• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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258. Riastrad.

-Ransei, Aurora Kingdom Field-

Pom started trotting forward slowly on all four legs and opposite of her Cu Chulainn started to slowly walking forward too, his added weight and mass was not slowing him down at all. Whatever prior injuries he had before transforming… those were gone.

Within a blink of Pom’s eyes, Cu Chulainn had flickered and covered the distance between them his right paw’d wrist blade now a millimeter from her left eye.

Time seemed to freeze. Within the infinitesimal freeze, Pom’s eyes narrowed.

In similarly impressive flicker and sudden blur, Pom diverted the spike up upwards with her left hoof as she went into slide while kicking up into Cu Chulainn’s stomach with her right hind leg as he passed over her. Finishing the slide Pom turned to face him.

Cu Chulain had barely felt the attack and landed, turned and was immediately on Pom again launching the bladed spike on his left foot for her as he lunged. Pom hopped back out of the range of the kick and with a swift swivel of his hips he leaned forward and went for a right hook as Pom was landing.

Pom spread her legs out and sprung forward as soon as her hooves were close enough to the ground to go over his right hook. She slapped at him with her left hoof, doing barely any or no damage at all as she passed over his right shoulder.

He pivoted far faster than Pom had anticipated and kicked up with his left leg again, nearly skewering her with the metal spike on the top of his foot.

Pom had inflated her wool and used the resulting pressure wave of the kick to float upwards and rotate in the air while raise her right leg high up.

Deflating her wool Pom flipped and brought her right hoof down at Cu Chulainn, he blocked the force of it with his left arm. The skin on his muscular arm barely rippled with the force of the impact, proving the skin to now be as tough as steel. Pom could hurt him as a normal Lucario, in this case she’d be hard pressed to do anything to him.

He sent yet another right hook for Pom, intended to hit or grab her, as his left arm rotated to grab at her too. Pom let loose the coiled wool on her left leg and blasted Cu Chulainn in the face with a Thousand Spear looking to move away.

Despite staggering Cu Chulainn, Pom felt her backwards push away halt as Cu Chulainn’s left arm managed twist and extend enough to grab her right hind leg.

With a powerful one pawed heave, Cu Chulainn bodily slung Pom overhead and slammed her into the ground.

Pom inflated the wool along her chest and belly to take the impact, upon slamming into the ground the contorted wool on her right rear leg finally loosed its force into the air and this forcefully blasted her free of Cu Chulainn’s paw.

Cu Chulainn had tried to stomp down on her held leg to cripple her before Pom broke free, but had failed to hold onto her.

Once free the lambkin quickly kicked her rear leg against the ground to roll forward and used her right hoof to slide and pivot into a four legged standing position facing Cu Chulainn. Her wide legged stance changed to a more aggressive wolf like stance.

With a flick of both his arms the spikes sticking out from Cu Chulainn’s paws lit up with a glowing metallic sheen brighter than anytime the ewe had seen anyone else using iron tail.

Pom started to quietly stalk to the left and right like a wolf moving towards the Mega Lucario. Her movements quickly became much harder for Cu Chulainn to read despite not doing anything fancy.

The part of Cu Chulainn’s mind that was keeping track of the battle had problems focusing, his eyes narrowed at the way the spirit wolves moved about Pom’s form as the lead wolf moved exactly as she did. The other odd wolves that were a part of her were trying to distract his aura based senses.

-Elsewhere on the battlefield, Geoff-

The Lucario were tearing us apart, at least Jiri’s unit seemed to be handling most of the Lucario, but still!

In any case I had an ace up my sleeve I’ve been saving just a moment like this and only a cleric like me could possibly pull it off.

“Wait-wait-wait, I need to show you something before you kick my face in!” The two approaching Lucario paused and I cleared my throat. From out of nowhere, or more likely from under my wool, I pulled out a small gnarled wooden staff and yellow scarf. I wrapped the scarf around myself and then stood up. “Woolooloo~.”

I made sure my eyes were spinning inwards as I spun my left hoof in a tight circle while waving about the staff in a randomly, I also said it in a really old and wise tone too!

“What was that supposed to…” The Lucario was suddenly cut off by the sound of the female Lucario next him.

“Erectus!” The now changed shiny furred Lucario next to them proceeded to harshly kick the other below the belt and he went down immediately with a whimper… I wanted to be kicked like that once in my life. The Lucario then turned to me. “Narwini?”

“Please assist me with getting others to safety and out of the way of the fighting!” I said in a pleasant and respectful tone. “The injuries are bad, but we need not make them any worse.”

The Lucario nodded and stayed near me as we started moving Pokémon away from the vicious fighting.

A Rockruff and Torchic went tumbling through the grass and were down for the count.

I immediately moved to get them to safety.

-Cu Chulainn battle-

Pom lunged forward, inflated her wool and dropped short of a stabbing left straight that would have struck her forwardhead to send a bark blast up into Cu Chulainn’s belly that barely staggered him.

Cu Chulainn retaliated by suddenly blurring forward and Lashing out with his blades in a rapid frenzy of swings.

Pom dodged backwards with several hops, avoiding being skewered or slashed up, her eye all the while slightly shifting left and right slightly with each swing not really paying attention to the arms movements, but the general area around Cu Chulainn and herself.

Pom suddenly lunged forward taking a cut to the right cheek and bit into Cu Chulainn’s right bicep as it came forward.

This made Cu Chulainn gasp in pain, possible the first real injury Pom dealt in the fight and blood erupted from where she bit him. Her teeth somehow bypassing the toughness of his steel hard skin entirely.

Following up the bite and having been lifted up high enough for it, Pom unraveled the coiled and contortioned wool around all her legs at once as she kicked them at Cu Chulainn’s chest and belly. The unleashed force of several Thousand Spears slammed into Cu Chulainn at once, she used the attack to kickoff of supercharged jackal and then looked at him to see the bite had done the most damage to him.

The air pressure attacks launched from her uncoiling wool doing barely anything to Cu Chulainn made sense when Pom remember he wasn’t weak to flying type damage. That meant anything relating to wind or aerial based attacks, which would be highly useful against a Riolu, wouldn’t be as such here.

Cu Chulainn just went skidding back slightly and not nearly as far as Pom wanted, because he shot forward a second later and stabbed his left blade into her right side while forcing her to the ground.

Having pinned Pom down into the dirt, Cu Chulainn raised his right blade in a motion that would lead to him thrusting it down into the ewe’s heart.

A loud clang sounded out as Captain Skeeball appeared on Pom’s belly and deflect the blade with her tail, she quickly spun and slapped her tail into his other arm. She notably wasn’t using iron tail when she did this.

Skeeball knocked the left blade straight up and out of Pom and then opened her mouth to fire an Ice Beam that pushed the Lucario away while doing very little in the way of damage while freezing a portion of his arms being used as a defense.

A blast of flames struck him and exploded he roared in pain as he was engulfed and the ice on his arm exploded violently. Freezing then heating up metal quickly apparently had an effect on the steel type Pokémon, Dazzle had to quickly run as a Lucario nearly stomped on her back after taking the opportunity to strike out at Cu Chulainn with an exploding fireball.

Dazzle would be kept away from attempting a poison attack on Cu Chulainn by the other Lucario, her Flame Burst move doing much more immediate damage than Toxic would have. They’d eventually knock her out at a great personal cost.

While Cu Chulainn was being pushed away and busy trying to put out his ignited body, instead of pushing wool over the injury and bandaging it like Pom has normally done prior times, her wool shifted and actually entered her wound. Her wool proceeded to quickly stitching itself throughout the wound. Pom, feeling a slight tug at her side, sealed the puncture wounds with a final mental flex.

Pom quietly got up and started to contortion the wool around her legs preparing for more wool based thousand spear shots, mostly for maneuvering than actual attacking. She quietly considered using Dancing Flame considering how powerful their opponent was.

Cu Chulainn recovered and started to attack Skeeball who was in his way.

Captain Skeeball spun around in a circle twice her tail deflecting the stabs and catching a stomping foot, before she hopped back and pulled her tail out from under his foot throwing him off balance. She fire a beam of lightning at him from her mouth almost knocking him down and blinding him.

He was up and preparing to blindly charge forward only for Skeeball to glow green slightly, a mass of grass and plants suddenly rose up and wrapped around Cu Chulainn’s left ankle as he tried to step forward after planting his right foot solidly on the ground. Cu Chulainn tripped and twisted his left ankle painfully, the injury caused by his own heavy form would slow him down immensely.

Cu Chulainn in the middle of getting up was struck by a Thousand Spears attack from Pom as a distraction and the second one she fired was shredded by his glowing right fist blade in one swing as he charged forward.

Skeeball lunged and tried to launch another attack, unfortunately she got speared straight through the head by Cu Chulainn’s left blade.

A second later, a loud popping noise revealed it to be a Substitute. Angrily Cu Chulainn flicked his blade off to the side sending the substitute doll flying away.

Skeeball was actually still actively fighting one of Cu Chulainn’s top two enforcers nearby and Pom sighed loudly with relief. Skeeball was still giving far better than she was taking despite the disparity in advantage between the Lucario she was battling and her own battered body.

Enraged Cu Chulainn turned his fury on to Pom who was quickly joined by the remaining Rockruff brother still standing and awake, his growl was doing nothing to intimidate Cu Chulainn.

-Bear Squad, Jiri-

“Guys we need to pick up the pace, Shine can’t hold this for much longer!” I ducked under the glowing spike on the back of the left paw of a Lucario and shield bashed them to push them back far enough.

Once I finally had the Lucario positioned, I used Bounce while bracing the tip of my spear against them. The force of me trying to kick off the ground sent them flying when it traveled all the way up my spear to the very tip focusing all that force in one spot in an instant.

“Ice type bear believes other friends are in trouble too.” The Cubchoo among all my bear friends were trying their hardest to deal some damage. Cubchoo used the move Brine, an attack that launches a blast of salt water and does more damage the more wounded a Pokémon was, by doing a powerful sneeze. This staggered an incoming Lucario.

Kubfu the kung fu bear Pokémon launched a flying kick at said Lucario we were targeting together, he ended up kicking off the leg that deflected his failed attempt. Lucario was left open to panda Pokémon Pancham diving forward and biting their other leg to pin them down. Stufful the toy like bear Pokémon proceeds to uppercuts them in the chin harshly with a Flail move, the pink and white bear with dark furred legs cheered as the Lucario was repelled.

Any fighting type attacks we could use and land were doing a lot of damage, Riolu didn’t have that weakness and fortunately we had no Riolu to truly worry about here.

“Guys, I think I finally figured out how to do a Focus Punch!” The Teddiursa, my childhood friend, shouted with glee with a glowing fist that started to grow brighter. The small brown bear with a moon like marking on his head kept building up for the attack slowly.

“I am quite jealous of your capabilities comrade, but master Jiri is still our leader!” The grey furred bear cub with the thick white hair above his eyes shouted, Kubfu might have a crush on me and I didn’t know how to feel about it.

The Lucario we were tag teaming suddenly went pale, he tried to get to the Teddiursa before he could launch the attack. A Focus Punch would drop the second the wielder takes any damage, in single combat it was not very useful if your opponent was far or even slightly faster than you. If you knew Trick Room and Focus Punch, well everything in the world would start looking like a nail for that hammer.

In this case however, we could easily stall the Lucario long enough for the attack to go off and to that end I blocked with my shield and blunted spear until my friend charged his attack.

So far we were down to seven Lucario, two of which were Cu Chulainn’s top fighters. They were putting up more of a fight than the Riolu ever could.

One Lucario had miraculously turned shiny out of nowhere and started fighting on our side. That was rather confusing, but very much welcome addition to the battle we were slowly losing.

“Fist… of… POWER!” My Teddiursa friend leapt forward and we all backed away as he drove his left fist into the Lucario’s chest left of the spike sticking out of it, they went down in a single blow that sent them skidding and flopping halfway across the stone bridge in an exceedingly painful manner.

“Show off.” The Kubfu stated dryly.

-Cu Chulainn Battle-

Rockruff took up an aggressive position next to Pom and they both moved forward. Pom paying more attention to the Rockruff than her opponent.

The Rockruff moved to bite when Cu Chulainn surged towards Pom, he managed to lightly nip Cu Chulainn’s right leg before Pom had to pull the rock dog away from the glowing left blade through his face.

Pom threw out her left hoof straight at Cu Chulainn and he blocked it with his glowing right blade, the Rockruff leapt out of Pom’s right leg and bit on to the left side Cu Chulainn’s muzzle. The Rockruff started to claw at Cu Chulainn with his front paws.

With a single harsh shake, Cu Chulainn sent the Rockruff flying over Pom to land on the ground as he slashed up the left side of Pom’s face carving a line across her muzzle that made her scream in pain and back off.

Trying to take advantage of bloodying Pom’s face, Cu Chulainn went to kick his right foot up into her belly.

That’s when a rock sailed into Cu Chulainn’s left eye stagger him, several more rocks pelted him before he held up his right arm to start blocking them from hitting him in the face.

Glaring at the Rockruff firing rocks at him, Cu Chulainn blurred pulled back his right leg and kicked the Rockruff slamming his blade up into its body.

The yelp the Rockruff made drew Pom’s attention as she finished wiping the blood from her face and stitching it up with wool, she watched as the rock puppy struggled to stand up after being struck by a single devastating kick leaving it on its side whimpering.

Cu Chulainn grinned as he approached the puppy and turned to Pom as he crouched down a prepared to stab the puppy, daring her to come to the Rockruff’s rescue.

Pom’s eyes twitched, she was imagining the Rockruff as if he were one of her god puppies being in this position.


These guys were being quite tough!

I hit them with the blunt side, barely be dazing them.

I slash at them and their skin hardly splits unless I put force into my cutting arc.

“Ruff!” Dolly barked and looked over in the direction of Pom.

“If Pom be needing you, then go!” I know we were being pushed, but Pom be fighting the worst of them.

The Lucario I be fighting aimed a glowing fist for my head, only to have a ribbon wrap around it.

“Go, we got this!” Smolder, with a sharp yank, be having the Lucario smash its own face with a glowing fist and it be going limp a second later.

A Lucario be leaping for me only to be struck by a lightning bolt and then Honedge slashed him into the ground.

“Need a partner?” The Honedge asked.

“Do you be thinking you’re sharp enough?” I ask as I charged the Lucario before he could get back up.

“Who do you think you’re talking to, I’m the lord of edge!” The living sword be joining me in my attack.


I quickly ran forward as Cu Chulainn looked at me and flexed the glowing right blade aimed for the puppy. He was going to make me choose between me and the Rockruff.

Knowing Cu Chulainn was baiting me into an attack, I wasn’t going to back down now.

Charging forward on all four hooves, I saw Cu Chulainn swing his right arm down as he prepped his left to stab at me.

His blade struck the dirt as Dolly skidding in at the last second to save the puppy, the nose of her board dug up under the Rockruff and he was soon tossed into the air by Dolly kicking the back of her board downwards.

Geoff caught the Rockruff and retreated as I leapt uncoiled the wool around my rear legs and twisted as I shot at him to hit him with my left hoof. His stabbed left arm missed me because he was too distracted by Dolly’s save.

Cu Chulainn blocked my blow, but he was still sent skidding backwards.

He was going to kill that puppy to get at me?! Well…

“Dolly get back and… lend me your flow motion.” The need in me was almost feral as I growled out to her. “I think it’s about time I called it… BAA-RAM-EWE!”

I felt Dolly lending me her strength, I started to manipulate my wool and shape it and with a few steps forward my appearance changed from front to back.


Whoa… that’s new.

Pom’s wool thinned out along her body. The wool around her tail stretched out to start looking like a wolf’s tail. Her four hooves were covered in wool that formed digits and claws like a canine. The wool shifted around her ears and they became triangular.

Despite having a small body and gangly legs, Pom now looked like a wolf as her wool rippled and started to resemble fur.

I moved away and concentrated on lending Pom my flow motion power. The resemblance to a wolf would be uncanny if Pom’s body were a little longer.


I had to figure out a way to quickly deal with this guy… I stood up on my hind legs and struck my hooves together. My hooves ignited and my front legs lit on fire along with my wool paws, I slowly started to drag the fire all along my body until I was covered in it.

He might be weak to fire, but I needed to stop him from hurting anyone else.

Let’s hope this new wool shift works…

-Cu Chulainn-

“A fiery beast?” The battle fury sung in my blood at the sight, a grin was etched into my face as I saw a flaming wolf before me. “It takes one to beat one I guess!”

-Cu Chulainn Battle-

Pom burst forward and Cu Chulainn tried to prepare an attack, only he didn’t predict how fast the sheep like entity could now move.

Leaping forward with her right paw extending she slashed at Cu Chulainn with her left claw, he tried to block with his right arm only for the magical claws to slash down his face, chest and belly lightly cutting into his steel flesh with cutting flames.

He grunted and tried to strike back with his left blade when her right claw latched onto his right arm, she dropped and slashed her claws along both his leg making him grunt even more as this was actually doing damage to him.

Cu Chulainn swung his right leg into a low spinning sweep and then swung out his left fist, Pom seemingly hopped straight into the attack. Rolling in the air her rear wool clawed hooves went to both side of the spike that angle to try to puncture Pom.

Swinging with her right wool claw, she cut into Cu Chulainn’s skin and was about to hit him with her left as he hissed. He threw his whole body into slamming her back first into the ground where the weight of his arm kept her in place, stabbing her through.

Leaning up Pom bit down on his left shoulder, then shifted her head out of the way of being stabbed. She started to frantically claw at his arm as she shifted her upper torso a bit to avoid being stabbed.

Growling like a wolf, Pom inhaled and bark blasted Cu Chulainn halfway off of herself and she rolled. Despite the pain from another wound in her torso, she focused enough to stitch it up after she got standing on her hind legs.

Cu Chulainn swung his right arm in a hook and she caught it with her left claw and it stopped dead he push with most of his strength and her hoof didn’t move and the claws on it clenched onto his inner forearm as she brought her right hoof back and struck him across the left side of his face with her flaming right claw and then threw a quick follow up of the other claw across his belly and left leg.

The jackal monster stagger as blood sprayed from his face into his eyes and while he was blind he was hit with a bark blast in the neck that made it hard to breathe. This gave Pom enough time to stitch her wound fully.

Swiping the blood from his eyes, he growled and then the spike on his right arm started glowing with black and red energy.

Pom leapt forward to try and claw Cu Chulainn again and he leapt back, he then jumped high into the air. The entire time Pom had been on fire and close to Cu Chulainn had really done a number on his strength as he was slowing down, but his mega evolution was still going strong.

“Resign yourself, and receive my blow!” Having shouted that Cu Chulainn brought his right fist spike back glowing with power. “Gáe… Bulg!”

Time froze and the spear seemed to split infinitely in every direction. Red streaks filling the sky as they all rained down towards Pom with unerring accuracy.

At the same time Pom’s wool started to glow a bright golden color extinguishing the flames around her whole body and the golden silhouette of a wolf stood still. Along with the multiple spirits around her just coming to sit and looked at her.

Pom’s glowing visage disappeared in the storm of black and red swirling spears of energy.

The millions of spears slowly dissipated and golden glow of Pom’s wool faded too.

Cu Chulainn landed with an incredibly dumbfounded, shocked and highly confused look on his face.


It looked like that Cuckoo Lane threw that spear straight at Pom… but it missed.

How did that work?

I could swear the spear was going to hit her, but it struck the ground in front of her and then the ground behind her got damaged.

Weird attack, but dog did that guy totally whiff it hard!


I blocked a Lucario’s attack and then the Lucario stopped to stare, I be holding off his fist with my staff and also staring.

If I be throwing a spear at the range and that accurately, I certainly be knowing I wouldn’t be missing if I aimed it right at her. How did he damage the ground behind her when he hit to the far left of her, how did he be missing by a mile?

“How… there’s no way… he couldn’t have missed with his mortal injury attack!” The Lucario being very distracted did see the butt of my cane smashing them in the back of the skull.


“Okay…” How the hell did he miss when it looked like the spear was all set to hit her? How did it damage the ground behind her if it landed something like twenty feet to her right?

Also why was Pom’s wool doing the golden glow thing, doesn’t that usually mean magic was in play at some point in that energy spear shot thing?

A Lucario slammed tried to slam their fist into me and blast them with a wall of flames for trying, these guys being weak to fire was easy even if their hits had bruised me up quite badly.

I’m simply far tougher than they are.


Why did the energy spear stop in the air look confused, fly in a zigzag pattern shoot off into the sky spreading plaid colors everywhere and then came rocketing back down in front of me with the dead body of a legendary Pokémon known as Celebi that slowly disappeared?

Of course there was the weirdness of the ground exploding behind Pom too as the Celebi disappeared… maybe a time paradox?

I slammed the tip of my blunt spear into a Lucario’s skull, Shine fell about a minute ago and half my team was down. I was going to take advantage of them being distracted!

“Ice type bear has many questions about why the spear changed into a dragon and sang something about a doodle dandy while waving flaming sticks everywhere.” What? That’s not what happened at all Cubby!


A cause and effect magical attack!?

The cause… thrust or throw of a spear.

The effect… hits the intended targets heart… without fail by conceptual causality.

That was cursed or dark magic right there. It certainly would have killed Pom if she didn’t have a natural counter for magical attacks like that!

The only thing is… only god like beings can do conceptual magical attacks like that. Unless you’re the elements of harmony, which have done that numerous times… and Twilight eventually ascend so...

Did that mean that that Lucario, Cu Chulainn, has divinity to him?

It wasn’t surprising that Pom was functionally immune to a magical attack, but that it should have hit on the concept of doing so was the amazing part.

To anyone else it would have looked like he threw one attack and missed. Being magically sensitive as I am, I actually saw and felt the millions of spears raining down at Pom trying to find her heart.

Which spear landed would be different from each person’s perspective, but the spear throw happened across millions of possibilities… and every single one of them missed with a chance in the negatives of actually hitting anything unless he were to have stabbed her directly with it.

The true energy spear hit behind her damaging the ground, I’m going to have to ask what everyone still conscious saw later.

Mostly for the sake of curiosity and magical intrigue to bring back to Twilight.

I also now had a headache from how much malice that attack gave off… I’m going to stay up here until Cu Chulainn is dealt with.


I looked at the spot where the spear struck behind me, I was silently wondering if he meant to miss or if that was just a side effect of my wool countering the magic?

I needed a way to get close to him… because I think I finally had a way to ultimately defeat him as I’ve been trying all fight to find the right frequency for a bark breaker. Should have really considered this earlier, but the target was hard to hit and she needed to be point blank and have a few seconds to do it.

I felt around in my mouth and it was still there. I was hurting, but I would trust that the Kecleon merchants didn’t give out defective magical products.

“How… how did you avoid that attack, TELL ME!” Looking at the wild eyed Cu Chulainn like he was weird, I wondered if he didn’t see my wool giving off a golden glow?

“… maybe… you just have really bad aim.” I said calmly, that just seemed to enrage him further.

-Cu Chulainn battle-

“RAAAGGHHH!” Cu Chulainn sped forward a Pom was on her rear hooves ducking a left slash.

Pom slammed a hook into the right side of his face claw marks streaking up it, she threw a quick right that staggered him.

“Rrrr… yip!” Pom tried and her throat hurt a bit, but instead of damaging her actually target…

Cu Chulainn lunged forward to throw a punch with his right arm, yet something started snapping.

“AGHH?!” Apparently Pom’s bark breaker had a very unusual, highly negative effect, on Cu Chulainn’s metal bones as his entire right arm went limp and made the sounds of scraping metal. “What… how?!”

“Oh dear…” Pom didn’t want to miss again or else she might incidentally make Cu Chulainn a paraplegic, it was a good thing she wasn’t trying to kill him. She was just trying to stop his madness even if she did declare war on him.

“RRrrggg… your heart is pierced, the target hit as I declare!” His left spike started glowing as he ran towards me. This was my opportunity!

He thrust his left arm forward...

“Gáe Bulg!”

“GRrrrrrr…. Yip!”

Pom was lifted into the air by a smiling Cu Chulainn, his fist spike puncturing straight through her chest… but he had missed her heart again. This of course made him frown in confusion.

Cu Chulainn didn’t think she would survive this… something pulsed and he felt incredibly weak all of the sudden.

-Cu Chulainn-

I looked down and the mega stone I wore around my neck shattered. I shrunk down and went back to being a normal Lucario, the destruction of the stone making me incapable of using my Gáe Bulg noble phantasm… I could only use it twice a day anyway.

As my spike protruding from the sheep’s back disappeared, she flopped onto the ground dead.

“This fight is over, it was a good one. Had some fun and now I can put your suffering butt to rest.” I turned my back and toward those who were still standing, only the two top Lucario of my raiders were still standing. Battered, broken bones and beaten, but still standing. “Heh… now I just have to take care of the rest of you.”

I started limping towards them, at the end of the day we’d prove… what?!

That massive amount of power where is it all coming from?

I turned and looked at the sheep I just skewered and something in her mouth was glowing with the power of a mystic code or at least something on par with an artifact.

Slowly the sheep with the wool shaped like a wolf rose up, floating into the air, her wounds all disappeared and she landed on her hooves. Her eyes snapped open and she was once again alert.

She still looked tired, but her body… it was completely healed and something else flickered inside of her... a piece of a unusual soul? It didn't seem to be doing anything and looked benign, but it wasn't helping her in anyway... why hadn't I seen that before? The soul piece disappeared when the spirit wolves were reestablished and would be a thought for another time.

-Past Pom-

"Reviver Seed?" I looked over the tiny insignificant looking seed.

"Oh yes, we can only sell these to rescue team captains. Can even bring you back to life long enough if you get stuck in lava to teleport back. Pokémon are less likely to die by having these at the ready!" Kec-blue grinned. "Take it as a thank you for buying Sitrus Berries in bulk and being a great customer!"

"If the battle goes poorly, at least you'll be in good health in no time!" Kec-red stated enthusiastically. "Also ignore the fact that we never gave you your rescue team starter kit and sold it to a Bidoof!"

-Cu Chulainn-

“Oh, come on, really?!” I threw my left arm out at her in exasperation. She wasn't supposed to have a noble phantasm that made her act like a phoenix, or hercules... I didn't even sense anything like that from her before!

“Your right Cu Chulainn... this fight is over.” I saw her spiritual wolf pack spreading out. She couldn’t possibly be that much faster than me, I can still take her with one arm. "I'm honestly sorry for what I'm about to do, but you've been asking for it."

-Cu Chulainn Battle-

They all were one, one was all, Pom’s full fighting spirit was going to take down Cu Chulainn as a threat.

If only Cu Chulainn or Pom realized that Pom had been mostly at Dancing Flame speed the entire battle without actually using it, had she used it she would be moving three times as fast in her Sheep’s Clothing shifted wool.

Her Fluffmancer abilities used her wool to move with her bodies motions as if the wool was acting as secondary muscles, almost doubling her strength and speed. This at the cost of being unable to armor herself making it far easier for her to take fatal injuries, if she is hit while moving at those speeds she's not going to be able to move afterwards due to severe injury.

Now that Cu Chulainn no longer had his mega evolved form, his speed was basically crawling in comparison to Pom currently. Which is why what Pom was about to do would be hard for anyone to see or keep up with.

Being used to moving at such absurd speeds, Pom’s mind would actually keep up with what she was about to do to Cu Chulainn.

She inhaled sharply...

Pom’s left eye sparked red as she thought about what Cu Chulainn was going to do to the poor Rockruff, all her injured friends and he tried to kill her. That he would continued fighting, hurting and injuring even without his Mega evolutions state led to this moment.

“Full Feral Flurry.” Softly stated Pom before she took a single step forward.

The pack of wolves descended on Cu Chulainn who didn't even know what was happening.


I think I’m the only one that could understand what just happened… in fact I’m the only one that can even begin to know how fast Cuckoo Lane just got mutilated. It was all in the time it takes to blink.

One second he stood there with a broken arm… the next he was on the ground covered in bite and claw marks as well as all his limbs twisted in a very nasty manner. His torso was also bruised to hell and back on top of all of that, while his head was... left completely untouched actually.

The only saving grace was that Pom wasn’t a killer and she just tore the crap out his now currently mutilated hide.

I stopped supplying Pom my flowing motion ability, because I think that's part of how she just did that. Our bond was that powerful?

I smiled a little... then I quietly turned my head to the side and barfed at the grisly sight. I wasn't afraid of Pom, but darn if that didn't solidly put her as being the top dog in our family.

“I… a demi... god... wha… lo-ost…” Gasped Cuckoo Lane, the guy was definitely in immense amounts of pain. who went from standing to on the ground without a clue as to what just happened in a single blink. "Im... imposs-nggghhh..."

Cuckoo Lane fainted, my dog, that guy still had enough strength to talk after what Pom just did to him?

I noted that every Pokémon in the area, that was still awake anyway, was now staring at Pom with wide eyes and some relatively healthy fear. To think Pom was afraid of them a few days ago, now that's what I call stepping up!

"She... she is THE doggy messiah!" Okay extremely battered, bloodied and beaten Evan, what is with the Doggy Messiah stuff and why did you look so happy? That's like, the fifth time I've heard this and the last three or so times was back in my world!

Pom's wool slowly shifted returning to normal and she sat down, took a single breath and then flopped over.

I sent a feeler through our bond to her, still alive and oh... ouch... pulled all the muscles in her body. Better than her nearly dying at least!

-DC dimension, Oleander-

Hope the Corgi of the blue lantern core, a peace organization that had magical rings that was powered by hope and bright thoughts, was currently worshipping the statue of a lambkin. It was apparently a religion that most dogs in this dimension followed apparently, for when she appears all was well for good dogs.

I'm not surprised Pom has some kind of multiversal effect even in dimensions she's never been alive in or has even visited...

"Well we found her, BUT NOT HOW WE WANTED!" Well aware of that Fred, but... I wonder how dogs form a cult worship of her, given that even Overlord Ender the Puppy Wolf Noise already worshipped Pom after only vaguely hearing of her and was beside Hope the Corgi.

Author's Note:

Suggested Music: Moebius Battle- Xenoblade Chronicles 3.

Pom Combo Meter: 9999+

Sheep's Clothing*: Pom's Wool makes Pom take on the appearance of a wolf, her wool starts acting as secondary muscles to increase her speed and strength. The downside is that she takes critical hits if hit at all in this state, also heavy exhaustion and muscle damage.

*Special Side Ability: Simply crippling Pom's body doesn't mean she is incapable of fighting anymore. If Pom's body is too damaged for her to move it, Pom can move her body using her wool alone at normal strength and capability without the strength and speed boosting properties Sheep's Clothing would normally give her if her body were healthy.

It is safe to say that Pom has finally figured out how to combat. Also she just did her first anime, by beating an actual anime. Cu Chulainn was a pretty poor match up for Pom considering her talents.

Also yes, this is the long winded anime section of the story and Nasuverse/Fate Stay (Freeform) has been added to the list of crossovers for this arc. Nobunaga's Ambition characters are already involved because of Pokemon Conquest.

Also I would like to thank Shadowshame for this artwork of Dalmamon existing.

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