• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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405. Metal Hound Chaos! Pt. 9.

-Ponyville, Sergeant Shady-

It was nice to be able to relax in a place filled with love and peace, I was just watching ponies go by and getting a taste of the free love in the air.

“Hey Shady!” Jaded La Perm, the friendliest Equestria villain to ever live and keep living.

“Hello Jaded, how goes your day?” I asked curiously.

“Eh still at war with the ‘Princess of the Night’ Luna, my attempts on Saddle Arabia are getting weirder ‘even for me’ as the Sorceress Mirage and I’m attempting to have a normal quiet day where nothing happens.” That made me raise an eyebrow in question of Jaded’s choice of coming to Ponyville.

“You came to Ponyville… to have a quiet day? Am I hearing you correctly?” I rubbed at my ears to see if anything was wrong with them, as a changeling member of Equestria’s guards even I knew Ponyville was nuts.

“I know, I know, Ponyville is as chaotics as Airship Mauled is at times.” Jaded waved her claws in a placating manner.

“Aha I knew it, Airship Mauled is trying to out weird us! We need to be weirder, we need to be weirder, we need to be wei…” Pinkie Pie ran off screaming, everyone knew who she was and the weird guests she’d been bringing to Ponyville for quite a while. Nobody thought much of her running through town and yelling about how things need to be weirder.

“I came here to relax, specifically for the reason that Ponyville is a weirdness magnet. Can I get some apple juice please? I need some sugar in my blood.” Jaded sat down with me and I quirked an eye at the most annoying being to the Royal Guard of Canterlot. “To that end, if I want to avoid anything weird happening to me today, then I come here and will do absolutely nothing of interest all day. No shenanigans, no plotting against Saddle Arabia to run my poor friend Amira crazy, no battling mortal vs immortal with Luna, not doing anything worthy of note except maybe buy some tiger tail doughnuts in a raspberry flavor from the Cakes at Sugar Cube Corner.”

“Aren’t ponies a little unusual about raspberry tiger tail doughnuts though?” I asked because I’ve heard some complaints from Donut Joe about the subject when I hang out with the guys at his confectioners shop.

“Yes, they are quite particular about the subject. I’m a degenerate like that so it doesn’t matter to me.” Jaded didn’t expand on the subject beyond that despite my questioning gaze. “So what have you done lately that doesn’t involve me Shady?”

“Well we’ve had a run in with The Squirrels in Canterlot… also we know you’re allied, if not, are an outright a member of the underworld organization.” Which was annoying that we could get nothing on them, though Celestia knew that they existed apparently and was friends with one of them. Apparently Truly and Duly Noted thought it was Celestia’s spy organization, but that was SMILE wasn’t it?

“If asked, I know nothing of the recent problems with cashews or pistachios.” Narrowing a gaze on Jaded, I had some thoughts about that denial.

“If you were to be put in a circle of the concise?” Knowing as well as I do that Jaded could dance around that thing like crazy, I’ve never heard of someone dancing around the truth so hard that they can tell a false positive without lying.

“Then I’d have to bring up the recent conspiracy about unsalted peanuts to deflect entirely away from the subject.” Every pony within the area listening to us gagged loudly. “It’s like not having butter or at least some form of flavor additive on popcorn, horrifying.”

“What kind of monster wouldn’t want salted peanuts or buttered popcorn?!” Bulk Biceps, a prominent muscle bound pegasus that wasn’t on steroids, he’s been checked fifty seven times already for performance enhancers alone this year… last year it was three hundred and twenty three times. He a medical marvel to doctors that he can even fly with his tiny wings, if he could fly then Scootaloo would eventually learn to. Some changelings have made that mistake by thinking that all pegasus ponies were decent at flying.

“Now that… is the question my fine friend that is otherwise known as Snowflake! It’s why there’s a conspiracy afoot, but it’s my day of relaxation and I’ll likely look into it later.” Jaded stated before taking up some apple juice and sipping it with a feeling of happiness after the waitress put it down. “Ten to one it’s the Deer, not Reindeer mind you, but just Deer doing something with salt. Care to join us Bulk?”

“Sure thing Jaded, it’s just unfortunate Skull can’t be here today.” The large white pony with the tiny wings sat down at the table with us.

“Yeah, you are quite a pair of cool dudes, if you need an exercise partner then look no further than Bulk Biceps and Skull Cracker!” Jaded wasn’t wrong about that, the two knew how to help you at a gym and one was a professional wrestler with ties to Jock Hawk and Shocking Awes more legitimate business practices. I’m sure it’s how Jaded keeps an eye on the Quarrelsome Quartet who haven’t cause any problems recently. “Aside from mercenary work, I do advertisements for some people since I’m infamous enough to draw attention to businesses that need some attention. I only advertise people I trust to not be doing something horrible in the backgrounds like Flim and Flam… how many arrests does that make it now, what with that thing the other day?”

“Flim and Flam the con artists? Eighteen, at least they always work off their debts accrued from their schemes.” I relaxed as Bulk and Jaded started having an entertaining conversation about how Bulk’s chiropractic practice is going. “Still working off destroying the trees at Sweet Apple Acres.”

Sure it may hurt at first to get chiropractic massage from Bulk, but after the pain wears off ponies are usually three times happier for an entire week afterwards. I was there to investigate the phenomenon at the time, I would know.

-Moon Cell Realm, Mare Melum, Underground Region, massive recently destroyed clearing, Pom-

We were basically getting nowhere, NPs and EPs turned into zombies or were dealing with zombies, at least our APs were mostly avoiding being turned, but we weren’t getting anywhere unless we could hit the massive six legged zombie making machine with something damaging.

To our right one of the five Commandramon gutted a zombie with the two spikes on his right arm and blew the zombie in half and then proceeded to stomp the head of the puffy yellow sponge gator into mush.

On the left there was a Commandramon slowly whittling down a Gekko to death, but not an Archer Gekko.

“This… is getting us nowhere. We’re defending and shooting at the problem, but it’s not doing nearly enough damage, we’re just preventing it from healing.” When twelve streams of high rate of fire guns weren’t enough, we had to actually get up close and personal, problem was that Jack and Fou would be on us immediately afterwards if we somehow dealt with the problem. “Dolly, got a song in your heart?”

“Maybe… give me a moment to work up a beat.” Dolly was humming a guitar tune trying to come up with a heart song. “I’ll get back to you on that… also Dormarch is nearby and has been trying to get your attention for the last minute.”

“Huh… okay… Eaters? Alright, I’ll ask, but it sounds bad.” I called out to everyone over the headset. “Guys, do any of you know what Eaters are?”

There was a momentary pause in the constant firing of all the other five magitek armors, visible shivers and a choking noise from Driver. I’m guessing they knew what Eaters were, the sheer terror at hearing they were here was enough to freeze them in place. Dolly didn’t let up on making sure the zombie gekko didn’t get back up.

“Excuse me, but did you just say Eaters?! They’re worse than coding zombies! They can’t be here right? I mean if they were here, then the situation has hit Super FUBAR levels of bad, because those things are tough to beat. As in it’s a complete slog to even take one of them out without it eating you out of existence given their hides are stupidly tough. If those Dazzle Camouflaged things were here, why I’d advocate for immediately blowing this entire realm up!” That seemed rather extreme, but it sounded like Driver knew what he was talking about. “At least what they do is reversible, provided someone can reach the main problem causing the eaters to appear. They’ll eat anything and everything, biologicals, data, fluids, entire planets, solar systems… wait… where did you hear that term from and why are you asking about them now?”

“Quick question, what caused the Eaters to appear previously?” Divert, divert, divert, because I know that tone of voice sounded desperate for a diversion.

“Well it’s not like we’re making progress here with the Bestial Neutral Programs, the Enemy Programs of Moon Cells forces or the zombie coding manufacturing rogue PLANT.” Driver’s voice quivered. “Okay it’s like this… a world had gained enough technological prowess that some accidents occurred involving people getting into the local digital realm that popped up next door to that reality. This caused what is known as the ‘second King Drasil incident’ when one of the people of that reality got eaten by an Eater that became attracted to the incursion of the locals from the reality into the digital world. That persons mind, which survived being eaten, became part of the corrupted Eaters gestalt network that started destroying the digital world and the reality it was connected to… it was thanks to the fusion of that first victim person that the destruction of both worlds was slowed down immensely despite their mind being constantly eroded by the Eaters. It also caused some fusing between the digital realm and reality that threatened to destroy both worlds outright anyway and the Digimon there at the time wanted to tear apart reality in a bid to save themselves, but that wouldn’t have worked as the Eaters would still be infecting the King Drasil of that digital realm thus dooming it.”

“Which is where Yggdrasil.Sys sent a program out to specific Digimon to give to the people of that reality so they could troubleshoot the major issue that threatened to bleed into multiple realities. One of them became the incredible hero of both worlds.” Another Commandramon stated before grunting and slashing down a blue raptor that wasn’t infected, by ripping its chest open with the left claw of his armor. It didn’t turn yellow and get back up.

“Yeah, suffice it to say, one of the beings of the reality managed to glitch into being half digital entity from an eater attack that inexorably severed the connection between their mind and body entirely, afterwards their mind led armies of digimon to defeating King Drasil and resetting the digital world and stopping the Eaters as a digital entity while their body lay comatose in a hospital. A body of which they saw as they were investigating the crisis of two worlds.” Yikes, I wonder what it would be like to see your own body laying comatose like that in that situation. We continued fending off all attackers and shooting at the Excelsus which was really slow above ground for how fast it could move under it. We didn’t want to get within range of the energy blades which were much faster than its body as Saber Jack Wolf can attest to as he furiously tried to take at least one of the arms out multiple times between dealing with coding zombies and NPs. “It is from that incident that we learned that Eaters are somewhat eldritch higher plane beings. When they contacted with that given worlds technology they gained physical forms and that corrupted the normally benign Eaters, who are just normally harmless beings of pure energy that watch over various worlds from the spaces between them, into an incredibly nasty problem for anything that can be feasibly considered alive. Their corruption is what led to what happened when they got pulled into the digital world by the people of that given realities technology by accident, leading to the aforementioned first Eater attack. Destroying them at least sends them back to the spaces between worlds. When the Eater Mother is defeated, everything kind of snapped back to normal. Eaters are curiously drawn to high levels of technology and digital waves… like the incredibly complex super computer that might even be beyond Yggdrasil in raw power within a single given reality, the one that we’re all inside of currently… again, where did you learn about Eaters?”

“Well… Dormarch told me to ask you about them through our bond... and Eaters might be attacking this realm as we speak.” There, I ripped off the bandage, while there wasn’t a pause this time as the six of us were busy fending off dangers from all sides and at least had the wherewithal to keep shooting. “They can’t be that hard to destroy right?”

“By the computations… we’re screwed if we seem them up close!” Driver stated bluntly. “The Mother Eater of that incident took at least eleven mega level digimon working together to beat it and it wouldn’t be a great surprise if at least two or even more of the digimon had died as a result of that fight with how hard Eaters are to hurt after they have fully manifested. The full name for them while they are in their corrupted form is Existence Eaters, otherwise they are harmless when not corrupted by being drawn into reality from the spaces between them.”

“Do you think all this fighting would attract them?” My question was met by silence, even Dolly’s brain was running on autopilot and trying to think of guitar, drums and a beat for a heart song.

“Yes… it would…” Driver finally answered after a minute of constantly firing into crowds of monsters, with a few points were we had to claw down something. These Magitek Armors were kind of amazing in what they could do, even as limited as they were by the lack of magical pilots. The magical abilities were a bit draining, at least the healing function was. “See anything with a Dazzling Camouflage, AKA a black and white checkerboard pattern that looks like a snail or shelled cephalopod. We want to be as far away from those as possible and hammering them with everything we can shoot or throw at them. Fighting them in melee range is really quite stupid unless you have an ace or are fast enough to get away with it.”

“Anything else we should know about them?” I asked as Dolly really started getting a beat in her heart going and she was building up to something. I could almost feel the rhythm of the music, primarily guitar, drums.

“You know the general bipedal forms of EPs, APs and some of the NPs we’ve been seeing, yeah Eaters can make those forms too, only they’ll look more distorted and will be able to take like five to twenty times the damage a regular EP or AP can. Let’s just leave it at Eaters are stupidly sturdy! At least biped Eaters are still some of the weaker versions of them, still takes at least the raw power of four tank shells to put one down though and that’s just plain ridiculous as we don’t exactly have that kind of firepower on us at the moment.” Driver cut me off when I was about to ask about that. “DCD Bombs, modified or not, aren’t going to do much to them before you ask as rookie level attacks aren’t too effective against Eaters. It takes some really ludicrously powerful attacks to really damage an Eater like your Thousand Spears Huo level of ridiculous ma’am. It’s why Mega levels are recommended when dealing with them.”

“I’ve got something Pom!” Dolly finally said with a grin in her voice, before she frowned. “Also those Eater things sound like more real horror movies stuff. I’ve got a heart song ready if you want me to run us up against big, bad and bugged.”

Dolly was talking about Excelsus looking like a giant six legged bug robot. Mind you it wasn’t using its rear legs, which ended in the two drills, to move around very much.

“Get ready to go then, we kind of need to deal with this thing before we have to deal with yet another problem that’s popped up on top of Jack and Fou.” Now what could Dormarch do without endangering himself?

Hmm… Dormarch could you go to the garage we got these armors from and see if there’s anything left for you to drive? We kind of needed more fire power, a lot more.

- Mare Melum, above ground region, Castle Alexander, Ocellus-

The thing launching missiles at us was using up at least three of our towers at a time to keep them from hitting us, which we kind of needed for ground defense as our people on the ground around the castle were getting hammered by the random various things coming to attack us, much less randomly attacking everything near them which was getting too close to Alexander for comfort.

We were trying to keep the castle region generally safe, but it’s becoming quite apparent that we would have to move soon or that large bipedal machine in the distance was going to keep lobbing missiles at us until our ground forces faltered and we needed more than one tower working on artillery at the moment. The land mines that cycled their explosives, the ones the Gazimon planted, were doing double duty in wiping out nearby problems and were well worth the cost of doing business with Torneko at the very least.

“Heading out on the Skein Flyer, we need someone to cause that robot some trouble and draw its attention off the castle.” Canard called out and his vehicle blasted forth towards the bipedal machine, he was one brave alien duck.

“I’m sending Dodo in support!” Shanty called out from next to me. “I be wondering if Dodo be having a lot of things on his mind. I know he not be thinking very much, but I didn’t be knowing he is having ponies on his brain.”

“Yeah, it was a surprise to me too Shanty.” Harmony in theory being highly infectious had me somewhat worried about the worlds we left in our wake.

“We need an artillery strike Ocellus!” Jeanne called out and I can see why, as multiple yellow gekko were started to encroach on her position all at once. The Valora forces were holding valiantly, but they really needed the support fire.

“Immediately fire on these coordinates when capable.” I tapped the screen and a circled popped around a nasty mass of yellow.

“On it!” One of the four Commandramon called as direct fire artillery shots rang out from one of the four towers.

-Underground Region, Dolly-

“Can I take us on the attack, Pom?” I asked as I had the music in mind ready to go, we had been backing up the entire time while shooting at the large bug machine that’s been on approach for us and was even pushing our enemies back too.

Lap Dog was having a problem getting his sword anywhere near the legs of the thing as it created jet flames on the lower half of them that melted anything in the general vicinity except the legs themselves. At least it took care of a few zombies or large predatory monsters that got caught up in it.

Opposition, the white fluffy werewolf guy that he was, was busy having fun tearing apart the many things attacking him and things that even weren’t. Guy was still terrifying to me with how physically strong he was that he was ripping robots in half, I needed to figure out a way to stop him from coming after Pom.

“We’re going after the Excelsus right?” Pom asked for clarification, she was paying attention to my thought.

“Yep, Celsius is going down like the degrees it’s named after, it’ll be so bad it’ll get frostbite!” I stated as I started humming the tune to get myself in the groove.

“Then go ahead, I’ll join in on the singing once I got an idea of what you’re singing. Just watch out for Fou and Jack Wolf.” Yeah, yeah, I’ve got it Pom, don’t worry! “Guys we’re moving out to go on the attack, hold position or keep backing up if you get into trouble. Also alert us if any of those Eaters show up since you know what they look like.”

“We’ll tell you to run for the hills in that scenario.” One of the Come-On-Drove Mons muttered.

“Why do I feel like I’m going to regret saying this?” Stop worrying Pom, I’ve got this, I’ve been doing awesome with piloting this thing. “Let’s go all out Dolly.”

“Gladly!” One weaponized singing moment coming right up.

We started forward on all fours! The guitar riffs in my heart started and Pom started humming the tune and then we burst forth tearing through an eggs worth of raptors with two swings of the claws on this thing before going back into a quadrupedal run these machines might not be naturally made for. I made it work though, while hauling butt through the chaos of multiple things attacking one another or began turning yellow to get back up or were still standing when they turned yellow.

“You hear the screeching of our howl, here’s comes a hound that’s on the prowl, what we’re seeing really makes us growl~!” I sang as I started us rushing forward for Excelsus, gunning through hoard of enemies as we crushed them under the weight of the armor or stabbed them through with the two long claws. “And we’re the terror- this time my friends, they see us coming towards the fight~!”

I leapt us onto the top of a lizards knees and clambered up onto its head and hopped in place to crush its head into its yellow body and used the jump to prepare a leap forward over a swiping blade of energy that ripped the lizard apart on contact. I got the left arm claw on the larger machines right blade arm and aimed our right arms gun at the head of the massive machine monster to start firing off a long burst.

It started to move its left blade for us and I swung us to the right and clamped the left claw again to avoid the energy blade bouncing off its own arm and lifted us up onto said right arm a second later.

I crouched us down and hopped us further up it while clamping down on the upper arm with the right claw as the left blade slammed down where we were and then slid upwards towards us blade first.

“We’re the terror- this time my friends, there’s no backing down from our might, we’re the terrifying sight~!” I swung us and unhooked the right claw to launch us onto the front right leg’s upper thigh above the melting flamethrowers to slam the left claw into it and managed to latch onto something, we were now hanging from the underside of the massive thigh and once again started firing on the head of the machine with the right gun. After that I started climbing when the swung it’s right blade for us.

I hooked us the outer side of the colossal robot bugs thigh with the right claw and swung the whole armor around to put the right leg between us and the right mantis style blade swinging for us. The only reason why we were moving as fast as we were is because I was using the song to get a power boost, to match the boosting of my heartrate spiking with the song.

We started climbing up onto the right leg and the machine rose up its head as soon as we were on top of the upper portion of the leg I continued firing on the head. Said head raised upwards and then swung its damaged cannons down for us, I hopped us to the side avoiding its left cannon and nearly got skewered by the right energy blade stabbing up at us. I leaned us back and used the claws on both the arms to keep us upright and balanced as the energy blade passed by the front of the dome.

We were going to make our way for its back behind the head, where it didn’t have many defenses. Getting on top of it in the first place was the hard part. It tried to lift its leg and shake us off, but we held on and I saw the flat carapace that made up its back, all we had to do was make the jump.

“You hear the beating of our hearts, we know after this thing the battle truly starts~.” Pom and I sang as we strained the arms holding themselves in place and the legs of the machine I was pilot beneath us pulled back as we were getting ready to launch ourselves forward from a pouncing position. “Here comes some truly scary parts~!”

I launched us forward and at the two barrels of the machines head swinging for us. I saw the green triangle and hit the mental jackpot on it, not exactly caring what it was going to do. The last time it allowed me to throw a freaking panda whale with an eyepatch in retaliation for trying to eat me alive.

The machine I was piloting did something I didn’t quite understand, it seemed to boost forward in the air, collided with the big bug’s right head barrel denting it quite badly with all of our machines limbs and we promptly kicked off it towards the back of the machine and landed on the carapace. The triangle thing was done and I started firing on the head again from our position.

Twin streams of shots flew out, but it didn’t seem to be doing too much to the things armored head. We needed something more, we needed to hit this thing with something really devastating.

“We’re the terror- this time my friends, we’re both bringing on the fight~!” We kind of needed some really powerful attacks, like missiles, but… a reticle popped up on the dome and I let off the triggers to pull them again.

The guns on the arms stopped firing, but didn’t start up again what did that… suddenly we felt a light drain on our magic and then the back of our machine launched a fairly large missile into the head of the Excelling Bell Curve forcing the entire thing to stagger and tilt to the left as its head became encased in the explosion of strange colored silvery fog for a few seconds. Wow, talk about magic missiles.

I clamped down the right claw to keep us on this things back, after we got up here we’re not leaving until this thing is incapable of causing further problems.

“We’re the terror- this time my friends, Metal Hound knows how to bite, we’re the terrifying sight~!” I pulled the triggers using Pom’s hooves again and the guns opened up, miraculously the armor on the head started tearing apart violently where the missile hit, it was like the metal was melting.

Three yellow gekkos leapt up onto the back of the machine to stop us from battering its head and damaging it further. They forced us to back up as they started at us with their three tentacles out and sparking flames from the pointed parts of their heads.

A shadow appeared over the dome and I looked up for a second, before lunged us to the left side of the large machines back as the damaged spinning drill of the back right leg slammed at where we were. While we were on our side I brought the right gun up and started blasting apart the tentacles and the heads of the three bipedal zombie machines coming at us. A few streams of shots hit them from the side when they got close to us, apparently the Soldier Drag Racer Mons started finding moments to assist us and slow down the enemy.

“All you zombies moan, your monsters we’ll hunt and entomb, destroying bodies as we red line, don’t you know we’re the terrors this time~?!” I got us up and charging forward out of the way of the left drill leg of the monstrous machine came down at us, the machine we were fighting on top of stopped in place.

With an outward swipe the left claw into the nearest zombie lizard’s right leg we toppled it enough to stab our right claw up through the underside of its head. I followed that up by lifting it above us to heave it into the closet one on the left. This sent both them falling off the back and into the flames this machine kept spewing from its legs to deal with the not yellow monsters.

I turned our two guns on last one trying to kick us and ducked under and around the left leg while focusing both barrels blasting the bipedal lizard bot in the head to chunks and then with a leap we slammed the blunt portion of our right claws into it and its head shattered and it’s legs fell over.

Instead of focusing on the head, which according to Pom was eroding quickly, we turned around and our guns on the two drills to start damaging them as they tried to slam down at us. I kept backing us up towards the head of this machine and firing.

“We’re the terror- this time my friends, and we’re not running from this fight~!” Even as we dodged the spinning massive legs and continued to pummel the drills out of working order, the legs were alternating in their attacks.

I felt Pom suggest another missile and to draw the two legs close together to both attack us at once, so we can hit both of them with the eroding effect. To that end we moved to the middle of the back and continued firing both barrels full bore until I heard a rapid series of clicking noises, we were cycling. Had we really expended that much ammo?!

“Yes, we’re the terror- this time my friends, we’ll show you we’re full of bark and bite~!” I yelled as I had Pom’s hooves let off the triggers while jumping us backwards and fired a missile, the song was running out and we had to make this last shot count as the drills got in the way of each and the missile exploded between them beautifully.

We must have hit something important in both of the legs with that missile as they both started exploding and before we knew two humongous blinding blasts that heavily damaged the back legs of the large machine and it roared in pain as if it were a living creature and flailed its front energy blades.

“We’re the terrifying sight~!” We sang as I turned our armor around while raising the left arm gun to point at the sky as we propped it up with the right to strike a cool pose as the legs finished blowing off the machine behind us.

The head looked back at us standing on its butt as its hind legs fell off, then something shifted on the machine forcing its head to look down at its front right energy blade limb. Foe had grabbed its large energy blade by its front right limb and by the energy of the blade itself and he started to lift it upwards. Shouldn’t that be hurting him?

“Dolly… get us off its back, right now!” Why, what got you so panicked Pom? Still I got us moving towards the right side, as I could set our Commanding Armor friends that way still fighting and surviving fairly well with the help of the bunny brigade Dormarch caused, I’m getting him a plush toy rabbit for his first birthday… did we even celebrate him being born? I dove our machine off the side in the hopes of getting clear of the flamethrowers.

I found out a few seconds later that that wouldn’t exactly be an issue as we landed face first on the ground of what became tortured badlands from a once lush and fertile jungle and forest fused together.

“FOU!” Lifting the front portion of the armor up, we witnessed Enemy lifting the entire massive machine by its right arm into the air to slam it down on its head and back in the most destructive manner possible.

Also the shockwave and impact sent us tumbling, violently in a dust wave. We couldn’t see, we were being slammed around a lot and if Pom hadn’t been wearing the seat belt, she would have been launched out in the storm of dust in front of us through the canopy.

We eventually came to a stop and felt something grabbing onto the armor, I was about to move to attack when I heard it was a friendly solider dragons voice.

“Don’t panic, we got you!” One of our buddies said as their armors got us upright.

It took a minute for the dust to clear, but when it did… we saw Enemy was standing up at full height arms crossed and glaring at us and glancing at Flack Jackal who was looking between us.

“Show off!” Yelled Mack the Knife.

“But didn’t you once do that once tho…” The second voice from the sword guy started to say.

“Shut up Blade, it’s not the same, he used its right arm, I previously did it by slamming it like that with its left!” I didn’t see much of a different there Lack. “Now that that is dealt with…”

Pack aimed his red sword at us and I narrowed my eyes at him and Adversary.

“Fou!” Apparently agreed the Nemesis, they both wanted a fight with us and each other.

“Cute song you had there, but it’s time for us to go all out here.” Thwack said as the real fight was about to start. “Ripper Mode is on standby… and you can’t stop me from hunting your prey!”

Antagonist growled at Donkey and they started making way towards us.

“Guys, you might want to back up. Dolly we’re healing after that…” I’m sure the mech was fine Pom… after trying the legs and arms and finding out that while we were standing, we couldn’t move, the guns wouldn’t work and the arms were bent all out of shape. Okay we definitely needed to repair after that tumble. “This isn’t going to end well, prepare to evacuate the armor Dolly… we’re going to get as much use out of this thing as we can before we do. It’s not going to last long against those two.”

One draining healing later, most of the magic being drawn from Pom we were standing unsteadily and approaching the two battle monsters that was handling the zombies and wild monster on foot while we needed this machine just to survive.


Fou was wielding the large blade that no longer had energy in his claws, he snapped it down to a more manageable size with his claws. His claws looked slightly blackened and cooked from grabbing the energy blade, but it hadn’t slowed him down in the slightest.

Saber Jack Wolf was also still perfectly fine despite having been in the thick of fighting the zombies.

There’s also the thought of the Eaters possibly coming our way. What could be worse?


The tips of the now four legged machine started to slowly yellow... it was slowly becoming a zombie itself after causing an untold amount of havoc in the above and below regions of Mare Melum.

The yellow coding zombies continued on, as if the defeat of the corrupted thing that started all this wasn’t an issue and the rampant infection of the Mare Melum realm wasn’t done yet.

-Pony program gaiden, Rainbow.exe-

“Okay where’s the wings? Why do I have all this strange flappy stuff?” I asked as Pinkpie.exe and Purpsmart.exe looked at each other.

“You’re likely a flying dragon lizard most commonly known as Draco Volans, which are good at gliding… where did you even get the data for this Pinkpie.exe?” Purpsmart.exe asked as she pointed to me with a claw.

“No idea, this is confusing even for me and I’m the one existentially connected to the one that breaks walls for a living.” Even Pinkpie.exe looked confused.

“Ooh, can I breathe fire?” I asked as I tried to flap the big floppy butterfly like wings.

“No, dragon lizards can glide.” Purpsmart.exe said slowly as if speaking to a child, but I don't see any children here.

“So I have to just jump really high or something to start flying? Also why do I have a fish fin under my chin?” Why did I cause Purpsmart.exe to face hoof?

“Just end the page author.” Pinkipie.exe said flatly. “This is going to take a while to explain to the programming version of Dashie... she’s a little densely coded.”


Author's Note:

Music: Skycycle - It's Terror Time Again (Studio Version in particular).

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