• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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236. Deity Dealings.

-Basemax, Medical Room, Pom-

Gasping I woke up to the sound of Dolly yelping and reached for our bond. Dolly was physically okay from what I can feel and as for Dormarch…

I froze the frayed edges of my bond to Dormarch were painting a picture that something went horribly wrong while I was out to greener pastures. Also, I was fairly surprised to once again have survived using Shock Ram.

Feeling something being pulled from my throat I saw tube floating away from me and I looked at what was going on. Dolly was on the ground groaning and next to me was a being that gives off some rather specific feelings. I’ve met Twilight Sparkle, Luna and Celestia for a small amount of time, I’ve even met Sekhet the Sphinx.

This being was powerful and it was staring at me blankly.

I looked up into its red eyes as it stared down at me. As for Dolly, this thing left her sprawled out on the floor and didn’t seem too keen on hurting her further.

It was a pretty big creature and it slowly walked forward and continued looking down at me.

“I am Arceus.” Well at least I knew this beings name now. “I seek to broker a deal with you.”

“My name is Pom Lambchop, what happened with Dolly?” I didn’t know where I was and I should be freaking out about the fact that Dormarch was gone, but the likely god like entity before me warranted far more attention than anything else.

“She thought me a threat… she wouldn’t necessarily be wrong.” Shivering at the dispassionate look in Arceus’s eyes as he lazily looked towards Dolly. I tried not to make any sudden moves. “I can be a threat to many things. I have in fact helped her calm down and removed some of the volatile energy affecting her mind… it will just build up again over time if she doesn’t control herself. I have also revived you, she is uninjured as I am not here to cause harm.”

“Re-revived me?” I looked about further beyond us and really paid attention to my surroundings to see I was floating in a chamber, it looked like the one that was inside Ms. Shuttle for holding criminals. It had medical applications too I guess. “Not here to cause harm… but you will inevitably lead me to harm or send me into it.”

Dealing with powerful beings like this, it’s what he wasn’t saying that I should be paying the most attention to.

“Perceptive, one of the qualities I seek. The only thing I ask in return for the restoration of your body is that you will both listen to and negotiate with me.” Most likely because you had need of me for something specific in mind Arceus, I can kind of see where this is going considering you weren’t hiding how powerful you were from me.

Powerful beings like you don’t just appear out of the blue and seek out someone like me for no reason. I know for certain that I wasn’t exactly worth the attention of something so powerful, unless something really bad was going to happen.

“Ugh… Pom? Pom!” Dolly groggily stated from her position on the floor she rolled over and got her board under and growled at Arceus, almost ignoring the fact that I was awake. “Hey leave her alone you… wait… you’re all better? They said it would take months before you could recover from that!”

“What is this deal you wish to broker Arceus, what do you want exactly? I am willing to listen, but I will not be certain to accept without hearing a good reason too.” I asked because I was getting a feeling I was in for a load of trouble and I’ve barely had time to think… in fact I still had nutrient feeds in me. I wasn’t about to pull those out quite yet. “Also I wish to know what happened in my absence, will you give me time to catch up on what I have missed?”

“You have missed much.” Arceus bowed his head to me and moved off to the side to sit down. “I will give you the time to learn of what you have missed and then bid you to let our negotiations proceed as soon as you are feeling ready.”

He says ‘negotiations’, but I have a sinking feeling here about all this. Powerful beings tended to be rather difficult to deal with if they have an unhealthy interest in you. This seemed like one of those occasions and I seriously don’t think I could seriously take this Arceus in a fight. I honestly don’t think any of our friends could.

I just had to wait for someone to disconnect my feeds, get a full checkup of my health and get something to eat.

-Three hours and a decent meal later-

I held Dolly close to my chest and was cuddled by Shanty, Smolder and Ocellus. I sighed loudly and then pulled out of my group. I was the head of the negotiations, because I was the one Arceus wanted.

“Okay, let’s get this over with, start.” I said bluntly, still wiping the tears from my eyes with the wool of my right leg as Arceus watched us interact blankly without a hint of emotion.

Ocellus even whispered he wasn’t expressing much other than anticipation.

“I require your services in one of my realms.” Well that wasn’t a good sign Arceus, because I am less likely to say yes to anything approaching things like that in nature.

“Quick question, if we were to ignore this realm of yours entirely and try to take the portal somewhere else, would we still end up in that world anyway?” My question created an imperceptible nervous shifting in Arceus’s mood.

I’m quite paranoid after having woken up to a nightmare where Dormarch has perished, my eyes narrowed at him.

“Yes, but you will likely end up in a worse situation than if you were to take my deal.” Nothing shifty about what he said there, nope, not at all. Like I would believe my own sarcastic mind.

I’m getting a feeling I should really press him more for details and the like. The answer told me some of the things I needed to know, regardless of what we try to do we’ll end up in Arceus’s world anyway. Arceus was trying to play the lesser evil in this situation and offer us a better starting position, but he wants us to do something obviously ridiculous for it in exchange.

He wants something of us or more importantly… me.

“Do you need just me, or do you need the rest of my group too?” Here I noticed that Arceus looked thoughtfully blank for a few seconds, as if he was thinking about how to answer that.

“All of your group, but you are the most important one I wish to acquire potential aid from.” Okay, there’s something about me that Arceus apparently wants running around in the world we’re going to end up in regardless of how I feel about being railroaded.

“Why me specifically?” That’s the question wasn’t it, a powerful being as this one that was said to have teleported to the room I was in after simply saying ‘hello’ to some of my friends and acquaintances. He then proceeds to restore my health completely, including all my destroyed muscles and other damaged parts of my body. This wasn’t sounding like desperation on Arceus’s part, but it was worrisome. “There are plenty of other people, heroes even, which would be willing to do whatever it is you’re going to ask of us. Helping an entire realm seems to be a bit too much of a hassle to me and I notice your trying to be fairly light on information to our detriment, what specifically are you asking me to do here? If it’s basically saving an entire world, then can we just skip to the part where I say no?”

“I be understanding why you would be saying that.” Thank you for understanding Shanty, it’s nice to know that everyone will have my back in a decision. “I be finding this suspect as well and would not be jumping at a chance for adventure if I didn’t know what it be entailing after all the danger we’ve been put through recently.”

“You are the most likeliest to succeed in making friends, I have a keen interest in your abilities and I want to see what you will do. I am functionally a god of multiple realms, all of them created by me. As a god I cannot and will not interfere in the realms of my creation unless I find need to do so.” Raising a brow at Arceus, I was curious as to why he couldn’t find anyone else that was far more capable than me. “As for what I am asking you to actually do… it is fairly simple...”

“Saving an entire world, yeah that’s so simple.” Smolder muttered while rolling her eyes.

“I assume you’re not going to tell us outright to save the world, but you are going to make sure we are there to do something similar or close to it.” Ocellus stated just as flatly, likely having a less than stellar outlook of Arceus because of his dispassionate emotional flatness.

“You are not wrong to assume, but I am not asking you to save an entire world.” Oh we’re definitely assuming that we’ll be doing so anyway, after all your being here was a big red flag for us Arceus. “Though you may end up doing so of your own volitions, I am simply going to ask you to assist a small kingdom. You can do so in any role you wish, even if just something as simple as cleaning a building.”

“You’re understating it, that’s how it always starts. I believe it’s going to be more problematic than that considering you’re targeting me specifically for this. No matter where we end up in this world of yours, we’re going to end up in a fight for our lives aren’t we?” The look I got from Arceus told me that he was appraising my intelligence, after a moment he just simply nodded. Thus he finally acknowledge that we knew exactly what we were about to be getting into. “Okay, what do you have to offer us for us to do something for this kingdom exactly? I’m quite sure you’ve been watching us for a while and already have an idea for what incentives you can use to acquire our help.”

“I have seen you’re pasts, I know how you ended up here and know where you are going. Most of you wish to return to Equus yes? I can get you there, but the danger is great, for you will have to go to the place you originally avoided to end up here… Tambelon.” Well there was the truth, he knew what we wanted. “I can send you directly to Tambelon, you will have to go there to get home regardless of whether or not you broker a deal with me.”

“Can you bring back my little brother?!” Dolly suddenly asked pointing a digit of her right paw at Arceus. “You’re supposedly really powerful, especially if you can knock me out of that state with nothing but a simple poke!”

“I cannot, for various reasons, bring your brother Dormarch back. Though I have been and will be looking further into your brother’s demise and will say that it may be of interest to you that a realm of Digimon will be opening up somewhere in the realm you will be going to. If you are interested in looking into that neighboring realm, then I will lend you support in exploring it. I will of course try to prevent any attempts at invasion, but if you wish to lend your aid or look around in the kind of realm your little Dormarch came from, then you will be able to do so with readily available assistance even should we not make a viable deal.” Arceus knew what Digimon were? I’ve barely gained a comprehension through the changed PET device, or Digivice as it was now known to be, that Dormarch left behind. “As for further incentives, I have stated previously you will start together in the safest location in the world as far as generalities go. You will be given knowledge by the locals as well as supplies. You will be far better prepared than if you went there without my aid.”

“What are you exactly? I’m not asking for a name here, I’m asking for a general species.” My questions may seem a little random, but that was a decent question to ask.

“I am what has been termed as a pocket monster or Pokémon by some of the being living within my realms, I am the first pocket dimension monster that came into existence, having created much and have seen eons. I am a protector of life and wish to watch it grow, I want life to flourish within my realms and for the uniting force of friendship to bloom.” Arceus glanced around the table at all of us. “As for another thing I will grant you, should you survive long enough, I will send you to a world to rest from all that is capable of bothering you before delivering you to Tambelon by your word.”

“So you’re not denying the dangers anymore?” It certainly sounded like it considering what he said about us surviving long enough, just what kind of worlds does this god run? “Do you need me because I will end up saving the world?”

“I can’t deny nor hide the dangers that you still have left to face. Pokémon are as friendly as they are dangerous no matter their appearances, you will be seeing many of them.” So it’s either accept his offer or go forward on our own. “I can assure you that you are not needed to save the world, but it would be greatly appreciated by many if you actively tried.”

“I want to know what you aren’t telling me.” I said flatly.

“I tried to take your soul when you’re body threatened to finally die, I know the secret of your wool and what I am not telling you about the world you are about to experience needs to be experienced in person. As any description will pale in comparison to actually exploring it in person.” The reaction to what Arceus just said got him angry glares. Shanty, Dolly, Smolder and even Ocellus were looking about ready to attack him. I just held up a hoof and they all stopped short of going off on him, looking at me like I was crazy. Even Big Hero Six and The Mighty Ducks wanted to beat the snot out of him, they were all sitting in on this meeting and were quite curious. “Just know that you will find good reason to believe that I am a god and have truly created this world you will end up in the second you find a map.”

“What would you have done with my soul and how would you have taken it?” I was remaining calm. Sure I may be scared that he will take my soul anyway, but I don’t think he actually could.

“I cannot take a soul by force, I would however be capable of grabbing a soul that has freshly perished or is already naturally a part of a realm I have personally created and can repurpose them to the ends of creating a Pokémon from those that already exist thus giving new life. I have generated many heroes from using this very method from the beings that exist within my realms. There is a catch however, I cannot do it again so soon since moving a soul peacefully without harming it takes immense power as much as transforming it into the form of Pokémon that most suits its personality. I will give you some examples of what you will be seeing.” He pause and then generated several images that hovered in front of us, many strange creatures showed up. “I will further inform you that this form of me you see before you is the one that most people are comfortable with seeing, I am actually far larger and more complicated than I initially appear. If you have ever heard the term eldritch and know exactly what it means in reference of my true appearance that cannot be fathomed by mortals, then you will have an idea of what I speak. I am not needlessly cruel…”

“But you can’t take chances and are kind of forcing the issue here since you really want me for this, even knowing the fact that I don’t want to be a hero, savior or even do anything ridiculously big like what I think you’re going to get me to do regardless of my feelings on the matter.” I said blandly. “Which is why when I see where you send us and given the trouble that is likely going on there, we are likely of the mind to do more than the job you will assign to me and will try to go above and beyond the task. Which inevitably ends in saving the world anyway with whatever resources I have.”

“Correct, but you do not have to actually save the world. I just wish to see what you will do.” Arceus nodded to me, at least I can tell he was being honest. “You just have to assist the kingdom I send you to in any capacity. You could be a merchant, a cook or simple house maid. I just wish to watch you interact with the realm.”

“Is there any further incentives that you can use to make me say yes, because I’m leaning towards taking the hard way in even if it’ll specifically kill me in the first five minutes. At least it’ll put me out of my misery.” I received a variety of odd looks for stating that with a calm demeanor. “Besides that, I don’t think you want me to die… or else you wouldn’t be here talking to me.”

“I can protect this world from dimensional instability, make sure that nothing dangerous from other dimensions can break through unless I allow it for a variety of different reasons and I shall not allow this world to open portals to realms that are immediately dangerous to them without prior warning.” That, Arceus, had my interest and made me quite curious. “I protect my worlds from cataclysms that are otherwise unavoidable, however to do so it has to be a threat that can instantly destroy said world if I am not there to protect it. I guide my civilizations from the shadows and though they praise and pray to me, I would rather they find their own way forward than call upon me to guide them. They all should be strong enough to build a future of their own merits, but even just meeting you will change the course of many things.”

“Any other bits of information you’re trying to leave out?” Because let’s face it, while he’s honest, Arceus is obviously omitting a lot of things here and I’m pretty sure he was actively reading my mind at this point and saying exactly what he can to get me to say yes to his offer while trying to lowball me. “The protection of this world from grave threats from other dimensions and protecting it from itself sounds like a great deal all things considered, especially in trade for me doing just one thing for you.”

“I will at least tell you I am a Legendary Pokémon, I created many sons and daughters that are exceedingly powerful. They are not unbeatable, but they are best avoided as they have jobs to do and some will even likely be friendly towards you.” Red flags here, get your red flags here, wave them and chant that some of his children are likely canine in nature. “Yes, they are.”

“Well that just proves it.” The guy was reading my mind. “Are you seriously that desperate to acquire my presence?”

“No, also you’re paranoia is quite amusing. Though it is not paranoia... 'if' you are absolutely correct.” Okay that’s pretty believable Arceus. “Though I do wish you to see the kingdom I wish you to assist first compared to anywhere else in the realm. It exemplifies what I wish to see worldwide.”

“How many canines exist in this world and how many will I be meeting?” Pertinent question really, but I kind of want to make sure Arceus doesn’t leave anything out. This was supposed to be a negotiation of safety versus just going into a dangerous situation to spite the guy that’s been silently watching us all.

“The answer would be a lot and a lot of them, you are after all quite interesting when it comes to ending up in worlds where you could quite simply have every canine at your beck and call should you wish it.” Yet you should be aware as to why I would never abuse such an ability Arceus, also why I couldn’t. “Indeed, I am aware.”

“Can I have several days to think about this? Also I need to say good bye to the people I have met trying to just survive this world.” Were I of lesser intelligence, I would immediately jump on the chance to say yes without thinking about all the implications involved. “I will also need to discuss things with my friends and we’ll collectively come up with an answer. While you are manipulative and somewhat duplicitous in the information you are willing to give, I don’t believe your outright evil.”

“Which is why I am going to offer a few last things, one you will want most above all before I leave you to converse with your companions on a decision that can change a great many things going forward.” Arceus stated solemnly, making my eyes narrow at him and his blank emotionless eyes on a mouthless head.

“Which is?” If I was a paranoid lambkin, and I am, I had an idea that Arceus was about to suggest that…

“I can put you in direct communication with Tianhuo of Equus. ” Arceus was obviously saving that as an ace to get me to say yes, but what would he do to make my friends say yes as well? I bit down on my tongue quite hard to the point I started drawing blood. “That can give you a greater advantage before entering Tambelon. I can also return Gosalyn Waddlemeyer Mallard’s lost Grandfather to her, as well as assist in finding someone of great importance to some people in this room. Your self-control to not immediately say yes is quite admirable Pom… heal pulse.”

I felt my tongue heal and the coppery taste of blood and pain disappeared after I was hit with the orb of energy. My reaction gained worried looks.

“I'll take my leave now, discuss what you will.” Arceus then opened a portal to a starry space and calmly walked through with an immaculate grace. “I shall be coming back in a few days to receive an answer.”

“…” I silently stared after Arceus as the portal closed behind him.

“You can’t believe him... right?” Started off Smolder who found her voice first.

“I believe a great many things Smolder, I think he can actually put us in direct contact with Equus.” I even believed him genuine in all his offers at once just for doing one thing, assisting a kingdom in even the smallest way. “That he can’t get us there himself says there are still some things that even he can’t do.”

Author's Note:

That one particular offer hits Pom like a truck.

Note: I may be pretty sick, possibly with COVID, I'm toughing it out fairly well.

Though I wish the mucus would go away. Barely a week after the intestinal problem thing too. I can't catch a break in these last two months.

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