• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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329. Forest Ops Finale: Canine Queen.

-???, Fred-

“Honestly, this dimension is quite fun.” Yes, so very fun for my diabolical plans to marry Oleander and give her a happy life… she’s so evil in the fact that she’s turning me good! “THE MUTANT SHARKS ARE AWESOME, AS ARE THOSE ALIEN DINOSAURS, OF COURSE I’M TALKING ABOUT THE RAPTORS!”

“Does he always do that?” One of the mummies asked, I believe he said his name was Ja-Kal.

“Yes, but it’s not like I can get him to stop.” Oleander said as she hugged me with her hooves, always so affectionate… she could hug me a little more ruthlessly. Soft hugs were fine too though.

“Are you sure you should be cavorting around with a demon?” The female mummy Nefertina asked.

“He’s been trying to lead me to my death since forever, if he hasn’t done so yet, then I can handle being married to him.” That seemed to shock them a bit, except for that Armano guy.

“You should be the one to talk Nefertina, considering how you and Apep acted around one another.” Yeah, this dimension apparently had counterparts to various deities and entities that we have back on Equus. Not exactly the same though, never are.

One in particular of note is that the Anubis of this dimension was god of the afterlife, but not necessarily of death, and was one of the Trackers of Souls. A group that seemed to be ‘Set’ on capturing the reincarnation of some pharaoh prince.

As if the mutant sharks and the alien dinosaurs wasn’t weird enough, what was weird is that none of them have crossed paths, until recently because of us.

You would think magical mummies fighting to protect the reincarnation of a prince against gods and other mummies, alien dinosaurs that want to cause or stop global warming and mutant sharks fighting a mad scientist with a genetic manipulation thing, which created said aforementioned mutant sharks, would have noticed each other sooner.

They all currently lived within five miles of each other and none of the three groups noticed any of the others activities. Even if said activities happened within a block of one another, like ten minutes ago.

“I thought Unicorns were supposed to be pure.” The kid among the mummies pointed out.

“Nobody said we had to be pure good or evil, personally I’m pure crazy… which might go a long way to explaining me having a lovely soul sucking, mostly evil, information demon as a fiancé.” Oleander cuddled me and I didn’t do much more than blush, why would I try to escape my fiancés grasp… she’s giving me exactly what I wanted. Since one day, our closeness will let me take over her body and do horrible things with it, then we’ll raise our haunting, soul crushing, hybrid kids together. Thank you easy bake oven pony genetics! Now if only Oleander would play ball and actively pretend that I’m forcing myself on her as foreplay. “One who is so very hard to handle what with his tendencies to try and eat the souls of the innocent behind my back, but a bagel or two stops him from doing that… also pomegranate flavored stuff helps too. Fred is always so demented and troublesome at the worst times.”

“Ah you pretty haired flatterer, DO KEEP GOING!” My pleasant demented tone was met with visible shivers all around.

“Seriously does he have to do that distorted voice thing? I mean him being a floating book with that kind of presence speaking in a posh tone is terrifying enough.” The bipedal blue shark with purple stripes and rollerblades at least understood good taste in what was scary.

Honestly, speaking politely while giving off a presence of incredible malicious intent always worked wonders for me.

-Pokémon Realm, Ransei, Binder (Reaper) Blade Forest, Power Spot, Dolly-

Quetal went flying by acrobatically kicking and bouncing off all the blade limbs around us while lashing out with his claws. Dude was awesome, then again I always did appreciate good parkour skills.

I was throwing my stone bone whenever I had the opportunity to hit something with it at range that likely wouldn’t stop it from returning to my paw, but I found myself more often holding onto it more for up close smashing. Sure my body still ached from when I was attacked in my sleep, but I wasn’t going to let Pom out of my sight so easily with plenty of fight in me.

“Why can’t I do the stuff we did when we were trying to fend off Gilgamesh?” I asked as I blocked a blade with my board, Pom slammed their right hind leg into the green bug’s side making them stagger away and get distracted with fighting something else.

Pom did this as she deflected a blade with her front left hoof and stepped forward to thrust her right into the face of one of the metal bugs, we were pushing through towards those hipster guys. Shanty was leading the way by sweeping them out of our path.

“Dolly, you have to remember, that was happening in what amounts to a dream. I’m actually kind of glad that I don’t have large golden feathered wings sticking out of my back.” Yet, you enjoyed the idea of flying so much Pom.

Even as we talked we were pummeling our way through the driven insane and were about to encroach on a busy hipster team, one of the five teams we need to force into retreat and keep off the airship.

Would have been cool to lash out a blade of wind from my swiping paw or fire wind bullets while floating around, there was also those chains of wind thing and all that cool swapping places thing.

Wonder how Smolder and Ocellus were doing.


I slapped my ribbon around the arms and chest of a Leavanny and they struggled and tied to jump or get away, they couldn’t get their arms free. So they started firing leaves from their head, I quickly swung about in the air to aim their head and mouth away from the airship in case they can breathe energy beams.

Wasn’t putting it past any Pokemon at this rate to be capable of spitting energy beams in a variety of ways after watching the Skitty Squad shoot freeze beams from their mouths. It was proven to be the right call when the Leavanny opened its mouth and an energy orb formed.

“Ocellus aim it at the Hypno!” Ocellus was helping with the defense, turned to what I was doing and immediately understood. “Then help me get it onboard!”

Ocellus’s horn glowed and soon the Leavanny’s head was forcefully pulled in the right direction and a massive beam of pure power flew from its mouth.

Just about everything moved out of the path of the beam except for the three members of a Hypno unit were definitively KO’d immediately by the blast. It was seconds later that the Pokémon trapped in my ribbon became weak and a bit limp.

“What’s wrong with it?” I asked.

“That was a Hyper Beam, it’s powerful, but it drains the user quite badly afterwards. Very good last resort move, but otherwise leaves you open to attack afterwards until you can recover from the drain.” Answered Lumber Spry who motioned at us with a hoof, while she scrutinized the Leavanny I had trapped in my ribbon. “Get… him, yes get him onboard now, we need him sane and helping with the balloon!”

“A little help here? This guy is not as light as he looks!” Who knew bugs could be so heavy? Ocellus sidled up next to me and help me heave the Leavanny upwards and onto the deck, he struggled weakly in the ribbon as we pulled him on board.

He was hopefully within the field of the Morpeko as they blasted lighting out at all sides to repel boards or any given Pokémon clinging onto the ship that weren’t being blasted off by the boiling liquid spewing Araquanids. Given some time and we might have another sane Leavanny working to help us out.

“Two should be enough right?” Ocellus asked Lumber.

“We don’t have the room or food for every Pokémon here, but we can possibly have a third one onboard. Just remember that once we get to Cerebrum City, we won’t be responsible for them at all and they are not likely staying on our ship.” Nice way of saying they are not our problem later, especially when we currently needed them to even get off the ground. “Also we don’t have the ability to protect them from the passive effects of all the psychic energy in the air.”

This was all basically quid pro quo for us huh, doesn’t seem fair to stick another Leavanny with us.

“We’ll just focus on the defense then, get that Leavanny up and helping.” If Leavanny were as good as we’ve heard, then they’ll be able to do what Rarity would have likely already done by now.


“Come on, we can do it!” My Coaching move was boosting my friend’s capabilities as they fought on, especially helpful when Shine’s kind of fighting was specifically throwing things and said things were hitting harder thanks to my help. She was also utilizing Phantom Force to teleport about the battlefield to explode out from behind someone in a mass of shadows.

The Pokémon we were fighting barely had the wherewithal to actually use moves beyond instinctually, this meant they were barely able to so much as scratch Shine because they weren’t actually using moves intelligently. Some of them had some of their senses due to the proximity of the Morepeko unity, which is why I’m still mentally stable, but could feel my mind starting to slip a bit here and there which means I needed to be closer to the ship.

I performed a horizontal Flying Press to body check a Scizor going for Dazzle and took them out with a powerful belly bump, I turned and was about to be hit by a Scyther when a Dark Pulse blew them away. I noted Fleer was assisting from up on the deck of the ship along with Charjabug who was firing bolts of lightning to deter Fomantis from crawling onto the ship.

“Nice shot!” I called out with a wave and started up Steel Wing to provide some defense from the attacks coming from all sides and randomly crisscrossing across the battlefield. It was keeping the Hypno distracted from focusing down the airship.

“Thanks!” Called back Fleer as I moved to the stern of the ship and took up a more defensive position and started blocking blade attacks with my wings covered in steel type energy, she probably learned such a move from her friend Abby.

The Furfrou was apparently fine with combat, being a mercenary and all, but was clearly uncomfortable in a more warlike setting going on here.

“I’m sorry, but I cannot go much further away from the ship.” I told Shine as she appeared next to me when I started rubbing at my head, she tossed a number of Graveler stones into the oncoming crowd with unerring accuracy slowing them down or distracting them into attacking each other.

“Then help me protect the ship from here.” Shine said cheerfully. “The others can press the offensive.”

Yes, but they were fighting five units worth of powerful psychics and a horde of forest Pokémon on top of that. Dazzle and Frizzle would be fine at least as far as the forest Pokémon were concerned by the Hypno were going to be a bit much even if they were highly distracted with the locals.

I heard the bang of an explosive and a Scizor flopped into the ground and went skidding by us face first.

“Focus on the battlefield more you two!” Sami then readjusted the aim of her weapon and shot again, I saw a Pokémon get knocked over when the painfully fast projectile hit them in the leg.

“Right!” I and Shine called out together as the others pressed forward.


The horde of crazy Pokémon was actually somewhat in our favor, they had at least three of the five teams tied up with defending themselves and whenever the Bug Types started to use a Bug Type specific move they suddenly became top priority.

Shanty was almost done clearing a path to a unit of these Hypno, we were going to take down two units of Hypno and then, ironically enough, bug out. That beam that came from the direction of the airship already weakened half a unit of Hypno was bad enough that they were having problems encroaching on us, much less holding their ground from all the crazy scythe and claw Pokémon.

“Okay everyone, blitz them!” I quickly turned to my left and blasted a Scyther away with a single Thousand Spears, as I kept moving forward and came to a stop in front of my first Hypno. These guys were weird looking.

“Hypno… Hypno… Hypno…” The Hypno started motioning at me with its arms and I started to feel sleepy, until I felt Dolly slam down on our bond and I was suddenly back to being alert and did a twisting leap forward, dodging several psychic beams as I inhaled and carefully inflated or deflated portions of my wool as I moved forward through the air flipping and rotating.

Notably my wool didn’t do a single thing to stop the psychic energy as it passed through portions of it entirely without touching it, so yeah Psychic Energy was another thing I couldn’t protect against very well. I doubt I’d be doing too well against a well-trained unicorn that could react to fast moving things.

I eventually exhaled and my body sped up as I unleashed a bark blast at the Hypno I leapt towards point blank, the blast stopped my momentum and I had to quickly backpedal as one of the Hypno thrust his glowing fist at me.

The Hypno fist struck the ground with thunderous force that sent chips of stone, as much as a veritable fountain of dirt, flying into the air and I felt the stone puncture through my wool armor and the shockwave stunned me.

While I was distracted by the several bits of rock embedding in my flesh and my body being visible shaken, Dolly was blocking a beam for me from the right with her board and then threw the bone at the offending Hypno nailing them in the forehead and catching the bone as it bounced back, she twisted with the bones momentum and used it to plant her board in the ground and crouched behind it to take several Psychic attack impacts on it.

The guy on the right was suddenly hit by an Aerial Ace kick to the temple by Quetal who did a sideways leap to take another blast for me as I was getting up and he cartwheel into the Hypno at the back left of the units formation, coming out of his cartwheel with a painful double overhead downward claw slash that bloodied that Hypno and he followed it up with jumping roundhouse.

“Most dangerous move, Thousand Spears: Huo, takes five minutes to set up, how in the world is that the most dangerous thing she can do with such a poor wind up time?” One of the Hypno behind the front three said while staring at me, my ears caught this strange fact over the din of all the fighting going on.

Shanty slammed the Hypno with flat of her cane scythe Hypno tried to punch me with a glowing fist and followed that up with a rolling leap to bring the blunt side down on his skull knocking him out.

The guy on the back right suddenly received a flaming whip around the waist and was yanked screaming into the air to receive a hammer blow to the back that spiked him into the ground painfully. It was nice combo from Dazzle and Frizzle.

“Penalty move: Charging!” Canard came in and rammed his right shoulder into the last guy, knocking them to the ground in a brutal display of strength. He was one of the tallest among us, physically stronger than I was without magic assistance. “Slapshot!”

Swinging the hockey stick forward the downed Hypno’s head snapped to the side with a painful cracking noise and it was a surprise to still see them breathing afterwards after they were sent rolling like that, Pokémon were really quite tough beings when they weren’t being hammered with their weaknesses.

The guy I hit with the bark blast was sitting up with his forehead glowing, only to be hit by Lit using Lunge to plant himself squarely on the creature’s nose. The bug promptly squeaked loudly and electrified himself afterwards, violently and viciously frying the Hypno that… really should have stayed down.

“Pom behind you!” Dolly called out as she was busy prying her board up from the ground.

I raised my left hind leg, bucked out and fired a Thousand Spear into a Scizor to slow it down. It only redoubled its effort to come at me a second later, oh right, Bug Steel not inherently weak to wind attacks like almost everything around here.

Two Vine Whips slapped into its face, followed by the tip of a flaming whip rising up into its chin sending it upwards and then it was blasted away by a seed bomb.

“Thanks for the set up Dazzle!” Stated a prancing Favela with cheerful enthusiasm.

“You’re welcome!” It seemed Dazzle and everyone else had thing in hand with hitting this one unit as they turned to fend off attacks coming from grass, bugs, grass bugs and steel bug types.

“Cut the chatter, we have an opening to the main unit!” I lifted my right leg and quickly shook a Fomantis off of it. It had stabbed its right limb into my wool and was about to stab me with its left, until I shook it off and then walked forward a few steps before flicking it away with a hind leg. “The more Hypno’s we defeat the less people fighting off the Pokémon that have been driven insane. So we’re going to need to start running for it soon after we take down the leader Hypno.”

Speaking of the driven insane people, they were now less focused on the ship and more focused on us and the Hypno, some bug type near the ship seemed dizzy and or highly upset as they looked to have somewhat come to their senses. They were likely within the field the Morpeko were generating by presence alone, Mundo and Shine were at least letting them stay with in the field as long as they were not trying to claw their way up the ship. Was every living thing in this entire forest here?

-Somewhere else in Binder Blade Forest, ???-

A glowing mushroom shifted about and popped up to reveal it was a living entity, it looked about because things were too quiet and it recognized that it was still daytime by what little light filtered through the canopy. So it snuggled back down into the dirt and went back to sleep next to its siblings that were also resembling the regular glowing mushrooms around the forest.

The mushroom Pokémon in general didn’t like getting nibbled on.

-On approach to the Hypno leader unit, Pom-

“Hey do you have a name before we fight, I’m Pom Lambchop.” At least we could be amiable what with the twenty or so blades aimed at each of us at the moment.

“My name is Montgomery, how excellent of my target to come to me.” Said the Head Hypno of the unit, of course he was bigger and older sounding than the rest of them. “I don’t know the meaning of retreat.”

We fanned out and kept pushing back any blade limbed aggressor while trying not to do them too much harm.

“I think I can understand why Gilgamesh would send you to goad me to anger.” My flat response was met with a glare. “I’m not doing this out of anger, but pragmatism. We’re not getting into the air without the chance that you would pop the balloon. So let’s do this thing.”

“Yes… let’s.” Montgomery stated as he proceeds to steeple his fingers, my eyes narrowed at him.

I leapt forward and thrust my right hoof for his face, he leaned to the side and his fist was suddenly racing for my face and before I knew I was tumbling and ended up flopped onto my back.

I quickly rolled to the side as a beam of psychic energy slammed down on where I was.

“You’ll have to try harder than that.” Montgomery said with glowing eyes, then again his wasn’t the only one.

I was up on my hooves and witnessing similar action of the others, dodging, deflecting or somehow figuring out what the others were going to do before they did it. So these Hypno in particular have something like combat based Future Sight, like in the move that was mentioned to me as being a thing among psychic types?

That’s my guess anyway… until I thought about it and looked at what was happening closer.

Shanty was up and swinging her scythe and the way the Hypno moved was too fluid as if he knew exactly where the attacks were going to be before nailing her with a blow to the cheek that send her skidding past me.

Dazzle’s flame whip and Frizzle’s form were tossed back by accurate bursts of psychic energy before an attack could be done by either of them.

Quetal got in a few hits, but the retaliations came close to hitting him as he back off. The Hypno weren’t using psychic attacks for obvious reasons, but did they all have blasts of spherical shapes of energy that looked like Quetal was avoiding like the plague.

“They all know Focus Blast?!” Quetal intoned as he came to a stop at my side sweating quite a bit from all the dodges from the numerous Focus Blasts that had been fired at him with dubiously close accuracy. They couldn’t map Quetal at least.

Lit was flicked back by psychic energies when he went for a lunge, his size working against him because they could stop him even at high speeds.

Favela took a nasty direct hit from a psychic blast of energy and was left trying to get back on her hooves only to slip several times trying to dodge follow up attack. She was eventually helped up and moved out of harm’s way by Dazzle.

Dolly threw her bone and nearly got her head smashed in by it when it immediately reversed course, her board deflect it upwards and she caught it with a large shiver going throughout her body.

A burning bullet made of energy was stopped in mid-air by Montgomery and he wagged his finger at the ship before sending it flying back only to be blocked by Mundo gruesomely leaping into its path before it could set the ship ablaze.

The most damning thing about this situation was that the most successful out of all of us had been Canard who managed to take one down with a high stick blow to the head. In fact the Hypno didn’t seem to realize he was there until he directly attacked one of them, they all flinch as if in collective pain as one of them was taken down by the blow to the skull. Oh sure, they started giving him trouble seconds afterwards as he rapidly backpedaled out of the way of the shot fired his way in a wildly inaccurate fashion.

It was not just seeing the future, it was more, like what Dolly and I could do in any instant… they were all connected with Montgomery as the center of their power. The knocked out Hypno hovered up with dull lifeless unconscious eyes, even out cold he was still providing power to the other like a living battery.

“They or you won’t retreat because you’re sharing your minds and you’re basically controlling all of them and using their power to help predict and react to our movements.” This would take some doing, also I’ll have to shift into wolf mode. “Do you really think yourself impossible to beat?”

“I’d like to see you come up with something to actually deal with Future Sight? I so do love the sound of torment in the coming dawn.” The grin on Montgomery’s face grew wider when an explosion of psychic energy went off near me and Dolly yelped.

I looked to see that she was knocked down, she was whimpering and had a nasty burn in her side. Several other blasts of psychic energy sent my friends flying and hurting, but they still looked ready to fight.

I quickly dodged several of the blasts aimed for me and narrowed my eyes at what he just did as I saw several of the controlled were hurt because I dodged.

Yeah, what he just did… yeah… he was going to force it to be my problem. Well if he’s going to go that far, then I should show him a real beast.

“Not a single thought you can have will get by me, I know all you’re moves as you even think to make them.” Montgomery grinned.

“The balloon’s done!” Shouted Ocellus as she swooped by overhead and had to dodge several beams of psychic energy.

“Canard take Dolly with you and start the retreat, I’ll deal with them.” Oh sure it was going to hurt my muscles a lot to pull off, but pulling all of them at once was for a good cause.

“Deal with me and all the ones I’ve just gained control over?” Multiple blade armed Pokémon around Montgomery suddenly had the same glowing eyes he did. “Such fun puppets to toy with and feed off of.”

“Pom…” Canard and the others started a fighting retreat and then noticed the glowing eyed ones were currently aimed at surrounding me.

“I’ll be fine… go… now!” The others began the retreat, but I stayed there standing on four hooves glaring at them. “Shanty… get ready to come pick me up.”

The balloon was already inflating, I sighed. Better make this quick then.

“Oh, just you alone?” Montgomery said. “What do you think you can do that you couldn’t before?”

“Go all out, not overthink things for one, give into my bestial side and become a nightmare of the likes you’ll never live down, the best part is… it won’t require a single thought to pass through my head. I already declared Baa-Ram-Ewe on your boss. I say BAA-RAM-EWE to you!” I said sternly, he just burst out laughing at me. “I just want you to know, you brought this on yourselves, you’re about to see Alpha Lambkin and how absolutely vicious the wolf-fang-hoof style can be. Just be glad I’m still going to be merciful… for a given definition of it.”

“How do you plan on surviving everything I have around you?” Just wait and see Montgomery, I so wanted to deal with you using Shock-Ram, but I really didn’t want to die today and leave my friends to explain what happened to me from doing that out of anger.

Nope, doing this cold fury style.

“Arrrroooo~!” My wool shifted pointed eyes, wolf scruff, long fluffy tail, wool shaped paw digits and something extra added into the mix. “You’re about to see a side of me that I don’t like knowing I even have, at least it’s better than giving into my Chrysomallus side. Shanty, don’t get close to me until it’s all over with.”


Sparks of red appeared in both of Pom’s eyes, underneath her wool there was a shifting, but it wasn’t her wool this time. This time… it was her flesh that was changing shape, actual wolf ears, her blunt herbivorous teeth gaining canines and her tail elongating under the fluff and her cloven hooves turning into actual claws.

While her powers of Vitakinesis were unkown to her and she had never been taught to use them, she was using them instinctually here.

Alpha of the pack, the Lambkin leader, stood still while several spiritual copies of her sulked out of the shadows like a pack of stalking wolves not even caring about the numerous controlled Pokémon around them readying their blades to rush forward. One of the spiritual wolves had three fish tails and looked more focused than the rest of them, it showed no emotions, but the intelligence was clear in its eyes as it vaguely showed something akin to worry while drawing some energy from Dolly. One of the spirit wolves had three bands around its neck and seemed eager to dig into the feast.

“Impossible.” Montgomery’s eyes widened in fear, the near future showed his imminent defeat.

He had the numbers, the power and overall the ability to tell what she was going to do… right up until she spawned those blasted spiritual copies of herself, he couldn’t even detect her presence anymore. The future only showed his defeat and nothing else, not how he was defeated or what was coming.


Oh Pom… I’ll be making a note of this and will file a complaint about you’re mental state.

-Pom, Alpha Lambkin, Canine Queen vs. Doomed ‘Head Hypno’ Montgomery, in what was about to be an ensuing one sided slaughter, (Insert Mummies Alive! Intro Theme –Instrumental- here)-

Pom started slowly stalking forward and anything that had a bladed limb suddenly surged at her from all sides, there wasn’t any brightness in Pom’s eyes as she Inhaled slowly. Before the stabbing blades and clacking claws could even touch her, Pom disappeared with but a single puff of released air.

Mist started surrounding the entire area hiding the movements of the hidden spirit wolves inside, only the glow of their constantly moving eyes might give even a slightest hint of their locations and it was proven false when a pair of dots were proven to be simply floating motes of energy caused by the fog. A fog made of incredible spiritual pressure in an effort to misdirect where the threat was entirely.

All there was is just pure wild instinct and one command given to Pom’s actual body before it was let loose among all the spiritual energy flooding the area in the shape of wolves, hurt only the Hypno.

Suddenly Pom was running by one of the Hypno at a visible speed, her teeth tore into their leg as she bit into the Hypno’s knee and dragged them off into some bushes. What followed were agonized sounds of could be heard as much as squelching of completely crushed kneecap being rendered useless and then… nothing after such frightening howls of anguish that Montgomery usually enjoyed.

A second later another Pom had snapped her teeth into a different Hypno and dragged it off into the forest by its shoulder screaming, more sounds of agony before quickly turning to instant silence.

Montgomery was trying to send the bladed Pokémon after her, but he couldn’t even sense Pom’s mind was anymore and he was receiving pain from the two Hypno that just got dragged off and mauled violently.

While he was busy trying to disconnect from them mentally, a third Hypno was dragged off by the thigh leaving a pool of blood in the wake of what Montgomery was now recognizing as a completely monstrous wild creature.

He started to consolidate all the power into himself when another Hypno went down by several blurs clawing up its chest right next to him, each hit breaking a rib, shredded flesh, breaking bone and then there were only two left standing next to a very much flayed Hypno that was still alive and passed out in utter agony.

Montgomery was wondering how long it had been, since Pom took out four of them it was like the world slowed down or was it just that Pom sped up so fast that his mind couldn’t even comprehend her movements.

Maybe, maybe it was something more mystical, like a Fairy Type Lycanroc curse, a very real one. At least Montgomery was beginning to believe in horror stories, he was experiencing one and his mind was shattering trying to find a way out of this. He really should have learned teleport, who cares if he would have left his useless men behind in the face of this?!

His mind was quickly cracking under the strain of trying to put off his fear, his sweat could be smelled flooding the area with terror.

Make that five Hypno down, as another Hypno disappeared into the nearby trees screaming in pain as Pom’s jaw threatened to decapitate him and was crushing his spine as they launched upwards.

Blood started dribbling from above, the bushes started leaking trails of red staining the dirt, the trees and the pool at Montgomery’s feet from the one mauled Hypno. The other Hypno teams were frightened and backing away.

All the psychic energy crazed Pokémon suddenly started fleeing the area in droves, even the Pokémon Montgomery once had control of were disappearing into the safety of the wilds. No longer was there a frenzied mess, all being frightened off by an apex predator.

Now Montgomery wasn’t so haughty about controlling so many puppets or eating Pokémon alive of their life force.

What has that fool Gilgamesh unleashed upon us?! The psychic energy in the area was giving way to darkness.

Montgomery saw a pair of eyes open up in front of him and blasted as much of his psychic power as he could at it, the fog cleared and the two bits off light looked like little fireflies as they dance away into the air.

He felt the teeth dig into his left ankle, Montgomery couldn’t do anything but yell as he fell and his ankle was shattered.

He could even see a bit of bone sticking out of his ankle and could be forgiven for barely even comprehending what was happening over all the pain, his mind was shattering to pieces in terror as something invisible tore apart his right knee in a fountain of blood. His left elbows felt like it was crunched under powerful set of jaws, but he couldn’t even see his attacker in front of him!

Montgomery thrashed and flared his psychic energy in every direction, using whatever might potential of his mind he had to try and save himself from this fearsome creature of the shadows. No Dark Type could be truly this terrifying. His chest was being clawed at his right shoulder suddenly crunched and had a paw print shape embedded in it.

Then the attacks stop, slowly a left three toe claw placed itself on his chest and Montgomery stilled as he was facing down the muzzle of a blue eyed growling wolf.

The pressure and weight was increasing on Montgomery’s chest and the growling blood stained mouth of the beast slowly began opening wide to come in for a bite at Montgomery’s face.

His eyes widened as the jaw came forward in a flash of brilliant light, his vision filling with teeth and darkness as he felt it begin to snap over his face and head like a vice.


Montgomery laid there wide eyed, face stuck with a look of pure terror and not crunched into bloody mess. However the sheer terror was to the point his heart had almost stopped beating.

He could not know that his mind had been directly attacked and damaged to the point short of lethally shattering by the image of a spiritual white wolf with three tails.

Montgomery would live, but he wouldn’t be in any state of mind to harm anyone ever again. His injuries weren’t as bad as they appeared, but Pom really did maul Montgomery’s entire unit of elites in a terror inducing manner, crushing, ripping and tearing into their bodies.

Pom stood up and started to walk away with blood stained wool, she stumbled towards a mentally scarred Shanty who could see the slight red rings around the edges of Pom’s eyes slowly fading away.


After a moment I looked over at the ones she be mauling, miraculously… their wounds be scabbed over already, but their broken bones still be visible…

I be feeling sick in my stomach from what I just be witnessing.

I know I be trying to kill Lu Bu, but that was life or death… this was too I guess, but still… that was being quite horrifying to be bearing witness to.

Pom be looking at me dully and standing stock still.

“Po…” Pom collapsed before I could even say her name, her body making several cracking noises as if her body was putting itself back together in some way, mostly coming from her hooves.

I then saw something unusual in her blood dribbling mouth that might be haunting my dreams, Pom was laying there crying tears despite being out cold.

What I was paying attention to was the bloodied fangs she had in her mouth, fangs that were thankfully shrinking back to normal as her wool be shifting back to the shape of a lambkin we all knew with faint hints of a faint gold pulsing glow shining every now and then like blood pumping through veins.

I be taking a sniff of her, this blood didn’t just be belong to the Hypno’s, it was also her own. Her body tore itself apart doing whatever that was, at least it didn’t be feeling or looking as if she used Shock-Ram, didn’t be thinking she could actually survive doing that to herself a third time after the first two times.

I didn’t want her to do it a third time… but this was something of a close equivalent. I didn’t want to lose the closest thing I be having to family like that.

I turned my gaze onto the other still standing Hypno who were shivering and there was a lot of pools of liquid on the ground, they barely had more than one unit standing thanks to all the blade arms. I slowly heaved Pom over my back, she was being really light…. did she always be weighing so little?

“Take you’re wounded and retreat or else worse will happen!” I even be meaning some of that, the Hypno be carrying everyone off. They even be taking the ones dragged into the bushes, the one that was hanging from a tree branch, the one that was mangled by fast flying claws and they even bothered to take their leader.

What does it say about them, that they were willing to save even the likes of that Montgomery guy? Not all of them were being bad guys, Pom drove that home quite clearly as they retreated and didn’t be looking like they would be coming back.

I started to carry Pom quickly to the airship before the crazy Pokémon came back, I glanced as Ocellus wordlessly as we had Lumber Spry check over Pom’s injuries.

A little more than half of her muscles were almost torn close to irreparably, not all of them mostly being pulled in her body like what happened with that Cu Chulainn guy.

Wolf-Fang-Hoof, quick disabling style by attacking pressure points or damaging joints at high speeds, not really being a lethal style the way Pom be using it. At least I can sigh with some relief that she wasn’t out to outright kill any of them, even if she did be putting on an amazing show of making it look like she did or had.

Also, Pom can be breaking her limits to an insane degree without even entering the Shock-Ram state of fully breaking her limits…

I don’t know what to be more terrified of, Pom or her incredible capacity for being self-destructive.

Definitely being terrified for her though, was that what the word ‘Sacrifice’ for her was like? She at least be stopping all the fighting.

Author's Note:

Lack of focus, so much gaming, need sleep...

Darn you Zelda: Tears of The Kingdom... I once had a schedule. Once...

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