• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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262. Sentai Shenanigans.

-Ransei, the next morning, Fontaine Crossroads, Shanty-

“This is being a bit too quiet.” The surroundings were silent aside from natural animals, insects and frogs, not a Pokémon to be seen in the wetlands area.

To the west there be no movement, to the east would be where Motochika’s forces were said to be pushing down the east coast. To the south was mostly the unknown and there were no aggressors at the bridge.

We be being in small numbers. The Strange Squirtles, The Surskit Scouts, Our four traveling Pokémon companions and then there’s our group now with my Dodo back in action.

Speaking of Dodo, he be warbling and looking around curiously, he be fairly alert for trouble though. He not be big enough to cart around the wagon we have waiting yet, but I be noticing that he be growing somewhat from his egg size.

Dodo be needing much more materials, even if he didn’t be finishing the stuff we got for him yet. Some of the hunter drone materials were still sitting in storage in Aurora castle, but Dodo be giving me a feeling he’d be needing much more to grow back to his original size. Dodo still couldn’t spit beams from his beak, but he wasn’t being helpless.

The new wings were very cool looking and there were implications that he could fly now, given he be giving me strange images of being in the sky. He not be capable of that yet either, but his wings wouldn’t need to flap to do it at least… it’d be looking really weird if he flapped his wings to fly.

“Then we shall Furret out the victims and quench their controllers thirst for villainy!” Squirt Red got old pretty quickly, but he be having his heart in the right place… we think.

“I had my spine broken this morning before I woke up by a Gurdurr, I got better obviously, but I will find the criminal that almost crippled and make them pay with violently awesome vigilante justice!” Black Squirt was narrating a life story that never happened so that be about right with him. “He uses a drug from modified Arbok venom to make himself stupidly strong!”

“Please don’t, it’s not cute if you keep going on about how adorable you are, it also makes you sound horribly narcissistic.” That Pom shut up Blue Squirt before she could even get started was funny as her mouth flapped open and closed trying to come up with a comeback.

“But she is horribly narcissistic!” Squirt Purple stated loudly trying to be drawing attention to himself.

“Says the distracting guy who can’t go five minutes without being distracted with himself?” Squirt Blue said dryly with her eyes continuing to be sparkly.

“Going to need Rawst Berry for that burn… agh!” Squirt Green is being okay, despite tripping over his own feet constantly like he just did. I also be liking Squirt Yellow.

“Can we just get on with this adventure?” As grumpy as Quetal was, he looked ready to shred something and I’ve been meaning to talk to him about his slash and dash style of combat. “Motochika said most his forces would be drawing attention eastward, they are likely going to be fighting those Gyarados units Pom saw today. So we are after a single unit of Octillery, Froakies and possibly an inteleon which will be the most dangerous one.”

“The Froakies can be as equally bad, but at least they will be more akin to close up fighters.” Shine be stating and looking around. “Hopefully they aren’t Protean Froakies that can change their elemental type on a whim depending on what moves they start charging up. They always have same type attack boost and they can change their weaknesses fast enough to avoid serious harm.”

“We’ll watch out for that.” Pom stated as we sat at the crossroads looking at the mountain to our southeast. On the other side of the mountain is the kingdom of Fontaine, through which the waterfalls of the mountain ran through and many water Pokémon be living. “How good are the Octillery close up?”

“Considering you’ve already dealt with our Clawitzer Cannonade units, moderately weaker in handling close combat. They mostly only know ranged attacks and are able to turn faster than them, plus they can attack while moving so bringing them into close combat is difficult. They will use ranged attacks at point blank range too.” That, Squirt Green, sounded to be quite annoying. “They usually start their fights by being dug in to a defensible position. Usually a hole, an armored pot or crags, anywhere they can fit really that makes attacking them directly a tricky prospect. The easiest Octillery to deal with are ones that are exceedingly claustrophobic, but under mind control… they probably won’t have that issue. If you encroach on whatever their bunker is, they will retreat backwards and continue spitting ranged attacks. For those of us that are close up fighters it would be good idea to focus on evasion as we approach them. If we had Clawitzer support they would be less of a problem.”

“So… we be waiting on the Surskit Scouts then?” I be asking that as they be going ahead to find where the two units we were out here to beat into submission and rescue while Motochika be drawing a bulk of trouble to himself.

In the distance several bright beams were seen lighting up the sky to the east.

“Y-yes… I-I wonder if King Motochika is okay o-over there.” We can’t be knowing that until we’re done here Squirt Yellow.

“He’ll be fine, the rhythm of his heart beat will never fail to inspire music or his people and his combat shell will never break to the paltry villain throwing our own forces at us!” At least Squirt Red is optimistic. “For he has the power of a true leader within him on top of being a great hero!”

“Chances that Motochika set us up for something horrible given he paid us ahead of time?” Ocellus be whispering to Pom.

“Pretty good odds on that.” Pom stated while her ears were flicking every once in a while and her eyes darted about. “Oh look, it’s the Surskit Scouts!”

The Surskits were so small, that I barely be noticing them approaching us until they were already within our groups. They be stealthy and I be liking how they skate on water, I be wanted to learn to do something like that. I know I be capable of hopping or running on water, but full on skating?

One Surskit threw a salute and then pulled out a piece of paper from the tube at its back. Pom took up the paper and looked it over.

“The Octillery are a bit closer to Fontaine than I’d like, the Inteleon is possibly set up on the mountainside and as for the Froakies… they are suspiciously open for an ambush.” The information Pom was reading off the paper be sounding fairly sound, given the Surskit got it without being seen. “If an Inteleon’s range is as great as you guys say it is, we’re not going to be able to sneak by it on the road to engage with the Octillery without it taking shots at us, so we should not approach the mountain or go along the road too far for any reason. The Froakies however are in an ambush position and are open for an attack. We can easily take the Froakies out of the equation, but we’ll have to deal with them fast if they try to alert the Octillery unit to our movements. To that end, we’ll be sending someone to set off the ambush and if the ambushed team is having any problems, then we’ll rush in with everyone else. We’ll rescue who we can and retreat before any reinforcements show up to bog us down.”

“Who the dark and troubled idiots that will be doing that?” Squirt Black asked and we all looked at the Super Sentai Squirtle Squad, the silence was deafening. “Oh…”

-South road toward Fontaine, Squirt Yellow-

To think we would soon be fighting a commando unit of Froakie’s, which are like ninja’s really. We’re doing this all unit to unit and we’ll be fighting on mostly equal ground, but we should really watch out if any of they are the Protean unit like we suspect.


“I feel almost bad about this, but be ready to aid them if they need it.” I received salutes from the Surskit Scouts and they all have a serious looks in their eyes. They were so small it was hard to imagine they’d be effective in combat, then again it was hard to imagine the Skitty Squad being dangerous unless you watched them in action closely.

Pokémon have proved multiple times that size isn’t an indicator of strength on this world. Sure Evan’s Rattata unit got absolutely beaten into the ground, but they were still alive.

“There they go.” Smolder said as we watched the six water spewing, highly eccentric, turtles waddled their way forward.

“Can we hope that they stay?” Ocellus still didn’t like their wildly off kilter emotions, even if she was generally used to my anxiety issues by now. Today was a good day, I wasn’t as paranoid as I could be. I still worried that it was going to turn upside down any second now, but it was better the Squirtle Squad than me.

One of the Surskit got my attention as the Froakies appeared from their hiding places and leapt toward the Super Sentai Squirtle Squad from the trees, between their webbed digits were spinning ninja stars made of sharpened water.

One would think the Squirtle Squad would be ready having known this attack was coming thanks to the Surskit, one would think the Froakies would immediately get in some good blows as they came down on them and many would think that the fight would be even.

None of that stuff could be further from the truth and what happened next was more than a little bizarre as the rest of us crept up to watch the ensuing spectacle.

“It seems we’re under attack, Super Sentai Squirtle Squad, fight fire with water!” Squirt Red stated while posing with his right arm in the air.

“I don’t have to listen to you I’m the groups lone wolf!” Squirt Black stated gruffly as he pulled his left arm into his shell and it popped out with a weapon that looked vaguely bat shaped with two handles that made it looked like a tiny throwing axe with how it was designed. The edges of said axe didn’t look to be overly sharp.

They were saying this stuff as the Froakies were in the middle of throwing their water shuriken at them.

Squirt Yellow had already blended into the background and out the way of the stars. Squirt Green had flipped onto his back where he got stuck after tripping over a rock and pulled his head and limbs into his shell, but due to this he was also out of the way of the six thrown stars.

“Oh, hit me, hit me!” Squirt Purple stated as he danced around on his feet excitedly while glowing drawing two of the water stars towards himself.

“No pay more attention to me, I’m the good looking one!” Squirt Blue also drew two of the stars while having a similar glow.

“Huh, those two know Attract… that’s an… interesting use of it.” Glancing at Shine, she was paying attention to those two Squirtles.

“RWARRR I am here, to AGH…!” That’s when a large grey Pokémon came out of nowhere wielding a large red girder and took numerous water stars from four of the Froakie meant for Squirt Blue and Purple to the back. He his face slammed into the ground and his red girder flopped over onto his head.

The other two spinning series of water stars were taken out by a throw of the strange metal object Squirt Black held that flew in a boomerang circle around the five of the group still visible in an outwards counter clockwise manner. It had been thrown with his left claw and he caught it with his right after it finished circling around and taking out the water stars that would have hit them from the left and right.

“Greatly thrown Zu-rang, it’s my shell breaking, poison drug pumping, mortal nemesis Scourge the Gurdurr!” Squirt Black announced while focusing on him, that’s when we heard a demented laughter he jumpe back as a wad of silver strings struck out at him from the trees. “My other mortal nemesis too?! The String Shot defiler Jester the Caterpie!?”

The small green and purple worm crawled out wearing a jester’s hat while continuing to cackle madly.

“Aw, did I gunk up your parents?” The worm stated with a creepy grin and continued to cackle madly. “Are you still on about that Black?”

“What are you doing here!” Squirt black stated while the others in the Super Sentai Squirtle Squad stared at him.

“Wait… those guys are real?” Red said after a moment breaking his true upstanding hero persona entirely for the moment, clearly as surprised and shocked as he sounded.

“I thought Squirt Black was making that stuff up.” Squirt Purple stated with disbelief, everyone watching this could feel it. Even the mind controlled Froakies didn’t know what was going on.

“Apparently his supposedly hidden enemies are real, who knew?” Squirt Blue shrugged in a manner that attempted to be cute.

“Of course we’re real, and we’ve captured Squirtle Black’s Winged Wonder, Swallow, Mahahaha!” The caterpie moved behind a tree and dragged out a tied up struggling bird Pokémon. There was thick silver string wrapping around the wings, legs and beak of dark blue, red and white bird wearing a domino mask and yellow cape.

“You fiends, I only just started training him as a sidekick for ten minutes this morning, then ghosted him while leaving him money for lunch because I’m a brooding barely golden hearted jerk like that to him!” Squirt Black announced with gritted teeth and a growl while holding one of his throwing boomerang things threateningly.

“Wait… you actually have money?” Squirt Green stopped struggling on his back for a second to actually ask that. “I thought we were all generally working cheaply because, you know… heroes on a budget, Squirtle Power.”

“I’m just better at managing my finances than the rest of you, because being broody and edgy like I am costs a lot.” Squirt Black stated simply, then flex his arms with sunglasses on them. “Like buying fifty pairs of sunglasses so nobody will ever see my eyes behind the darkness of the shades!”

“We’ll talk about that later, we need to get our heads in gear and start heroically fighting all these guys!” Red was back on task a second later of staring at Squirt Black with honest befuddlement.

“Yes, you do, and these guys are our newest partners in hunting down those pesky outsiders getting in the way of our thieving… even if we are kind of stalking them and they wouldn’t get in our way if we didn’t do that, we know they are around here somewhere! We didn’t swim the river from Ignis to here to miss an opportunity to bug them!” Yelled Meowth, as he, Jessie and James appeared dropping to the ground and my group groaned audibly at seeing them again. Even I couldn’t help but do so along with them. “First we have to help them deal with you guys, then we can worry about that Wooloo adjacent outsider and her friends as Team Pocket’s Villain Team has grown two members bigger!”

“HAHAHHAHA, he said bug!” Jester laughed madly.

“Prepare for trouble…” Started Jessie and I sighed as we were dealing with these guys again, they were also going through their whole spiel again like every time they showed up.

Do they rehearse doing this constantly in every kind of environment to make sure they always have their introduction perfected?

“Make it doub-ugh!” James continued before he, Jessie and Meowth were hit by a wall of bubbles from the six mind controlled Froakie. “Hey we were in the middle of something very important, we have to do the whole bit or Jessie gets grumpy!”

“Too late they ruined it, just start fighting!” Stated an obviously grumpy Jessie as she slung her poisonous bladed tail for the closest Froakie.

“So… it be going from a simple unit fight, to a full on three way battle?” That would seem to be correct Shanty.

Hearing a nose I look down and saw that the Surskit had a huge bowl of popcorn and looked to be asking us if we wanted some with a gesturing leg.

-Origin Space, Arceus-

Where did my fresh bowl of giant nearly perfected popped popcorn go?

Does anybody realize how hard it is to pop popcorn perfectly with just the right amount of butter and salt to not be going overboard with the extra flavor spices, even with godly universe creating, manipulating and twisting powers?!

-South Road Fontaine, Pom-

“This is pretty good.” Crunching through some popcorn kernels with Quetal, we watched as the sudden tenseness end as the fighting started.

“Shouldn’t we be helping them?” Quetal asked as Jessie tried to attack the Froakie, yet their jumping ability easily got them out of range of her swing tail. Meowth wasn’t have any luck either and James barely managed to tag one.

That wasn’t to say the Super Sentai Squirtle Squad was idle as Squirt Black started to acrobatically avoid the girder swinging Pokémon with muscles. Black was spewing equally dodged blasts of water as he hopped over and slid under the fast swinging mass of metal.

“Nah, they’re doing fine so far.” I said waving a hoof to Quetal.

Squirt Black slammed home a blast of water into Scourge’s face while throwing multiple, thin, edged axe boomerangs he was pulling from out of his shell to cut up the bulky monsters skin slightly.

“Agh, a Brine attack, I’ll break your spine again for this!” Shouted the girder wielding beast of a Pokémon with muscles and strange popped veins.

Squirt Green was still stuck on his back and was avoiding attacks from the Froakie’s by pulling in his limbs and spraying water from his semi-frictionless shell to skid around on the ground.

Squirt Yellow looked too confused to do anything, not that it was easy to spot her when she was nearly invisible and carefully watching everything like we were from the sidelines.

Squirt Red fired a massive blast of water, but looked immediately tired afterwards, probably couldn’t even do that twice in a row. The Froakie he aimed at didn’t manage to dodge out of the way, as a matter of course it would be pretty hard to dodge a massive cannonball of water and was taken out of the fight by being slammed into a tree with a painful amount of explosive force that sent water flying everywhere.

Red actually managed to take one down despite looking exhausted afterwards, that and he was still on point with our original mission.

Squirt Blue was distracting Meowth who had hearts in his eyes as he watched her pose innocently, she was smiling and enjoying the adoration she was receiving from the cat Pokémon.

Squirt Purple was… yeah… partially impaling himself on James spines and rocks were erupting from the ground into the Mareanie pushing them both out of the path of some of the Froakie’s attacks of bubbles, water shuriken and lashing tongues. He was also hitting himself as much as James with his own attacks, should probably introduce him to a Wooloo.

Jester, the laughing mad Pokémon, was swinging around on silver threads and trying to catch one of the Froakie who was trying to avoid him and continue throwing numerous water stars to keep cutting through said rapidly spewed threads.

“Huh, Rock Tomb, interesting move for a Squirtle.” Quetal said blandly as he carefully scooped up a claw full of popcorn.

“Well it’s confirmed now, those are Protean Froakies!” Looking to where Shine was pointing with her left side hair hand, we could see Meowth was trying to protect Squirt Blue but his attacks were going entirely through the Froakie as he stretched out and slammed a tongue across Squirt Blue’s face making her shiver and freeze up. “Lick is a ghost type attack with paralytic effect just like Mr. Schlurp uses and Squirt Blue has just been paralyzed by it, should we jump in now?”

Meowth grew angry and his he opened his mouth and darkness started to form up there, looks like he picked up a move to deal with ghost types. Meowth actually successfully bit the Froakie, the frog looked like he was seriously hurting from it.

In a panic the Froakie quickly released a massive amount of smoke that got Meowth to let go of him and retreated a bit.

“No… not yet, but I really should rescue that downed Froakie before he gets hit anymore more…” While I’m thinking about it and everyone in the battle is distracted. “Stay here.”

I looked at the tree as the fighting went on took up another hoof full of popcorn into my mouth and chewed as I leapt up to grab a low hanging branch and climbed up onto it. I quickly started hopping across the trees using my floaty nature to quietly hover overhead of the fighting and then turned and started to walk down the tree that the out cold Froakie was at the bottom of.

Pulling out the Rescue Team Badge, I rescued the Froakie and sent him back to Helper’s Hamlet in a pillar of light. Hoping that didn’t attract too much attention, I then quietly turned around and climbed back up the tree to continue watching the odd fighting going.

I sat on a branch to watch as the various Froakie acrobatically leapt around dodging while attacking at the same time and waited for another Froakie to be downed.

I sent a mental message to Dolly.


Hm? Well okay then, I turned and barked to Ocellus and made several gestures with my paws.

“Pom says we should spread out and prepare to assist the Super Sentai Squirtle Squad when she signals it.” Ocellus was getting really good at charades now, I finished off the message. “Also to save some of this popcorn for her.”

“Just a few more handfuls, I don’t think I’ll ever taste popcorn his good again for the rest of my life!” That was apparent Smolder, given you were enjoying the popcorn a little too much. Even the Surskit had a few kernels as we watched the fighting. “There’s just something unquestionably rich and heavenly about it. Like someone meticulously balanced the flavor to a razor edge of greatness close to godlike somehow… while it satisfies it somehow fails to reach the pinnacle of what it could be. Eh, seems good enough to me, but someone was trying to make the perfect bowl of popcorn. Well props to whoever for trying, because that is practically impossible.”

“Right, let’s get right on the spreading out part.” Quetal ran towards the nearest tree and clambered up it swiftly with ridiculous ease.

I slung my board up, hooked the wheels on the tree and launched up onto the branch and then leapt into the air to glide forward towards a position near the fighting.

Ready to jump in when necessary, the small forest of trees around the road here gave pretty good cover for an ambush… that the Froakie already did it didn’t mean we were just copying them.

That would be implying that we would fail and flail about like the Froakie are slowly starting to.


Meowth actually defeated a Froakie with gleaming claws and started moving towards James to help him with Squirt Purple. I got up and leapt across two trees and moved close enough to send the out cold Froakie on their way to Helper’s Hamlet with the rescue team badge.

Four left to go and there’s the Team Pocket thieves to beat, though honestly I haven’t seen them steal anything yet.

I was sticking to the job I was commissioned for unless someone’s life was in terrible danger, but because the Squirtle’s had shells they were fine with taking hits. Squirt Black’s incredible acrobatics aside against a larger and much more physically stronger opponent, the rest of the Super Sentai Squirtle Squad weren’t doing too badly in avoiding damage.

I looked to the bird that was still trying to get free of its silk bonds and it looked like he wouldn’t be getting free anytime soon, makes me wonder why Scourge or Jester thought that bringing the bird here was a good idea. Since if he did get free, that would be an opponent they’d both have problems with given it was obviously a flying type Pokémon which a bug type should be weak against. Don’t know what the metal swinging giant was, but I’m pretty sure it’s a fighting type judging by the orange glow of some of its attacks.

Jumping over to the tree and calmly climbing down and watching as Squirt Green turned himself into an impression of a sprinkler or was break dancing trying to get off his back, his water did little to bother the other Squirts, but Jessie incidentally took a mouthful of water and started choking on it.

It was becoming increasingly obvious that the Squirtle Squad were actively putting the Team Pocket thieves between themselves and the mind controlled Froakies to the best of their abilities. Which, from the looks of it, was a rather effective strategy.

Another effective strategy was that Squirt Blue kept charming Meowth with her cuteness into fighting for her. Squirt Purple was clearly enjoying the pain he was suffering through with James poison spines and the Froakie attacking the both of them, he was also hitting them both with rocks that erupted from the ground and was not idle in the fight.

I reached the bird and it looked up at me worriedly, I made a gentle noise to be quiet and he nodded. I magical wolf clawed the binding around his wings and legs and he pointed at his beak.

“Just don’t make any loud noises, I’m trying to stay out of the fighting.” I carefully used a single magical claw from my hoof and his beak was free.

“Thanks for freeing me. I’ll find a good opportunity to pay Scourge back for smashing me in the back of the head with his fist. Though I have no idea what he or Jester were planning when they brought me here, was it to rub it into Squirt Black’s face that his sidekick failed to predict them? I’m still kind of new to all this weird sentai hero stuff… at least the cape is nice and this mask is cool. Do all other sidekicks only get ten minutes of training and a lot of yelling about how color black is great?” With that Swallow, the apparent Winged Wonder, took to the air and started looking about as I carefully made my way back up into the tree again to watch what would happen next.

Squirt Red seemed to be having trouble with Jester as he continued to tackle him and pin him down with that string, it was like Red had expended all his energy for attacks on that one Froakie… was it the water cannon thing that was mentioned as being something that should be nearly impossible for him to do? If so, he was going to need some water to restore his water attack capabilities, good thing this was Fontaine and we were still in the wetlands region slightly south of the crossroads.

I was going to go down and help him with the cackling mad Caterpillar and the Froakie he was valiantly defending against, but then Squirt Yellow jumped in with her shell spinning like crazy and she slammed into both the Froakie and Jester in a well-timed manner.

“Guh, did someone get the number of the Mudbray cart that just hit me?!” Jester was laid out on his back and rolling onto his belly to look around angrily. “It’s not funny when I can’t see the joke coming!”

The Froakie was still up and slinging its tongue around… and was missing Squirt Yellow by a mile, likely because she was practically invisible to him and barely visible to me. I wasn’t relying on sight, I was relying on my sense of smell and hearing to keep her in sight visually, otherwise she’d fade into her surroundings so easily.

“Hey Scourge, I think you deserve this Brave Bird!” Swallow swooped down and went into a high speed dive and kept picking up speed until he rammed his beak into the chest of the large grey Pokémon with a force that sent them sprawling painfully after they knocked out another Froakie with their big hunk of metal. After the impact the bird flopped to the ground and the large grey Pokémon with pink veiny protrusions was out cold with a large bloody spot on their chest. “Ow… my beak, my face and everything else. Time to Roost…”

Sitting up Swallow started glowing and his injuries from the massive impact started healing. So there were Pokémon moves outside the ones Ms. Chan uses that would heal the user. Good to know for later in case a Pokémon looks about defeated, but then suddenly gets back up after healing through a move.

“Good job Winged Wonder, since you took care of Scourge that leaves me open to deal with my nemesis Jester!” Squirt Black immediately turned and threw another strangely bat shaped bit of metal and it slammed into Jester’s face with unerring accuracy. The green and purple caterpillar went down with his face slightly smashed in. “Thank goodness… I almost missed with that one… er… I mean… ahem… dark brooding stereotype one liner number twelve! You can’t run from the knight of the night, Squirt Black.”

As he was saying that I was checking the Froakie that got slammed by the metal beam that was wielded by Scourge, I urgently motioned for Shine and she came running. The Squirtle Squad still had everyone else distracted and were actually, ridiculously enough, winning.

“Doing a Pain Split… ohhhnn… yeah, that was a bad head injury, good call Pom.” Shine groaned at stealing a portion of the injury that was dealt to the Froakie. She then quickly ate a Sitrus Berry from her pack as I rescued the Froakie.

“Companions, now!” With two newest members of Team Pocket down and half the Froakie’s out, it was a good idea to call a bum rush.

“It’s an ambush!” James stated finally having gotten free from the very distracting Squirt Purple and went hopping towards Scourge, leaving behind a poisoned Froakie that passed out from it.

Squirt Purple… was actually perfectly fine with his injuries and still ambulatory.

“Shine get a Pecha Berry out and follow me!” I ran towards the poisoned Froakie as Team Pocket started gathering up around Scourge.

Yellow managed to block several water shuriken with her shell as she flew at the Froakie shell first like a rocket in the middle of the air and popped out to flip and spike him down.

“Heroic upper!” The Froakie fell right into Squirt Red throwing a right uppercut into their chin knocking them out with a painful jaw breaking noise.

Shine applied the Pecha Berry and I rescued the fourth Froakie, then we ran to collect the fifth one.

“Meowth come to your sense, we’re getting overrun!” Jessie shouted in an angry and exasperated manner as she ducked another thrown metal boomerang. Despite dodging that the Surskit Scouts started blaster her with bubbles that seemed to stick to and slow the snake down immensely, James moved to defend her with his spikes popping the bubbles.

“Meowth we need to retreat… wait, how were we planning on moving Scourge anyway?” James stated as he continued to tank attacks from the Surskit Scouts. “He’s too heavy for us!”

“I don’t know how we would do that either…” Meowth said making his way over to them calmly with Jester and a lipstick mark on his cheek. “Also Squirt Blue is really cute, she’s quite charmingly narcissistic! Then again I hang around a narcissist all day, so maybe I have a problem.”

“What was that Meowth?” Jessie said with a cold fury as she turned to him with her tail raised.

“Come off it Jessie, everyone knows you’re a narcissist, not that James or I care about that.” Meowth stated bluntly with his arms crossed. “We like you anyways.”

Dodo spat a pastry, I believe it to be a hot apple turnover, into the face of the last Froakie causing it to halt in its midair leap for the still stuck on his back Squirt Green. Shanty landed a brutal flying buck to the Froakie’s butt, as it went flying forward the dazed frog was hit with a Flame Burst by Dazzle from below him knocking him up into the air. Quetal flashed past lightly scratching the frog up with multiple claw wounds and kicked him towards Favela who wrapped them with her vines.

“Got him!” Favela stated as she slammed the Froakie into the ground.

The Froakie groaned and continued to struggle until it took a light smack to the head by Shine and I sent the sixth Froakie away. All Froakie’s rescued!

“Come on get up you lousy… oh… uh…” Jessie turned to see us all looking towards her as she shook Scourge. I think Team Pocket were trying to get Scourge back up and fighting, but Swallow had hit him really hard. That bird sidekick packed some real power.

“Super Sentai Squirtle Squad, Special Unit Command...” Red Squirt announced while glaring at Team Pocket.

“I just want you to know I’m only reacting to this command and willing to work with you on super attacks!” Squirt Black announced as he and the other six gathered in a circle, pulled into their shells and started to spin rapidly against the ground. “Since super attacks are so edgy and cool.”

“Sentai Shell Blitz!” Screamed Red Squirt after enough build up they started swirling around in a circle and then all six of them flew up into the in brilliantly glowing colors.

They all shot forward like rockets and started to slam into Team Pocket and one of their own that circled around all of them. The five Pokémon kept pounding the villainous group rapidly bouncing between them and the one shell circling the clumped up and the now floating Team Pocket members.

The six shells all gathered together once the spinning and flailing airborne Pokémon of Team Pocket were beaten black and blue by numerous impacts, the tops of their shells angled for Team Pocket and they shot forward together closing in on a single point. Only, Green Squirt was still backwards, but that didn’t matter much.

Team Pocket was sent flying for the horizon upon impact, still surprising me as to what Pokémon could survive.

“You know, one of these days we’re going to capture them before they get sent flying.” Ocellus said as she and Smolder came walking up. “Maybe even bungee cord them to the ground…”

“Well that was quick and pai…” Smolder was cut off by Dodo warbling in warning.

“Move!” My shout made everyone dive away from the road towards the trees as something erupted through the center of the road. There was a five foot wide long line of a ditch dug into the ground and a small pond at the end of it.

“I think that might have been the Inteleon, we need to retreat before he lines up another shot… wait why am I still on my shell?!” Does someone actually need to point out that you landed on your back Squirt Green? “You know what, just pick me up and run!”

Looking to the mountain side I saw a relatively large Pokémon and swirling red clouds sitting on a spiraling pillar, the Pokémon was slowly shrinking out of view as was the pillar it was sitting on.

-West side of the southeastern mountain-

The giant bipedal lizard, simply frowned at the water harpoon shaped gun extending from the fingers of his right hand.

The water types glowing red eyes were dimming as his left hand was gripping his right wrist, he was resisting and had managed to throw off his aim and weakened the attack at the last moment.

His eyes started glowing red brightly and he let out a hiss of agony daggers dug into his skull for showing defiance, but he continued to do so with as much force as he could put behind it.

Despite the pain, there was a grim smile on his face as he started shrinking back down, only being forced to shrink because the controlling force didn’t like him resisting with the extra strength he got from the size increase of Dynamax power.

He smiled knowing that Motochika was coming for them, to save them all from the horrors of the dark castle.

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