• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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310. Pummelton.

-???, Oleander-

“Fried Ricer!” A muscular side of rice wielding giant spoons as weapons leapt into battle with Fred.

“Hey, don’t get angry just because I like the food in this dimension Ollie.” Of course you do Fred, because… “IT’S SOUL FOOD AND IT CAN FIGHT BACK!”

“I’m with Fred. Sure this dimensions is incredibly weird, but everything on Pandora ate everything else and those monsters made out of food actually look rather tasty.” Buttina, the extreme omnivore that she, was staring at the muscles on the fried rice monster. She would actually eat that food monster alive, its head was made of rice so that wouldn’t be too big a problem.

My traveling associates probably didn’t understand that I was currently thinking about actually destroying this entire world on the principal of things. I don’t want my food to become living things through magical means turning them into battle monsters.

At least putting the Skag egg in stasis went fine when we were on Pandora, could have done without having to fight a Skagzilla that was there while looking for one that would fit someone of Pom’s majesty as one of my friends.

-Pokemon World, Ransei, Pugilis Kingdom Road, Jeanne d’Arc-

“Hey, I’m Ocellus, what’s it like to be a Hakamo-o and you said you were here training to be a part of the militia in Valora, so I’m curious to know what Valora is like.” The strange bug like being stated, she was cute and her shade of blue was quite calming, I’m sure it is purposeful to her character.

As intriguing as this group was when they asked if we knew anyone who could heal a spirit, understandable why they would be asking here in the land of fighting spirits, we sadly didn’t and could just escort them to the capital of Pugilis.

I glanced at the hollow one, it was disturbing on a number of levels that someone can have eyes with no hint of light or life in them at all and yet still be considering alive.

“Valora is a kingdom of big towering coastal cities and harbors. It is said that Valora is one of the most technologically advanced places in this world, but I am personally a humble farmer from the countryside as even we steel types need to eat to and we eat hearty. Being a Hakamo-o has been a peaceful life from my times as a little Jangmo-o, but we do train to defend ourselves and others as needs must. As far as my training has been going, my mentor the Mienshao here has been training me in close combat and how to utilize my flag twirling and bearing in a fight.” I looked to the cloudy sky and the dull sunlight filtering through as we moved along with the wagon full of moderately injured Pokémon and several of what I’m assuming now to be outsiders. As rare as outsiders are, they are not unknown to us, they must have been caught up in the harsh fighting that has been going on in Ignis to the south. “I’ve been hearing odd happenings as of late going on in Valora and I hope that my home is doing okay, there’s news of war breaking out all over the eastern side of the Ransei continent. There is a disquieting lack of news of what’s actually happening in Valora, but it is said to be the one kingdoms that is not currently not fighting a neighbor. I’m not particularly worried, as my home is strong enough to be wedged between several other kingdoms and has never fallen.”

“While we do not know anyone that can heal a broken spirit quite like your friends, I do know of a local healing spring that can heal those injuries you all seem to be carrying with you.” My purple and white furred mentor stated as he looked at them. “Fighting types use it all the time, mostly because they need it... given how often most fighting types are liable to bash each other’s brains out. Fighting Types can be somewhat aggressive unless they are a more disciplined kind like me.”

“I might be a fighting type, but I would prefer not having to fight at all, but if it comes down to it I will defend my country with everything I have.” I grew up there, I have good memories of home and it is a land I loved. “Now I have questions for you, what are you?”

“I’m a changeling, ‘change’ is in the name and my people are a bit aggressive about love and friendship, friendship being a more recent thing. I’m able to mimic just about anyone or anything I see, but when it comes to mimicry… we’re never as strong as the genuine article is.” Ah so Ocellus was basically akin to a ditto, only more bug typing. “I’m beginning to think that King Evan sent us out this way, just to make sure we didn’t fall with his kingdom if someone attacks. Nobody asked how he knew anything about Pugilis if he’s never been outside of Aurora very much.”

“What is King Evan? I’ve heard some good things about his demeanor from some travelers and the Harmony Rescue Team.” I’ve heard the rumors, possibly a king of heart like any true ruler of Aurora.

“He’s an Eevee and he really is nice… a little too much for his own good really, but I wouldn’t have King Evan as a friend in any other way. I’m Shine.” The Gourgeist was quite friendly looking, though she looked troubled whenever she glanced at the white wooly one with the glassy long distant stare.

I wanted to ask about the bird pulling the wagon, they seemed quite interesting, it is just unfortunate that we were interrupted.

“Prepare for trouble!” A voice stated in the road in front of us as a Seviper dropped from a tree and raised her head high.

“And make it double!” The mareanie start posing next to the seviper.

“Ugh, you guys again, can’t you just give it a rest?!” The Salazzle seemed thoroughly annoyed with this group of traveling performers… unless they were bandits with a traveling performer’s motif, but they would probably do better as traveling performers.

“Uh… Jessie, that’s a pretty big Salazzle… wait… she evolved from that Salandit and got that big?!” The Meowth received a sharp glare from the Seviper for interrupting their speech whatever it was and he gulped.

Yep definitely traveling circus performers that try to play themselves up as bandits. No group would be stupid enough to announce dark intentions so clearly in broad daylight, especially not in the Kingdom of Fighting Pokémon as that would be just plain dumb.

If they were serious, then I would sadly have to swiftly knock them out as to avoid injuring them even more harshly.

“Ahem… to protect the world from devastation.” The Caterpie continued taken a pose in the middle, I was on the right side of the wagon and facing down the Gurdurr on the right.

“By uniting people in being below our station!” The Gurdurr followed with a flex of his muscles.

“To denounce the evils of truth and love.” The Seviper continued.

“To extend our reach to the stars above.” Okay, so the Meareanie just confirmed it, they were bandits making a power play at us for some reason and we have them outnumbered at least two to one if you were discounting the injured Pokémon not being able to fight at full strength.

“Jessie, the beauty.” So the Seviper was a haughty insecure person.

“James, the brains.” So he thought he was smart and yet seemed to be in a position of working with people who abuse him.

“Flexing bulk, Scourge.” Slightly bulkier than average Gurdurr, so as far as fighting types go he actually looked dangerous. “Hey, where’s Squirt Black, I need to break his shell again!”

“Hahahaha, Jester!” A fairly large Caterpie who seems to have been driven insane by something. “He’s not here Scourge, he’s a loner that works alone with sunglasses and alongside a group of colorful Squirtles. So of course he’s not here Heeheehee!”

“Meowth, the mouthy one.” At least he was by far the most honest out of all of them, but he wasn’t as mouthy at the moment as his companions.

“Team Pocket, stealing your stuff after a fight!” Said the Seviper named Jessie who clearly was the force of nature of the group.

Yeah, don’t know what they are thinking attacking us, we have them outnumbered even with the badly injured Pokémon.

“Surrender now and submit to our might!” James sated and I don’t think I’ve seen a Mareanie that was actively aggressive unless there was a Corsola around.

“Team Pocket, we’re robbing you guys, alright!” Meowth was taking a forward pose with all the others.

Before they did anything else, all looked at wooly one and stopped their aggressive stances entirely, they were showing concern for her.

“Hey uh… what happened to her?” James asked while looking a little wary of the hollow eyed one in the wagon.

“Yeah, she seems like she’s almost possessed by a ghost type… is she?” Meowth stated staring at the wooly one’s current demeanor being obviously upset by it.

They may be obvious circus thieves, but they did worry about the health of others… somewhat noble given their circumstances, because I’m starting to think they are a bunch of masochists.

“No… it’s… nothing to worry about, we’ll just beat you off like usual and will continue on our way.” Dazzle the Salazzle was certainly the strongest Pokémon among the travelers we met on the road of life, her hesitation had been quite noticeable by all involved. She didn’t seem to believe her own words, as she knew it was something to get highly worried about.

My belief was that Dazzle was just trying to keep the mood up by playing it off as nothing too serious. Given that the wagon was loaded with injured Pokémon and outsiders, it would be my duty to see to their safety and would give me more militia training to actively fight a real live combat exercise.

“Do not worry for we will…” I was about to reassure those we were escorting to the castle town of Pugilis Kingdom, when one of them decided to go on the offense.

“Yaahhhhhh!” It was the Torchic running forward and she leapt into a flying kick, none of the thieves even moved and she flew right by them and got her right talons stuck in a tree a fair distance behind them. “Uh… a little help… anyone?”

“Wow, here I thought we were bad at fighting...” Scourge stated bluntly. “I mean aside from me fighting my nemesis Squirt Black, I’m actually a bit more competent in that arena.”


“Yeah, Torchic is an interesting… experience…” Kweh-tall stated with crossed claws, but still not getting up from the large wagon. None of those riding were exactly in a good mood to fight Team Pickers. “How good is that healing spa in Pugilis’s Castletown? She might need it after getting her ankle caught and twisting it.”

“I haven’t AGH?! … okay… so you saw the twisted ankle coming…” That poor orange chicken with long legs.

“You probably shouldn’t have started flailing after getting stuck.” Shine said while sighing loudly. “We’ll get you out after we’ve dealt with Team Pocket.”

“With how often fighting types get injured, the healing the place offers is exemplary and all of you will be moving around without aches and pains by the end of the day… provided we get by these ruffians.” Meow Wow was already looking over the Team Pocket guys, he nodded before bringing his crossed paws apart and readying himself into a fighting stance. What was he going to do, dangle his sleeves at the opponents?

“This fight would last more than five minutes at best, ten at worst.” Stated Jeans d’Pants as the metal covered scales shift and she took up her own stance.

“If anything you’re overestimating their capabilities to last two minutes without being launched into the sky into another kingdom.” Dazzle said flatly with an equally glazed look in her eyes.

“Hey, we’ve managed to steal successfully from people before!” That was kind of hard to believe Me-Mouth you’re track record with trying to rob us has been utter failure.

I mean aside from tree town where you managed to take out those mushroom guard guys before attacking us, you guys still didn’t exactly have that great a record with dealing with us.

“Honestly, I almost feel bad about attacking you with her like she is, almost.” Even Jess the haughty one that reminded me of Clarissa Corgi showed some concern about Pom. These guys were weird in that respect.

Did she want me to break off one of her goofy large fangs with my bare paws and stab her with it? I can and will do that to her if she so much as goes near… Pom?!

Pom calmly got up hopped out of the wagon and walked forward, not a word, but I can feel what she was about to do. This wouldn’t be pleasant by any stretch of the imagination to watch, I feel sorry for Team Pocket.

“Um…” The little green worm leaned back as Pom stayed in a four legged stance spread her hooves out slightly, shifting into the Fleet Cunning Doe stance.


What was Pom doing? Frizzle almost sounded like she wanted to come out of the Digivice, but I had told her to stay put. I had some understanding that the informational entity would have problem with mass outside their world.

I wasn’t in any real danger and as such Frizzle was willing to listen to me about not popping out all of the sudden, but she notably showed a quite worry about Pom and if I knew her as well as I knew any Guilmon… she probably wanted to come out when we found a bakery in the nearest town.

Said town was likely the castle town of Pummelton. Most of Pugilis was loosely formed communities of fighting dojos, even dojos that taught combat styles that never worked except unless one figured out how to make them work. The combat dojo of self-injury was quite a thing to watch in action, using pain as a motivator to hit harder.

Logically I knew Team Pocket was mildly threatening at best, at least more than that Bakemon thing that went after Pom and Strabimon had been.

-The one sided beat down via broken Pom that ensued-

“Um… I don’t know how to feel about her going to fight them with the way she is...” The Cyndaquil was as worried as everyone else once Pom started moving, even tried to stop her.

However Geoff quietly got in the way and shook his head at them and stopped the Kecleon or even the Mienshao and Jeanne from moving forward to help her.

He didn’t say anything, but he was carefully scrutinizing Pom. His uncharacteristic silence was drawing more attention from the occupants of the large wagon than anything, given he was putting himself between them and Pom.

“Honestly now… what do you think you’re going to…” Jessie didn’t get so far in her speech, where previously Pom would rather avoid confrontation and not do as much fighting.

Pom proceeded to show Team Pocket exactly what would happen if she were a bit more towards violent maniac.

A quick lunge and twisting in the air, Pom landed and thrust her rear left leg up and under James chin launching him upwards. Team Pocket was too stunned from watching one their number get kicked into the air, specifically the one with the most defensive options unable to react in time before his body was kicked sky high.

The next maneuver was Pom leaping to the right and lashing out a devastating right hook into Jessie’s temple dazing her. Using her right hook to twist around by planting it against the ground to pivot after passing by Jessie’s now dazed form, she lunged forward lashed out with her left leg and several digits made out of wool clenched around Jessie’s throat tightly choking her.

Following the choking her wool was doing, Pom lashed the rest of Jessie’s body out like a whip and with a correctly timed yank the slightly stunned Team Pocket members watched as the flat of Jessie’s tail slapped harshly across Meowth’s face with a whack.

Meowth rolled to his right and with a large red flat mark on his face and he was in the middle of sitting up and getting ready to get into a standing position when James fell on top of him and all the Mareanie’s head tendrils clamped down reflexively.

Pom hopped forward and lashed out wrapped the back half of Jessie’s body around both Meowth’s head and Jame’s tendrils locking them in place.

After stepping to the side with her hind legs specifically into the path of Jester’s String Shot on purpose, Pom started taking it on her right leg until enough of the sticky silk substance was positively covering it.

With a sharp thrust of her left hoof, Pom launched an unconscious Jessie’s head sweeping straight for the green worm Pokémon.

Jessie’s fangs cut off the thread spraying from Jester and hooked the worm Pokémon on the fangs as Jessie’s chin bashed into his skull. He was swung around twice before Jessie’s fangs pinned him against Meowth’s chest. The Seviper’s large fangs were now caught on Meowth’s left armpit and over one of Jame’s tendrils.

Pom leapt high and straight up while facing the the four Pokémon and flicked her right hoof out and downwards at them, with a simple flex of wool the string sticking to her right leg simply flew off and glued them all the Pokémon together getting them even more stuck together.

What followed was Pom staring blanking at Scourge the Gurdurr straing at her, she took one step to the right and after a moment of just staring creepily at him he charge forward and raised his large metal beam and brought it down in a leftward swing for Pom’s right side.

Pom held up her right leg, when the beam hit the impact shook the ground, there was a minor crevice that formed to Pom’s left and the ground under her three hooves cracked and shattered from the force.

Despite the hefty sound of the impact, Scourge’s beam was stopped cold on impact with Pom’s leg. Her wool having transferred most of the impact through her body and into the ground.

Calmly placing her right hoof on the ground as Scourge started to stare at her and back up slightly to be next to the rest of Team Pocket, Pom stared up at him with dull, lifeless, eyes and then slowly lifted her left hoof off the ground.

Ocellus saw Pom’s left hoof vibrating with incredible force that the very air was shaking and seemingly cracking on the strain of the power Pom was about to return to sender via delayed wobble counter.

With a precise and ever so eloquent movement, Pom gently angled her violently shivering left leg forward and slowly moved it toward the ground. The shivering becoming a lot more controlled as she moved it ever more slowly.

Scourge’s eyes widened and the Gurdurr felt a distinct impression that something really bad was about to happen to him and his team.

She stared up at Scourge blankly, as if he were a gnat that was buzzing around angrily in front of her eyes.

She ever so gently tapped the ground in front of her.


The following explosion sent up dust, debris, rocks and a cloud of destruction swept through the area as Pom wobble countered a fraction of the force she had been truly hit with.

Why barely even a quarter of the force Pom had been hit with had been used, most of that had been absorbed by the ground or her wool. Still several hundred pounds of force contained and then fully utilized with the tips of her hoof with a single flick in a pinpoint tap, resulted in devastating blast.

The end results shook everyone to their core as they watched Pom slowly turn around and made her way back to the wagon.

A shivering Dodo warbled sadly while witnessing Team Pocket’s devastated forms flying into the distance and took note of the crater Pom had left behind as she calmly loaded herself back up into the wagon. The tree Torchic was stuck in toppled over and in the course of doing so it freed her and she was left untouched by the blast.



Lit squeaked a similar sentiment, while trying to burrow himself into my short fur.


Holy… Arceus… she was a bit dangerous to leave in such an unfeeling state.

I believe she needs to be returned to her senses and will personally investigate finding a spirit healer to the best of my abilities.


Yikes, she knew how to fight. Wonder if I can get that good.


I’m glad you’re kindness is still prevalent Pom, you could have done much worse if you had decided to strike one of them directly.

Now if only we knew how to help you... Pugilis is a land of ‘fighting spirit’, also spirit in general in the livelier sense of term. I wouldn’t want it to be the literal term that the kingdom of ghost types, Spectra, uses.


Pom might not be having super strength, but that wobble counter of hers be devastating… wish I be having something like that.

I still be needing to work on my liquid clone, if I be losing control I could be just as dangerous as that… I do not be wanting to kill people.

Not for the lack of trying with Lu Bu, but I not be killing him so I be fine… well mostly ‘fine’. About as ‘fine’ as Pom currently is. Maybe I’m being a bit better mentally, but that’s nothing to be proud of.


I am now terrified for Pom, anyone with half a brain would have to be.



Was unequivocally brutal.

She even waited for Scourge to hit her so she could use the force of his attack to do that, she knew the equivalent of the Pokémon moves Bide or Counter.

That massacre altogether barely took a minute.


Oh Pom… if my Pain Split ability helped you even a little bit, then I’d proudly look back on that five minutes of torture.


Some call us Salazzle dangerous, but that… that was all coldly calculated to every single last second.


Note to self, don’t price gouge Pom.

She’s been a very good customer.


Note to self, lower prices for Pom.

She’s been a very scary customer.


She did that without hurting me… so amazing yet…


Okay, maybe siding with Aurora wasn’t a bad idea if I had to face that, even if her mental state is almost deader than a false zombie caused by ghost Pokémon. That didn’t quite cut it when it comes to the horror I just witnessed.


I want to be that strong someday, then traveling will be much easier!

Which means I needed to train to get myself ready to become a Vikavolt, I already have a magnetic rock to evolve with and everything!


“Come on everyone, let’s just…” I looked at Pom and then turned back to Dodo. “Let’s get a move on.”

-Some quiet hours of traveling later, south side of the mountains bordering the south western edge of the Terrera Kingdom, Pummelton-

Smolder was still out and if anyone ever says that kindness is a weakness, I might turn into my dragon form and smack them upside the head.

We needed Pom back and fast, because as she is now, who knew what was going through her mind… aside from Dolly. I knew we were safe around Pom, it was not the primary issue. It was that she’s shut down on a fundamental level that’s bothering my senses so badly.

“This is Pummelton, the castle town of Pugilis Castle.” Mienshao stated as we approached.

The town looked… very much themed to what I was coming to expect of Fighting Type Pokémon.

There were Gyms, various sports fields, sports paraphernalia shops, eateries of the healthy and unhealthy variety. Guess even Fighting Types are not above junk food. There were also workout clothing shops.

A lot of Pokémon with plenty of raw muscle around here, exercising, picking fights verbally or physically and in general being positively friendly to everyone around them.

The general mood around here seems to be mostly positive vibes, including some tall grey Pokémon with massive forearms and four arms showing off his muscles to some other Pokémon. Physical strength and a halfway decent mental capacity was something of an obvious running theme around here.

“Aside from coming here for training, I believe Master Mienshao mentioned the healing springs you could use to take care of your injuries?” Jeanne mentioned as she looked about.

“Did someone say they needed the healing springs, I’ll gladly help you, FOR GREAT JUSTICE!” If I didn’t know any better I’d swear the unicorn pony that came up to us was a normal one from Equus, he certainly seemed colorful enough to be from Equus. He wasn’t a Rapidash, because he wasn’t covered in fire. “I am Keldeo, welcome to Pummelton new friends!”

“He’s one of the four swords of justice… the most excitable member at the very least.” That didn’t explain much Jeanne. “As far as Legendary Pokémon go, he’s a good one and is always looking to help others.”

“Ah, so news of my heroics have gotten all the way to Valora! Now come follow me and I will see to it that you’re injuries stop hurting… what’s wrong with her?” Of course Keldeo noticed Pom and his cheerful demeanor dropped a little bit as he fretted over her blank stare.

“Don’t worry about Pom too much, she’s… alive… for a given definition of it.” My explanation was short and to the point, there wasn’t much to say until Pom, or more likely Dolly at this rate, opened up to us about what was wrong.

“Then I will endeavor to see a smile on her face eventually!” Yeah, that was asking for a bit much at the moment Keldeo. His emotions were quite bright and cheerful, it was like being the same room as Pinkie Pie for five seconds.

“So… the healing springs or spa?” Being a little bit gruff, it felt like Quetal didn’t like Keldeo for personal reasons.

“Right, follow me!” Keldeo was rather interesting looking, he had a thick red mane, a blue tail and cream colored fur except around his neck where it was blue like his tail. He had blue hooves too, but the real unusual thing about him was his rather large dark blue eyebrow ridges that were enormous.

I’ve never seen eyebrow that huge.

“What kind of types are you?” If it was not too much of a bother for me to ask that is.

“Water and Fighting, I’m training here to make sure my skills are honed for when I’m needed to aid those who are in need of such strength from the ‘Swords of Justice’. Patented and all rights reserved.” Ignoring that last comment, Keldeo must always be training then. Keldeo looked to have strong muscles in every part of his body and seemed to be ready for just about anything, even a fight where he wasn’t likely to win.

-Some time later, healing springs, Shanty-

“I am being thankful that the springs be free.” Aches, pains and my recent injuries be drifting away in the slightly warm waters. Even my salted wounds be feeling better.

“After that crazy Rapidash, I am needing this…” Favela be looking healthier already despite the nasty burns she had been covered in, she stayed standing throughout that fight and she was being strong in heart. Even if we somehow get separated I believe she was destined to be one of my crewmates.

“Just don’t drain the healing springs with your grass type powers, this spring is for everyone.” Intoned Keldeo softly as he too rested in the spring. “So why were all of you so injured?”

“Well we be getting into a huge fight with Ignis when their civil war stop being so civil, Aurora be running low on healing supplies and the local Chansey is being too overworked to fully heal everyone. They be prioritizing their local military and militia over the rest of us.” It also be understandable from a standpoint of them needing to have Pokémon to defend their home. “We be coming here to help Pom on the suggestion that we be needing to find someone who can restore her spirit of the one that be causing her to be the way she is. King Evan of Aurora seemed to think there was someone that could be doing that here in Pugilis.”

I gestured to Dolly, Lit and Pom sitting by themselves. Pom still be having the same dull look in her eyes and Dolly was cleaning her up and scrubbing her, not that Pom was reacting to Dolly’s administrations.

Lit was attempting to help, but he was being a bit too small and kept falling in the water in several goofy ways.

“It makes me wonder what Evan knows about Pugilis.” That contemplation be coming from Quetal.

“Maybe he watched a Unite Ball game or two here. It is a popular sport that leans into traveling to other kingdoms to learn a bit of culture and watch the games.” Offered Shine in explanation.

“That or other sports, Fighting Types love a variety of games as much as they do fighting.” The way Keldeo talked about it, I be more interested in playing some sports myself. “Team games happen to be popular as much as fighting competitions, the competitive spirit here is real and there are no hard feelings unless you’re a wrestler. It’s a part of the wrestling scene around here to work oneself into a fervor. Every Pokémon here can find something to do or be good at.”


I barked and tried to get Keldeo’s attention, he looked to me and I started wagging my tail as I hugged onto Pom’s back.

“Hey do you guys do skateboarding around here?!” They had to have a skate park around here.

Any guys that liked sports and exercise as much as the Pokémon around here, they had to have skateboarding at least!

“Uh… what?” Keldeo of course couldn’t understand me and I was about to get out of the communal bath thing to go grab my Digivice when Smolder answered for me.

“She probably wants to know if skateboarding is a thing around here.” Stated Smolder who apparently woke up a minute or so ago and I hadn’t noticed the excitement because I was paying too much attention to Pom, the scales around her chest were slowly mending in the liquids.

Ocellus seemed particularly happy to have Smolder back.

“Yeah, there are at least three different skate parks around here. One for training, one for fun and one for experts.” That, Keldeo, is exactly the thing I wanted to hear!

“Hey, what’s with…” It finally dawned on Smolder to get a better look at Pom and when she did Ocellus just quieted her down and whispered something to her. “Oh… have you found a way to help her yet?”

“We’re currently working on it Smolder.” Weakly answered Ocellus.

“Wait…” I just realized something. “How am I supposed to go to a skate park and watch Pom at the same time?!”

I really started whining when I figured out that I could not simply enjoy myself here. I knew I was a bit of a responsibility dodger in the past, but in this instance I couldn’t do that and leave things to others. I couldn’t take my eyes off Pom for more than the amount of time it takes for her to go to the bathroom.

“What’s wrong with her?” Smolder asked as her wound was a quarter of the way to being healed. It looked like it was going to be nasty for quite a while.

“I think she just realized that she has to be responsible and it’s eating her alive inside, at least that’s what I’m getting from her emotions.” That wasn’t exactly hard to guess Ocellus! “She could maybe just watch Pokémon skate or help teach someone how to."

Well teaching wasn’t too bad… I apparently got the skills for it given I taught Variance how to do some standstill tricks.

“I, Favela, wouldn’t mind looking into learning how to skate.” Well that could be fun to help you with Savvy.

“Eh, I think I might be preferring the roaring waves of surfing.” Eh, surfing was cool too Shanty, but you could only do it by the sea unless you had the right equipment and I doubt there is a Pokémon out there that would spend their time just making safe waves for the fun of it.

“Well we could all take a tour of the town, we also need someone to take the letter from King Evan to the local king here… that’s for after we’re done soaking in these healing springs.” Ocellus cuddled against Smolder as she said that last bit.

“I can deliver the letter if it’s of some importance.” Keldeo offered.

“It’s not super important, it’s mostly King Evan asking for someone to assist us in finding a way to get Pom out of her… I guess we can call it a funk.” After a second or two of dithering on this, Ocellus finally came to a decision. “I know we can trust you to deliver it, so when you’re done we’ll give the letter to you.”

-An hour later, Smolder-

I kind of liked this place, I expected to wake up in Ignis or Aurora. This place wasn’t so bad either, it had a lot of highly active Pokémon and they knew how to start and end a brawl. I even saw someone do a dragon style fight no less, I bet Garble would love to hear about that.

Wonder if they had cheerleader outfits here in my size…

So upon getting the rundown of what was wrong with Pom, I was having some odd thoughts about it.

I mean none of us know exactly what ‘Chrysomallus’ specifically meant to Pom. She wasn’t telling us why it would leave her in this state, but we needed to fix the problem quickly. I didn’t like seeing Pom like this.

Being caught up to speed on just about everything Pom and the rest of us had been through didn’t take too long, but I found being hurt so badly in one hit sucked. At least the healing springs cleared up some of my damaged scales, I was still hurting quite a bit. I was going to take Pokémon far more seriously, if they were anything like that Lu Bu guy.

“Hey, you guys, do you want to join the local tournament while things are quiet around here?” Okay, the bipedal brown Pokémon looked pretty strange. He had a purple shirt and kilt, boxing gloves looked to be its hands biologically and it even seemed to have a talent for boxing. I was getting the distinct feeling that there are Fighting Types who would fit just about any sport you could think of given this place was known for it. This boxing Pokémon picked up a flier with one of his red glove shaped hands. “Here, a flier with the prizes for your perusal.”

I took the flier and looked it over, Poké prizes for fifth place and up, those who get third place and up get items along with money.

As I was looking it over I heard Ocellus gasp about something and I looked up to see Pom actually signing up for the competition.

What? I mean even Dolly and Shanty were in disbelief as I was to watch Pom calmly walk up to the counter and sign up for the tournament.

“I… what?” Yeah, my disbelief was just that bad, even Ocellus was flummoxed by what Pom did without blinking.

Dolly looked at Pom and then narrowed her eyes, she leapt onto the counter to sign herself in as a separate contestant while glancing at Pom with determination and worry.

“If they be doing it…” Shanty stated as she signed herself in for the tournament. Sure the healing springs might have healed her quite a bit, but she wasn’t quite back to full strength. That fight with Lu Bu took a lot out of her, didn’t stop her from being a spirited pirate goat. Doubted anything could do that.

“Wait what are we doing for food? We’re not exactly carrying enough money or food to last the evening.” Ocellus finally asked a question that was a problem given we have too many mouths to feed, it wasn’t as much a problem for her because I was awake.

“Do not worry about that… I will take your traveling group in.” Mienshao reassured and then turned to Jeanne looking at the signup sheet. “Interested in joining the tournament Jeanne?”

“Maybe…” Jeanne looked rather reluctant to get into the tournament, kind of like Pom normally was in some ways. Guess not all Fighting Types were as hot blooded or competitive as a dragon from Equus. “I think I’d be better off watching from the sidelines.”

Torchic was signing up, I wonder how bad she was going to do… maybe she might surprise us and actually win a few fights.

Once we were done Mienshao led us to a place, he didn’t have much variety in food, but he had a lot of rice, pickles, pickled rice, fish and vegetables that could also come in a pickled variety. The guy really likes his pickles.

The tournament started tomorrow and I was wondering what drove Pom to sign up for it. Shanty, Ocellus, Dolly, Dazzle, even Dodo and Lit picked up on it being something suspect about her being willing to do something competitive with the way she currently was.

Author's Note:

A short one page tournament arc, can it be done?!

Eh, two pages at the most. Also Mortal Kombat Theme intensifies.

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