• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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81. The Dalmatian Zone.

-Equus, Huoshan, Tianhuo-

“So, we are at an impasse.” I said bluntly looking between Ruff and Puff, the both of them really missed their Baa-Baa and didn’t feel like playing today. Tuft and Woof wanted to play, but they wouldn’t leave their brothers behind. “I miss her too, but am I not doing my best for all of you? I apologize if not, I cannot be like Pom.”

All four of the growing puppies barked at the same time, I could tell they didn’t find my treatment of them to be lacking as a good effort and that they appreciated what I was doing for them.

Blighter at least tried to bring the mood back up by nuzzling them, their positivity was one of the things keeping the household going. Our Fu Dog was easily protecting our home, but they couldn’t help the occupants.

Mr. Birch needed some fertilizer today and would be the easiest task to accomplish, surprisingly timber wolves just needed love, water and good soil like any plant, with the occasional meat supplement. I had to make sure our Cerberus had three milk bones using fish. Big Mama needed to be brushed thoroughly because of shedding. The Cu Sith and Mr. Grimm seemed to be alert about something today and looked about ready to tell foretell of a huge oncoming disaster… at the same time, which was never a good thing when they were both looking at me to do something to stop said disaster I couldn’t predict. Everyone in Huoshan would know to duck and cover if the Cu Sith ever went off, it was the only time they ever made a noise. I also needed to walk the Orthros which I really didn’t want to do after last time, but they needed exercise.

My day was going to be a long one and that’s not accounting for Pom’s four favorite Canis Minors being depressed… or the problem I was having with Blighter getting overprotective or under hoof.

At least the Tenko was easy to take care of, feed them a bowl of correctly made rice and they would do a few favors for you for most of the day on top of taking care of their selves. Almost any kind of rice ball would make them do said work far more enthusiastically. A huge rice and fish platter or some high quality rice balls would make the two tailed fox take care of everything to the absolutely best of their ability and would go above and beyond to make sure your day was a special and mostly happy one.

So one rice and fish platter coming right up! Once I was finished getting Ruff and Puff into a slightly better mood, maybe the smell of cooking fish will do that?

I had to learn how to cook this dish as Pom usually did it and I never understood why she always ordered so much fish until now. I needed all the luck I could get today and having the holy fox familiar being aggressively nice would certainly make things far easier.

It certainly explained a few things about how Pom managed things.

-Earth, Camden Town, Pom-

A house with one hundred and one Dalmatians living in such a cramped space, this place was crazy!

I looked to Dante as his breathing finally evened out.


“Okay, I think… I got myself under control.” I was doing a breathing exercise with Pom, which attracted the attention of my brother Deepak, who then decided to join us with his own meditation practices. “Oh right, the puppy that looks like a walking yin yang symbol is our brother Deepak. He helps keep things calm around here when needed.”

Deepak didn’t question Pom’s presence for a second, because she was currently helping me through some breathing exercises. Anybody who practices meditation was good in his books.

We had almost all the pups in the house doing this exercise with me, it was nice that my brothers and sisters were willing to join in on this and they were encouraging me once I explained to them why I was doing this.

I’m just surprised that Dolly and Dylan haven’t noticed that Pom was in the house yet, must be the thirty other or so puppies that were keeping them busy in the back yard. I remember when they manufactured problems for me to be happy, I wasn’t going to let that bother me as my predictions do come true and they were never always the worst possible scenario.

Pom opened her eyes and motioned to me, I closed my eyes and tried to concentrate.

She wrote down several instructions for me to follow as I was doing this and I was going to do them, I wanted to get control of my visions that makes sleeping so hard for me sometimes.

Okay I was seeing it, the apocalypse, I slowly pulled back from looking too deeply into it and blinked.

“I’m seeing… a problem… the next problem for us… to solve it I… need to go back to the library and look up… the De Ville’s family history all while talking to Hunter about it? That will make things better for our family somehow, but why… maybe… Hunter can understand us and he did survive six months locked in a crate full of dog food. That’s not something a regular duck could do normally and it didn’t affect his teeth or body all too much. It did mess with his mind a bit though.” My words sounded distant as I tried to watch too many scenes passing me by all at once, I tried to focus and pull back on some of them to slow things down. “Is magic responsible for… Hunters understanding of dogs? It would be a decent explanation as the dog food he consumed doesn’t have any magical properties and yet he managed to survive on it… huh… an immediate minor problem that we don’t have to worry much about is… Dylan, our lovable big brother, is going to walk in and freak out about Pom in three… two… now.”

I opened my eyes and every puppy in the room turned to see as Dylan walk in with Dolly and the rest of our brothers and sisters.

“So we don’t know where the alien will be and who knows where it could have gone after you chased it around the… OH MY DOG, IT’S IN THE HOUSE, WE HAVE AN ALIEN IN OUR HOME!” All the puppies looked to me and a few of them seemed to believe in me now, now that I wasn’t going all in on the apocalypse stuff at least.

Dylan was freaking out and pointing his paw at Pom who was sitting there quietly among all of our brothers and sisters, she was having that calming magical effect on all of us.

The things I saw could actually be averted… things were already averted before I met Pom… things both Dolly and Dylan solved, some others had also solved by accident. The world would carry on.

“Chill bro… can someone explain why she is in our house?” Dolly asked in a calm manner, she was one of the ones that had given chase yesterday and Pom was really fast when motivated. Not even Dolly on her skateboard could keep up with her when she was running full tilt. “Also if she really wanted to hurt us, she wouldn’t have run from us around the park yesterday and she would have done something by now.”

Our older brother and sister were night and day in their reactions to things at times, when they were working together ‘almost’ nothing could go wrong. As one can imagine, they usually don’t work together as often as they should.

It was now understandable to me how our house ended up frozen solid, was flooded with water up to the second floor, there was massive invasion of fleas and all that among several other ridiculous things has happened to it under both Dylan and Dolly’s watch as our top dogs.

Dolly was finding this situation hilarious given her sudden laughing fit. She and Dylan were probably going to try and search around for Pom in the park to make sure she wasn’t dangerous to the puppies the next time they went, only to find out that Pom was already in the house.

Still, I loved all ninety eight of my brothers and sisters. We were all Dalmatians here, some of us were old enough to achieve our own unique differences and the rest are still part of what was colloquially known as the puppy pack. It took a lot of effort for some of us to stand out among everyone else.

“I can explain, her name is Pom and she’s… well, my friend.” I was the only fully black furred Dalmatian with white spots, except for the spots I colored purple as part of my dark demeanor. The only other ones that feasibly came close to looking like I did were the Dimitri trio whose entire rear halves were covered in black fur. “I invited her home since she doesn’t have a place to stay and I already have mom’s permission. Also she resembles an animalistic enough to pass for one, aside from the whole being mute thing. She’s friendly for an alien really and she isn’t really hiding the fact that she’s odd.”

Pom shrugged, she seemed a bit nervous around so many dogs, but she seemed to be okay with it overall. I might have to get her to write down why she was so nervous later.

Everyone heard Pom’s stomach grumble slightly.

“Oh let me go get some food for you, we have plenty of nut packets from the ‘Just Plain Nuts’ company thanks to three of our sisters and we hardly can find a use for them all aside from occasional snack or giving them to a squirrel named Sid.” I got up and wandered into the kitchen area where we kept the many bags of nut snacks with both Dylan and Dolly following me. “Come on Pom, let me show you where our family eats! We do have a few vegetables around here from time to time. Kind of hard to grow a garden when more than half the family can’t resist the urge to dig it all up.”

“Did someone say digging?” A mud covered puppy came in from the back yard. “Oh, you’re new! You smell really strange, but not bad… I’m Diesel!”

Pom just shook her head with a wry look on her face, she got up and followed me. She wasn’t the only one as many a puppy wanted a snack too.

“Uh Dante, how do you know her name is Pom and that’s she’s mute?” I rolled my eyes at Dylan as I started grabbing a few bags of assorted mixed nuts for our guest. “She’s still an alien you know!”

“Yeah, we know Dylan, now stop worrying about it.” Dolly responded with her usual carefree attitude. “She seems cool to me.”

“Yes, I know she’s an alien Dylan, but I brought her in as a guest. Like what Dolly does with Roxy or Snowball when they have sleepovers, I have to be responsible for my guest.” I looked back to see Pom smiling weakly as a number of puppies were jumping on her and climbing onto her body. “Uh, you okay there?”

Pom lightly waved a hoof in a she’s fine gesture as she had at least thirty of my brothers and sisters cuddling up to her, including Da Vinci and Delgado. Delgado was getting better at jumping even if the rear half of his body was confined to a wheelchair and lacked the rear legs to do so, he was currently draped over her back. Even Dorothy our youngest sister was getting in on it by sitting on Pom’s head and giggling happily.

I’ve never seen my family this happy since… that incident with what may be a literal ‘devil’ now that I know magic actually exists in our world.

“Can someone get a well cleaned dog dish and some fresh water for Pom?” As I said this, Pom carefully started pulling the puppies off of her and sat them down before getting in a random seat.

Several other puppies joined the table wanting snacks too and were even begging for it, but Dylan was withholding them.

A few of the pups went to grab a bowl for Pom to drink water from.

“Let me introduce to you the two top dogs of the house Pom, Dylan is the dog with the red collar with a star hanging off of it. He’s a bit uptight, but he keeps things clean and in order around here and is a good big brother to everyone.” I pointed to Dylan whose black right ear has been noted as sharing similarities with the constellation Canis Major. “Dolly is our sister with the three small spots under both eyes and the three colorful small collars, yes the black fur around her legs do look like leggings. She’s the one we all go to for entertainment around here.”

“Uh hi?” Dylan tried shyly, as I placed a few of the snack bags on the table for Pom to look over. She was looking at the ingredients and idly waved in Dylan’s direction.

“Hey, nice to meet you.” Dolly said as she watched Pom swiped her right hoof near the top of her snack bag and the top slid off of it, much to her and Dylan’s shock. “Bow-waka-whoa, that was awesome, how did you do that?!”

“Uh… did you know she could do that Dante?!” Dylan asked looking a little upset with one of Pom’s abilities.

“Well yeah, Pom can do several unusual things like that, it’s not a big issue.” I watched as Pom started eating lazily. I had no doubts in my mind that Pom could be dangerous to all of us if she wanted to be, that magic claw hoof thing was definitely something she’s used in a fight before. It would explain the facial scarring at least and her bandaged right hind leg that nobody seems to be commenting on. “Wouldn’t you think that would come with being an alien? Before you ask, she’s not from outer space, but another world.”

My family thought others weren’t observant, they’d be right. Our family of animals have gotten away with a lot of stuff and nobody noticing we didn’t have an animalistic or biped taking care of all of us. I seriously doubted that people would care that we were entirely self-sufficient animals, we already avoided animal control once because of our mother’s biped duck friend Dr. Dave.

I would say we were just as unobservant, as Pom was walking around with mild injuries and small bits of scarring.

“You still haven’t answered my question!” Dylan pointed out and I hadn’t, I had my reasons as I finally put a piece of paper on the table.

Pom nodded to me and pulled out the pen the librarian gave her to scribble something down for Dylan to hopefully calm him down. Pom lapped up some water from one of the clean spare dog bowls we have laying around and continued eating as Dylan looked at the piece of paper with confusion.

“She knows how to write on top of being able to understand us?!” Yeah, not going to think too hard about how that works Dylan. “Also why is she asking me if I believe in magic? I would say there’s no such thing, but… alien, in our home!”

Pom could probably talk too when she gets her voice back, but knowing magic exists kind of expanded the whole world to me.

While Dylan was paying more attention to me and Pom, he didn’t notice the mischievous look on Dolly’s face as she started sneaking all our brothers and sisters treats.

“Look at it this way brother, she’s not making a mess and all the puppies are being quiet.” And are ruining their lunch, but I just sent Dolly a wink to keep going and she snickered into her paw before doing just that. “Isn’t that what you usually want?”

“Yes, but this is kind of disturbing… on a number of levels.” Dylan pointed all the puppies being quite or lightly playful around Pom. Then he finally noticed Dolly giving out treats. “Dolly?! You’re ruining their appetites!”

“Can you please stop being Mr. Fussy Pants for one minute Dylan? This is the first time I’ve seen them really get back their energy since that evil duck nearly skinned us all to make a fur coat.” Upon hearing Dolly say that, Pom quickly took up her paper and drew question mark while looking fairly angry. “Don’t worry about it, she’s been put in jail.”

“We might as well tell her guys, so there’s this woman named Cruella De Ville that has been after Dylan’s side of the family for more than sixty years. At this point the woman should be pushing a hundred and yet still seems awfully spry.” My mind repeated the words ‘family history’ over and over again, we really needed to look up that woman’s family history tomorrow and find Hunter to involve him in it too. It was somehow important to any and all Dalmatians living here from what little I could get from my visions. “She’s once kidnapped Dylan’s great, great, great grandparent’s family and they were lucky to escape alive with their fifteen stolen puppies in tow… along with all the others they adopted in rescuing their own. We’re the second one hundred and one Dalmatian family since our mother, Delilah, apparently took up the tradition of adopting numerous puppies off the street. We somehow ended up with ninety nine pups and two adults like they did back then. Delilah’s the dog you met on the way in, she works as a therapy dog and does plenty of other things at the hospital. Our father, Doug, married into this and works as a local fire dog. So we have siblings, step-siblings and adoptive siblings. It’s rather…”

‘Hectic?’ was the word Pom wrote on the sheet of paper.

“Yeah, like you wouldn’t believe! We’ve got plenty of stories, like our summer vacation.” Dolly swooned and must be thinking about that Doberman named Spike again.

If her crush for Hansel never pans out, then she was definitely going to try to figure out how to get him to come to Camden Town from Cornwall for a visit.

“Okay, so we’re not going to the P, A, R, K, today to look for an alien that’s already here.” My brother only spelled it out because saying it would trigger the puppy pack into excitedly flooding towards the place. “So what are we supposed to do now?”

“Spend the rest of the day enjoying ourselves of course!” Dolly answered immediately, she sometimes had a one track mind for fun.

“No, I meant about our dubious house guest!” Dylan said pointing a paw at Pom as she finished lapping up the last bits of water to give him a smile with a slightly tilted head.

Pom pointed at the words ‘Do you believe in magic’ for Dylan once again, trying to emphasize that she understood his frustrations with her presence in our home.

I wondered if dad was actually immune to fire because of magic too. I mean he’s come home covered in soot several times, but has never experience horrible burns once in his life despite running through burning buildings numerous times. So I might not be the only one in the family that had magical abilities.

“How would you know if someone has magic?” I suddenly asked of Pom and every puppy froze at the question. They all looked to me, all of them then turned back to Pom excitedly.

Pom wrote down ‘that could take a while to figure out. At least we know you have magic Dante, you just need to control your impulsiveness more’.

“Magic?” Dylan suddenly looked curious. “What’s she talking about Dante?”

“Something I’ve recently discovered about myself, about specific kinds of mythological dogs and that I may or may not have the abilities similar to one of them.” The ability to foretell great danger and possibly avoid it, except I didn’t have it entirely under control. I was always getting the vague idea that things were going to go horribly wrong like an apocalyptic event. “I’m sure Pom can show us some magic.”

“I’ll believe in magic when I…” Dolly started to say, when Pom jumped straight up, flipped and struck the ceiling, she stayed up there and even started to walk around. “See it… wow. Uh Dawkins… how impossible is this?”

Our brainy brother with the molecule collar was just staring up at Pom, wide eyed. Pom was walking around on the ceiling in spite of gravity telling us she should be careening head first into the floor.

“Well… quite truly impossible really. She shouldn’t have that kind of grip strength with her hooves for one… also I noticed that her wool shifted about slightly to cover her hooves when she did that.” Dawkins slowly answered as he held up his digital pad and went over the numbers. “I don’t want to believe it, but she’s sticking to the ceiling using her wool. This is when her wool shouldn’t be feasibly capable of keeping her body’s weight on the ceiling.”

Pom let go of the ceiling and her wool seemed to inflate, she flipped and slowly floated to the floor. After deflating, she then went back to sit in her chair and finished the last of her lightly honey glazed nuts.

“Yeah, Pom’s capable of using magic.” I stated bluntly, a lot of puppy pack were suddenly excited to learn if any of them had magical abilities. “We wouldn’t know unless Pom could figure it out personally, she only knew I was magic because apparently she recognized the signs of me having the same abilities as a dog she already knows.”

“Alien dogs have magic… and some of us possibly having magic too… this… might make things a lot more complicated than we want them to be!” Dylan was more worried about having to take care of puppies with magical powers than the normal run of the mill puppy pack he cleans up after daily. “Whoa, wait a minute, what do you mean you’re magical Dante?”

“You know my predictions… I’ve been overselling them all along, apparently things are not as bad I have been making them out to be and I’m sorry about that.” I looked around at all the puppies gathering around Pom and she seemed a bit nervous. “We always forgive each other… with a group hug!”

“Trigger word Dante… re…” Dylan was cut off by being sucked into a wave of puppies leaping for me, I sat up and spread my paws wide open to accept them all coming affectionately for me.

The cuddles afterwards were all sweet and innocent, as expected of my beloved family. Pom was sitting off to the side with Dolly as they watched us all snuggle.

“Oh what if I can do magic too!” Oh dog, the thought of Dolly actually learning to do magic… wait…

She was the one dog when the house was frozen over that was largely unaffected by it unlike the rest of us. In fact, she managed to warm up various frozen things by rubbing her paws together…

Oh dog, that might confirm that dad is magical and that Dolly has magic too! If this didn’t lead us to a small apocalypse, then I don’t honestly know what would!

“It’s the end of the world as we knew it… yet I honestly feel fine.” I stated calmly from within the pile of my brothers and sisters.

Author's Note:

Almost done with world building, the next page is going into Shanty and Dodo helping Sly Cooper's group.

At most Dante is guessing at what could be magical or what could be normal now, since a fairly large can of worms has been opened for his entire family.

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