• Published 2nd Feb 2015
  • 18,954 Views, 1,952 Comments

A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 185: Class is in Session!

This was it.

The greatest moment. Everything I've been through, everything I had endured up to this specific point in time and place, this was what it all built up to. The pinnacle summit towards accomplishing the hardest challenge bestowed upon me.

Not fighting Zagreus. Not training to become a warrior, or accepting my new life here in the land of colourful, welcoming equines. Not asking out a certain lavender alicorn whose eyes sparkled brighter than the stars (Though to be fair, she beat me to that). Heck, not even proposing to the Princess I loved could prepare me for this most worthy of challenges. And that was a spur of the moment!

My returned hoofs trotted down the newly designed hallway, maintaining a straightforward expression in spite of the bubbling, internal anxiety. Not many were truly prepared for a test like this. If Starswirl had decided to have me become an alicorn, I was gratified this wasn't the challenge to accomplishing that nigh impossible feat.

Attempting not to trip over my own wings, however, was perhaps the most daunting at the moment. I could still hear the echoes of Rainbow's chuckles after I almost felt down the staircase before from my latest appendages.

Friends and family encouraging me, coaxing me on, though, are the main sounds reverberating in my distilled mind, just as they had much earlier this morning. Of course, they were going through challenges of their own, having no prior experience to the task bestowed upon us by someone with absolute faith in our abilities. Not that I doubted her; I too had confidence our friends can pull this off. Moreover I was concerned for MYSELF. An autistic alicorn given a high responsibility such as this? As if the implications of royalty weren't enough.

Ah, there was the door, and within, my awaited destiny. I had to swallow a nervous feeling. The sugar rush of magic following this reformed body had died down about a week back, feeling more and more like my old self despite the sensation of huge weights lifted off my stallion shoulders. Of course, Twilight wouldn't wait too long to see her special somepony back on his hoofs and getting straight to work. That lovable mare always expected greatly of others.

Noises inside. They were waiting. The final test, to see if I was worthy of not letting my mare down once more. Refuse to allow in disappointing everyone I loved again. A test to see if I am worthy of greater things.

Was I ready...?

...Not really.

But I opened the door anyway, and the sounds within quietened down a little with their own anticipation, some with glances of shy nervousness, and I felt somewhat relieved I wasn't the only one. One step. Two steps. Three and four, maintaining an air of regal composure whilst closing the door behind me with the tail - God how I missed this old friend - and walking over towards the educator's desk.

With my name on it.

Sliding the suitcase off my back upon its clean, smooth surface, my hazel gaze interestingly fixed onto the classroom of many species. Well, for now, mostly ponies. And the anxious sensation slowly began dying down, mind instantly recalling past experience teaching one time at a younger school. And all of it felt coming back to me without fail. There's a change.

"Good morning class." Standing on two hind legs flawlessly, leaning against the edge of the desk for support while grinning in warm morning to the curious, shy and excited gathering. "My name's Professor Balance... But you can call me the Guy Dating Your Principal."

How did all this come to pass? Well evidently you've watched the episode. How did I become a teacher despite all the [BEEP] I've put my amazing girlfriend, my wonderful son and my beautiful friends through? Well it all began early in the previous morning, like so:

"Prepare for trouble from a reformed unicorn!"

"Make it double with this stubborn alicorn!"

"To protect the world from devastation!"

"To unite all ponies within our nation!"

"To announce the balance of friendships' bond!"

"To extend our reach to the stars beyond!"



"Team Twilight blast at the speed of light!"

"Surrender name or prepare to fight!"

"Spike, that's right!" Signature poses! Starlight and I in a playful dance dip position while Spike thumbs-up in front of us, just pretending a giant T letter formed behind us with a colourfully sparkling background. Maybe a few stars in her honour. All this going down in the library.

To Twilight's exasperated ire. "Could you three please keep it down? I'm trying to rearrange these apology letters for Mt. Aris." The sounds of shuffled paper aided by low muttering courtesy of the mare who was utterly cute when either mad or annoyed. Both was a plus.

Instead of obliging that wish, though, I had to comment to my sister and adopted son whom were with me at the other side of the room. "That was just flawless you two. I especially loved the emphasis using your name, Spike."

"I had to make up for a lack of another syllable." The young dragon shrugged modestly, but clearly pleased by the compliment... Before we took one look at each other and embraced warmly again; a habit that hasn't been broken ever since our reunion at the rebuilt, and relocated, Friendship Festival. I wasn't complaining.

Because I missed this precious, talented and kind gift for a son just as much.

Starlight watched the exchange in amused fondness, clearing her throat with jest. "I like to think my contributions were good too."

"They were brilliant Starlight." I nodded as Spike pulled back, sheepishly adding myself then, "Sorry, again, that I'm keeping you from spending time with Maud."

"She's been busy lately. Not sure over what though, but I'll find sooner or later." A dismissive, reassuring wave. The pink unicorn tilting her head then with a sly smile. "Besides, I know how easily bored you get when Twilight's too busy, and you wouldn't go hang out with Pinkie or Rainbow if you wanted to."

"I mean, these days I would be more happy to..." Came my casual shrug, our three gazes then focusing on the clamp around the root of my tail, chained to another clamp across the room... To Twilight's more beautiful tail. "Unfortunately, I think her Highness intends on hogging me all for herself until the next year."

Whether she heard that or chose to pointedly ignore my slight whine, Twilight focused intensely on shuffling through the hoofwritten apologies. She's almost writing as much letters begging for forgiveness as I had the following weeks I came back.

Spike snorted. "Yeah, because you find being chained to Twilight almost twenty-four-seven actually 'unfortunate.'" Touche young one.

"So!" I clapped my front gold hoofs together, still welcoming back the fuzzy feel of my fur. Beaming to the two choosing to keep me entertained while the lavender mare was busy writing out a million apologies. "Wanna rehearse again?" The prickle of irritation shared across our bond from Twilight. But I ignored that in favour of the playful smiles on Spike and Starlight's mouths.

Minutes later.

"Prepare for trouble from a reformed unicorn!"

"Make it double with this stubborn alicorn!"

"To protect the world from devastation!"

"To unite all ponies within our nation!"

"To announce the balance of friendships' bond!"

"To extend our reach to the stars beyond!"



"Team Twilight blast at the speed of light!"

"Surrender name or prepare to fight!"

"Spike, that's right!"




"Hello!" The bubbly mare beamed in contrast to our sudden off-guard, appearing right before us then practically getting in our faces. "Were you guys doing some kind of secret password? Or maybe a chant! Is it a chant? Morse code? Can I join in?! I could give my own contribu-!"

"Thank you." I simply said to the wry unicorn whom helped calm Pinkie down, magically shutting her muzzle as we re-composed ourselves. Regardless, I smiled with faint affection, having missed Pinkie's... Pinkieness. "Just having some fun to amuse ourselves with, Pinkie, nothing more."

"Ohh!" The joyful Earth Pony nodded in comprehension once able to speak again. "I gotcha. Well if you're that bored why not check out the map with me in the throne room? I was passing by to go see you guys when I suddenly noticed it looked a lot bigger than I remember! Like, really big!" Endearing dramatic gestures to emphasize her delivery, following by an inhaled gasp. "We're talking HUGE guys! Did Twilight extend the map to the places we visited outside of Equestria while running away from the big bad Storm King-?"

The tiny sound of a quill dropping that caught my ears amongst Pinkie's rambling, prompting me to glance at a bewildered Twilight gaping at our bubbly friend. "What did you say?!" Before galloping out the doors and forgetting all else to inspect whatever it was Pinkie was going on about.

Chains binding our tails together following, and I had to sigh in wry expectation, giving the two ponies and one dragon I missed a lot a small grimacing smile. "Nice knowing you guys."

Thankfully the drag to the throne room by the suddenly empowered Princess - When it came to new knowledge - wasn't as painful to my short, renewed brown tail as I had anticipated.

Twilight's opening a school now. Neat.

At least, halfway there. Building costs are gonna become a [BEEP]show.

"That went well." Was my remark upon our exit from Canterlot's School for Gifted Unicorns, rubbing the back of messy brown locks whilst Celestia waved us off. Oh yeah, no hard feelings. Not really. I wasn't petting anymore.

Though we were going to have words eventually, that mare and I. 'Not even a Princess can do whatever she likes to shape young pony's minds.'

You could imagine my expression.

Beautiful vocals hummed. "All we just need now are the EEA's approval." Yes the Equestrian... Something Association. Look I was more distracted by the classes we passed by, okay? This wasn't my jurisdiction. Maybe I should start paying attention now becoming an alicorn myself... But I didn't see that happening anytime soon.

"That should be a cakewalk!" Spike expressed nothing but enthusiasm, soon jumping up in-between us and pulling into a short group hug. "With the three of us together again, there's nothing we can't do."

Haha. Twilight and I expressed endeared amusement by Spike's positive outlook, my hoof rubbing the young dragon's scales with affection. Right, the three of us, as things should be. Spike then regarded me curiously.

"Do you think Starswirl would offer some teaching tips, being a great mentor to Princess Celestia, Princess Luna and yourself?"

"I doubt it Spike." Twilight interjected before I could answer, showing a wry smile. "Starswirl's a teacher anypony would be privileged to learn from, but I doubt he's lingering around in Jack's head anymore now that he's free."

Ohh right, she didn't knew... Heh, another bombshell to drop her when the appropriate time calls for it. Instead, I opted for my own sheepish grin that they obviously picked up as apologetic.

Clearing my equine throat, I pitched in, "Besides, we don't need him. Twilight as Principal? All doubts would be thrown right out the window." The expression on my marefriend's lovely features couldn't be any warmer. "Spike still the role as the greatest assistant and son of all time." Said lizard flushed in his own sheepish pride, grinning widely with closed eyes. I smiled, looking back to my princess. "And the most amazing friends on the planet with their own experiences and learnt lessons to share? I feel like we can do just fine."

The return beaming expression couldn't look anymore grateful. "I'm glad you think so." Huzzah! "Because we'll need all the support from everyone we can get." Which I was all too happy to provide. "Now, we just need to prepare a presentation to impress the EEA and obtain their approval to open the school. In the meantime, though Spike does bring up a great point that we work greatly as a team together, I'm gonna need you elsewhere Jack."

Oh? I blinked, but nodded regardless, prepared for any task Twilight had for me... And to get these shackles trapping our tails together gone already. My bodily area there was feeling stiff at this point, and I wasn't all too fond of the looks we were being given from the train ride, to the classrooms and now outside in Canterlot. "Why do ya need?"

"Well... Tensions between ponykind and the Hippogriffs are rather high at present." Spike coughed into his curled claw, prompting Twilight's eye roll. "Okay, between my friends and the Hippogriffs- Alright, myself and the Hippogriffs!" Heheheheheheheh. Father and son shared identical mischievous expressions, whilst the Princess of Friendship regained composure. "Anyway, while Spike and I appeal to the Association, I need you to deliver this to Queen Novo."

A scrolled-up parchment bearing the Equestrian royal seal right before me eyes, that I accepted without fault, carefully tucking it in my folded wing and praying it wouldn't slip out or said golden appendage did nothing stupid. "Let me guess, another apology letter?"

"Partially." Twilight answered without skipping a beat, expressing zero embarrassment and completely serious for the moment. "It's an invitation for Novo to enlist one of the Hippogriffs into the School of Friendship-" Pausing for a moment as though expecting someone to interrupt. Probably me? She cleared her throat after four seconds. "- as part of my plan to spread the magic of friendship to all species outside of ponykind."

"That's the best part of this idea of opening a school you've had yet love." I was being honestly praising, unable to hide a grin from the very thought of shared education, regardless of the subject, without any class being exclusive to just one kind.

"I'm glad you think so." The flattered and pleased smile then softened to becoming severe once more. "And for the record." Adopting a tone she knew full well incited my body to tense apprehensively, the lavender mare leaning forward with a mischievous sparkle in her eyes. "My only motivation for continuously 'hogging' you is simply a precaution that you won't run away on us again." The message was clear.

Hell hath no scorned. I hastily nodded, answering in a meek voice that couldn't make me sound anymore whipped if it tried. "Yes dear."

Not even two steps towards the magnificent mountain becoming regrown in vegetable and life before I was accosted. Multiple winged elegant creatures in a group of four surrounding my rather weary state. It was a long walk, to be fair. I sighed, looking around and throwing a lopsided grin. "Give me a moment mates... Just need a breather."

"You'll be getting more than that if you do not state your purpose here, young pony." Wait... That voice! A fifth Hippogriff descended before two of them, the closest towards me with stern azure eyes in a regal, authoritative voice. "And do be swift. We are not in the mood to play."

Oh my God, it was! "It's you!" The obvious leader among them blinked in surprise, evidently wondering what I was going on about. Regardless to their confusion, I motioned to the tall standing form in impressed wonder. "You didn't take long to reassert yourself after all the bull[BEEP] Blueblood put you through! Look at you!"

"Blueblood?" Those eyes narrowed in demand, expression twisting a hundred times more suspicious, and threatening. "You will tell me what you know of my connection to that self-entitled tyrant. Are you a servant of his?" Perfect teeth bared.

My not-so-perfect set almost doing the same. The very idea of working under that glory-craving [BEEP]stain on life. "No, but I was there when you were liberated and helped me take down that [BEEP]hat."

"You are very much mistaken good sir. I don't recall a pony like yourself helping... Wait." Those blue eyes widened a fraction, sweeping a gaze over in critical examination then. "Your voice is just like... But your eyes. They're filled with none of the malice and self-hatred I've seen reflected in those hazel stares." Knew he'd get it eventually. The leader nodded, seemingly to himself before w whisper close to awe, "The Man Who Walked The Stars..."

"Stardust Balance once more." I nodded in affirmation, showing a friendly smile. "It's good to see you again."

"And you my friend." Craning his feathered purple head to the others. "Stand down, and resume your posts. This pony is a friend of Her Majesty."

"Yes General." General? The four Hippogriffs flew off, presumably to return wherever they were patrolling around the reforming kingdom.

"My apologies for that." The purple four-legged creature of grace took a few steps forward, offering a good feathered hand to fur hoof shake, that I happily accepted. "We're understandably on guard with the restoration of our old kingdom. Not to mention, recent past experience with ponies have been somewhat unsettling."

Twilight, what exactly did you do to provoke their ire? I never really asked the mare, and right now I wasn't inclined to ask now in case it starts stalling from my main objective... And Twilight's already likely back home expecting me. It WAS a long walk all the way over here.

"Well, that's why I'm here." Pulling out the scroll from beneath my right wing - after several times of it falling out - offering towards the General whom worked with me quite some time ago. "Princess Twilight wishes to emphasize on reconciling with your Queen by offering to educate any of your kind about the magic of friendship. She's opening a school and hopes to spread friendship all over, in and beyond Equestria."

Gracefully taking the scroll, the male hippogriff nodded and reassured, "I shall hand-deliver this to Her Majesty personally." Glad to hear it. "And although, despite what our Princess thinks, Queen Novo has no obligation to indulge this request of your own Princess, despite good intentions." A small, faint smile. "Her Majesty is indebted to you for liberating enslaved hippogriffs, who are now living for the better because of it."

Which was moreso relieving, and heartwarming to hear. I nodded with my own grin. "Whatever Twilight's done, I could appeal to your Queen myself to forgive her if it helps."

"That may not be necessary, but your consideration for peace between royalty is admirable." Motioning with his head further towards the restoring mountain. "May we have the honour of your company once more? I'm certain my wife and daughter will be elated to see you once again."

A moment's hesitation, before I nodded. Why not? Just a quick visit. And I did rather need a sit down of rest after all the traveling.

"And... Finished!" Twilight announced with such enthusiastic satisfaction, having wrote down paper after paper of application approvals from her head desk. The chair quite suits her, I shan't lie.

"Great!" Followed by my, rather abruptly, placement of the steaming cup before the blinking Princess. "Now take a breather already. You've been working nonstop all morning."

"I wish I could." Shaking her head in the negative, magically levitating more and more papers with things to write and sign, prompting my amused eye roll. "The students will be arriving for their first day any moment. I have to make certain everything's prepared and by the book before then. There's only... Oh no, fifteen minutes to spare!"

A quick knock on the Principal's door, with Starlight poking her head in. "Everyone's ready to greet the new arrivals when you are, Twilight."

"Thank you Starlight." Both pink mare and I shared an exasperated look, before the former left us back to it. "Now then-"

Nope. Gold hoofs firmly grabbed the hovering sheets and roughly sent them down on the desk's surface, causing a minor rumble and the tea to quiver. Stunned violet met firm but warm hazel. Next came my rather gentle tongue. "I know you're nervous, love, but there's no excuse to exhaust before the day's even begun. You need to be in peak condition to manage a school like this, after all." After some minor strain of effort, using a gold wing to carefully push the steamed cup closer towards the lavender alicorn.

Whom slowly nodded in comprehension. "I suppose you're right." There we go. Taking one sip of the tea before humming in refreshed content. "And this wonderful tea you rarely make is just the energizer I needed."

Wonderful? Huh. "I'll make you a cup everyday if you promise not to overwork yourself often." Half-joking.

Obviously feeling the playful banter mood between us then, Twilight adorably winked with her own sly smile. "I may just take you up on that." Well, at least one of us would enjoy the cups I made then.

The next few minutes spent in relative silence, sounds of a clock ticking and Twilight casually enjoying the brew. Myself gazing around the orderly, clean interior. I won't lie, the entire building itself was something to admire. Unique and breathtaking, just like the ones who run it. A whole hour earlier was dedicated to myself walking around and exploring the many rooms and hallways in awed wonder, completely impressed and proud for everything the mares have accomplished up to this point. Just think back to season one, and now to season eight; which I presumed it was now. Again, no intention of watching any future episodes; I wanted to experience these events with my own eyes.

Regardless, this was something to be proud of, and I'll be doing my part to remind Twilight and the girls of that every passing second.

"So... Out with it." Hm? I looked over to the sipping Twilight, whom set her near-empty cup down with a knowing expression. "I've been anticipating your critical perspective on this concept to begin with. Let's finally get them out of the way."

I blinked. What, she thought I had something negative to say on the whole thing? "A School of Friendship's a School of Friendship, Twilight, I have nothing bad to say about it. Frankly I think it's a wonderful idea; friendship is the epitome magic of this universe, and spreading it to all creatures only reinforces my approval over the whole matter."

"...Oh." Twilight blinked, clearly having expected something else entirely. This time, I mirrored her reaction inquisitively.

"Do you... Want me to be critical...?"

That replied as a weary smile, at first. "It's a new change of pace compared to your old urges of belittling every idea in the past." Not 'every' idea surely? "I just kind of missed our disagreements over matters, especially challenging my own beliefs compared to many. Ever since you ran away, not even Starlight could fill in the gap of your passion when we argued over what's right and wrong."

Direction of conversation there prompting my suddenly drained sigh, catching the second of forlorn on my beloved's expression. "Twilight..."

But the mare quickly shook her head, re-focusing with a small grin, albeit forced. "There'll be time to talk about... All of that, later. Much later. Right now, we have to focus in making this the best School of Friendship there can be." Despite this being, my dear, the ONLY School of Friendship at present. "It is a relief to have the continued support and approval of one of my best teachers though."

"You're not suppose to pick favou...rites..." My mind picked up on that glance and meaning behind the words, causing me to gulp and then exclaim, "Wait what? But I thought-!"

"Well I didn't have a plaque with your name on it in an empty classroom for nothing, Jack." Twilight then teased, slyly grinning whilst walking around the desk and then halting right beside me towards the door, tilting her head innocently. "What? You thought you wouldn't have a teaching department here too?"

No! No I did not! "But-but I just thought that... Considering past mistakes that I... Erm...?" Shaking my head around for a reasonable justification.

Only inciting Twilight's amused chuckle, throwing a sincere grin and gentle purple hoof to my chest. "Your own wisdom is invaluable. You have past experience teaching, not to mention with positive reception. Plus, I know you love educating almost as much as I. I'd be a fool not to let you give a helping hoof in teaching friendship to many." I... Ah... Twilight teased some more coyly. "Plus, I'm confident being so close to the Princess of Friendship has taught you a thing or two."

"...Is it appropriate now to say that I love you so much and wish to devote your free time in this office with a passionate make out?" Came my only numb, elated and wondrous response, and you know what was even MORE shocking just then?

Twilight not even batting an eye to my reaction, offering her playful, if not flirtatious small smirk. "Maybe during lunch, I'll see what's on my schedule." Four steps outside the office leaving behind my flabbergasted stature, before calling out from the wide hallway. "Come on, Professor."

...Dear God, I've infected her.

So from there, we get to here.

Once the initial chuckles ceased but looks of bafflement remained, I smirked to the audience whilst clearing my throat. "In all seriousness, just call me the former; I wouldn't hear the end of it from the beloved otherwise."

Obligatory chorus of 'aw's' and chorus of 'gag's.' My smile softened considerably, walking back and forth in the midst of my introduction.

"I too, like my fellow educators, have been tasked with spreading the knowledge and meaning to the magic of friendship. God knows why, but let it never be said I do things halfway." A pause, before I continued, recollecting the rehearsed speech on the way to the blue orderly class. Improvisation had merits. "However, before we begin, I would like to know the names of my students, which we'll do in order-"

"Alphabetical order, to be precise."

"...Thank you Twilight." I raised a dry brow to the satisfied alicorn whom suddenly flashed into the class, eliciting a few knowing groans from many a number. Was I missing something? Was Twilight doing things already?

"Simply making sure everything's going by the book." Came the casual, smiling response, looking around professionally before nodding. "All looks good, but we can be better."

Hence why I suddenly found myself holding one of those terribly long sticks some teachers wielded, adorning in that dumb black square-hat. Oh please love. The second Twilight nodded, pleased with herself and left, the moment I paused for five seconds before ripping off the hat and throwing away the unnecessary stick.

I'll teach the class how I like, thank you.

"Right, where were we? Friendship is- Yes?" I looked to the raised hoof of a rather bright Earth Pony sitting in-between the only Changeling and Yak in the classroom. Less said about his mane, the better.

"Pardon me, Professor Balance, sorry for interrupting." Ignoring the scoffs of the dragon and griffon close by, though I could sense somewhat a bond growing between the three. Pays to have Balance again, and I was loving it every passing second. "I was just wondering, how did you become an alicorn?"

"Really? That's what you ask him?" The blue griffon looking ready to start a Sonic cosplay motioned carelessly in my general vicinity. "Who cares if he's an alicorn? I just wanna know when class starts gettin' interesting."

"I'm getting there kid." Was my casual, no-nonsense reply. "As for how I became an alicorn. Believe me, Twilight's still comprehending it herself." Before smiling over, more warmly, to the evidently meek reformed Changeling whom raised her limb in question next. "Yes?"

"Um... What exactly do you teach, Professor?" Flushing a little before expanding on her question from my encouraging expression. "Professor Fluttershy teaches kindness. Professor Rarity with generosity-"

"Very boringly so." The female dragon snorted with rolled, disrespectful eyes. I paid no heed.

"- So... What do you tell us about friendship?"

"I'm glad you asked-"

"Professor Balance teaches the importance of Balance stability among friends, and how bonds can run deeper strengthened by the hardships you go through together."

"You teaching this class or am I...?" Came my incredulous mutter, Twilight making a second surprise visit and answering before I could even get a word in. Thanks love. The alicorn must have picked up on my annoyance, throwing a sheepish smile before explaining herself.

"Just keeping an eye on things. Never know when you might need it. Also, what happened to your hat?" Myself soon resuming the posture of an educated university professor, to my dismay. But Twilight looked more than pleased, making another comment before departing in pink light, "Remember, by the book."

Was really starting to hate that book... Shaking my head, I ripped off the hat and callously threw the stick away, walking around the teacher's desk to continue with my lecture, offering a smile, if not strained at this point.

"As my enthusiastic Princess said, I teach what role Balance plays into friendship. Now, most assume that friendship is associated with harmony magic, but that's a general misconception. Friendship can be forged between any living creatures regardless of alignments. Light, dark, grey, and so on. Yes?" I pointed to the yak that raised her hoof eagerly.

Whom responded with that typical booming voice of her kind, if not slightly lighter. "So, yaks can be friends with anyone outside ponies?"

"You'd be more than correct." Came my pleased smile. Followed by the bright, pink hippogriff suddenly leaping from her seat and flying around the room excitedly.

"Ponies, dragons, griffons, yaks, Changelings!" A wide gasp. "I can even befriend bugs!"

"Why would you wanna be friends with bugs?" The dragon commented dubiously. I just really learn their names sooner than later-

"Friendship extends towards even the most unusual of creatures." Oh come on! This time it was just a flat out glare to the Princess's way, whom eagerly explained friendship to the student in MY class. "And Professor Balance can reveal the pathway in befriending all manners of species, both great and small!" Disappearing one more time before I could start chewing out, but not before another "By the book!"




Even the students knew what I was doing, cautiously darting eyes around with me and just waiting for Twilight to pop up again and disrupt the flow of class. If she interrupts us one more time... Alright, looks like we're in the clear. I cleared my throat, forcing a smile as the mood of teaching dampened by every interjectio-

"One more thing."

That does it!

"Balance is-" About to stop you from disrupting the class again, Twilight yelping in surprise by the strong gold hoof suddenly embracing the mare from behind, dipping her down romantically as the Princess was helpless by the golden muzzle covering her own, her divine lips tasting of books and magic. Myself passionate making out with the alicorn with a simple plan, and from the sounds of her pleased groan, it was working like a charm.

Groans, whistles and 'aw's' from the watching crowd notwithstanding. Pulling back, Twilight's completely red on the face and sputtering in disbelieving surprise, simply managed out a "B...By the book..." Before promptly disappearing via teleportation yet again. Thus leaving us alone to our own devices.

Whilst I smirked to the students whom all had various reactions, winking coyly. "She won't be bothering us again." Before moving on as if nothing occurred. "Now then, friendship! Nothing exclusive to any creature. Before we get too detailed about that, let's finally start with the naming schedule..."

Great start for a school, I felt there and then.

"This is a terrible start for a school!" Well, at least one of us feeling it. By that I meant myself was feeling the enthusiasm of education, unlike the other fives mares whom joined me in the teacher's lounge, already going on tantrums regarding Twilight's choice of managing things around here.

"She won't let us do what we like. She's constantly interrupting our classes to make sure we're doing everything 'by the book.'" Rainbow used her wings for emphasis then. "And she's making my class an absolute chore to do! A CHORE!"

"To make matters worse, Twilight ain't even listenin' to a gosh darn thing we say!" Applejack pitched in with her own incredulous irritation, throwing an orange hoof off her own head. "She has more important things on her mind like that Friends and Family Day event, which she expects us to focus on too! How are we suppose to concentrate when we can't even get excited over what we're doin' already?"

"Twilight won't even let me use my party cannon in class! Why not?! IT'S PART OF WHO I AM?!"

"Nor will she allow my animal friends to help out during classes..."

"Oh this is dreadful darlings, it simply won't do!" Rarity added in next with exaggerated despair. "How could we possibly meet these impossible expectations Twilight has bestowed upon us, when she starves any of our incentive for education with that tedious book of hers?"

"You just gonna sit there and smile at our plight all day, sugarcube?" Applejack frowned irritably in my direction on the couch, helping myself to a nice can of cola. Refreshment after a few hard days at work.

Don't mind me my dear Applejack, I was just feeling utterly nostalgic and pleased to be in the company of friends once again, especially when facing a problem that causes them to start clucking like misguided hens. Ah well, sipping my drink before setting on my gold furry lap, offering a wry smile.

"I wish I could help you girls out." No longer a problem for me the last few days, Twilight interrupting classes that is, after I fiercely made out with her before a live audience of students we're suppose to be setting examples on. Memory of that still had me chuckle, but focusing here. "Twilight just wants to make sure everything goes fine, especially for that EEA thing."

Doing much to conceal my own disdain for that very thing.

"That 'EEA thing' is the cause of all this!" Rainbow sneered, not at anyone specifically mind you. A sentiment the fashionista shared.

Nodding, Rarity continued on, "Quite right Rainbow. Something must be done for this travesty!" Followed by sly diamond eyes turning to my general direction. "And we might have just the solution to making Twilight more... Open-minded."

Oh boy. A light gentle prod to my left front limb, looking to the sheepish Fluttershy who hummed in faint hope. "You wouldn't mind talking to her, would you Stardust... You're really the closest one out of all of us that can change her mind, after all..."

"Meaning he's the only one who can get anything through Twilight's thick skull faster any of us can!" The Wonderbolt clarified bluntly, prompting my disapproving look her way. She was entirely unapologetic, rolling pink eyes. "What? She listens to you more than us sometimes!"

"I'm not sure if-"

"Pleeeeeeeeeeeease! I can't take this anymore!" Pinkie in the right side of my features, prompting me to stagger back on my seat a little from the utter desperation and fear in those wide clear blue orbs. "Twilight won't let us have FUN Stardust! Pleeeeease! Please please please please please. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease!"

Spike promptly made himself known while I rubbed my poor ear, opening the door wide and announcing. "Guys, Friends and Family Day's about to start after next class. We better move things along."

All eyes turned back on me, expectant and hopeful, and I had to restrain a sigh. Truth be told, I was getting concerned by Twilight's method on handling matters in this school. Her school and the lavender mare wanted to be professional, fair enough. But even I agreed it was starting to get downright suffocating.

Throwing my hoofs upwards, I offered an exasperated expression whilst standing on all fours. "Alright, I'll talk to her after the event's over. I'll see what I can do. No promises, though, that Twilight will change her mind, girls."

"We'll hold ya to talkin' to her at least." Applejack answered grimly regardless, jade eyes glinting in justified exhaustion.

My time spent during this little event was by the side, helping myself to a drink and some food but relatively keeping to myself. Twilight was indulging the obvious representative - Neighsay I presumed - nearby, whom, walking by at one point as their tour continued, appeared to look like some read mixture of Snape and Lucius Malfoy, in a red robe.

Shippers be gone.

Why wasn't I participating? Well... Not really sure myself. Guess I'm still steadily growing accustomed to being back among this society for a third time now, observing the happy-go-luckers having a blast. As promised, I would speak with Twilight after Chancellor Stuck-Up departed any second, hopefully sooner than later. To be honest, I was already getting bored.

Still, school life. This time on the opposite spectrum that was teaching the young. Well, younger at that. I was still immensely gratified for Twilight even handing me such a position to begin with regardless of all the bull[BEEP] I've endured her through, right down to the very end. If anything, I would have been regaled to janitor instead. Thankfully not, for Twilight wasn't THAT petty, whenever she wanted to be. Teaching was more fun than learning, ignoring the pang of irritation from our bond, from Twilight whom likely heard that, to her, blasphemous thought. I smirked, looking around curiously.

Spike talking to Ember over fruit drinks. The good General conversing with Thorax. The representatives of each attending species having some entertainment too. All appeared good in the world, minus Rainbow's missing students, but I sensed no hint of danger or fear from anyone anywhere.

Aside from the obvious negative emotions of doubt and disdain emitting from the visiting Chancellor conversing with Twilight-

"What is that?!" Ember's sudden raised cry of confusion prompting me to look where the Dragon Lady pointed. What?


Buzzing filled the air, followed by the immediate screams and panicked shuffling of hooves by the evacuating townsfolk, all fleeing from the massive colourful bug monster following after the missing students. My senses were in on immediate red alert, just as Twilight, Starlight, Rainbow and Neighsay emerged from the massively impressive building.

Whom already turned out to be a massive wuss, cowering behind Twilight. "Ah! The school is under attack!" Not for long old timer. I reared back my prepared form, about to leap upwards enhanced by Balance and-

Hold on... No hostility emanated from the giant monster. I was picking up... Playfulness?

No time for that then, as the bug followed after HER friends from smashing into a piece of building and descending rapidly, caught immediately by myself once Ocellus transformed back into the shy young Changeling. Our bodies rolling on the ground whilst everything became briefly clouded by fallen debris. Eliciting coughs and forcing me to rub my narrowed eyes, helping the poor child up as the dust soon cleared.

Leaving only a mess that followed, the event immediately ruined. Guess that left a one out of five review from the visitor, huh? Thankfully no one was hurt during all that.

"Uh, maybe skipping class wasn't the best idea." You know you're growing use to this teaching job when the first mental response to Silverstream's remark was 'Detention.'

"How dare you!" Oh, didn't take long for Neighsay to grow his [BEEP]s back, I see. "This act of aggression against ponies-"

Twilight was immediate to intervene, taking the fall herself. "I'm so sorry Chancellor, we clearly had some students getting a little carried away." The look said Chancellor was giving to the students in question raised all sort of red flags in my head, immediately putting me on guard for some reason.

"Those are students?! But, you said you were opening this school to protect Equestria!" Point being? "To defend ponies, from dangerous creatures, who don't have our best interests at heart!"

The dislike meter for this [BEEP]bag ramped up to eleven. No, twelve. My glared hardened considerably as I commenced storming over to put this prejudiced [BEEP]wit in his place, taking the combined effort of Applejack, Rainbow AND Starlight to hold me back. They better keep at that.

"My school teaches for all of us to work together through friendship." Twilight gestured to the six young species whilst explaining the concept of this matter-of-factly, prompting my encouraged pride. You tell him love!

Neighsay the [BEEP]hole was unperturbed, however. "But how do you know these 'creatures-'" Seriously, is that slang around here? Have I been using that to describe others like that unintentionally? "- won't take what they have learned here, and use it against us?"

"That's ridiculous!" I bellowed out in outrage, almost breaking free from Applejack and Rainbow's grip at this point. Twilight voiced this agreement of incredulous anger.

"Friendship isn't just for ponies!"

"It should be." Oh you [BEEP]sucker. Let me at him! I'll show him the meaning of friendship through my non-fists!

Unfortunately, it wasn't just my ire Neighsay provoked. "UNICORN THINKS YAKS NEED NO FRIENDSHIPS? MAYBE YAKS DON'T NEED PONY'S SCHOOL!"

Despite being yelled at in the face, the Chancellor of [BEEP]s spoke back with casual disdain. "Well, perhaps you should return to your kind."

No! NO! I left my world to get away from this kind of needless prejudices! I didn't need it here too! As they kept on arguing, I struggled to free myself, with Starlight magically holding my hoofs down and lilac eyes pleading to me that the jerkwad over there wasn't worth it. Sorry love, but I have to respectfully disagree.

Ugh... UGH...!

Fine, verbal lashing it was then!

Before I could even get ONE word in as other species departed one by one, Thorax being the last to smooth things over with us, Twilight was going for one more attempt in appeasing, but also back-talking the stallion who dared ruin everything WE wanted, violet eyes sparkling in her own shared outrage. "Princess Celestia helped me to reach out to all the kingdoms! When she hears you closed the school because-"

"Because YOU failed to meet the EEA's standards?"

Twilight was, naturally, aghast by the rude gesture and words. "What?!" [BEEP] verbal thrashing, I was gonna tear out HIS vocal cords.

"Irresponsible teaching." False. "Students skipping class." That's a common thing! "Endangering ponies!" An accident, no one was hurt you stuck-up piece of-! "Your school is a disaster!" My anger was temporarily placed to one side from the pool of growing sadness and despair reaching across our bond, emerging from the lavender alicorn becoming visibly upset every second.

"Twilight..." Starlight, Rainbow and Applejack heard my quiet plea, finally releasing and allowing me to reach the distraught alicorn. But Chancellor [BEEP]hat was far from finished.

"Perhaps if you had 'higher standards' for who was admitted, this could have all been avoided."

Immediately to the lavender mare's side, I glared heatedly at the Chancellor, whom stepped closer towards the building, myself apprehensive and Twilight anxious. With a hoof to her side in encouragement, I finally spoke up for her. "Twilight and the girls are the most responsible ponies I know, 'Chancellor.' You couldn't ask for better people to run a school. Regardless of your expectations-"

"Regardless." Mother[BEEP]er just blatantly ignored every word I said, proven by the entire school doors becoming wrapped in magical chains connected by a giant lock over the front doors. "By order of the EEA, I am shutting this school, down."

Twilight's gasp after the hoof stomp was heart-wrenching. "Oh no..." And I, by reflex, held the mare threatening to burst out in tears any moment with as much limbs and wings I could offer, never keeping my eyes from the stern, boring glare that I never thought could already hate in a matter of seconds. [BEEP] trying to be a better pony. [BEEP] my attempts of learning from the past and striving to be better.

When you make Twilight cry... There will be Hell to pay.

To be continued...

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