• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter Seventy-Eight: Colours of the Rainbow

I trust you enjoy playing delivery boy?

Oh on the contrary, I enjoy just about any task Twilight bestows upon me nowadays.

Tch. Your affection for her clouds your senses; she will simply express gratitude and return to focusing on her studies.

Probably, yes. But that's who she is, and I wouldn't change it for the better.

Hmph, you're becoming more of a sentimental fool every passing day. This world affects your persona drastically; are you certain you desire to return to the behaviour of your past?

Almost halting, I scowled. No need for that reminder, oh great one-

"Hey Stardust!"

Jesus Christ!

Thankfully I managed to duck in time before the blue blur possibly hit me, the pegasus flying over my body and immediately swerving around, coming to a halt herself.

"Rainbow," I greeted flatly, checking if the books bound to my back accidentally tore off from the gust of wind. "You know it doesn't hurt to greet a friend like everyone else?"

"But what would be the point in that?" Rainbow grinned playfully, flying above instead of using her hooves, like always, and shrugged. "Besides, I like surprising everypony with my awesome flying maneuvers. Were you not impressed?"



I sighed. "I suppose it was a little impressive."

"There ya go!" She beamed proudly, before zooming over to the stack on my back. "Sooo, what's with these books?"

"Derpy sent the wrong package to the library... Again." Lovable klutz. "I just went to collect them now."

"Oh..." Followed by rather awkward silence, Rainbow regarding me for a brief moment. Then, she spoke blatantly, "Then what are you gonna do?"

I shrugged. "Probably read and then-"

But the scoffing blue mare cut me off, "Lame! Don't you ever do anything exciting in your life, Star? Twilight, I understand; Princess Celestia made her into a bookworm." Incorrect. Even as a filly, Twilight adored reading. "But you? There must be something more exciting for you to do!"

Smirking, I proceeded to walk by the hovering pegasus. "Well, if there is anything you can find that I'll enjoy doing, do let me know. Good day Rainbow."

Besides, there were plenty of other things I did aside from reading. Baking brownies for the Cakes, clean up the library, cover for Spike when he's too lazy - I'm sorry, 'tired' - to do his chores. And, my personal favourite, hang around with a certain Princess whenever we're along together.

But there was no need to share that last part-

"I got it!"


The persistent mare flew up right in my face, forcing me to halt again, "I've got tons of exciting ideas you'll find awesome!"

"...Excuse me?"

"Yeah! I know a couple of things way awesome, that I guarantee you'll love!" Not sure I like the sound of that. "C'mon Stardust! Let's go!"

Blinking, I pointed out casually, "Er, Rainbow? I have these books to deliver and-"

"Books shmucks! You can deliver them later!"


The sudden forceful had the belt snap, the books falling through the air as I was unwillingly sent flying by the blue stubborn pegasus, who seemed more than gleeful to 'help' me. Well right now, she was only helping by destroying my voice box as I screamed in terror and outrage.

"Don't be a foal, Stardust. It's easy!"

Looking down rather fearfully, I responded with a small quiver in my tone, "I'm not sure this constitutes as 'easy,' Rainbow."

Yep, this mare was insane, because there was no way in hell I was going to survive sliding down this large wooden ramp on roller skates, trailing down a tall hill with the bottom curving upwards. Making it would only hurtle me into the sky and no doubt to my death.

I gulped, and Rainbow snorted, "C'mon. You weren't afraid of fighting monsters but you're scared of this little ol' ramp?"

"Honestly, I'd take the monsters..." I should really stop looking down...

"It's not gonna hurt you, Star." I wish I had your confidence, Rainbow. "I mean, sure it looks dangerous, but I've done it a thousand times. It ain't gonna harm ya."

"But I'm not you!"

This will be rather amusing to observe.

You stay out of this!

"Can I at least wear something protective other than a helmet-?"

"Nope. Away we go!"

"No Rainbow wait- AHHHHHHHHHH!"

And just like that, the wind and gravity forcing my body to descend down the ramp faster and faster, the mare pushed me without hesitation. I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die!


Reaching the curved point of the wooden unstable ramp had my unwilling body forced upwards, sending me hurling through the air. My vision became a blur; the colour of the land and sky mixing up as I couldn't tell where I was heading or if I would make it. My throat already became dry from the screaming. Please, someone help me!

And thankfully, some sweet merciful deity heard my plea to live, and I heard a loud splash, my vision covered in water. Instinctively, I threw my head out of the small lake I have landed in, right in the middle of the Ponyville park. My sight became much clearer after rubbing my poor eyes, greeted by the sight of annoyed and worried ponies who were drenched themselves, no doubt from the large splash.


"See? Wasn't that awesome?!" The pegasus had the gall to fly right in front of me with a proud grin, pleased with herself for almost killing me.


At my look, Rainbow then rolled her eyes and huffed. "Fine! We'll do something less extreme. And I have just the thing in mind!"


No no no nonononono!

"You're not making me do this!"

The suicidal mare responded by pushing harder, my own body dragging through the ground towards the dangerous insects. "They won't... Bite... Maybe sting, but hey... What can ya do?"

Run for my [BEEP]ing life? I won't swear outloud, in case the beeping noise would startle the army of bees and make them come after me with a vengeance.

Relenting, Rainbow flew beside me, motioning to the buzzing insects, all enjoying themselves in their little white houses, oblivious to our approach. And hopefully, it stays that way. "See all these bees? Well, we're going to pay them a visit. And then, run for our lives while they chase after us! Doesn't that sound like fun?"

My gaze switched to the bemusing pegasus. "You're insane." I should just leave, and not come back.

Rainbow took the truth in stride. "Psh, as if. I'm just making your life a lot more interesting."

"Trust me, ever since I've arrived in this world, my life so far has been nothing but interesting." My sight then resumed hesitantly on the small houses, hooves shaking slightly anxiously, mind screaming for me to turn tail and run, "How about we not disturb these bees and try something less... Suicidal?"

Rainbow snorted, folding her limbs with a sly expression, "Don't tell me the big bad Stardust Balance is afraid of little ol' bees?"

"I got stung by a bee once, and it's a sensation I never want to feel again," I said flatly.

"Oh... Then you better run fast!"

"No Rainbow stop-!"


"Run Star run!" The mare zoomed by me, an army of angry insects in her wake following the direct kick to their home. And I happily, more like frighteningly, obliged, pursuing Rainbow and prioritizing to smack her over the head for this-

Unfortunately, I was not fast enough to outrun the outraged little [BEEP]s.

"Well... Better luck next time, aye?"

I'm not talking to you.

I heard a sigh beside me, "Come on Star. How was I suppose to know you weren't a very good runner?"

You... Ugh...

You see now what friendship costs you?

Shut up.

I exhaled sharply, and that seemed to incite Rainbow to continue trying, "Well, at least now we're just relaxing, right? I mean, it must feel amazing to be resting on a cloud."


"It's alright..." Ugh, it hurts to even open my muzzle. My face and limbs were completely covered in stings by those little mother-[BEEP]ers. My constant wincing at the small bits of pain wasn't helping, not even that cream Fluttershy provided to help me recover from the harsh stings.

Thankfully, silence. Rainbow only sighed in turn to my low response and continued cloud gazing with me. While we rested atop a cloud. I wasn't wrong; the thing was comfortable and soft, softer than my own bed. And gazing at the serene blue sky above... Really was peaceful. No wonder Rainbow enjoys resting on it.

"Hey Star?" The mare spoke up from her own cloud.


"You know how our world is a 'TV show,' and that I'm a main character?"

"...Yeah?" Somehow, a small part of me knew what Rainbow was going to ask.

"Am I that famous? Like, totally one-hundred percent famous? Do a lot of your people love me?"

Called it. "Why do you ask?"

"Eh, just wondering..." I imagined the mare shrugged casually, containing the inward excitement over the concept of having countless adoring fans.

I'd dare say you're the most popular character, Rainbow. "You're... Quite famous." How best to say this without boosting that large ego of hers even further? "You're beloved by many. Hell, children and adults alike want to be like you; you're an inspiration to many. Just like the rest of our friends are."

Her voice leaked glee, "So, how many fans do I have? A hundred? A thousand?"

"Probably over a million." Before snapping my big mouth shut for saying that.

Oh God...

From the corner of my eye, the shocked mare sat upwards, regarded me with wide eyes, "Really?! A million?!"

I winced. "That might be a tad exaggerate but-"

"That's... AWESOME!"

"Although specifically it could be under-"

"I have GOT to visit your world! Imagine how many fans want my autograph! And I can show them my awesome flying techniques! I'm more famous there than Equestria!"

"Now let's not-"

"Oh! Is there anyone you know who's a fan of mine, Star?!"

"There's my little sister-"

"Great!" Oh dear, what have I done? "Just wait 'till she hears her big brother got to hang out with her favourite flyer in all of Equestria!"


The mare abruptly pulled me from my lying spot, beaming right in my face. "C'mon Star! Let's go make your sis proud!"

...Something tells me I made a really huge mistake.

Alright... This didn't seem too bad.

I mean, compared to everything else we've done today. Roller-skating, disturbing bees, skydiving, racing and so on. This seems rather tamed than the rest of them.

"All you gotta do is just jump." Rainbow instructed, gesturing to the far-off lake below, "Trust me, you'll be down before you know it."

Jump off the high dive... Yes, that I can do. Now that my right ear is no longer disabled, I am capable of doing this... My legs shaking aside.

"Welp, see ya at the bottom." And just like that, Rainbow already sped downwards.

"Gee thanks," I replied dryly as the mare started flying around the lake. She can't sit still, can she? Apart from taking a nap on a cloud. Frowning, I inhaled and exhaled deeply, bracing myself for this high jump.

Why do you indulge this obnoxious mare? Sombra sneered, Her persistence for danger will only harm yourself and those you cherish. Recall the tornado incident? How that almost annihilated those poor mares?

Yes, thank you Sombra, but I don't need reminding. And besides, we all make mistakes.

Okay... I'm ready. I can do this. I've survived worse...

...Here we go.

With grit teeth, I jumped off, forcing my eyes to stay open as the wind flapped around me and my cape, slashing at my face and the sore spots of those stings. The clear water below starting to get larger and larger as I descended-

Wait... What was Rainbow... What is she doing...?

Oh no...

Oh nonono...!

She was spinning around the lake for a reason, and now I've discovered why. Speeding around the presumed spot where I'd land, the blue mare used her speed to her advantage; the wind pressuring down on the water and creating a small yet powerful-looking tornado mare completely from the liquid.

My God... This was what she had been planning from the start!


Whoa Whoa Whoa Whoa WhoaWhoaWhoaWhoaWhoa!

The tornado, as soon as it swallowed, spat me out like it belched, sending me, once again, flying through the air and over the landscape. And right now, I was too stunned to even scream or yell at this sudden turn, praying for my body to at least land non-fatally... Or painfully.

And, either by planning or convenience, a trampoline waited for me. Oof! Not even the harsh impact snapped the object, sending me bouncing upwards into the sky, heading directly to the town.

What was Rainbow's plan here?!

Wait... Was that a hole in the ground.

Perfectly, I managed to land straight inside it, my vision then surrounded by brown dirt as some unknown force pulled me through the tunnel underground, leading somewhere I dare not imagine where. How long was this going to go on?!

Eventually, I had my answer.

Like a geyser, my body shot out of the ground, hurling through the air for a brief moment... Then falling.

Straight into a waiting barrel. Another splash and my field of vision was water. Amazing how through none of that my body bared no pain. But, as soon as my brain comprehended my situation, my hooves immediately started gripping the edges and pulled me out, quick breaths for air-



A flash from a camera. And, rubbing my eyes, I was greeted by the sight of... A crowd. In the center of Ponyville. And Rainbow Dash at the front holding a camera.


"That was awesomeness at its max!" The pegasus exclaimed, and many ponies began cheering for their insane hero. Frowning in disbelief, I pulled myself out, landing on the ground in a heap, limbs disorientated. Well great. The mare then grinned as some of the audience began dispersing, "Well, did you enjoy that one Star? Planned the whole thing myself after all those other tries."


"See? Even the crowd thought it was awesome! Can't blame them, heh, my ideas for fun typically are."


"Haha, you should've seen the look on your face! I knew having the camera for this occasion was a great idea on my part! Right... Stardust...?"


"Aw c'mon, it wasn't that bad! I mean, you didn't get hurt this time, right? Plus, wasn't this far more exciting than reading some dull book about researching magic or-?"


"Huh?" Rainbow expressed puzzlement after I uttered that, standing up and straightening myself. My frown deepened at her ignorance.

"Incredible... Have you learnt nothing?" I practically hissed through anger and irritation, prompting the mare to blink at the tone, "Did you get a kick out of recklessly endangering your friends like this?! First the tornado at Cloudsdale, and now your little stunt here! God dammit Rainbow Dash!"

"Gee, you didn't have to bring that up..." The pegasus rubbed the back of her head nervously.

But I was hardly finished, taking a step forward, "Here's a tip, Rainbow; not everyone will like or share interest in the same things you enjoy. I have never - ever - loved the idea of throwing my life away for [BEEP]s and giggles. I could've potentially died from ALL the activities you forced me to partake in today!"

"Well maybe if you simply said no I-"

"I DID!" I yelled in disbelief, the pegasus now flinching at my tone, her own annoyance slowly vanishing to shame, "But as always, you didn't listen. You never do! Does everything I say sound like 'Blah blah blah' to you? You are reckless, impulsive, inconsiderate, with no regard for other's safety!"

Just like now!

Just like... Now...

"You never change!" I continue hotly, Rainbow now looking away from my gaze, the crowd now disappearing completely, desiring not to get in the crossfires, "Only sheer entertainment grabs your attention! No wonder my sister... Loves... You..."



"She deserves a better... Better..." My tone was breaking, that anger and annoyance slowly going away itself, "Ha... You're so ridiculous, Rainbow... Haha..."

The mare slowly perked up at my shifting posture. "Star...?"

"Hahaha... You're a terrible role model..." More laughter leaked out from my muzzle, the reality of what occured previously replaying in my mind, and taking an entire different turn.

Ah [BEEP] it.

"Hahahaha HAHAHAHA!" Full blown laughter erupted from my throat, and Rainbow only stared as I couldn't resist, "You're the... Haha! Absolute worst... Pfft HAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Hell, the effect even worked on Rainbow, who began chuckling herself. Before then too evolved into joyful laughter, my previous lecture forgotten by both as we merrily laughed our [BEEP]es off, and the rest of the two just regarded the two laughing ponies strangely. Eventually, that laughter slowly died down, concluded by a tight gleeful embrace, a hug harboring no hard feelings.

"Because, really, Rainbow, I should be use to this already." The mare snorted playfully at my humoured statement.

What a day.

A very painful, yet hysterical day. But now, I can finally relax as night began to fall, lying in bed recovering from the "extreme" sports that our favourite blue pegasus decided to have me partake in. Shifting continuously, I groaned in relief as the bed worked its magic on the sore sports. No way was I going to let Twilight make a fuss about it, hence why I stealthily entered the house and into my room.

I wouldn't say the day went... Too badly. If Rainbow could maybe calm down a little-

My door burst open.


Eh of course...

"Rainbow." I greeted, smiling tiredly at the mare, who couldn't stop flying even in confined space. "How are you not exhausted?"

"Psh, like I get tired that easily." She waved dismissively, smirking at my state. "But I'm glad I got you to at least have fun, in the end."

"Yep." I replied simply, leaning my head against the pillow, "Thanks for doing that, the pain aside."

"No prob!" She winked, before toning down slightly, "So... You're not mad?"


A quiet sigh escaped my muzzle. "You mares seem to be affecting me with your personalities every passing day." We exchanged grins, "Just try not to throw me into considerable danger like that again. And, sorry for yelling at you like like that."

"Heh, no worries. And no promises about the dangers," Rainbow said teasingly, folding her limbs. "We should definitely hang out more sometime. You're not so bad when you're not grouchy."

"...Thanks, I think," I replied in amusement "And underneath that reckless behaviour of yours lies a heart of gold." She smiled in flattery, shrugging. "Of course, we should spend time together again. I look forward to it."

"Same. Oh, right!" Hm? And suddenly. a folded piece of paper was thrown onto my lap. And what is this? I picked it up, unfolding the paper curiously, and was greeted by...


"Rainbow, this is your signature."


"With a picture of yourself, posing."

"Yep." She nodded smugly, looking pleased with herself. "For your sis. You know, when you get back to your world."

Why- Oh...


"She'll love it. Thanks Rainbow." I grinned sincerely, nodding to her. "I think you just made Cerys's day... Or life."

In addition to the luckiest little girl in the entire world. I especially loved the short message: "To Stardust Balance's awesome little sis! How you put up with him is beyond me! Have an awesome day!"

We both laughed at that. "Thanks indeed Rainbow."

Yet before she could answer, another voice popped in, "Stardust? Rainbow?" And Spike entered the room, regarding us quizzically. "What's going on?"

"Humour, Spike, mostly humour." Followed by more chuckles between us.

"Oh, okay." Spike smiled, before addressing me, "We were wondering where you went all day, Twilight's been waiting for you to come back with those books she ordered."



Uh oh...

Oh [BEEP]...

"Hey, don't look at me!" Rainbow cried defensively as my gaze slowly shifted to her. "It's not my fault!"

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