• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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334. Vicious Vultures.

-???, Oleander-

So we made a stop at this space station in a galaxy doomed to a cycle of being destroyed by Artificial Intelligences repeatedly. We’ve been here before, but we didn’t do much last time… this time however.

“Wrex.” Buttina stated blandly.

“Butt.” Wrex stated back as blandly.

“Wrex.” Buttina stated with more pep in her voice.

“Butt.” Wrex replied with a slightly amused tone.

“Wrex.” Butt stated with a slightly incensed tone, aiming her shotgun at him.

“Butt.” Wrex replied in an angry tone, aiming his shotgun at her.

They’ve been at this for an hour now and I really wanted to stab them with my keyblade or something sharper. Keyblades were really good at ‘open’-ning wounds on things, in fact the concept of ‘open’ and ‘lock’ were the two main powers of the weapon.

“Oh will you two just kiss already!” They’ve been eyeing each other quite a lot, mind you Krogan were stated to be horribly violent and survival of the fittest focused species, this was somehow a major turn on for Buttina.

“Yeah, after the whole Xenomorph incident, I REALLY DOUBT WREX WOULD WANT TO PROCREATE WITH HER KNOWING WHAT WE DO.” Don’t remind me Fred, it’s honestly terrifying how prolific Pandoran Bicorns were in that universe now.

I didn’t know if we could stop the Pandoran Bicorn as an intelligent invasive species… and they absolutely terrified those acid blood bugs. There were some things about Pandoran Bicorns that I absolutely did not need to know, but now I do.

Where's the mind soap when you needed it?

“What’s a xenomorph?” After he was told what a xenomorph was and the incident involving them, wrex grinned broadly and then started to scrutinize Buttina. “Hmm… well now I’ve got to! So want to shotgun this?”

“I would be delighted!” Buttina stated in a maddening chipper tone as she was already loading her shotguns with shells.

“I think I’m in love… again… for the sixth hundredth time.” Wrex stated bluntly, as he readied his own shotgun. “Hopefully you’ll eventually become my most dangerous ex-wife yet.”

“This is sadly going to end in explosions.” Fred, honestly, it’ll start with fire, death, then we’ll get around to the explosions. “SO LET’S WALK AWAY FROM THEM WITHOUT LOOKING BACK!”

“Hey blowing stuff up is a Krogan pastime, next to hunting, killing, burning things, beating brains into things, stabbing things and watching the life leave their eyes, being awesome, buying weapons, selling weapons, being a black market weapons specialist, owning the more dangerous weapons from a massive collection of weapons, killing, beating the brains out of things, doing stupid stuff, mercenary work, counter mercenary work, being space pirates, setting stuff on fire if it wasn’t enough after the first time, killing, making sure something stays dead, irradiating our home world annually every five hundred years, blowing up even more stuff and getting completely sloshed on the most poisonous substances you can possibly imagine to the point of nearly dying during a blackout drunk moment to wake up incidentally married to a Vorcha. At least Vorcha only live for twenty years at the most, to think that my Vorcha wife lived to be twenty five out of spite he-he-heh. Also there’s making friends with people who don’t think we’re a bit too much, but that’s not as much a Krogan pastime…” Wrex was rather amused with the tales of Buttina’s home world of Pandora. “Even our volatile mating practices almost always ends with both sides in a lot of pain.”

“That sounds quite promising and you say the nicest things!” Oh my goodness Buttina, one could practically see the hearts coming off of you! “Let’s get a party started then, we’ll see who has the most stamina after being covered in the blood and guts of our enemies!”

“I like the sound of that.” Wrex grinned and ran a claw through Buttina’s hair and her tail start to flick back and forth while raising a bit.

We should really stop these two before they destroy this universe… I turned my glance at Fred who was waving around ‘destroy everything’ flags and I sighed audibly.

-Pokémon Realm, Ransei Region, Cerebrum City, Middle Tier, approximately five minutes after the Woobat patrol takedown, Pom-

Okay a lot more civilians on this floor, but we were avoiding them as they were being forcefully moved around by Sigilyph. Some of them were even moving supplies, while I would like to hop off and see what they were moving or help the civilians.

The civilians weren’t actively being hurt, attacked or tortured by the Sigilyph, just pushed around by them. The civilians that weren’t being moved looked fairly depressed and were not looking like they want to fight back against the current regime, if they even had the capability to fight that is. Not all Pokémon were combat capable, a majority of them were though what with Cleffa being a fairly good example.

I figured we would be better off getting to the warehouse and seeing if any of the female Leavanny’s friends could spot us a few of the more needed supplies.

-Elsewhere in the Middle Tier, Rebel Hideout, Kenshin-

“You what?! Did it ever occur to you that the airship that exploded in the dock might have offloaded an unwanted enemy of Gilgamesh’s getting into the city and that’s why it came under attack?” Should I really blame Sanosuke for possibly jumping the gun and drawing attention from the city Sigilyph, much less the other patrolling psychic types around here? “Even an entire wagon load of Pokémon would be useful to our cause of freeing Cerebrum and the rest of Illusio.”

“We could have used some allies, my Goth Squad are barely managing to avoid capture these days.” My companion and one of the rebels Kaoru spoke up, the Gothorita has been a companion of mine for quite a while now. Bipedal pink color around her face, black hair everywhere else and up in two buns with white ribbon shapes around her body, she practically looked like a doll… you wouldn’t know she was fairly aggressive as she was gentle. She had slim arms and legs too, she was a really quite fit and you rarely see a Psychic Type that does cardio as frequently as her unit does. Most Psychics were lazy and didn’t use their legs at all and just floated around everywhere they needed to go.

“They seemed sketchy to me, especially the white wooloo one I chased, she seemed really skilled at evasion… far more than you are Kenshin.” Wait… what did Sanosuke just say?! “She was incredibly fast for something so scrawny looking.”

“Can you describe this wooloo like figure in greater detail?” This might be important.

“Yes, she had a black and white spotted canine with her, they did this really nifty thing to create a massive explosion…” It took Sanosuke a moment to realize both Kaoru and I were narrowing our eyes at him. “Ahem, anyway, the wooloo like lady had blue eyes, a wolf like smell and actually survived blocking me swinging my blade at her with full force and was able to run away full tilt afterwards. She was wearing a pink scarf as was the canine, there was something under both the scarves… I think the wooloo one had a bell that, for some reason, doesn’t ring. Get this, while she was evading me assaulting she could do things like run on the ceiling!”

“Please tell me something… did this white wooloo like entity try to talk you down?” I was getting a distinct feeling that I would have to move my forces soon if this was another one of Sanosuke’s incidents, I’ll have to change the calendar to number of days since Sanosuke’s last incident… which was last dated to five hours before I tasked him with checking out the explosion at the dock in what is to only be known as ‘the taco sauce incident’.

Here I thought he couldn’t do us any harm by being slightly out of the way until we needed him, he might have just scared off a very important ally of ours.

“Yeah, but I could tell she would be a good fight if she actually got sucked in to actually fighting, there’s something about her that screams potential to me somehow.” Oh Sanosuke, you idiot, that was probably the creator of Team Harmony in Aurora. Of course she had potential, she was becoming fairly well known for starting the first Rescue Team in Ransei!

“Tell me something, did the Sigilyph you tried to attack change into something else?” Please say no, please say no.

“Yeah, changed into a weird bug thing, thought it might have been a Zorua or a Ditto trying to play fast and loose with an unusual Bug Type form.” What with the several small groups of Dark Types that have managed to make it into Cerebrum, I could at least understand why one would be wary of such deception Sanosuke. Maybe you could have waited until they actually attacked you first or do something relatively suspicious? “They also had a Skiddo with a thing that looked like a Skiddo except smelled like salt water and booze… lots of rum at least. Could probably drink even me under the table. There was this Joltik and their wagon even had Araquanids on it. Been a while since I’ve felt water that scalding.”

“Were the Araquanids possibly Chrysalia Artillery rated by any chance?” I sighed out loud and Kaoru gave me an apologetic look.

“Well yeah, now that you mention it. Doesn’t help that there was a team of Morpeko with them and a few other beings… a very odd assortment to actually be working with Gilgamesh come to think of it.” Sanosuke started rubbing at his head with his right hand as he leaned on his massive sword with is left arm. “Of course, since they were outsiders they had to be working with Gilgamesh right?”

“No… no they weren’t Sanosuke.” I groaned out and slowly massaged my forehead, Sanosuke the Living Migraine as the rebellion called him. A migraine to both us and our enemies equally. “The people you ran across, were likely Team Harmony on commission by Chrysalia and Violight. They are here on a scouting expedition into Illusio to investigate what Gilgamesh is up to. If they are here in Cerebrum, then things are possibly getting bad and we need to start making plans for the teleporter to the Castle of Illusion floating above the city soon. First though, we need to find them and apologize for their… unwarranted welcome that led to the destruction of the ship they were on. Mentalis sent a message earlier informing me that they were on their way as the destruction of Kadabraville was being carried out. Mentalis is likely quite busy with the Abra, Kadabra and a few Alakazam refugees in a fighting retreat ground side. At least your heart was in the right place Sanosuke.”

“Kenshin is just being too nice, after a harrowing situation of surviving whatever happened at the docks you just went and made things worse for them!” There’s the fierceness that Kaoru is known for and she was quite livid with Sanosuke.

“… Sorry…” Didn’t take long for Sanosuke to apologize and look guilty, he was still one of the best fighters among the rebellion. Though he could only be loosely termed as a ‘Psychic Type’, Psychic Types tended to use their brains more often than ever Sanosuke did or even would. At least Sanosuke is using his muscles to aid the downtrodden after I beat the ever loving snot out of him, yes a part of me did enjoy recalling that moment happening, now if only he would use the muscles in his head. That darker part of me wanted me to use my blade and avenge the late king of Illusio, may his soul rest in peace.

“Kaoru, I need you to take Goth Squad out immediately, you need to secure the support of the Team Harmony and the contingents of Violight and Chrysalia with them before they are taken out or captured.” Knowing what I do, this would be a bit much to ask of of Kaoru’s personal unit because…

“My unit still needs at least an hour to at least recover somewhat from our last incursion into the upper tier of Cerebrum, those Sigilyph really let us have it on our last mission. The Woobats and Drowzee were somewhat easier to avoid given most have been moved to the bottom tier, possibly in response to the incursion of Team Harmony and contingents, goodness know what we’ll do about the Jinx and Wobbuffet units we had to get by.” Which was worrying because Kaoru was covered in bandages and still needing time to rest after their last efforts. Wobbufets weren’t very good in direct offensive, they were far deadlier indirectly and that was saying something.

The Wobbuffet ability Shadow Tag had already caused a number of rebels infiltrating the upper sections of Cerebrum to be captured due to the Jinx units that they worked in tandem with freezing them while they were trapped by Shadow Tag.

Shadow Tag causes one to be stuck near the Wobbuffet until they were knocked out and attacking a Wobbuffet was one of the things most people didn’t want to do if you knew what they were capable of. That they specifically had an ability that basically forced you attack them or else you wouldn’t be able to move very far was terrifying, it made for a seriously daunting opponent. At least they weren’t capable of Shadow Tagging more than one target.

Wobbuffet specialized in capture, delay and blocking attacks aimed at their allies. That is what makes them a hassle to the get around in the upper levels of the city, especially when their ability can lock you in place if they get close enough to you and will prevent you from running away. A number of Jinx units would have been readily dealt with a while ago, if not for the Wobbuffet units covering for them. Wobbuffet had a problem with recovering from injuries though and being injured was necessary for them to actually hurt anyone.

“Please try to start after thirty minutes, if not forty five, Kaoru. After that resting period you’ll set out immediately to find them and apologize profusely for Sanosuke’s actions. I have to go organize another raiding party with two of the Kirlia units.” I got up and looked to Sanosuke. “Sanosuke, grab some rebel units and start an assault at one of the edges of the city heading inwards. If you can, try to draw as much attention to yourself as possible. After a while I want you to retreat all gathered volunteers in whatever direction they see fit. You are to not let anyone be captured, except maybe yourself, goodness knows Gilgamesh’s forces can’t hold you.”

“Heh, now that’s my kind of plan!” Sanosuke was good for fighting, so he will be fighting, even if he doesn’t exactly know what he’ll even be fighting for and will be very distracting.

-Warehouse Storage area, three minutes later, Pom-

The few citizens of Cerebrum we assumed weren’t being pushed about were running scared or hiding from the Sigilyph as much as we were. We didn’t stop to ask them questions though, we were outside the warehouse and the Female Leavanny dusted off her leafy green coat and dress combo.

“Hopefully they are still here and… somethings wrong.” Our female Leavanny friend paused and looked around, one would think a warehouse would have more activity around it. However the spots of blood on the ground said something was amiss here.

I moved around a crate sniffing the air and Dolly followed uneasily smelling the same thing I did, we stopped when we found a pink creature on the ground. Still breathing, unconscious, vicious claw mark injuries possible avian in nature.

“Shine, get ready to take on some pain in case we have a medical emergency, everyone else watch our surroundings and help take care of this little one.” I looked at the creature was pink with flower shaped markings on it. There were drops of blood leading into the warehouse that looked like all the building around here… except it was longer. I looked to Dolly, she nodded to me and I motioned to Shanty, Lit, Mundo and Favela forward.

“This is one of the warehouse workers.” The female Leavanny came over and started to spread string onto the bleeding wound of the still breathing Pokémon as we made for the doors of the warehouse, the male Leavanny assisted her in wrapping the injury tightly to staunch the bleeding. So they could at least bandage wounds if needed as emergency medical help.

Hopefully the warehouse was not mazelike like the rest of the buildings in the city.

Favela was still acting a bit dodgy around me, but I’d never hurt someone I was friends with without a good reason.

Pushing through the warehouse door, Lit lit up the room by sparking up a bit and we looked about there were a few more of the small pink creatures, we quickly moved them outside as they were all injured in a similar manner. Talon marks, dive bombed by an avian of some kind.

Eventually we would have to move beyond the entrance. It was not very well lit in here and I could already smell the incoming trouble.

“Quick question, what are these pink creatures?” I didn’t get their species name yet, they were very small tapir like beings.

“They are called Munna, some of the friendliest Psychic Types you’ll ever meet… kind of an opposite to how some Drowzee can be, they try to give people good dreams instead of just eating the bad ones or eating dreams in general. Drowzee and Munna were said to have something of a shared ancestry despite their differences in appearance and overall ability.” Shine answered in the dark warehouse, her body glowing spookily like a Nightmare Night gourd. I sniffed the air and the coppery scent wrinkled my nose. “Munna turned out far less sinister looking at least and they tend to befriend Abra quite easily.”

“Favela, Shanty stick back with Shine, Dolly and Lit are with me up front. Mundo stick to the entrance and make sure no one gets by you.” I eventually pointed to the blood trail I sniffed out after having collected the bodies of various hurting Munna near the entrance. The six of us started to move silently into the maze of containers and away from the entrance. I tried to ignore the shadows moving above us as we followed the brown stains that turned into a fresh trail of obviously dragged scarlet. I knew we were being watched, but when would they decide to attack?

“Pom…” Shanty stated with a slightly narrowed eyes darting about.

“I’m aware.” I could tell Lit was ready when he squeaked and glared at the air around us from Dolly’s head as she pushed her board along next to me. He continued to glow and keep us on the trail through the maze of containers with who knows what in them.

We were being watched and were heading straight into an ambush, but we had to find out if there were any other victims judging by the smell and blood trail. My mind wouldn’t let me turn away from this.

Round a corner, we entered a space where all the containers were circling around the floor space and in the center of the floor was several larger different looking evolutions of what Munna are and one really pale Munna with a look of absolute fright on its face as it gasped rapidly in its declining health.

Not only would we have to defend the victims piled in the center of the trap, we’d have to deal with flying monsters who…

A crash sounded behind us as a pair of containers attempted to block our way back, unfortunately for the ones who set this trap up… they didn’t know we could all easily climb out of here. Climbing out with injured Pokémon was going to be a problem though. Shine could basically teleport through the shadowy gap and we weren’t trapped.

That did not mean we weren’t in danger, which really depended on what we were facing here.

“Shine… on medical support… we’ll cover you.” I stated quietly, before a screech came diving at me with a flash of sharp talons. I fired bark blast into them knocking them back and Dolly leapt up to block a bone coming for my back and blocked it with her own as Shine darted forward.

I moved with Shine and hoped we could cover one another.


I blocked the incoming series of bone attacks with a momentum boosted series of bone blocks after kicking into the air and was staring down the eyes of a vulture that came out of the dark.

I grinned as I had been wielding the bone in my right paw, I slung the strap forward with my left and my momentum boosted board slammed into their belly to send them bouncing off a container in a painful display.

I quickly dashed sideways in the air to avoid a set of talons grasping at me, after the robot owl thing I’m not letting that happen again. Turning in the air in a slowly falling glide to see several more vultures diving on Pom and Shine. I flew forward for them

I needed to help protect Shine as she looked over the tiny pink elephants, weird that something like that actually existed. Thought pink elephants were only in that cartoon movie Rum-bo, when the flying elephant got really drunk and took out an entire encampment of evil teddy bears while dropping into it by parachute.


I be leaping up and deflecting a bone that be swinging for Pom with my cane scythe when she be charging forward with Shine and then I be slashing across the birds chest with my right hoof making them squawk and flap back and away into the space above the area lit up by Lit.

Favela be grabbing another bird and slamming it into the floor and I be getting a good look at it. Why did it be wearing bone skirt and have a bone poking through the feathers at the back of its head? The only place on its featherless head and long neck that be having feathers really.

There were several units of them, there were certainly being more than six here… Lit be taking two out immediately with an incredibly powerful blast of lightning.

That’s when the surrounding bird are becoming a bit more wary of attacking us and backed off as Pom hit one or two with a Thousand Spear, but didn’t take them down.


Don’t be worrying about me Dodo, just get going!

-Around that time frame, Ocellus-

“What I assume to be Gilgamesh forces are incoming, judging by emotions here!” I knew they knew we were here given what they were feeling.

“Canard take three Morpeko, Cleffa, The Leavanny, Fleer and Charjabug, the rest of us will draw them away!” Quetal had made the call and Dazzle motioned to Dodo once they were clear and inside the warehouse with Mundo. We barely got started moving forward as a Sigilyph and several weird blue creatures neared.

“Oh my goodness, they have Wobbuffet units, get us out of here before they Shadow Tag you Dodo!” Ninjask called out and Dodo, despite his warbled confusion, really got the wagon moving and for some reason the Araquanid did not fire on these Wobbuffets.

We were suddenly beset by numerous Woobat and Sigilyph, said sigilyph were levitating the Wobbuffet with them as they gave chase.


“Pom, our wagon be coming under attack and is being on the move.” Nice to know Shanty, but we were kind of busy here and couldn’t focus on that right now.

I fired another Thousand Spear and as my twisting wool retracted to spin up again, another one of these wild vultures came dive bombing at Shine who was in the middle of using Pain Split on the palest looking Munna.

A bolt of lightning flared and warded off the vulture and then I bark blasted them out of the air, then turned and aimed both my legs to fire off two Thousand Spears into the vultures trying to stop Shine who apparently completed the Pain Split on the pale looking Munna bringing some pinkness back into their appearance and making Shine somewhat pale in turn.

“Who are you guys?!” I shouted out as I moved closer to Shine and Lit did the same as Dolly leapt up and blocked a bone with her board and slapped the offending vulture Pokémon across the head.

“At least I know they’re a Pokémon called Mandibuzz, all female species.” Shine stated sounding a bit sickly after taking on the pale Munna’s pain with a smile and accepting the self-damaging side of her ability to have hopefully just saved a life.

“We’re Yaksha and that’s all you need to know morsels!” Right, so that would mean they were from the Dark Type kingdom in southeastern end of Ransei and were decidedly hostile. They weren’t even going to explain why they attacked the warehouse workers or set up an ambush with the injured Munna as a lure, I’m not sure what their goal is here aside from stealing from the warehouse as we got here.

The one Mandibuzz that talked made a mistake in telling me that, because my ears twitched, I turned and quickly fired off two thousand spears into them. Didn’t take them down, but I did hear a grunt of pain coming from the darkness above us.

“Riptide!” A bullet of water slammed into another barely visible vulture, knocking them down as Shanty formed up to protect the Munna.

Favela followed up with a wall of water using Surf to slam the vulture against one of the containers harshly. Right, Favela was on the wrong side of advantages here so using vine whip to grapple and slam or using Surf were her most effective options in this fight.

Shanty followed that up by swirling the water back to herself and creating a dome around us that slowed the incoming vultures long enough for me to knock them back with several rapid shots of Thousand Spears from me as fast as I could manage with my wool.

Still they several came at once, the dome slowed them down but they were going to get through by sheer force until Lit blasted the dome frying the bone wielding vultures a fair bit without taking them out. This pushed them all away until the dome of water dissipated into steam.

“Mandibuzz are specialist in being tough, they are tanks in a fight and usually win fights through attrition.” Informed Shine as she was working to get the Munna out of mortal peril from the nasty talons wounds dealt to them while popping a Sitrus Berry after getting them out of the worst of their injuries.

The Mandibuzz’s we thought were down, aside from the two Lit took out which definitely weren’t getting up again anytime soon, were already back in the air again.

“Units command, Air Flay!” That didn’t sound good, the plural in the word ‘units’ hasn’t been used much before now, as the multiple Mandibuzz formed up around us and started to all pull their wings back at once.

“Dolly!” I shouted as I turned to her.

“Aerora!” At Dolly’s invocation silver winds swirled into existence around all of us as cutting blades of air rained down on us from all sides. She also got a headache afterwards and needed to recharge her magic.

The winds were perfectly blocked by the swirling air barriers, what wasn’t perfectly blocked was the one vulture that decided to swoop in jam it’s right talon into my back before their attack even finished and even got hurt from it.

“Agh!” They clenched their talons tightly causing me quite a bit of pain.

I shaped the wool where the talon was and spike it out into the vulture’s leg making them release me as they were trying to carry me into the air. My wool acted like a cheese grater and cut up the Mandibuzz’s leg badly.

I dropped back to the floor on my hooves and shaped my wool to quickly bandage the piercing talon wounds in my back.

That Mandibuzz went down a second later when a bolt of lightning tore into them from Lit.

I had to dodge to the side to avoid a flying slash of wind rippling through the air and cutting into the floor.

I heard a yelp as Dolly put her board in front of her and took a blade of air for Favela, she had her paw on her side where she was bleeding and I zeroed in on the vulture that did.

“Wolf-Fang-Hoof!” My wool shifted immediate as I leapt at them when my protective instincts came to the forefront.

My left hoof struck out at their right wing joint and then down into their left leg joint, they fell tried to land on their left leg let out a squawk of agony and then received a to the right thigh and crunched the bone as I swung them around with my teeth to slam the back of their skull into a container knocking them completely out.

I quickly switched back to my armored wool and took a bone strike to my body, the bone shattered against my wool and I threw a nasty uppercut with my right hoof into the bottom of the large vulture’s beak launching them upwards spinning.

As they fell back down I turned my back to them and then bucked harshly to cause them to bodily plow into two other vultures harassing Favela.


I took a sharp bone blow on my board and the talons of these overgrown plucked headed chickens charged me back up somewhat as I was pushed back. A vulture went flying overhead and freed Favela up to seed bomb the ones that had me trouble, not that it did much damage, but it allowed me to get in a momentum boost bone blow that cracked some of the birds lower ribs and the morbid bone skirt they were wearing.

Hey I like bones as much as the next dog, but wearing actual bones as a fashion statement?

“Hey Lit, start using Electroweb!” I heard a squeak confirming what I wanted and saw three of these vultures get wrapped up in an electrified web off to the side. Wouldn’t keep them for long.

This was getting rough as their talons were painful, their cutting wind attacks were blunted by the air barriers I set up and they were getting more dug in with slapping at us with their wings and trying to tear chunks out of us with their talons.

There were so many of them coming at us at once, it was getting hard to keep their focus off the unconscious short trunked tiny elephants on the floor that Shine was helping.


This was not a good time to be a Grass Type Pokémon, but I’ve managed to rouse at least two of the Munna that were currently frightened of our current situation. How many Mandibuzz were here and how did they even get them this far in here in the first place?!

“Come on, you have to wake up…” I tried to gently rouse a third, when everyone was too busy holding them off to stop a Mandibuzz from coming at me. I dropped into the shadows as the talons lashed out at where I was the Mandibuzz swooped around and turned their attention to the cowering Munna.

The dove down and were about to reinjure the damage I just got finished fixing, not my watch!

I grabbed a graveler rock from my bag, then burst out of the shadows swinging the large rock around in both my frond hands and slammed it into the side of their skull. This shattered the rock, dazing the Mandibuzz and sent them spiraling into the floor away from my patients.

Said patients were starting to successfully rouse their friends and their wounds were healing before my eyes. They must know the move Moonlight… if they knew Moonlight...

“Don’t you guys have any Fairy type moves?” I asked as the third Munna was up on its feet and not ready to float into the air like its other two companions.

“We’re not big on fighting…” One of the three active Munna said weakly and was quickly growing stronger with the healing move Moonlight. “In this case I think we’ll all make an exception for these interlopers, cover your eyes! Unit Command, Dazzling Strobe!”

I immediately shut my eyes knowing what was about to happen as the entire warehouse lit up with the power of three Munna doing Dazzling Gleam in unison. My eyelids were filled with brightening and darkening flashing lights and the sounds of Mandibuzz being in extreme pain could be heard.

One the flashing lights died down the Mandibuzz were all on the ground with their wings on their eyes, Lit was taking the opportunity to really let them have it with bolts of lightning and webs made of shocking energy.

“That might have hurt our eyes a bit, but Munna are not exactly known for being great at attacking!” One of the Mandibuzz was already up and ready to keep going. “Plus we still have numbers and resilience, we’ll wear you down eventually!”

“You would, if that hadn’t alert our friends to exactly where we are.” There was a questioning gaze directed at me for a few second and I grinned.

A beam of electrical energy ripped into her coming from Fleer’s mouth. The Furfrou growled and leapt into action.

This was followed by Mundo doing his signature Flying Press into one of the Mandibuzz to ram them into the floor of the warehouse while creating a crater.

Three bolts of lightning soon joined Lit’s assault and the Mandibuzz were quickly losing their superior numbers to the onslaught of lightning attacks.

The Munna were no slouches when they started directing their Dazzling Gleam attacks into the air if the Mandibuzz tried to take flight.

With a quick few swing Canard really started laying into them as did Sami firing a few shots from her rifle.

They started with us three to one and now they were getting hammered and Charjabug joined in with a joyful yell while swinging on a string shot from his mouth before cut it and then landed on a Mandibuzz to start frying them with a ton of lightning power.


One of the Mandibuzz was trying to escape as the tables turned and the tide of battle shifted entirely in our favor.

I leapt up and grabbed onto her leg. I sometimes curse my lightweight body, because she was still capable of flying off even with me holding onto her. Dolly soon latched onto me and Charjabug grabbed us with String Shot and tried to keep this particular Mandibuzz from getting away, they seemed like the leader type from the way the others were fighting to get to us.

The Leavanny fired their own String Shots and the silk caused the Mandibuzz to lose her ability to fly when her wings were glued down to her sides.

The Mandibuzz was soon on the floor and I put my hoof calmly on their neck to press down on it. This vulture wouldn’t get off the floor, as my wool wrapped around her neck and attached to the floor under them. I tried not to think about how I could probably take her head off by squeezing my wool around their neck hard and fast enough to wire saw it completely off.

“Who put you up to this ambush, Gilgamesh or Cotton?” I asked with narrowed eyes and a few spots of blood dripping from the right side of my chin. They definitely knew we were coming at the very least.

“Like I’d tell you anything!” The Mandibuzz growled and thrashed trying to get out from under me and I kept her pinned.

“I think they were here for their own reasons, but there was a Murkrow around here before they attacked us that talked to them for a bit.” One of the Munna stated before turning to Shine. “Thank you for saving my life and my friends. If we can repay you, just tell us how.”

“Well… if you remember me, we could use some help with getting into contact with the Illusio rebels.” The Female Levanny stated pleasantly, before placing her elbows on her hips and glaring at the Mandibuzz. “First we need to detain these vile vultures.”

“We may be vile, but we are closer to nature than you will ever be you sophisticates!” Says a Pokémon that likely made it a habit of eating the corpses of other Pokémon on the principle of being a carrion feeder. Whether the Mandibuzz caused said Pokémon to become a corpse didn't seem to matter to the vulture.

“Hey yeah, I remember you, you make really nice silk scarves!” So the Munna did know the female Leavanny.

That was one less worry off my mind and it seemed like the fighting was over for now, but I can’t help but feel that…

“Pom, our friends are being captured, Dodo be showing me these weird blue things that be doing something weird to stop them from getting away.” Well thanks for dropping that horseshoe Shanty, I was just beginning to think things were going too well today.

“It’s likely your friends got too close to some of the Wobble Wardens, Shadow Tag is exceptionally bad when backed up with other Pokémon who can quickly capitalize on it.” The Munna didn’t even question how Shanty knew that our friends have bene captured. Then again, Psychic Types did have the ability to share things mentally as if they had a familiar bond, so it actually wasn’t that much of a stretch for them really. “Escaping a Wobbuffet while tagged by them is functionally impossible without dealing with the Wobbuffet first, so they are used as rather effective prison guards. If they’ve caught your friends as you say, then they are likely being taken to the upper city tier and are going to be in for a world of pain or psychological scarring.”

-One hour later, Cerebrum City, upper tier, holding cells, Dazzle-

The walls were encrusted with Psychic Crystals lining the cell was starting to get to my head, but I had to hold it together for a little while longer. Needed to stay focused and draw his attention, the energy barrier was not something I could break and being powered by crystals I couldn’t touch.

Wobbuffet were not to be underestimated under any circumstance and I had something of a plan that would require Frizzle to agree to it. Thankfully she did and all I had to do was wait to implement it, which is if Gilgamesh would even bother with us personally.

Before they caught up to us and tagged Dodo, I had Frizzle hide in her Digivice. Right now, I was going to send a message to Pom and try to draw Gilgamesh’s attention somehow. I didn’t know if he would even…

“Oh what have we here? A curious communication device… can’t have you warning ‘The Hero’ about any plans you might find out about soon enough… so it’s mine now.” I was blindsided by blow my temple and then to my gut, with the second hit I was on the floor. Sitting up I saw Gilgamesh holding my Digivice. “Meh heh heh, you’re not getting this back.”

“NOOOO!!” My screech was actually as upset sounding as I needed it to be, as in this moment he tossed the device he took from me into his portals to never be seen again or… so he would like to think.

I hope Frizzle chose a good moment to act, because she was definitely smart enough to cause Gilgamesh big problems from within his own portal network.

“If you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to go mess with a dragons head. Some would say I’m the greedy or egotistical one, well they’ve never met a dragon before!” The grinning psycho left me on the floor bleeding a bit by entering a portal, I waited a bit and then grinned.

Still, did Gilgamesh seem oddly and incredibly insistent on Pom being ‘the hero’, despite Pom saying that Gilgamesh needed to die and didn’t like being called a hero?

Was Gilgamesh actively trying to force Pom to be a hero? That would be weird… like that orange catfish playing the banjo and dancing with its spider legs.

Well there goes my mind!

-Beyond the Gates of Babylon, Frizzle-

I came out of my Digivice and looked around, this place was really weird and glowing all over the place…

My current mission was to find Pom’s device and get it back to her, also to use Gilgamesh’s portals against him at an exceedingly opportune moment.

There was also finding interesting or unique items to store away into the digivice while I was trapped in here so that Gilgamesh wouldn’t be able to use them. I only had so much storage space, but I was determined to make what I was taking from here count.

They may have beaten, battered, bruised and mangled my friends, but I would have the last laugh eventually and I would hope Dazzle has a plan for how to get out of the situation she’s in. It was interesting that Psychic Type couldn’t detect Digimon unless they saw them while physically present.

Shenanigans were afoot and… oh hey, he has lots of fresh bread in here!

Maybe I’ll eat some, or more likely try to get all of it, then try to find the device he stole from Pom.

-Origin Space, Bahamut-

Hmm… interesting play by the poison salamander and her information fire virus familiar.

That’s really going to be a huge problem for Gilgamesh later when he tried to start taking things seriously.

If one has enemies, then it would be wise to not actively invite them into your inner sanctum without a watchful eye. Heard that was a problem with vampires.

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