• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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348. Continental Cataclysm.

-Equus, Ponyville, Sugar Cube Corner-

Sitting in the middle of the unlit room at a table with a single spotlight on them were Fœnum Paprika, Pinkie and Somnambula.

They were all wearing top hats, monocles and fake mustaches.

They all looked at the audience watching them and then went back to staring off into space.

Fœnum Paprika took a sip of tea.

Somnambula nibbled at a peanut butter cookie.

Pinkie swallowed a plate of assorted rock candies, which didn’t look too healthy to do, but it was Pinkie Pie doing it.

The light goes out.

A flash of lightning occurs showing Paprika, Somnambula and Pinkie leaping at each other with knives drawn while grinning devilishly in the dark and stormy day. This occurs before all the light from the flash disappears.

The lights soon turn back on revealing Pinkie with an English Muffin in her mouth and a wide eyed vacant look in her eyes as her mouth foams. There were a bunch of fake rubber knives now sitting on the table.

Both Somnambula and Fœnum Paprika looked on in horror at the English Muffin sticking out of the unmoving Pinkie’s mouth.

The lovable Muffin Queen, leader of the muffin cultists and highest authority in muffin based crimes against life itself, especially after the whole ‘baked bads’ incident where Sugar Cube Corner lost business for a solid month due to her, Derpy Hooves, swiftly arrived. She bursts into the snack shop wearing a constable’s hat and waves a nightstick around wildly while glaring at the two suspects with narrowed eyes looking in two opposing directions from one another.

In the kitchen a domino masked Mr. Cake grins devilishly and slowly pulls his head back out of sight and into the nearby kitchen dragging a comically large bag of English Muffins with him.

Soon Derpy was dragging Fœnum Paprika and Somnambula out of Sugar Cube Corner and stuffing them into a paddy wagon to take them to the local Ponyville Jail.

Pinkie’s body had a blanket pulled over it by a solemn looking Savoir and Savor, the two stallion brothers that ran the nearby café.

“Okay, what did we just watch?” Rainbow asked while blinking a bit dumbly.

“The Horrors of Tasteless Muffins. It’ll likely become a cult classic, but it’ll never catch on beyond that.” Stated Maria the goat blandly, she was going solo today from her conjoined chimera sisters, she took a bite of her cottage cheese bagel of which she sprung for the double extra globs homemade special cottage cheese super spread. She knew she had a problem and there was no way to solve it other than more cottage cheese. “Also have you ever personally tasted ‘those’ kind of muffins? It’s like ‘military regulation’ cornbread, the very stuff the EUP and Royal Guard uses to keep Puks away these days… at least until some animal is dumb enough to actually try and eat it. Even insects won’t touch the stuff and the theoretical animal in question is usually exceedingly and very desperate or highly depressed for some reason, at least until Fluttershy can get around to them. Goodness knows the buffalos tribes are trying to get the military cornbread labeled as an object of biological warfare and Marie says it’s actually possible that the military will have to stop teaching cooking classes because of it. I kind of feel sorry for Soarin’ if that’s the case… given it is literally a case that my sisters and I have been called in to look over. Speaking of bugs, our in-laws restaurant never has insects, well unless they are there for cooking purposes and Kurilian actually has an authentic license for that. Some Griffons really like the batter fried crickets, goodness knows little Gavin is hooked on them and our little Silvers likes it too. Probably won’t be as filling when she grows up though.”

“Yeah, as a Wonderbolt I can agree that Soarin’ should never have anything to do with corn in the realm of actually cooking it.” Rainbow still didn’t know what even, but she was going to go about her day as if everything made sense. That’s what most ponies in Ponyville do, this also now included the spreading population of other beings that weren’t ponies who wanted to live in interesting time.

-Pokémon Realm, Ransei Region, Illusio, Bridge to the Castle of Illusion, Pom-

“So… how about we make this interesting.” Gee how could you make anything I’ve been through over the last few days more interesting Gilgamesh? I’m positively dying to know… no literally, I am going to die for knowing aren’t I.

“Let me guess, you’re going to attack all of Ransei and then the attack will become worse when you unbind, but until then you’re going to bombard the whole continent regardless of what this will do the reputation of the Psychic Types.” The Psychic Types were smart, they were low population density and they were most of all quiet and not aggressive towards other kingdoms. It wasn’t hard to guess what Gilgamesh was about to do at all, it was probably the most horrifying thing I can think of.

“Well aren’t you brilliant, now can you stop me before I destroy all of Ransei though?” Grinned the golden colored Hoopa, with a snap of his thumb against his hand flap. “Get halfway across the bridge and I’ll actively start fighting you with my body, get three fourths of the way and Inky will take a more active role in the battle. Aside from that, I hope you live through the storm I’m about to make.”

Hundreds of portals opened up in the air, but the few that opened up above us showing the visuals of all the kingdoms. Aurora, Fontaine, Greenleaf, Ignis, Pugilis, Violight and Chrysalis were definitely the recognizable kingdoms to me. I’ve seen the edge of Terrera, but it didn’t seem like there were many Pokémon above ground for Gilgamesh to hit.

What terrified me was the image of Illusio, specifically the top of Cerebrum with its destroyed trees, grass, stone pathways and psychic crystals, he was targeting his own forces as much as Kenshin’s. He wasn’t just targeting Cerebrum either, he was targeting the entirety of Illusio, but the mountainous region would make it hard to accurately hit anything… not like he needed to aim if a weapon was moving fast enough to create explosive force.

Kenshin frowned at Gilgamesh and crouched slightly while grabbing at his reverse-blade sword.

There was what I assumed to be Cragspur, judging by Abby and Fleers descriptions of it being rocky and mountainous. Viperia which Dazzle didn’t seem too bothered to see threatened, she must really hate where she came from. I kind of knew of Valora because of Ms. Jeanne D’ Arc being raised there, there was a huge battle with strange things going on there at the moment.

Nixtorm was obviously the snow fields with several Pokémon already looking up at the portal, Quetal frowned slightly and I did to when I saw the monstrous Skull Chaosdramon X currently attacking the kingdom.

The large mechanical skeleton monster stopped its rampage for a moment as it took hundreds of ice attacks from the Pokémon trying to damage it to no avail, it just to look me in the eyes and seemed roar at me specifically as its eyes brightened. I averted my gaze from the terrifying sight and continued looking through the portals.

Spectra was spooky and quite haunted looking with various ghost types looking up, Shine looked fairly concerned and she had mentioned it once or twice. Avia was a kingdom built on mountain tops, which was where Cotton came from.

The last two places I didn’t know much about, but they would be for the dragons and the fairies. The Dragons having an entire empire and the other just seems like a bunch of misty.

“Say hello to the designated heroes coming to stop me world, for I am Gilgamesh and I’m a threat to everyone below me… and everyone is.” Gilgamesh grinned at the other end of the very long bridge as he likely appeared on the portals in each of the kingdoms. “If they don’t stop me quickly, heh heh… you’ll all soon perish.”

-Kingdom of Aurora, Castle Aurora, King Evan-

“Maiden Jig, get the bidoof building reinforcements on the emergency shelters and move everyone we can get underground, NOW!” I made a quick call to save as many people of the kingdom of Aurora as I could, the people of Fontaine would be fine as they could dive into the nearest source of water.

Who knew how Greenleaf would react and Ignis was currently reforming, they would probably be devastated by this.

-Kingdom of Greenleaf, Castle Greenleaf, Motonari-

“It’s a good thing we were warned about this ahead of time.” I calmly stood up and looked to the Decidueye. “Help us defend our kingdom and you can earn you’re freedom with this one act Robin Hood. Just don’t bother our kingdom again.”

-Kingdom of Violight, Castle Violight, Ginchiyo-

My eyes narrowed at the Hoopa and Pom on opposite ends of a massive bridge in the sky…

“Alert everyone, the attack is happening now!” I’m glad for our allies to the north in Chrysalia sending out warnings, we were prepared for this. Even if we lose any crops we’ll still be able to keep our kingdom fed on the reserves as long as the castle stayed standing. “Get the magnet screen up and prepare to defend against anything that is not metallic!”

-Kingdom of Chrysalia, Castle Chrysalia, Yoshimoto-

“Do you thing they like playing Unite Ball?” I asked, it was a very important question to me.

“No sir, that hoopa hates Unite Ball with a burning passion and is about to hurt our tourism industry and our allied kingdoms if what we know is true from the attack at Three-borders Valley to the southeast.” My goodness the Queen Beedrill made this situation sound so very serious! Couldn’t we all just play games all day and enjoy life? “Also, the hoopa will make sure we never play Unit Ball again.”

“We must do something immediately, this is an urgent matter of the gravest importance! No one is allowed to stop our unite ball league from existing!” I had all my priorities straight today after hearing someone would stop the joy that is Unite Ball, I had to take action. “We must protect everyone, especially the loyal Unite Ball players of Chrysalia!”

The Queen Beedrill rolled her eyes and shook her head, why was she doing that when a monster was threatening the sanctity of fun, tourism and Unite Ball when she could be getting our defenses together!

-Kingdom of Pugilis, Castle Pugilis, ???-

“Hmph… it’s a good thing that some great fighters are already there. Sir Fetch’d, move everyone into the mountain arenas.” I raised a massive hand and pointed at the bird wielding a sword and shield made of leeks. “We will take cover in here, but we will not be idle. We will actively protect everyone from our best defensive position.”

“Yes, lord Shingen!” After saluting Sir Fetch’d quickly set about following my orders.

He might have defeated the goat among them, but it looks like the she has toughened up quite a bit since they last fought. One should not fight with an injured body before ones spirit was ready, hers might have been quite willing despite that and it spoke of her as being a true fighter… speaking of broken…

I looked at Pom and saw the dead look in her eyes return, she already understood what was about to happen as did most of those who saw Gilgamesh and his threats for what they were. I watched her come into my kingdom with a dispirited natured and yet that fighting spirit of her would never stop until she dies, such a rare talent.

Heh heh heh, Kenshin you look determined, did you not give up killing to try and lead a normal life? I am quite sorry to hear you’re coming out of retirement old friend and becoming my newest nemesis. I am sorry to actually hear that Illusio is about to fall and be devastated, you will become a great leader and will rise from the ashes.

Now if only my true rival Uesugi Kenshin were still alive to see Himura Kenshin’s rise.

I let out a belly laugh, before a serious look overtook my face and I started to order the safety of my civilians and my warriors. If even Himura falls, I would avenge him and take Gilgamesh’s head myself for taking two rivals from me!

-Illusio, Bridge to the Castle of Illusion, Pom-

“Let the whole world quake with my power…. Gates of Babylon, open wide and unleash hell upon all of Ransei!” Gilgamesh soon cut off our sight of each nation as weapons, large rocks and other things began to bombard the other kingdoms. After a moment, he put his focus on us and multiple portals opened up in a certain manner as to be aiming in our general given direction. “The gods won’t be coming to save you, even if they do show up Inky will just take care of them with my help and portals. Now come at me or just wait around and die!”

The sky was blotted out, I thought it might have been gathering clouds, but then I saw what was actually coming at us in the way a mass of things were moving.

Hundreds of arrows, spears, axes, swords… I couldn’t even count all of the weapons and on top of the ones coming at us, there were likely weapons already hitting every other kingdom in Ransei at the same time as we were going to be fighting here!

I knew Gilgamesh was toying with us, but not nearly this much!

“Cleffa, Charjabug, get in Dodo now!” I screamed before I started to inhale sharply, my lungs were already hurting and I couldn’t do anything with my front right leg aside from basic stuff.

Dancing Flame wasn’t as taxing for me to use anymore, but it still did so even if I’ve adapted to using it constantly as easily as I breathed… with every breath a movement or thought.

We had to stop this madman, please be safe Ocellus... Smolder would be fine, if not mentally then at least physically.

To my left Shanty was prepping her cane scythe, to my right Kenshin slowly pulled his blade out.

I could hear Quetal crouching and rubbing his claws together to ready them. One could almost feel Shine started to sink into the shadows behind me. Flames were licking at Dazzle’s palms ready to lash out with whips. Lit squeaked and was sparking brightly behind me. Dodo warbled and I could hear him helping Charjabug and Cleffa to safety in his back. The sound of Lucha Mundo hardening his wings with the move Steel Wing could be heard with the distinctive sound of feathers becoming hard as steel as they slide against one another when Mundo flexed. I heard the nervous shifting of hooves of Favela who was trying to steel her nerves.

Dolly was… actually scared? Yeah, I was right there with her as I felt her pressing up against my right hind leg in obvious terror with her board held in front of her protectively. My nerves were in fact shot to Tartarus and back, have been for a while really, but I really couldn’t stop to deal with my mental issues when there was a bigger problem that was right in front of me.

It was a decent excuse to ignore anything as being horribly wrong with me at least.

-Next to the Castle of Illusion, Inky Due-

“So what do you think?” Gilgamesh said as he took his eyes off our opponents as weapons started raining down on them like so many arrows.

“In order?” I asked.

He nodded.

“Shielder would be her at her best, Rider specifically for her connection to canines and her own speed where she can be the mount or mount a larger dog, Berserker given she could physically damage you through your mental version of the gates through focused rage and finally Lancer for her overall natural capabilities with a spear… and what she’s likely about to do given you’ve sent several spears her way.” Someone like me could almost feel what kind of legends Pom would be able to be summoned as once she dies, but her phantasm probably wouldn’t live up to her actual history. “She’s quite a talented threat and I wouldn’t be surprised if you had to send her away to deal with her, she’ll survive. I would even say that she absolutely classifies as a Beast if I didn’t know she wasn’t born from a manifestation of evil. Kenshin’s a Saber and Assassin, as for the goat… something is very off with her, but it’s like she’s got pure Saber in her blood with something being off about it and an equally large talent as a Rider as well.”

“Hmm…” Gilgamesh turned to face those arrayed against us and watched as Pom made her first move, he prepared to start throwing everything he had at them.

It would be a perfect storm of violence and if all of them survived it, then they were worthy of being called heroes even if they never reached the castle or couldn’t even fight past Gilgamesh. Survival is exactly what Gilgamesh wanted as he attacked the entirety of Ransei.

-Entrance of the Great Bridge leading to the Castle of Illusion, Pom-

The world slowed down to a crawl as I took a sharp breath, my eyes must be widening as I saw a spear among the hundreds of objects falling onto me. I had lost the last spear when I fought Smolder, I’m not really lucky with weapons, but the one I was focused on looked decent for my needs… unless I wanted it to pierce my left eye in the next few milliseconds.

I slapped my left hoof upward in a snap as I exhaled, the point of the spear deflected upwards and then caught it by the back end of the shaft with my right in a strong death grip despite how much pain my right leg was in, not allowing the spear even one full revolution before I had it under my control.

My right leg wouldn’t be able to utilize the wool, so a weapon I’m fairly familiar with would work just as well in a pinch and would make up for my lack of protection. We seriously needed to stop Gilgamesh quickly, he was attacking everyone in Ransei indiscriminately and the best way to do that was to make him focus entirely on us!

“Move!” My shout spurred everyone into motion as I started deflecting projectiles of various kinds with several wide sweeping swings of the spear I caught. My right leg screamed in protest at wielding the spear, but I still opened a path given a single deflection had caused a domino effect of knocked multiple other incoming weapons back.

I started a two legged charge forward as I shifted my grip on the spear to holding it by the center for more control.

I couldn’t focus on everyone, Dodo could keep anyone slow enough to act safe. I felt a weight on my back and almost felt it get knocked off as Dolly deflected something coming at me from the right. Kenshin appeared to my left and swung his sword several times deflecting several large object revealed to be cannonballs and I could even hear the scraping of Shanty’s cane scythe behind me as she grunted and sent several spears flying overhead.

Gilgamesh really wanted me dead given how much he was targeting me now, he should definitely know I wasn’t the only threat to him on this bridge!

I continued my forward charge as projectiles came from every direction, above, left and right, from behind, how many weapons did this guy collect?! This was far more than multiple battlefields worth of weapons and he left a lot of weapons laying around in three-border valley we passed through and still had so much to throw at us…

Had to focus, could not take a second of attention away from my surroundings, I caught an arrow in the shaft of the spear behind me and flicked it forward into several projectiles sending a cascade of weapons falling across the surface of bridge and continued forward out of the path of the projectiles trying to strike where I was.

I was still breathing evenly and trying to keep pace with everything going on around me, every burst of motion when I exhaled was spent deflecting hundreds of incoming weapons. It was all a bit too much and yet I still continued I didn’t even know what I could do aside from press forward and hope to make it through all of this.

My connection to Dolly at least let me feel and see what Dolly was doing when I could take my eyes off the bridge, the Castle of Illusion being far large than I thought and so was this bridge which seemed to be insanely long as much as it was wide. To think this place was floating above Cerebrum City which was now being devastated by Gilgamesh regardless of whether he was hitting his own forces or not.

I could probably be going faster in a three legged gallop, but the problems with doing that is that Kenshin wouldn’t be able to keep up with the pace, Shanty and Dolly would. So I set the pace that Kenshin would be able to keep up with and stayed on my hind legs as I pushed forward through a solid wall of weapons coming at us at insane speeds.

There was no illusion that Gilgamesh was setting the pace of this battle as the strongest monster I’ve yet to meet in this world that had an issue with my very existence. He probably wouldn’t be the last considering I’ve seen Skull Chaosdramon X again, if I survive this then I would have to go after that beast knowing exactly where he was and the people he was endangering.

With a twisting flourish of the spear held by the center of its shafted as I charged forward, I deflected no less than three swords, two battle axes, five nunchaku, multiple uncountable metal ninja throwing stars, fifteen knives, a flail that almost nailed the right side of my head by swinging forward as the chain caught on the shaft of the spear and the ball swung around for it.

I leaned back and allowed a rapidly flipping mace attempting to smash the left side of my skull from the left knocked the ball of the chain back with a tremendous and clang unbind the chain from the spear to allow me to deflect another spear with the tip of my blade against its tip… to still slide across the right side of the wool now tightening around my face in reaction to my near miss.

Gilgamesh has a whole worlds worth of weapons to shoot at us didn’t he? I don’t even think they were of this world either considering Pokémon seemed to be on the lower end of the technology spectrum, barely enough for a digital world to form.

Rapidly thrusting the spear into the air with both my legs on the spear as I started taking several steps to the left, I hoped whoever was behind me now understood why I was doing this as Knives skittered and bounced while flying across the floor of the bridge at high speeds where used to be standing.

More fired out of portals close to the floor of the bridge at me and Dolly dropped down with her Skateboard held horizontally to press against the floor of the bridge, she threw her shoulder and sequentially her back into the board to deflect the knives coming at me low along the ground as I continued to stab out against the multiple weapons raining down on my head.

Gritting her teeth as she looked up me with worry in her eyes, Dolly deflected a flood of knives into the air in a solid tide of metal, she started to push as much as she could with her hind legs as knives started spilling over the board and I swept the spear forward over Dolly’s head to send the tide back.

The grade of every single one of these weapons was peak, high grade and superbly made, not that I was an expert on it, but the spear I was wielding was perfectly balanced as far as I could tell.

I could hear the skittering of knives coming from behind me as well, there was so much metal in the air that it was an unrealistic to expect me to keep up with it all. I felt something press against my back.

“Don’t worry I’ve got you’re back, Doryusen!” I felt the entire bridge shudder when Kenshin brought his sword down on the bridge and the massive shockwave of force erupted upwards almost bowled me over. “Keep moving forward, do not let him force us back!”

“That is being awesome, it be too bad I don’t be having time to learn that!” Shanty stated as she flipped sideways overhead and onto the massive left railing and was spiraling her scythe around her as she deflected weapons from all sides with it and her other hoof lashing out cutting force in all directions.

I turned forward and continued to slowly step forward, I hadn’t stopped stabbing the spear forward for a second and every jab was met with a contact and multiple deflections my legs were almost buckling over the constant impacts against the spear I was using to defend myself.

Dolly was grunting as she pushed her board trying to clear a path through the piles of knives now in front of us, we were slowing down immensely and we hadn’t even covered a quarter of the distance across the bridge.

This was utter madness and no wonder Gilgamesh didn’t seem to take anything seriously as a threat with this kind of ability!

Suddenly the chill freezing cold wind blew through the air, a ball of magma fell into the cold wind and my eyes widened, I kept thrusting the spear with my right hoof despite the agony of using my right leg and scooped Dolly up with my left as I rolled us to the right and took a knife in the back.

Better than taking the massive explosive from cold air and a hot magma ball exploding in my face.

“Ahhh…. oof… pain split… eeeeeeee….” The pain in my back felt slightly better as I felt the knife get pulled from it.

Shine, despite having taken on the pain that was my right leg, leapt forward swinging two knives held in her hair hands deflecting whatever she could. Quetal soon joined after bouncing off a knife mid-air and becoming a ball of claws swipes to protect her in pressing forward.

Dolly helped push me onto up onto my hooves, while I was getting back up Dodo started to cover me with his wings and spat a black brick from his mouth that sent a cascade of weapon falling over the side of the bridge.

Wasn’t Cerebrum directly below us? No time to think of that, everyone on Cerebrum was probably under attack as well and falling weapons were the least of their worries as I was back up within a second and deflecting more things coming from the left, right and center… only to dive forward as a shotgun blast of weapons nearly tore into me and I was struck by two in my side, thankfully the force was more blunt than piercing, because it still hurt quite badly.

“This is too much!” Screeched Favela who had somehow got a hold of two shields in the middle of this mass and was blocking attacks from all angles with them on her vines whipping about.

We were pressing directly into the winds of a blizzard and Gilgamesh could drop magma balls into to create devastating explosions. It’s a wonder the bridge we were on was still so sturdy despite the clattering of weapons becoming the only noise I could hear in my ears.

“Doryusen!” Kenshin leapt forward and brought his reverse blade sword against the bridge and the shockwave cut the freezing winds in half and sent tons of weapons flying into other weapons, I felt Dolly take up a position on my back as I charged forward in the small amount of time Kenshin gave us to keep moving forward.

Suddenly all the weapons stopped coming and then a shot gun blasts of weapons came at us from all sides, it’d be impossible to deflect them all.

“YAHARRRRRRR!” In an instant the world froze as did all the weapon coming in on us threatening to turn us into pin cushions and the next second Shanty’s spirited shout as she leapt into the air among us all blasted them away taking out the next wave of high speed weapons being launched at us too.

This further opened up the path forward and I continued forward with the spear gripped in my right hoof.

We were barely able to get a quarter of the way across this bridge, how would we possible survive the rest of the way… and what was happening to all of Ransei in this time? One of things we needed to do was kill Gilgamesh to stop them, but we also needed to deal with the castle, but with him protecting it that was all but impossible.

-Cataclysm situation thus far-

A majority of Aurora’s farm fields were decimated within minutes, all civilians accounted for under the town of Helper’s Hamlet where the Bidoof were building an underground shelter to accommodate so many Pokémon.

Aurora Castle falls, but King Evan had already evacuated to safety with as many people as he could warn.

The lack of food would become a major problem in the coming days.

Speaking of the lack of food, the Fire Types of Ignis had some protection by swimming in lava or diving into the nearby caves as the surface of the world was bombarded from the sky by thousands of weapons exploding everywhere.

The Pokémon of Fontaine just dove deep into the nearest water source, the rebuilding of their kingdom halted by the sudden rain of death coming upon them.

Like them Pugilis’s people found shelter wherever they could, but the mighty mountain that held their arenas was perfect for sheltering the most people.

The weapons raining down on Greenleaf were impossible for one being to deal with, but Robin Hood protected the people as best he could and the forest helped him. The tree’s seemed innocuous at first until they started moving and protecting the Pokémon beneath them, the children of the forest were in turn protect by their forests and nature itself.

Motonari was also taking an active part in the defense as the Castle of Greenleaf started to crumble under the heavy assault nobody could stop.

Violight was the most prepared for the assault, their magnetic barrier prevent metallic weapons from passing through it so most of the citizenry was safe as was most of the towns also covered by the barrier.

It’s when the weapons made of materials that were not easily magnetized that caused Violight problems, but it would still be the least devastated kingdom next to the Ghost Type Kingdom of Spectra and the Ground Type Kingdom of Terrera.

Yaksha, having received no warning, was quickly thrown into disarray as was Avia which was built out in the open on top of the mountains. Still their leaders would protect their people, their building and their food with their very lives if it came to it.

Avia's people were specialist at dodging in the air and frantic dodging did ensue as many Flying Types sought shelter in the mountains below them.

All the raining weapons were a physical problem, most of the Pokémon inhabiting Spectra were immune to such physical attacks, but their surroundings certainly weren’t. There were some weapons that could even kill or injure ghost Pokémon while they were phased, thus causing an immense panic in the previously less than worried kingdom of ghosts that already lived in devastated ruins and haunted buildings.

Terrera was a vast desert, but most of its kingdom was built underground, as such the damage Gilgamesh could do to it by raining weapons on Terrera was quite limited, but if enough weapons hit the ground hard enough it would collapse the ground into the kingdom of the ground types. The Pokémon living above in the desert would be devastated, but those below could only hope that their kingdom didn’t collapse on top of them as several tunnels were already threatening to do just that and trap them in their own dug out tombs.

Kingdom of Cragspur and Valora had people tough as boulders and steel plates a foot thick it would take many falling weapons to even kill one of their number, but still they needed to eat and the devastation of their infrastructure would make it impossible for them to go to war even if their casualties would be minimal from the cataclysm currently rocking the entirety of Ransei Region.

Valora in particular was somewhat halfway thankful for the mixed blessing as the strange invaders were being devastated as well, so it was a silver lining on the continued future woes of kingdom of metal skinned monsters.

Nobody knew what was happening the Fairy Type kingdom of Titania, the fog there only grew thicker in response to the rain of weapons.

Yet there was no sound of explosions in Titania nor were there sounds of death, only an eerie silence as weapons fell into the fog soundlessly and endlessly onto the hidden fairy isles.

The proud Dragon Types of Dragnor were going to be quite humble after this, because they didn’t take the threat seriously enough. When the sky started falling on them and they couldn’t stop it from devastating their kingdom even with their thoroughly tough bodies. It would be the only kingdom to lack anything approaching serious casualties due to how tough the Dragon Types were.

Chrysalia had numbers and many underground lairs, but the weapons would devastate their infrastructure above ground even if they wouldn’t be short on numbers. They would have plenty of resources as they were the first to hear about Gilgamesh’s abilities, but the devastation would take even them a while to recover from.

Nixtorm was already suffering from the constant attacks of Skull Chaosdramon X and now it was attacking even in the middle of a hailstorm of weapons, just making a dire situation even worse for the Kingdome of Ice Type Pokémon and the casualties would ramp up even as the ice bird of Nixtorm, Articuno, used her body to protect the capital of Nixtorm with the most powerful blizzard she could conjure.

Illusio… Illusio would be the most devastated kingdom of all, for it was where Gilgamesh had a majority of his power focused.

Cerebrum City was already going to fall out of the sky, even if it wasn’t currently being devastated by weapons raining from the sky. The low reproduction rates and high casualties among Illusio would leave it with little left to defend itself with even if the heroes were to soon stop Gilgamesh, anyone that attacked Illusio afterwards would likely find no defense waiting for them and starving Psychic Types trying to get by. At that point they would welcome their conquerors and would actually want to be enslaved to them if they just brought enough food for them to eat for a day.

Even if the heroes were to stop Gilgamesh now, the devastation was already incalculable and it was only going to get worse as time went on and if Gilgamesh was allowed to unbind… Ransei will cease to exist if he isn’t stopped and the otherworldly invaders can then take it over with relative ease.

Even if he lost, Gilgamesh would still have started a world where survival of the fittest might be needed in the near future.

Arceus watched on silently, knowing some things that Gilgamesh currently didn't acknowledge or simply ignored. He still shed a few tears at the devastation of the continent in his image and the many Pokémon living on it.

Author's Note:

Whiplash the chapter...

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