• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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328. Forest Ops 3.

-Equus, Ponyville, Tianhuo-

“I figured you need a break from training the guards up, I’m fairly sure Pom is alright.” Fizzlepop Berrytwist was still a highly unusual mare, but she was treating me to lunch after training with most of the Fœnum counterparts of the Shadow Fighters.

“How do you do it?” I said as I felt Ruff climbing up my back to snuggle against me, the Canis Minor puppy missed hearing from Pom too. The other three puppies, Woof, Tuft and Puff were a bit more patient and likely believed in their Baa-Baa as much as I tried to.

“How do I let Jaded run wild without worrying about whether or not she’ll come back to me, well she better or else I have an entire nation as an answer to whoever hurts her.” Ah yes, she was the Storm Queen, the storm creatures have actually been thriving under her rule. “Also, if I hear Saddle Arabia had a major incident, I’ll know it was Jaded’s fault somehow. So there is that.”

I couldn’t help myself and found that humorous enough to break my decorum, so I snorted loudly.

I have good friends and acquaintances, I can only hope Pom wasn’t in mortal peril and had just as many good friends watching her back. I have faith that she was in good hooves if she were not completely safe… and had a very good reason she couldn’t call me for more than a week.

-Pokémon World, Ransei, Near Power Spot, Shanty-

It was when we be almost being where the campsite was that we be coming under a sudden attack from the side, one that I be expecting entirely. This was kind of being a thing with Pom already, so we be in some serious danger, as usual.

I leapt up and slash my right hoof out to block the blade of a green bipedal mantic creature known as a Scyther going for a stab on Pom. I knocked them back a fair distance as I got onto my hind legs and grabbed for my weapon as I moved to face them.

Quickly bringing out my scythe cane and readying it, I be staring down the green arm bladed Scyther as Pom looked to the left and leapt behind me with her right hoof pulled back and a second later I heard a grunt of pain at my back. As long as it is not being the sound of Pom getting hurt, I’m fine.

Also I won’t be using cutting arcs against these guys, they are clearly not in their right mind and looking into their eyes says as much.

The creature raised both its arms and pulled back its right while fluttering up a bit on its wings before it shot forward. I be narrowing my eyes a bit, I stepped back as it swung it’s right arm down for me and then stepped forward into its attempt to stab me with its left by thrusting it forward.

I avoided being hit, I could even feel the air coming from its left arm as I be bringing the butt of my cane up into its chin staggering it slightly. With a quick spin to my left and bringing my can around as I did so, I hammer it across the face with a sharp crack using the back of my cane. This immediately toppled the green scythed armed monster.

It was up within a second and coming back at me with wild abandon, I quickly had to dodge its furious swings that started to send cutting blades of air out when it was suddenly blown away and past me by steaming hot water blast to the back.

I be quickly collecting the water above my left hoof and waited for it to cool down before wrapping my left leg with it. As I kept my scythe cane held in my right hoof.

“Oof!” Hearing Pom, I turned to see her rolling to the side as a red bug tried to snap its claws around her neck while she was on her back, the claw missed and became embedded in the dirt where it got stuck.

Pom slapped her right hoof across her left as she rose up onto her hind legs with her back to the bug and thrust a spinning and burning uppercut into the left side of the red bugs head knocking it down. That must be a Scizor. After knocking it down and breathing roughly Pom be looking my way, as she quickly be flicking her hoof and the wool shifted with those movements to make the flames on it go out.

“Are you okay Shanty?” She asked as she looked to Ocellus had quickly switched into her dragon form to fight off, or lacking the ability to do that, survive the strange pink bipedal monster with strange scything arm claws trying to attack her. Pom then be mumbling something that had me thinking I need to keep being wary of our acquaintances. “That doesn’t look like one of the Pokémon that the Ponyta mentioned.”

“Aye, I’m being fine Pom!” I eventually answered, Wasn’t even going to ask if she was okay, I know I might be getting a lie about how well you’re doing. “Was that what was coming at my back?”

“Yeah, those Scizor are faster and tougher than I expected. Be careful around them Shanty. So far Flying and Bug, Bug and Steel, but what’s that pink one? It doesn’t look like a Leavanny.” Good question Pom, definitely didn’t see that one in the scythe armed monsters that were said to be around here.

“It’s a Lurantis. Grass type, it just looks like a bug type!” Lumber Spry answered as she was stomping and bucking away tiny little scythe leaf bugs that looked like smaller versions of the Lurantis.

“This is a grass type?!” Said a struggling Ocellus, she suddenly inhaled and blasted it in the face with some flames. The wild flailing berserk grass Pokémon be wailing and covering its face as it stumbled backwards.

“They are stronger in sunlight and are physical powerhouses, these smaller ones are their previous form, Fomantis!” There sure where a lot of the smaller plant bulb crowned ones crawling everywhere and trying to stab with their much smaller limbs. “Didn’t honestly think there were any of these around!”

“Out of curiosity… Shanty duck!” A red blur shot over head from Pom’s warning, I lashed out with the water encompassing my left hoof and grappled it before it could get to Dolly who was bashing a number of Fomantis away with both bone and board in large sweeping attacks of both, she barked something to Pom and it sounded fairly distressing. With a hard yank I be heaving the Scizor into a nearby tree with the back of its head slamming into it, dazing it for a bit. “What’s the name of this particular forest anyway? I already have a hunch seeing what we’re dealing with, also do those Scizor always have to come at you from behind really fast like that?”

“We’re in Binder Blade Forest, and yes they do if they think they are fast enough for it to actually work.” Several more blasts of boiling liquid be surging forth and cleared a path forward before us through the various scythe limbed Pokémon. “At least we’re not likely to see berserk Gallade running about, male Ralts tend to like living here too.”

Every time I be hearing a new Pokémon name, I be wanting to hear what it be looking like. Now wasn’t being the time as I slapped away a leaping Fomantis with the flat of my blade.

“Binder as in ‘REAPER’ Blade Forest? Of course that would be the name of this forest!” Pom groused out flatly as she be snapping out a buck at another Lurantis that be coming at us from the direction we came in and be sending it flying back that way.

Several spheres of shadowy energy blasted into the monsters surrounding us and a flaming bread loaf be knocking down the Scizor I be slamming into the nearby tree a second ago, said Scizor looked to be aiming for my throat before Dodo be hitting it with that loaf. The burning loaf be hurting it a lot from the way it be twitching with the flaming bread embedded in its face.

I should consider telling Dodo to not be making bread for Frizzle anymore, but she be looking too cute while eating it to say no. Plus she would be begging Dodo for it and then me by association, I knew I be addicted to rum but Frizzle made it art form to be absolutely addicted to bread.

“Shed!” Shedinja tilted their whole body in the direction of the airship. Didn’t need to tell us twice!

“Ocellus come on!” I turned and lashed out my left hoof to fire a one hoofed Riptide into the Lurantis that was keeping Ocellus busy, it was knocked over by the blast of water and didn’t seem to be taking any damage from the water itself.

Oh right… its being a grass type, not a bug type. Water is not being too helpful for those or Fomantis then.

Ocellus turned and started running as a swarm of Fomantis be coming out of the wood work only to be pushed back by arcs of boiling water raining down at them instead of directly on them. They be making horrible screeches as they clawed at each other as much as they tried to claw at us. It be like they were fighting for the opportunity to get to use first.

“Okay, I would like to know what caused these guys to start attacking in force!” Ocellus be shouting as she flew for it and started to fire blasts of flames at the various Pokémon… most of them being weak to fire, this was to our advantage.

What wasn’t to our advantage was the need to avoid setting the forest on fire and or destroying the homes of those that live here. That is being why Ocellus was being careful in her usage of fireballs.

“The second away team is on the way back with a Leavanny and they are moving like crazy Pokémon are after them!” Cotton, informed us of the obvious, as she be spraying feathers everywhere into the path of the bugs slowing them down. The three Morpeko fired bolts of lightning into the surrounded Pokemon. “It is in my ex-per-tease based opinion that I say we better be getting gone while we can be getting, those Hypno units are almost here too.”

“Then we need to hold the feral Pokémon here for them to deal with!” Pom stated as she continued to fire Thousand Spears one after another from her left leg as she back up towards the airship. The jets of air lashing out into the number of them coming at us, until boiling hot jets of water pushed back the various Pokémon encroaching on us.

Charjabug be zooming past me whining in fright as he did so, he had held his own pretty well thus far.

I turned and be running around the humongous tree with the crystals around it’s base for the airships large ramp, Dodo already be loading the wagon up onto it and was standing on the deck. He is clearly being happy to see me.

Smolder was shooting fireballs from the air near the giant tree as was circled around the right side of it to backside where our campsite used to be. The Araquanid were up on deck of the airship and they be barraging the wild Pokémon encroaching on us from behind.

“Ocellus, get Smolder and secure the wagon to the deck. Shanty, Dolly, with me in defending the ramp so we can get Canard and the companions in.” I quickly moved to the ramp as did Dolly and Pom. I took up a position left of the ramp on the starboard side, Pom was in the middle and Dolly was one the right and we all be facing the direction we came from. “This forest is positively crawling with insane Pokémon, we’re not leaving anyone behind to them.”

“Definitely looks like we’ve stirred up a hornets nest, thankfully they aren’t beedrill, but this is just as bad!” One of the Ponyta shouted before firing off a beam from their horn into the horde of incoming trouble.

“I’ll prep the balloon for repairs, we’re going to need it up and soon!” Gone was the cheerful disposition as Inky Dye took on a more serious demeanor. “Hold them off until we can get that Leavanny to do the repair work. Ink is already prepped and ready to lift us off once we’re done getting the balloon back in shape. We’re going to need to fix all the other problems the ship might have after we lift off, until then keep them off of my ship!”

“Can it fly when we repair the balloon? These guys seem like a bit much!” You were not the only one thinking that we be needing to leave Pom.

“Yes, it’ll fly once we get the balloon sealed by a specialist and all Leavanny are definitely specialist in fabrics, clothing and designs.” Answered one of the Ponyta. “The ship will fly, just not very well given all the repairs we had to make from when it slammed into the ground. We just need to be well above the forest to be safe, none of these Pokémon can fly very high without pushing themselves.”

“Rarity would probably have loved to befriend one of these Leavanny with that in mind.” Ocellus did be making me curious about Rarity and how she might be upset to be meeting me.

Ocellus and Smolder were securing the wagon, I turned and watched as the swarms of Pokémon fight amongst themselves as much as they tried to come and fight us too. I did not be liking this chaos very much and likely knew how Pom felt about it as the Araquanid held off the various bladed Pokémon from leaping up onto the ship with hot steam as a deterrent.

“This is the country with the most Psychic Types right?” Smolder asked seeing the swarms of Pokémon starting to pour in from all sides instead of just one direction, none of them were being psychic types.

“Again, most Psychic Types have low birth rates and it’s only somewhat from the lack of trying!” One of the Ponyta answered as they fired a beam from their horn into the increasing crowd to try and keep them off of the ship. “We Ponyta sadly almost have a higher birthrate than most of the other Psychic Types combined.”

“I see something… can we spare an Araquanid on this side!” Pom called out and Dolly barked something as she put away her bone and held up a paw. “In a second Dolly, but get ready to blow a path open for them if it’s them.”

Dolly nodded and turned as a Scizor screeched and came at us in a blur, I surged forward and slashed out with my cane held in both hooves. Only for my weapon to be caught by its right pincer as its left came at me while wide open.

Pom was immediately at my side and moved in to deflect it upwards with her right hoof and then launched a thrusting left kick into its stomach and sent it stumbling back far enough that it got embroiled in a rather rabid fight with Scyther. It be just like watching cats at the docks fighting over a rotten piece of fish.

I looked to Pom and noticed a splotches of red in her wool as it was packed over her left side to staunch the bleed and she be noticing my staring.

“It’ll be okay Shanty.” Pom quietly answered the unasked question, she had taken a hit at some point when I wasn’t watching. Her ears twitched and she turned to look forward into the hordes of Pokémon randomly fighting around the airship, some were actually wandering aimlessly in a daze and some that accidentally touched the psychic crystals went into an absolute frenzy. It is being a good thing I be heeding that warning to not touch one. “To the east Dolly!”

Dolly finished slapping away a Fomantis with the flat of her board, then turned and ran to leap up onto Pom’s back and then hopped straight up and be turning in the air to face the direction the front of the airship mostly be pointing. As Pom brought up her front hooves and struck them together, I already knew what she was doing.

While it wasn’t as powerful as her Thousand Spears: Huo, the horizontal tornado of flames be a combo technique Dolly and Pom had worked to perfection while we were training for a week and it be covering a wider area in a very explosive manner.

“Ar-roo!” The horizontal flaming tornado cleared a huge path in the horde of Pokémon swarming around the airship and I be seeing what Pom be noticing on the other side of the hordes assaulting us.

It was soon followed by boiling arcs of water keeping the area clear of Pokémon, several were being knocked out by splashes and impact of the water slapping against the ground with explosive force.

Canard soon be charging forward through the open now gap with a tall green Pokémon held protectively over his right shoulder. Sami was running at his side and be batting away Fomantis physically with her weapon.

Quetal leapt up and intercept a Scyther with his claws and flipped kicked off of them, knocking them into a Scizor. A Lurantis was deflected when Lit be blasting it with lightning bolt. Dazzle was simply tearing a swath through them with flaming whips and Frizzle supporting her with flames, they were holding the path open for the Morpeko who were swiftly firing bolts of energy in every direction to keep the Fomantis off of them.

“Hoo-wee~! We got a real monster house going on here!” Where was Cotton being since we got here? She wasn’t being very present and she just shows up now all of the sudden. “Oh and the Hypno units are coming in from the west, just thought you would like to know they’ll be here soon.”

After having stated that she flapped her wings and hundreds of black feathers flew off of her wings and battered the Lurantis and Scizor coming at us slowing them down as the feathers started getting stuck to them.

“Mundo take her onboard!” Canard called out as the Mundo saluted and took the Pokémon off his shoulder. Afterward Canard’s hand started to glow and there were now glowing squares coming off his hockey stick as he stopped and swung it into the head of a Scyther coming for him and Sami, the flat of the blade be connected and it was sent flying as if it be struck with a thunderous force.

Canard was being quite strong, but whatever he was doing was making him a bit stronger.

“Wow, you certainly got a hang of using digital energy…” Sami stated as she looked up to Canard starry eyed.

“Get stuck long enough in the digital world and you pick up a few things. Move it Sami, get onboard and cover us from there! Shoot to disable, stick to single shots and please remember that these people aren’t in their right mind!” Canard commands, Sami salutes and was immediately running towards us. Canard stayed back and be helping the others through the horde of Pokémon going crazy.

Canard be slowly backing up towards us as he bashed and beat back several scythe armed monsters at once with his hockey stick.

“Thank… you…” The green Pokémon weakly stated as Mundo carried her past us with the three Morpeko going up the ramp, soon Sami was with us and then turned around to aim her rifle and she be taking shots at the bigger Pokémon tripping up a Lurantis by hitting its outer thigh in a painful manner.

“Lumber Spry, get that Leavanny up and healthy now, we need that balloon up like yesterday!” Inky Dye shouted over the screeches of Pokémon being knocked out, whether it be being scalding hot water, hooves or Pokémon attacks, we were knocking out a lot of them in droves.

A Scyther lunged for me with its raised left arm and I blocked it with the shaft of my weapon, then kicked up into its chest with my rear left hoof and I went into a three hoof crouched to be ramming my own skull into its head. It went down, flopping and rolling away.

“Keep it up Shanty until we’re ready to take off and everyone is aboard, Dolly and I are going to be the last ones on.” Lit squeaked in protest as he stopped next to us and fired several bolts of lightning to fend off the many scythe limbed bugs and plants coming at us. “Until then we’re going to be keeping them from damaging the lower portions of the ship.”

Lit then hopped onto Dolly as she threw the bone and it rebounded off of the skull of a Fomantis and she caught it as it came flying back, she barked cheerfully while wagging her tail at Lit’s weight.

“Guys, don’t get distracted.” Stated Pom as she flicked her left hoof out to catch a Scizor by the base of its right claw, she slapped it across the face with her right hoof and…

I be ducking back and brought the blade of my scythe weapon up at an angle to deflect the Lurantis attempt to catch me off guard. I held its left blade in lock and over its right limb to prevent it from stabbing me with it, I then be pulling the Lurantis into a kick with my right hind leg knocking them back and Frizzle bashing them across the back of the head with a hammer blow using both her claws.

The Lurantis now down I turned back to watching Pom how Pom was doing.

Pom’s right hind leg was raised high up in the air and she was in the middle of a jump and brought it down slamming into the Scizor forehead to end up bouncing its face off the ground with a painful cracking noise as its armored form bounced and came to a rest. It was still breathing, but the fight definitely went out of it with that heel drop.

A scythe was about to stab her from the left and found its stabbing blade blocked by Dolly leaping into the way with her board in her left paw, she brought the bone around in her right to slam it across the head dazing it.

Dolly landed and planted the bone to sweep the legs out from under it swiftly and then, using the pivoting motion, promptly brought around and jammed her board into the Scyther’s chest taking it down. Lit blasted a few Fomantis keeping them off of Dolly.

“Still so many of them… I wish there was something more we could do for them aside from beating the snot out of them.” Which is why our takedowns are being quite swift Pom, we didn’t be wanting to hurt them more than we be having to. Also I do not be thinking about it, but I think some of them be dying or killing each other. “You okay Shanty.”

“I would be being so if this situation were less dire.” Yes, this is being horrible, these were the poor Pokémon being driven mad. Now if only they weren’t all wielding dangerous blade for arms.

“Hey don’t use fire near the ship, if it lights up, we might not be able to put it out before the whole ship is ablaze!” One of the Ponyta stated worriedly and I turned to see Dazzle and Frizzle turn and stood between us.

“It’s really that bad if there’s even a little fire near the ship? Well that’s not going to be very helpful, considering we kind of need fire here!” Dazzle looked towards me wide eyed and then leapt on top of me a blaze of energy flew past where we were.

“The Hypno’s are here, not that they’ll make the situation any better, but at least they can put the violent Pokémon to sleep!” Squawked Cotton quite loudly.

“Yeah, and they’ll taste quite good when we eat their minds if you leave them behind like Gilgamesh thinks you will! Some hero leaving these innocents to our tender mercy!” That must be the leader of the five units that started assault the many Pokémon between us and them. They be approaching from the west, the back end of the ship. “Kadabraville probably isn’t doing so hot these days either once the Drowzee are through with it!”

“It’s either that or we leave them to be torn apart by these feral blade monsters.” If it’s being a choice Dazzle, then I would be choosing the option that gets us out of here quickly with the ship we need to be on taking the least amount of damage. Also with the least amount of bodies caused by us personally.

“Well, there’s no choice for it and it’s a good thing that I’m not a hero then… we’re going with plan A and holding out long enough to get the airship in the air and we’re leaving as quickly as we can. If no matter what we do ends poorly for those involved, I’m free of having to make a conscious decision to endanger myself for those I want to protect the most over trying to save everybody I can.” Pom actually be sighing in relief after saying this, so she doesn’t have to make a sacrifice here as it would be impossible to prevent dire circumstances even if she did. Which is being quite good to know. “That’s not to say I won’t try to make sure half the Hypno’s are out cold and forced into a retreat with their before leaving, but I really would rather not have to fight through the feral Pokémon to get to them and I would still have to make sure that nothing damages the ship by staying close to it. We’ve got to make some time anyway.”

Pom you say you’re not a hero, you say you’re not trying to be one, and then you be coming up with a simple solution to try and save the most people you can. Was it any wonder that I be looking up to her?

“They still have to be attacking the ship if they want to stop us and they have to be doing that while under assault.” I said with a smile as the Hypno already be having problems with having to fend off the horde of plant and bug types swarming the area around the massive tree. “They will be likely retreating right?”

“Oh we’re not going to retreat until we’ve dealt a final blow to you!” One of the Hypno shouted, he was slightly larger than the others. The other Hypno around him were fighting off the highly aggressive natives of this forest.

“Then I’m sorry you think so lightly of your comrades lives, much less your own unless you’re planning to leave them like a coward!” Pom called back before bucking away a Scyther, but both her hooves connected at different spots with its chest and lower body launching it away. “You’re just here to hound me and make me regret coming after Gilgamesh. I’m already regretting it with how dangerous things are getting now, but he currently has something that belongs to me!”

“Push forward!” The Hypno called out to all his units holding their ground currently, though the Hypno looked a little worried as they be taking hits from Bug Type attacks.

“Well there’s no diplomacy to be had here…” Lamented Pom before she turned to one of the Ponyta. “How long do you need to fix that balloon?”

“Ten minutes, unless we want to do a rush job to make it five and then we’ll be fixing the balloon in mid-air, not a really great prospect!” One of the four unnamed Ponyta answered.

“Araquanids scald around the base of the ship to create a steam fog, Morpeko electrify the surroundings to the best of your abilities, keep the small ones from climbing onto or clinging to the ship.” Pom ordered and the Araquanids started spraying the ground closer to the ship, they were a bit slow because of the size of the airship and there were only four of them. “Shanty, Dolly, I’m willing to ask for help with this.”

“Are you asking me what I think you be asking me to do?” This might be one of the most dangerous things I’ve ever done in a while, that Lu Bu guy had me dead to rights if not for that Hideyoshi guy.

“Count me in until we need to break and leave.” It seems Quetal wanted to help stop the Hypno too, he was deflecting several scythes at once with his claws as he bounced around with a Scyther, a Lurantis and another one of those green Pokémon like the barely sane one that be carried onto the ship.

“Count me in!” Favela stated as moved up to my side and slapped away several Fomantis with her vine whips.

“Well that’s really dangerous, so let’s make it a good team effort!” Dazzle lashed several Pokémon back with two whips of fire. Frizzle seemed to agree with Dazzle as she nodded and then slammed her chin into the top of the Scyther she was holding in a headlock.

“Again, be careful with that fire around the ship made of highly combustible fairy wood!” A Ponyta admonished as Dazzle was being pretty close to the ship.

“We don’t know if we can even get them to run successfully, but it’ll be quite a grand play for the net if you can pull it off.” Canard didn’t sound like he be saying no, he shoulder checked a Lurantis and be sending it skidding away with his hockey stick. “Just remember that the ship is our top priority.”

“I’ll stay on task Canard, the Araquanids, Ponyta and Morpeko can hold them off. We just need to take down the head of the Hypno unit, I doubt they would want to stick around if we take out their leader and most of them.” Even as she says this I was back to back with Pom fending off several Scyther at once and I be using my canes blade more as these Pokémon are being tough enough to survive it. Pom threw a nasty right hook into a Scyther’s face and grunted as it still managed to lodge its blade in her right shoulder, she threw a quick left into its face knocking it down and then rubbing the wool over the new wound. “Besides they are having enough trouble focusing on us when there are this many Pokémon attacking everything in sight.”

“Here’s a heal pulse for you, the Leavanny is up and working!” Lumber Spry announced before lighting up her horn and hitting Pom with a Heal Pulse and her wool moved out the way of her recent wounds as she was healed. “Can you grab a few more? We might be able to speed up our departure with several Leavanny working on it.”

“Smolder, Ocellus, you can work on capturing any extra Leavanny!” Pom turned to face the horde between us and the Hypno.

“Can do!” Both Smolder and Ocellus called back.

“Okay, let’s do this, Team Harmony!” Favela fired a few seed bombs and blasted apart a crowd of Fomantis in our way.

“We’ll be back when we see the Balloon going up! Shanty start clearing a road!” Pom called over her shoulder as she motioned for me to start forward, I be charging while swinging my scythe without empowering the arcs.

I didn’t want to seriously injure these people, I created a swath of space as I swept Pokémon out of the way with wide sweeps of my weapon and Favela was assisting me by sweeping a path with her vine whips too.

-Head Hypno-

This wasn’t quite according to plan, but I’ll let it slide if they were willing to fight their way to us.

So that was our primary target, the white wooly one.

I used my Hypnosis move to quickly put several of the blade armed Pokémon on approach for my unit and found even more wild ones coming at us over the sleeping bodies.


Hmm… all according to plan, heh heh heh, my ex-per-tease is about to shine through!

-Origin Space, Arceus-

“Needs more oregano.” Bahamut was offering some rather nice suggestions.

“I’m partial to a lime and thyme combo myself.” Tiamat was equally amiable to making her own suggestions with her main head.

“Grated cheese please!” Mew stated with a cheerful lilt as they levitated up their bowl of chili to me.

Not to snub my guests, but I would see to Mew first before addressing their suggestions as something I would think on.

“Please be alright Pom.” Whined sweet Suicune, who was now wearing a shirt that had ‘I heart Canine Queen’ written on it with a picture of Pom’s smiling face on it.

Apparently Suicune bought it from Smeargle merchants made for four legged canines, I should keep careful watch on that in case this cultist behavior went to absurd levels of devotion and put a stop to it if it goes over a certain boundary.

I will not have another death cult like Team Plasma or Team Galactic pop into existence on my watch, not after the mess they made of that one timeline in particular.

There’s also Team Rainbow Rocket to ‘mildly’ worry about, but they are spending more time killing themselves off in various realities by accident, so really it’s more dark humor thing than anything to watch them in action whenever they get the idea to be cute dimensional hoppers and are formed from the advanced technology to do so. Never ends well for them really.

I’m not even doing anything to Rainbow Rocket’s dimensional shenanigans for that stuff to go horribly wrong. Ah… watching Giovanni being immediately eaten by a Guzzlord upon coming out of a portal was one of the better highlights of my very long life, the look on his face as he fell into its mouth was rather priceless.

Thankfully the Mewtwo escaped the incident mostly unscathed and has been rehabilitated from the horrors he experienced and is a functioning member of society, now he currently lives on the other side of the planet in the mystery dungeon areas from Ransei with the five other Pokémon that specific Giovanni had with him. Don’t know why Giovanni always limits himself to six Pokémon like everyone else in every realm he appears in, if he was a real villain he would carry more like eighteen or twenty on him at all times under a trench coat and wouldn’t care about the rules of engagement... because evil.

I’m just surprised that hasn’t come up yet.

Wandering thoughts aside, Suicune was still one of mine… even if she found something like a deep rooted appreciation for a mortal. Suicune… Suicune did realize that Pom was mortal right? One would think there was enough cat in the three legendary beasts to not be attracted to Pom, apparently Suicune was the outlier as I don’t see this kind of behavior coming from Raikou or Entei.

Anyway, I was never to be a terrible host, besides I had a deal going on with the two dragons and I was curious… mostly about the 'summons' of the worlds the dragons were from and how my Legendary Pokémon would compare to other raw forces of nature. Apparently the Moon Cell had the data after eons of sitting in orbit of a single planet repeatedly shaped by destruction, said destruction occurs once the civilization grew too bold to start looking beyond their tiny world.

I certainly would never do that, I wanted to see my civilizations grow and do interesting things like travel beyond their world to see others I had taken a lot of effort to even make. That banana slug planet took forever to get right. I mean it wasn’t easy to make smart fruit slugs in the first place, much less an entire planet for them to live on.

The Deoxys certainly weren’t the only alien species I made, well alien to the planets I’m specifically more focused on watching at least. They weren’t alien to me, the Ultra Beasts might be a bit estranged, but they were still children of mine too.

Moon Cell was certainly going to use that capability to pull from history, since it can functionally summon heroes from the history it knows. The question was, what amount of history does it ‘currently’ have and from where?

If it has multiple world’s worth, then it will be a terror to take down.

Well it might actually be simpler than I think to take down, because it’ll be forced to play to my rules in part that ‘normal’ bipedal primates can’t exist in this world and its current invasion force reflects what little it is capable of doing right now from that rule needing to be met.

One thing is for sure, we must not lose any heroes in its presence. Lest those heroes become the very thing we must fight against to save this world.

It was already invading Valora and the continent of Ransei has yet to realize the terrible growing issue among all the fighting Gilgamesh started, it was quite deplorable for someone like him to be working with the Moon Cell. Though his reasoning and methods are fairly asinine, I can see where it would work if people were aware of the full scope of the oncoming problem.

Unfortunately, they would become aware of said problem when it becomes absolutely blaringly obvious as to not be possible to ignore except for the dumbest, densest beings around. I’m talking so dense that even Slowpokes, some of the slowest pink salamander sloths to ever exist, would have long since picked up on the issue before that… even if they will still be slow to react to it. I’m of course thinking of Dragon Types, should have honestly used slightly more brains than brawn for some of them when I was conjuring them into existence.

At least the entirety of the Slowpoke line were far smarter than most would give them credit for, they were the only Pokémon line to make a mass exodus out of Illusio before most had even realized that Gilgamesh had usurped the throne and would become a major problem. Gilgamesh didn’t even know they escape from under his watchful eyes far too easily. Said Slowpoke were now helping Fontaine rebuild from that noisy wyvern disaster, even if their aid was comically slow.

The western side of the continent were already setting up for it unknowingly and mostly had their acts together, Violight and Chrysalia being the most actively ready to handle a crisis across three realms. The other kingdoms needed more time to recover from their recent various issues.

Author's Note:

To be brutally honest to myself... I think my writing is suffering and I lack focus at the moment.

I'm not in hiatus, because I'm still trying to finish this massive doorstopper of a story. One would expect me to stop, but I don't currently see a cancelation sign on this story unless I was going to do that for April Fools.

Also... darn you Zelda: Tears of The Kingdom!

I think I'm through more than half the game, minus the need to fully upgrade armor, find all the Korok seeds and or explore every inch of the map possible for secrets. I bee-lined most of the ground shrines from the air, the upgraded sky diving suit was exceptionally useful in that respect.

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