• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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77. No valleys here...

-Elhorn, Zebulos Castle, Sparkster-

With the defeat of Gedol there were celebrations to be had.

I wasn’t doing much celebrating, if I were a lesser person I would have reveled in the power of the magical swords combined together and would have gone down a dark road like that of Axel Gear.

Instead, I sealed its power away in the cave where I fought Axel Gear for the first of the seven blades, Axel Gear would not be able to use its power and only the worthy could do so.

The sword would split when it was next needed by a different hero worthy of such power. I know that I might need it again one day and it wouldn’t split if I were to use its power for a just cause once more, but until then I was going to commission a fresh machine buster from a really good blacksmith. At least one that can make a blade to handle the pressure of my martial magic.

As I went to find the one that knew the history of our ancestors, I thought about how she had saved a lot of lives with her medical knowledge on the battlefield and was said to be kindness personified and that was seldom seen in all the other machines on Elhorn.

Once the west side of Devotindos fell, the remaining soldiers who could still fight and pressed forward to destroy a number of machine producing factories to the best of their abilities. Anything that could make an evil core was targeted immediately with extreme and understandable prejudice.

I was in The Factory itself at this time, where several evil cores were being produced as I fought my way through. One oddly created evil core presented me with a magical sword in a solemn manner that had left me spooked before it blew apart in a spectacular fashion.

“Excuse me, Nicole Beta.” I had finally found her in a hallway by herself, sitting on a bench. The machine with a heart.

“Yes, did you need something of me Sir Sparkster?” Her mechanical visage was a bit hard to look at. It vaguely resembled a cat turned machine, but at least she was one machine that wasn’t trying to destroy everything.

“Yes, I found something and was wondering, could you tell me what these are?” I pulled out a pouch and placed it into her dull metal fingers.

She took the pouch curiously and then opened it to look inside, only to immediately drop it on the floor and started backing away while looking at me with shock.

“Where did you get these?” Nicole stated in a tone that I didn’t like the sound of.



The golden power flooded my weary body. I had crash my way into The Factory and found my way down into the hollowed out earth where Gedol was hiding and I had just defeated Axel Gear.

“Tch… sorry you had to find out about this, but I think it’s time I took my leave.” Axel reached into a pouch and then tossed something that expanded in size into a portal, in the middle of the portal was a different part of Elhorn. “You’ve won this time Sparkster, but we’ll meet again eventually and I’ll finally surpass you!”

He rocketed forward on his damaged rocket pack.

I burst forth to intercept him and hopefully prevent his escape.

I lashed out with my sword to slow or injure him and missed, but not entirely. He turned to face me as he flew backwards into the portal and his eyes widened in horror.

“What… NO!” It was too late as he entered the portal holding out his gauntleted hand towards something that fell on the floor nearby.

The portal evaporated after he went through, on the floor there was a brown pouch.

I picked it up and looked inside, I carefully stowed the pouch away in my armor as I heard a dark laughter sound out and equally dark magic surrounded me.

My battle with Emperor Gedol was about to begin!

I’d worry about the contents of the pouch later.

-End Flashback-

“Do you know what they are?” I asked, a bit worried about what these things were if she recognized them and had such a highly unnerving reaction to them.

“Let me tell you how your ancestors got here, and then I’ll tell you how important it was that you have acquired these. You have just set things into motion… I now believe that you owe yourself your very existence.” Nicole Beta reached into the pouch and held up a single golden ring, she examined it with a slight bit of trepidation before slowly putting it back in with the numerous others and closed up the pouch, then she put it back in my hands. “Hold onto this pouch and tell no one of its existence until we need to use them all for one important event… the very start of your ancestors coming to Elhorn. If you were to decide otherwise then you will not hand them back to me. It all starts with a monster that creates horrid machines...”

I felt a sinking feeling in my gut.

-Nicole Beta-

A loop, that’s what this all was… a stable loop from the power of magical golden rings that warped both time and space. Axel only knew of the space aspect, had he known that he could have traveled time as well…

I could do it, I can ensure everyone here exists, that what we just did at Devotindos wasn’t all for nothing. It would ensure that evil cores existed and that Devotindos would be a blight on this world, but this world had good people and is home to the many descendants of Mobius.

The hope of this world rested on my shoulders and that the knight agrees to let me ensure that it all happens the way it is supposed to. If it didn’t, then Pom and her friends were doomed to be stuck on this world with no way home without the existence of the possum princesses and quite a number of things could happen to the people that were on those arks if they didn’t arrive on Elhorn.

The future beyond all this if I succeeded in what I soon planned to do… it was uncertain.

I would try my best to ensure that this world did not fall to ruin.

Already had the data packet compiled for the ‘me’ that would soon be copied from Nicole Prime’s data, she would steer the fleet towards an unknown future… that is to become my current present.

-World: Unknown, Place: Unknown, Time: Midday, Person:????-

“What in the… bro… BRO! Are you seeing this?!” I pointed to the sky as a hole slowly opened up in it.

“This is not some kind of prank is it Sis?” My step brother was a big dork, but he was my dork.

He should know as well as I do that we couldn’t have created special effects quite like this to prank him. No one currently in the park could possibly do whatever that was.

“Do you honestly think we can do stuff like this with what we actually have at home?” I shouted at him as I gripped my head.

“Well…” He actually considered it and I groaned.

“Bro look, there’s a hole in the air above the park!” I shouted at him. “This is serious, it could actually be a real alien invasion this time and not the one we made up during that parade!”

Our brothers and sisters started gathering and staring up at the hole and I stood in front of them all with my brother looking at the sky wondering what was about to happen.

Slowly a glowing white figure started coming into focus within the hole and they slowly floated down to the grass in front of us, the glow disappeared and the… is that a sheep?

The sheep like thing slowly opened her eyes and looked around and then sighed audibly while smacking her head with her left hoof. She was cute, adorable and there was just something about her that I wanted to be near.

I started to move forward only to be stopped by my brother’s paw.

“I’m saying no to whatever it was you were about to do on impulse!” My brother was being the logical one here and we looked upon the alien figure looking around for something. She seemed… lonely and lost. “It’s an actual alien, that’s the only explanation for… for all of this!”

The portal above us slowly closed up and the alien creature gave the sky a flat look after the portal disappeared.

Something was up with that creature and there was just something I liked about… her? It definitely looked like a female, the bell around her neck and white wool did make her seem reminiscent of a sheep. The brown bag she had slung over her left shoulder looked like it was used for traveling.

“It’s not the end of the world...” We both turn turned to our darkness spewing brother, for once he wasn’t predicting the end of the world, anything problematic or troublesome that would end up spooking the younger members of our family. “It’s not the end of the world at all, in fact… the future is so bright and… and… it’s… it’s absolutely beautiful… like a work of art from Da Vinci!”

He started sniffling and crying, that wasn’t like our apocalypse obsessed brother at all. This creature was having a strange effect on everyone in park as we all stared at her. At least those of us with four legs that actually bothered to look up to see this weird sight, the two legs and animalistics all around here ignored that this had even happened in front of them by constantly looking at their little devices.

Ugh, the things you miss when you were just that badly distracted! We just had an alien presence arrive on Earth in front of us for crying out loud!

Every single one of my brothers and sisters seemed enamored with the possible sheep’s presence, even I was enamored with her presence and it somehow didn’t seem like a bad thing.

“You sure it’s not another trick like that fake Martian invasion?” My brother was still a skeptic and the alien was standing not ten feet from us looking about in a panic… wait, what was she looking for in a panic?

She started to weep and all my brothers and sisters whined and started to move closer to her.

“Hey, she could be dangerous… also she’s sad about something.” News flash bro, everyone already knows that.

“Hey D-dog why did the park get so quiet all of the… sudden… oh… huh… wow…” Even our fox friend couldn’t look away from her, he was entranced by her as well and it still wasn’t a horrible feeling.

“Remember that thing that you and Dante said about nothing being out there Fergus? Yeah, that’s… that’s the biggest lie you’ve ever told me. We now definitively know that there are actually things out there.” My brother moved forward as the sheep wept into her hooves about something. “Since we’re looking at one… excuse me, uh… do you come in… peace?”

The sheep thing just looked at all of us and sighed, she was obviously intelligent and all she did was just nod yes.

She actually understood that and… wait… how does she know that nodding yes was a gesture that we would understand? I mean this is a strange alien being that came from a hole in the sky that we’re talking about here.

“Hey, is something the matter?” I asked as I approached to where my brother was standing, all our brothers and sisters started to crowd around the sheep thing and I could imagine a large sweat drop appearing on the side of her head as we crowded around her.

“At least this odd event of an alien showing up might actually get our families minds off almost being thrown into a machine and killed.” My brother whispered to me, but the… it still doesn’t feel like a sheep, not-sheep… narrowed her eyes on him with undisguised curiosity at the mention of machines.

“Bro… she can understand what we’re saying, so please don’t say anything dorky or stupid around her. You know, things like someone tried to kidnap our family and tried to kill us.” Things around here were about to get crazy with an alien right? Maybe she could… I don’t know… help all my brothers and sisters with their horrible nightmares? She kind of just produced this feeling of contentment just by being around her.

This was the first time since the incident that we managed to convince everyone to come to the park and… well… alien sheep thing. It was certainly a huge distraction from all our worries and fears, something we kind of needed as there wasn’t a therapist that could handle our entire family all at once.

“She can?” My bro said dumbly and the not-sheep thing nodded her eyes staring right at him. “Uh… hi there… we’re friendly. At least we try to be… I’m surprised that our mail guy hasn’t quit because of our family yet.”

“You and me both Slobber Face.” Then it finally sunk in for me and my brother.

“Oh dog, we can talk to an alien!” We said at the same time.

The not-sheep sighed and sat down in the grass, our youngest sister leapt into her lap and the not-sheep started to somberly pet our littlest sister gently with a hoof.

“Why isn’t she trying to talk back if she can understand us?” I wondered.

“Maybe she can’t.” My brother said and the not-sheep responded by nodding with a frown.

-Same world, Different Unknown Place, Time: midday, Person: ????-

“Ah this is the life.” I cut through an alleyway, it was safe enough during the day and… okay maybe not so safe.

“Stick them up or we’ll make mutton out of you!” I did as the three burly gorillas in suits holding me at gunpoint asked, given they were robbing me in broad daylight. Seriously, who does that?! These guys apparently… “You listen here trollop, if you scream for help, I will shoot you and we will steal your money. You stay quiet, hoof it over and we’ll let you go about your day.”

“I may be a trollop, but do you seriously have to rob me in broad daylight! Isn’t that like horribly bad for business?” I sent out a prayer for anyone who would listen, I needed a miracle, a sign that god can love even a four bit whore like me. Also it was a bit ironic that they should say they would make mutton of me.

Sure I sold my body for money and do it proudly, but I also tried to balance my karma by being a good little lamb during the day. The things that happened at night was a different story.

“You’re walking around Muggshot’s turf, then you are going to get the mugging toll regardless of your affiliations unless you’re one of his girls and he ain’t got no girls before you dare and try that ploy.” Okay, these guys weren’t very bright goons, but nobody seemed to care that a trollop was about to lose her money after a long night and I doubt I would receive help from the lazy bastards around here.

Well Mopsy Muttoncoddle, the orphans might just go hungry this day. I looked up for a sign that things would be okay and blinked… a hole in the sky?

Something was coming through it, it looked to be relatively big and made of metal… oh geeze?!

I flopped backwards as a bird shaped mass of metal dropped feet first on top of two of the thugs, the one that had been aiming the gun at me was one of them.

Okay, apparently god didn’t want the orphans to go hungry today. Making a note here, this hopefully isn’t going to be one of those stays in Mesa City Vegas things. A reminder, be extra generous with the portion sizes for the orphans this time.

This is hopefully a sign to keep up the good work as a friendly and loveable dancer for my club, I clearly got the message here! Stay the course, do not pass go and become a dick like half the people that I’ve slept with, got it.

The third goon looked confusedly at the large robotic… ostrich? As it tilted its head at him curiously, he decided to take a swing at it and it leaned its head back in shock and warbled in an adorable manner,

I then heard an angry voice with a bit of an accent to it.

“You be leaving Dodo alone!” I hadn’t seen the young goat kid until now, but that bandana looked cute on her head.

She rammed the goon in the stomach with her head then turned about and bucked him with her left leg, then her right and finally both at the same time upper cutting the goons chin with a powerful buck in a bloody show of force.

That final blow made the large muscular goon smash his head against the nearby brick wall and he was out for the count with a badly bleeding chin, the goat kid had some spunk and knew how to fight.

She looked at the two goons on the ground after the robot stepped off of them and she then turned to me to boggle at my appearance.

“Pom... what the… when did you be getting a… no… you’re not Pom… Pom doesn’t be having green eyes... or a red dress like that either.” The goat kid obviously thought I looked like somebody she knew aside from the slinky little number I was wearing.

How many ewes are out there that can match this steaming hot body on the night circuit? Me, that’s who, I was the most beautiful ewe around and I made bank around here for being an exotic animalistic.

I also helped people in need and boy did the sign I just received look like she needed my help or else she wouldn’t have landed right in front of me.

“No… I’m not this Pom you’re talking about, but how much do I look like her?” I was curious now concerning the reaction to me looking like someone she knew.

“Everything is being the same except for the wool over your right eye and your eyes are being green. Also Pom can’t be wearing a dress like that because of reasons. I’m Shanty, you’ll never meet a goat or a pirate on a boat that will always help it stay afloat thanks to someone quite like me~!” Okay, god obviously had a sense of humor sending me a young singing pirate goat named ‘Shanty’ of all things and the large mechanical ostrich was just plain out there.

It was best to just go along with it all to whatever conclusion this would lead to. It’s not like I haven’t seen weird things in Mesa City Vegas before… though this was kind of cutting a slice out of the cake and then taking the rest of the cake to leave the one slice behind.

-Equus, Canterlot, Celestia-

“Really sister?” Luna said in an angry tone as I was holding and entire cake in one hoof.

“Hey, I left you a slice.” Which was obviously quite generous of me, I usually never leave a single piece behind for someone else, but for my sister… I’d do almost anything.

I sneezed and couldn’t help but giggle afterwards, I had sneezed the slice of cake into being all over Luna’s face.

I placed my cake down and cut another slice off for an unamused looking Luna, never let it be said that I wouldn’t share with my beloved sister!

-Back to Shanty in progress, Mopsy Muttoncoddle-

“You- wouldn’t happen to need help would you sweetie?” I asked sincerely, I do like helping people and being an excellent lover certainly helped some people more than others. “The names Mopsy Muttoncoddle, local er… bed inspector and dancer extraordinaire!”

“Actually, yes, where do I happen to be now? Oh and this is my partner Dodo.” The machine warbled at the introduction, it looked so alive and… it was breathing?! “Also, I know what prostitutes are. I be born on an island that be having pirates after all.”

Okay don’t think about it too hard, weird things, Mesa City Vegas, always hoof in hoof, par for the wacky putting golf course of life and I still have orphans to raise to be intelligent, somewhat functional, members of society.

“I’ll tell you where you are, but can you help me with something first, I owe a bunch of kids a really big breakfast and I’m a bit late.” I eyed the machine that Shanty called Dodo as I said this. “I need someone to help me carry some takeout.”

If the machine was as smart and alive as it looked to be, it would certainly help with carrying it all.

-Same world, different unknown place again, Time: Midday, Person: ????-

Ah, today was another good day to hang out with my cousins, sisters and best friends. It took a bit of time to acclimate to all the newness about my father, but today was going to be a great…

Something opened up in the sky outside the mansion, it didn’t look like a problem we’ve previously had before.

It was a call like every other I’ve ever heard around here… a call… to a new adventure with my crazy family!

“Everyone, I got something to look into, you know all the random magical stuff that usually happens at our sleepovers… guess what, it’s happening right now!” I was immediately leaping into the nearest vent to use a shortcut to see what was going on. “Eeeeee!”

“Oh boy, here we go… what it’ll be this time. Vampires, werewolves, zombies, stone gargoyles or actual gargoyles?” One of my best friends said in a sardonic manner, but I knew she was just as excited as I was as I crawled away.

I didn’t hear much of the conversation after that as I was already rushing out the door and looking to see two figures floating down and then the glowing disappeared and I noted that one figure was holding the other.

Okay one was orange, had wings and horns. A dragon, and a really small one at that, that didn’t look vicious and she was holding a… whoa, I didn’t even have an idea what that was!

It looked like a ladybug and mixed with a sword horse, I didn’t even know such a combination could exist… but…. wait… something was wrong here. The dragon looked at me and held the bug thing against herself protectively.

“It’s okay, I’m not going to do anything. Well of course I’m not going to do anything, but well… things happen around here and you’re the latest in a long line of oddball things my family has had to deal with… so anyway, I’m Webby!” I stated excitedly at the possibility of making new friends.

“Smolder… and… this is my comatose special friend Ocellus. Ozzy… she… still hasn’t woken up from the incident that left her like this.” My heart went out to her, she was holding her friend close and I wouldn’t know what to do if one of my friends were in a coma like that. “I hope she’ll wake up soon, because she’s at least conscious enough to eat everything I’m giving her.”

“What are you feeding her?” I asked sweetly.

“Literally enough, all my love.” While that sounded amazing, Smolder’s friend being in this state made me sad.

Author's Note:

Hints all around, name the three specific worlds based on the information here and I'll open up the name of this fusion.

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