• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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9. Now ewe tell me.

-The Valley, Training Hill, Pom-

Panda and I established a rapport easily enough, but our small talk was boring both Skunk and Shanty. I organized some play time between them with Panda. They were ready to run off to have fun, with Smolder and Ocellus to chaperone them of course.

“Don’t let Shanty or Skunk get into any trouble!” I shouted after Smolder and Ocellus as they followed the two young ones.

“Yeah, yeah, we’ve done some foal-sitting before.” Smolder really shouldn’t have said that. “What’s the worst trouble these two could get into?”

Having had heard what follows those kind of statements from Fizzle, I know for certain it wasn’t paranoia and the world would be out to get you when you said anything to that effect. Fizzle even had extensive proof that it was a constant occurrence no matter the dimension, world or universe from multiple sources. Such a thing was proven to be in every instance of existence where anything even remotely intelligent exists and has a concept of language, one that has spoken words that can be even remotely comprehended by the universe as a challenge.

“I don’t know Smolder, the Cutie Mark Crusaders routinely caused trouble even after having gotten their cutie marks and we heard that they were a lot of trouble even before that.” Commented Ocellus as she followed Smolder in flying after the two rambunctious kids that charged off together.

Once they were clearly out of hearing range, I then turned my attention to Fox.

“Do you want to get it out of your system now or later?” Knowing exactly what someone wanted with me felt very odd, I wasn’t exactly against it as it was innocent enough.

“I’m quite sure I have no absolutely no idea what you’re talking about.” Fox was wagging her tail excitedly. Every other bit body language not related to her tail was screaming what she wanted quite loudly at me even as she rolled her eyes, the way her ears were at constant attention around me said as much. I knew canines, even if they were far too intelligent to become yet another familiar for me to deal with. “Though if you have a suggestion, I might be inclined to listen to it.”

Fox seemed to have a lot of self-control and was just waiting for me to tell her it was okay, either that or I possibly had to ask her if she thought I was naïve. I’m a bit panicky, excitable and a little crazy by my races standards. What I wasn’t was dumb, not around anyone like Fox at any rate.

“Would you like to hug…?!” I squeaked loudly as Fox lunged at me and started to nuzzle her face into my fluff.

Returning the hug gently as she cuddled into me, I was starting to worry about how far Fox was willing to take this as she started clamping onto me.

“You feel nice…” Fox stated after a moment, then tears started to spill from her eyes. “This feeling reminds me of my father.”

Don’t you dare ask her Pom, just stay silent. Hold her and let her wrap her tail and body around me affectionately. You don’t need to pry into the personal lives of the locals, not when you are currently acting as a therapeutic plush toy.

I was still going to pry into Dragon’s story as soon as Fox let go of me, this hug was something I didn’t exactly mind doing for my new friend.

I looked at Panda and I saw a sad smile on his face, he nodded to me in a silent gesture of thanks for being able to be a comfort to Fox like this.

“I… I need to go… thank you.” Fox then spent the next few seconds still holding onto me awkwardly, then she eventually gave me a tight squeeze and fully let me go.

When I let her go, she glanced at me with wilted ears and then quickly ran off.

“So how does she cope?” I asked as I watched Fox run off without looking back at me.

“She dives into her training, spends time with Skunk or toys with Rabbit to hide from her emotions sometimes, I think it is always better to confront them than to bottle them up. She usually uses her fan to slice up bamboo to get her frustrations out and will be likely heading to the bamboo forest soon.” Panda closed his eyes while sighing. “Please do not worry, I believe Fox will be okay. Now sit, I will prepare us some tea and snacks. I may presume much, but I think that you wish to talk with me about more important matters than the weather.”

I sat down and Panda set about getting tea and some snacks ready. After I got my first sip, I calmly placed my cup down and waited for Panda to finish sipping his.

“I noticed that everyone gives Smolder odd stares. That you know of a dragon and that this dragon consistently attacks The Valley, I’m finding myself rather curious about Dragon’s story.” I looked Panda in the eyes and he had a frown on his face as he slowly gazed off to the side. “What’s his story, also why the monkeys and the baboon? I want to know what’s going on if my group is going to be here for a while, because I need to know if we’ll be attacked just for associating with you.”

“Long ago, Dragon protected The Valley…” Panda started off. “We think he was punished by the heavens for his arrogance and what happened to him after that leaves me feeling sorry for what has become of my old friend. He blamed us, the warriors and dwellers of the valley for what happened. Now he seeks to destroy us, those of whom he once protected.”

I took a sip of tea and wondered what that comment about the heavens meant. I wasn’t going to think anything he said was silly, I didn’t know how this world works. Panda did know how things worked around here though, my friends and I were clearly outsiders to this situation. We knew gods existed back in Equestria, they could be quite different here.

I’ve personally met the longma goddess Jutian for a minute or so, she even helped direct us back to Equus from Fœnum. She had looked upon me and Tianhuo fondly too, I didn’t know if that was a good thing or not when it comes to love goddesses.

“We used to eat the most delicious plums and other foods together when we were younger, those were much happier times and we even had this particular tree that is now part of Dragon’s territory. Our bond may have snapped, but something is still there… given that the tree is still standing and hasn’t been torn down yet.” There was an unfathomable sorrow in Panda’s voice. “I thought the days of our friendship would never end as we grew up together… that was up until the drought happened.”

Tilting my head, I waited for Panda to hopefully sate my curiosity. I gestured that if he didn’t want to, then he could stop the tale right there with a single wave of my left hoof. He shook his head and looked at me solemnly.

“A horrible drought occurred throughout The Valley, the heavens were testing Dragon’s loyalty to them. We were pleading for help during this time and were all slowly dying of thirst.” Panda closed his eyes while shaking his head and taking a sip of tea, he even popped a dumpling into his mouth and chewed it over a bit. “Dragon responded to our pleas by trying to give us water with his magic. I did try to warn him at the time, but the heavens obviously weren’t pleased with this or his loyalty to his friends. He was swiftly struck down for trying to help us and the heavens took away his ability to fly. This had also turned his golden scales black afterwards and he soon turned his woes onto The Valley because of it. In his rampage he ended up sealed away in Lung Mountain thanks to the destruction of a rather specific mystical flower, it made him lose control over his powers of water and that's when he started burning painfully from his own power of fire. Whenever he tries to leave the waters of the mountain, of which he’s now sealed himself inside of, he is always in great agony. The waters there are the only thing that can keep his self-inflicted burns soothed.”

“Where do Baboon and the monkeys come into it?” That was a part I didn’t understand. “I heard some things about them from Skunk, Fox and Rabbit.”

“That… is something we don’t know the answer to. I sometimes think we were being tested during the drought too…” Even he seemed to be thinking about my question quite thoroughly, he looked to the sky with a longing gaze and popped another dumpling in his mouth. “It almost seems like Dragon has always had Baboon’s loyalty through offers of power and strength, yet we have never actually bothered to learn why the ninja monkeys are involved. All we do know is that they have been a constant threat to us ever since Dragon became trapped in mountain.”

Well I was certainly wary of getting on the heavens bad side while I’m here… I guess I had to go to the other faction hear the story of why the monkeys worked with Dragon or Baboon.

“Would it be a bad idea for me to wander into Dragon’s territory by myself?” From what I saw of the monkeys and Baboon, they seemed like amiable enough people. They were likely the only friends Dragon had left and that was rather sad.

“I have not finished my story yet, for there is a bit of prophecy and I am unsure what you will or can achieve by visiting Dragon personally. You might be able to change things for the better or you may make things far worse, I do not think that the heavens ever intended for outsiders to interfere with our problems.” That Panda had read my intentions so thoroughly had surprised me quite a bit. “If you make yourself known to Dragon, he may come after you or your friends. He is likely focus on Smolder, since she is not the kind of dragon any of us are familiar with. What we are glad of, is that Smolder is friendly and innocent of Dragon’s wrongdoings upon us.”

“I live in the Dragon Lands, that’s where my home of Huoshan is located. I became a guard there and while the dragons there can be jerks sometimes, they all have softer sides they try to keep hidden away behind all that bravado of being seemingly strong and confident.” I sighed as I thought about how friendly Smolder was to me. “While Smolder likes to be seen as tough, I can she’s softer than she acts and she mostly acts that way the most around her friend Ocellus. Thanks to the school of friendship, the dragons of the Dragon Lands are starting to learn how to express themselves more outwardly even if they only have one student in the school currently. That student is of course Smolder, I can reassure you that she has no ill intentions and is nothing like the dragon you know.”

“Can I hear more about what the dragons are like in the Dragon Lands?” It seemed Panda didn’t have any untoward thoughts towards Smolder, just plain curiosity. I might as well trade in some more information.

“The dragons where I’m from grow wiser with age, younger ones like Smolder are often aggressive and like to prove their strength amongst themselves. It is said that once a dragon has lived long enough, they eventually die and become like the very mountains they live among. There is some truth to it as the burning mountain of Huoshan was one of those dragons that the longma, the cousins of the dragons, live on peacefully.” Huoshan was a wondrous place and it had my favorite longma in the whole wide world just waiting for me to return home. Just wait for me Tianhuo, I’ll come home eventually. “The spirit of Huoshan even moved to protect the people even at a great cost to itself and it was one of the reasons why I became a guard there. Huoshan didn’t just protect the longma living there, they protected every single visitor no matter who or what they were against a massive horde of monstrous world eating shadow creatures. So, what is this prophecy and why do I get the idea that I don’t like where it is going?”

“Huoshan sounds like quite an honorable spirit, both as the late being and the name of your home. If what you say is true, then Huoshan has clearly welcomed your presence among the longma you speak of with respect.” Panda offered a dumpling and I took it to chew on, he nodded with a smile. “Once Dragon became sealed in the mountain several things happened. One such instance was Tiger, one of The Valleys greatest warriors who went to face him alone… he came back with his fur having turned white with fright. Dragon was a constant problem with his magical machinations. I asked the heavens for a savior for a way to deal with the problems Dragon was causing… their response was to send me Skunk. I have tried to raise him well, but I have no idea where the heavens pulled him from or what family he could have had if I hadn’t asked for help. My pupil Skunk may be the key to eventually helping Dragon or defeating him once and for all. I hope for the former.”

“It’d be quite sad if it was the latter. At least you gave Skunk a father figure… along with apparently mothers, sisters and brothers of those who live around here.” The heavens obviously had many lessons to teach everyone who lived here, but I didn’t know if I liked them or not.

The Valley was rather picturesque, if it wasn’t for the cold war going on between the two factions.

“I have more questions. It sound like the dragons of your Dragon Lands are changing their ways.” Well it wasn’t exactly a secret and Panda was a rather jovial guy, even if he was sad about his friend Dragon. He stroked his chin glancing around before returning his gaze to me. “What led to this happening?”

“Friendship is a mystical power in itself where we’re from, that’s the main catalyst for change both good or bad. It started with the Gauntlet of Fire, a competition the previous Dragon Lord by the name of Torch had started to pass his title on to the new generation. Torch is literally the size of a small mountain, I’m a very tiny speck compared to him and despite his size… he was considered to be a very respectable leader of the dragons.” I was still terrified of the idea of even meeting Torch or having his complete attention on me. “During the Gauntlet of Fire a dragon named Spike helped Ember, Torch’s daughter, become the newest Dragon Lord. Spike was not native to the dragon lands and was born and raised outside of them, he was called to take part in the Gauntlet of Fire and was the one who got the staff of the Dragon Lord. He gave it and all the power it represented up to Ember as a sign of friendship and officially passed the title of Dragon Lord to her. Dragon Lord Ember was eventually called upon to send a dragon envoy to the school of friendship as a part of a massive alliance between several races, she sent Smolder. I don’t know much of the story from there, but things were a bit rocky at the start for the various students of friendship that were completely new to the idea of having friends. Smolder eventually learned to value friendship and didn’t want to be separated from her new friends, so she’s officially a Dragon Lands liaison and lives in Equestria where the school of friendship resides. I’ve met Ember personally, I think she’s a rather wise and strong leader.”

“That answers many of my questions, it sounds like where you are from is relatively peaceful.” You have no idea Panda.

“Outright war is certainly a rarity, but things are not as peaceful as they sound. There’s always something going on somewhere or else people wouldn’t need guards.” If I had a willing audience, this was someone who has a different perspective on things and would hopefully share some thoughts. “Do you want to hear how I became a guard?”

“I would be honored to hear your story.” Answered Panda while taking in another dumpling.

-The Valley, edge of the lake, Shanty-

I be watching Skunk apply the ‘patty cake’ lesson I am learning from Pom to his abilities. It be mesmerizing at how fast he could launch palm strikes to meet my hooves.

Now if only I wasn’t currently testing myself against him, he had great reflexes from all the training he’s done and I’ve only just started. I need to eat healthy, exercise and all that other stuff Pom be saying, because I could barely keep up with him.

Skunk’s paws were lightning fast and I was barely blocking him with my hooves and what I couldn’t block, I deflected or evaded having learned from Pom’s example. Skunk was helping me by leaps and bounds by giving me tips on how to improve as we clapped our paws or hooves together and struck out at one another.

I personally think that Skunk is cute and his red nose reminded me of a tomato.

“Aren’t you going to get in on that Smolder? I think I remember seeing you doing some training with Rainbow Dash and a few of the other martial arts students in Ponyville.” Ocellus was not a fighter, but she is being quite smart. “It looks like fun and something you’d be interesting in doing.”

“I could… but I would rather sit with my best friend on the sidelines cheering our new friends on.” It is nice to be knowing that Smolder considers me a friend, I am not having too many of those until quite recently. “Besides, I don’t want to dominate them or ruin their fun. Did you know Ponyville had a response force other than our teachers, apparently when they aren’t busy the local martial artists defend the town from the things our teachers don’t deal with. It was a little odd hearing that Bon-Bon was the one organizing the local defense militia, but apparently she’s quite good at it when Twilight and the others aren’t around.”

Skunk clapped and threw his left paw for my head and I leaned back unable to get my hoof up in time.

I ended up falling onto my back, Skunk overextended and followed by falling on top me face first into my chest knocking the wind from my sails. I quickly hugged him, he was really quite nice and soft.

My laughter soon filled the air when Skunk became quite embarrassed at me cuddling him and our current predicament.

“You be winning that one Skunk.” I was well aware of my skill level compared to his. I couldn’t get mad for doing my best, but that doesn’t mean I wasn’t going to work just as hard to win the next game. I was wanting to be a great pirate and I am needing to be strong and smart, Skunk was already far ahead of me on both those things. “You are really good at learning new things.”

Skunk rubbed at his head with his right paw as I helped him stand up.

“Thanks Shanty.” He was blushing and backed away quickly as soon as I released him. “It’s something I’ve always been good at, learning how to protect myself, my friends and The Valley that is.”

“What’s it like to have a family?” I wonder why he be reacting so shocked to the question. As a waif I've Been taking care of myself for quite a long time, I honestly don't know what it is like to have one.

I didn’t see any other skunks or even full families around here. I noted that while Skunk’s parents weren’t around, he be still having a family in everyone else though.

“I uh… you don’t have a family?” Skunk was now looking at me sadly. “What about Smolder, Ocellus and Pom?”

“I am only meeting them for the first time this week.” I looked to Smolder and Ocellus who seem worried about me, well they shouldn’t be as I’ve been taking care of myself quite well since I am turning six. “I am liking them, but we be strangers to one another before the incident got us lost here together.”

“I could tell you what my family is like.” Ocellus offered gently. “They are all very nice and we’re really close, but I haven’t been spending as much time with them recently since I’ve been going to school.”

“I could tell you all about my brother Garble, but as for our mother and father… yeah, let’s just say that dragons aren’t exactly the best parents in the world and leave it at that.” Smolder crossed her arms and huffed loudly. “I at least hope to be better than them if I ever have children. It’s probably why I like going to school now, it has helped me meet so many people and I didn’t know I needed friends until I met them.”

“Um… are they talking about a school for learning martial arts?” Skunk asked me.

Is he not knowing what a normal school is? Oh… of course he doesn’t. To be fair… I’ve never been to a real school either. I can tell they not be having schools around here, at least not normal ones that have nothing to do with fighting.

“I not be knowing, I’ve never been to a school either.” I received more sad looks from both Ocellus and Smolder.

“So you’ve never had a family?” Skunk asked tentatively poking two digits of his paws together.

“I be taking care of myself for most of my life.” I be at least learning the basics of how to live, reading and math were not easy to learn when you be having nothing. “I only ask for help when I think someone be willing to give it and I know I can trust them.”

“Shanty probably grew up in a rough place, I would know a thing or two about that.” Ocellus rubbed at her right leg while looking away.

“Ocellus, we all grew up in rough places.” Though Smolder was making me curious, I would rather get something to eat than ask questions and I spotted some fruit nearby that be looking quite tasty. “Wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest that Pom is probably the best example of her people that they can provide.”

-Dragon’s Territory, inside of Lung Mountain, Baboon-

“So you finally decided to show yourself after your most recent defeat, I take it that this means you’ve finally recovered.” Dragon was, as per usual, angry. Understandable, I fail him quite regularly. “I’ve come to expect this of you. Do you actually have anything new to report?”

“Now that you mention it, I did see a strange visitor to The Valley between our territories. They were quite polite.” I suddenly had Dragon's attention centered on me.

“Oh... tell me more of this outsider you saw.” The large black scaled dragon leaned down and narrowed his eyes on me.

Author's Note:

Well my spine realigned itself, I'm back to normal and I'm so feeling much better.

Also the abridged version of Dragon's history... did I get it accurately enough?

Here shanty outright states that she actually trusts Pom.

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