• Published 13th Sep 2020
  • 3,759 Views, 703 Comments

A New World, A New Way: Requiem from the Lostbelt - Metroid Prime

The seeds of fantasy have descend. Now, 7 worlds fight for the right to live.

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Your Desire

“Father, wake up!”

Arceus’s eyes shot open. He jolted up as he remembered what had just happened.

He looked to his right and saw Mew looking at him with a worried face. He then looked further and saw that he had fallen just a few short miles away from where the main area was.

“Mew. What happened? Is everyone-”

“Everybody is safe daddy, thanks to you.”

Arceus checked his internal clock, he was out for no more than a minute. And yet, there was no sound of fighting.

“And the Chaldeans. What of them? Were they captured?”

Mew looked away, the look on her face betraying the answer to his question. So she just simply shook her head.

“They got away dad.”

Arceus blinked. Several emotions began to swell up inside him. All of them related to anger and frustration.

All that effort, all that time, wasted. Once again, a small group of humans and their spiritual familiars managed to escape him once again. He was Arceus. A god who should be undefyable.

He wanted to flatten a mountain right now. To reduce it to rumble as a way to vent his frustration.

But then, he found the strength to calm down. It would do him no good to just scream into the abyss at the moment. And besides, he didn’t want to scare Mew.

“What is everyone doing now?”

“The other Legendaries are helping everyone who got hurt. And Celestia is helping as well.

Arceus looked to the night sky. The magical spell that had adorned its tapestry was now gone. Whatever that thing was, he had never seen it before in his long life.

And yet, a human was somehow able to make it happen.

“I guess I should go and help everyone as well,” Arceus said as he floated into the air and began to make his way over to where everyone was at. Mew was following close by. “The sooner we pick up all our stuff, the sooner we can discuss what just happened.”

Canterlot Castle

“Okay, I just want to be the first to say this: What the hell was that!?”

Arceus, Mewtwo, The Princess, The Mane Six, as well as Abby, and Seth were now gathered in the throne room of Canterlot Castle. After all the Guards and Pokemon were accounted for and brought back home, a meeting was held in order to discuss the failure of the operation to capture Chaldea. Or more specifically, the outrageous things that happened during the fight.

Abby’s opening words were indicative of what everyone was thinking. What should have been a victory given the superior numbers and powerful beings at their disposal, turned into a disaster as Chaldea somehow kept pulling out new surprises that just kept turning the tables.

“Be more specific Mrs. Abigail,” Mewtwo said. “There are several things that happened that could be described by that statement.”

Abby shot Mewtwo a glare, but the Genetic Pokemon seemed to ignore it. His focus was elsewhere.

“I think we should just start in chronological order and work our way from there,” Celestia said.

“Agreed,” Twilight stated.

“So, I think we can all agree that things took a turn when that tower showed up and changed the area into a field of pink flowers. When that happened, all the servants seemed to get a boost in power and healing.”

“That must have been a Noble Phantasm,” Twilight said. “The its got to be the only explanation.”

“Wait, I thought Noble phantasms were weapons?” Rainbow Dash said.

“Not necessarily Ms. Dash,” Arceus said. “Noble Phantasms are the manifestation of Heroic Spirit’s legend. They are the crystallization of their deeds and events. Meaning that anything related to them, if they are closely tied with that thing and their fame, those things could count as their Noble Phantasm.”

“Wow, really?”

“Yes. That fortress we were besieging was also a Noble Phantasm. Which means the person to who it belongs had very close ties with it.”

“So what kind of Noble Phantasm was the one we witnessed?” Luna said. “Who did it belong to?”

“Hmmm, I remember when I was fighting Gawain, he said a name,” Celestia said. “As if he recognized or was familiar with who was casting the Noble Phantasm.”

“What did he say.”

“I believe the name was…Merlin.”

Those who were from Earth immediately widened their eyes at the mention of that name.

“MERLIN!?” Seth said. “Did I hear that right, did you just say Merlin!?”

The ponies were a bit taken aback by the reaction.

“Yes. Do you know of him?”

“Merlin,” Abby began. “Was the court Wizard of King Arthur. Back on Earth, he was the most famous fictional wizard in history.”

“Really?” Twilight said with interest.

“Indeed,” Arceus said. “Even though he is fictional in our world. Throughout the multiverse, the name Merlin is synonymous with great Wizards and magic users. If someone is named Merlin, then they are a magical force to be reckoned with.”

“He is really that famous and powerful?” Luna asked.

“Yes. Merlin is to humans what Starswirl the Bearded is to you Equestrians.”

“Interesting,” Twilight said rubbing her chin. “Although I bet Starswirl is a better magic user.”

“I wouldn’t be so sure. Merlin is half incubus, which gives him more power beyond what normal human mages can achieve.”

“Wait, did you say incubus?” Luna said.

“Yes, why?”

“I knew it! That servant is the same one me, Darkrai, and Cresselia met when we were monitoring the dreamscape!”

“What?” Celestia said.

“We found him feeding off of the dreams of ponies and Pokemon. Although at the time we didn’t know for what reason.”

“Why didn’t you mention any of this Luna?”

“What happens in the dream realm is my concern sister. You need not be troubled with it.”

“You still could have told me. Even if it was something related to the dream realm, it if was a servant, then you could have asked for my help.”

“I had Darkrai and Cresselia with me, I did have help.”

“Hmmm. Incubus are known to feast on dreams for nourishment and power,” Arceus said. “And if I had to guess, it was so that Merlin could have the energy to use his Noble Phantasm for as long as he did.”

“Well now he’s gone, can’t do much about that,” Abby said.

“Okay lets, talk about the next crazy thing that happened,” Mewtwo said. “Those golden chains that came out of nowhere and somehow bound the entire Legendary Council.”

The room went silent as that subject was brought up. Even Arceus did not speak.

What had happened on that day was something the Legendary Pokemon would remember for the rest of their lives. To know that somehow, there was someone or something that was capable of binding them all in chains. It lasted for a few minutes, but even it was just 10 seconds, just the very possibility was scary.

“Please tell me someone knows something that could tell us what that was?” Arceus said, in an almost desperate voice.

No answer.

“No one? No one knows what that thing was. Even a hint is helpful.”

The almost desperation in his voice made several people like Celestia scared for and sympathetic towards Arceus. And she knew why.

Ever since he had been freed from his confinement, Arceus would do anything in his power to make sure he never would be in a vulnerable position again. To never be brought down or confined in any way.

It was why during one of their meetings, Arceus refused to divulge any information to Celestia about the original spell that was used to seal him away. Even though she wanted to know in case someone like Arceus ever needed to be dealt with.

And yet, for a brief moment, Arceus was made to relive that 5,000-year-long nightmare. A nightmare he thought was over.

“I’m sorry Arceus, it seems no one knows anything about who might have done that,” Celestia stated.

“If it was some servant’s Noble Phantasm, we don’t know their true name,” Seth said.

Arceus looked on as if he was waiting for some kind of answer. But reading everyone's minds, he knew they had none.

He just sighed.

“Very well then. Let's move on to the elephant in the room.”

“The giant light show in the sky, and the Meteors being dropped on us? How could we forget?” Abby said.

Mewtwo turned to Luna. “Princess, the stars of the night sky are your domain are they not? Can you please explain how that human mage was able to manipulate the stars themselves and call down space rocks when you should be the only one able to control them?”

When Mewtwo finished his sentence, several eyes were on Luna, who felt like she was being interrogated.

“I don’t know.”

“So a human invaded your domain and you did nothing to stop him?”

Luna looked like someone had slapped her.

“Enough Mewtwo!” Celestia said. “Are you implying that Luna was helping the Chaldeans!?”

“I wouldn't dream of it, Princess Celestia. I’m just calling into question how a mere human was able to wield that stars and use them in such a way that the Alicorn of the Night was not able to stop him.”

Celestia gritted her teeth inside her mouth. She knew very well that despite all appearances, Luna’s pride was still very fragile. Ponies to this day still loved and revered her more than her sister, but Luna had learned to live with that fact as best she could. She had been gone for a millennia, of course, ponies would more familiar and receptive towards the elder sibling who was here the entire time and did her duty.

So Luna began to take pride in the only thing she still had. Her domain and duty as the Princess of the Night and Dreams. It was the only thing Celestia could no longer hold claim over.

So having a human they never virtually nothing about, just stroll in and usurp the stars from her, and do something that she had never done before. It was a critical blow to her already failing ego.

“I am completely honest when I say that I have no idea how than human was able to manipulate the stars the way he did. Never before have I been able to perform a magical spell on that scale and power. I didn’t even know it was possible to call down meteors like that!”

“You guys can move the Sun and Moon but can’t call down a few small space rocks?” Seth said.

“Our powers and domains only relate to the Sun and Moon Seth. They do not allow us control over anything else in space. Although given what we just witnessed, I think it's fair to call that into question.”

“I was able to use the stars to free me from my prison on the Moon, but never have I been able to use them like that.

“Humans. They should not have that kind of power,” Arceus said. They are unworthy of it!”

“Arceus?” Twilight said.

“The stars are part of the heavens. The heavens are the domain of the gods, this has been the way since time immemorial. Humans stayed on the Earth and never thought about making the heavens their own, sure they always dreamed of reaching them, but that was just folly and arrogance.”

Arceus shook his head.

“But human arrogance never ceases, they eventually reached the sky and the sea of stars beyond it. They sought to strike down the gods and take their domains, it was never enough for them!”

“Arceus…” Celestia began.

“There is a reason gods have control over the world Celestia, it's because humans are not responsible enough to maintain them in our place. They exploit its resources and consume its bounty all in the name of “progress”, this is why so many versions of Earth become lifeless because they don’t know when to stop. A human being able to control the stars like that is one of the worst things I have found out today! He is unworthy of that power, it should not belong to him. If I could I would strip him of it!”

Everyone just stood there as Arceus finished his rant.

“But there is nothing we can do about that now. He is gone, along with the rest of the Chaldeans. This entire thing has been a complete disaster! They came here, terrorized our citizens, tried to cut down our Tree of Emptiness, and just left while flipping us the bird on the way out! ”

“When did they flip a bird?” Fluttershy said.

“It's a figure of speech,” Abby said. “And I’d rather not explain what it means.”

“So what now?” Twilight said. “With Chaldea gone, is there nothing we can do?”

“Are you sure we have no way of finding them?” Luna said.

“No. Like I said before, whatever method of travel they use, it erases all traces of their existence. I cannot find something that does not exist,” Arceus said.

At this point, everyone in the room had run out of things to say. There was nothing of significance left to discuss. Chaldea was gone, they escaped. The only thing left to do now was...

“Hey, guys!”

Hoopa pop her head through one of her rings and startled everyone.

“Hoopa, what did your father tell you about doing that!?”

“Look who’s talking," Celestia mentally said.

“Hi Hoopa! Long time no see!” Pinkie Pie said.

“Hi Pinkie Pie, it's been a while. Is Discord around?”

“I don’t know, maybe?”

Before chaos could break loose again by the potential reunion of the three troublemakers. Arceus stepped in.

“Hoopa, we are very busy here. Was there something you wish to tell us, or did you just wish to speak with Ms. Pinkie Pie?”

“Oh yeah, there is! Darkrai and Cresselia’s eggs hatched!”

Almost everyone in the room forgot about the conversation and leaned into this news.

“Wait really? When?”

“Just a few minutes ago! Everyone wants you guys to come and see!”

Everyone looked at each other. It felt a little inappropriate to just leave the meeting like this, but…

“I think that's a good, idea,” Celestia said. “We discussed all we can here right? And seeing this might help better our moods.”

Arceus looked at Celestia, and after a moment of thinking, he nodded.

“Yes, that's right. Let us ago and meet the new members of my family.”

“Alright then!” Hoopa widened the ring to be big enough for everyone to fit through.”

One by one they walked through the ring and entered the Hall of Legends. They found themselves in the foyer where every Legendary Pokemon was gathered around.

“Where are they?” Pinkie Pie said. “I can’t see!”

“Shhh,” Mew said. “They’re sleeping.”

“Oh, sorry.”

The legendary Pokemon made a path for Arceus and the others and they made their way towards the center of the crowd.

Until finally, they saw it.

Their mother and father standing over them, watching them sleep, were two newborn Legendary Pokemon.

They rested in a nest as cuddled with each other. Darkrai and Cresselia had proud looks on their face as they watched their progeny dream.

On the left was what looked like a sleeping baby lion cub with a white mane that almost resembled the sun. On the right was a bat-like Pokemon and wings and a head that was shaped like the crescent moon.

The two children looked nothing like their parents or each other, except for their similar stary foreheads.

“Awww!” Pinkie Pie said.

“They look just adorable!” Rarity commented.

“Why don’t they look like their parents?” Twilight said.

“Legendary Pokemon DNA does not work like mortal DNA,” Mew said. ”Whenever a Legendary Pokemon gives birth, the child may inherit powers from the parent, but otherwise, they bare no physical resemblance. That's just the way dad made us.”

“I see, interesting.”

Arceus looked upon them with pride and, then turned to Darkrai and Cresselia.

“Congratulations you two.”

“Thank you, Lord Arceus.”

“So, what are their names?”

Darkrai looked over his children, then went up to caress their heads.

“This one right here, our son, his name is Solgaleo. For his is the lion whose mane is like the sun.”

Everyone nodded in agreement, Celestia doubly so.

“And this one right here,” Darkrai said as he went over to the right and placed his hand on his other child. “Her shape is like the moon and her head has the pattern of the stars like her brother. So I could think of no other name than-

Darkrai looked right at the Alicorn of the Night as he spoke the name.


There were several “Awes” and “Ahhs” when the name was spoken. Luna for her part blinked before her chest swelled with incandescent pride.

“Darkrai, I don't know what to say.”

“You don't have to say, anything Princess. I owe all this to you. If it weren't for your training and helping me with my powers and feelings. I and Cresselia would have never been where we are today, and these children would not have been brought into this world. All I can say is, thank you, Princess Luna.”

Darkrai bowed. And everyone clapped.

Luna was now in a far better mood than she had been before, despite what had happened. This moment made her forget about all that. For now, she just wanted to enjoy this moment and the knowledge that something she had done had brought joy and happiness into this world.

And she was not alone, Arceus was similarly happy that he was here to witness this moment.

His happiness faltered a little as he remembered those who were not here to see this. The first new Legendary Pokemon to be born in thousands of years.

Zapdos, Articuno, Moltres, and Shaymin.

They were gone, and unlike Latios, he could not bring him back.

Death in this world was permanent, something that he would not be able to reverse. They all had one life to live, and it may be shorter than they think.

“No, I cannot think like that, not now.”

The future was now more uncertain than it had ever been, whatever control Arceus thought he had over fate was now just an illusion.

But despite all he had seen, Arceus still believed and hoped, that they would overcome this. He had not brought his entire race to this new world to die, he had brought them here to give them a second chance.

And if it came it, he would gladly give his life to see that they got that second chance.

He would do anything to protect their future.


“This fight is long from over Chaldea, whenever you show yourselves again, I promise, I will no longer underestimate you. So prepare yourselves, because I am coming for you.”

The Wandering Sea.

“Welcome back everyone!”

Sion greeted the crew of the Shadow Border as everyone disembarked.

“Glad you made it here safely.”

“Finally, it's good to be home!” Kadoc said.

“Alright, so before you all unpack, I need everyone in the meeting room to discuss what you guys went through.”

“Alright then, just give us a moment Sion, we're still a little rocky from that trip,” Da Vinci said.

After everyone had settled down, they went to the control room and after a long discussion, went over all that had happened in the Equestrian Lostbelt.

“Hmmm, that is quite a lot to unpack.”

“You could say that again,” Goredolf said.

“So this time we failed to cut down the Tree of Emptiness. Okay, fine, we can’t get every single one on our first try.”

“But I don’t think we can go back there any time soon,” Kirschtaria said. “After our failure, they are sure to have the tree well-defended next time.”

“Agreed, the Equus Lostbelt is something we have to avoid for now,” Holmes said.

“Yes, but eventually we’ll have to come back to it, and once we do, we can’t just try what we did last time.”

“If you have a different idea about how to prune this Lostbelt I am all ears,” Goredolf said.

“Well, I do have this one idea….”

Equus Lostbelt: Cosmos Exant. [Status: Passive]

Russian Lostbelt: Cosmos Denial

Scandinavian Lostbelt: Cosmos Denial

Chinese Lostbelt: Cosmos Exant. [Status: Passive]

Indian Lostbelt: Cosmos Exant. [Status: Expanding and Contracting]

Atlantic Lostbelt: Cosmos Exant. [Status: Expanding, encroaching upon Zebrica Nation border]

British Lostbelt: Cosmos Exant. [Status: Passive]

South American Lostbelt: Cosmos Exant. [Status: Passive]

Coming soon.

Arc 2

Holy Conflict in the Divided Kingdom, Zebrica:

Last Stand of the Pokemon Liberation Army

Author's Note:

And that concludes Arc 1! Thank you all for your patience and for following this story for the better part of a year and a half. Arc 2 will be coming in June and will be Co-written by Evowizard25, author of A New World, A New Conflict.

Until then!

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