• Published 29th Aug 2020
  • 2,297 Views, 1,200 Comments

Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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286. Server City Ransom Pt. 11.

Author's Note:

I'm okay, just end of the year partying and hoping for a better year.

Also the kidney stones were removed safely and my family member was fine for the holidays after some surgery.

Find you're own music for this one.

-???, Tamamo-

“Clock Tower is interested in the fact that she is even here at all, are you sure she hasn’t been summoned as a heroic spirit… not that there was anything ever heroic about her…” Ooh, my ears are burning. They must be talking about Tamamo-chan.

It was just too bad they didn’t know I’ve been working on an exit strategy to this facility using the statue of worship for teleportation. Of course I had to mean my worship for it to work and it wasn’t hard, that Chrysomallus was quite adorable and she would be a great husband! Also since I heard the word ‘Clock Tower’, that means I needed to up my schedule as I don’t want those entrenched elitist edgelords known as ‘magi’ to ever get a hold of whatever I’m capable of… also the guys likely hated that I existed on the principle of things.

If I had the time, I would doom all their haughty butts with a viral illiteracy curse for being so smug, high and mighty. Not that I’m one to talk given the things I’ve done, but they are definitely going to probe and prod me for information, then seal away said information and sit on it for eternity.

Thanks to the Syncretism of the Inari shrine, which was one of the worst mistakes the bhuddi’s ever made that gave me access to their magical systems, Ameterasu should answer my call when I make it and then the fun will happen.

“There she is… it seems she’s continuing to worship that strange statue. She knows more than she’s letting on about it, what can you tell me from looking at it from here?” Whatever mage they sent is probably going to probe it with mage sight, likely wasn’t a canid so it won’t work and will get frustrated when I leave behind how to pronounce FHTNGs name on a piece of paper just to rub it in. “Ms. Tohsaka, what’s wrong?”

“What’s wrong is I realize why they sent me here, ever since the supposed complete disappearance of the ‘grail’ by some higher power, they’ve been up in arms about the missing potential to learn true magic or get a wish… good riddance I’d say, that kind of power makes people nuts. In any case I know why I’m here, but the thing I’m looking at isn’t familiar in the slightest, but…” She paused and I looked over my shoulder at the young mage through the two way glass mirror and smiled at her with a devious grin, she shuddered violently at my gaze. “It’s terrifying how much energy Tamamo is putting out and nothing is happening with it, can she see us through the mirror glass?”

“We’re… not quite sure about that. It’s disturbing that she’s been this docile thus far.” The man was at least honest and neither of them knew I could hear them through the sound proofed walls. Not that I was hearing with my ears… spiritual hearing for the win! “She’s also ridiculously powerful so it’s possible she’s humoring us as long as we don’t try to mess with the statue.”

“Well at least the central depiction is cute, what do you have on it so far?” They weren’t going to get much and the hidden energy they couldn’t sense was Tamamo-chan’s ticket out of here!

“A strange bit of twisted mythology surrounding the golden fleeced Chrysomallus of Poseidon, that’s the only clear thing we have about it. Everything else we’ve found is… unclear.” Yeah, but not this worlds Poseidon, not that I’d tell them that. I would have to do the thing and get Ameterasu on board with helping me out. “Apparently that’s a descendant and something about marmalade came up… still don’t understand that or the…ugh… ‘Fred the Demon’ thing.”

“Marmalade? Wasn’t that invented close to the eighteenth century, long after the Greek era, by the scots?” Well if you discounted the existence of Atlantis girly, then that’s somewhat true. Makes me wonder what her thoughts on ‘Greek Fire’ was.

Sure I might have fought off eighty thousand people and the survivors thought they killed me, it was to the point it’s kind of hilarious that my poison cloud stone lasted so long. Trickery and deceit was my specialty, did they really think they could catch me unaware enough after standing under those raining arrows for several days? I’m on par with a Teumessian Fox in escaping danger, also smarter, prettier and far more magical then just blinking through existence in mere moments… though a Teumessian would have escaped this place ages ago.

Also I may be a bit murderous, but at least I kept mostly quiet and targeted people who wouldn’t and shouldn’t be missed. Which worked up until I hit the wrong target working for this organization and got knocked out and dragged into a holding cell. Now they’ve given me access to my chance at freedom and then some, all I had to do was be patient. That’s something I’m good at if I can be patient with trying to apologize or even try to talk to eighty thousand guys trying to kill me with bows for what were some honest mistakes on my part.

All I had to do is wait to activate my spell later and have a little talk, then boom the sun god and I are going on a road trip to who cares where! Inari might even help with it.

Maybe I could do this world one other small favor while I’m at, I was already doing them a favor by dragging Ameterasu away. Ame-chan was getting rather twitchy lately through our connection and has been entertaining activating a rather nasty ‘planet wide’ kill switch with the sun.

Aside from my issues with this organization keeping me prisoner, my stay here hasn’t been too bad even if they did find out who I was because of that rather ‘fetching’ sculpture 'hee-hee'. I can at least agree with the organizations existence on a number of things, like keeping Cipactli under control.

-Digital Realm connected to Ransei Continent, Server City, Ogremon’s Warhouse Warehouse, Pom-

Dolly, keep Tankmon in sight and warn us if he aims our way and who he’s aiming at. I can dodge shots coming at me, they can’t so I will have to use my Dancing Flame technique sparingly for defensive purposes.

I got a few images of Frizzle and Tankmon still going at it, they were really roughing each other up quite badly. Yeah, Frizzle’s health was probably not too good and I didn’t know if Lit was alright in all of that either so that’s another thing to worry about. We had to make this quick.

Canard, Dazzle, Sami and I were going to be quite busy trying to beat Ogremon into submission.

We tensed and waited for who would go first, Canard was staring at Ogremon with a calculating stare, Dazzle was a little wary as I felt. As for Sami, her expression was flat, stone cold even, as she stored her new weapon on her back and brought her rifle around from being across her back above her tail and prepped it.

“If you’re not going to take the initiative, then I’ll start us off with my signature… Pummel Whack!” His left fist reared back and started glowing a dark purple and black when he threw it forward it erupted into a scary grinning visage shaped vaguely like his own face.

My instincts screamed at me to move and my body followed as we all dove to the left or right side to avoid it, something tells me I never wanted to be hit by that attack.

Sami finished her roll crouching on one knee and firing her rifle directly at Ogremon who started to block her shots with the head of the bone he wielded with ridiculous precision that only a few of her shots made it through as he charged to attack Canard and did minimal damage overall.

Sami ceased firing when Ogremon got too close to Canard and he had to block Ogremon’s downward strike with his hockey stick.

The hockey stick, which made creaking noises under the impact and made Canard shudder, held up to the bone strike and Canard kicked Ogremon in the stomach to push him back.

I sprang forward using the coiled wool around my hind legs and launched my left hoof for his right bicep, surprisingly all he did was flex and was barely moved by my entire body weight. He gave me a calculating look as I landed.

“Hmm… speed and technique, strength and good balance… and two ranged combatants, with a cute mascot to finish things off.” Ogremon grumbled as he turned his left fist towards swinging at me, Dolly didn’t like the implication of being called a mascot and would definitely get back at him for that at a most opportune moment. “Feint punch!”

I blinked as the large left fist glowed and seemed to spread out in multiple directions as it came towards me, my eyes narrowed and I hopped to the right as his fist found itself in the floor to my left.

“Hah, I was right!” As he said this I delivered a leaping right hook with another boosted leap from my rear hooves to slam my hoof home into the left side of his face staggering him back a bit, then Canard swung in from his right and slammed the other his face with the flat of the hockey stick blade staggering him further. Ogremon didn’t seem upset in the slightest, mostly because he was excited to fight us and none of us shared that sentiment in the slightest. “Heh, this is going to be good, I wonder if I can knock all of you into the pit.”

“Pom, hit it!” Sami sudden shout caused me confusion until the rocket fire from her tube projectile launcher was caught by Ogremon and was about to be tossed away like last time.

I opened my mouth and loosed a Bark Blast and the subsequent explosion slid Ogremon back by a fair distance and almost toppled him.

“Eugh! I guess I can’t ignore the peanut gallery for the close up fighters after all!” Just wait for it Ogremon, Dolly is already planning on finding a moment to get back at you for the mascot comment even if she is adorable. When Dolly does, you really won’t think she’s simply a mascot then and I’m not liable to stop whatever she comes up with.

Speaking of Dolly, Tankmon was still decidedly busy trying to beat Frizzle. The two were badly battered and trashing the other side of the warehouse and it started to make me wonder if Tankmon had a Backspace System or if it only activates at a certain threshold… like the brink of death kind of thing. That was fairly worrying if true.

“This might be going better than Bulkmon did…” The moment I said that Ogremon’s eyes widened.

“There’s a Bulkmon around and they didn’t come to challenge me?!” I barely dodged the swipe of the long bone in his right hand. Canard dodged a blazingly fast ‘Pummel Whack’ launched without warning as Ogremon started really getting into the fight now, where before it seemed like he was taking us lightly. “Tell me where the Bulkmon is!”

“We honestly don’t know!” Canard called out as he blocked the next one armed strong swing and was sent sliding towards the edge of the pit to our backs, Dazzle leapt for him and managed to stop him as Ogremon turned his attention on to me and fired off a ‘Pummel Whack’.

“But you survived him! Unless he has a Backspace System, which means you really don’t know! I’ll beat the information of how you’re fight went out of you!” Ogremon stated pointing his bone at us.

“Can’t we just tell you?” I pleaded quietly as I was now his main focus while Dazzle was helping Canard back onto his feet.

“Now where would the fun be in that?” Ah right, Ogremon was a battle maniac and he proved it by his next attack. “Feint attacks!”

His bone and fist seemed to blur and split as if he was swinging them from multiple directions, I inhaled slightly and focused. I hopped forward and bit down onto his left wrist when I spotted an opportunity to dodge through the two attacks, it left a nasty taste in my mouth as I thrust my left hoof at his neck. My attack didn't make it as I was promptly slapped against the floor with a blow from his bone where my wool protected me from the impact, but not being caught by the head in a crushing grip after I bounced.

Since he left my face free I unleashed a Bark Buster and used the liquid magic to get the horrid taste out of my mouth as it immediately exploded in the direction of Ogremon’s face. Despite it being a direct hit, he kept a tight grip on my head and kept trying to press his thumb into my neck. I think he was trying to choke me to death, my puffed up wool was up to the task of keeping my head and throat safe from his crushing amount of strength.

“Speed, technique and some kind of endurance ability to match? What evil villainous cur let you live this long, I want to talk to their manager!” Canard ran forward jumped and hooked the blade of his hockey stick around Ogremon’s right horn mid-jump and put his full weight into physically yanking Ogremon face first into the floor with the full weight of a eight or so feet tall bipedal duck. He followed that up by swinging his stick around and bringing the bottom of the blade to slap across the top of Ogremon’s wrist getting him to release me. “Okay, ow, someone should have really sent assassins after you guys to make sure you didn’t get this strong! Can I at least know the name of the Bulkmon if they have one?”

“I think he said his name was Abobo?” I said as Canard and I backed away together.

“Well after we’re done here, I’ll be hitting him up for a fight!” Ogremon declared gleefully as he fired off two rapid fire pummel whacks forcing us apart and then changed targets from Canard and me, to targeting someone he probably felt was probably the weakest link among us.

The weakest among us was probably Sami in a direct confrontation. Seeing Ogremon come barreling at her, she seemed to crouch and lean back to accept him coming at her. I noticed that the back of her new weapon touched the floor, when Ogremon got close enough Sami triggered the weapon with her right claw and smiled.

“Backfire!” Sami announced cheerfully. The Commandramon blasted off the floor in a huge explosion and rocketed into a high arc that ended with her on the left walkway where she landed on her feet with a happy pose. Said walkway had some Goblimon gathering on it and looking to be preparing an attack to assist their boss in fighting us, they were caught flat footed when Sami quickly slung her rifle about, aimed and started to gun them down into vortexes. She pressed the nose of her tube weapon against the wall as she continued firing the rifle in her left hand. “Leave the Goblimon up here to me, they looked like they were about to start helping their boss! M-Loader.”

Speaking of Ogremon, he had been caught off guard by the explosive force with which Sami Soldier launched herself and was blown completely onto his back.

The right walkway was basically trashed to try and prevent us from getting this far, so there were Goblimon instead gathering at the throne from the right doorway at the top of the stairs. They were suddenly hit with a Flame Burst from Dazzle, who needed no prompting in preventing them from getting their attacks off.

“Just making sure you guys are paying attention to what kind of relationship we’ve got going on here. wouldn't want you to die too early into it.” Ogremon said conversationally as he got up and tried to smash Canard’s skull in with a leaping bone strike, he only pushed Canard back towards the pit when he blocked the blow and then tried for Dazzle.

I immediately leapt into his path and tried to strike with a left straight, he blocked with his hand and tried to grab me again. My right hoof struck out at his wrist and stopped him from clenching his fist around my leg and he quickly back handed me to the floor.

Letting out a grunt of pain, as my nose was probably going to be bruise immediately, having flopped to the floor onto my back Ogremon jumped and was going to strike down on me with his bone. Canard hooked the club stopping his downward swing and I brought up my rear legs and bucked upwards while releasing two 'thousand spears' into his belly point blank.

Ogremon grunted as he lifted off the floor and was then hit with a large tornado of wind that sent him slamming head first into the roof where his horns got slightly stuck. Dolly’s revenge was making him look rather dumb, Sami and Dazzle took advantage of the sudden shock the Goblimon were expressing with explosive results.

That’s when Dolly sent me the image of Frizzle being knocked down and Tankmon turning to target one of us from across the pit. I also felt her holding on to the second half of her ‘Aerora’ spell, still targeting Ogremon intending to yank him down from the roof.

Tankmon was choosing… me? I could almost feel Dolly’s grin as she gave me an immediate suggestion, I quickly tumbled into standing on my hooves moving forward and to the left a bit to position myself correctly as I turned around.

“Sami, Dazzle, keep your focus on the Goblimon!” As I said this Tankmon traced my movements with his nose cannon from Dolly’s vision and I saw her look up as she focused on yanking Ogremon down as I looked across the way to focus on Tankmon like she wanted me to.

“The set up for this is way too good.” Dolly murmured humorously in the back of my head as she used the second half of her wind spell to yank Ogremon downwards, he twisted in the air and landed in front of me with a grin as he prepared to attack me.

I gave him a grin back making him pause and consider me for a moment. It must have looked like I launched him entirely into the ceiling on my own strength and that Dolly hadn’t done a single thing to aid in that.

“Don’t know how you did…” Ogremon would probably appreciate Dolly’s amazing sense of timing, because I certainly did when it has saved my backside on several occasions.

Ogremon did just land in front of me as Tankmon was going to fire and Tankmon’s eyes widened as his shot flew straight into Ogremon’s back and sent him flipping over my head trying to grasp at me with his big left fist or strike me with the bone in his wild flailing. I calmly ducked out of the way of his chaotic attempts to hit me as he belly flopped onto the floor face first.

“Call me a mascot again, I dare you!” Dolly shouted at Ogremon with a shaking curled up right paw. Ogremon of course couldn’t understand her well enough to know what she just did, but he still glanced her way in curiosity before I blasted a thousand spear from my right leg by his face drawing his attention away from her.

I’m not quite certain that Dolly knew Ogremon would absolutely survive that shot to the spine, or even be able to walk again.

Given that Ogremon was already getting up again, in spite of such a painful direct hit, I guessed serious permanent injury wasn’t something to entirely worry about with Digimon.

“Tankmon, whose side are you on!” Ogremon roared as he stood up, with smoke rising from his back.

Moving slightly to the side I think I could actually see a faint piece of metal sticking out of him from where he was hit.

“WELL…AGH?!” The distraction gave the still wild Frizzle a time to get in a cheap in cheap shot with white glowing claws raking across the right side of his face, a Pokémon ‘scratch’ move? Well it certainly tore into Tankmon’s already battered frame and thankfully drew his unwanted attention away from us.

“Hah, that’s a twofer!” Dolly said with a bright and wide toothy grin. Dolly wasn’t just sitting there either, she was actively paying attention to her surroundings and giving me information in real time and was holding her board defensively and at the ready as she stayed off to the side. “I’m magically tapped for the moment Pom, give me some time to build up again.”

That I could parse through the extra sensory information she was giving me while fighting was somewhat amazing, also there was the nagging feeling of Dolly seriously wanting to get into the fight herself. At least she was being patient and was hanging back and waiting for a moment to dive in and distract Ogremon where necessary as Canard and I faced him.

Ogremon slapped the bone against the floor sending a pressure wave at Canard, forcing him to run to the side and out of the way to avoid being sent flying into the pit. Canard pulled his puck pistol and fired it several times at Ogremon’s face and managed to get two through his bone defense.

While he did this he thrust his larger left fist at me launching a silent ‘Pummel Whack’, barely giving me any time to move out of the way of the demon faced attack.

“Is he ramping up?” Canard asked.

“Probably wanted to gauge our full abilities first before doing so.” I responded and now that he had a good idea of what we were capable of… he was going to come at us with more force.

Ogremon swiped his bone club at the air and Canard dove under the blast wave, I moved forward and dodge to the left at the Pummel Whack he sent my way and hopped to the right as she sent a vertical blast wave at me.

I leapt forward with my left hoof reared back and he swung his bone upwards.

“ACK!” I was hit by the airborne pressure wave and sent flying backwards over the pit, I quickly inflated my wool to stop my momentum.

I took a deep breath and used my heightened reflexes to reorient myself in the air to see Dazzle and Sami were still stopping the Goblimon from swarming us, I angled myself towards Ogremon and Canard locked in battle while coiling the wool on all my legs. Hardened the wool on my forehead, I bucked my hind legs back and thrust my front legs out behind me to both my sides.

The recoil of four thousand spears going off at once launched me forward in the air and Canard, having gotten close up with fighting Ogremon stick to bone, suddenly dodged to the side. Giving my forehead the opening to slam into Ogremon’s chest and staggering him back several steps.

Canard followed up by jabbing the top of his hockey stick forward to double Ogremon over by solidly ramming it into his stomach as I landed. I went up on my hinds legs and took up a stance.

“Are you okay?” I asked as my wool coiled for the lunge burst.

“What, why would you be asking that, I’m having the time of my…” Ogremon was apparently enjoying the battle as he stood up to full height ready to continued fighting.

I launched forward my hoof engulfed in flame as I struck him in the chest with a wool covered hoof, once there I braced my right leg with my left and roared.

“Buster Wolf!” The upwards explosion staggered him further and he still managed to slapped me into the ground with his left hand.

“Oof!” I bounced and managed to flip onto my hooves. Okay, he tanked a Tankmon cannon and my Buster Wolf… what else could we hit this guy with to beat him and get him to talk?

“Nice attack, could use a little more oomph!” Ogremon, who wasn’t paying attention to Canard, suddenly lost a portion of his left horn to the blade of Canard’s hockey stick swing upward.

I watched as the broken bit of horn flipped upwards and Canard raised his stick high to swing it downwards into the broken off portion and launched Ogremon’s own left horn downwards, point first, into his right thigh. “AGHH, YOU PIECE OF… BARF!?”

Dolly decided it was a good time to throw the stone bone and it knocked him over with a powerful impact to the left side of his jaw, breaking off his right fang in the process of shutting him up.

“Well at least I know where the Goblimon get their odd predilection for weird noises now.” I bluntly stated as Dolly caught the bone with her left paw. “Please tell me you’re ready to give up?”

“You kidding, this is the most fun I’ve had in weeks!” Ogremon stated as he got back up. “I’m really working on my revenge plan and villainous story for every blow you land on me, this pain is great! I’m outnumbered, my guys are being routed and I’ve got a whole villainous monologue I’m going to be working on for when you next meet me and everything! First you have to actually beat me and we can’t have you’re eventual victory against me be put into question by me running away at this point, that would make all you’re hard work moot wouldn’t it? So keep fighting me like this, I need heroes like you to motivate me to be better at being evil!”

I opened my mouth to say something when Canard just shook his head at me.

“Don’t question it Pom, some Digimon are just like this.” Canard stated while shouldering his hockey stick and readying his puck projectile pistol. “I would know, I’ve been dealing with them for digital years.”

“Okay less gabby, more stabby!” Flipping his bone club around, Ogremon revealed the other end of the bone was a sharpened point like a spear and grinned at us as he clenched his left fist.

He leapt at Canard firing a pummel whack making him roll to the right, then he turned and charged for me, I hopped back as he tried to spear me with the large bone. I was about to attack him back when he turned and sent a pressure wave at Dazzle, who looked almost caught flatfooted as she was in the middle of firing a flame burst.

Canard was already in motion as the pressure wave hit and knocked Dazzle into the air and over the pit, Canard swung out his Hockey Stick and Ogremon was going for him. I inhaled and burst forward, while giving Dolly a mental idea of what to do in this situation, I received a smiling Dolly face and two raised digits on a paw in my head. I was relying on her to time this correctly.

Canard caught Dazzle’s back and right armpit, hooking her back towards the floor with his stick as Ogremon surged forward to launch a point Pummel Whack.

I crashed into Ogremon’s right shoulder with a leap and fire a thousand spear from my right hoof into where his broken right fang was throwing off his aim and sending the ‘Pummel Whack’ by Canard’s face as he heaved Dazzle to safety.

What happened next was dependent on Dolly as Ogremon swung his right arm out to fling me off and over the pit.

I felt something slap me in the back and launch me forward, my eyes glanced to the left in slow motion as the thrown stone bone continued on its path and turned my sights back on a surprised Ogremon as I landed a solid flying buck to his forehead to prevent him from trying to toss anyone else into the pit.

Landing on my hind legs I gave him a quick left, right, left hooking hoof combo of while pressing forward and locking my hind legs against the floor to give me more stability while mounting the forward pressure to knock him back. I followed up by pressing both my front hooves against his chest and braced my hind legs to the floor with my wool as I fired two more 'thousand spears' into him.

Ogremon basically popped backwards and I stopped attacking him for a second by going on to all fours and crouching down. I idly noted a Flame Burst arcing overhead towards the Goblimon that sent several fireballs flying Dolly’s way.

“Hah, that was… BLARNEY STONE?!?” That wasn’t even a random noise that time Ogremon, that was just you randomly saying ‘Blarney Stone’ loudly, instead of the ‘eurgh’ ‘barf’ or the seldom heard ‘spleen’ noise that Goblimon seemed to make. I did manage to push him back into the path of the stone bone as it arced its way back for Dolly and taking that fully across his skull knocked the sense out of him. “Ooo-kay, maybe the small one isn’t…. isn’t a mascot and is battle support…”

I shifted an amount of wool to the front of my body and added the wool wolf digits and claws into the shaping before twisted my body for a twirling leap. I kind of felt like a mole doing this...

“Magical Drill Claw!” I leapt forward into whirling dervish of slashes and Ogremon barely blocked with his bone, but the magic portion bypassed his bone and started to tear him up.

“Agh, okay, ow, EURGH, BARF…” Each rolling claw slash pushed Ogremon back further and further up until I finished my twirl raising my left hoof high and bringing it down on Ogremon’s chest and raked him from chest to thighs with a massive magic claw. “SPLEEN!”

Despite all the clawing he was still standing, but now he was breathing roughly.

“Okay, I might understand ‘BARF’, but how did you get the 'spleen' noise from that?!” Okay, maybe I was a little bit irate about the funny noises the Goblimon and Ogremon kept making.

“That’s because we Basher Bullies are just that awesome!” Ogremon announced happily despite the pain he had to be in. “Now come on I still got some… EURGH?!”

Canard came in with a painful overhead blade first blow between Ogremon’s eyes, at this point I don’t think anything would make Ogremon stay down as he staggered again.

Dolly gave me a mental heads up that Tankmon was aiming for Canard and about to fire, I inhaled and the pushed off the ground to tackle Canard out of the way.

“Pom?! Why did you…” Canard started to ask only for Ogremon’s chest to erupt in a fountain of pain when a metal projectile embedded in it. Looking over my shoulder I saw that Tankmon was bowled over by Frizzle a second later.

I looked back to Ogremon as I got off Canard and we both stared at him gasping and standing there with Tankmon’s projectile buried in his chest.

“Okay… that stings... a little...” Seriously Ogremon, at this point a lesser being would be dead by now or sucked into a vortex like a Goblimon. He calmly sat down, which prompted the tank shell to explode in his chest and knocking him over. “BLARGHFLARGLE… okay… I give… that one took the fight out of me. What do the mighty heroes want with me, it better not be stupid like free weapons or something masochistic…”

A Flame Burst immediately hit Ogremon when he tried to surge to his feet knocking him back down and cauterizing the ugly blast mark into his chest, stopping the leakage of what passed for blue cube like blood for a Digimon.

“Yeah, probably shouldn’t have tried that...” What I wanted to know was why Ogremon hasn’t disappeared into a vortex yet, he can’t have that much stamina left in him… right? A splash of purple liquid landed near Ogremon's head and started eating away at the ground.

“You do not want me to hit you with that.” Dazzle stated with a glare.

“Let the weapon go.” Canard pressed Ogremon into the floor with the blade of his hockey stick on Ogremon’s neck.

“Okay, no more tricks, no more fighting, I give, for real this time.” Ogremon even relinquished hold of his bone club and held up his hands in a sign of surrender. “Just know that I’m going to come back at you later stronger and fiercer than ever and my Goblimon are going to continue attacking you as soon as you try to leave. Also this was just the kind of motivational fight I needed for getting stronger, now get on with it… what’s you’re heroic motivation in all this?”

“Tell us where Etemon is… or at least tell us where Octomon is.” Canard state while holding his hockey stick at the ready as Ogremon coughed and gasped in pain.

“Ooh… information that only I have at the moment, nice reason for you to be here as any.” Ogremon was quite affable and chatty despite trying to knock us into a pit or harm us violently. “I know where Etemon is, but if he’s you’re main target then I know where we’re going to meet up for a fight again so I can’t exactly go telling you that. Might send an envoy Goblimon to tell you later when I’m ready for the big brawl. As for the big purple horned pot headed squid with the swords, guns and a perverted streak a mile wide that’s probably on weed thus making the who pot headed thing a double entendre, yeah Ultros is not going to be hard to find once you hear he has his place in the northwest near Jijimon’s Territory. The beach bungalow is where his Monitamon gather on the shore, probably hanging out in the safety of the digital waters and he’ll definitely come out for some of your female companions in bikinis… the guys slimier than I am and I am totally impressed with that fact. From what I hear, he’s planning on getting the karaoke bar and Ferris wheel under his purview soon, so you might want to quickly get back over that way and fight him into submission. As for me… I’m activating my Backspace System now, since my base is actually set to where Etemon currently is…. I’ll be waiting for you and will better than ever next time, thanks for the evil motivation, MWUHAHAHA!”

With that demented laugh that made me shudder, Ogremon soon suctioned into a vortex taking his bone club with him and leaving a massive amount of credits behind that absorbed into the three present Digivices.

We stood there for a few seconds and heard a crash and then turned around to see Frizzle slamming Tankmon’s head into the wall left of the entrance several times and caused a portion of the walkway above to fall down.

“Ack?!” I yelped when I felt a blasts of flames hit me and quickly rolled on the ground to put the fire out, Dolly quickly helped me with that and we both glared at the Goblimon at the throne.

“Like the boss says, we are not done hounding you yet!” The Goblimon at the throne that attacked me was quickly blasted by a rocket from Sami, this also destroyed the throne of weapons. As if Ogremon needed more motivation to fight us later if he were to find out about that.

“Sorry, got distracted by Frizzle’s fight. Let’s move out, we’re so done here!” Sami stated from above as she loaded her tube weapon again and fired a spray from her rifle to clear the way up the stairs.

We quickly made for the staircase, passed the destroyed throne, went past the door and onto the walkway by Sami who brought up the rear. I stopped and so did the others, when a thought occurred to me.

“Okay, wait… how are we going to deal with Frizzle? We can’t leave without her.” I asked as Sami continued to fire at the Goblimon still coming out of the two doors to the left and right of the throne.

“Well we’re certainly not leaving her like that either.” Dazzle said gesturing at a roaring Frizzle who held Tankmon aloft above her head with both claws and then slammed him into the ground spine first with a nasty cracking noise. “Do we… do we have to fight her?”

The badly battered and beaten Tankmon quickly disappeared into a vortex, then Frizzle turned her gaze to us with wild eyes as the nearest living things around with energy building in her mouth.

“Everyone dive!” I leapt off the walkway towards the once shifting floor at the entrance of this warehouse place, Dazzle landed on top of my front half and Canard landed on my back half. Well at least I broke their falls… Dolly halted her momentum before she hit the floor and Lit came out of hiding to hop onto her back.

Looking up I stared at the hole blasted by a wave of raw sound, similar to what Bathory to her surroundings did while dynamic maximized in evaporating solid matter with pure sound.

“Yeah, that’s definitely Hyper Voice...” Dazzle stated in a dazed tone with a hint of fear as Frizzle turned to us and was opening her mouth for another attack.

Several things attached to and exploded against the back of her neck in quick succession, knocking her down and face first into the floor.

“Hey over here, I know you’re a bit distracted by the digital hazard, but we need to get out of here like yesterday!” Turning to look at the beings that just threw those explosives and shouted at us with urgency, we saw a large wheeled sled like vehicle with five blue Commandramon. The one driving had veered the back end of the flatbed vehicle to facing us. One of the Commandramon that threw the series of explosives was tentatively aiming his rifle at Frizzle. The other three were firing at the Goblimon at the entrance or those trying to cross the left walkway. There was also Uver riding on a strange plant motorcycle digimon, he was also motioning for us to hurry while giving Frizzle a curious and equally frightened look. Looks like we just got some backup on getting out of here, I was getting quite tired of having to fight my way through the city. “Hurry onboard, before that distorted Growlmon gets up!”

We quickly went up the ramp that was lowered for us, as Frizzle was slowly getting into a standing position and began roaring at us.

“Punch it!” One of the Commandramon screamed while quivering at Frizzle’s berserk fury as the vehicles wheels squealed and we were on our way out of Ogremon’s place.

This was soon to be followed by Frizzle smashing her way through the entrance after us, sending debris everywhere in a terrifying display of endurance that she was still going after all that fighting with Tankmon.

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