• Published 13th Sep 2020
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A New World, A New Way: Requiem from the Lostbelt - Metroid Prime

The seeds of fantasy have descend. Now, 7 worlds fight for the right to live.

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Celestia and Luna were a bit nervous, to say the least. For if the volume of noise made by the ponies on the other side of the door was any indication, they were about to be swarmed.

Before Arceus made his announcement to the world along with the World Leaders, Celestia told the press that she would allow a follow-up interview shortly after the announcement. This was necessary given that the people would no doubt have many questions. Attending the court along with the sisters were Princess Twilight, Captain Seth Crescent, and Captain Grissom.

The noise got louder as the guards prepared to open the door.

“They must have so many questions,” Seth said nervously.

“And for good reason,” Twilight added, she looked up to Princess Celestia for advice. “How will we answer all of them?”

“As best as we can Twilight, as best as we can.”

The doors finally opened and an entire crowd filled up 60% of the throne room. The shouting that had been muffled by a wall was now almost deafening.


One use of the Canterlot royal voice from Luna was enough to calm down the crowd of anxious ponies.

“Thank you Luna.”

“My pleasure sister.”

Celestia looked upon the gathered press and spoke in a commanding voice. “Now, you all know how this works by now, I call upon you one at a time, you ask your questions, no one else speaks until I say so.” Celestia pointed a hoof to a random reporter in the crowd. “You first.”

“Princess Celestia, Arceus said during that announcement that humans exist in this world. Does he refer to the ones left back on his homeworld of Earth? Or are they humans turned Pokemon who have regained their original forms?”

“No, no human from his ‘Earth’ is here. These humans are from a timeline where only they exist, they did live alongside Pokemon like the ones we have come to know and love.”

“Could you elaborate on that a little more?”

“You see, as scientists and physics have theorized for a while, this world has many different alternates timelines. The humans with whom we are in conflict are from a timeline known as Proper Human history. The storm walls that are located around the world contain other alternate timelines known as Lostbelts. Essentially, 6 different timelines have anchored themselves into this reality.”

“I see, no more questions your majesty.”

Celestia nodded, she then pointed to another pony. “Next question.”

“What does Arceus intend to do about this? If he is a god, can he not just wiped these Lostblets off the face of Equus. Could he not sweep aside these human interlopers with a gesture?”

“I’m sorry. But even Arceus’s powers have their limits. At present, he does not have the power or the ability to...deal with these Lostbelts. Next question.”

Another reporter spoke up. “Princess Celestia, so if I understand this correctly, these 'Lostblets' contain entire worlds, one with their own cultures and people.”

“Yes, that is correct.”

“And we are currently at war with them?”

“...Unfortunately yes, although allow me to be clear that these Lostbelts are only fighting out of survival, not malice or ill intent.”

“What will happen once we defeat these other Lostblets? Will they just stay there, will they go back to their own timeline?”

Celestia was a bit hesitant to answer. “Once we defeat a Lostbelt, everything and everyone in them will vanish.”

“Vanish, you mean they will all be erased from existence?”


“So what you’re basically saying, is that we will be committing genocide?”

That word made everyone in the room murmur and whisper amongst themselves, some of them giving the Princesses suspicious looks.

“My little ponies, it pains me to do this, really it does. Every life is precious. I outlawed capital punishment 200 years ago because we had reached a point in our society that were no one had done anything in a long time to warrant such a means of discipline. And even now, if someone had something so terrible or evil, I would not kill them. But when it comes to the Lostbelts, we have no choice. I wish there was another way, truly I do, these people are innocent and deserve to live just as each of us does. But, if their worlds continue to grow and overwhelm us, it would be the end of our world. So it is with great sorrow and great regret, that we must do this.”

“I see,” The reported gave Celestia a suspicious look.

Deciding to change the subject, Celestia pointed to another pony. “Next question.”

“Princess, has anyone been able to uncover the mastermind behind the firebombings that happened on the Summer Solstice?”

Do you suspect that it may have been the work of these 'Lostbelts'?"

“...At present no, we have a few suspects, but nothing conclusive that we can share at the moment.”

“Then answer me this, your highness. If you found the person that did this, would you still not execute them under Equestrian law? Or would this be settled by the world court?”

Celestia narrowed her eyes. “The attack happened on Equestrian soil and against Equestrian civilians. So whoever did this, they will be caught and dealt with by an Equestrian court.”

“But Princess, my sources tell me that foreign dignitaries and visiting civilians were killed in that attack. Shouldn’t the victims who belonged to other counties have a say in this person’s fate?”

Celestia cursed how the press always seemed to have eyes and ears in everything. Up until now, they had managed to keep the fact that some of the guards and escorts to the World Leaders had died in the attack under wraps.

“No comment. Next question.”

Another pony with their hoof up spoke next.

“Princess Celestia, do you suspect that some former humans might sympathize with members of their species and turn against us?”

The solar Princess lets out a sigh. “This is gonna be a long day.”

War against Humanity!

Equus is pulled into a battle royal with 6 other worlds!

Today, Arceus made an announcement along with the World Leaders, including our very own Princesses, that the human race has appeared on Equus. And from his words, they intend to wipe us all out. This was followed up with an interview with the Princess further explaining the situation. There they confirmed that five storm walls have appeared in different parts of the planet, they apparently contain alternate histories known as Lostbelts. But instead of ponies, Griffins, or Changelings living in these alternate timelines, only humans exist in these lands. Does this mean our timeline is unique? Are we the expectation or the rule? What happened to the humans of our timeline?

Princess Celestia has also stated that when we defeat these Lostbelts, they will disappear along with everyone in them. This in plain terms amounts to genocide and the complete destruction of an entire world and its people. No doubt this will be a dark chapter in the history of Equestria.

One thing that Arceus mentioned is that some of these humans may be "more than meets the eye" in terms of power. Princess Twilight clarified that these superpowered humans are called “Servants”. And that they are the resurrected form of dead heroes and historical figures from the human world. She warns that they are too dangerous to engage alone. In the Princess’s own words, “These human 'servants' can give even the Legendary Pokemon a run for their money. If you come across a human that may appear to be a servant, do not fight or attempt to capture them. Instead, run and contact your local authorizes. At which some point, a special task force of guards(that is currently being prepared) or a Legendary Pokemon will be sent to deal with the servant instead”.

Captian Seth Crescent of the Pokemon Corp further explained that servants are summoned from a place called the “Throne of Heroes” by a metaphysical power known as the “Counter Force”. Quote: “The Counter Force from what we were told, is an energy field created by humankind’s unconscious desire to avoid extinction. And since the current situation concerns mankind’s future, I can only imagine a response from the Counter Force soon”.

Princess Luna stated that these servants are summoned into our world via the magical Ley Lines that can be found all throughout Equestria. As such, guards of the Solar, Lunar, and Pokemon branch will be dispatched to every single Ley Line in Equestria to guard and monitor them for any activity.

Finally, the Princesses said that the firebombings the took so many lives on the Summer Solstice a few days ago are still being investigated, although many suspect that the coinciding appearances of the Lostbelts may have something to do with it.

But if these Servants are as powerful as the Princess are saying, then I pray that we may have the strength to fight and overcome them.

Johnathan Trace finished reading the newspaper that he had just gotten not 10 minutes earlier. His Pokemon as well as Trixie had all squeezed and pressed their heads together just to see what he was reading out loud.

“Wow,” Heat said. “This sounds like something you would read out of a fantasy novel.”

“Yeah,” Howl added. “Invasions from other timelines? Superpowered humans? The fact that only one of these worlds can survive? It all sounds so unbelievable.”

“More unbelievable that Arceus taking us all to a different planet in another universe where magic is real?” Echo retorted.

“Well, given that the Princesses backed up everything Arceus said. I guess theirs no point in really denying it. What do you think Johnathan?” Trixie asked.

The Lucario cop thought for a moment. He usually wasn’t really caught up on current worldly events. Ever since he came here, he was only concerned with catching Fox the moment he found out she had been brought here too. But now, this was something the was probably way more important than catching her.

“I don’t know really. This all sounds as strange to me as it is to you guys. I mean, if what this paper is saying is true. The whole world is at war with humanity now.”

“Humanity sans the former humans Arceus turned into Pokemon,” Heat pointed out. “I just hope they don’t get unfairly blamed for this.”

“Well, Arceus brought people like Johnathan here for a reason, these humans just wanna destroy us all it seems,” Howl said.

That was something Johnathan hadn’t given much thought to since he arrived here. When Arceus said that people like him were brought along, because he was worthy enough, he just accepted it and moved on. He never dwelled on the reality that humankind was physically extinct. While he didn’t mind being a Lucario, or all the advantages that were afforded to him now that he was one, he couldn’t help but wonder how other people might have handled being ripped from their homes and lives. For him and Fox, not much changed, but the same could not be said for many others.

If Johnathan had to be honest, part of him wished that he had remained on Earth, where he was among familiar territory, And where trying to catch Fox was much easier than her being a Zoroark.

"But sometimes, life throws you a curveball, and you have to take it and get up again, start anew."

John got up from the bench and folded up the newspaper, then he turned to look at his team.

“Well everyone, personally I don’t really know how to feel about all of this. But feelings shouldn’t really affect how we do things. Even if a criminal does the wrong thing for the right reasons, they still at the end of the day broke the law. And no matter the crime they can still have victims as a result of their actions.”

“So what are going to do Johnathan?” Heat asked.

“Well, according to this newspaper, guards are going to be dispatched to these Ley Lines in order to find these servants. Depending on what the higher-ups at the Baltimare police station say, they might put us on watch duty, or just let us continue chasing Fox.”

“Alright then,” Echo said as she got up into flew ahead of the group. Let’s go to the station and see what they will do with us.”

The gang all loaded into Trixie’s cart as she began to walk them to the police station. As Johnathan sat in his spot, he looked up at the mid-morning sky, a stray thought entered his mind for a second.

“I wonder what Fox thinks about all of this?”


Tochi listened intently as Alice read the newspaper that had come in this morning. But as she finished it, his young mind could not make heads or tails of what she just read.

“Umm, so what’s happening?”

Alice looked up from the paper, Tochi and his parents’ Sleight Hoof and Quick Storm looked less confused but still not fully understanding what they just heard.

“Well, from what it looks like. Humans are back, but they’re not the ones we know from our world. And if what this paper is saying is true, we are at war with them.”

Sleight Hoof held his wife’s hoof worryingly. “But why!? What do they want from us, what did we ever do to them?”

“Nothing really, if anything humanity has done a lot to the Pokemon that got them where they are now. But apparently, these are different 'versions' of humanity, and each of them are fighting just so their world can live. It's not one of those cut and dry cases where everything is black and white. The people fighting are fighting just to survive.”

“But why is this happening? Who or what is making 6 different worlds fight each other?” Rascal said.

“Dunno, the article doesn’t say. That being said, this presents a dilemma. No matter who wins this in the end. Their victory is going to be on a pile of countless corpses. It could be their world, or it could be ours.”

The entire room let that sink in for a bit. Even if Equus survived, they would live on knowing that several other worlds had to die so that they could live. And more than likely, there would be some that might have survivor’s guilt after all of this.

Shade spoke up. “Okay look, I’m not gonna pretend that we’re are the most innocent group in the world. We do the wrong things for the right reasons, but at the end of the day, we are still thieves. But is this really a path we wanna go down, even if it’s the only one?”

Alice rubbed her chin. As Fox, she always had on a cool, calm, persona. She always went through with every decision she made in her line of work. And with little to no regrets, she never felt bothered that much aside from times when she had to get “confrontational” with Johnathan and his team. Fox was not a hero, she was a vigilante. Nor was she a fighter who fought her opponents head-on, that was something Scep and Shade were good at. Fox was always about deception and misleading.

Was this really something she wanted to participate in?

“I’ll say this since we are a team, and as team leader, I don’t make decisions without consulting everyone here. Now, this sounds like something the real heroes can handle. There is nothing making us a part of this unless we want to. So what do you guys think we should do?”

Everyone in the room gave each other looks, some were deep in thought while others had made up their minds.

“Miss Alice,” Tochi began. “I know that you’re a good person no matter what people say, and that no matter what happens. I’ll always stand by you. I don’t really understand what’s going on. And like you said to me before, I shouldn’t do things unless I really understand what it entails. But even if that means I have to stand on the sidelines cheering you on, I’ll gladly do that.”

Alice smiled at the young colt, proud that he had matured since she first met him.


The Zoroark looked up to see Sleight Hoof and Quick Storm looking at her with conviction in their faces.

“I don’t know if joining a war is something we want to do directly. While we enjoy helping you with your heists, this feels like too much,” Quick Storm said.

“That being said,” Sleight Hoof continued. “If you are planning to fight. If there is anything you need, any support or resource you may require from us, just ask. We’ll help you any way we can.”

“Thanks guys, that means a lot” The former humans then looked to her team, who all looked like they had come to an answer.

“Alice, you are our trainer and leader,” Shade said. “Well follow you no matter what.”

“Yeah,” Rascal added. “Just say the word.”

“War isn’t new to me dudette. But fighting humans is something the PLA has done for a long time, this is right up my ally.”

“We got your back Alice.” Charlotte and Spinner said in unison.

Alice nodded.

“Alright then. Since you all want me to make the decision I’ll say this. I don’t think we get ourselves too mixed up in all of this. Direct fighting isn’t Fox’s style, and I don’t think I wanna get into a fight with one of these servants.”

“So what do you think we should do?” Scep asked.

“I think it’s best if continue what we were doing before. Doing heists and keeping the police in check. But if we do come across something that has to do with humans or servants. I think that it wouldn’t hurt to let Arceus and the Princesses know about it.”

As Equestria and the world reels from the revelation of the return of the Humans who up until now were thought to only exist on Earth. We managed to interview some former humans and Pokemon who had these opinions to share on the whole situation.

“It feels someone is trying to get back at us, specifically Arceus and Legendaries,” says a Gardivoir who would only identify herself as “M” for this interview. “While I liked living on Earth, I understood and accepted that what humanity had done, lead to this entire situation where we have received punishment from Arceus and the Legendaries. He could have gone further and done something worse, but he was benevolent enough to bring us along and not let us suffer back on Earth like the rest.”

“But now my wife and I fear,” A Zoroark who said to call him “R” for this interview. “That with the return of humans, that our conflict with them will only further spark Lord Arceus’s anger. I can only hope that he does not do something worse this time to humanity. Although depending on what happens, we may or may not deserve it.”


“I had a life back on Earth you know,” said a Chatot who would like to remain anonymous. “I had dreams, I had plans, but Arceus took that from me. I know humans did a lot of bad things, but even if he had to bring us here, couldn’t he have least let some of us remain human? I heard he also did this for those people who were in love with their Pokemon, so that they could be happy. While I am happy for them, don’t we have a say in all this? Don’t we have lives that we wanted to live? I know this may sound cynical and mean, but I really hope one of these servants, if they are as powerful as the Princesses say they are, knocks some sense into Arceus. Obviously, I don’t want our side to lose this war, but I don’t want humanity to disappear for good. No one should have the final say on whether or not a species deserves to exist, not even the god that made them.”


“Calm down Wubby.”


“Our Lord and savior Arceus rescued us from the hands of the humans, and now they return to finish what they started? Hah!” These words came from a Pokemon who claims to be associated with a group called the Pokemon Liberation Army. “Listen well humans, you have no idea what you bring upon yourselves, Arceus will see your kind punished for even thinking about trying to defy him. He is our maker and our judge, jury, and executioner, he has found you all guilty and you will be dealt with as such!”


This next interview comes from the Swords of Justice who were guarding the entrance to the Hall of Legends in the Everfree Forest.

“As the sword who is loyal to Lord Arceus, all I can say is that I will defend this world and the Pokemon who live within it on my life,” says Cobalion, leader of the Swords of Justice. “This isn’t the first time that I have had to fight against other humans, and it seems that it will not be the last time either.”

“I heard that these servant guys are pretty tough,” says Keldeo, the youngest member of the Swords of Justice. “But they have never met the might of Pokemon like me or Cobalion. Allegedly, the only humans to ever match us in combat were the Knights of the Round Table. But that was just a myth invented by humans to make their kind seem strong, so unless these servants got anyone like them in their roster, they can throw whatever they want at us!”

“Forgive my son, he is, rather enthusiastic about getting the chance to fight strong individuals.”

“Virizion! I told you not to call me that out in public!”


“Team Magma and the Magma Corporation have no comment on the current situation. Also, for the time being, we will stop using glamour spells that make us appear human, as to avoid suspicion and unwarranted prosecution”


“If I’m being honest, this whole war against humanity feels like the next step in a thematic story that started when Arceus brought us all here.” Says Shauntal, a member of the Unova Elite Four. “This whole thing began when Arceus brought us to this whole new world, but took away our human forms, mine included. And now humanity has resurfaced in a way none of us would ever have dreamed of, in a conflict that will only allow one race to survive. Will it be our world? Or theirs? From an outsider’s perspective, there are reasons to root for both sides. Everyone has a dream they desire, a wish that they want to make come true. But the thing about dreams is that they all end when the dreamer wakes, every single of them without exception. So the question is: Whose dream must inevitably awake first?”

The Zerbacin airship docked at the field that was connected to the castle grounds of the capital city of Cairo. Sev disembarked first followed by his compatriots, as soon as he was outside, he was greeted by the Zebra guard as well as some of his senior generals of the PLA. Upon getting off the ramp, general Char walked up to meet him.

“Commander Sev! It soothes my heart that made it back safely.” The Charmeleon would have said more. But Sev beat him to what he was about to it.

“Thank you General Char, but you may dispense with the pleasantries. Gather all the members of high command and have them meet me in the big room.”

“Yes sir...but Commander?”

Sev turned back to look at him, “Yes?”

“Which big room, the one for where we hold the meetings? Or the one where General Shroom tests his inventions?”

“Are you truly so ignorant general? Of course I mean General Shroom’s room!”

Char stood at attention and saluted. “Of course sir! I shall have General Shroom prepare the room right away!”

“See to it that you do. What I am going to say, is something that will determine our course of actions from here on out!”


It took 30 minutes to gather all the PLA Generals that were stationed in Cairo at the time. The rest who were still all over the country would just have to receive the Commander’s word via letters and word of mouth.

The room that had become General Shroom’s workshop was very large, enough to accommodate a big crowd if necessary. That being said, the scientist General had to move all of his inventions and equipment outside(including a certain machine labeled “Doom cannon”) in order to make room for all the PLA members that would be attending in order to hear the Commanders words from Arceus himself, or Luna as he kept insisting at certain points.

The many Generals and lower high ranking officials that made up the Pokemon Liberation Army stood in the room talking amongst themselves...or what was left of them anyway. The civil war against the Northern tribes of Zebrica took a toll on the army’s forces, thankfully enough members survived to still uphold the image of a proud army.

The assemblage all calmed down as the Gardivoir known as General Lia grabbed a microphone.

“Alright everyone settle down, my brother, the great Commander Sev, chosen of Princess Luna and Arceus will now address the army!”

Everybody stopped talking when Lia’s voice sounded over the mic, Commander Sev then got up onto the stage and took the device from his sister.

“Many thanks my glorious sister,” Sev then turned to the crowd. “My comrades, my brothers in arms, I gather you all here today to inform you and interpret the words of Arceus, of Princess Luna herself.”

The was some whispering among the crowd, many had already guessed what the Commander was going to talk about.

“As you know, me, Princess Luna, and Arceus addressed the whole world concerning a calamity that has befallen all of us. Yes! I speak of the return of the dreaded humans and their evil machinations!”

There was a cry of outrage and vindication from the soldiers.

“When we came to this world, humans assumed our form, our flesh, our bodies. Their blasphemous minds and ways could now be bred into our children, into the next generation. It was an affront to all we have stood for. And yet, at the time, it was the will of Lord Arceus. It was his way of punishing humanity. Who were we to question his word?”

There was a moment of silence as everyone remembered the day Arceus announced his presence to the world. The day that they knew that their god was finally freed from his prison was an elated one for many. But the news of humans taking their form confused and angered many others.

“Our conflict with humanity was all but over, and thus we had a new mission, to safeguard this country that had mostly accepted us and one that we made our new home. In the battle against humanity, we had won!... But, our happiness was not to last. Because as of now, humans from this very world has risen from the shadows! They had sounded their trumpets of war and have turned their blades against us!”

Once again, there were more cries of rage and religiously fueled shouts from the PLA.

“My brothers and sisters! Our war with humanity is not done yet! If anything we have just entered our true holy war, the one we have been preparing for all our lives! These humans seek to wipe us out! Using their own armies and weapons meant for the sole purpose of killing us! But we will not be wiped out! The humans back on our world tried that and look where it got them! No! We will not go out like animals! And if we do, we will not go quietly!”

“You think he’s enjoying this a little too much?” Lia whispered over to General Gard.

“With Sev, you can never tell.”

“Our enemy is known and clear my brothers and sisters! The forces of 'Proper Human History' and their 'Chaldeans' shall know our name! They shall rue the day they ever deceived to challenge the might of the Pokemon Liberation Army!”

Sev raised his tail that flew the flag of the PLA(which he somehow attached when no one was looking). As soon as he did, the crowd exploded into further shouts of elation and excitement at the prospect of fighting humans again. Some even cast a few underpowered moves to light up the air.

There was a knock on the door as King Trot opened it to find the cause of so much noise.

“What is going on in her-Eep!” the king quickly shut the door as several Razor Leaves flew in his general direction. Embedding themselves on the wall and door.

After the speech, Sev was on his way to meet with Trot in order to coordinate their battalions in anticipation of potential human forces. But was stopped by a motherly voice.


The Pokemon turned to see the one former human he loved more than anyone else.

“Ah mother, to what do you need of me?”

“Well, first off you come back from your trip, but instead of saying hello to me, you go and give a speech to the soldiers? I’m a bit hurt by that.”

“Oh, a thousand apologies mother. I shall remember next time.”

“Very well, I’ll hold you to it.”

“I will, is there anything else you need?”

“Yes,” Joy’s face then changed into a serious one. “Sev. Even though we both heard and know what Arceus said, I want you to promise me something.”


“Do not let this whole situation go to your head,” The Audino put her hands on her adoptive son’s cheeks. “Even though your enemies are humans once again, do not look down on them or misjudge them. Unlike your fight back on Earth, you are not fighting humans to free Pokemon. You are fighting them to protect us all.”

“Of course I am! I have and will always fight to protect us and our family. This is not different.”

“I wasn’t finished. From what it sounds like, these humans are fighting for their own survival as well. They are not an enemy to be hated, they are just people doing what they must to live. We just came out of one senseless war, one that was started because of pride and selfishness. This is not the same, this is a conflict where both sides have a point, you can’t fight them the same way you did with Zebras.”

Joy took her hands off of Sev, her son then took a deep breath.

“I promise mother, even though we are morally better than the humans, I will not treat them as lesser beings. I will fight them, and I will beat them. And when the time comes, I shall let Arceus or the world see how they are dealt with.”

Sev then slithered away, Joy looking on with a small smile on her face.

“That’s good Sev. Now if only some others shared your opinion...”

The Hall of Legends

Every single Legendary sat equally in rows as the funeral got underway. The Legendary birds had been laid in coffins crafted by Mew, Genesect, the Lake Trio, and Ho-oh. Each one was thematic to the bird that it housed.

The heads had been “reattached” to their bodies, as it should be. While there have been many mortals throughout history who were buried with less than the sum of their parts, Arceus and Lugia would not allow such disgrace to befall the birds even in their deaths.

Those who were more emotional and who were close to the Legendary Birds wept for their fallen family members. Those who were not close and who were more stoic like Yveltal and Kyurem simply paid their full respects.

Lugia was the first to speak.

“My children were in many ways just like the rest of us. They were a family that would argue and fight, but eventually they would make up. They knew their duty as did all of us, they loved their world and would do anything to protect it. Even when they faltered, they would always listen to me when I told them to…*sniff* stop.”

The guardian of the seas wiped a few tears from his face.

“Even though we will all live until the end of time, I know that all of you will never forget them. Even if I were to live until my memory becomes blurry, they are the one thing that I will never stop remembering.”

Lugia straightened himself up, but it was clear that he was struggling to maintain his composure.

“I will always remember when Moltres used her first move. I will always think back to when Zapdos made his first rainfall. I will never forget, when Articuno made her first snowman...I..”

More tears began to stream down the face of the father who lost his three children. Eventually, Ho-oh went up and escorted his brother down. After which Arceus stood the stand.

“At this time, anyone who wishes to speak about Zapdos, Moltres, and Articuno, please come up.”

Many such as Mew, Virizion, The Legendary Beasts, Celebi, The Weather Trio, all came forward to say a few words about the dead. But in a way, some found it hard to find the right words. After all, this was the first funeral the entire Legendary Council attended in memory of one of their own.

Even though many of them had known mortal Pokemon and humans friends who had passed over the millennia of their existence, this was the first time that any of their numbers had died. And while Latios may have been the first, his later resurrection made his passing irrelevant.

It was at this point that the Legendary Pokemon felt the weight of mortality settle in upon them. Despite the fact that they were immortal, they all knew that they were not unkillable. But until now, none of them had been slain by someone else. As the most powerful exitances back on Earth, they had nothing to fear for the longest time. But when modern human science advanced to a point, and the evil organizations started to target them, their invincible visage started to crack. Combine that with the fact that most of the Legendaries spent their time hiding after Arceus's was sealed away, did not help with their reputation.

After the funeral was done, many went back to their rooms, while others stayed behind to attend the wake. However, the mood was anything but happy, although one could hardly blame everyone.

“I swear,” Mewtwo began. “This should have never happened, to any of us.”

“Agreed,” Tornadus added as he drank a 5,000 year aged wine.

“The humans have gone too far this time,” Giratina said. “They have for so long wronged us and used us. And now, they are trying to kill us.”

“Are you speaking of the humans of our world,” Zekrom, who had heard some of what the trio where saying, came over and interjected. “Or this one?”

Giratina gave him a rasied brow

“Is there really a difference?”

“Giratina, I know that the humans trapped you and your brothers in your pocket dimensions since time immemorial. But do try and distinguish between the crimes of the old humanity and this one.”

The dragon of anti-matter stared down the dragon of Ideals. “Frankly, I don’t care Zekrom. Humanity seems to be the same wherever they go. They covet what they do not have, they get rid of anyone who stands in their way. And just as we have all seen, they strike down their parents when they are no longer of use to them.”

“I do not deny those things, and I do acknowledge that we are now at war with them. But even in war, there are rules. We will beat them, but we will not unfairly judge them. Even after everything they have done, we do not have the right to condemn another version of them to extinction.”

“And what about us Zekrom?" A new vocie said. "Do not the Pokemon and people of this world deserve to exist?”

The Deep Black turned around to see his counterpart. “Reshiram.”

“If what Lord Arceus says is true. Humans exist all over the Omniverse, they already have so much claim to existence. I think we at least deserve one world to call our own.”

Zekrom narrowed his eyes. “And if that world is occupied already?”

“Well, from the current state of this world, I think we would be better caretakers than them.”

Zekrom’s eyes flashed with electricity, but to avoid making a scene, he just walked away.

The Vast White Pokemon looked as her fellow trio member went to talk with Virizion and Victini.

“For someone who calls himself the Pokemon of Ideals, he sure seems to not like ideas other than his own.”

“Maybe his human trainer rubbed off on him,” Tornadus said. “Then again, his trainer was the one who opposed Team Plasma and the freedom of Pokemon.”

“Hilbert may have dismantled Team Plasma. But in hindsight, it was for the best that he did.”

“And yet some might say the opposite,” Giratina countered. “Ghetsis may have created Team Plasma for selfish reasons, but N was the face of that organization. His message of freedom for Pokemon was the best chance we had of bringing them from under the yoke of the humans. So when Ghetsis’s true intentions were exposed, the rest of the world used that as an excuse to tighten their grip on the Pokemon. It destroyed any chance at real internal change.”

This was one thing many would agree on. After their defeat, humans just saw Team Plasma as another criminal group just like Team Rocket and others before them. Now, if anyone tried to advocate for the freedom of Pokemon, they had to carry around the baggage and stigma of Team Plasma. Seth Crescent being the worst of them.

Mewtwo shook his head. “Let’s not talk about problems that don’t concern us anymore. We need to focus on the humans of this world and how we plan to fight them.”

“Well, we first need to find the interlopers. Not to mention track down this Chaldea’s base of operations. Once we find that it’s all over,” Tornadus said.

"Didn't Genesect said that there were some coordinates in the single he received?”

“Yeah, Arceus went to check it out, but he found nothing. So whatever this “Wandering Sea” is, it is either a mobile location as the name implies, or the coordinates were just a meetup point in case they were being followed.”

Mewtwo sighed. “As much as I believe Arceus could and would simply will Chaldea out of exitance. Something tells me it’s not going to be that easy. My suggestion is to find and destroy this ‘Throne of Heroes’. Without these servants, the humans stand no chance against us.”

“Unlikely,” Said Giratina. “If what Harmoney said is true, the Throne of Heroes is a place no living thing can reach. It might not even be a physical place that Arceus could go to.”

Mewtwo narrowed his eyes. “You doubt the power of Lord Arceus?”

“...I do not doubt my father’s power, but I have known him far longer than you have. There are things that even he cannot do, the fact that he could not get rid of Darkrai’s powers is proof of that.”

The Genetic Pokemon sighed. “My apologies. It’s just, I wish there was a way we could resolve this quickly, so we could get back to the way things were.”

“I’m afraid there isn’t going to be a swift and easy solution to this problem. With Father still recovering from the world shift, this is a matter that we will have to solve ourselves.”

Tornadus raised an eyebrow. “So what do you suggest?”

Giratina looked around the room, there were still many Legendary Pokemon here, some he had known for a long time. Some who may just agree with Pokemon like him.

“First, I’m going to go talk to some of the others. Then, come to my room, we’ll discuss there.”

The Changeling Empire

Emperor Carapace stood at the window in his airship quarters as his castle came into view. The Changeling ruler had a lot on his mind since he left Equestria. But out of all of them, one thing stood out in particular.

As someone who lived as long as Princess Celestia and Luna, Carapace knew that death was taking its time when it came to him. He knew that he still had plenty of years left in him before the reaper came to claim his soul. But now, this whole situation made him realize something.

The entire world was now in a pernicious position where they could all be erased from existence. If the humans won, it would mean the end of their exitance. Even though nothing was set in stone, the thought of death hanging over your head was not a pleasant thought. It was like cancer, you never knew if you would survive it or not.

His granddaughter may have done something that would probably condemn the rest of her life to a cell. Time and time again he tried to reach out to her, wanting to make her see that what she did was wrong. That despite her good intentions, her ideals and methods were not what the Empire needed.

Chrysalis saw everyone else as food and things to be used, not as people or friends. It was a cynical point of view that he wished she would let go. Carapace was willing to try for the rest of his life to save her soul. So that even if she never got out and redeemed herself, she would at least she would be redeemed in spirit.

And now, with a new conflict hanging over their heads, one which threatened to destroy them all completely, Carapace resolved to try harder than ever to get through to her.

“If fate says that we should all die, then I don’t want us to die with regrets. I hope she will understand that.”

The airship soon docked into the castle port. The Emperor soon walked out and was greeted by a Changeling guard running up to him.

“I wonder what he’s worried about?”

“Emperor Carapace!”

“Calm down little one. What is it?”

“Its Queen Chrysalis sir!”

Carapace’s eyes widened.

“What’s wrong, did something happen to her?”

“She has escaped sir, her cell is empty!”

The Emperor started at his guard for a second. “WHAT!?”

Arceus sat in his pocket dimension as he viewed the screen images in front of him.

Several of them showed certain places in Equestria, of ponies and Pokemon working together. Some went about their daily lives as if nothing was happening. Others looked like they were having conversations about certain topics, no doubt one in particular.

In Ponyville, he watched as the town made preparations for Korrina’s funeral. Arceus felt a twinge of guilt at the thought of her death. She was one of the first humans that he met after the world shift who made it very clear that she wanted to be human again. Even though he may have never granted that wish, he could not help but feel sorry for her mate and partner Pokemon Lucario. Also, the fact that she died as a Pokemon rather than the human she wanted to be was not lost on him. Even if he didn't realy care much for that grivence.

All over Equestria, everyone was paying their respects to those killed by the bombings in mass gatherings. He himself had recently just laid his oldest grandchildren to rest. Truly this was a time of mourning.

Looking away from the sad images, Arceus turned to 5 other screens that were of much greater concern. Namely the windows that were monitoring the 5 Lostbelt storm walls.

Arceus for the life of him could not understand why he could not see beyond a wall of perpetual winds. As a god who created a universe, such a thing should have been a trifling matter. But Arceus had to begrudgingly accept that whoever made these storm walls, was a god. One who may or may not be currently more powerful than him.

The Alpha Pokemon cursed the world for stifling his powers. It saw him as a threat to its current self and wished to impede him in any way. From what Harmoney told him, when the Age of Man began, every surviving deity or Divine Spirit retreated to an underbelly of the world. And consequently, the laws of physics and science replaced those of mystics and authority. This meant that any god that tried to manifest in the modern world, would be rejected by it. In short, the humans made a world where they would be able to live without the care of gods.

And he hated it.

It was the belief of Arceus, as well as his eldest children, that a god should walk among his people. Or at the very least make it known that he is always there. Simply put, if a society believes that God is not real, then they would start to develop their own sense of morality and ideals of how the world should work. The ultimate reason why people sin is because they think no one will punish them for it. As long as they are smart, their fellow man will never punish them for their crimes. And if they die? There will be no god to judge them.

That is why Arceus was more of a hands-on God, because if people knew he was real, then they would be less likely to do bad things if they knew that God was watching them from above.

It was this belief that Arceus concluded was the greatest tragedy of being forgotten. Once he became a myth. Humanity was truly free to do what they wanted.

Harmony may have trusted her creations to do what they wished without them knowing of her existence. But Arceus could not take that chance with humanity, they were too unpredictable and amoral to let them roam free without divine supervision.

He wondered what this world, a world where only humans existed must be like. A world without Pokemon for them to abuse and treat as lesser beings. Where the only sins they committed were to themselves…


Arceus was brought out of deep thought to the familiar voice of his oldest daughter.

“Hello, Mew.” The Alpha Pokemon nuzzled his little kitten.

“Are you alright dad?”

Arceus looked dejectedly at Mew, before sighing. “No Mew, I am not alright.”

Mew despite her childish nature understood perfectly. In fact, she had anticipated such a response.

“That bad huh?”

Arceus looked back to the screens, the new images flashing before him.

“This was supposed to be a fresh start. A way in which we could maybe somewhat begin again.”

Mew put a paw on her father as he stared at the many things happening all over the world.

“They say the past has a way of catching you unawares. Hehe. I just never thought it would be like this.”


“They may not be the humans we know, the ones we left behind. But they are human nonetheless. And now, the innocent people of this new world will finally know what humans are really like.”

Arceus closed his eyes, recalling certain events that shaped history, for better or worse...mostly worse.

“There is a very real possibility that everything we worked for and have achieved in this world will be erased as if it was never there. Our story of suffering will be ended like someone putting a tormented creature out of its misery.”

He then remembered recent events. Happy moments like Gene and Belle’s wedding, Seth finally relieved that Pokemon like them were happy at last, seeing Keldeo fall in love, Jirachi no longer having to sleep for eternity, Darkrai finally gaining control of his powers and being together with Cresselia.

“But I will not let the happiness that we have found here be taken from us because of a mistake. I know this may sound selfish of me, but I will do whatever I must to ensure that we will have a future. Even if that means taking away the future of 6 other worlds.”

The Alpha Pokemon opened his eyes and looked back at his daughter.

“Go ahead, tell me I’m being heartless.”

Mew hugged her father.

“You’re not heartless dad, everything you have done so far is proof that you have a heart.”

If Arceus had a mouth he’d be smiling.

“A little inconsiderate, but not heartless.”

“Heh, I suppose that’s true.”

“I don’t know if we are doing the right thing or not, but I do know that we are doing what we must to save the ones we love. Even if it’s a very hard and morally questionable thing to do.”

Mew then went around and looked at her dad straight in the face.

“But even with all that, I want you to promise something.”

“Anything my little kitten.”

Mew then in one of the rare few times, put a serious expression on her face.

“Whether we like it or not, our foes are of the human race. And we have all seen how you react to humans these days.”

If their was any shame, embarrassment, or apathy on his face, Arceus didn’t show it.

“So I want you to promise me. Do not be cruel or judgmental of them, do not take any joy or satisfaction in their defeats, as if you’re getting pay back from all those thousands of years you were imprisoned. These humans are not the ones from our world. They are different. And you must treat them differently.”

“...I promise, that I will not take my anger out on these humans as if they were the ones who ruined our world Mew, I promise.”

“Thank you, daddy.” Mew then hugged her father again, this time more tightly. Once she left, Arceus turned his attention back to his screens.

“That doesn’t mean. I will not take my anger out on them for the sins they have committed in this conflict, and in their world. They have already displayed similar disrespect to their gods by sealing them away just like my legendaries. Not to mention, if something were to happen to any of you because of them. I will not be responsible for what follows.”

Author's Note:

Not a major chapter, but a necessary on IMO. The next chapter is where the story resumes its progression.

As always, comment and discuss.

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