• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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381. Musou!

-Equus, Airship Mauled, Cruise Line Hopsital, Kuril-

“So be ready for it.” Dr. Bones finished stating as the Diamond Dog informed me of several things to be ready for. “Also your health is quite good, watch it with the blood pressure though.”

“Right.” Let’s hope that things continue to be fine, the economy was still reeling somewhat from Jaded trying to do math. My kittens were all amazing, but the one I gave birth to is still as magical as ever in a weird sort of way. “Thank you for warning me Zen, but I think I have things under control.”

“Like your kitten?” Okay, low blow Zen, but Jaded was actually nice after you get past her many eccentricities. Sure she has a lot of them, but I think I did well enough with raising her.

“I doubt anyone can control the rogue in the family and I’m not talking about my sweet little Fizzy who technically runs an empire.” Still, I did have everyone in the family do regular checkups to make sure nothing was wrong with any of them.

As far as things went Jaded’s back alley spinal surgery wouldn’t have any long lasting repercussions because I got her every injury checked out afterwards. I had to make sure my kittens weren’t being idiots, especially the one known for getting into strange situations like the living kitchen appliances. I’m not going to say anything if no one else does or hasn’t even noticed something off, especially with how busy Jaded can be at times with weird things happening around her.

Zen was always my first choice of doctor for Jackie’s daily struggles to stay at least capable of limping. Her curse has been pretty nasty to her recently what with the five trees within an hour, in said hour she dealt with a collapsing roof, getting involuntarily shot out of a cannon which she was inside it face first that made her take said launching blast to the face, then there’s being bitten and clawed twenty or so times by a gang of raccoons and then being set on fire by fire wasps.

Usually it’s Jaded that has problems with fire wasps, occasionally Flyders too and despite her love of beasts she really didn’t like or get along with magical insects. Explains why she started carrying powerful bug spray around at least, aside from the whole makeshift flamethrower angle.

Gallus was quite healthy, which meant he at least had people looking out for him quite well before he became one of my kittens. Had to give it to Gilda’s family, they at least made sure he was alive and somewhat fed.

There’s also little Gavin and Silvers to think about as well, I’m glad to have such a wonderful doctor looking out for my grand kittens and is writing a book on how to medically care for Chimera. Quite a few doctors that moved here were waiting on it, because the information might help with chimeric animal rearing as much as chimera citizenry. Maries can’t be the only chimera around that wanted to socialize outside the tribes.

Quite soon Paprika and Velvet were going to have their own kittens, which was going to be a whole other thing if Velvet wanted to get back into Arizona beating shape.

My how time flies, food, fun and love, what more could an Abyssinian queen ask for?

-Pokémon Realm, Ironclad City Outskirts, approaching a horde of Enemy Programs, Pom-

“I’ll have you know that I am doing this under protest, despite the fact that my body is driving me to help since those Hakamo-o and Jeanne look to need assistance.” I also knew Ieyasu would need help, but his hide was proving to be a lot tougher than the enemies we’d soon to be attacking. At least the Skarmory couldn’t be touched in their sweeps of vast swaths of enemies. “What information do you have on the other Enemy Programs we’re facing Shanty?”

“Any of them that be having swords or have both swords and shields are Saber Knights, they are being the general purpose soldiers of our enemy and there is always being a lot of them. Simple enough, what you be seeing is what you be get with them. The ones with the axes be Berserker Vikings and as the names suggests they are being highly aggressive, also their heat axes are not something you want to be hit by or near for too long. Nearly be losing my head to one when they once be steaming my Bounding Bubble out of existence. Lancer Guardians are specialist in charging attacks or acting defensively, so basically if you be closing in on them, don’t let them run you down.” It was nice that Shanty was already knowledge on the subject of these things. “Guardians are usually seen around PLANTS. I really be disliking the Berserker Vikings who are seen with Saber Knights the most. Archer Seraphs usually go everywhere, as you’ve seen they be very fragile and have really good aim. Assassin Reapers be very annoying to deal with, if they don’t be dissolving don’t trust one laying on the ground with just a limb and a head to not try to get you when it thinks you not be paying enough attention to it.”

“Thanks for the heads up for what we’re about to get into.” I said as I moved forward, a majority of these Enemy Program things were still after me, but they were a bit distracted by the Hakamo-o units, the Skarmory and our Pokémon Companion friends. We were thus forging our way slightly to the northeast to start supporting the Hakamo-o and the flag bearing Jeanne D’Arc, Jeanne seemed to even have things handled fairly well given how well she was tearing through the ranks compared to her friends.

“Spheal?” One of the Spheal queried as they continued to bounce or roll after us.

“You guys can stick with the Hakamo-o and lend support when you’re able, don’t over exert yourselves though.” The Silly Spheal’s unit have been quite helpful, very much worthy of Fontaine's insanely quirky or strange units.

“Incoming group of Saber Knights.” Dormarch announced next to me.

“There being two other types of enemy, but they be wiped out early this time. Considering the problems they be causing the last three times we be meeting them. We went to special efforts to be dealing with them quickly. The stronger they are, the longer it be taking for a PLANT to bring back.” Do tell Shanty, because I needed to know all I could about all of this and the situation going on around here. “They are being Caster Mages and Rider Horns. Caster Mages be in robes and be very annoying with magic in being capable of doing a lot of weird things, but they mostly just be shooting fireballs everywhere most of the time. The Rider Horns be really fast and almost always in motion… they also be looking like rectangular bulls and can be carrying the other EPs around.”

Rectangular bulls… well that’s going to be a thing to worry about later when we eventually get around to fighting those.

“Good to know, in case we run into any.” As he said this Quetal took the lead and fired off a Beat Up attack, his stamina has increased by quite a lot since he’s still going even now. Shadow copies that lasted bare seconds tore into the knights who clumsily tried to defend the attacks with their shields. He tore through tens of them with his attack.

Following that Shanty and I charged to meet the numbers that were between us and the Hakamo-o, I needed a quick word with Jeanne and then we can proceed to try and help Ieyasu out with being surrounded by hundreds of these EPs things. Notably the entire crowd of EPs was still slowly working their way in my direction, but they were also attempting to deal with every distraction on the way to me. That is quite haunting for anyone to deal with, especially if they were infinitely regenerating like Shanty had suggested when she talked about those PLANT things until they were dealt with.

“Curdle stick with Quetal. Shanty you’re good to do whatever, just don’t leave my sight. Dormarch, Dolly, let’s go!” I closed up the paralance angled it forward and did a three hoof charge with it.

“Right behind you Pom!” Dolly called out as she followed me forward.

“Please be careful mom, I think you’re still running on adrenaline and I don’t know how much more trouble you can take on today!” Trusting that Dormarch would keep an eye on my health while we bust through to join the Hakamo-o, I ran straight at ten or so of the Saber Knights.

We ran up to the knights and I narrowed my eyes at their raised swords as I continued my charge, while I was doing this I was communicating with Dolly and Dormarch on what I needed them to do.

The knights started their swings as I approached and the three of us stopped on a dime, the sword slapped against the ground harmlessly.

I lunged and tore on in half by catching it on the lance in the chest and swing it sideways, Dormarch slashed the two trying to react to us suddenly stopping and then attacking after they whiffed.

Dolly took the head off the one on my left with a swing of her board and flipped to being on her board and used it to kick off the quickly dissolving body. She led it into a right paw haymaker that took the head off another, she lightly hopped and with her left rear leg hooked around the strap she swung it around counterclockwise to knock over three of the knights.

While this was happening I rose up onto my hind legs and stomped my right hind leg harshly against the ground, the vibrational shock traveled up to my left leg hold the paralance by itself and I slammed it downwards.

“Impact!” A small spreading shockwave erupted from the spear tip and blasted the downed knights and the one still standing as Dormarch took care of the others behind me.

“Are you sure you don’t have super strength mom?” Dormarch asked jokingly.

“I’m quite sure if I had super strength, I wouldn’t have to abuse myself so badly to survive in a fight.” I shook my right hind leg out and then braced myself to move forward as Quetal and Curdle tore into enemies off to the side.

“Well when you put it like that… at least you have super speed.” Okay, couldn’t deny that Dormarch.

“Yeah, but I only have so much stamina.” Idly drawing attention to the fact that running down an entire mountain side while outrunning numerous threats will take a lot out of you, at least I knew I can outrun an avalanche now.

As we talked I swung my lance around as I plowed it through several Saber Knights. Compared to the Assassin Reapers, these guys were actually fairly easy to take out. For one they immediately went down at the loss of a limb or severe damage, for another they didn’t switch between a one eyed bug mode and being bipedal on a moment’s notice to change up how they attack you.

“This is being the easy stuff, clean up shouldn’t be taking us too long!” As I looked to Shanty she was wading through them and tearing them apart in the hundred as they tried to rush her down and get at me through her. Well at least she’s had a lot of exercise and practice, she was fighting far better than she usually does.

Turning back to what I was doing, I continued to do wide horizontal quick sweeps. It takes one serious blow or several quick blows in rapid succession to really take them down and I was swinging the lance side to side quite easily as I stepped forward.

After inhaling slowly, I exhaled and spun before explosively swinging the lance out wide, sending bodies of the digital entities that had no minds or thoughts like Dormarch. If they could think I would be more wary about finishing these things off in large numbers, at most they were basically robots with less metal in them than a Digi-bot.

Taking a solid thirty of things down with that one swing would be more impressive, if there weren’t hundreds of them slowly encroaching on me and they weren’t exactly of the same quality of the Assassin Reapers.

Dolly just went spinning by, gliding in the air and twirling fast enough to become a spinning disk of doom for all the Saber Knights in her path.

Dormarch wasn’t having any problems with them either, Shanty was right these Saber guys were more about exhausting you with number than having actual strength behind them.

I continued to press forward to the northeast towards the Hakamo-o and once we were close enough after taking down an entire group of Saber Knight, I called out to Jeanne. While still slapping and swinging my lance with enough force to get through the ten or so Saber Knight left in my way, it felt like I just we chunked our way through more than a solid one hundred of them.

“Hey, Jeanne nice to see you!” I called out as she spun her banner harshly in a sweeping upwards swing to launched at least a hundred of them into the air and then she rapidly stabbed each one down with incredible precision.

“Pom, you’re looking… somewhat iffy, but alive and in a better place mentally! Thanks for bringing some much needed help to clean up the rest of these invaders current attempt to take my home!” She called out in a friendly manner as she planted the Valora flag with the Steel Type symbol on it that reminded me of metal plates. “My home has been overrun with these Enemy Program things, but thankfully we know how to deal with them… we still need a more permanent method to do so to finish this crisis off as their attacks are getting worse! Friends the leader of Rescue Team Harmony is here to aid us in battle!”

The Hakamo-o took a moment to stop fighting and nodded to me in acknowledgement before they went back to pummeling large numbers of enemies with their fists.

“Does King Ieyasu need help?” She looked in the direction of where hundreds of bodies were flying and the king was basically drowning in their numbers. The Skarmory were helping and were trying not to hit Ieyasu himself.

“Yeah, I’d say he does!” Jeanne turned back to me with a pleading expression, as I jabbed several Saber Knights away. “Will you help us fight our way over to him?”

“We were already going to do that anyway, but how long do you think he can last like that?” Makes me wonder if they could even do anything to him, he was under constant attack where hundreds of swords, axes and lances were trying to pierce his thick hide.

Mostly they were breaking themselves trying to break him, they at least had him pinned and that was fairly threatening.

“Quite a while, but its best we not push it.” Jeanne pointed her flag forward, then she proceeded to leap forward while sweeping her flag about and tearing a massive hole into the numbers still aiming for me. “Onwards comrades… wait… they seem to be targeting you quite a bit.”

“Story of my life Jeanne!” I shouted out as made my way up to being next to her with Dormarch and Dolly, Dormarch still sent blasts of energy out of his tentacles that stunned or destroyed these things in a small area as Dolly took up a vigil with me. “Story of my life…”

The unarmed Hakamo-o could only take down one or two opponents at a time, Jeanne and I were sweeping them away like we had giant brooms.

Dolly added to the violence with rapid pirouettes and spins, on the ground or temporarily hovering in the air while slinging her board around. She always backed off to make sure she was next to me and Jeanne while not pushing too far ahead. Dormarch occasionally let loose a Wild Howling that sent them into chaos and made them randomly attack one another.

We were actually managing to push them back and were tearing through their numbers, well what numbers they had in the Saber Knights category.

The Berserker Vikings were a bit busy trying to chew through Ieyasu’s hide and their axe hits were notably starting to hurt him as we fought our way closer, given they were starting to create rents in his skin.

The Lancer Guardians weren’t near us and more near our Pokémon Companions who were ripping through, the crowd of enemies from the other side. Judging by how close the blasts of lightning were getting, they were doing fine.

“Those guys are pretty impressive.” One of the Hakamo-o watching our backsides said.

“Yeah, these numbers aren’t going to slow us down, there might be many of them, but we’re still stronger!” Apparently watching us fight was giving the Hakamo-o a good morale boost.

Their fighting suddenly picked up and they were doing a lot better, but they weren’t matching the destructive output Jeanne had going with my group as we all worked together to sweep across the plains taking out huge sections of the enemy that still tried to come for me.

I was the center of the formation and we were funneling them into a cone shaped kill zone.

“Could we be following true warriors?” One of the Hakamo-o stated as they watched us rip into tens of hundreds of these things.

“Yes, we have become Musou!” Another said, jubilantly and clashed his scales together before diving back into combat.

We were getting close to Ieyasu, he seemed to be having problems freeing himself as he struggled to shake off the multiple EPs clinging to him with their weapons digging into his metal skin slightly. At least he wasn’t weak to fire as he took multiple blows from those heat axes… he wasn’t exactly strong against it either though.

In fact I noticed we were starting to create a wide line of constant sweeping attacks, it was getting hard to count how many we were tearing through in quick succession in short order.

One swing of the lance in my hooves,

“For Valora, I fight!” Jeanne D’Arc was leading the charge and she was being successful at it, in fact being around her felt highly invigorating and I was following her setting the rhythm of battle. It seemed her waving the flag around and using it as a rallying point as much as a weapon was really helping everyone around her somehow keep up with her enthusiasm.

Still we needed to focus on reaching Ieyasu and pulling him out of trouble, then use his body as a living shield. His iron hide was far tougher then my squeaky toy of a battered form that attracts wonderful canines like Dormarch and Dolly to my side.

Probably wouldn’t be alive without them… Dormarch literally did successfully perform a lifesaving surgery on me with those ridiculous claws as a Dalmamon and it’s hard to imagine me surviving my second use of Shock Ram without it. Even then that Surgery only barely saved me.

I swung my lance forward and the Saber Knights surprisingly tried to block its sideways motion, the weapon still tore through them. I’m beginning to really be wary of what the paralance was truly capable of and all I was using it as was a makeshift baseball bat and sun shade.

“This is going well, have the PLANTs been taken care of?” Stated Jeanne, who seemed to be more aware of the situation more than me. I wanted a full run down of things after this battle.

“Yes, we be getting them really fast this time.” As she said this she did a one legs rising upper buck with her right leg and sliced through a Saber Knight cutting it entirely in half vertically.

“So it’s getting worse… well I shall not let Valora fall!” Despite the slightly forlorn sound of her words, Jeanne got aggressive and started hitting harder as did I as we both pressed forward together.

Once we were close enough, the two of us stated to rapidly stab our weapons into the enemy hanging off of Ieyasu to the point that, one he got some leverage, he burst forth in an explosive display of raw force. His shield was badly battered, but it his pike… it was immaculate and fire an explosion that tore apart more enemies in seconds than what Jeanne and I could do combined.

“Come friends, let us route our foes and then we’ll talk over a big meal.” Ieyasu stated jovially as he grinned at us. “Try and keep up as we fight for glory!”

“If you have baths, healing and a bed I’ll just fight for that.” My dry commentary got a nod from him.

“You come from the northwest, how is Nixtorm doing?” He asked conversationally as we kept EPs from clinging to him so he could devastate an entire army with us picking up the stragglers.

"It'll be entering a recover phase soon." I offered and kept smacking down bipedal entities that kept trying to charge me in the same manner with a sword raised high to try and bring it down on me, Ieyasu soon stepped forward and started taking on the brunt of the army.

Dormarch looked relieved to see I was no longer in the thick of it as Ieyasu led us forward, Dolly was far calmer now that the large iron hide being was taking up the majority of the battle on his own.

“Again, this guy DJ Yasu, is amazing.” Dolly said cheerfully as she put her board on her back and started using her bare paws to take down any stragglers.

“His name is Ieyasu, but close enough.” Dormarch continued to stick by my side and kept glancing at me, his tails wagged a bit each time, he was likely building up for another Wild Howling.

“Squeak!” Lit appeared and hopped onto Dolly’s face.

“Hey, Lit, how you doing buddy!” Asked Dolly excitedly as Lit finally managed to find us in all of this.

We were grinding the enemy army that used to number at least a thousand or more into a find powder or whatever digital energy was, so I guess it wasn’t that hard to locate our at least five unit strong ground offensive. Dormarch must be having a good day with absorbing all that loose energy at least.

Having freed up Ieyasu the Skarmory started scything through enemies before rising up into the air using their momentum to keep height and out of range of the melee monsters.

Aside from Jeanne and I stabbing EPs trying to cling to Ieyasu to pin him down or swinging our weapons to sweep away a number of enemies that seemed to be getting slower the longer they were near us, the battle was practically won at this point.

The large armored guy that Ieyasu was just kept blitzing through them in awe inspiring display of brute force, incredible control and an elegant poise you wouldn’t expect from a bulky metal rhino lizard in how he stylishly tore his enemies to shreds. Glad to not be on the wrong side of a force of nature that could easily gore me on his two spear like horns and not be slowed down in the slightest by anything else that was behind me.

“He’s an incredible leader. Even when his people are tired and exhausted from constant battle, he doesn’t stop protecting them with his very being.” It sounded like Jeanne looked up to the leader of Valora and I can clearly see why.

I glanced at Dormarch as he fired off two Surge Projectors freezing up two Berserker Vikings that managed to get around Ieyasu and came charging for me. They were summarily taken down by Dolly doing a momentum boosted flying kick to the chest and Dormarch biting off the arm of the other and swinging it around while it was still holding the axe to take off the upper portion of its torso with its own weapon. His mumbling afterwards drew my attention somewhat.

“Heavy diminishing returns was already bordering on Champion previously saved enough data and energy from the Chaosdramon X issue to get this far… so really bad and would need far more condensed digital energy, so it’ll be a while before I can hit Ultimate…” It seemed Dormarch was still set on making sure I was safe and already making plans on getting stronger. I didn’t know how long I had, but I appreciated the efforts from him and Dolly to keep me safe after I took some nasty stabs in this fight already.

It was another five minutes of constantly jabbing my paralance into enemies or assisting a few others, but before I knew it the battlefield was just about clear and I was leaning on my weapon.

Roaring, Ieyasu blazed with a clearly visible aura that reminded me of my whole wolf pack thing, his fighting spirit was practically blazing as he leapt up and brought his pike down while making it explode violently to render the last few enemies dust before his might. By last few, I mean all several hundred of them in one terrifying explosive powerful shockwave of a strike, I’m quite glad to not be on his bad side and will be keeping it that way.

That hadn’t been as hard as I thought it was going to be, the Assassin Reapers were the real danger and it was a frontloaded problem, everything after joining Jeanne’s Hakamo-o units was bizarrely easier than it should have been. I think Jeanne might have had some kind of power when it came to rallying people and giving them a second wind.

“Glad that’s over.” I grumbled tiredly and Dormarch steadied me for a moment with his left tentacle before, in a flash, he returned to his cute puppy Dalmamon self.

“Power Saver feature like what Frizzle has, I can Digivolve into ‘Dobermon D-Type’ whenever you need me to.” Saying that Dormarch nuzzled against my side, it was a good thing he could retain his combat ability and stay small and portable. Goodness knows how I would have carted around a dog of Growlmon’s size, I’d like end up riding him around instead like I do with Big Mama. I wonder how she’s doing back in Huoshan? I’m fairly sure my Tenko would still have things under control. “Just keep giving me the strength to do so by taking care of me.”

“Yeah, about things being over Pom… I’m glad to see you’re mostly alright after what Gilgamesh did to you.” A worried Dazzle stated as she and Frizzle came up to us. “You’ll need to talk with Sami for a full scope of the situation, we currently don’t know how to stop it from getting worse.”

“I don’t think we can, we’d need to stop it at its source or at least prevent the source from accessing things through Ironclad City.” Shine commented before hugging Quetal, clearly happy to see him and she sent a curious look to Curdle.

“Want a taste?” Curdle offered openly.

“Yep, definitely not a ditto, Alcremie are all generally the same.” Wonder when Shine could have met an Alcremie previously to know what they were like. Still, she broke off a bit of cream and some internal tart of Curdle and tasted it. “Lemon Cream and Peach Tart… a good mix and you taste great. I would have preferred lemon cream and butter cookie though. Once had a Salted Caramel Alcremie, that was an interesting experience.”

“Why thank you!” Curdle said pleasantly. “You can always get your own butter cookies and scrape them on me, you know."

"Maybe later." Shine stated pleasantly while waving Curdle off.

Don’t say anything about that exchange Pom… not a word about the madness.

“Ah, how are you doing, are you in need of spiritual guidance from your incredible companion Lucha Mundo?” Yeah, Mundo, I would. I even nodded to him and smiled a bit. “You seem fairly invigorated despite battle being anathema to you, what was different about this battle my friend?”

“I think it has to do with Jeanne over there, she seems to have an effect like that on me.” I pointed a hoof to Jeanne D’Arc and Mundo had a curious look on his face as she was currently talking with the Hakamo-o units with her.

“Truly, she has such an effect?” Looking amazed and appreciative, Mundo's beak quirked upwards into a smile. “You should spend some more time around her then, could be healthy for you.”

“That and I recently recovered my little guy here. In fact… everyone, I want you all to meet Dormarch!” I picked up Dormarch in my hooves and his tails wagged lazily as I held him.

Ten minutes after introducing Dormarch to everyone that didn’t know him, we made our way for Ironclad City.

We were quickly filled in on a few things, Ironclad City had plenty of stubborn Pokémon that refused to be kicked out of their own city by the invasion forces of Moon Cell. This Moon Cell couldn’t have started a better or worse place to begin an invasion, it was getting fairly close to breaking the Steel Types backs through constant effort and the pure quantity of the forces it kept fielding.

The Berserker Vikings in particular were the worse matchup for the Steel Types, which is why Ieyasu was looking to get help from outside his domain in dealing with those particular EPs.

-Kingdom of Rock Types Cragspur, Cragspur Castle among the thick mountains, ???-

“What are your terms?” I asked calmly, even knowing that Cragspur has fallen to the western kingdoms that have united together and the one leading them intends to unite all of Ransei.

Now if only the ones Cragspur had fallen to wasn’t a small brown fox, the one I was now looking down upon and had big dreams for such a little pipsqueak. The Rock Type kingdom has been taken, at least our opponents were benevolent.

I was a Gigalith, but even then I had lost my battle. Heh, the Ground Types really took us for a ride, but it wasn’t Ground Type attacks that did me in. The king I saw before me had both heart and a clever mind, a good sturdy leader through and through for Aurora.

“Well since you asked King Ujiyasu…” The small brown fox known as King Evan started to say. “We’re going to need your help with Avia if they don’t accept my proposal. Before I make my proposal, I need to speak to the one known as Cotton Murkrow. I will at least tell you my plan up to meeting her and what you can expect from me before then.”

“Go on…” I was intrigued, Avia was preparing for an attack by the dragons even as the dragons themselves fought the ghosts.

The dragons would be foolhardy enough to fight a war on two different fronts. Everyone knows their pride is their worst trait, but at least they somewhat had the strength to back it up.

King Evan smiled at me sadly, then he opened his mouth and his plans were actually fairly complex for one so young.

Heavy is the crown and he understands that clearly in his plans.

-Ironclad City, West Port, Pom-

There it was, the wagon, I’ll see about getting Dolly’s board fixed by filling the damage in with an electrum varnish and would talk to Dolly about… why was Dormarch glaring at Ocellus as we approached?

Ocellus looked a little shocked to see Dormarch, Smolder was as equally shocked.

“Heh, guess who’s back?” I’m almost beginning to believe that Gilgamesh might have known about Chaosdramon X being Dormarch’s body, but I’m not going to believe it until I see actually proof of that.

I approached Smolder and she flinched away from me, I winced at how much that hurt to see and calmly hugged her and pulled her in to nuzzle her. She stiffened and didn't relax, even after I let her go.

“It’s okay Smolder.” I calmly ran a hoof up and down her back, then looked at Dormarch who was starting to get agitated around Ocellus.

After searching my memory of what happened in Dolly’s home world… oh… right… that.

I just remembered why Dormarch would be angry with Ocellus, the whole thing with Magica De’ Spell while I was on life support and she made a judgement call that almost got me killed when I was barely hanging on by a thread after doing a second Shock Ram. I was thinking about that earlier during the battle with the EPs as my friends have been calling them.

Dormarch even started to growl at Ocellus when she tried to approach me and say something, I calmly picked him up and held tightly as he continued to glare at Ocellus. I didn’t want him attacking her and I wanted the two to get along, which was going to be a problem for a while. I already had long since forgiven Ocellus, this was going to take some time.

“Sorry about him, he’s upset with you about what happened back in San Fransokyo.” I was keeping Dormarch calm at least. Ocellus lowered her head and looked away, she didn't say anything, but she did rub her right leg with her left hoof.

Dormarch still didn’t let up his glare even when Ocellus backed off, but at least he wasn't growling at Ocellus. These next few days were likely to be hectic and I was going to need a long talk with my friends going forward this evening.

I kind of needed to be alone with Ocellus to tell her something about what she might or might not be feeling from me eventually, I'm not sure if unicorns could detect it before it started to happen and changelings would count as magically sensitive. I was direly needed to confirm it with Ocellus if she felt anything off with me. Dormarch was going to make that a bit difficult, given he wasn't going to let me out of his sight and he was paying close attention to my health.

Dolly looked a little lost between me Dormarch, Smolder and Ocellus, I'd likely need her help to get Dormarch to give me a little breathing room.

I really needed that hot bath Ieyasu promised after trudging through Nixtorm...

-Origin Space, Arceus-

"If Pom never showed up, is he one of the heroes that could actively solve your issue?" Nodding to Bahamut, I casually continue to stir a pot of Monterey Jack cheese soup as Mew procured the crackers, bread rolls and other good sides for this meal.

Ieyasu was at least one of the worlds heroes that could unite and save all of Ransei from the oncoming threat, King Evan was already another and he was being quite proactive about it now.

There's also what Cu Chulainn's interesting group was doing and it was rather curious all on it's own as his group was currently fighting Amaterasu. Thankfully the sun goddess was not as powerful as she could be thanks to Solgaleo, the Pokémon of the sun.

Author's Note:

In memory recall to page 222 of this story...

Dormarch still hasn't forgotten THAT.

Pom now has a mild friendship problem on her hooves, on top of a terrifying slightly reality bending omnicidal alien computer and trying to get home.

Musou has the meaning of 'unmatched'.

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