• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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222. Red Robot Rumble.

-Near Professor Nimnul and Baron Von Steamer fighting, San Fransokyo, Armored Inflatable Medical Professional Baymax-

“This is Baymax, have you discovered the motivations of all villains within the city?” While I was asking this I was tracking the movements of various visible figures on the SAT feed. “Currently the police are watching and protecting Krei Tech, possibly in suspicion of the latest trouble being related to them. Mental Magnet is keeping watch of the battle between Nimnul, Steamer and the red robots. Sufficient force is effective against the robots.”

“This is Oracle Ocellus, the motivations are as follows. Whoa, keep them back! Dolly, stick next to me and don’t get in the thick of it, you’ve been pushing your luck today!” I heard the sounds of weapons firing and directed the SAT feed to focus on the location, the red robots had energy weapons of decent strength. Wheel Cat was circling around to join the fight, Fredzilla, Plasma Paladin and Bazooka Bunny were holding adequately at the moment, but they were about to be overrun if they stayed in position from what I was detecting. “Dr. Drakken, his focus was technological in wanting either Wower or Abigail, he didn’t sound picky. Professor Dementor, wanted to steal something at Krei Tech. Monkey Fist was after one of three statues that can blind, deafen and mute through magical means given the one I’m holding creates a magical eye searing blinding light. It can’t be used frequently though. According to Wheel Cat, Motor Ed was looking for her technology. Both Monkey Fist and Motor Ed are captured due to Ms. Shuttle’s support. If you see Magica De Spell, she’s after Caper Canine for revenge for the last time they interacted with one another. That Magica is here suggests Phantom Blot might be too. There was also this Momakase person, she seemed to be only interested in fighting Dr. Drakken’s companion Shego. The cultist robots Plasma Paladin was dealing with have for some reason disappeared, their intentions were to kill Leap Lamb and somehow knew of her condition, but not her exact location. They are possibly a neutralized threat.”

“Updating city situation to all Big Hero Six and allies.” I intoned softly. “Large and armed reptilian biped, seen with a large force of red robots coming in from the north. I suggest retreating southwest towards our current location. The number of robots in the city has increased in number to almost double initial estimates, they are either embattled with other villains and are reinforcing their numbers or they are heading for Decoy Abigail’s locations. There are more than two hundred robots, forty of which are in aid of the dangerous looking reptilian biped, sending an image of the reptilian biped to your visors. Two vehicles of similar make approaching from the south, one appears to be a flying support space capable vehicle and the other one some form of tank and armored personnel carrier. Unknown force, take caution until their intentions are understood. Team Possible is about to enter the area, attempting to contact their mission control… I am sending them a landing zone location.”

“Whoa, that guy is huge!?” Fredzilla from what I can see of the overhead view was having problems as his flames didn’t seem to be damaging the robots. He switches to using his spinning sign weapon, specifically made for him recently, to great effect absorbing the energy shots and damaging the nearest robot with a rapid series of blows in a flourish before knocking it down with a harsh upwards blow. “Also these robots are kind of tough! Was that all Baymax?”

Fred-meleon has not lost his skills as a sign spinner since dealing with Yokai. His suit has taken moderate damage, but it has not been entirely compromised yet.

“No, there are two other villain threats that are not currently preoccupied. One villain threat is a threat to Leap Lamb’s life as she is currently flying straight towards Ms. Shuttle’s current location, I believe she is Magica De Spell. I assume magic to be a factor in her being able to track them. Ms. Shuttle has been warned by me and is already in motion.” I heard a number of gasps. If Pom was attacked personally or her life support was destroyed or shut down for more than three minutes… it could lead to a swift, still preventable, fatality. “The other villain is a notoriously wanted criminal mastermind named Phantom Blot. His groups movements suggest that they are heading towards the hotel where Abigail actual was last noted as being. He is with people in black jumpsuits and eggshell helmets, it appear the rogue FOWL cell of eggheads under the Phantom Blots command have changed their suits to fit in with their leader’s appearance.”

“Phantom Blot might be tracking the Power Pet’s magical signatures and intends to steal their magic from them. I can’t go near that guy as taking my magic would be immediately lethal to me, but not them. Still, having your magic ripped out of you would not be a pleasant experience when it is a functionally a part of you, it would be like a missing a piece of your soul and could cause constant agony. Mini-Max contact Penny Forrester and tell her to start moving underground, they are not to come above ground for any reason until all the robots are dealt with or I am captured and they leave the region with me. Unless it is an emergency, her team is evade or hide from any chasers for as long as possible underground.” I wish to meet Ocellus, mostly to get a better idea of Leap Lamb’s psychological profile. “Continue observing Professor Nimnul and Baron Von Steamer… we’re going to retreat, where is Team Possible landing?”

“Within your path of retreat. They have been warned of the robots in the area, but not of you being a Decoy Abigail.” While I did not like the idea of lying to possible allies, this was a time where it was prudent to do so.

-San Fransokyo City Streets, Ocellus-

“We have minimum time and maximum trouble to deal with, is there anything I can do?” Mini-Max intoned as we were slowly retreating from the team of ten robots firing on my protectors and even him.

Okay don’t freak out. Magica and Phantom Blot were both quite bad problems. We knew Magica was here and had injured her somewhat, but she was tenacious. Phantom Blot showing up was just making things worse because they weren’t currently targeting each other and were targeting our less defensible teams while I was still running my gambit by acting as Abigail Callaghan.

I didn’t have a visor, but a large armed lizard leading the robots sounded threatening. I really didn’t know what to do other than continue being Abigail Callaghan, I could not change shape within visual range of these robots and given the number in the city has basically about doubled according to Baymax... I couldn’t risk it nor could we go rushing off to keep Magica away from Pom.

Dolly was in the same boat as I was, I watched as she yanked the leash wrapped around one of the robots arms and managed to get it to shoot another one before pulled the leash back to herself with a yank that pulled the robot off balance long enough for Plasma Paladin to ram a blade into it chest.

The blade had a slight problem digging into the material, but eventually got through it enough for Plasma Paladin to jam his other blade in there and rip both his energy blades outwards.

We were retreating past the captured villains. Wheel Cat was still free to go wherever, but where should I send her?

We had enough coverage here with Bazooka Bunny being mid to long range specialist, Fredzilla was a mid to close range defensive and Plasma Paladin was a mid to short range offensive. Dolly couldn’t get into direct fighting and I had to keep reminding her to stick to support, her worst injuries hadn’t reopened but she was pushing the limit of what she can do.

I could send Wheel Cat after Magica and ensure that she doesn’t hurt Pom, Smolder, Dormarch or Ms. Shuttle, highly tempting. I could send Wheel Cat after Phantom Blot, they have the large force and Penny’s Power Pets are untested in a fight despite having magical capabilities and enough intelligence to use them effectively. I could just let Wheel Cat continue aiding us here and we would have less problems retreating. I didn’t actually need that much protection, just the illusion that Abigail was around.

“Mini-Max, tell Wheel Cat to target Phantom Blots group, Penny’s Power Pets group needs backup.” Phantom Blots anti-magic group was a poor match for the Power Pets given they probably had several methods of dealing with magic at this point. Magica was already injured and would have several issues with attacking Ms. Shuttle. Despite their pressing assault, the red robots we were retreating from wanted to take me alive and in good health.


We had long since passed Monkey Punch and Motor Leg.

How did Magica know where Pom was?! In any case I couldn’t go off and leave Ocellus in a lurch, from what she just ordered Wheel Cat would be distracted and I was a last line of defense for her. Kind of wished I had my board and helmet right now, but Dormarch could make use of my helmet. I don’t think he could utilize my skateboard as well as I could.

“I’ve just noticed we’ve got a single signal closing in from our right, why only one though?” Bazooka Bunny announced as she kept firing alternating shots of a strange chemical that seeped into a robot and then the second chemical made them explode.

We were constantly backing away from the robots coming at us down the street and blasting anything that moves or wasn’t their target.

“We’re good, but there’s starting to be far too many of them!” Putting up both his blades as a shield, Plasma Paladin absorbed a number of shots, afterwards he started firing back with his right arm as his left blade was used as a shield.

We’ve downed about ten or twenty of them, fourteen more still hounding us and about one hundred and ninety more to go.

“Should we split up?” Yeah, no, that wasn’t a good idea Ocellus and I let my displeasure be known, sure she couldn’t understand me, but she flinched when she felt my emotions. “I think Dolly can get the one on the right, let that one close in and focus on the larger group.”

I positioned myself facing the right down the street as we entered the intersection and I paused when I saw the reason why only one robot was coming from that direction.

It was huge, had shoulder and wrists missiles, its five fingered hands ended in holes that all possibly fired energy and two hatches opened in its chest opened to reveal two turrets that looked like they can aim in different directions. It was a bit massive compared to the other red robots, this thing was armored and looked like overkill.

“Uh… maybe it won’t shoot with you directly next to me?” Ocellus tried, she really did, but the robot still aimed all its fingers at us and fired a stream of energy blasts at me.

I yelped as I leapt and barely successfully rolled to the right through the series of shots that nearly struck Ocellus who was quickly moving away from the robot that started tracking me.

I leapt at a light pole and slung around it while kicking my ‘flow motion’ into high gear to sling myself back across the street.

Its shots followed me as I hit the wall and ran up as four streams of energy splashed through the wall around me, it was firing from the cannons in its chest now.

It stopped firing once I climbed high enough and started to charge towards Ocellus, I quickly flung the leash and added as much momentum to it as I could and the leash wrapped around its thick legs slowing it for a few seconds and tripping it before it could grab Ocellus.

How was I going to fight that thing?! The others were already dealing with the smaller robots comparatively to this thing. One hit, dead, I would be dead!

I should be glad it didn’t see me as threatening enough actually use its missiles.

I watched as the machine get up and look at the leash no longer wrapped around its legs, it ignored that and continued for Ocellus who was already running a bit down the street. She was trying not to get separated from our defenders by going too far, she’d be a sitting duck and would get captured.

Dropping down, I was behind it, the armor on its back didn’t look any less impressive than it did from the front. I doubt wind would hurt something that heavy, it had lots of firepower and was hard to bring down, but it had to have a weakness somewhere.

If it actually thought of using those missiles, then my life was going to be cut short very fast… like how I lived, feisty and fearless.

A lightbulb went off in my head as I looked at the shoulders and wrists.

I ran forward and frantically grabbed the leash while looking at the machines shoulders and wrists again, the missiles in them were exposed and if I could actually get whatever those missiles are to actively blow up…

“Mini-Max to the rescue!” Mini-Max slammed into it. That had no effect of course, but he at least had the robots attention and it was trying to shoot him out of the air with its chest turrets and ten fingers blasting energy in rapid succession. He made for a very small hard to hit target. “I may have erred in choosing this fight, but I will still try my best to slow it down!”

I took an aim at the left shoulder rocket and stood up on my hind legs and started to twirl the leash and build up momentum and added a lot onto that. This might destroy or burn up a part of the leash, but as long as I had enough left over to set off another missile.

Doubt they’d be just sitting out in the open like that if they were armed, but they would still explode with enough force. Okay, I’ve built up enough momentum, now let’s see what I can do.

I did a super jump while twirling the leash above my head and shot upwards a lot higher than I intended, I think I might have been shredded the leash a bit by the amount of force I was putting on it. So I had to do this quickly.

Flipping forward, I started twirling myself and then I slung the end of the leash downwards, before the leash struck the left shoulder rocket a thought just occurred to me.

If I was moving towards it, wouldn’t I get a face full of the explosion without my board to take the brunt of it?

“Ah dang.” I stated before drawing all my magic into pushing my personal momentum backwards as the end of the leash slapped home against the tip of the missile in its left shoulder with the snapping sound a whip would create.

The explosion sent me fly and I think a chunk of metal hit me with blunt force knocking me even further. I narrowly got my momentum under control before I became a really bad case of road rash.

Landing softly with a body sized bruise on my hind legs was better than getting all my fur rubbed off by the street.

Looked at the clearing smoke from the explosion to how much damage I did, I blinked as the machine just turned towards me.

I just lost a large section of the leash I still held and all I did was take out its capability to fire missiles… from its left shoulder.

That’s all that explosion did, its other missile weapons were still intact, its other weapons including its chest were barely even scorched.

“Ah great, it was built to take explosions… even from itself.” I said dully as it took aim at me. Yeah… I really didn’t want this things attention right now. “Well, I’m dead.”

It fired four concentrated streams of hot death at me, makes me pine for the days when I used to exaggerate doing amazing things to all my little brothers and sisters.

“Doesn’t mean I’m going to make it easy though!” I stated as I started to leap and glide dodge through a lot of shots coming my way. I think one of my ears was grazed considering the burning sensation as I tried to put distance between me and all the lethal firepower it was pouring on in my general vicinity.

Once I got into position behind a light pole the metal at the base started to heat up from the concentrated fire of ten alternating cannons for finger and the two in its chest. My size being helpful for this, I leapt onto the backside and climbed up as the light pole’s base broke and it started to topple.

Leaping up I gripped the horizontal bar with my paws and altered its falling momentum to lift it up and bring it around, while still in the air, to launch it like a spear upon release.

The arcing spears flew forward and the molten base of the light pole struck the robot in the right chest cannon destroying it, but doing little damage further than that. The damage the light pole did was just because the molten bits of the light pole got into the barrel.

Flopping onto the ground in disbelief after having put a lot of what I had into that, I just whined loudly as it continued to aim the remaining blaster fingers and left turret at me. I also noted it shift in its three missile launchers. Okay, now it saw me as a big enough threat after I tossed a light pole at it and only took out another weapon.

Ugh, the bludgeoning I took from the shoulder exploding and then tossing a light pole exhausted me. Yeah, Ocellus was right, I should have been more careful. I wasn’t going to be able to dodge this. It was even ignoring Mini-Max trying to distract it from shooting me.

It fired three missiles and a volley of shots my way, I clenched my eyes shut and heard the explosions and impact of the shots. I certainly didn’t feel them though, opening my eyes I looked up into a pair of friendly green eyes looking down on me.

“It’s okay, I got you!” The fox biped stated as she leapt up and skated along the wall on rocket skates avoiding the shots that tore the wall of a building apart before getting me over to Ocellus. “Dr. Abigail Callaghan I presume? I’m Kim Possible, this street is looking like a mess, Big Hero Six has a lot of work cut out for them huh?”

I leaned up and licked my savior on the nose and then leaned back to rest as I was placed in Ocellus’s paws. I wished Magica and Blot the worst, because I’m spent.

“Please just call me Abigail, Callaghan has some implications with my father going super villain because of a portal related incident I’d rather not think about.” Ocellus responded and I tilted my head to look around to see what was going on. Big Hero Six had, in the amount of time I had to deal with the big guy, taken out at least thirty of those robots. “Also it’s no wonder Shego likes to fight you so much. Thanks for rescuing Dolly.”

“Ah that’s such a cute name for an adorable, if badly battered, Dalmatian!” Rolling my eyes at the fox biped that saved my life, I grunted and pointed to two distraction currently trying, and failing admirably, to keep that large walking tank from focusing on us and started to take aim. “Can we talk later about why Caper Canine doesn’t have her gear and isn’t with Leap Lamb? Though I’m fairly impressed that she managed to throw an entire light pole like that.”

Kim Possible started to nimbly dodge the shots and she was doing so with incredible ease.

“Leap Lamb is in critical condition, on life support even, Caper Canine came here to protect me on Team Leap Lamb’s orders.” Really nice excuse there Ocellus, because it was technically the reason why we were here. Still, nobody specifically ordered me to be here. Ocellus held me close and I put my face into that fluffy fox fur and snuggled into it. “She’s definitely full of surprises as I’ve come to find out, but she really needs to take a break as she came to me injured from the Saint Canard Crisis and still pushed to stay in the fight for me.”

The other guy, Ron Stoppable, gained a powerful magical aura in the shape of a gorilla. The only problem is, the ferret immediately lost that aura in a splash of black energy upon hitting the robot.

“KP, this thing has some serious protections from my mystical monkey mojo, it just cancelled me out!” Ron Stoppable shouted and looked to be backhanded. Instead he tumbled backwards from the near blow, the five fingers missed shooting him as they fired off mid swing. “Agh, this thing is more deadly than those spinning tops of doom and more armored too!”

“Stay safe until we can bring this thing down.” Kim Possible’s skates flared and she shot forward, her clothing shaping into some kind of white suit with neat glowing blue lines on it. Does that means she’s yet another technological hero?

“Help you, yep.” We blinked and looked at the pink hairless rat that hopped onto my stomach and nodded to us with a cheerful smile and large buck teeth.

We looked at the three present members of Big Hero Six finished taking the down the robots swarming them.

“Well it’s going to be awkward carrying you and her, so could you get off please?” The rat nodded and hopped off. “Guys, do you think you can actually help take that thing down?”

“I still have plenty left in the tank, but that thing…” Plasma Paladin paused and looked for the right words for a thing that took the full amount of momentum I could bring against it and it was only lightly damaged. “It scares me, it would rip me in half if it got a hold of me!”

“Yeah, my suit is going to need a lot of repairs after this.” Fredzilla stated as he checked his weapon over.

“I don’t think there’s a chemical composition that can deal with that, but I can lock it in place easily enough.” Bazooka Bunny was scrutinizing one of the fragments that I exploded off the robot as they all took up positions around us. “We should leave it to them and continue retreating. It’s Ron Stoppable and Kim Possible, they can do a lot of things. Losing isn’t something that happens with them often.”

“Then let’s move. Caper Canine is down and can’t put up a fight even if she wanted to.” Ocellus turned and, holding me in her right leg, started to move away from the action at a quick pace. "Also a robot with dark magic protections is not something I want to be near!"


"You're efforts to give the Heavy Hunter Drone magical protections were apparently not entirely useless Wraith." A large reptilian biped stated before turning to a more ancient looking one.

Author's Note:

Wheel Cat has been sent to aid the Power Pets.

Dormarch will remember that.

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