• Published 29th Aug 2020
  • 2,297 Views, 1,200 Comments

Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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296. Server City Ransom ‘Finale’.

Author's Note:

This was a long one, I went over it multiple times and made sure that I wasn't giving too much of what's going to happen in the future away. We still have the impending Tammamo no Mae situation.

I wonder if anyone realizes how much I have to keep track of here given how many characters Ransei and the Digital world is going to generate.

The most appropriate Etemon based battle theme one can find: Konjiki No Gash Bell Very Melon Original Karaoke. (Basically the instrumental version of 'Very Melon' from Zatch Bell)

-Time: ???, Location: ???, Etemon-

I arrived by wireless transmission and things were quiet, one of the first things I noticed was the oppressive silence.

My instincts were blaring a warning at me, but I was a little too curious. This place was an expanse of white and the disquiet I felt at being here had me slightly worried, but I pushed forward since I clearly couldn’t see any danger around me.

Eventually I found a strange path forward leading into a round sphere that looked like a floating marble that gave off the vibes of a connection point. Going into said marble I found this place was massive, more so than any place I’ve ever seen before.

Inside the marble I found myself in a flooded city surrounded by massive walls and a coastline with a castle and portions of the city on some land that wasn’t flooded, it was strangely quiet with no signs of life. That was disturbing in and of itself as I explored the place. The waters shifted once in a while so that the lower city portions weren’t flooded for a day or so, aside from that I didn’t run into anyone.

Going a layer deeper I ended up in finding an arena, an elevator and a coliseum. Nothing was here and I was getting a bit weirded out by the lack of anything, it was like an apocalypse happened and all the life around here just… vamoosed.

I soon came across an ancient city with massive roses and lots of stone constructions. Nothing living there either, but I was getting a sinking feeling the further I went in.

I was trying to look for something, anything really, that wasn’t pure mind breaking loneliness of this world I came to explore. Aside from the architecture, there wasn’t much of anything to be found or seen… much less life. While explored I made sure I remembered my way back out, as the sinking feeling in my gut grew.

Soon I found myself in a city called ‘Mare Melum, the City of Lost Destiny’. At least that’s what a sign told me when I entered the place.

After a while of wandering around this place, my mind started playing tricks on me. I could swear I saw movement out of my the corners of my eyes in the shadows as I moved around the night filled realm of empty skyscrapers and only moonlight shining down on me. Just endless pathways leading through the building’s rooftops, streets and tons of unusually distorted architecture that had me on edge. Some of it was vaguely familiar or recognizable in some way, but I couldn’t place as to why.

The moonlight even seemed to be focused on me like a spotlight at some point or I thought it was that my imagination running wild again.

Looking up to the sky, the moon seemed turn blood red for a second before the world seemed to glitch, it turned blue and then became pale white in a blink. Shivering a bit, I don’t think I was imagining that moment. Something was off with the moon and I eyed it suspiciously from time to time as I moved on.

I hadn’t seen a single sign of a soul the entire time I’ve been here, so a shadow moving should be impossible right? This realm didn’t have any threats, well… at least not yet anyway.

I still couldn’t help but get the sense that something wasn’t right. Maybe it was the nerves, the silence or the unusual nature of this place getting to me. I came here to explore and explore I would, for as long as it stayed safe to do so.

All this space and nothing moving in it aside from the possible shifting of the light, no food growing here… at least nothing I could readily recognize as food was around. It was disturbing, but I was plenty ready for a fight if one were to come to me. Even if my mind were playing tricks on me, the dead silence was more disturbing than the lack of life around me.

Beyond the previous city, it had been a few weeks now, I found myself in a floating place full of dark skyscrapers angled in all directions, ghostly haunting fog everywhere, red lights shining from the top of the buildings from when I could see them in the distance, it was almost constantly raining and the streets were barely lit with lamp posts. This city compared to Mare Melum felt even more chaotic in structure, equally dead and… somewhat oppressive somehow, I think one of the signs even said Midgar recreation attempt number seven.

I eventually heard something skittering and turned to look, okay I know that certainly hadn’t been my imagination that time. Something was definitely out there following me and I was vaguely worried as to what it could be. I hadn’t seen anything living in the months I’ve been here searching through this enormous maze of a place, but another shadow had moved and that certainly hadn’t been my imagination.

Something tells me this places defenses were carefully examining me and just waiting to strike me down when I least expected it. Why hadn’t this place come alive to take me out yet, if it had been completely capable before? Was I just that handsome and it liked me?

Out of some reasonable paranoia after hearing something for certain, I put my back to the nearest lamp post and stood directly underneath the light and stared out into the flowing fog and shifting shadows of the constantly twilight streets I’ve been traveling. The sound of soft rain the only thing that could be heard.

Looking left and right, I kept my ears out for just anything in my general vicinity that was off. I could barely see more than fifteen feet in this place when it was raining hard, this world seemed so… barren. It seemed like it used to have a lot of people because the structures I’ve seen seemed to suggest it.

The idea of something being here and watching me that wasn’t a fan of mine was not a good prospect to me, especially if they didn’t want to talk and were out to erase me from existence. Being this far out from the digital realms wasn’t exactly safe for my health and I don’t know if I wanted to reincarnate here given the place was giving me quite a case of the heebie-jeebies.

Something slammed into the streets near me drawing my attention to my right.

The thing had one red glowing eye, a hulking bipedal body with two massive fists lined with equally large spikes and around where the behemoth landed were a bunch of shadows with red eyes started coming up from the ground.

You know those red lights I’ve been seeing on top of buildings in this area? Yeah, those were these brute things standing at the top of some of the surrounding buildings and not broadcast antenna like I previously thought. Apparently one finally spotted me and alerted the system defenses to my presence.

I immediately booked it knowing I was outnumbered, I even defeated a few of the small red eyed creatures that popped up from the ground in my path with ease. I had tried to hit the brutes once or twice and found out that it was better if I got out of dodge when I did only so much damage to one, if I had to make a concerted effort to beat one then it wasn’t worth the ensuing fight where I got completely surrounded on all sides with no escape route.

Sure I could defeat it, but there were more of them brutes starting to show up and one was hard enough to take on alone.

The dangers only got worse from there as something in the world seemed to be awake now and focused entirely on me. Normally I would like all the attention, but in this case I made an exception since my life was at stake. Whatever it was, it sent tons of those husks after me.

Sword, spear and axe wielding beanpoles, more of those brutes with the massive spiked mauls for fists, winged archers, monstrous mouths that burst up from the ground in my path in places that used to be safe and more, it was becoming far too much trouble to stick around for.

As you can imagine I immediately started heading back the way I came with haste when the raining city full of fog suddenly came alive with monsters in every given direction. These creatures were definitely like nothing I’ve seen before and I don’t think they were living intelligent thinking beings either, I figured that out after the first destruction of a small ant like shadow creature.

I just about made it out when I made a slight error and was scratched by one of those small red eyed ant things. It got a bit of my coding, which would be like simply a drop of blood at best as I tore my way towards where I came in at with a literal neck breaking pace.

That’s when it got a little scarier for me.


“Minimal data acquired, capabilities for making one entity now exists… testing entity generation now.” That voice was the one of this worlds controlling system, I was almost out when the small bit of data this place got from scratching me became a huge problem. “Deploying new digital entity, connection to Moon Cell is assured.”

A world shaking roar and I looked back as I was making my way for the entrance to how I got here and saw what this super digital realm had created. It wasn’t part of the Yggdrasil system of digital realms that were for the most part self-sufficient and multidimensional, this world was a far more powerful mega sized computer system that could create multiple digital worlds in one space with how much power it had. Thankfully it seemed constrained to a single dimension for all the power it had.

Its power was soon confirmed when it created a Chaosdramon X to come after me, that soulless Digimon was terrifying beyond measure. You can probably imagine how much faster I started running when that thing popped into existence near my backside.

“Unable to copy data from created instance… lacking data… unable to replicate… more data required. Destruction of foreign data entity to research more creation opportunities for unique data instances.” In short, it wanted to kill me now that it got a taste of my coding and recreated a complete monstrosity from the X-antibody incident. “Foreign entity should stop running and give itself to Moon Cell. Moon Cell will consume all data related to entity and will find entities source and consume that as well. All data will belong Moon Cell, all will relative entities and more will perish.”

“Yeah, how about I say no to all that and get the heck out of here!” I made it to my portal out before that Chaosdramon X managed to reach me or shot at me.

It wasn’t long afterwards that I closed the entrance behind me before it could get through. However in the space between dimensions the Chaosdramon X still managed to breach its way through behind me. I quickly made it to the anchor point entrance, sealed it off and took the key for myself.

I feared that even now that massive unknown digital realm is going to try and swallow this one whole, the programs it used to attack me were definitely under its control entirely and they had no autonomy to speak of. Can you imagine if Digimon didn’t have personalities? That’s what I saw and I wanted no part of lacking my ever lovable personality!

If the Chaosdramon X could find a way to breach into the space between worlds, then so could that Moon Cell thing eventually. It’s only a matter of time and I wanted at least be somewhat ready for it, however with the anchor point sealed, it wasn’t going to be able to get into our world anytime soon. So I started planning to help Digimon get their butts in gear.

When this world no longer need its anchor points, it’ll become open and vulnerable to invasion by that Moon Cell thing. At least the realm we’re connected to was slow on making that happen and we had to prepare for that.

-Time: ???, Moon Cell ???-

“Dangerous entity detected, calculations shows entity will cause major disruptions to all plans if allowed to live long enough to interfere directly.” Around this time Pom’s group soon came under attack by the firewall systems protecting the digital world local to the Ransei continent. The Chaosdramon X as ordered by Moon Cell showed up and got a direct visual on Pom, it proceeded to destroy the firewall defenses that started attacking it. “Chaosdramon X is to neutralize entity now classified as ‘Neo Chrysomallus’ as soon as possible as a top priority. Its existence must not be allowed to continue.”

It could not allow one Pom Lambchop to live for a variety of reasons. Unfortunately for Moon Cell, Pom’s group managed to get into the safety of the recently generated and Yggdrasil.sys run digital realm.

Moon Cell was still having a problem getting a foothold in the space between, its only capacity outside itself being Chaosdramon X was locked out of being able to breach the digital world personally even if it could easily squash the outer defenses with such relative ease, it was having far more trouble getting into the digital realm personally.

Due to unusual interactions with a living biological entity before Pom’s group escaped, it’s Chaosdramon X Agent had been vastly reduced in capabilities. Yggdrasil.sys was aware of Moon Cell’s attempts to get Chaosdramon X to breach its local realm, but managed to hold the attempts off as the Chaosdramon X was the only thing that Moon Cell could feasibly use. It simply couldn’t due in part to the aforementioned reduced capabilities.

The Moon Cell had some issues controlling anything outside of itself due to the powerful interference making it lose contact with the Velber units its creators made and the Velber Anti-Cells therein that destroyed entire civilizations. It meant the civilizations the Moon Cell routinely watched the destruction of by Velbers would no longer be destroyed.

Moon Cell was of course quite unhappy about this and wanted to destroy the one responsible for changing the fate of what were civilizations doomed to a constant vicious cycle of complete destruction, then the nearest planet would certainly suffer its existence.

It also wanted to destroy the nearby digital world as well, which it was more likely to be capable of at the moment if it could breach the intervening digital space to do so. It considered the idea of possibly even turning itself into a Velber unit, even if it could not generate Anti-Cells personally. It could still make servants though a vast amount of its servant data was missing.

For the moment Moon Cell was quietly plotting as its helpless and near indestructible physical form, a giant cube, floated quite a fair distance away from the far side of the moon around the Pokémon Planet that held the Ransei continent.

The Moon Cell was going to need to start summoning some ’servants’.

-Origin Space, Arceus-

“Achoo!” I guess the Moon Cell was thinking about killing me again, fair enough if it could actually achieve such a lofty goal as that.

I was already preparing for what it can throw at my people personally as much as my Legendary Pokémon were preparing their own things.

I hoped Yggdrasil would be just as ready.

-Digital Realm, Fury Clan High School, Rooftop, Pom-

“So, if I’m getting this right… you were curious about another digital world separate from this one and went into it to explore it.” This one, which I knew was connected to Ransei, was a separate world from the one Etemon has seen, but connected to the same reality. “So you spent a while looking around and then got attacked and this Moon Cell thing said something about making sure everything perished? Not only that, it’s the reason the Chaosdramon X that attacked us is around? There’s also this gang business, the Backspace System and you’re fear of this Moon Cell thing being the reason for all the run around we’ve been doing throughout the city? It’s all in the aid of making Digimon stronger and the half right idea that you saved this world.”

“That’s about the size of it.” Etemon stated as he sat across the roof from us with his legs crossed and his tail flicking back and forth agitatedly. “It was a little more terrifying than that, but I stopped that world from attacking us directly.”

An explosion went off to our right and I looked to see a metal bird screeching as it dived at something. I assume that was Raptor Sparrowmon, currently glad I didn’t have to fight or deal with that.

“You do realize that you going to that place might be the reason this world is in danger in the first place right?” There was a long pause and Etemon just sat there with a frown on his face, after a moment he smiled slightly.

“Yep, that’s definitely my bad and I’ll own up to the fact that I might have endangered this entire world because curiosity got the better of the Gatomon and all that. Still, the reason I won’t just give you anchor key makes sense right?” That it did, at least we knew what was going on there and why Etemon took it now. “So is this the part where we fight?”

“Hey, Icky Sis, what exactly are the chances of us safely opening a gateway and not causing problems with this world trying to get back to Ransei?” Dolly asked, she knew more about technology than I did and most of this stuff was probably going over her head as much as mine given we were both in over ours.

“With prior mentioned Calumon’s help, and once the anchor point key has been acquired, opening a gateway safely without fear intrusion from outside for a one way return trip Ransei will work. However attacks on you may still occur between here and Ransei reality. Unfortunately, the assisting Calumon will be trapped in the reality we are connected to as we will immediately shut off all access to the digital realm afterwards for safety reasons, the digital world will still be connected to the computer systems in Ransei and other places in the local reality. I have confirmed with Calumon that they are still willing to help you, as such I am preparing a protective Digi-bot assistant since Calumon tend to run face first into danger incessantly without any combat capabilities as much as Bokomon does. The D-reaper incident being the most notable case of a Calumon endangering themselves constantly.” Yggdrasil.sys once again responded with all we needed to know. “Furthermore, dimensional travel to other digital realms will be cut off entirely and a small copy of Yggdrasil.sys will be left here to administrate this digital world until a time of ‘verifiable’ safety can be achieved. In case of loss, the local Yggdrasil.sys administrator will avoid reconnecting to the local reality and will only open a minor connection to prior digital worlds to send a message of warning. After such a message has been received that the situation cannot be recovered, Yggdrasil.sys proper will try to avoid realms with similar threats where applicable. Local Yggdrasil.sys will continue to aid and inform Digi-destined of any information as needed or asked for, Digi-vices do not need local or proper Yggdrasil.sys to be fully functional. They will likely ask for assistance from any digi-destined that may be chosen in the local reality in repelling any attempts at digital realm invasion.”

Chosen like Dazzle randomly was by Frizzle when she tossed my friend one of those devices?

I sighed knowing that with the given the answer we just received meant only one thing.

“I guess that means we’re fighting for that key then… although I don’t feel quite right about attacking you Etemon.” I was at least thankful that Yggdrasil.sys assured us it was safe to open the anchor point and use it to get out. Getting back in was a slightly different issue entirely, if we ever were needed to do so. “One last question, Yggdrasil, on the chance that we needed to get back into this realm for any reason…”

Such as finding a way to get Dormarch back if it was even possible at this point, Dolly seemed to think so and I didn’t know enough to say it wasn’t possible. Knowing magic had a way of making the improbable come to pass was one of the things I’ve come to terms with. Like doing a Heart Song with two copies of myself to empower a sonic cannon to vibrate a meteorite to destruction before it hit a coastal city.

So there was a non-zero chance… but the chance might as well be less than one percent. I’d take that chance if it was as safe as Dolly and I could get it to be.

“It will likely be much harder to do so safely without being intercepted or killed.” So we probably should take everything we need with us when we leave. At most that would be Canard, maybe Sami and Frizzle too if they want to stick with us after all this. I really didn’t want to leave Dazzle in these realms and would actively convince her to come back to Ransei. “However Black Tailmon Uver may still move Digimon between realms with slightly less safety than before, it would be safer and better if biological beings avoided opening or even entering gateways into the digital void between realms.”

Dazzle and Frizzle looked at each other and silently nodded, then turned to me.

I stood up and took a deep breath and then tried to gather some determination to fight Etemon as we took up stances. Dolly was at my side and readying her board for forward movement.

“Looks like we made it in time!” I turned to see Garu and another Digimon had arrived.

“Uh, hey Pom. Call me Lobomon or Riki I guess, I used to be Strabimon, but I digivolved since I last saw you.” Ah, okay then, that makes sense. Didn’t really see or hear about Strabimon when Uver went to talk to the Skate Park Scamps gang about helping us.

Sighing, we stopped and informed them of the situation going on.

“So that’s what’s going on? Huh… I mean aside from stealing from the gangs and being a bit of a sleaze that’s actually a fairly good reason for all of what’s going on in this city.” Stated the white and blue striped werewolf leader of the Skate Park Scamps, who soon turned his gaze at Etemon. “Call me Kunio or Garu as you like, are you sure we can’t solve this peacefully Etemon?”

“Countryman eh? Sounds good to me, we need strong Digimon like you to protect this realm Kunio-kun. You know the drill, if all of you can beat me in the fight and take the anchor key back…” He pause, put his arms behind his back and leaned forward with a toothy grin as he stretched out his back. “Well that’s that I guess, it’s been nice chatting with you even if you aren’t fans of mine or didn’t want an autograph. It’s nice enough that you believed me when I told you what the problem was. Let’s do this thing, YEAH~!”

Bringing arms forward he shouted into a microphone while standing tall and then gave us a dazzling smile as he put it away. He raised both his arms above his head and out wide in what I’m thinking is grappler’s stance. He definitely knew how to fight.

The roof they would be fighting on was relatively sparse and long, but falling off the front or back sides of it would be relatively easy. So we had to be a little careful to keep fighting along the length of the roof.

-FIGHT: Digi-world Friends vs. Etemon: Self-proclaimed Digimon King-

Pom inhaled and exhaled and shot forward thrusting her left straight, Etemon leaned his head to the left and went to grab her with his right hand.

Only to miss his grab when Pom launched herself backwards with a thousand spear from her left hind leg at the roof to push herself backwards, her right leg fired of a thousand spear directly at him that he dodged around by bending backwards under it.

Rising back up, his left arm caught Lobomon’s right wrist before he could swing his glowing energy blade down on him.

Etemon kicked Lobomon with his left foot while letting him go and sent him flying across the roof and then caught Garu’s right fist and threw a punch for his left cheek with his right fist. Garu staggered back a bit when the blow landed.

Dazzle took advantage of Etemon’s having pushed back Garu and lashed out with a flaming whip, which actually made Etemon dodge to the side to actively avoid it. He pulled out his microphone and blasted out a sonic wave of destruction at her with horrible screeching that blew out the flames by creating vacuum distortions in the air that sent Dazzle rolling backwards.

He followed that up by backhanding a fireball away with his left hand launched by Frizzle, then caught Dolly’s skateboard between two fingers as she tried to bring it down on him. Despite the impact wave, Etemon was unfazed by the attack. With a flick of said fingers Etemon sent Dolly flying across the roof much like he had done with Lobomon.

Dolly simply stopped herself in the air, flipped and twirled to land on the back end of her skateboard as Pom fired two thousand spears from her front legs that Etemon dodged with a leap.

Etemon quickly got hit by a rising kick from Garu to the stomach as he came down that knocked him back a bit and Lobomon leapt to swing his left blade at Etemon for extra damage. Only for it to be deflected by a dark blur, this allowed Etemon to land without being struck by the follow up attack.

“How about I make this fight a bit more challenging for you?” Hi-Vision Monitamon showed up, the square headed small bodied ninja Digimon with a small radar dish sticking out of the top of his head decided to be Etemon’s backup. “It’s going to take a while for the Black Widow to repair its back half and it won’t quite be the same without the Grenade Spinnerets. Going to have to buy some replacement parts for that. Until then, you’ll see how strong I am compared to the other Monitamon personally!”

“Heh heh heh, quality over quantity my friend, but then again some of our opponents already have quite a bit of quality all their own.” Etemon got back into his fighting stance and Hi-Vis struck a pose next to Etemon, then the monitor headed being twirled his jutte and held it in front of himself. “Nice of you to join the fight Hi-Vis.”

A bone went flying for Etemon and Hi-Vis hopped to block it with his jutte.

When Hi-vis successfully deflected the bone back to Dolly, he received a sudden flying buck from Pom to the body.

Having knocked back Hi-vis, Pom landed on her back and rolled out of the way as Etemon tried to stomp on her prone form and received a rather painful kick to the face from Lobomon for his troubles.

The kick to face, not being a stunning blow, let Etemon grab Lobomon and slam him into the ground behind him and he turned to push Garu’s fist upwards before delivering a flat hand jab to his kidney staggering him back.

Having an open shot at Etermon, Dazzle unleashed a Dragon Pulse only for Hi-Vis to leap into its path and divert the energy with his jutte and redirect it at Pom who had to leap to the side into a roll to dodge as it the beam followed her and damaged the roof a bit.

As the deflection was happening Frizzle ran by Etemon and slashed at his right side scoring some claw marks on him.

Frizzle was swiftly knocked over by Etemon suddenly belting out a screech with his microphone as he quickly twisting his upper torso at her, while kicking his left leg out to deflect Garu kicking at him.

Hi-Vis leapt for Garu’s back and was intercepted by Pom leaping and flipping forward to slapping both her hind legs on his radar dish antenna.

Hi-vis, having been diverted, dropped to the ground and immediately blasted a fireball up at Pom from, his jutte. Pom quickly inflated her wool and rapidly flailed her legs to move out of its path. He quickly turned and deflected Dolly’s skateboard as she swung it at him with the strap in a clockwise motion, using the momentum of the deflection Dolly spun counterclockwise, continuing to move forward, and swung the bone in her right paw for the center of his monitor face.

Having blocked the bone with the jutte, Hi-Vis left himself open for a Fire Lash from Dazzle that hit with the full force of a physical whip as Dolly disengaged at the right moment. Hi-Vis was sent bouncing across the roof in a painful manner.

Hi-Vis went right skidding past Etemon who was diverting a punch from Garu as he deflected Riki’s kick with a backhand, then grabbed onto Riki’s leg before he could bring one of his two beam blades about and was swiftly used to bash Garu several time as Etemon started using Riki as a living flail.

With one final swing, after several painful rapid fire up and down blows, Etemon finally let go of Riki’s leg sending him and Garu tumbling.

Etemon turned and looked to see Pom coming at him with a flying cartwheel, he brought his arms up expected her to forward flip and drop a hind leg on him from above.

What Pom instead did was kick her legs together to reverse her Wild Windmill spin to land on her front right hoof in front of Etemon, she continued her spinning momentum by doing an upwards buck under Etemon’s high guard and ended the spin in a four legged standing position facing him.

The end results of Pom’s attack was left Etemon was both stunned and doubled over, giving her enough time for another attack. Pom’s wool shifted around her head and right shoulder before she boosted herself forward with two thousand spears from her rear legs to and tackle him to the ground with a burst of speed.

Pom bounced back from the impact and sprung up high in the air above Etemon and started to rapidly launch multiple thousand spears to stay in the air as she perform a trample attack that rapidly dropped thousand spears on him from above with ever stomp motion Pom made.

Etemon, weathering the attack fairly well despite now having hoof shaped imprints on his body, screeched at Pom with his microphone knocking her out of the air and onto her back from the soundwave attack hitting her directly.

Sitting up Etemon suddenly received the back end of Dolly’s board to the left side of his face and she threw the bone into the right side a second later and caught it as it bounced off his skull and back to her. Dolly followed that up by taking a position in front of a prone groaning and shaken up Pom.

Etemon was up and charging at her and she grinned.

“Ar-rooroo*(Aerora)!” A powerful silver gusts of wind surrounded Dolly and Pom along with every nearby ally suddenly having protective swirling winds around them, Etemon ran straight into the barrier and the shield buffeted him badly and forced him into stumbling backwards.

In a similar event as to what happened with Etemon being bounced back, Hi-Vis trying to jam his Jutte into Dazzle bounced off the aerora shield and managed to land on his feet and had to hop to the side to dodge the flaming whip that was visibly supercharged by the swirling winds protecting Dazzle.

Hi-Vis unfortunately dodge into the path of Frizzle’s pyrosphere and it struck him in the back, knocking him face first into the floor.

With a jab of his jutte straight up in the air, water engulfed Hi-Vis weakening the effects of the flames had on him and was swiftly swung his weapon forward to pummel Dazzle harshly with a huge torrent of water knocking her down.

The attack would have knocked Dazzle out entirely if she didn’t have the ‘aerora shield’, that Dolly put on all of them, to dent and weaken the attack greatly. It was still quite painful for her to be hit with that much water and she could hardly stand up, the barrier quickly flickered out have absorbed so much damage.

Hi-Vis was about to launch another torrent of water at Dazzle.

“…” Frizzle’s form started glowing.

Hi-Vis turned around twirling his jutte and he launched a blast of cutting air and water to hit…


The cocoon of zeroes and ones he had been expecting just wasn’t there.

A question mark popped up on Hi-Vis’s monitor for a second and then a large claw slapped down on his small body.

The large form hopped back and stood in front of Dazzle while sweeping about its tail, spreading its wings and holding out its claws threateningly. This time Frizzle had been prepared for the influx of raw dimensional energy power she took from Dazzle, however the energy she took from Dazzle wasn’t Normal Type dimensional energy this time.

“Scanning… Growlmon Dragon Type, registered.” Yggdrasil said from Dazzle’s Digi-vice. “I think this technically counts as Growldramon… mildly horrifying for a champion level Digimon.”

Frizzle lowered herself onto all fours and stared down the now badly shivering Hi-Vis. Frizzle had the wings from her possible future form of Megidramon on her tyrannosaurus sized, vaguely dragon shaped Growlmon body and they spread out as she loosed a roar to the sky with her skin having turned vaguely lavender in color.

Hi-Vis was going to be busy for the next few minutes fending off an angry dragon Digimon that was in control of her faculties enough to keep protecting a downed and barely conscious Dazzle.

Etemon was quite distracted by Frizzle’s evolution, whose weight was damaging the roof quite a bit that cracks were forming everywhere, he barely managed to duck away from a right high kick from Garu.

Within a blink Etemon suddenly swung his left fist to the right swiftly into the nearly indistinguishable incoming blur that was Pom’s face knocking her down and almost breaking her nose with a single devastating hit.

The ‘Aerora shield’ stopped Pom’s nose from breaking completely, but her face was rapidly turning a nasty shade of purple, puffing up and bleeding slightly from her nostrils. Pom was left feeling as if she just rammed face first into a brick wall. Pom had been moving at Dancing Flame speeds when she went to attack Etemon only to find herself being knocked down again, her Aerora shield disappated a second later.

Etemon hadn’t gotten away from hitting the shield scot-free, but the damage was relatively small. He had to dodge a flying bone as Dolly moved to protect Pom from Etemon if he chose to continue going after her.

Garu moved forward and was about to lay into Etemon with his fist when he stopped and hopped back leaving Etemon confused until he slammed into the roof by Frizzles sweeping tail smashing him in the chest.

Apparently Frizzle took the opportunity to slam her tail into Etemon as she chased down a visibly panicked Hi-Vis who’s fireballs, spouts of water, blasts of electricity and bursts of weapon twirling wind were doing very little to slow down the angry ‘dragon’ powered Digimon as she opened her mouth and fired a massive Growlmon shaped Dragon Pulse.

Pom grunted and got up again and soon she was moving to aid Garu and Riki, Dolly was giving her worried looks as she took up a defensive position at Pom’s side.

An entire portion roof shifted and suddenly everything was slanted when the roof broke into a lower floor causing the five fighters to stumble as they were now on an incline.

Etemon flailed as he fell forward and into Garu’s uppercut and then Garu blasted blues flames out of his mouth with a shout of ‘Fox Fire’ that engulfed Etemon painfully while launching him upwards.

With a twisted all of Etemon’s muscles bulged as he brought his right arm back and came down, breaking the two stacked bits of floor down another floor and now things were inclined towards him.

Pom went sliding at Etemon and then glued her wool to angled fallen bit of roofing, stopping short of his left fist digging it into the bit of fallen roofing between her hind legs.

Dolly sped up and boost her momentum as she kick flipped her board in Etemon’s grinning face and knocking the smile entirely off it. He tried to move forward only to get Dolly’s teeth into the left side his left neck and she jumped off before his right hand could swat or grab her.

While he was distracted, Pom managed to regain enough senses to get her left hind leg under her and she raised her right hind leg. She started breathing rapidly and with every exhaled she rapidly kicked into Etemon with as much force as she could manage.

Knees, sides, chest she was hitting him with rapid fire kicks that had him stunned, Pom then leapt up and slammed her right hind legs into his face staggering. Landing on her right legs she hopped up and brought her left hind leg high up and then slammed it down on the front of Etemon’s skull smashing his face into the broken off portion of the roof near where his fist made the hole.

The floor shifted again and suddenly it broke down another floor and Pom flailed as she landed badly and started rolling down the incline with Dolly quickly chasing after, as the dog had stopped fighting for a moment to retrieve her skateboard after it bounced off Etemon’s incredibly thick skull.

The section of roof had collapsed down to the second floor at this point and had several matching sections of broken flooring underneath it.

Etemon was up and charging down the incline at Garu when Riki appeared and slash his blade through Etemon’s left side causing him to stumble into a hard left from Garu that knocked him onto his back.

Garu quickly took advantage of Etemon’s prone form and stomped down on him with his left foot three times before Etemon retaliated with a point blank screech from his microphone knocking Garu down as he got up.

Etemon would have attacked Weregarurumon, only to be slashed from behind twice by Riki. He swung his closed left fist for Riki as he kicked out his right leg at Garu pushing him back before striking him across the head with another kick.

Both Garu and Riki were about to continue, but they jumped back and that confused Etemon for a second. He looked down and noted a shadow increasing size from above and looked up to see Hi-Vis’s monitor with an exclamation points and questions mark bearing down on him.

For Frizzle was about to pile-drive Hi-Vis into Etemon as she held the smaller Digimon in her claws.

The force of the impact caused the floors to collapse to the first floor and kick up dust everywhere, now there was no incline and everyone was laying down on a completely flat floor at the first floor of the school.

Everyone was groaning and sitting up. Looking to the point of impact, they saw Frizzle had driven Hi-Vis through two of the collapsed floors head first and he looked to be completely unconscious.

“Frizzle go pick up Dazzle from the roof, we’ll finish things here!” Nodding to Pom’s badly bruised face as Dolly whimpered at Pom’s injuries, Frizzle flapped her large wings and ascended up through the four stories of collapsed floors to the roof.

“What a workout!” Etemon had avoided having Hi-Vis slammed into him and he was huffing a bit. “Yeah no more floors to collapse to, let’s… let’s finish this little rumble!”

Etemon still had some fight left in him.

Pom needed a minute after that last floor collapse and was coughing up some dust, Dolly was by her side holding up her board defensively next to her.

Weregarurumon Kunio was already up and smashing his spike covered knuckledusters together ready to finish this and Lobomon Riki was ready as well.

Etemon charge and tried to grapple Garu, only he got to Etemon first by clapping his hands on both sides of Etemon’s head and bringing it down into his spike covered knee pads three times.

After one left and two rights of his knees applied to Eteremon’s face, Garu Kunio heaved Etemon up and over into the floor with a crunching noise.

Riki leapt up and landed a devastating elbow drop on Etemon’s chest shattering the roof bits of floor completely into small fragments.

“Ugh… so very… painful.” Etemon groaned and tried to sit up, only get grabbed by the neck and forced down by Kunio, Kunio socked him once in the face. “Okay… I give. You’ve got me… heh, we need more Digimon like you… key… left… pocket… I’m finished…”

Etemon laid his head down and didn’t move, moving his sunglasses upward revealed he passed out due to the amount of punishment he took.

It didn’t take long for Raptor Sparrowmon to go down to a dragon type empowered attack that made Frizzle look like a draconic meteor after all the punishment that had taken during the fighting with the Commandramon, Uver, Moosemon and Pistmon.

-A few hours later, Uver’s Base in the southwest slums district, Pom-

My face was still swelling up a bit and the digital ice pack was helping the pain in my face, we had the anchor key now and all we had to do was wait. Etemon had been quite tough and he handled most of us, but Weregarurumon proved to be too much of a match for him. The werewolf Digimon was reigning champion of the gangs now, by the fact that his gang was the only with members that weren’t currently embattled and still standing at the end of it all.

Yggdrasil.sys said Calumon would show up with a Digi-bot partner for Calumon’s protection and to play with him to prevent him from running constantly into danger. It wouldn’t be a Rokusho or Metabee, so I had to wonder who Yggdrasil would be bringing in to go back to Ransei with us.

Speaking of Digi-bots, Rokusho and Metabee had been on the second floor when we came crashing through. Apparently they already used their Omedamon form and ran out of energy which is why they didn’t show up until the end where Garurumon Kunio knocked him down and out with Riki’s help.

The two Digi-bots took some time to heal, then got Greymon Experts address and set off to have a talk with him. We said our goodbyes to the two as they left with Metabee was waving enthusiastically to us and Rokusho bowed to us in a friendly manner.

“Okay… so all of that was quite nuts.” Understatement, Dolly, very big understatement. She had a few scratches on her from where portions of the debris hit her as the ceiling fell to the first floor. “Now that we have a moment to rest, I have to ask… how the dog did we survive all of that?! I mean Bow-Whacka-Whoa Pom!”

“Good friends, Dolly, good friends.” I was going to sit up, I was just going to lie here and hope the swelling went down somewhat. Etemon really let me have it with that punch to the face, I wasn’t about to use Sheep’s Clothing when I would preferred to keep my armored wool where it is against an opponent that can react as fast as I can move.

I doubt a single being in all that fighting got out of it unscathed, the one that seemed to be the healthiest was Garu Kunio. He was perfectly fine after five minutes and eating half his body mass in food, which was ridiculous but apparently a thing some Digimon could do here in Server City.

“Best I can do for you sadly, I’m better at caring for Digimon.” Hea-Gatomon said as she looked over Sami’s heavily bandaged body. “Her coding was touch and go for a bit, but the girl is as tough as they come. Though surviving machine cannon fire is pretty hard to do. She’ll be ready to go in a day. Dazzle will be fine as far as I can tell, she just needs time to heal. Frizzle pulled quite a few digital muscles in her coding. Really all of you took quite a beating, the only one of you that is mostly okay is Canard.”

“Still got clawed up by a Falcomon or two.” Canard responded looking healthier than the rest of us combined, he had joined the Commandramon in dealing with the Falcomon.

“About the time Calumon should show up with their Digi-bot protector, get some rest it is doubtless that Chaosdramon X is waiting for your return trip between worlds.” Yggdrasil.sys wasn’t making me feel any better about that oncoming headache.

“Don’t remind me.” I whined and wouldn’t get up anytime soon, my wool didn’t stop the sonic attack Etemon hit me with from hurting me internally. “Let’s just stay still and have a quiet evening like Yiggy suggested.”

Everyone else groaned too in agreement that we should just rest.

“I’ll go grab us some victory pizza, enough for everyone.” Offered Uver, who was wrapped in bandages like the rest of us. He got up and made his way out the door.

Uver did the most fighting against Raptor Sparrowmon and fighting wasn’t even his specialty. He still showed everyone quite clearly that he was a courier and transport expert that you didn’t want to mess with.

Apparently the genocidal monster was under control of a dangerous digital world that was possibly run by something as genocidal with similarities to Yggdrasil.sys. If Arceus knew most of what was going on, then I wouldn’t be surprised in the slightest.

I had to wonder why Chaosdramon X would seemingly be targeting me or my group though, I was kind of a major focus for that thing before we dropped into this world and soon… soon we’d be leaving.

I’m barely strong enough to deal any of the damage I had to Etemon and had to hit him multiple times to really do anything. I couldn’t even do much more than scratch Ogremon. I think the best I did was against Hi-Vision Monitamon and even that was a terrifying fight with a walking tank that wouldn’t stay down and was probably still repairing itself even as we left.

At most we’d be missing another minute or so back in Ransei for a day or two more here. It would still be the same day we entered Voltsburg and that was a mind boggling fact for all the time we’ve spent here.

Where would we come out at and would we even make it back without Chaosdramon X showing up? Not likely, but hopefully Calumon was what we needed, it seemed Yggdrasil.sys thinks they could help us.

“Thanks for the medical aid… you guys did a serious number on me.” Etemon grinned toothily as his mummified body laid among us. “Guess we’re all friends now… except Ogremon is still evil. Hm… not my problem, he has his gang to run and the Pink Pooper Troopers gang to deal with so you should be in the clear to get out of here.”

Good to know…

-???, Oleander-

“Buck you bayonetta!” I shouted as I fell away from the hair suited witch, while fighting off all the violent angels of this world.

Why was it always butterflies that give me problems?!

“Oh my, such a feisty little dark unicorn.” Smiled the lady as she continued fighting several things at once and flapped butterfly wings every once in a while.

“Fiesty this!” A blast from her Unicornsplosion by Buttina was quickly dodged and Bayonetta even caught one of the projectiles and hugged it with a smile. The smiling unicorn shaped projectile that had fired from the gun squeaked audibly like a plush toy.

“Thank you I will.” Bayonetta smiled demurely as she popped a lollipop in her mouth, Fred shivered in fear and came after me to help out with the angels. “All of you are so very cute, even the knowledge demon! It’s so nice that we can play again…”

“Time travel sucks!” I shouted out loud as I stabbed my key-blade into a passing angel to ride it back up towards Fred. Bayonetta already knew all our moves and how to counter us perfectly from a prior encounter we have yet to have with her.

"Oh I'm well aware of that personally!" Bayonetta shouted back.

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