• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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411. Approaching Midgar.

-Pokémon Realm, Ransei Continent, Kingdom of Aurora, within the first thirty minutes of invasion, Geoff-

Electro-Balls flew forth from the other Wooloo units who didn’t have time to start up a full Unit Round attack, then my unit began a Round with me starting it off.

“So Fa La Ti Do~” I sang out a Round blasting apart the invaders.

“Ti Do~!” One wooloo followed with a Round.

“Fa Lo~!” Another Round fired getting ever more powerful.

“So~!” The other two Wooloo sang blasting apart the jellyfish machine producing trouble in our homeland in a soundwave so powerful it could tear a hole in the sky.

“Get the Whismur, Loudred and Exploud, also gather all the visiting Toxtricity bards and anyone who can use sound attacks, we’re going to make some noise!” I shouted and got cheers from the normal types. “Dubwools are going to be in the house, then we’ll get stepping!”

I wouldn’t be surprised if Mystery Dungeons were popping up and slinging these monsters out all over the continent.

-Yggdrasil.sys Digital Realm, Somewhere on the Arceus Disk System and File Continent, ????-

My fist plowed through the enemy with very little resistance.

“I’m Metal Etemon and I dare you to find something that can deal with me!” I shouted as I pounded my chest with my fists, I had gotten ready for this inevitability and I was indestructi… what the?!

I found myself being hauled into the air and my body threatened to tear itself apart.

“It is quite unfortunate for you that I… *Shink*.” The red and purple armored guy stopped talking and then slowly split entirely in half, behind him was an average looking white wolf with a faint amount of paint on her tail.

I silently watched as she calmly padded off as a wisp of life flew out of the body she left behind. The wolf’s white fur shined vibrantly like the sun itself and I could see faint wisps of red coming off of it, the red highlights was very important even if I couldn’t see them that well.

Now there was a wolf I wouldn’t want to mess with. I might not be the most smartly coded digimon, but I can recognize the signs of a divine creature when I see it even as well-hidden and faint to me as they were.

“Whoa yeah, that was a victory for us Digimon!” I shouted and pumped my right fist, we might be able to do something about this Moon Cell hoo-ha invading our world. Already heard that the Digi-destined we met earlier were already on it, but they were probably going to need some help and I’ve got metal form to do so. “Let’s show them the Kings Kames gang will not be held down!”

“Ogremon’s Basher Bullies are the ones that bully, not get bullied!” One of the Goblimon yelled as they joined me on the crusade… only because they didn’t want anything more evil than them to exist around here, but Yggdrasil.sys was willing to take all the help it could get at this rate.

-Moon Cell Realm, Mare Melum, Several Digital Days Later, Castle Alexander, Courtyard, Pom-

Take in, let out… take in… let out… today was the last day we could wait and gather ourselves. To that end I was trying to calm my nerves, anyone that knew me would be able to easily tell that it wasn’t working.

The upgrades to Castle Alexander were about finished, I went over all my abilities and refined each of them to some success and as for Dolly she learned something new.

I opened left eye from where I was sitting and watched as Dolly fired a blast of energy from her mouth, it was just her bark was given increased momentum to ultimately create a small bullet of raw force. Now Dormarch wasn’t the only canine companion that could blast with the best of them, he was still more raw power than Dolly, but having technique counted for something. Not much magic used to do it either, as Dolly wasn’t even borrowing my bark blast ability, she was just using raw momentum control and her strong vocal cords from yelling her family into motion.

Welch was still manufacturing vehicles, which was a bit slow going… at least the Rider Zealots were uniquely talented at stealing enemy vehicles and any vehicle they commandeered automatically gained a shield proportionate to the vehicles strength… while it was in its prime. So it didn’t matter if they got a damaged Magitek Armor, it would have as much shields as a fully functional Magitek Armor. Also since the shields can overlap, but had no exponential effect, helped with putting vehicles in key points to have some additive defense to certain parts of the castle.

Zealots were kind of weak in close up confrontation and as soon as their shields went down and they didn’t have a vehicle to pilot… well they weren’t as good in combat outside of using vehicles. However take the twelve or so missile trucks now sitting in the courtyard as a sign of Castle Alexander having a lot of firepower behind its walls… also the castle would be covered in a ridiculous shield if a zealot was to pilot it.

Sure the shield when a zealot took over Castle Alexander wouldn’t be as nearly powerful as the active barrier the castle could produce with its wings, but a regenerating shield that could take a lot of punishment gave us strong defense against ranged assaults. Also the shields the zealots produced around the vehicles they commanded didn’t take up power resources from Castle Alexander or any vehicle they used so that was a plus.

Really useful stuff to have a walking fortress that could now take on a lot of firepower, we would have problems adding more towers, but increasing the number of missile trucks we had available? Well that was a boost in offensive power as long as we could fit the trucks comfortably in the courtyard.

In other news the reason why we even knew some of what Midgar City was going to be like, provided that things haven’t changed since then, was thanks to Etemon from what he shared of having seen of it and the merchant Torneko somehow having the blueprints for all of Midgar.

The city… it was enormous three layer death trap likely to be crawling with EPs in every single alleyway, including the red light brutes with spiky fists that Etemon had mentioned… I wonder how that guy was doing. Good thing we had vehicle manufacture and production, we’d never get around the whole city on hoof like we did in Cape and Mare Melum.

Even Castle Alexander would be able to maneuver and battle inside the city, but getting in in the first place would be a problem and we had no idea what kind of threats we’d be facing. So our first order of business upon arriving was getting a scope of our situation when we arrived and then make certain of our plan, our initial plan of getting into the city was going through the lower section was plausible as there were mines, waterways and a massive laboratory beneath the mountainous city of Midgar.

If we could avoid doing that and just get into the city through a frontal assault that would be better and less taxing on those… well never mind, I know I’m going to certainly be involved on the team doing the backdoor shuffle if we had to go that way.

In that case, we’d be popping the entrance open to let Castle Alexander in to deal with the city from the inside.

“So Mundo…” I started off quietly as I got up from my sitting position. “How do you think I’m doing?”

“I think you’re putting off your issue with Smolder a little too much, though giving her some space is nice you’re going to have to address that eventually. Otherwise I think you’re doing great in refining your own abilities. Dormarch still has an issue with Ocellus almost letting Castle Alexander get turned into a zombie had the Excelsus not been dealt with by the Eaters, but otherwise the enmity between them has gone down somewhat since she successfully kept the castle intact while Dormarch went to help you.” Mundo was someone to talk to and he was always a willing to listen to others troubles, he was also a great coach when it came to helping me refine my combat ability. Fighting Types in general were great at knowing how to refine combat techniques, their own and that of others. “So aside from how you are doing physically, I’m going to ask how you are doing spiritually.”

I noted he was staring at the golden wool on my front legs and I frowned while looking down at the ground. I didn’t say anything and I didn’t have to as the wrestling bird approached me quietly.

Mundo pulled me into a soft feathery hug and I appreciated it, I needed more hugs and not just from Dolly or Dormarch… though those were hugs I love a lot. I was beginning to understand why Moon Cell was targeting me exclusively if magic was its major source of offensive ability. It seemed like Moon Cell couldn’t do too many overt things to its own realms.

“It’ll be okay.” He comfortingly patted my back and rubbed his wings in slow circles.

“Yeah, but if this keeps up…” I didn’t finish the sentiment as my back right leg was showing flecks of golden color now too.

“Pom needs hugs?” Suddenly Dazzle joined in on the hug, her warm body pressing against my back, comforting and familiar if not exactly Tianhuo.

“Hey Dazzle, how are you feeling?” After being blasted with a massive amounts of water and being fairly weak to that kind of thing.

“I’m okay and Frizzle’s fighting spirit certainly hasn’t dimmed any… even if she quiet and cool at all other times.” Dazzle nuzzled me affectionately. “You’re not ready for the coming fights are you?”

“Does it matter at this rate? We’re the main offensive against Moon Cell… likely the only offensive…” My eyes turned towards a third pair of limbs wrapping around me as Pinkpie.exe grinned up at me and snuggled against my wool. “Okay, that’s enough guys, let me go.”

They all got in an extra squeeze and eventually did so and Dormarch came padding up to us.

“We’re pretty much ready to go mom, Jeanne is wondering if you are.” Dormarch’s three wagging fish tails lazily drifted back and forth as he watched his adoptive big sister practice firing momentum blasts from her mouth. Dolly just didn’t want to feel weak next to yet another one of her brothers, especially one that was barely more than a month or so old. “Huh… nifty. I’ve been meaning to ask, is our bond straining because I’m becoming exponentially stronger?”

“Yes, it is… not that that’s a bad thing, I have less to worry about knowing you won’t be getting into as much trouble as I do. Your ability to heal yourself helps with my nerves having watched you get into a duel with a chainsaw wielding mechanical monster wolf.” Not that I personally wasn’t going to get into any more trouble soon. I placed my chin on top of Dormarch’s head affectionately and nuzzled down into him to see his tails get more excited at the affection I was showing him. “Also it’s nice to knowing that my rabbit loving little Dalmatian monster is so strong.”

“Mom-.” Whined Dormarch, but he was happy to receive the attention.

That Dormarch was still within the realms of the familiar bond was a good thing and that he could still be so sweet and easily embarrassed despite having such fierce combat abilities warmed my heart. I’m afraid of what his Mega form was going to entail, even if it’s not Chaosdramon X. It might be a little bit too much for the current bond between us and he was still trying to get a handle on his ultimate form of Garummon.

Dormarch could easily handle his champion form, but his ultimate form was still unstable and drained a lot of energy out of him due to having forced it a bit through eating a Magitek Armor. I know growing boys needed healthy appetites, but Dormarch took that to a whole ridiculous extreme.

“Dolly, time for a break, we need at least some strength for when we enter the Midgar City realm!” That’s going to happen in a short while.

Dolly came sliding along the ground toward me on her right hind leg and a bit of her back like a baseball player, she popped out of the slide to come to an abrupt, upright and sudden stop in front of me with a wide patented happy Dolly grin on her face.

Apparently Dolly learned how to dash along the ground at a decent speed using momentum control without friction causing her problems or burning up her fur… did she really need to become more slippery? Well it was something of a useful thing that she could do now if she lost her board, but it only worked on the ground and in one general direction, it couldn’t be used to go across ceilings or walls either. She still needed momentum and to actively run along the walls, that is to say her flowing motion abilities were still a little unusual in how nuanced they were for her natural parkour abilities.

“Let’s go get ready for the move to the Midgar Realm.” I sighed, but received a pat on the back from Quetal, who smiled at me as he passed by.

I wonder if my technique refinement would make my Buster Wolf attack more effective to use, because it was the one move I had that needed the most work. Still couldn’t do it without the ‘are you okay’ words coming out of my mouth, but I could do it without saying ‘Buster Wolf’ at least.

My Wolf Fang Hoof fighting style and technique was coming along nicely, though I’m sure the APs I used it against didn’t think so. At best I’d use it against opponents that had poor or sloppy defenses… the only reason why we even beat Saber Jack Wolf is because I had weakened him enough with a technique I barely though up on the spot and that’s a dangerous precedent if anything. I’d rather rely on known and well practice techniques.

Bark Breaker had a good range, easy to specifically target something. Howl Breaker was an effect on everything within a short bubble of me and apparently I lose the ability to hear… which would be bad if someone was shooting at me. Still great technique for weakening armor or large mechanical beings provided my throat could take it.

As we got to the throne room, I noted that everyone that wasn’t an AP or NPC was here aside from Snake and a Rider Zealot that was now piloting Castle Alexander. We’re going to use the Rider Zealots to our every advantage.

“Not tell a duck?” The Zealot stated from where he sat as he looked at the gathering, most of the things they said still sounded completely nonsensical. Though one might see where Sami’s influence was imprinted on them given that ‘not tell a duck’ was one of their more common phrases.

“Okay, we’re about ready to see what we’re dealing with here.” Jeanne stated as we prepared to move out of Mare Melum and Castle Alexander started the process to jump into the next realm.

“I have to wonder, did you bring any Reviver Seeds on your wagon?” Aside from the ones that we still had in the Team Harmony wagon that was squirreled away in the safety of the courtyards corner.

“Reviver Seeds were fairly rare on the Ransei continent, what with a lack of Mystery Dungeons to delve, but as with the reports we got from Mirage Mew, those are appearing everywhere in response to Moon Cell’s invasion as anchor points for it to attack the Ransei continent from. We have a maximum of two from our personal stock we brought with us from Valora bought from travelers by King Ieyasu, the situations we’ve been getting into have been nearly dire enough for me to actually carry one or both of them. They are a very precious resource.” So what Jeanne meant is that we had like four overall given that we still had a few unused Reviver seeds and only a limited supply we couldn’t waste. “Nobody knows how or why Reviver Seeds exist, but it’s for the grace of Arceus that we have some and a decent steady supply of Sitrus Berries. Otherwise we’re not liable to get Reviver Seeds without delving into a Mystery Dungeon.”

Two Reviver seeds had been sitting in Team Harmony’s wagon unused, I had one of them on me now… for obvious reasons. I highly doubted a Reviver Seed would have saved me from the Eaters had one of them gotten me. We might need all four seeds for Midgar if the EPs were going to get even stranger or more powerful.

Castle Alexander made the jump and we waited to see what was waiting for us once we arrived.

-Midgar City, second tier, in the central tallest building with ‘Shinra’ written on it, ????-

Ah, it was a nice relaxing place to be, at the top of the world… waiting for my enemies to come to me instead of having to go to them. Speaking of enemies they have just appeared outside of Midgar and I seriously doubted they’d last very long against me.

As a Caster, this whole city has become my domain. I’d actually like to see them try and destroy it on my watch!

I had Moby Dick, the Envious Naga chick, that wandering wild card guy I was warned not to appear in front of or draw his attention to me or Envious Naga, the trapped massive fire beast with muscles and so many battle machines between me and them that could do all the fighting for me while I just get in a nap, play some games and didn’t really have to do all too much thinking until it became too big a problem for me to ignore.

They’d have to get by the wall first, they’d never reach it without destroying their precious fortress, their only source of power in their fight against Moon Cell. They’d never risk it.

“I’m setting all my cards into attack mode, good luck trying to get through the defenses of Midgar.” I leaned back and started my nap, I’m not the kind of Lemming that ran off cliffs to my demise after all and a genius that strains himself is no genius in my mind.

-Somewhere else in the rain on the upper streets of Midgar, ???-

A large form dropped down in front of me, its single red eye blaring as it raised its right spike covered fist to try and hit me. I simply burst out of the way of its attack and then rammed into its body in a flare of blue energy, stunning and weakening the massive thing before shooting it with my gun rapidly.

Once I landed on the ground I charged my gun up and glared down the monster still trying to come to terms with what was about to happen to it.

I was going to need resources if I was to find out where I am or what I’m even doing here, I can hardly remember why I’m even here.

I know… I can feel somewhere something deep inside me knows… I know that there were monsters that had to be hunted here… I would find them because…



A flair of lightning revealed a white lizard face, a shock of short spiky white hair, white and red armor on a lithe form and a glowing glare of piercing red eyes.

The massive hulk that tried to attack the lizard figure with strangely futuristic armor now had a large burning hole in it as cubes barely had time to even bleed a bit before it exploded into a mass of particles as the damage dealt to it finally caught up with it.


I hardly even knew who I was… but my mission was clear that I had to cleanse this rotten world full of monsters, with this gun clamped tightly in my hand.

Walking down the road into a city under the clouds and in this rain, the flashes of lightning tickling at my memories for some reason. Storms filled me with some form of familiarity, I didn’t like it.

-Abandoned laboratory, underneath the city of Midgar in the lower levels, ????-

I shivered and shook as I sat back on my coils in the back of a cell.

Sure I was able to leave at any time, but to leave was likely to give away to Moon Cell that I wasn’t entirely under its control. At least this one part of me wasn’t.

I was never a hero, I was always coward... my powers even allowed me to fully remember my past life.

How did Moon Cell even get a hold of me?

I was killed by... yeah completely obliterated… that was mostly my fault… they wanted to help… yet I attacked them… how did my soul even end up here?!

My abilities allowed me that second fight… who am I more angry at myself or THEM for all that happened to me?

Why?! Why couldn’t I even know eternal rest even now?

The horrors of being alive against after so long, Moon Cell might have somehow grabbed my soul, but I don’t think it expected me to have a physical body.

I’ll be fine… I’ll just stay here… in the dark… where no one will find me.

The others can do Moon Cell’s bidding… I wanted no part in this… even if I get hungry and starve… I’m not going anywhere, I even refuse to!

After all that’s happened to me… why… why can’t I ever STAY DEAD?!

I curled up and cried to myself, feeling the nightmares would never end. Even if I were to kill myself… they’d just bring me back again.

-Somewhere in the ground level Midgar region, ????-

The chained beast of an entity lifted its head, the mighty red, orange and yellow hair bipedal giant lion like monster with massive horns felt something that completely drew its attention from its unstable rest.

Its rage started building… it felt the spirit of a particular water goat that had defied him before and had caused the demise of his previous body. Her spirit had not wavered since he last felt her defiance and her soul still rang with defiance even if they couldn’t see each other even now!

The rage that filled him could not be contained and flames began to rise around him… even when he was chained underwater in a pressure sealed tank to prevent him from using said flames in the first place.

Moon Cell thought it could actually contain him?! It had yet to see how angry he could get.

Since hell was far too cold for the likes of him!

The flame still came and the water started to flash boil as the beast of rage, the pure berserker’s fury, started becoming unleashed in the form of raw power that slowly started tearing apart the chains holding it down. Chains meant to stop both mortal and divine power of the soul alike, chains that shouldn’t be failing in their job… unfortunately they were much to even Moon Cell’s current distress. These chains were meant to hold even the likes of a being known as Asura.

He roared out in raw force of anger that couldn’t be quenched by even an oceans worth of water. Water couldn’t stop the beasts of flames, the soul of rage and an unquenchable need to kill a very particular little goat.

Lu Bu would have his revenge by ending that goat’s dream for helping fell him previously! He would destroy Moon Cell! He would destroy everything even remotely related to his current imprisonment!

He… would… get… free…

“RAGGHHHHHH----” The pressure tank was barely managing to hold him, yet he did not let up.

Lu Bu’s soul burned even more brightly than ever before, the only way to keep him contained was to use him as a living battery and divert all that power to somewhere else. To that end he was powering most of Midgar through the sheer force of his rage alone. Even then, his containment was starting to form hairline cracks.

-A fair distance outside of Midgar across some plains, Castle Alexander, Jeanne-

“Well… here we are…” I have never in my life seen a city bigger and more sprawling that that of Valora… Midgar was proving to be quite a monster in that department.

It… was… massive…

The walls were so wide and tall there was no way Castle Alexander could get into the city by climbing them, we would have to open the entrance to the city to get inside of it with our mobile fortress which seemed entirely too small in comparison.

Along that wall were tons of cannons, weapons of alien design of the likes I’ll never know and more, some were even firing on us and hitting our shields even now. Thankfully we had the Rider Zealot in charge of piloting Castle Alexander as they were able to hit us even at this range.

The damage was minimal given the shields were holding up fairly well, but the scale of the black city in the distance was daunting. Tons of red lights at the top of massive towering structures of a city… built on top of another city. Who would make a city so cumbersome?

Even the late city of Cerebrum in Illusio wasn’t of such sprawling size. Everyone on the continent of Ransei heard what happened to Cerebrum.

“There it is… it looks like we’ll have to take it out this time.” Pom said forlornly and I saw what she was pointing out with her right hoof… in the dark cloudy skies above the nightmarish city we were faced with attacking was that whale.

Moby Dick was once again our enemy, it had large feathered wings where its fins used to be and it slowly circled around the tallest tower at the center of the whole massive complex monstrosity that calls itself a city.

“I’m…. terrified….” I was shivering and I wasn’t the only one, even Pom was visibly shuddering.

I sometimes feel like Pom is the bravest one among us, but it’s not true… she’s just the most helpless against absolutely throwing herself at problems.

“That’s a city?!” Yes, Canard, it was.

I can understand your disbelief quite clearly, even I was overwhelmed and gripping my banner spear a little too tightly.

“What’s that around the base of the walls of the city down there?” Ocellus seemed to be wincing, oh right… she could feel all our emotions and all the fear might be getting to her more than the rest of us.

She had to take it in a combined amount on top of her own, she was trying to focus us, distract us, keep our minds off the daunting task ahead to deal with that city.

“Shanty are you okay?” That drew my attention to Pom, who was shaking Shanty.

Shanty looked wide eyed and for some reason a little lost, after a moment of shaking her head Shanty looked to Pom and grinned weakly.

“Huh, oh, yeah, I am being completely fine.” The goat that could create cuts with her hooves and manipulate water was most certainly not fine, then again none of us were, but there was something up with how she had been staring off into space a second ago.

“So how are we getting started?” Smolder stated bluntly with crossed arms, probably the only one in the room not intimidated. In fact, I think it was because Ocellus was her girlfriend that she was trying to provide something other than fear to help Ocellus thinking more about someone other than herself.

I took in that feeling myself and strengthened my resolve and decided to get started. By looking at the various screens of information, EPs were already crossing the plains to come at us. A frontal assault on the city was most definitely not in our favor, but we could hold our territory where we sat easily.

“I need a team of volunteers for the backdoor plan, we need a small group to infiltrate the city and open a way in and out for our APs and possibly Castle Alexander itself.” I started taking charge of the situation. “Welch, can you make a hovering vehicle similar to what the Commandramon used back in Cape that could move on ground and in water? I want it to be able to carry that team, we’ll also need at least eight Skein Flyers manned by our new Rider Zealots. Those who are not going will be in defense of Castle Alexander, the APs will go on the offense here and the towers will try to gain territories in the plains to build a forward push. I have no doubt that we won’t surpass those walls until we can get a team behind them to open and entrance or disable the walls cannons.”

“Wait, you’re going?” Pom asked.

“Yes, I’m leaving the Hakamo-o team here under the command of the recent Kommo-o evolution they have proven themselves stalwart in battle. They are not to be in command of the castle however, just the Valora teams on the defensive.” The Kommo-o nodded to me and accept that. “To that end I want Ocellus to be in charge of Castle Alexander’s defenses and AP offensive push. That leaves me to one question, who’s going with me on the team to commit to Operation: Backdoor?”

“Even if I don’t go, trouble will just come to me, I think it’d be safer if I wasn’t drawing Moon Cell’s full ire down on the castle.” There was no doubt to the truth of your words Pom.

Dolly barked up and was idly lounging on her board and flicking the stone bone into the air and catching it.

I nodded and saw no reason to separate Pom from her closest companions, to that end I then turned to look at Pom’s self-proclaimed son Dormarch curiously.

“My mother and big sister are going, you can’t expect me to not be by their sides.” Dormarch answered with loyalty to his family and I accept that, but he notably didn’t comment on me leaving Ocellus in charge here.

“Our numbers cannot be too large.” Just reminding them that we would need to keep this infiltration group small and I didn’t even know what we need.

“I’ll go, specialist scout and emergency healing.” Shine the Ghourgheist stated, though I knew little of her she knows my father and mother somehow. While I was curious, she has been nothing but friendly and the only odd thing is that she had the title of ‘ninja’ oddly hanging about her.

“At least one digi-bot.” I said a second later.

“I’m on it.” Krosserdog stated.

“I’m with metal mutt, I’m his partner.” Peppercat stated with her arms crossed and a nod.

“I think I be needing to go with you… be calling it a hunch.” It seemed like Shanty was not as shaking up as she looked to be earlier. “Favela can you be watching Dodo?”

“Sure thing Captain Shanty.” Favela stated in a cheerful tone.

“Sami and I can round it out the team.” Canard brought up with Sami at his side. “I’m the guy with a bleeding heart for helping resistance movements and Sami here can fill in spots on the team in case our experts get lost or knocked out.”

You weren’t saying ‘or worse’ Canard, but I can understand the need for some positivity with that daunting city on screen.

“That will be…” All that we needed, but someone else added themselves to the mission.

“I’m going.” Snake said from where he calmly sat off to the side.

“That will be all we can take, everyone else will be focused on holding the frontlines of the plains, we’ll leave once Welch has our hovering craft ready to go and we have a small supply of berries and our reviver seeds to use in an emergency.” I sighed, this was going to be one of the scariest things I’ve ever done. All of Ransei was counting on us to continue pressing ever forward. “If you get into trouble, then you’ll call upon the Harmony Programs for assistance.”

“New mechanical EPs on approach, already sending out the Rider Zealots in the Magitek Armors to stop them.” Ocellus stated as she looked up at the screens.

“Our meeting is adjourned, we all know where we need to be.”

I would calmly pick up my modified headset and looked it over, Welch upgraded them with visors that can display maps of where we are once we get into Midgar proper. A rather helpful and needed upgrade to our equipment.

“Do want to ask me about your parents?” Shine asked as our meeting adjourned.

“Not at this moment.” Was that the reason Shine was going with us? Is it because of me?

“You do know you are not a Steel Type right?” After Shine said that, I looked at her.

“I know, but there is still Steel Type in my blood.” My father was a steel and dragon Type. “Can you deny this?”

Shine only smiled at me cheerfully and I returned that smile.

“Take care Shine.” Quetal said as he came up and hugged Shine and she hugged him back.

“I’ll be fine, it’s everyone else I’m going to be worried about.” Shine nodded to Quetal… and was about to go off to prepare, but a second later she turned back and kissed Quetal on the cheek, proceeded to wink at him cheerfully and then went on her way.

“Heh, the overlap of a Trickster and a Ninja.” Quetal stated with a small pleasant smile and a shake of his head, as he started to leave he made a comment towards me. “Watch out for her, will you Jeanne?”

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