• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 128: Chief of the Wild Pony West


"Yer the pony who prevented an all-out war here in Appleloosa? Here to do so again?"

"I'm here to help, if that's what you mean."


In this case, an approach to reasoning is foolhardy. Zagreus holds some grasp over these furry brutes' minds.

"We don't know what happened, but the stampede suddenly charged through our hard-earned apple orchid field one day without any provocation."

"Nothing at all? No leads or evidence behind these unexpected invasions? What about Strongheart?"

"That's just it. We haven't seen Strongheart since before the attacks first started."

"The ponies dare to invade our home, as I had predicted! You have become nuisances of the ribe for too long, Appleloosans!"

"We'd never foalnap your daughter. Strongheart's our friend!"

Be ready to defend yourself Jack.

"You have the choice; become part of the dirt beneath you, or return my daughter to me!"

"So..." Braeburn drawled in forced casualness, as though we weren't about to be trampled upon by a horde of angry influenced woolly mammoths. "Got any ideas on how to get us out of this before we become fresh pony pie?"

"A few ideas, yes." What? Expected me to trespass without a backup plan in mind? Oh ye of little faith. Cyan eyes narrowed, I stared down the surrounding group of buffalo's, all prepared themselves to bury us six feet under through their own hooves. "Most of them involve fighting off our possessed friends."

"And the other ideas?"

I nodded towards the equally enraged leader digging his hoof through the dry ground. "Getting close enough to the Chief, and breaking him out of the real villain's control."

Thanks to Starswirl's lesson today, I had formed that plan while travelling all the way here. You see, I wasn't so naive as to assume Thunderhooves was beyond Zagreus's control either; clearly taken over by that madman from the beginning. I just had to reach in close enough, rip the imbalance gripping the Chief's heart, and persuade him to help us restrain the remainder of his possessed tribe. Sounds easy enough... Just have to survive becoming pony kebab any moment now first. Fun fun fun.

Be warned, taking away the influence from the leader will not force the other imbalances to follow. You'll have your work cut out for you, my student.

A bellowed roar, powerful enough to shake the ground for a brief moment. "CHARGE!"

It's on! Sharing a glance with Braeburn, our bodies flung upwards as the buffalo's advanced with their magnificent stampede, only to immediately result in injuring one another with heads smashing to from a circle, right where their targets had been. My fellow Earth Pony, with impressive stamina in his own right, landed opposite me atop a dazed buffalo, the pair of running down the backs to reach ground. Quickly recovering, reflexes prompted us to swiftly roll out of harm's way after back hoofs attempted to kick us, the buffalo's gaining back composure and turning to attack us.

A part of me was still reluctant to fight back, only dodge and block the assaults, swerving around horns, headbutts and rearing stomps. Wasn't a picnic, fighting off three to four buffalo's at once, and Braeburn didn't seem to be faring better, immediately taking cover and using the environment, tents and camp equipment, to his advantage. And from the side, smugness hinted upon his features, Thunderhooves glared at our struggles patiently. Needed to deal with him quickly-


I was almost distracted where their sudden assault would've worked, back limbs grinding against the dirt floor with my front hoofs forming a wall in limited effort against three charging buffalo's at once. These guys... Just don't let up!

Fighting them all off was futile, I needed to reach their Chief! And, as though hearing that resolved statement, the three buffalo's suddenly found themselves pushed back unexpectedly, giving me time to roll away as they fell onto the ground. The perpetrator was none other than one of countless Applejack cousins, rodeo-ing an unwilling buffalo and smashing into the others with a gleeful "Yee-Haw!"

Tch. I grinned in light amusement. Now why wasn't I surprised?

While you have the chance, get to the Chief.

Will do! Thunderhooves stared in total fury over the Earth Pony riding around on one of his kin like he was at the amusement park, snarling viciously, "They are making a mockery of us! Get up and make mincemeat out of them!"

What was stronger than a buffalo's charge?

"Special delivery!"

Try... An empowered human Earth Pony's charge!

The Chief was shoved backwards, skidding his hooves against the ground forcefully, halting enough to glare in the direction of his attacker. "You..." That growl consisted of nothing but pure, utter contempt.

Pitying my adversary somewhat, I smiled slightly. "The Native Americans called; they want their dignity back." Massive roaring was the appropriate response to the taunt, two massive hoofs stamping the ground and prompting rumbles beneath the Earth. Thunderhooves wasn't going to make this easy. That's fine, sometimes a challenge was welcomed.

In this case, we possess small time for that luxury. The further the imbalance spreads, the more endangered everything surrounding us becomes. I implore you, Jack; help these victimized buffalo's before it's too late.

Implying I wasn't going to in the first place. Taking a position of readiness, I waited, knowing exactly how best to handle this. With a maniacal grin, Thunderhooves leered and leant down in preparation himself. "You will pay dearly for taking my daughter..."

"Bring it Chief... If you even have the right to be called that."

Hope Strongheart wouldn't mind me rough-housing her father a bit just then...

With one more roar of triumph, Chief Thunderhooves advanced forward, quaking the ground in his wake. Rearing back, my body leaning downwards in opposition to my foe. Waiting... Waiting... Getting closer... And...


Now! What followed was a brilliant bright light, having immediately ducked from the near-headbutt and quickly placing a hoof against the massive furry buffalo's chest. Though I was forced to skid backwards by the weight pushing against me, Balance kept me in check, meeting the Chief's exact strength in equality. As for the white light suddenly brimming between us, the magic was quick to sense the strong imbalance emerging from the Chief, attempting to fight back against it.

Albeit a rather difficult job, because Jesus Christ, this was different from the last ones! Obviously Zagreus planted more imbalance into the tribe leader specifically than his people. My outstretched limb trembled a little from the two forces mentally combating one another, forcing my eyes shut as the Chief roared out in stunned pain. It'll be over soon, don't worry my friend...

Do not despair, Jack, it's as you said. The imbalance is considerably stronger this time, but not enough to best your capabilities. Concentrate, and fight back this oppression. Plunge into the darkness, and take it away from the suffering victim.

Following through with my teacher's calm guidance, I focused on the mental link, Balance revealing the diseased blackness wrapping part of the creature's poor heart, more darker and repugnant than the others one I fought. Just the sight and sensation disgusted me enough, but now I'm even more concerned about the whereabouts of well-being of young, innocent smiling Strongheart, obviously held captive by the sinister Zagreus. If that monster were to infect such a vibrant young buffalo with this kind of disease...

My resolve strengthened. No, I'll protect her, I'll protect Appleloosa, I'll protect everyone. Mentally plunging through like a lightning spear, my Balance gripped the edges of the imbalance like webs, and pulled.

The aftershock, when it came, wasn't unanticipated, but forced the connection to abruptly cut off regardless. With a cry of surprised pain, I rolled back against the dirt, fedora landing beside me. Ugh... Nice... My blurry vision soon cleared enough as I rose, grabbing my hat and observing the Chief shaking his head, clearly disoriented. Please tell me it worked... Starswirl...

"Ugh... What... What happened to me...?" The dazed Chief gazed around, spotting the young Earth Pony close by and frowning thoughtfully. "You... I remember you... Long ago...!"

And there is your answer.

Thank God. I couldn't detect any further imbalance plaguing the creature's heart. With a sight of relief, I nodded, proceeding to respond-

"Uh, Stardust, a little help here?!"

Oh, right. Almost forgot, We looked over to the trapped Braeburn, this time surrounded in close proximity by an enraged group of buffalo. From the side, Thunderhooves' voice rung out in disbelieving fury.

"What is the meaning of this?! Cease attacking our pony friend!" But his tribe, sadly, weren't heeding his words, prompting the bellowing voice to rise in ire. "Are you all deaf? Listen to your Chief! Refrain from harming him at once!"

Looking back, I clarified to the infuriated buffalo, "They're being controlled by an outside force, as you were just then. I can rid them of their plight, it'll be hard when they're all attacking at once."

Mouth set firm, Thunderhooves glared back at his tribe and nodded- Holy [BEEP]. He wasted no time, plowing straight through and knocking back the possessed beasts like that! Swiftly grabbing the surprised Braeburn with his mouth, the Chief pulled the Earth Pony safely out of harm's way back to me, releasing our fellow comrade. Braeburn, albeit stunned at first, eventually realized what was happening and grinned in sheer gratitude.

"Glad to have ya back, Chief!"

In no mood to exchange pleasantries, Thunderhooves glared back at the leering tribesfolk. "I trust you will both assist me in knocking some sense into my kin?" The voice weighed both sternness with a hint of amusement.

"You have to ask?" On that, one Chief, one cowboy, and one human charged forward against the masses.

Well, it's no regular cola, but it gets the job done. With a relaxed sigh, I pulled back the bottle of orange soda in place of conversing with the Chief again, overlooking the tribe working hard to restore what they unwillingly broke. "Efficient workers, your tribe. They'd make fantastic buffalo repairmen."

Thunderhooves wasn't as joking. "Our apology for attacking this town. Were we under control of our own actions... We hope your kind weren't harmed. Although..." A glance from round, inquisitive eyes my way. "As I recall, you're not entirely an equine yourself... Jack, yes?"

Taking another sip - Just what the doctor ordered - I nodded. "Call me Stardust, please. That is the name of who I am in Equestria."

"But are you Stardust or Jack to yourself?"

With a small chuckle, I grinned at the black furry behemoth. "Let's save the philosophy for another time." The Chief nodded in agreement, proceeding to observe alongside me. Through their own heads and bodies, the buffalo assisted the Sheriff's assistants with repairing the town. Lamp posts being rooted back straight, barrels reorganized, discarded equipment and items cleared up, and broken glass swiftly taken out of harm's way.

Progressive, but we both knew, the Chief and I, it was only delaying our main objective. With the whole tribe restored to normal thanks to the combined efforts of myself, Thunderhooves and Braeburn, everyone was free from Zagreus's control, indefinitely I'm hoping. But there were more pressing matters at hand aside from the liberation of the tribe, and evacuation of the townsfolk.

Strongheart remained missing.

Upon freeing the minds of his tribe, the large Chief had recounted the details on our way back to Appleloosa, after profusely apologizing to a reassuring Braeburn. The sheepish buffalo recalled that his beloved daughter was, indeed, taken from him, but was informed so by a mysterious equine in a cloak who laid blame on the town for the crime. After which, the memory turned foggy, and all the Chief until now was darkness.

This only inflicted a sense of more unease within us, Starswirl and I. Either Zagreus had occupied a new body - worse still, Strongheart's, I dread to imagine - or that monster finally obtained a physical form to call his own. That's what you feared, wasn't it?

It's as I continuously fear, my friend. The imbalanced magic gained from the released energy at Crystal Prep, I had predicted and Zagreus had accounted for, would provide the creature with a body of his own design.

So we're probably [BEEP]ed then. In other news, where did Zagreus get that device that human Twilight made, anyhow? She smashed it before my eyes.

The most plausible thought expresses that he obtained the device through dimensional transference. My teacher replied with ill-concealed concern. Zagreus exists as an anomaly which was created from the negative repercussions of our decisions. It stands to reason he is capable of far greater magic than a majority of fellow Equestrians.

Well, fantastic.

However, we needn't face despair as of yet. No? If our theory proves substantial, and Zagreus had, indeed, spawned a fresh physical manifestation, his power would be far too taxing for the body to take. Keep in mind, this is mere conjecture, but strong magic would require a strong outlet. Zagreus is powerful, but too much energy would result in high tolerance, demanding much energy to transfer that power into a physical form. He'd be, to put it mildly, weakened at the beginning stages of his physical existence.

So, in other words, you think he'll be vulnerable at the moment?

Again, only speculation. But if that idea's correct, he'd had to force the majority of his energy elsewhere. For example, other living things.

...The buffalo!

Of course, that'd explain the control over the poor tribe. But... Then again, why command them to attack the town? Breaking a pact of trust over this small place with the native species? I get that he wants to create discord but... They seems fairly random.

Not discord, Jack, but imbalance. Discord is an extension of Chaos, which is, I must add, a distinction. Imbalance adheres by its own rules, an opposite to the Balance of Order and Chaos. View it as its own Chaos to Balance's Harmony, but seeks to disrupt the balance simply because it's its nature to do so.

So, Zagreus attacking Appleloosa was instinctive? No rhyme or reason?

...No. No I don't believe so.

The mental conversation was halted temporarily by an arriving voice. "Alrighty, got some good news some bad news." Braeburn advanced our way, having galloped over hurriedly. "Appleloosa's almost fixed. Once we get the townsfolk back, we can start workin' on the interiors. We're in yer debt, Chief."

Thunderhooves bowed his head. "Don't be. It is our redemption for breaking the trust between us."

"And the bad news?" I inquired, getting straight to business.

The grin lowered considerably. "The train won't be returnin' our folks for a pretty good while. A telegram was sent to us; apparently Appleloosa's not the only place bein' evacuated." What now? "Somethin' happened at the Crystal Empire. Whole kingdom's in trouble. Won't be seein' the train for a good while."

...God dammit Twilight.

Or Celestia. Luna. Cadence. Whoever's to be blamed. Honestly I blame the lack of protective measure for the Crystal Heart if it's following the events of what happened in the show. But at least Sunburst gets to save the day. God dammit!

Although, this could also benefit in keeping the populace away still until Zagreus has been dealt with; it's not safe here yet. Well, whatever, I have bigger problems than a snowstorm at the moment.

Easy for you to comment. It's not your kingdom soon to be buried under ten feet of snow due to the incompetence of modern day society.

Oh! Haven't heard from you for a small while, Sombra. Were you taking a nap?

If only the tornado you call a mind would allow me the peace. He scoffed, while the Chief and Braeburn conversed. I've been scouting the landscape through my shadow while you dealt with the possessed brutes. I sensed the imbalance everywhere; Zagreus's reach has extended exponentially.

I perked up at that, the other two oblivious admist their discussion. Did you find anything?

This time, the former tyrant sounded particularly smug in that dark tone of his. I may lack a physical body nowadays, but there will never be a day when I am considerably ineffective. I have located Zagreus.

"What?!" My friends jumped at the shocked outburst, and I only grinned apologetically. "Don't mind me, sorry." You found him Sombra?! Where?!

Not only him, but the child buffalo he claims a prisoner.

Well don't keep me in suspense! We have to rescue Strongheart and stop Zagreus ASAP!

I concur. Though caution is something to be utilized, I'm afraid the young buffalo is endangered the further Zagreus keeps a firm hold over her. That creature is nothing like our former adversaries. I implore you, tell us what you know Sombra.

Oh? Because I was intending on withholding my discoveries from you from the start? The King scoffed. I want that abomination dealt with just as much, if not moreso. However, you must complete something for me in exchange.

Sure. What is it?

I- Wait... You don't protest?

A friend's life is on the line here. Unless you're demanding me to overthrow Celestia, I'm willing to agree with anything at the moment. Hurry up Sombra.

I pictured the dark unicorn narrowing his eyes. The old fool is correct about Zagreus being nothing like your previous quarrels, Jack. The so-called 'magic of friendship' is obsolete in stopping them. For once, you must abandon all hesitant tendencies, and embrace the more brutal aspects of your kind. This time, you must deal with this foe with the absolute method.

We shall discuss this further when we reach them. Starswirl interjected before we could speak further. Let us make haste in apprehending our opposition before escalated matters worsen.

Good point. As I opened my muzzle to address the Earth Pony and Chief, something stopped me. Probably be best if I mentioned nothing, otherwise either would insist on accompanying there, adding more exposed prey for Zagreus. Last thing I needed was more victimized friends turned against me.

Setting the orange soda to the side, I made my departure sneakily as possible as the two were far more preoccupied in their discussion. Making sure, upon exiting the town and reaching a safe distance, that I wasn't noticed or being followed, I nodded to the tall shadow extended thanks to the boiling sun.

Lead the way, Sombra.

The shadow had a mind of its own, literally, as I proceeded to follow it across the rocky ground and to the direction Zagreus was scheming at, ready to end this swiftly. Into the lion's den below, hold on Strongheart, I'll be there soon.

Alright, you certainly weren't joking about the imbalance being stronger the closer we got to him, my friend. The foreboding entrance into this crack beneath the rocky crevice extruded so much negative energy I forced myself not to shudder at the sheer volume at such. I could feel him, Zagreus.

He's in there, waiting for us. For me.

That was his intent all along, wasn't it guys? The assaults on Appleloosa, the high distortion of Balance to attract our attention, the kidnapping of Strongheart. It was all...

A trap, and we walked right into it.

Well, you know what the best next move always is when confronting a trap?


Spring the trap, am I right?

In this case, that'd unfortunately be the best option viable for us. Zagreus has laid the groundwork, and we have played along. Now, our next, and hopefully final, encounter with him awaits. At his weakened state, we will be able to capture him if that hypothesis rings true. A quiet resolve rung from the ancient pony's wise voice, prompting my nod.

You still intend to resolve matters that way? The King inquired skeptically. My suggestion before would be far more preferable in defeating this monster permanently.

And that would be...?

Don't feign ignorance boy, you know damn well what I'm insinuating. That creature, that demon, should never have existed in the beginning. And the best way to cure cancer? Cleanse it all its entirety.

My steps towards the entrance faltered, a shudder now cackling down my spine at the dark implications behind those words. The recommendation alone made me feel cold, because Sombra was asking something of me I wasn't even sure was completely possible.

You're... You're asking me to kill him...

I'm asking you to remove a threat unlike any other. Sombra retorted sternly. That thing has no right to be, and will not hesitate in eradicating everyone and everything we know. You wish for that to be? We must drop all pretenses and do what must be do, with the one true option to ending this madness forever.

It need not become that way. My mentor, thankfully, interceded through a calm tone. There are alternate methods in dealing with threats of Zagreus's caliber. Those very methods have succeeded in the past, I remind you.

Except, you old equine, Zagreus is nothing like our former adversaries. He's not restrained by the logic held over our world! The former tyrant sneered. Nothing's stopping him from committing mass genocide the worlds over. Jack's people have no control over him! If it's about what your precious friends think, they needn't never know. What your Princess doesn't know wouldn't harm her.

But it would harm me! I'm... I'm not a killer! I would... I could never commit such an act! Sombra what you're proposing is no better than what Zagreus has planned! Starswirl's right, there has to be another way!

What kind of warrior doesn't kill?

This one doesn't!

Pah! The scoff sounded nothing but criticizing. And what happened to not indulging moral tendencies? A true warrior never hesitates in making the ultimate sacrifice to preserve everything he cherishes, everyone he loves. Imagine the alternate, and we do indeed somehow contain the creature, you honestly believe it'll stay that way indefinitely. He could come back and take vengeance on your children, or your grandchildren, or even more descendants down the line. Every second your reluctance endangers everyone you love!


Even if this potential outcome is the only method, it won't happen regardless. This time, it was my teacher who sounded stern, willing to back up his unnerved pupil. Jack is not a killer, we all know this, just as we're aware he will never walk down that path. How so? Because his compassion outweighs his violence. You'll never have to worry about considering this option, my friend, not when you have those who love and cherish your well-being.

At least consider it despite as such. Sombra's voice toned down somewhat, particularly solemn. If not for yourself, then for others. Surely you'd rather have them safe and sound forever?

...But that's just it. With a small smile, I advanced towards the entrance of the cave. They'll always be in trouble whether Zagreus was around or not. It's all part of the show, after all. And if they can handle matters without resorting to such a horrendous action my own people excelled at... Well then, maybe I can too.

It's a definite, my friend, so long as you keep those close to your heart. Your friends are your Harmony.

Your hatred is your Chaos.

And Twilight is my Balance.

The philosophy or the Princess?

You know exactly which one. Now, Sombra, please continue showing the way. It's a bit dark for my taste, but I think I can see enough. The imbalance was almost suffocating, but I trudged onwards. Death was of the norm for classic warriors, but I wasn't just your idle warrior.

I'm a Twilight Warrior.

It finally occurred to me, exploring through the darkness, that I have no real laid-out plan when eventually confronting our opposition.

And it merely took you until now to think things through.

Yep. And seeing as how there was no seemingly end to this dark corridor which I carefully traversed through, now would appear an apt opportunity to cook something up before we reach Zagreus and Strongheart. Any ideas?

I propose, once we confront our quarry, to observe and be patient. Once we see the state our enemy is in, and potentially learn of his intentions, then we can use the knowledge to best him as swiftly as possible.

Implying we aren't already aware of his plans; spread imbalance across the world and annihilate every living thing. I continue to support the idea of eradicating that creature on the spot.

Tch... Unlikely. Starswirl's got a point, although I'm more worried about Strongheart. If that monster's taken a control over her mind...

I despise affirming as such, but it appears the scenario is more than likely. He may use her against us to stall for time.

Or for his own sickly amusement.

Either case, I needn't stress the essential need for caution. Weakened Zagreus may be, but underestimating our opponent shall become our immediate downfall. Remember, this is no Queen Chrysalis or Lord Tirek we are opposing here; something considerably far worse than anything in Equestria.

I understood perfectly. So wait for him to spill the beans then spring into action. Rescuing Strongheart remains the first priority; once she's safe, then I can focus on apprehending Zagreus. Maybe this time I should attack while he's monologing, so we won't get a repeat of what went down at Crystal Prep.

Recalling the assault on human Twilight prompted my hardened frown, despite the darkness covering such. Twilight, Spike, everyone... I'll stop him. This time, I'll clean up my own mistakes.

You've progressed so much over your time in Equestria, my friend. Balance is by your side, alongside friendship. Once we dealt with Zagreus, then we can travel to the Crystal Prep for you to meet your beloved niece.

Ah... Flurry... Just the thought of that young alicorn, filled with innocence and new life only strengthened my resolve, quickening the bold pace into the oppressive imbalance. I was going to make this a safer world, for her, for all the children.

Who knows, perhaps we'll make it to the Crystalling in time afterwards.

But first, I do believe we've reached our destination.

Sombra was correct, referring to the narrow unkempt tunnel becoming brighter and brighter with every step, revealing a clear large area just at the end. Wasting no further time, I cast aside all hesitation and strode into the room, a large open space within the mountain with light leaking through cracks of the upper walls and ceiling, which was filled to the brim with stalactites. And though my senses through Balance weren't as strong when confronted by this level of imbalance, it was enough to sense a presence right near by, standing by the other side of the room.

Prompting my stunned cry: "Strongheart!"

The young buffalo, as thin and tiny as I remembered her, stood defiantly, head gazing at the ground between us and making no acknowledgement to my call. God dammit, I could already tell what was happening. We were right, Zagreus would lower himself to taking over the mind of a young innocent, younger than a human Shining Armor.

Obviously a trap in the making, I looked upwards and called out, taking no further [BEEP]. "Alright, I'm here. Reveal yourself and let's get this over with!"

"Your species have always been terribly commanding, haven't they?"

Whoa, okay, wasn't expecting an immediate reply. Nor did I anticipate the cracking, hoarse unnerving voice which responded to me. I finally noticed a shift in the shadows, a certain creature opting to make a dramatic entrance from the other tunnel behind the entranced Strongheart.

Remain vigilant, prepare for everything. Sombra's sound advice prompted me to straighten, ignoring the chill down my side as the cloaked figure slowly revealed himself. It wasn't bright enough to get a clear full view of Zagreus's new body, but those pure black eyes, devoid of any empathy or compassion, spoke enough for me.

"You finally got yourself a new body." I commented sternly, swallowing a lump. "Or... Is it another stolen one?"

The disturbing tone replied casually, "Oh, you're quite correct on the first guess. Bravo, I guess that monkey brain of yours is indeed good for something, I've always wondered what the Princess of Friendship saw in you. Maybe now I'm beginning to witness a glimpse of it."

"Flattering." Time to get straight to the point. "But I'm not here to exchange observation notes with you, Zagreus. Release Strongheart, and I promise I won't maim you too badly."

The response was a harsh, broken chuckle that sounded like nails scraping against a chalk board. Unpleasant and flinch-inducing. Clearly Zagreus wasn't fazed in the least by the factual threat. "I admit, this new body of mine isn't up to standards at present. It is weak and fragile, recovering from the immense magical essense which it contains. I was forced to expel much of my own magic elsewhere in order to stay alive, transferring it to the nearest living things."

I growled slightly, lowering my posture to pounce as Zagreus got too close to the controlled buffalo for my comfort, slowly walking around her like predator inspecting its prey. "So you took control over the buffalo. But why have them attack Appleloosa? Why abduct Strongheart?"

"Why not? Perhaps simply because I could. The intention wasn't there, at first." My enemy answered indifferently, continuing to stalk around the entranced young Strongheart. "But, since I could, why not take advantage and cause a little imbalance, simply because the opportunity presented itself to me. Additionally, of course, in taking care of one significant nuisance." Disturbing black eyes leered my way beneath the hood, and for a second, I finally saw the face exposed briefly by the light.

Beige, and looking terribly, terribly scarred... Jesus [BEEP]ing Christ...

Zagreus apparently sensed my reaction, a cruel smile reaching his deformed features. "I know the high level of imbalance would warrant your attention and immediate arrival here, just as I foresaw this pointless hunt for me. I was always ten steps ahead of you, Jack Wright, the so-called 'Twilight Warrior.'" The face hid beneath the shadows once more, opting to stand behind Strongheart, tone leaking in pure vile. "Starswirl is a fool to allow a young hypocrite to wield the magic of Balance itself, one who actively sides with Harmony over Chaos, a direct contradiction to the very power he trains under. That senile spirit will soon witness the errors of his ways... And not by my own doing. It will be... Spectacular to watch I should say."

Okay... Not gonna bother asking him to clarify there. Priorities first; Strongheart. "As we've already established, I'm here now. Let Strongheart go; this is only between me and you, Zagreus."

"Oh I think not, little human." The shadows barely concealed the sickly grin. "This is between me and every living thing in the universe. You claim to understand Balance, but your close-minded philosophy couldn't be further from the truth. You deem Balance as a means to bring peace between creatures belong to Chaos and Order. Light and Darkness, but in actuality that's a fabrication made to ease your autistic mind. Shall I indulge you, Jack, in what the real meaning of Balance expresses?"

"After you've released Strongheart." I stepped forward once, taking no more chances. I'm done with the insults, I have to rescue my friend from his destructive clutches.

The response next was condescension. "Ah ah ah, my friend, I know better. Our young buffalo here stands as a precaution, a fail safe if you will in case the simple-minded tribe weren't enough to keep you at bay. I had hoped I would recover in time before your expected arrival, but alas, things are preceding faster than anticipated... Albeit not entirely unwelcomed."

I... Didn't like the sound of that.

"Let us compromise, Jack. I wish to escape, you seek your friend's safety." Now he stood beside the controlled buffalo, probably smirking beneath the dark grey hood. "Allow me departure without conflict, and I will give your friend to you."

No deal. He must be destroyed, here and now!

As if I was idiotic enough to accept that exchange without second thought. "What guarantee do I have no harm would come to her if I agreed?"

"Absolutely none." The black eyes narrowed in sick amusement. "This isn't something you can barter with, child. Today you can defeat... At the cost of your friend." No! One scarred hoof placed itself upon the young buffalo's side, prompting me to step closer in panic. Zagreus was evidently thrilled to witness my distress. "Or, let me go, and she lives... Although I cannot say the same for your own well-being. Time is ticking by, Jack, I would hurry if I were you."

That mother[BEEP]er... Obviously I can't just let him get away, but we still didn't know what he's capable of, even at a close distance. If he does something permanent to the young Strongheart... Can I risk it? Do I have it in me to do so...?

No life is more sacred than another. Starswirl said in quiet solemness. Whatever decision you make, you will not be judged for it.

Easy for you to say...

"Fine... Fine." I growled bitterly, clenching my teeth at the monstrous being. "I'm a man of my word, now let her go."

Zagreus didn't hesitate. "As you command." With a short bow, the deformed creature shoved the unfazed Strongheart forward. I was quick to catch her when she almost landed harshly on the ground. Well, that was ridiculous easy; didn't actually expect the [BEEP]tard to immediately go through with the deal. "My work here is done regardless. I am not yet strong enough to fight you mano-a-mano, as I no doubt you were seeking for."

Now is your chance. Eliminate him.

"Fortunately, I have other methods towards dealing with vermin."

That didn't sound good... Nor did the sudden rumbling beneath our hooves. As Strongheart was being recovered by yours truly, working quickly to pull the imbalance clouding her senses, Zagreus was making his exit, seeing him from the corner of my eye retreating to the shadows.

"I'd love to stay and observe you getting crushed by the stalactites above." The sickening tone was too playful for my preference. "I have other countless matters to attend to. Goodbye Jack Wright, and do not despair... We will see one another very soon."

It'd be pointless telling him to wait, mostly because of the sudden boulders crashing down to block the exit tunnel he just fled in. [BEEP]! And the rumbling on the ground was steadily getting worse, dust and shards of ground descending from the ceiling above. What did Zagreus plant a bomb or something?!

"Uh... You... You're...!" The dazed Strongheart slowly recovered from her stupor, staring at me in dawning comprehension before a violent rumbling warranted her attention to our surroundings. "What are you-? Where are we?! What's happening?"

Oh no, not getting collapsed by a cave-in today. "Come on!" I ordered hurriedly, but that became pointless upon turning around to see our only means of escape also shut off by fallen rocks, and the vibrations only worsened from there.

[BEEP]-sucking dammit! Think Jack! Maybe I could break through the ceiling itself-!

Above you!

Instincts took over, my hoofs pulling the frightened Strongheart close and towering over her in protection. My front limbs met the fallen large rocks head-on, keeping them at temporary bay, only for much more to follow.

One... Two... Push!

With a mighty throw, the last boulder shattered into harmless pieces from my own resolve, prompting my relieved, yet exhausted sigh after burrowing my way out of the rubble like that. Taking some deep breaths, my next priority was helping Strongheart out of the mess, pulling the buffalo out and guiding her down from the collapsed mess of a former cavern. Christ, Zagreus certainly made a number on it, lucky we even survived that.

"There they are!"

Ah, the cavalry. Balance held a firm atmosphere over the area once more, allowing me to inhale the fresh air in relaxation, alongside the magic allowing me to sense the hurrying individuals without fault. Obviously, Zagreus had left, taking his imbalance with him.

I hope anyway.

Mm-hm. Our foe has escaped to scheme another day. And before you consider this a failed adventure, keep in mind over the lives you've saved today, Jack. We shall focus on the optimistic viewpoint today.

Easier said than done... Meanwhile, Sombra was scowling. I didn't need to see him to know that; Sombra always expresses displeasure when things refuse to go his way. Strongheart, however, rushed by me and scaled down the rocky terrain, meeting with the people hurrying upwards to join us.

"Braeburn! Father!"


"My precious daughter!" It was father and daughter who embraced first, two buffalo family reunited at last, prompting my small smile. Even though I had, indeed, failed in apprehending Zagreus today, Starswirl was right; everyone else was safe. For now anyway.

Sometimes, it's the little victories which truly matter.

Keep telling yourself that, boy, after that monster has finished eradicating everyone you've loved. Absolutely destruction over that demon would be the overall victory, but now you've allowed it to flee and endanger the entire world once again. It's like you don't even need me in enticing devastation.

Yeah cheers Sombra.

"I'm so glad you're okay!" Braeburn said cheerfully, relief and pure happiness exhaling from his tone and grin towards us. Behind him and the Chief, the whole tribe, the Sheriff and his assistants walked over to join us. "When Stardust suddenly up an' vanished, we had an inklin' he'd be lookin' for ya. Looks like we owe ya a debt once again."

"On behalf of our tribe, you have our eternal gratitude." Followed with a deep, meaningful bow on one knee by Thunderhooves, his entire herd of buffalo following this example in humility. They wouldn't be so grateful if they learned whose fault it was behind Zagreus in the first place...

If anything, today has only strengthened my resolve, including observing two family members immensely relieved and gratified over one another's safety. Zagreus won't escape forever. I'll stop him, no matter the cost. I'll keep training, and pool all my resources into locating that abomination before he causes any more harm. I may have lost the battle today.

But I will win the war.

"I got some good news, also." Braeburn proceeded to announce with a wide smile. "Evacuation at the Crystal Empire's been cancelled. Apparently whatever problem they're dealin' with's been resolved. That means we can get all our fellow Appleloosans back here, and celebrate the rebuilt trust between buffalo and ponies with a good ol' fashioned rodeo-style event!"

"Not to mention, humans too." Strongheart sent me a sly look.

"Right! Uh... What's a human again?"

Braeburn's earnest confusion prompted everyone to chuckle, the young buffalo stating my way, "Thank you for everything today, Jack. I can't remember much of what happened, everything's a blur to me at the moment, but I do know you risked yourself to help me and everyone else, again."

"Always happy to help." I smiled, genuinely. I can concentrate on dealing with the aftermath of Zagreus when everything today is said and done. I added lightly. "And please, call me Stardust."

A few hours ago, once everything was said and done, the entire town celebrating with both Western ponies and buffalo natives alike partying to no end, I had to say goodbye to my old friends. Hate to leave a town-filled party early - Not really - but there was one last pressing matter to before the day was done. It wouldn't surprise me if I'd miss the Crystalling in all its entirety, if the random crystal ponies conversing around was of any indication that the spectacle was over, but a pang of regret stung in my chest over the matter. Because, in all honestly a part of me had wanted to witness what was essentially the baby alicorn's young Christening.

Despite how awful the season premiere was overall. And now, every step closer to the castle pops another bubble of guilt. I missed my own niece's 'Crystalling,' in attempt of amending an error from my past actions... And it hurts to keep thinking that.

Don't despair so quickly, my young pupil. You saved a town and tribe from the machinations of a foul entity. Your friends will understand.

Yeah... Oh.

The curtains were still up, covering the view of the space beneath the castle where the Crystal Heart resided. Lovely. And from the side, Starlight and Sunburst themselves, oblivious to my presence, were content in their own discussion, catching up on old times. And seeing the former's smile rose my own, providing me tranquility for a brief moment.

Aw... I bet those two will get married.


Oof! I returned the embrace, a certain young dragon tackling my chest happily. Spike was the first to notice my arrival, grinning up from my chest widely. "Hello Spike." I smiled, rubbing the dragon's head fondly. Can never stay sad whenever my family's happy. "How was the Crystalling?"

Those reptilian green eyes brightened. "Spectacular. You should've seen it, though we almost got frozen over by a rampaging snowstorm because the baby broke the Crystal Heart briefly." The tone radiated amusement. "But we managed to save the Empire in the end, all thanks to Starlight's childhood friend... You knew that was going to happen to begin with, didn't you?"

I smirked, winking coyly. "You can't prove anything."

"In that case, a fair warning for next time would be much appreciated."

There lies the irritated voice of an angel. Looking over my brother, my brow raised. "One warning. What more was needed love?"

Twilight shook her head, herself and the rest heading towards us. "A vague warning followed with a less detailed list of instructions. Which, mind you, mostly directed to 'In case trouble happens, got to Sunburst for help.'" She tried, and failed, to look annoyed, muzzle pouting cutely. "Couldn't clarify much with what you gave me, could you?"

"Nice to see you too love. I'm fine, thank you for asking. Hope you enjoyed watching your niece's Crystalling." I retorted, rolling my eyes. Twilight matched my expression suitably, whereas the others exchanged equal bouts of amusement at the bantering couple. So glad we're being sources of entertainment for them. "Don't let her go near the Crystal Heart. How hard was it to follow that instruction?"

"Harder than you think Jack." Twilight frowned, advancing forward. Spike, wisely, stepped aside so Twilight could properly give me a piece of her mind. But upon getting closer, she paused briefly, her furrowed look softening. "What happened? Another fight? You look a little drained."

I grinned faintly. I may look a little worse for wear; my cape and hat shredded in places somewhat after the rock fall, not to mention a few unkempt patches of fur over the visible parts of my body. "I located the source of imbalance, to summarize today's mishaps."

Then her posture changed completely, the mare straightening with purple eyes sparkling in concern. "Was it him...?" My heart was touched by the worry in her voice, physically made clear with one soft hoof delicate brushing my cheek for inspection. Twilight understood exactly the threat that monster posed, and knew how considerably dangerous it was.

"I'm fine love." Last thing I needed was for my special somepony to get all riled up. "Sorry I missed the Crystalling."

"...In these circumstances, I'm far from irritated about that. Moreso, however, from your insistence on going alone." Twilight pursed her muzzle. "I should've gone with you, us and our friends. I knew you shouldn't have faced him alone!"

Oh Twilight. With a tiny smile, I grasped her reaching hoof with my own, planting a small kiss onto it. "Obviously you couldn't have missed what happened here. I drove Zagreus off; he's severely weak though, that much I've learned. I'm just glad everyone here is safe." Twilight at least smiled at that, another voice interjected before the conversation could escalate any further.

"Something we ouaght to know about?"

Smirking, I called over, repressing the irritation for the ruined moment. "Nothing you need to be worried about right now Shining." From right in front of the large curtain, the lucky couple stood, smiling in knowing amusement.

And in Cadence's limb, wrapped in a small blanket, the bundle of joy awaited. Her tiny babble noises echoed across the vicinity, prompting everyone nearby to smile warmly her way. I was no exception.

At last, I get to meet her myself... Though my own limbs felt frozen for a moment.

Twilight, noticing my expression, grinned kindly and gently brushed my front limb. "There's someone you should meet." The encouraging sparkle in those gorgeous eyes reinforced my courage, and I proceeded forward, my supportive girlfriend stepping aside for my direct path towards the waiting child.

Cadence was smiling warmly, both she and Shining granting me the honour to meet my niece in all but blood. "Say hello, to our little miracle."

At the wide, curious turquoise eyes staring back at me, nothing could stop the nonsensical grin stretching across my face, the weakness for babies revealing itself in all its glory. "Hello little miracle..." The tiny alicorn gurgled in response, giggling in pure innocent bliss. The pink fur as bright as her being, the light purple mane with bright blue stripe. Just the sight made me want to keel over at the beautiful sight and tell these two lucky ponies what a wonderful creation they made.

Her presence through Balance however, I could sense back from the train ride here. The light emanating from the child was blinding.

Within the spiritual realm, Starswirl spike with a gentle somberness, as though just as transfixed by the view. This, Jack, this is what we fight for... For the sake of the newborn Princess, and every living thing. We will stop Zagreus no matter the cost. Never forget today, always keep this image firmly planted in your mind's eye. Balance is the safe future for everything that was and will be. Take in this momentous scene my friend, and remember what it is we fight in the name of.

Sombra kept quiet the whole time. Not that I'm complaining.

I was struggling to stay composed. Twilight must've noticed or sensed my nervousness through the bond, as a purple hoof gently touched my side in assurance. Thanks love... Okay, I can get through this.

"She's beautiful..." I confessed quietly, looking back up to the proud parents with a warm, unadulterated smile. "She takes after her parents. Although looks-wise, obviously her mother." Cadence chuckled, and Shining showed mock-annoyance. "But I sense she'll have her father's strong spirit and sense of justice. You'll both be the greatest parents ever for her."

I don't care what the fanbase thinks; Flurry Heart is a joy of creation!

The two shared ecstatic looks. "Thank you." Shining replied cheerfully. "I'm glad we've gained the approval of our baby's Godfather."

"Just speaking the-"

Wait... Brain just stopped.




What did Shining just say...?!

Twilight looked downright amused at my stumped reaction. Shining and Cadence expressed knowing grins. "Who else would be more suited for the role?" Cadence asked rhetorically, beaming down at her giggling miracle child and proceeding to nuzzle her nose. "We only ask you don't swear as much around her."

"Preferably not at all." Shining chimed in humourously.

Sorry, just one second... Were they serious, honestly, asking ME to be a Godfather to their kid? Me...?!

I don't... I'm...

"Give him a moment." Spike commented teasingly. "And he makes fun of Twilight for being overreactive at times."

"I... I..." Nope, can't think of anything to say. Only I could was have this big stupid grin of surprise and happiness plastered to my face, to everyone's amusement and delight. Twilight, evidently pleased, leaned against my side in content, her thoughts reaching through our close bond.

"I'm so proud of you."

...You know what? Screw failing to capture Zagreus. This was one of the greatest days of my life! "I will be the best uncle and Godfather in the universe. I promise you all!" Although initially stunned by the uncharacteristic outburst, Shining, Cadence and Twilight couldn't look more thrilled by the blissful vow. Celestia and Luna exchanged warm smiles, and the others grinned happily.

Finally, Sombra chose to add his two cents. Dating a Princess, now Godfather to the future of my Empire. Wonderful, what could make things even more nauseating than now?

In not-so-subtle whispers, Sunburst inquired to his childhood friend within hearing range, "Is that the Stardust Balance...?"

Starlight nodded. "In the flesh."

"...He's more happy than his reputation suggests." Pfft! I laughed loudly at that, prompting everyone else to follow suit.

Me and my [BEEP]ing muzzle...

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