ever could've! And you know what? That haunts me still, to this very day! Unfair? The only unfair thing regarding this scenario was your prejudiced treatment of them and biased of mine, all because you were simply jealous of Timber's closeness to this world's Twilight!"

I... Ah...

My jaw literally fell agape, brain scrambling to come up with some kind of comeback to that ludicrous accusation. Sunset, however, waited for no response, now toying with the sparkly geode with a quiet smile.

"I forgive them, Stardust. Twilight, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity. We all forgive Timber and Gloriosa. Everyone makes mistakes... And it's our job to help them overcome those errors of judgement." Solemn eyes looked back up to me. "That's why I'm begging you, Stardust... Let go of this mindless contempt you have against them, and help us fund the camp they deserve to keep."




...How dare...

That fiery volcanic anger which bubbled up in my chest just a moment go? Yeah, cooled off after Sunset's small outburst just then in the midst of my incredulous disbelief. Replaced by something seeming far more appropriate; a cold, frosty anger threatening to take down everything around me. My mind was literally willing the nearby windows to start cracking, looking for anything to display just how angry at this... This...

Utter betrayal before me...

Sunset's faint hopeful expression died down, replaced by quick apprehension and a small step back at the shallow breathing and angrily growing outlook on my face. This was it, then? They choose those filthy campers over someone like me...? Oh... Oh how the winds turn to suit the needs of the ignorant and biased.

Well played Hasbro. Well played!

"After all I've done for you." I sneered righteously, to Sunset's blinking surprise. "Putting up with your nonsense in this world and the people with it. You disgusting stereotypes and mockeries to your Equestrian selves. Do you have any idea how much tolerance I had to... No."

No, I was finished here. Plain and simple.

"I don't have to justify anything to you." I simply said, turning around to witness the cautious and stunned gazes of multiple students who obviously heard the commotion and were investigating. "Nosy [BEEP]s."

Gasps. "Stardust-!"

"NO!" I roared to Sunset behind me, the girl quickly halting from placing a hand to cease my advances. My hazel eyes gazed at the cowering a-holes with ill-disguised contempt. "How much memories resurfaced every time I look at this school and its lifeless people. If any of you suddenly keeled over and died no one would notice. None of you are worth my time and energy! And as for you." My forefinger pointed harshly after I whirled, right before Sunset's wincing face. So much to say, but only one summed it all. "I've never been so disappointed in you, Sunset Shimmer."

And one look to the six girls waiting outside the hallway as the student body cleared with distress and fear in their eyes. My gaze fixed directly on certain violet orbs, repressing the urge to vomit at the fact the cause of such despair was yours truly.

"I hope their camp burns down with them in it."

Twilight stilled, looking awfully close to keeling over if not for her friends supporting her. Refusing to feel any further guilt, I quickened my pace, yearning to leave this Godforsaken world and never, ever return. Sunset called out pointlessly as I turned a corner, evidently trying to salvage what little of the bond was left because of her betrayal... Of their betrayal.

"Stardust! Wait!"

[BEEP] Equestria Girls! [BEEP] all of it!

I paid no acknowledgement to the tears crawling from my eyes until I dived back into the portal, having enough of everything. Twilight was wrong... She was wrong.

And it wouldn't be the first time...

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