• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 166: Always My Best Friends

Ha! Yes! I did it! I actually did it!

With a satisfied grin, my hand casually plopped the controller onto the couch upon my body relaxing after that rather tenseful experience, the final cutscenes of the game playing before me from finishing the last boss, unskippable. That's the first achievement and great start to a new day.

Clearing Kingdom Hearts 2 on Critical Mode for the first time. Hell Yeah! Less time consuming than I originally expected, I shall not lie. Maybe next time I'll do so while sticking to level one. All that's left was to let the credits eventually play and conclude and I'll have my well-earnt gold trophy. Think I'd succeed, Starswirl?

You've faced greater challenges in the past my friend. This would be, as the young generation says, 'a cakewalk' by comparison.

Good! Maybe, after everything's over, I'll try Birth By Sleep on Critical next. Already finished the first KH on Proud. Chain of Memories will take forever with its gameplay mechanics to clear on Critical, so I'll save that for last. Such a shame they haven't legit remastered 358/2 Days or Re:Coded for the PS4; I don't really mind those two contrary to the fandom's opinion. They were enjoyable enough.

But, again, that wasn't my next goal. No, I figured I had enough time to finish this file right before-


Ah, right on time!

A certain dragon's voice called out. "Dad? Everypony's here now, they're waiting in the... Room?" Spike trailed off upon my hasty rush towards the door and swinging it open, revealing my gleeful expression down at the blinking youthful lizard. As I said, there were other priorities to address today. Far too important ones.

"Spike!" The dragon released a noise of surprise as I picked him up by the arms and happily spun him around, expressing my enthusiasm and endearment for this lovable little guy. Spike wasn't entirely protestant over the hug which followed, myself exclaiming with sincere warmth. "I am so proud of you."

"Err, thanks!" Spike then added in flat puzzlement. "Erm, for what?"

Ha! I then pulled the young purple dragon from my chest to meet my proud gaze. "Mostly just for existing, but I could give out a list of reasons as to why you're the greatest son a father could have." But no time for that! A beaming Spike was then placed carefully on my shoulder, a faint wince but otherwise ignoring the newfound weight on my right, too enthused. "Come along Spike! First we just need to get something from the kitchen before we join the others."

"...Who are you, and what have you done with my Dad?" Spike asked in warm amusement, adding with a tinge of suspicion. "You haven't been this... Well, Pinkie Pie-ish in ages!"

Speaking of Pinkie Pie, she'll just love what I have in store for her. They all will, this young dragon I considered my own included.

"Be prepared Spike, for this is the beginning to an amazing day."

And the doors burst open. "Hell my babies! Hello my hunnies!" Came the cheerful ringing of my British octaves, the Mane Six and Starlight all startling out from their previous conversation and whirling their heads towards Spike and I. Everyone was here; excellent! Things were already going just fine. "Glad you could all spare some time to accept this invitation." I added with cheerfulness and a big smile, proceeding to place the tray down on the center of the table while Spike leapt from my shoulder towards his small throne.

My shoulder was starting to ache anyway, but I shall ignore it in the name of friendship!

"Special baked brownies." I announced with pride after pulling off the wrapping, the fresh aroma of warm treats filling the throne room air. "Help yourselves."

"Oh boy!"

"Yes!" Pinkie and Spike delightfully scoffed down their own share, inciting me to add with good humour.

"Save them for everyone guys." And sat down myself on my throne, drawing up one knee to rest my elbow on and proceeding to address the bewildered others. "Everyone having a good morning?"

"Mm-hm!" Both pink pony and purple dragon answered with stuffed mouths and blissful nods, inciting my grin. Starlight was happily accepting a brownie herself while Rarity answered next positively.

"So far it's been a pleasant morning, thank you for asking. Though I must say, this call for our being here, added with your newfound chirpy behaviour, leaves me to believe there's more surprises in store." Oh my dear, if you had any idea. "Is something amiss?"

"Rather, my dear Rarity, I'm afraid it's more of me being remiss." They all cocked their heads curiously, and then I added first with some playful insistence. "Well, don't let Spike and Pinkie scoff down all the treats. They're all for my best friends."

Sharing bemused glances, my friends humoured me regardless and all helped themselves, letting out sounds of wonder and contentment from tasting these well-baked treats, saying so myself. Worked hard on making sure they were perfect enough for them. "Delicious!" Fluttershy had to comment with a mouthful, cutely nibbling into her brownie with a content expression, prompting my grin to widen.

So far so good. "And that's only the start to a wonderful day, my friends." I leaned forward. "Hope you've all got your schedules cleared, because I'm going to make you're all having one of the greatest days of your lives."

"...Are we missin' somethin'?" Applejack inquired in befuddlement, wearing a puzzled frown and raised brow. "'Cause I feel as though some context is oblivious to us right now."

"Nom!" Rainbow literally made that vocal noise of eating, swallowing her while brownie in one gulp with an enthusiastic grin... And burp. "Who cares, this is already great, and if it's just the beginning..." The blue Wonderbolt looked to me with sly expectancy. "What have ya got in mind, pal?"

Twilight was decidedly quiet, happily munching on her treat but also passing me puzzled glances, obviously noting her boyfriend's sudden change of attitude considering recent days. Well, that's about to change, starting today.

I clapped my hands together, rubbing them with enthusiasm and a wide grin. "Well Rainbow, as you all know, I've been acting like a selfish, miserable self-pitying git ever since I reverted back to human form, making up excuses and being reluctant to hang out and appreciate the seven wonderful, beautiful mares - and dragon - around me, cherishing our friendship above all else... Aside from my relationship with one certain Princess here, but you understand what I'm saying."

They all exchanged humoured knowing looks whereas Twilight openly blushed, expressing a shy yet pleased disposition and regarding her half-eaten brownie with newfound interest. "Well, I'll be." Applejack commented with a cheerful smile. "Guess somethin' happened in Canterlot that we're not privy to."

"But what exactly do you mean by being remiss?" You know, it's actually a bit unfair that Starlight had to stand while everyone else was sat comfortably. The unicorn blinked but approached curiously upon my rising and side-stepping my own seat, gesturing for her to take mine while I stood between mine and Twilight's occupied thrones, putting both palms on the table and addressing the whole group thoroughly.

"I mean, Starlight, that I have been so busy feeling sorry for myself to properly realize what a selfish coward I was being." And adding before any of them could object, because they would. They will. "But that's going to change, starting today. I'm going to spend time with all of you in doing your favourite activities, together. And then, well..." My sly wink caught their rapt attention. "I'll the save the best of last thing a secret."

"Ooh, a secret!" And Pinkie proceeded to happily bounce around me from her initial sugar rush. "Tell me tell me tell me tell me!" I had to laugh, while the others chuckled, from our energetic friend's antics, myself leaning down next to promptly scratch the mare behind the ears, inciting her frozen expression followed with a sigh of content. "That... Feels... Wonderful...!"

Spike then stated upon swallowing another brownie. "Well, if this was only the start, I can't wait for what you've got in store for us Dad!"

"Same here!" Rainbow reinforced with excitement, soaring up from her own throne. "Save for the 'Dad' part, I have the feeling this is gonna be an awesome day Stardust! Count us in!"

"I must say, this sounds all very exciting." Rarity pitched in with bliss. "It has been too long that we've all spent exclusive time together. Where shall we start?" And the others followed with expressing their enthusiasm and thrill by this proposal of mine, Twilight turning from our friends to I with a raised fond brow.

"Looks like you've got some high expectations to fulfill honey."

"Anything less of a challenge would be an insult love." I answered back playfully to her teasing, an amused Starlight asking next while joining the rest of us.

"So, as Rarity said, how do we begin this 'wonderful day' of yours?"

"Well sis." I answered with a grin, focusing directly on the mare whom blinked at the genuine addressal. "I was hoping we'd begin with you."

"- The trick with an S.L.K. is not to make the spars too heavy. But if they're too light, you've got no ballast and then good luck tacking against the A.O.I.!" The enthusiastic mare paused, taking in the expressions of her humoured friends and nervously chuckling. "I really like kites."

"Hmm, marry the damn things, why don't you?" I called out to the flustered Starlight. "I'll be Best Man." Rainbow snickered as Pinkie called out.

"Oooh a kite wedding! We should totally try that out sometime. Can I be Best Mare Starlight? You wouldn't regret it!"

My chuckling was interrupted by a prodding to my left, the lavender alicorn stating with stern humour. "Don't tease Starlight like that." Twilight was doing everything possible to fight off the growing smile. "She's already getting accustomed to sharing her favourite hobby with her friends." Spike, to Twilight's own left, gave a off a knowing chuckle.

"You're right." I nodded, adding with barely a whisper. "We all know kites don't hold a candle to Sunburst anyway... Although..." Twilight rolled her eyes in affection, concentrating on her own violet kit resembling a unique star. Would it surprise you to know everyone's kite each was a physical representation of themselves?

No? Good, because that was to be expected.

"Ahh!" Rarity sipped her lemonade with a content sigh. At least the others were enjoying themselves, even with Applejack having some minor difficulty with keeping hers balanced, Starlight helping the Earth Pony out, Pinkie playing with the string and Rainbow boastfully displaying her kite with impressive moves. Fluttershy and Rarity were doing just fine, as was Spike grinning cheerfully with his crafted kite.

As for Twilight... Well, Twilight was Twilight; the beautiful mare sticking her tongue to the side and regarding her own kite as though it was a puzzle in need of solving, mumbling a few things about getting the position and air currents just right, prompting my fond and bemused smile.

Oh Twilight... All of you... Never change.

This was already... Nice. And a great promising new day. Rarity was right, it has been too long since we last spent so much time together... I missed this already.

And speaking of whom...

"I hope you're enjoying yourself, Rarity." The addressed unicorn turned to my smirk curiously. "Because you're gonna love what's next."

Damn, I look good.

The pale white mare seemed to concur, inspecting my latest fashion choice with an approving nod and perceptive hum. "Yes. Yes! Excellence with finesse, darling! You always had an eye for detail!"

Then came Rainbow's snort. "Yeah, that's why he always wears a dressing gown outside!"

"Some prefer to address their eccentric lifestyle a little differently, Rainbow, regardless of how others may believe." But Rarity paused afterwards, the fashionista tilting her head with a thoughtful gaze. "But something with a little more style and dignity wouldn't perform much harm on you, Stardust." That said, the white fashion mistress turned to the next pony playing dress up, gasping in approval. "Why, Fluttershy, that scarf certainly fits your elegant mane!"

That's right. Fashion montage. All eight of us were currently being given random new clothes to try on from the mind of Rarity, including new jeans the unicorn found time to replicate and adapt from my own trousers, needing test subjects for her work anyway. Suffice to say, we all enjoying ourselves being Rarity's new 'models' for the day.

Well, almost all of us were finding something positive about this; Starlight never looked more uncomfortable to something the rest of her friends were use to, prompting my sly expression and her own playful glare my way. Even Applejack was finding more solace in partaking something beyond her interest or character, simply because it was making a good friend happy.

Stepping back a little from us, Rarity proceeded to magically summon another line-rack of clothes for us to try on. "Now, I get the feeling these ones shall really scream character for all of you. Starlight darling, this one would really bring out your eyes!"


"Oh, erm... Thank you very much, Rarity..." The unicorn hesitantly accepted the pink frilly dress with a bowtie, whereas Rainbow, Spike and I shared sly glances. Oh, we're never allowing Starlight to let this one down.

"And Stardust." Hm? A new clothing was shoved into my arms. "Perhaps you won't be too distracted from appreciating Twilight's style trying this new piece on." Said alicorn looked away with an embarrassed smile.

Touche Rarity, touche.

"So why?"

"Why what?"

"Why do all of this?" Starlight questioned further with everyone else preoccupied, the pink unicorn combing the raccoon's fur beside me as we were all currently settled outside Fluttershy's cottage on the soft grass. "This seems all too sudden, even for you."

I shrugged, delicately brushing back the robin's feathers while answering with concentration. "I've been too focused on my own worries to spend quality time with my family. That's no crime, Starlight."

"I never said it was." Came the bemused answer. "But I know you, Stardust. You think these kind of things carefully; you don't suddenly decide on a whim to spend quality time with friends unless you're expecting something to happen." Now, the comb almost froze in my grip, but I pushed on, prompting a soft protesting squeak from the colourful bird.

Whoops, sorry friend...

As if sensing its distress, Fluttershy immediately appeared before us with a concerned look to the robin. "Oh dear. You may be brushing its wings a tad rough, Stardust. Perhaps be a little more gentle?"

I forced a smile. "My mistake, Fluttershy." And the pleased yellow pegasus smiled and looked down to the bird with reassurance.

"Don't worry, you're in safe hoof- Err, hands." And then something caught the corner of the loving mare's eyes, prompting her attention elsewhere. "Erm, Rainbow Dash, you shouldn't brush Harry's back like that."

Starlight evidently waited until Fluttershy was out of earshot, leaning in again with a low knowing voice. "So, what's the deal?"

I shrugged again, tenderly combing the red soft feathers. "What deal... I'm just spending time with-"

"- Your friends, I know. But there's obviously more to it than that. Just yesterday you were acting all miserable and depressed, so what's changed? Did Twilight have another sleepover in your room when we weren't looking?"

I raised a brow at the half-joking inquiry. "Jealous?"

"No, and stop avoiding the question." Hmph. Starlight can be as stubbornly persistent as Twilight and Sun-

...Well, you know, at times.

"And more importantly, you're behaving this new way on a Monday? You hate Mondays with a passion!"

That I did. Hmm, how to explain...?

"I guess I just... Had an epiphany." Was all I could muster, barely mumbling it out. But Starlight had the seeming urge to scoff.

"Well, regardless, you've been making everypony happy with this insistence to spend time together as a whole." Starlight then added with a tinge of content. "Myself included."

I could barely conceal the grin on my face, and the robin was now chirping happily, prompting a satisfied Fluttershy to come over, inspect and nod happily.

"See? You're making him very happy, Stardust... Oh, Starlight, you shouldn't dig the comb too deep into her fur like that, especially in the side. Here, let me show you how it's done."

Spike was more than thrilled to have us do a favourite activity of his next, moreso ecstatic by everyone sharing the enthusiasm of what was proposed. And no, it wasn't writing.

Moreso, a moment of peace suited with the occasional yell and boast every few seconds and minutes or so, four players switching the controllers around so everyone could have a go. But the the main four competitors consisted of Spike, Starlight, Rainbow and Applejack, the last one having the most difficult in getting her Wii remote to cooperate.

"Dang it! This thing ain't easy to use, how'd you manage it as an Earth Pony Star?"

Sheer luck I suppose. Starlight was having no issue using magic to press down the buttons and move her racer around, whereas Rainbow thought up the crafty idea of utilizing her wings to make up for her hoofs, both mares looking the most intense in beating everyone else during the tracks.

And Spike seemed the most content, resting comfortably within my crossed legs and using my chest as a pillow. Twilight had followed her son's example, sighing in warm endearment after leaning into my side, sharing a blissful glance. In response, my own arm wrapped around her for embrace, sharing a similar expression and smile.

Yep, knew this would be a great idea.

"Gah- Rainbow Dash! Stop hittin' me with that red shell!"

"Ah sweet; bullet bill!"

"Celestia save us..."

"What does the blue shell do again?"

"Spike, no!"

My smirk widened with their sport banter. Or gaming; Mario Kart Wii was a form of gaming sport, one none among us were against playing. Hard to believe we were already up to this point in the day; after Spike's activity was finished, that left four more to go.

Time was short...

"Almost there! This race is mine girls!"


"And boy!"

"Don't count yer chickens before they hatch, Rainbow Dash!"

"Bring it Applejack! You're only in eighth place so far. Just try catching up to me!"

"Careful what you wish for..."

"Huh-? What the-?"

"Haha! Nice one Starlight!"

"It always helps to preserve a useful tool for later."

"So," Twilight looked up to me fondly after Starlight owned Rainbow like a scrub, the blue pegasus looking ready to throw her remote on the ground with that expression. "Whose activity are we doing next?"

And a pink Earth Pony interjected before I could answer. "Oh, oh, I know! Pick me! Pick me!" Every exclamation followed with her getting up to my face at all sides. In amusement, I motioned to the beaming mare.


And she gestured dramatically. "Twilight of course!"

Oooh. "So close but no, Pinkie. I'm saving the best for last." I added while looking down to the blushing mare, her own grin widening by the unashamed peck to her hair by yours truly. Looking back, and ignoring the amused and bemused stares of the others, Pinkie was snorting and waving dismissively in attempt to cover up her mistake.

"Pft! I knew that! Is it Applejack then? Or Rainbow Dash?"

"Hm." And I looked back to the others. "One more race, I feel, before we begin with Pinkie's favourite activity." And before she explodes with anticipation. The bouncy Earth Pony proceeded to squee loudly and snuggle my exposed side Twilight wasn't occupying, to the purple alicorn's giggling reaction from her friend's antics and boyfriend's own expression.

Spike then perked up from my legs. "By the way Dad."


"Why do you always choose Bowser as your racer?"

"He's never failed me in this game yet, Spike."

"But he's the bad guy!"

"Yeah, and the bad guys always have sick taste in race cars son."

And of course, considering the spirit of today with everyone just straight up enjoying themselves, and the atmosphere of the universe around us, certain things couldn't simply be done without the use of a song number. And I may regret later teaching Pinkie these exact lyrics... And everyone else soon joining in.

Following Pinkie's verse with the pink pony in question mixing up some batter, Spike decided to pitch in, that more childish side to him being brought out to the fullest today. The dragon in question was helping the mare with adding the eggs.

Twilight and Rarity took the next verse, the two currently inspecting the first layer of the cake in the oven. Apparently some magic in the world lets you automatically learn the lyrics of a song before ever hearing them. But what can ya do? Both their voices sounded lovely and elegant together.

Starlight and Fluttershy, carefully weighing the next batch of flour together, dropped in the next lines with flawless timing. I was really impressed by the coordination in baking and spirit together.

The kitchen was overflown with food appliances, discarded and laid-out ingredients, everyone working together in unity to design the perfect friendship cake. Earlier when that very proposal emerged from my mouth, Pinkie didn't waste a second in dragging me down to the kitchen with everyone else, the thought of us all baking some massive expression of our bonds tickling her excited side... Although to be fair, anything would tickle that side of hers.

Speaking of Pinkie, she happily accepted the next verse.

Finally, Applejack and Rainbow had their turn, the farmer and Wonderbolt currently mashing together their own layer for the cake without much care. Of course, Applejack was doing the effort of being precise, whereas Rainbow was adopting her typical approach of 'mash everything at once and see what pops up.' I had to grin and shake my head at their antics.

If someone told me, a very long time ago, I would be joining with seven magical ponies and a talking dragon in a musical cover of a song from Lazytown, I would probably slap you. I was tempted to just 'Robbie Rotten' it and sit back, enjoying the show. But alas, the pleasant atmosphere and... Well, fun of it all incited me to add in the next lyrics alongside Pinkie.

What was I doing from all this, you ask? Why, tending to the marzipan, of course! Love me some marzipan, this will be the greatest cake ever, to Pinkie's inevitable quoting.

Now, everyone joined in the final verse.

And Pinkie.

And everyone again.

"Woohoo! This will be the greatest cake EVER!"

What'd I tell you-?

And not two seconds did Pinkie proclaim this, that the whole room suddenly exploded in batter. My body immediately shuddered at the cold yellow substance suddenly sticking to my hands, finger and face, never mind my own hair. And a sheepish Rainbow Dash proceeded to call out one singular summary.


...And the next explosion within the room was laughter. I mean, come on, like anything else was expected to happen.

So after a while of cleaning ourselves up from Rainbow's typical mishap, it was Applejack's turn for a favourite activity next. And the orange Earth Pony was all too happy with my suggestion, she and Big Mac setting everything up at Sweet Apple Acres. In the meantime, I was taking a moment to gaze around the quiet yet lively farm in fondness. So many memories here, both good and bad.

But in this case, the good far outweighed the bad...


Hm? I looked down to the curious Twilight, evidently identifying my expression. Quickly I smiled. "Sorry, what is it love?"

A quirked smirk, followed with the Princess shaking her head. "Nothing." And her expression proceeded to brighten alongside sincere words. "I just wanted to say thanks; for all this. This was a wonderful recommendation for all of us." Twilight glanced to the others happily conversing amongst themselves, her smile widening. "Everyone here, hanging out... Just feels right in the world again."


Thankfully the mare was oblivious then to my expression, but before she could continue, a certain farm-mare called out cheerfully. "Alright everypony! It's ready!" Ah. Applejack stepped to the side of the line and gestured to the posts she and Big Mac set up, the tall red stallion each handing us our own horseshoe. "First one to get the most of theirs into their post wins."

I grinned humouredly to the orange mare. "What's the prize?"

A coy smirk in return. "Since I know yer don't often play for the fun of it, Stardust, I reckon some... Apple cider might be a fittin' prize for ya'll... Y'know, should any of yer beat me-"


Rainbow was already one step ahead, starting from the word 'cider.' It didn't take long for everyone else to hastily join in, craving that fresh cider only this place excelled in making. Myself, I was indifferent to the stuff.

But contrary to popular belief, Applejack, I was joining in for the fun of it... But the cider was a bonus.


Couldn't do it...

As if throwing heavy metal horseshoes wasn't daunting enough... They may have played a role into my newfound exhaustion at the present moment.

To the pony whom immediately ran to my side in support, I breathed out. "Go on without me..." Aided with huge chunks of inhaling and exhaling. Of course... Rainbow would agree to an activity which would physically drain me like this... My own fault really for even making that suggestion off the bat.

In response, the pony instead gently supported my exhausted state, positioning my from all fours to sitting comfortably down on the grass, and my weary eyes met the lavender beauty and sparkling violet eyes of a Goddess whom knew I would end up this way and stayed behind to keep me company, and ensure my well-being.

"God I love you..."

Twilight sighed in amusement, brushing back some wild strands of my dark brown hair with endearment. The mare shook her head with a loving smile. "What am I going to do with you?"

"Love me, feed me, never leave me?" I asked breathlessly, internally wincing at the horrible irony. Twilight chuckled, returning the favour from earlier and pecking my cheek with heart-melting warm lips.

"Consider it done." She whispered in coy amusement. "Though you're perfectly capable of feeding yourself, Jack."

"Yeah well." I shrugged with slouched shoulders, the rest of my body taking a breather at the moment. "Our son's cooking far excels my own."

"'Our son.'" Twilight echoed in bemusement, something positive dancing in those gorgeous eyes. "A while back, I never once thought of addressing Spike as such... Thank you for helping me realize exactly what he is to my eyes, aside from a wonderful assistant and beloved friend." Sure, always happy to help. "Have you regained enough breath to continue, Jack, or should we wait a little longer?"

"I would have, Twilight, but you keep taking my breath away." The mare snorted humourously, but the satisfaction was clear in her smile. "But you don't need to stay here for my sake."

"Well like I said, I'm never leaving you." That sounded both joking and firm, Twilight's features betraying no doubt nor hesitation with her words. Good grief, I loved this mare.

And if that's the case... I looked forward. "The others have probably gone way ahead of us in the race by now." And back to Twilight with a sly grin, offering an arm for cuddles. "How about, right now, we just enjoy each other's company?"

The mare grinned in coyness, happily pressing into my side. "I wouldn't be too opposed to that."

The view was lovely to look at regardless... Oh, the scenery around Twilight was nice too, I suppose.

"Maaaaan!" Rainbow stretched, digesting the large amount of food the pegasus had eagerly consumed, laying back on the grass with a content smug expression. "What a day right guys?"


"Darn right."

"Indeed darling."


"And this view is gorgeous!"

"When can we have the cake?" That last question was addressed from Spike, the youthful lizard shrugging helplessly at our looks. "Like Rainbow said, it's been an eventful day. I'm hungry!"

Twilight proceeded to chide her son in good humour. "You've already eaten five sandwiches by now, Spike."

"...I'm still hungry?" I had to chuckle at the sheepish tone, reaching out from my own laid position and rubbing the top scales of the dragon. Normally getting embarrassed and waving off the physical contact, this time Spike grinned and leaned into the touch, to Twilight's own delight at the bonding, the alicorn in question resting on her stomach above my head but allowing her side to be a resting pillow for me. A little surprised by it, but I wasn't going to start complaining.

This was a night to be remembered for a very long time... The eight of us - one big, disorganized happy family - resting under the night sky with a full picnic, atop the very old Star Hill and, finally, completing one of Twilight's favourite activity: Stargazing.

And man, what a sight. Both the endless glittering stars above, and the purple alicorn above my vision. It's as if the Gods knew what I was intending and decided to make the sky something to recall and etch into our hearts forever... Who knows? Maybe there'll be a meteor shower popping up among this vast cluster-

Ah... Right on cue.

Starswirl, you got anything to do with this?

Hmhmhmhm. Starswirl's voice merried with warmth and open affection, as if he himself was smiling above us among the stars. That, I cannot possibly confirm, my dear student.


"It's beautiful!"

"Utterly divine!"

"Well I'll be...!"

"A meteor shower..." Twilight mumbled in awe, anything happening involving the stars affecting the mare deeply. She looked down to her smiling boyfriend with a raised brow and small grin. "Did you know one would happen? There was no indication that a shower would occur tonight."

"...Honestly I think this is the work of divine entities expressing their blessings upon us, love." Was my meek shrug, to their amusement.

"Well, let's take a moment to cherish their gift." Starlight piped up happily, everyone nodding in agreement as we just continued watching the spectacle lighting all over Equestria... And beyond.

What a day... Spent in the presence of all my friends doing everything they loved, all the way leading up to an awe-inspiring show playing amongst the cosmos. With interlocked hands on my stomach, I gazed up with my own smile, feeling... Actual content for once. For the first time since my transformation back to this putrid form, I have found peace.

Just... Being among my friends again. Hanging out, doing what they loved, laughing and playing with them, with no care in the world. A moment of respite where I could pretend, for once, that there was absolutely nothing wrong with anything. If this would be my last moment of quality time with these seven wonderful mares and dragon... I wouldn't trade the memories which followed from today for the world...

Here, spent with my friends... My family... Making them all stay happy for one day, in turn making me happy enough to see through this to the end... I loved these ponies, and dragon...

And I always will...

"Stardust... You're crying." Hm? So I was. Fluttershy's observation drew everyone's attention from the breathtaking sight to a depressing one by contrast. Hastily sitting up, I quickly brushed away the few tears nearly reaching my cheeks. I suppose then was a good as time to get so sentimental, given the circumstances.

And these wonderful beings were barely judging me for it. "Is something the matter darling?" Rarity inquired in concern, not as use to seeing me cry since the last time I had. When they freed of me of Sombra's control.

What they've done... So much for me, and I've always taken them for granted...

"Nothing's wrong..." I managed a small, but sincere grin. "I'm just happy to have you all with me, my family... I love you all."

And there was no reluctance confessing such. The others looked taken aback by the clear admittance, but only for a second, before their expressions softened to their own affectionate endearment, looking ready to cry themselves among tender smiles and glistening eyes. And two warm lavender hoofs wrapped themselves behind my waist, Twilight's just-as-blissful voice tickling my ear.

"And we love you too."

They expressed as much by the embrace which soon followed, each mare and Spike finding some part of me to cuddle up to warmly. They all pretty much surrounded me and kept me from moving for a bit, but I wasn't complaining. Never. My arms covered as many as they could, pulling in and accepting the bordering-on-suffocating love pouring from these creatures' souls, keeping my breathing somewhat shallow and unsteady from the insane amount of affection present by these beings open of mind and open of soul.

Twilight and Rainbow cuddling my shoulders and arms, Spike embracing my right hip, Pinkie snuggling up comfortably on my left, Rarity, Fluttershy and Applejack resting around my legs, all their bodies providing warmth and love. Starlight, also joining in, placed a hoof on my right arm to the side with a content smile, expressing her own affection differently, but I was gratified and happy, nonetheless.

And, at this moment, it didn't matter that I was human or pony. I'm still me, no matter what.

"So..." Spike started slowly, looking up to me with a hopeful child's grin. "We gonna have that cake now, or what?"

Laughter all around, and joining in myself I added soon afterwards with my own ecstatic grin. "Alright Spike, let's have the cake."

To Whomever Finds This Letter.

By the time you've discovered this, I would be long gone by now. So far even Discord himself wouldn't be likely to find me with his infinite tap of magic.


Anyway... Well, not even sure where to begin. I made the choice a few days ago, this is true, but envisioning writing this farewell note is less difficult than writing it out in reality. A part of me is tearing itself on the inside even doing this, just as my heart ached from the likely prospect of never seeing you all again after sneaking away from the picnic, once you've all fallen asleep after that wonderful moment together. Which might as well be the last for a very, very long time.

Oh come now, like this wasn't totally expected. You girls know me by now. You know I would sacrifice my body and soul for the sake of keeping everyone I love safe, even if I was breaking a massive promise here to a certain alicorn Princess of Friendship, whom is growing no doubt more upset and furious with every word being read.

Ha... I'll miss that.

But you have to know something, all of you. Something I've been keeping mostly to myself and sharing with few, confirmed from the muzzle of Starswirl himself since my days on the Canterlot throne, and a suspicion long confirmed since I wounded up in hospital a short while back. A truth so horrendous and heart-wrenching I knew it would incite you all to keep me as safe as possible, but in reality causing little change.

I'm dying, girls... Spike. The spell which reverted me back to human has no reversal remedy out there, as told by the old prune above. Everyday my life as full human again slowly kills me, literally. If you're that upset, wondering why I kept this from you all for so long, just imagine my own thoughts on the matter: How could I possibly spill the beans to you ponies, pure of heart and soul? So innocent and trusting, open without a shred of sin. Six childlike equines who know nothing but peace and content in their lives; of which I have tirelessly challenged time and time again, bringing my own burdens unto you all.

Without intent, but the point still stands.

So now you know why I'm doing this, making this decision. If you don't, then consider it this way. Zagreus will not stop until I'm dead at this hoofs... Why not give him what he wants, but take the [BEEP]tard down with me? A blaze of glory; a dignifying demise at least... If you still don't understand, then that's completely fine. Suffice to say, I've long come to terms with the thought of dying... But I was to choose between suddenly keeling over from a heart attack one day and dying on the spot, or dying battling that maniac of my own creation to the very end.

Well... You know exactly what I would pick.

The monster will be eventually aware of my running away, and take immediate advantage of it. It's me he wants; so long as I'm away, you'll all be left alone. I'm the sole obstacle to his insane plans for universal cleansing, and I will continue being that thorn until my dying breath. Call this selfish. Arrogant. Maddening if you would; but I'd do this again, a million times more if it meant keeping you all safe.

Right now, as I pack, I realize there's not enough room to be said. Written on this letter. Too many things I've wanted to say. I never desired taking this path, but some things are beyond our control, even I acknowledge that. Being said, I will do my best to articulate my summarized feelings towards the wonderful, amazing, talented and beautiful Equestrians I've come to know and love indefinitely.


You were... Are my son, and I'll always be proud to call you as such. You were the first to believe in me, the first whom never judged me for who or what I was, and accepted me as family long before I accepted myself. You've been a bright light in my hardened mind long ago, and I will always cherish you... Keep your mother safe for me, okay son?

...God I sounded too much like Goku there. Anyway:


It's amazing how close we've gotten so quickly. In the short time we've known each other, you've become a sister to me, I have no fear in saying that. In many ways, I see my past self in you... Hell, some small traits of that remain. You are brilliant, confident, passionate and wise; the most worthy student of Twilight's no matter who comes after you. I only hope the best for you in the future... You and Sunburst.


In the past, I admit, you were my second favourite among the original six a long time ago prior to accepting you all as friends, only below Twilight. Your kindness, warmth and acceptance kept my imbalanced state steady, always being a source for comfort and advice when needed. May Discord know eventually how lucky he truly is... Oh, and give your brother a good kick in the plot for your old friend, would you? A sort of final request. Cheers my dear.


...Honestly, I don't know what else to say but thanks for the capes, fedora and hairstyles. I know I've often expressed exasperation by your well-meaning but firm intentions, but truthfully I've secretly always enjoyed spending time with you this way. Even if you did drive me around the bend from your obsession with keeping my hair 'perfect' to your eyes. You are Equestria's greatest fashionista, Rarity, and I wish you the very best with that passion in the future. I know you'll outshine them all.


Thank you. Just... Thank you. You understand what I mean.

It's a shame, I'll miss Granny Smith's apple pies.

Pinkie Pie.

Hmm... Now what to say here...? Oh, I got it! Long ago, I found you nothing but loud and obnoxious, slowly coming to terms with finding your erratic behaviour endearing, even if faintly irritating at times still. But you eman well, always looking for some means of keeping everypony happy, including complete strangers. You have a gift for making others laugh and keeping their lives fulfilled, and I see great things for you and so many more with that power. Don't stop throwing parties and spreading joy, because who else would you be without those?

That depressed version of you so many bronies are obsessed with for some reason? I don't think so.

Damn, running out of paper. Gotta move this along, sorry guys.

Rainbow Dash.

Ha... The last of you that took me forever to get along with. I always possessed a low tolerance for people who think too highly of themselves; ponies no exception. It took a long time to even tolerate you, I won't lie... But I'm glad we got somewhere, in the end. You're passionate, loyal and devoted to your way of life, barely much bringing you down. The Wonderbolts will have a glorious future with Equestria's greatest flyer joining their ranks and someday leading them. I'd wish you the best...

But if I believed you needed it.

Bon. Lyra. Derpy. Whooves. Shining. Sombra. Octavia. Vinyl. Cadence. Luna. Zecora... Sunset. Friends and companions whom I've known; forgive me, and I wish you all the best of futures.

Now, saving the best for last.

Twilight Sparkle.

My love, my reason to be, my soulmate... Yeah I know none of that's gonna calm you down enough reading all this. You probably want to smack me above the head with the hardest book available to me right now. Ha, I'd expect nothing less! I'd do the exact same thing. But I know you, Twilight, no doubt this would all incite you to begin an immediate search for your stubborn boyfriend and return him home.


Don't ever come looking for me.

That's my next request. That said, this letter alone wouldn't be enough to express how much I've enjoyed and etched every moment together in my heart. Remember when Fluttershy knocked you into me out of fascination for Spike, the first day we met? You probably thought nothing of me... But even back then, I thought the world of you. Even at first glance, I was mesmerized by your flawless beauty and equally perfect voice... It benefits to be voiced by a memorable actress, but that's beside the point.

I love you, Twilight Sparkle, most of all from everyone here. Yeah yeah, I know. Favourtism. Sue me, I'm not perfect and that's precisely why you love me, isn't it? But it's out of that love that I'm doing this; even if it kills me, this time emotionally...

You encouraged me, gave me hope, always being there to put me back together after shattering into a million pieces. Not a single second went by on my brief return back on my world that I didn't think of you, every minute of every day.

You can imagine how Sombra felt about that.

And remember, my dear Twilight... This wasn't on you. I know you still blame yourself for my condition, and probably grow paranoid by my decision here. But keep this firm words of your boyfriend in mind: It. Was. Not. Your. Fault. And our friends will attest to that sentiment. This is my choice. My path.

My... Destiny.

I love you... Nothing more needs to be said.

I never deserved you, despite your constant protests to that. I never deserved any of you... But I will forever keep you all in mind and heart, everyday as I walk down this road to Zagreus, exploring all of Equestria, and beyond, if I had to. The imbalance must end... On both our counts. My final request, from I to all of you:

Stay happy. Always be there for each other. Never give up. Never give in.

Because this isn't goodbye forever... It's goodbye until next time.

A weary sigh escaped me for the seventh time following my departure from the castle, taking one last moment to admire what has been my home for a long time now, two and likely almost half seasons in. Standing outside on the dirt road, the crickets chirping harmoniously in the night, my chest heaved and exhaled through nostrils, mouth set firm at the reality of it all sinking in. Might as well take one final moment to appreciate this given gift before my departure.


Don't try to dissuade me, Starswirl... You know this needs to be done.

...Yes. He never sounded more resigned, but hardly judging about it. I only hope, from this decision tonight, that the repercussions will be made for the good of all.

...As do I.

Shifting the duffel bag on my shoulder so it'd cease digging into flesh, I sighed once again, idly glancing down to the ring placed on my finger, one of promise and affection eternal. I promised Twilight happiness... And she'll get it, eventually, after she stops doing everything in her power to find me tomorrow morning.

Pray she never finds you. My wise teacher advised with a glimmer of humour. Tartarus hath no fury like an alicorn scorned.


The amethyst jewel glittered into the night, reflecting the shine of countless stars beyond, remind me far too much of the Princess resting peacefully atop my favourite hill, with the rest of my favourite friends. The sensation was beautiful as it was painful, and I found myself wavering for a brief moment.

Are you certain you want to do this?


And I know, there was no turning back from this choice. They'll hate me for this, but I pray, eventually, they'll understand. Give them a whole episode's worth of time for them to comprehend my actions, and they'll get over it... Well, not over it but...

Accepting my actions would be a good start.

That is, if this unicorn standing behind me doesn't attempt to prevent my leaving.

"I can't be stopped, you know."

A long pause, before her voice drifted in the wind. "I know." A touch of remorse, clouded with regret and resignation. But not a few seconds afterwards for the humour which followed. "Twilight will hate you for doing this."

I grinned faintly. "Don't I know it?" And took one last look to the castle before turning to face the pink mare, my smile lowering sadly. "You understand why I'm doing this."

Starlight nodded slowly, hesitant. "I have a basic idea." Before tilting her head, the message clear in her eyes. "I won't try to stop you, but consider what you're doing to her. To everyone." To me. "You'll be missed... Terribly."

This time, I nodded. "I know..." Seem to be saying that word a lot, I just noticed. "But you'll all have each other for support and comfort. And I'm sure Twilight would likely indulge herself into paranoia when no one's looking around..."

A tiny smile quirked. "We'll look after her, don't worry." Starlight then breathed in quietly, taking a few hesitant steps forward and adding with one hoof to my leg. Uncertainty, fear and reluctance glimmered in those light purple eyes. "Just... Be careful, okay?" Followed with the weakest grin. "Twilight would want to kill you before Zagreus does... Heheh."

That nervous chuckle which suited her personality so well... With a faint smile, I knelt down briefly, displaying one last moment of affection for the mare I've come to view as a sibling, grabbing her stretched-out hoof with care and planting a warm kiss onto it, voice tender and filled with regret. "I'll miss you... Sister." Starlight's expression was both stunned and awed, but I stood up again before the moment could drag on any longer, beginning my hasty departure from those eyes pleading me to stay.

This has dragged out long enough... I had to do this... No matter the cost... Even my own future...

If there was one left...

"Good luck... Jack..." As if Starlight's fading voice carried through the wind, and I almost paused because of it, having brushed past the mare with every intent of running. As I always run, run and run when problems arise.

But I wasn't running from the problem... I was running to it.

And from the voices of the stars, Starswirl and five unfamiliar voices quoted something I hadn't used since my first meteor shower with the girls, so long long ago.

There are worlds out there where the skies are burning.

The seas asleep, and the rivers dream.

Ponies made of smoke and cities made of song.

Somewhere there's danger.

Somewhere there's injustice.

And somewhere else, the tea is getting cold.

My smile faded into the night. "Come along. We have work to do."

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