• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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403. Metal Hound Chaos! Pt. 7.

-Moon Cell-

The collision of two realms has caused massive problems, specifically it somehow caused a horrible coding to occur. Coding it couldn’t stop personally and it was spreading, it was causing bigger issues than even the Chrysomallus was just by being in its systems.

Also its servant ran into the beast and despite his prowess with a sword and incredible power, a Saber wasn’t nearly enough for the beast and the beast seemed particularly geared for dealing with particular souls.

The two slapped together realms were really causing major problems, that and there had been some strange anomalous signals for a second around where the enemy’s stronghold was before it was blasted apart.

Said Stronghold had a massive battle going on outside of it between four factions. Their faction was doing relatively well in holding their main territory, Moon Cells faction was all over the place due to the realms fusing not to mention the wrecked territory being attack by two other factions, the beast’s chaotic neutral faction had a lot of power to it and the corrupted code faction was slowly increasing in strength from the other three programs.

The corruption faction had to be dealt with, unfortunately shifting the priority of its servant would mean the chrysomallus would survive as long as a larger threat to its systems was present. The beast was quite a large threat, but it wasn’t actively trying or going to crash everything on purpose and it wasn’t nearly as big as what the Chrysomallus presented by existing.

-Moon Cell Realm, Mare Melum, City of Lost Destiny, warped farmlands, Castle Alexander, Ocellus-

“They’re getting closer.” Jeanne called out on the communication system, I was curiously watching a Saber Knight perform a similar maneuver to what Jeanne had done earlier in the battle. It had slashed up the bleeding biological resembling leg things to force the regular gekko, what few of those that remained, into a kneeling position where it leapt onto its bent knee and then jumped to thrust it’s sword up into the underside of the more mechanical head and then ripped it’s weapon free as the machine fell over dissolving. “We should do it now!”

The Saber Knight soon was joined by the others in slicing off tentacles of one of the yellow gecko and they tore it down quickly and backed off. They were actively avoiding infection and were doubling up in case infection got one of them they would quickly destroy the infected to save them from being taken.

Were the APs actually intelligent? They seemed to have garnered tactics fairly well just by watching us do things.

“Right, Gazimon, pitfalls and mines, activate them!” The screen in front of me lit up with all the areas of contention, we were holding a fairly sizable area around us in the strange warped farmlands, Castle Alexander has kept everything in its territory stay relatively normal and the same.

Looking at the city, there was jungle growing out of all the buildings and even the streets. Our rooftop territories out there in the city were still holding, mostly because they were not under attack and the Caerbannogs behind enemy lines were producing… huh, information?

We were getting information from below the city? Someone was signaling us? I answered the odd signal. What came on screen was a visual of the underground region which was far more chaotic looking than what was happening up here.

“Oh um… hey there… I know this might seem like a lot… but could you maybe…” It looked kind of like Fluttershy, if she were a bipedal skvader version of one of our Assassin Caerbannogs.

“Fluttershy?” I asked curiously.

“Oh no, my name is Cuddlestare.exe… anyway can you route a message to Dodo… please?” She sounded exactly like her too, the pink hair made her look like a yellow furred angel with a pink puffy tail.

“All mines are go, all APs have safely retreated to a safe distance and zone. All Gazimon are pulling back into the safety of castle.” The Gazimon announced as he and his team were already almost back to the castle gates. “We really don’t want to be out in the middle of all of this, not with those coding zombies and that one odd breach of an Eater. One breach is too many for my liking, it’s just inviting more to appear!”

“Uh… sorry, but we’re kind of busy up here and I’m trying to… is that Pinkie Pie!?” I saw a mare that looked similar to Pinkie Pie, only there were a lot of them and they had ‘.exe’ marking all their flanks and little gators that looked a bit translucent and like candy.

“Oh no, that’s Pinkpie.exe, she’s a taffy pony.” A pink flash happened, that looked like a territory getting captured, but it wasn’t our blue effect, yellow effect of the wild NPs or even the red of the EPs.

“Can I hear about how things are going down there, while I figure out how to do as you ask?” In the background I saw the other Pinkie Pie with balloons made out of squares marking their flanks fired blast of what I’m sure were jawbreakers.

What was happening? Aside from the explosions of the self-replacing mines going off around the perimeter of Castle Alexander. The pitfalls even had some in them too, apparently the mines can launch powerful explosions they can cycle like Metabee does with his guns.

Speaking of Metabee and Krosserdog, they were up on the wall and helping Sami at the moment.

“I’ll be calling Dodo back, the Skarmory can be taking care of things for now. Dodo should be knowing something about this, but how does he be knowing anyone outside of who we already know?” Nearly flopped out of the seat at Shanty standing next to me spooked me a lot, she was looking at all the screens with keen interest. “Thing not be going too well out there, any idea what Pom be doing?”

“She’s handling one of the problems… hopefully.” I got a quirked eye from Shanty and a frown. “Okay, so she’s likely in a bad situation and she’s going to do what she does… her best.”

“It is being too bad that I be knowing that I can’t be fighting at the moment… or else I would be doing what Dormarch currently is.” Going to her rescue, at least he can make it in all this chaos. “I am not being an idiot that be running off half capable. I already be knowing my limits and Pom be teaching me that very well, that said… I still be having some cards to play.”

With a flicker a similarly bandaged Shanty separated from Shanty, then ran off to do who knows what.

“I can usually only be doing that only twice while moving, but just one condensed copy of me that can act independently isn’t too hard.” Oh right, forgot that Shanty could even do that, that dehydrates her like crazy though. I watched as she took a chug of some rum from a bottle she pulled from behind her back, I had to wonder how she was still alive or even had any water in her body to do that.

“Oh I can do that too!” A strange pinkie pie copy with ‘.exe’ on their flank stated and then a PLANT with the square edged balloons created another one. Oh my goodness, they even had a PLANT that could make more of them! Glad Twilight wasn’t here, this might have given her a conniption.

Still doesn’t explain why there are programs with similarities to our teachers from friendship school… that and they could actually take territory! That, our APs couldn’t do that, so if they weren’t APs… what were they?

“Anyway, things down here are getting kind of scary, especially Pinkpie.exe. I didn’t know Jawbreakers could break more than jaws, but these nice programs are helping us out a lot by protecting us.” A few Saber Knight APs raised their swords and shield to me in recognition, they were definitely ours helping these things take territory. A yellow PLANT floated into view and purred at Cuddlestare as it rubbed up against her, she giggled and patted the thing gently with a smile as it produce green Assassin Caerbannog with guns around Cuddlestare protectively. “So here’s what we know that’s happening down here so far Ocellus…”

“I never told you my name…” Okay, Pinkie Pie is involved and she has a habit of doing things normal earth ponies aren’t capable of… did I really want to know or not?

“Oh we’ve been around since Elhorn… poor Pom, so many bad things keep happening around her and to her.” Okay, a whole number of questions have just been raised from that statement alone Cuddlestare. “Sorry we haven’t been able to say hello up until now.”

That’s when the first few mines went off and would take a minute or so before they could cycle a new explosive. Our perimeter would hold for a while, but not forever, the mines can only cycle so fast.

-Massive Underground Region, random patchy jungle/forest/dessert mix, ???-

A white and black fog formed and slowly a checkered whelk like entity started to drag itself out of it, an NP attacked it doing very little damage and then immediately the thing lunge and grabbed the barely able to struggle NP to absorb it out of existence almost in an instant. The thing grew slightly stronger and bigger from this.

An Eater had appeared where no one would be to stop it from fully manifesting, it idly floating around looking for things to consume.

-Deep Jungle region, Pom (Insert Music: any version or remix of Axiom Verge ‘Apocalypse’.)-

When I said fighting retreat, I meant turn around and start running from the danger and fight when it caught up withus.

“Guys do I need to tell you to stay away from the yellow gekko and don’t worry about me, they can’t turn Dolly or me into a zombies right?” We were all running through the jungle with hundreds of hopping gekko trying to find us in the underbrush as they leapt between trees and blasted flames to light some of them on fire.

“Correct, but they can still stab or choke you to death, so it’s probably just lethal for you and you won’t rise to start attacking your friends.” One of the Commandramon responded. “Huh… seismic activity, it’s beneath us!”

“Scatter!” At my call as the ground rose up underneath one of the Commandramons armors and they dove away before a spinning leg of the machine erupted from the ground before retreating back down.

“Okay, that Excelsus thing is scarily fast underground. Another attack move!” One of the Commandramon stated as he ran his machine out of the way with one of the others as a spinning foot that erupted from the ground at a forty five degree angle.

“It’s trying to distract us from the incoming gekko.” It was also destroying trees, plants and undergrowth trying to expose our location. “That or expose our position to those red wyverns.”

We all quickly avoided a fireball from one as a yellow gekko leapt and found itself completely incinerated by the fiery blast, at least the thing that fired it wasn’t a zombie wyvern yet… not that it would ignore us either, definitely wouldn’t if it got turned.

“Avoid those drills from underground as best you can… and everything else coming at us….” Four chasing gekko landed behind us, Dolly got us turned around and started firing on it. Once she did enough damage to one, it toppled and would soon turn zombie. The other five Commandramon were focusing down the other three into similar states.

I was looking elsewhere independent of what Dolly currently had us doing and saw a large leaning tree vines wrapped around it and it looked really heavy and sturdy.

“Dolly, that tree!” I didn’t have to explain what I wanted her to do, as the four toppled gekko started to stand back up while moaning.

“I don’t really need to go right now as we got worse things to worry… oh… right!” Dolly aimed both the guns of our armor and started blowing away vines until enough were gone and then focused on the base of the tree cutting out a specific section of it with two streams of bullets positively shredding the wood in seconds. The four zombified gekko were about to leap at us when they were rendered piles of cubes by the tree slamming down all four of them.

Several more Gekko started leaping at us from the trees there were at least seven of them, we had to get out of this slightly open clearing as there were at least twenty more of them converging on us. Said increasingly worse numbers were visibly popping up and out the treetops for a few seconds at a time before disappearing back into the underbrush.

“Back away through the trees and keep shooting!” We started to walk backwards and twelve streams of shots poured out of our machines and into the seven gekko trying to leap at us from the trees or ground in an attempt to either kick us down or hit us with their flamethrowers.

Our combined streams of shots halted their momentum in the air as we focused on each of them in turn halting them within the same area. That’s when the Commandramon popped their canopies and tossed their five bombs at the seven machines while they were down from mooing and preparing to get back up moaning.

In a variety of unique explosions the mechanical bodies were all torn asunder before they could become even more of a problem. We all turned and started moving through the undergrowth using the claws of the armors to quickly get away before the other gekko could surround us.

“Anyone have any ideas how we’re supposed to deal with the thing underground, it’s what we’re after isn’t it?” Dolly was spot on with the problem, how were we going to deal with a large burrowing machine that can attack us at any time, mostly without reprisal. One that can make the gekko currently coming at us?

“We’ll wait for the next attack from below, I might have an idea or two.” Driver stated and I heard him muttering something about his DCD Bomb modification over the communications. “For one damage the drills enough and it’ll have to resurface once it can no longer attack from underground.”

A large yellow dog faced crocodile leapt for us and slashed through several plants, while Dolly reoriented us to face it and twisted the left arm claw to point inwards as we pulled the left arm back.

Following my general idea of what I wanted her to do in this instance, Dolly swung the two sharp points of metal up into its neck. The blades erupted out the back of its neck as we pushed its body back. This kept its swiping metallic looking claws away from our armor as we activated the gun and the point blank shots helped us rip its head entirely off as it’s body toppled over.

The body then proceeded to roll over back onto its claws, reared up as it tried to continue attacking us with a right claw swipe as it moved forward on its hind legs.

Both its limbs were quickly blown off by the two Commandramon covering us, it went down in a stream of rapid firing shots and rendered it’s still moving body a pile of destroyed quickly dissolving cubes.

“Incoming from below, Commandramon on my team prepare sticky grenades!” Driver called out as Dolly and I felt a rumbling beneath us.

“Darn it, I hate sticky grenades!” One of the Commandramon complained, but I wasn’t paying too much more attention as Dolly leapt us up onto tree and jammed the static right claw into it to start climbing claw over claw as the several trees around and directly beneath us were quickly toppled and started being shredded by the drill that erupted from the ground.

We had gotten far enough up the tree that we managed to leap clear of the rising drill, we ended up on the ground flat on our face and we quickly picked ourselves. The two Commandramon with us quickly popped their domes open and tossed glowing white grenades onto the spinning drill as is pulled back underground, the glowing grenades were creating two circles of light as it lowered beneath the ground.

Two explosions soon followed and a horrible alien screech was heard from below, but we couldn’t worry about that as Dolly was picking us up and getting us out of the way of a gekko that landed where we had been prone. Our two Commandramon friends were immediately on it before it could attack us.

“Nearby forest and jungle areas are on fire, be wary that opening your canopy is dangerous near any gekko.” Driver called out as he and his two Commandramon armors were busy taking out other surrounding gekko while trying to use the tree to keep the gekko at bay.

Dolly turned us and concentrated on the one that landed in front of us and until it toppled onto its back and she followed that up by destroyed the legs using the two streams of rounds.

“More converging on us, let’s move Big Boss Lady!” Didn’t need to tell us twice, we got up and started running towards the magitek armor motioning to us and as the four others covered our retreat.

“Flying squirrel panther, knock it out of the air. Once it’s down, back up the nearby hill and provide covering fire for Big Boss’s team!” Two of the machines aimed upwards and blasted the wing flaps of the incoming yellow monster and it dropped to the ground and charge for the nearest target.

Said target would be us as we were at the very rear of the fighting retreat, Dolly swung us about while swinging the right claw wide to slap it across the face with the two blades as it was in the middle of a quadrupedal lunge.

Having staggered it our guns came up and we were about to start attacking when a fireball incinerated its back half leaving only skeletal spine. The explosion of the fireball scorched our armor as Dolly brought the arms of it up to protect us from the heat washing over the dome protecting us.

Afterwards Dolly still opened fired to blow off the front two legs of the now half flying panther just to prevent it from lunging, as the coding zombie’s bodies still continued to scrabble at us and attack even without a head or half its torso apparently. The wild creatures were attacking the zombies too at least.

Looking up I saw that there were now three red wyverns and a yellow black striped one battling in the air. Things were bad and getting worse, but at least that was why we weren’t getting slammed with all at once from the gekko I saw in the field around the large burrowing machine now beneath us.

The ground shook, but it wasn’t near us, the two armors next to us continued to fend off the various incoming enemies. We back up slightly up the hill and I could see the jungle was now lit on fire, smokeless fire that was going everywhere.

“Dolly, get me a visual of Driver’s team.” We turned and a wild spinning drill ripped out of the hillside and soon got covered in several sticky white glowing spheres before it could pull back as Driver and his team had been ready for it to throw multiple explosives onto it.

When the drill pulled back under ground, powerful explosion erupted creating a hole that sent dust into the sky and a powerful alien screeching dug into my and Dolly’s brains like ice picks.

“That was a positioning signal, that explosion must have destroyed one of its drills and made it angry. We’ve got incoming coding zombies… basically all of them!” That was not what I wanted to hear in this situation as fifty or so gekkos came leaping through the jungle for us.

“Up the hill guys, we’re still rearguard.” I called, as the two started moving up the hill to where Driver and his team were spraying down more gekkos down near the bottom where we were.

The ground rumbled and two spinning tubes rose up out of the ground and they angled in our direction, Dolly turned us and ran us up the hill and the hillside below where we were suddenly became a large crater in a powerful blast of energy that flipped our machine onto its back after tumbling up the hill a bit.

“Ugh… so glad I’m still wearing my helmet.” Dolly could have taken it off, but she would have been knocked out by the sudden tumble we just took that smashed our heads against the back of the seat.

Wouldn’t have been helpful to have lost the one actually piloting this mech, because I could barely get this thing to walk much less fight.

Ten streams of shots passed over us overhead and Dolly slowly staggered us into standing as one of the energy shooting tubes was lightly damaged under the tirade of shots as they raised into a vertical position. The two tubes spun and quickly sunk back into the ground, leaving behind a mass of glass below our position that had me shivering.

“We should consider ourselves lucky the fire rate on those plasma cannons is slow enough to be survivable.” One of the Commandramon groused as Dolly got us up and slowly walking up the slope towards the two Commandramon that were sticking close to us continued firing on the gekko showing up below and landing close to the slightly glittering crater. “We got incoming from behind, looks like infected raptors take care of them quickly.”

Given there wasn’t anything in the way of the hill, Dolly turned us around and started walking backwards as we joined the others in gunning down arriving gekko. How many of these things have we gunned down in the last few minutes? They just kept coming.

One of the gekko launched up the hill and landed on the Commandramon armor to our left. We immediately turned with the Commandramon on our right to deal with that and get the three tentacle wielding machine off of them.

“Dolly jump right!” Driver called out and despite not knowing why we should do so, Dolly did it and a yellow and red striped bird raptor went flying past us and landed on its leg poorly snapping it. Dolly put the right arm on it and blew apart its torso under a salvo while the left arm continued to pummel the gekko until it toppled away from the armor.

The armor was quickly up and shooting at the incoming gekko again before they could leap up after us.

“We’re slowly getting surrounded here!” One of the commandramon called out as the ground rumbled a bit as our enemy target was moving around under it, yet it didn’t send a drill up out of the ground.

“I don’t think we would have survived for half as long as we have without these armors.” I commented dryly as Dolly punched a raptor coming up from our left with the blunt knuckles of our right claws and sent it flopping boneless down the hill with a broken neck.

“Can confirm, we’re really getting heat from all sides here!” A commandramon stated as we got close to the top of the hill. This made me realize that we were once again on a hill with swarms of enemies coming at us, this was the Assassin Reapers all over again.

The Gekkos were our main focus, but we were seeing a lot of yellow monsters coming up the hill at us too.

“More seismic activity, where is it going to attack next?!” Another call out to the fact that the Excelsus robot thing causing this mess wasn’t attacking us directly as we stayed at the top of the hill for a bit.

“We can’t stay here… even if it is a defensible position. That digging machine can take us down with this entire hillside.” Even as I talked and Dolly had my body under her control, my mind still raced and tried to keep up with what was happening around us. We were gunning down a swarm of beaked flightless large legged birds with huge talons on their feet running up the hill at us at an angle drawing our fire from the more important oncoming gekko that were leaping up the hill on their two legs. “I wouldn’t want to be stuck in a hole with that thing and… I think that’s what it intends to do. We need to start moving down the other side of the hill right now, it’s trying to create a sinkhole to suck us into!”

The seismic activity was becoming worse as the entire hillside started to shake.

“You heard the Big Boss Lady, move it Commandramon!” Driver was getting into taking charge of his unit. “If there’s no path, we make one! We’ve been doing so great about surviving so far, we don’t want to lose anyone now!”

Gekko toppled and tumbled down the hill as we continued to back up at the top and then turned to start running for the other side of it as the entire hill started to rumble.

“Run!” The two Commandramon were ahead of us as the entire hillside started to lift upwards, we were on the slope behind the other when the entire hillside collapsed inwards.

The left side of our machine slammed into a downwards slope into sliding down what used to be a hill that now looked more like antlions sand trap, just without the sand.

The front half of the enemy machine we were here to deal with rose up at the bottom of the slope out of the ground and its two mantis like arms extended and created energy blades and the guns on top of it started to angle at us.

“Protect my back, I’ll try to take out the gun before it can shoot at them!” With that the two armors up the slope started firing on things out of sight and Driver was focusing on the machine behind us.

“Does anyone need repairs yet? Also guys get up the slope and help them!” I had Dolly stab the right claw into the shifting and sliding dirt and we stopped in position. We started to crawl using claw over claw while pushing with our armors feet to make our way up the slope, behind the other two armors ahead of us as the ground continued to collapse and shift beneath.

“Nothing that requires repairs, but you’re armor is looking a bit bent out of shape.” Driver returned as he and the three Commandramon, since one from my group managed to make it to the top continued to hold position while wait for us and the other Commandramon to get up the slope.

On a stabbing our left claw deeply into the slope to get us stuck half way up to the top as the other Commandramon kept going, Dolly turned the right arm gun to point it down the slope at the cannon started to take up at us and we fired as the barrels started glowing.

“Pom, can I get a little help with my aim?” At Dolly’s request, I twitched my right leg a bit and the blazing stream of shots soon started hitting in the glowing barrel as Dolly and I concentrated on stopping it from destroying us or at least our armor.

The large machines left barrel blasted apart and half the barrel vaporize, the other damaged one did so a second later as the other Commandramon reach the top of the slope and aided Driver in blowing the second barrel apart before it could fire from that and take us out.

The large machine groaned as it lost its head cannons and started to sink back into the ground as we kept shooting at it.

“Climb.” I said flatly and Dolly got us going upwards again as gekko charged up the slope for us only to be fended off from six separate streams of shots covering us from the three Commandramon above.

“Come on!” Driver called out.

“Still getting assaulted here.” On of the other two Commandramon not covering our ascent was saying.

“Just keep them off us until we can get our last armor up here!” Driver shouted as we were almost at the top when a gekko from the other side landed among the Commandramon and was about to start spewing flames or attack with its tentacles.

“Blade Mode!” When it suddenly split into seven pieces, pieces that went toppling and tumbeling past us, as Jack Wolf showed up. “Fortunately for you, Moon Cell has given me a new temporary assignment of targeting the Excelsus for elimination. After I’m done with it, you’re back to being the top of my priorities, got me! Thanks for making my job easier by taking out its plasma guns by the way. Attack me at your own peril.”

“Fou?” That drew both our attentions to Fou as he showed up and stared directly at the armor that I and Dolly were in as we reached the top of the slope which was at flat ground level.

A gekko landed on him and seconds later it was brutally torn to shreds in short order as Fou tore it down by tearing off a leg with his teeth and then used his claws to rip the mechanical head from its hips by tearing its neck apart and then he threw the head at another gekko to knock it over.

“Fou!” At least Fou looked angry at the yellow infected that were still attacking us. Fou was functionally biological at least, so he was safe from being turned and he wasn’t paying attention to what we were doing as he launched himself at the nearest Gekko.

“Yeah, sure, temporary truce, but we’re not going to be able to account for whatever Fou’s going to do nor am I going to help you of my own volition.” I stated as we finally got up to where three of the Commandramon were focusing their guns on Jack Wolf, while the other two were still fending off oncoming gekkos coming at us. “Don’t attack him… let’s keep moving guys and bringing down more of the incoming zombies until our mutual enemy pops up again or its drills do at least. We need to force it above again and then we can finish it off, we’ll worry about Fou and Jack afterwards.”

“Roger Big Boss Lady.” Driver answered with a bob of his Magitek Armor. “We got more incoming, look alive Commandramon!”

Jack snorted loudly in derision about what Driver just said and I wondered why that was.

Said yellow monsters were circling around the crater to get at us, were they intelligently avoiding the inward sloping hole left by the giant machine on purpose or was it just that large machine controlling them all?

“Who would have thought that my PLANT would have caused so much trouble that even Moon Cell would order it be destroyed by me?” Grumbled Jack as he readied his sword. “Can’t fault Moon Cell for it either, these zombies are bad news all around… but they are nothing compared to me.”

Jack quickly set off to attack the zombies on his own. Fou narrowed his eyes at Jack’s back and seemed to have gained something of a notable competitive fire.

Things were going to get worse before they got any better as multiple gekko descended on us from all sides.

“Keep your guards up.” I said quietly as Dolly brought up the arms on the slightly battered magitek armor and joined the salvo of shots burning through Gekko leaping at us from all sides as we moved for a forest thicket and away from the sinkhole where a hill used to be. Fou ran off to attack some of the gekko on his own and was going to be the biggest problem later.

We were going to go our own way and hoped to figure out a way to defeat Jack after we took out his source of healing, which he was now bound to do himself. Fou… I had no idea how anyone could deal with him.

-Program pony gaiden, Pinkpie.exe-

“Why am I blue… also a cow?” Applelove.exe stated with a flat glare at the candy pony standing before her... oh wait that's me!

“Well orange you glad I didn’t make you a banana colored bobcat?” I stated as Cuddlestare was informing a continually paling Ocellus about everything going on down here, including the zombies and that reports from the Caerbannog that a new black and white checkered whelk thing was wandering around and eating the data of everything that goes near it. The things it ate included the ground, the trees and it was sponging up a lot of water nearby too. “Now about Flarity.exe, do you think a marshmallow cougar with a horn is a bit much? I mean we’re using what we have here. Purpsmart.exe already has to be a purple raptor or uniceratops and I don’t know what we’re going to be doing about Rainbow.exe... how do you think she would feel about being an oversize gecko?”

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