• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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389. Dammed if you do or don’t pt. 4.

-????, Oleander-

The thing was called a Guardian, unfortunately for it the eye laser it used would be useless against me.

Sure the thing was big, looked like a mechanical land octopus and was quite threatening while making quickly increasingly hostile noises as it charged up its beam cannon, but…

“Kickass!” Shouted the shotgun as its blast went off and blew the top portion of the machine apart.

Never mind then, I didn’t have to deal with it, Buttina Stalliona got to it first.

“Eh, not the most dangerous of things we’ve ever faced.” Buttina stated as she reloaded her shotgun.

A whole slew of red, blue and silver creatures red eyes started running at us with clubs.

“Yeah, but the guy behind all this a true full blown demon, I mean he made all of these monsters.” I grumbled.

“Heh, I’ve been meaning to add another extinct species to my list, one generated entirely by a demon sounds fun!” Wrex stated as he readied his, barely considered handheld, energy gatling cannon and grinned.

“Am I free to eat the souls of our enemies this time Ollie?” Fred said with a hint of a grin.

“Yes, free reign Fred, but only for the pests made of that evil miasma though.” This world had magic and technology, weird combination and I think this was the seventh time we’ve come across ‘a’ Hyrule, last time it was Lorule, there was that realm with the trains, the one where everything was flooded and the one with the sky birds was nice if the giant walking worm demon thing wasn’t such a bother to kill.

I wonder if Pom was doing okay.

“Hyah?” We turned to the soldier who was fighting off an army of these things impressively as he came to us from the side with curiosity after spinning through a horde of those mobbing things. The soldiers of the castle were in the middle of fending off a massive invasion force and he was wielding a regular looking sword. This blonde haired soldier was looking at us with confusion and eyeing Fred with suspicion.

He looked familiar, if he was wearing a green tunic he might very well be the hero of this world.

“Need a little help? Oh don’t mind Fred, I keep a pretty good eye on him enough as it is.” I turned back to Fred and he was eating a bowl of noodles. “Where did you get that?!”

“Tiamat’s Noodle ‘Incidental’ Shop.” Fred answered as he ate the noodles.

“Who in the blazes is Tiamat?!” I asked as I didn’t see said shop anywhere around here.

-Moon Cell Realm, Cape, Dike Land, left path through Cape City, Pom-

I came down to jam the point of the blunt Paralance through the top of the PLANT and then kicked off while ripping the weapon free. I would call it ‘my’ weapon, but I still had concerns about its possible intelligence or magical nature as a legendary weapon of some sort as Rider Totsugeki stated.

A blue shockwave erupted as the PLANT exploded behind me, hundreds of EPs bodies went flying in every single direction as the territory was claimed and new APs started spawning in.

A second later a blue shockwave erupted from the central district and I looked in that direction as the APs surrounded me and seemed to be waiting for something.

“Can you please defend this area for me? Also send some forward to assault the neighboring territory I guess.” The APs immediately started moving and stopped looking to me, some moved into defensive positions and others set out.

-Recently acquired portion of Central Path territory, Dormarch-

The one who got the final blow on that PLANT was Canard, his hockey stick was still raised high in the air from where he swung it upward and he changed to raising it in victory with Sami standing next to him and pumping a fist.

We’ve taken the start of the central districts path, the start of the left Pom was taken by mom less than a minute ago and the start of the right path had been taken by Shanty while ago.

We had a little more than a quarter of the city under our paws and we had increased the number of available APs we can field by a metric ton as APs flooded the area as soon as we took it.

“I want half of you on defense, other half attack the enemy territories!” I called out, the APs followed the order without question immediately. We’ve fought hard and we needed a rest break after gaining so much ground.

What was mom doing now though? She seemed to be just moving forward along the left path.

“We need some supplies so can you please return with sustenance.” I saw Jeanne talking pleasantly to one of the APs and they nodded before turned towards the castle and then turned to her.

“The APs communicated with the ones back at the castle, they’ll run supplies out to us soon.” The AP Saber Knight nodded in response to what I just said.

“Quite Convenient, I don’t need to send the Skarmory back to pick it up.” Said Skarmory were looking a bit tired of shredding through so much coding.

“This almost feels like being in a giant unite ball stadium.” Quetal drew my attention to him.

“Huh, a unite ball stadium?” I asked as I moved over to him.

“Yeah, three lanes to advance on, points to hold, the PLANTs are like hoops and we have to push toward the major goal on the opposite side of the stadium.” Lucha Mundo stated as he crossed his wings and stood tall and proud, fighting types had a lot of stamina. “Ah, the special made churros they sell at Pugilis Unite Ball matches, always good memories.”

“Don’t ask me about the unite ball features in the Viperia stadium, most people already know what the challenges there are, mostly the muck and mud portions.” Dazzle stated as Frizzle had returned to being a Guilmon, she entered power saver mode and was munching on some bread to rebuild her strength to do another digital evolution. “Feeling okay Frizzle?”

Frizzle raised a claw and bit into some rather fancy looking designer bread.

“We’re still good to go!” Metabee called out.

“Then just go.” Rokusho said blandly to his friend.

“Gladly, let’s hit the true center Metabee!” Pepper Cat ran off with Metabee.

Rokusho sighed before looking to Krosserdog.

“Go with them, I’ll be along shortly.” Rokusho made a gesture with his pincer blade and Krosserdog nodded before setting out to catch up with the two hotheaded digi-bots. He then turned and came over to me. “You said that large metal whale was a large PLANT, if so, then where are the EPs is supposed to be generating?”

“Good question, a PLANT of that size could make really powerful EPs to deal with us… so why would it be summoned to be where it is in the dike instead of being summoned from the waters around the… oh… ah.” It didn’t take me long as I saw more water pouring out of the dike in the distance. “I think I know why we haven’t seen it generate any EPs yet…”

Now when we say PLANT, PLANT stood for Powerful Legion Aggregator Network Tactician or basically the relatively simple brains behind the operating and creating EPs. They were labeled as PLANT Aggressors in the file name I looked up when I hacked the one at the castle. Their usefulness in Moon Cell getting a foothold in reality was because they could act as digital anchors, they were definitely what amounts to a terrifying digital grey goo scenario.

Due to having access to my body being erased by a virus, Moon Cell managed to get the EPs to manifest in reality. The servants were apparently no go because they were far more complicated to manifest, they weren’t just programs and mom’s query made me realize that they were shackled to Moon Cell’s system in some way.

I’d have to look into Rider Totsugeki personally to see if we could free up some extra help… we needed someone to hold Cape so we could move on to the next part of Moon Cell.

Sami was the one to at least tell us they were called PLANTs when she took part in destroying several digital ships that barely had made it into reality. If a PLANT lets an Elite Enemy Program out and it gets destroyed, they functionally become unable to operate and they weaken drastically if they weren’t immediately destroyed from the backlash of losing the elite template. Also Digimon can glitch PLANTs forces by loading and eat the data over time, even then the Yggdrasil System run digital realm was looking pretty bad when we passed through.

We’re thankful that none of the outer layer Moon Cell PLANTs seem to spawn Elite EPs. The Sahagins were apparently special elites brought in by the servant, so they had to have a unique PLANT spawning them around here somewhere.

Destroy enough EPs and the Plant would lock up for a bit, thus leaving themselves exposed and wouldn’t be able to spawn more soldiers, but you’d have to be capable of destroying a massive number EPs that they spawn in. We're talking like taking out hundreds of EPs in a matter of seconds.

“Why?” The chipper, orange star, Sami Soldier stated as she came over to us skipping merrily with Canard and Clef following behind. We needed a break, the fighting through hordes of constantly spawning EPs wasn’t easy on anyone.

“I think it’s based on what’ll happen when it finally fully breaks through the dike. It’s going to let loose tons of water based EPs like the Elite EPs the Lancer Sahagins we’ve been facing, also it’ll be a combat threat in and of itself.” In much greater numbers no less, the Sahagins were a problem, but the increased number of APs could take care of them with time using swarming tactics. Which is basically what they do anyway… a single Sahagin can deal with an individual Allied Program with alarming ease, but ten or more working in concert can take one down. “To make things much worse, it’ll stop us from leaving Cape to continue our counter invasion. Since it’ll flood our surroundings and the enemy territories will be underwater giving them the full advantage when those water based EPs are let loose on us, it’ll make taking the rest of the territories quite hard. We’ll need all the territories in the city we can get if we’re to continue forward and leave this place alive and the servant is sitting on the far side waiting for us.”

“This is going to get quite difficult soon then.” The white beetle digital robot, Rokusho, immediately set off with a powerful leap to catch up with his three comrades.

-Far side of Cape, Rider Totsugeki-

I sat on the dock watching as Moby Dick was about to pull his tail free with his front two flippers, I grinned. Only to frown as another section of the city to be taken.

“Sahagin, target the priority kill order in that area that just got taken, they cannot be allow to grab more territory from us!” My orders would take Sahagin from the other areas, but the other areas weren’t falling as quickly as they were to the enigmatic ewe.

-Right path from Cape Castle, Shanty-

“Where do they all be going?” That be curious as the spear wielding fish people suddenly stopped leaping at us and started heading towards the central that was just taken.

Dolly be making several paw gestures with a flat look on her face. In reference to where Pom currently is and the fact that she took a second territory on the left path.

“Yeah, that be sounding about right Dolly.” I be knowing that Pom was about to be making a lot of bad friends soon, but at least that would be making Dodo less worried about us holding position here and more capable of focusing on the thing that be spawning them. “You better be warning Pom they are coming for her.”

Dolly raise a digit on one paw and nodded, before gaining a concentrating look on her face.

She nodded and smiled then made several more gestures with her paws. It was a bit long winded, but it was being an important message from Pom.

“We can be doing that, Favela we need to take to the rooftops, the regular EPs can’t be doing a thing to us up there. Since the fish guy be going after Pom… free reign!” I be climbing the nearest building and Favela lashed out with a Vine Whip and quickly reeled herself up to the roof. “Dolly, Lit, wait a minute, the come follow after us once you are being sure things are secure here.”

Dolly sat up on her board and saluted, Lit followed her actions too showing he at least understood what was going on.

-Left Path from Cape Castle, near the middle of the path between the castle and the far side of the city, Pom-

Okay I had the Lancer Sahagins coming after me, I just had to stay out of sight of them. The world started shaking and I looked up to the whale as it was on the verge of pulling completely free and the amounts of water now spilling out would be an entire lakes worth every second.

I sent Dormarch a mental message to take the next territory quickly, then hold the defense. He responded positively.

“APs, please hold the defense here and in every other area of our territory!” I didn’t wait to see what my order would do as I started heading toward the middle of the city where Dormarch and the others were.

I was going to reach the central path battle area, but I was a few long leaps short when I saw figures leaping across the rooftops with incredible jumps in my general direction. I quickly dropped to the left to cling onto the side of the building with my left side facing the ground. I stood still for a moment while listening quietly for any incoming Lancer Sahagin.

When they finally spotted me, there was too many for me to avoid.

-Up in the dike wall surrounding Cape, Moby Dick-

With one tug, it pulled free and it fell into the sea, this created a massive wall of water heading towards the far side of the city in a large wave that continued to increase in height.

The wave was making a noise that could be heard for miles as it reached a height higher than the buildings on the lower end of Cape as the entire city started to rumble.

-Central path, near the middle of the city, Dormarch-

At least the snacks and drinks got to us in a timely, but we really had to take the central district before that wave hit. This district looked like a commercial area, if the blacksmith place was any indication.

I took a step and a splash occurred, I looked down at my paws to see a thin layer of water. Looking up I saw a tidal wave in the distance rumbling right for us.

“Hurry up with those PLANTs, we’re about to be hit by a tidal wave!” I called out to the Digi-bots who were trying to focus down the three PLANTs in the area, but they were being well defended by the bodies blocking directly shooting at them.

Rokusho finally managed to leap onto one of the PLANTs and drive his pincer sword straight into it.

I was personally busy with trying to keep the surrounding EPs off of them when I noticed some Sahagins pass by overhead, quick question to Dolly or Pom and I received an answer that they were all now primarily targeting Pom. Which explained why she stopped on her way here.

“We’re going as fast as we can here!” Metabee called back as he fired off some missiles from his head that flew too high for the EPs to block with their bodies, they came down on one of the PLANTs destroying it.

Two left and we were meeting with heavy resistance from the EPs, we needed to find those PLANTs fast. I could hear the rumbling of all that water coming at us.

I immediately used Search Hunter to get on top of a nearby building, I then spotted one of the two PLANTs we needed to take down under an awning none of the EPs were even near. It was actually hiding behind a stand and a cart that you’d normally see cabbages in, it was outside the scan range of the Digivice and out of the way.

I looked to the incoming massive wave was going over a lot of the cities buildings in the distance as the city was being instantly flooded by it.

Quickly using Search Hunter, I appeared above the PLANT and dropped onto it to jam both my tentacles down on it. I immediately fired off a Surge Projector with alternating energy charges and quickly fried it, it dropped to the ground with me on it and slowly dissolved making me drop to the ground a second later.

My eyes were panicking as I looked around for the other PLANT in the area, a blue shockwave erupted, but not in this territory, but the one to the right. It seemed Shanty had taken that territory to match the two Pom took on the left, I could even feel Dolly signal that she and their group was coming this way to regroup.

I told her to hold position mentally, because this area wasn’t secure yet and we only had a minute before a solid wall of water washed us away if we couldn’t take the territory in time.

-In the air around the central area, Lucha Mundo-

My Steel Wing tore an EP in half, but we had yet to find the last Plant in the area and I looked at the oncoming massive wave. We were looking in every nook and cranny below on the streets so… ah, I’ll look skyward!

There, it’s floating so high up it’s hard to notice and I think I could see Dodo firing on something before too much water blocked his sight of it as he flew back toward Shanty.

I quickly flapped my arms and rose up towards the PLANT high above, there was no way the Skarmory would make it in time and I was the only one that saw where it was.

It was up to me!

-On the ground, Sami-

“I’d hate to say this, but everyone pull back!” I called.

“No time, the wave is too close, find some place to hunker down and brace for impact!” Canard called as he ducked into a nearby alleyway and I followed him.

The massive rushing wall of water was almost upon us when I heard a whistling noise.

“Fantastic Flying Press!” A crater formed in the ground following the shout as something hit the street at a shocking speed, a shockwave of blue ripped through the area as the wave was about to hit the Digi-bots, the water was stopped and pushed back by the shockwave.

Soon I walked out and just stared at the wall of water pressing against the edge of the territory we just took.

“It seems I have successfully taken down at least three of these evil PLANTs personally, so I am a mighty hero yes?” Lucha Mundo stood up from the crater looking a little shaky before he flexed and did a pose, he stood tall and started laughing before something slowed it down, he was looking at something and in the water were hundreds of red eyes. “My friends, this does not look good.”

“Defensive positions, unknowns, our Digivices do not have scans of whatever those are yet.” The newly acquire APs moved a fair distance from the slightly darkening wall of water pressed up against our territory.

A lot red glowing dots appeared in it, I narrowed my eyes and raised my rifle and waited. My eyes swept over all the eyes in the water.

That’s when a creature burst forth, I immediately opened up on it, as did Metabee and Krosserdog. This was three different types of firing speeds and varying bullet strengths that tore into the large dark skinned shark with needle like teeth.

It crawled along the land with its mighty maw snapping as it flopped across the ground in an upright position. It was taking its sweet time with going down and seemed to be highly bullet resistant up until Pepper Cat leapt onto it and rammed her plug claws into its skulls to electrify it violently. Even then it continued to persist for a solid ten seconds under the constant high voltage she was unleashing on it.

“Enemy territory has one active PLANT signal, all other signs have disappeared due to unknown reasons.” The Yggdrasil System in the digivices stated helpfully. “Warning, enemy signal numbers are in the hundreds and rising from the enemy territory, warning!”

A loud wailing noise was heard and we all saw the whale rise out the water, open its mouth and hundreds of aquatic themed EPs of four varieties spewed forth from both its mouth and a hole in its back. They all weren’t the scary looking sharks though, there what looked like jellyfish, krakens and eels all falling into the large wall of water in front of us.

Speaking of Jellyfish, a bunch of them popped out of the wall of water into our new dry territory. Not all the pairs of red dots were apparently the ridiculously tough sharks, with large maws, that could crawl and flop on land so easily.

The Jellyfish danced towards us and were walking on their tentacles, they looked like they were preparing to use some of them as whips.

“Stop gawking, take them out!” I growled out my command and brought my rifle up to start blowing them apart, the sharks were much tougher than these things, but they were moving wildly actively trying to avoid my shots as I put out a spray of bullets into them.

They were smarter than the sharks at least and the battlefield had just changed drastically to be in the enemies favor as we barely took half the city and they had a large half.

One got close and I noticed a stinger extended toward me from its tentacle when it got close enough only for Carnard to slash the stinger and then wielded his hockey stick like an axe to cut the jellyfish coming at me in half.

Another jellyfish went for Canard, but was protected by AP Saber Knight’s shield and it proceed to bring it’s sword down on the jellyfish slaying the unusual EP.

Metabee was having more luck than Krosserdog in hitting the jellyfish and mowed them down easily enough as his shots filled the air in a hard to dodge manner. General direction was definitely more his style.

“What do we do now?” Canard asked looking to Dormarch.

“Know anyone that can swim really well and can help with forcing territories back into action other than me?” Dormarch said while shivering and looking at the wall of water that was only kept from crushing us by the blue edged glow of our territory.

“Yep, yep, these cabbages need to head to the far side of the city.” We all turned to a strange NPC cat with a fishing rod, who was moving a cart full of cabbages and he simply entered the wall of water without a second thought.

After a second the cabbages started to float away and the NPC yelled into the water something that sounded like ‘My Cabbages’ as he floated away into the mass of liquid, but it was highly muffled and sounded an awful lot like drowning.

NPCs couldn’t die so he’d be fine… I think… maybe they would be eternally traumatized by this moment of idiocy. I didn't know how NPCs think, they could be simplistic to almost AI in their own right.

“That’s kind of what I meant by odd NPC’s, they aren’t very bright are they? We might need one to flush water out of the areas or we can just swim directly into them and try to activate a PLANT to force territory to become ours.” As Dormarch said this he was getting rather twitchy. “Mom’s under attack, by at least fifty Sahagins… it’s not going well for her.”

“We’ll make a decision after you come back with her, now go help Pom!” Jeanne ordered as she arrived with her personal echelon of units. The Dhelmise would be a big help, the skarmory would be good for defensive purposes and the Hakamo-o might not have been great against the Sahagin, but they tore through anything not resilient to physical attacks.

Dormarch didn’t need to be told twice, he looked straight up in the air and then disappeared in a flash, I was beginning to think search engines were naturally powerful and I was kind of envious of that. Still didn’t have a digital evolution I felt I could trust, but if I had to for Canard, I would.

“Is it a bad time to mention that the entire sea is now an enemy territory?” That and it had us surrounded with rising waters. I liked those odds in general, like the good old days where you were likely to survive half a second of actual combat time.

-Far Side of Cape, underwater dock, Rider Totsugeki-

I might not need to summon leviathan, Moby Dick had successfully stopped them from taking any more territory personally. All I had to do was sit back and relax, maybe hunt that ewe down if good old Moby couldn’t somehow force them into the water.

Hm…? What? What happened to the Lancer Sahagin Elite PLANT! When had they taken it out?!

No matter, the remaining Elite Lancer Sahagin will have to do. They were already working on taking out the most threatening target to Moony.

Otherwise we would slowly overwhelm the captured territories, collapse and flood them all until we back them up to the castle. It wouldn’t be hard to finish them off then.

They wouldn’t dare attack us in our territory now, Moby Dick would just keep sending our attack programs at them until they were crushed. It was just that simple.

-Second node, left path from Cape Castle, Pom-

Things were not so simple.

That tall wall of water was every bit as imposing as I thought it looked as I fought in the street, but I really couldn’t focus on that problem right now.

“Clang!” I raised the back end of the paralance to push the trident aiming for my back upwards over my head and I swung around to the left and away from the opponent in front of me as they stabbed forward.

The edge of the paralance’s canopy tore into the left arm of the Sahagin behind me, before I could damage it further I pulled my weapon free twirled to the right while bringing it up to block a trident as it slammed home into the paralance.

I fired a bark blast into the Sahagin coming at me from the left, I was getting quite overwhelmed. There were too many of them!

Dormarch appeared and blasted one with a Surge Projector shock, this was followed by several APs arriving and alleviating the number of Sahagins that were on me.

“Mom are you okay?!” Dormarch called as his tentacles checked my body for injuries and found one in my left hind leg, a light puncture wound in comparison to some of the worst I’ve had today when the edge of a trident caught my leg while one was coming down on top of me.

“Mostly fine, so the whales out of the dike wall, what do we do now?” I asked.

“Start moving to central, I’ll pick off some of the Sahagin on the way and we’ll finish dealing with them when we get there. I’ll cover you’re back, we’re going to discuss our next action from there while the APs fend off attacks from the new enemy EPs that are showing up.” Not having to be told twice I rolled under a thrusting trident and started moving on through the alleyways towards the central district, a bit hampered my leg injury. At least the Sahagin couldn’t make good leaps at me, but their spears were going to be a problem in cramped spaces.

-Right path from Cape Castle, Shanty-

I just be looking up at all that water that not be coming at me, it be neat to see a wobbly mass just sitting in front of me and it be having some really terrifying things in it. I just be manipulating the water to crush and slice them without having to enter it. Anything I swing becomes a cutting arc, even moving water in water that I can manipulate at a distance.

“Shanty, what are we doing?” Favela asked as Dodo came in for a landing, he successfully took out that odd PLANT before the water flooded in.

Dolly barked and made several gestures and pointed in the direction of the center of the city and our most recent territory.

“Right then, what she said! We’re needed at central to discuss where to go from here.” I turned to the APs. “Can you be defending this area? I be counting on you!”

The APs raised their swords to me and kneeled slightly before taking up a more defensive position with the spear guys.


A one legged spring and I avoided five spears attempting to skewer me while intersecting one another, Dormarch ripped another one apart and it was amazing that there weren’t more coming.

It seems like whatever was generating them was no longer a problem or the enemy didn’t seem to think they were important anymore, which was not possible as they were definitely all about killing me quickly.

I made it into a marketplace like area when a Sahagin came leaping at me and was raising a spear with one arm. Staying on course with moving forward, Canard came in and deflected the spear and speared the Sahagin himself using the blade of his hockey stick glowing with digital energy.

The next Sahagin that was making a forward leap instead of a long high arcing one was torn in half and out of the air by Dazzle. Who motioned for me to move behind Frizzle and I would gladly take the relief of not being hunted.

Dormarch was by my side immediately having popped in with a flash and was lobbing Surge Projectors into the paths of the Sahagin that continued to try and come at me, this was the most I’ve seen in one place, but with Jeanne, the Digi-bots and my friends they were quickly torn down and the ones that got by all of that had to deal with the APs taking up defensive positions around me with their shields.

Several Sahagin leapt high for me and two were blown out of the air by missiles from Metabee and a concentrating burst of shots from Krosserdog, the last one was cut in half vertically by a fine slash of a liquid tentacle rising from the ground.

“Hey guys, I be taking out an odd PLANT, it be making those fish guys!” Okay, one less thing to worry about and a whole lot of trouble with the waters.

-Five minutes of pitched battle later of funneling the Sahagin into a kill zone-

The last of the Sahagin was taken care of by Lit using String Shot as a razor wire garrote, that little guy was terrifying when he could use what was considered a nonlethal attack like that. I think he might have learned it from watching me manipulate my wool.

My puncture wound was sealed by a small mound of tightly woven wool, we now had to discuss where we would be going from here.

“So what now?” I had taken my break, no more Sahagin meant Ocellus and Smolder can retreat to the castle, the safest place around here at the moment.

“We can enter the waters and attack their massive territory, we would be going after the inactive PLANTs in the city and activating them to take the small territories within what is now a massive singular territory. To take the ocean however, we need to deal with the servant and that large PLANT. You’re the one that knows what the servant is like already mom, so you can tell whoever is willing to deal with them how they should go about doing so.” Dormarch stated as he paced around with his tails getting rather agitated. “Our objective is clear the city first and then deal with the bigger problems when we can, who among us is capable of fighting underwater?”

Should I tell Dormarch that I would likely be the one dealing with the servant?

“Commandramon are, but our effectiveness is not going to be too great in a fight, we’d be mostly stuck using DCD bombs as depth charges and would be fighting with bayonets. My bazooka works underwater at the very least, since the rocket will act like a torpedo, so there’s that.” Sami stated immediately looking ready to offer her services if we were to go on the offensive. “Yes, Canard, we come with scuba gear as a natural part of our kit… usually it’s haphazardly made and is more likely to kill us than preserve us if we haven’t looked into fixing the problem ourselves when it was first handed to us. We Commandramon were made to fight in any environment, with varying degrees of effectiveness to what would definitely be short lived experiences, including in space… provided we have been properly equipped with some propulsion or at the very least a grappling hook option. Some Commandramon were definitely not that lucky, considering they didn’t even last three minutes in space… again I’m fairly chipper because of the cruel life I’ve led and survived up to this point. Happy to be alive and helpful, nine Commandramon under me would be quite a force to deal with getting at those inactive PLANTs in the water.”

“We Dhelmise are a specialist Valora sea unit, we’re not afraid of some foreign sea and its monsters!” One of the salty dog anchor kelp guys said boisterously.

“I can be surviving underwater, I would just be needing to find air after it runs out in my bubble and that would be leaving me with eight or so minutes afterwards that I can be holding my breath.” Okay that was a little concerning, but Shanty would be quite great at fighting underwater with her ability to manipulate the water itself. “Still haven’t figured out how to breathe underwater… but I’m supposed to be able to?”

“Anyone else?” Dormarch asked and I sighed.

“I can stay underwater indefinitely, my abilities would be of a great help too.” I said quietly and everyone looked to me. “I just need to learn the fluffmancer technique of aquatic adaptation, haven’t exactly had a big reason to do so yet... heh… probably could have used it back in Zootopia. I’m at a level of wool manipulation where I’d learned it quite quickly now, enough so that I’d be able to go on the offensive as soon as I have a handle on it.”

“How can you stay underwater indefinitely?” Dormarch asked for the sake of trying to give me an out. He was definitely going as he was naturally adapted for water combat, if those three fish tails meant anything at all other than him being adorable.

“Once I have all of my aquatic adaptations figure out, I can make a hydrofuge ‘hair’ bubble that prevents water from getting to me and my wool can magically separate the oxygen from the water for me to breathe. On top of that I’ll have a wool shifted diving suit that will help me with swimming. Every time I exhale even slightly will create bubbles though and I wouldn’t be able to use my Dancing Flame ability underwater.” Due to the slow conversion rate of oxygen not being enough for high end combat speed bursts, I’d be relying on my aquatic adaptations. It was a logical problem for my Dancing Flame technique to have, but how often was I going to have to fight underwater?

My aquatic adaptations can have good combat applications though, like razor edged scoop flippers and I can wield the paralance underwater. In fact I would think the lance would be even easier to wield underwater with its magical nature.

“Okay, fine, can anyone else with us be of help in the water instead of on defense?” Dormarch questioned, there was a bit of quiet.

“Ocellus can be helpful too.” I mentioned, since a changeling would theoretically be impossible to kill via an environmental danger if anything living adapted to said danger then so would a changeling.

A roar distracted us and we turned to see the APs fending off a large tentacle monster that had three of them its tentacles, it certainly wasn’t a friendly lake kraken that Ponyville was somewhat known for as far as indigenous species went.

“Melee digi-bots would be more effective in water than we gun types would be.” Metabee stated as he sent a side glance at Rokusho.

“Fine, but I do not like going into water. Where I a water beetle, I might enjoy being on top of it, but not in it directly.” Rokusho answered solemnly.

“You think I’d be any better? Since of course I’m going too!” Pepper Cat stated while punching her right fist into the air.

“I don’t need to breathe… though I’m going to be all sorts of mushy while swimming around.” Curdle finally offered. “Won’t be able to use a fire type move and at best I’d be stuck using Dazzling Gleam.”

“If that is all, then everyone else will be on the defensive then.” Jeanne slapped the butt of her banner spear against the ground. “Any territory you take, we’ll hold steadfast!”

“Any way I can get in on this Pom?” Dolly asked with a wagging tail and after a moment she frowned when I didn’t answer.

“I need you on the defense.” It didn’t take me long to figure out that Dolly was eager to continue helping, sure she’d be capable of swimming underwater really fast, but unless she could adapt to the water pressure or breathe underwater. “Sorry Dolly.”

“It’s alright.” Dolly came up to me and put a paw on my chest and licked my chin. “Just… I was about to say ‘stay safe’, but you’re you.”

“Fair.” It was 'fair' at this point and we both knew I couldn’t stay safe if my life depended on it and it has several times. “If we don’t do this, we’ll eventually be crushed by the sea. Doing it isn’t going to be easy either, I need to adapt to the waters first before we can effectively go in to start finding those deactivated PLANTs if that’s what you say they are.”

“I can be of assistance with finding inactive PLANTs, they are giving off stronger signals.” The Yggdrasil System on Dormarch’s digivice stated. “Two digivices will help with sonar scanning and active finding of the targets in the local digital sea. The Digivices can scan through the water for their general shape. It is not advised to swim out in open waters and that you stay in the flooded sections of the city.”

“I’m so glad we got the Yggdrasil System assistant loaded Digivices.” Sami said with a sigh. “Makes things much easier. Let me prepare my flippers and sea mask to make sure it won’t kill me for even suggesting they could be useful for a day, then I’ll call in the other guys for a mission.”

“The APs might be able to help, in a limited quality. Again, I suggest sending a small team to find NPCs that might be able to help with the flood zones if we can get them to do their function.” Dormarch the APs would be fish food for the aquatic EPs, but if you think they could help, then we’d take whatever we can get. “That’ll be on you Jeanne, NPCs like that cabbage cart cat guy that just went into a flood section of the city is what you’re going to be looking for.”

-Origin Space, Tiamat-

Come on little pirate goat, show everyone just what exactly it is a Capricornus can truly do in their element.

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