• Published 13th Sep 2020
  • 3,760 Views, 703 Comments

A New World, A New Way: Requiem from the Lostbelt - Metroid Prime

The seeds of fantasy have descend. Now, 7 worlds fight for the right to live.

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You are the Evil here

Author's Note:

I should let you all know that fight scenes are not my strongest form of writing. So I apologize if what I wrote was not descriptive or too short.

Also if for some reason the italicized words appear to be too far spaced that on PC compared to mobile, its not my intention and is actually a problem with the site I believe. I don't know how to fix it.

The night air was so tense one could cut it with a knife.

On that day, three superpowered beings faced each other. Two on one side, one on the other. Two were the eldest rulers of Equestria, one was the form of ether in the shape of a dead person.

Outside of the memories shown to them by two gods, for Celestia and Luna, this was the first time they came face to face with an actual human. Or at least something that was once human.

If there was one word to describe the servant known as Karna at first glance, it would be intimidating. His gaze almost felt like he was staring right through them. Aside from that, there was no doubt that this person radiated power just by standing there. On some level, Celestia knew that this servant was probably more powerful than the majority of his kind. And yet, the Princess of the Sun could not help but feel some kind of connection with him, as if she and Karna were perhaps similar beings in some way.

“I ask you, are you my enemy?” Karna asked.

Princess Celestia hesitated for a moment before speaking.

“My name is Princess Celestia of Equestria, this is my younger sister Princess Luna.”

“Sister, I believe I can introduce myself,” Luna stated dryly.

Celestia blinked at her sister’s words but continued.

“We are the Co-rulers of the kingdom of Equestria, for which you are now in. As for your question Karna, that all depends.”

“On what?” The heroic spirit said.

“On what you intend to do here.” the Solar Princess’s tone became more authoritative as she said this.

“...I believe I have already stated my reasons for being here Princess.”

The elder alicorn narrowed her eyes.

“But in case my words were not conveyed properly, allow me to give you full disclosure. I am a Heroic Spirit of Alaya, of the human Counter Force. I was summoned here in order to correct the Filtering Alternate History Phenomenon, to restore Proper Human History to its rightful place in this timeline. Consequently, this means that I must subvert this Lostbelt by returning it to the cosmic void that it was sent to when it was pruned by the world.”

“Pruned by the world,” Celestia whispered. That topic was still a sore spot for her. The alicorn still had a hard time believing or understanding why her home planet had deemed their timeline unnecessary for progression and had cut it off like a tumor. To the Princess, it was like culling a number of a population because that group had something wrong with them. In her mind, everyone, no matter what mistakes or defects that might have been saddled with had a right to live. So what right did the world have to kill entire timelines for any reason whatsoever?

The Princess shook her head and refocused on the current matter.

“Well Karna. For what you say and what we have been told, you and others like you are attempting to restore your Proper Human History, to save the timeline from which you come. I do not blame you or fault you for this. However, you must understand that your actions will ultimately result in the deaths of countless people, billions of lives.” Celestia took a deep breath before continuing “Please understand, the people who live in this world, have names, they have dreams, they have...friends. Not to mention, this timeline...no, this world, recently became the home of several billion more sentient beings. They came to this world to start a new a life, to escape the horrors of the old world and find peace in the new one.”

It did not escape Luna’s notice that Celestia didn’t mention that humans were responsible for the horrors that the Pokemon endured back on Earth. She guessed that while she was trying to make this servant understand the gravity of their actions, she did not want to completely guilt-trip him. Even if it was a different version of humanity that caused the Pokemon so much suffering and pain.

“Your actions would ultimately result in the destruction of a species who have only just found respite and a chance to start anew. I ask you to please consider the moral implications of what you're about to do. That you fully understand the consequences of what this Counter Force wants you to perform. So tell me Karna, knowing this, will you still do what you were called here to do?”

Lancer stood there for a second, not a single word more was spoken from any of them as the alicorns waited for his answer. Karna then closed his eyes as if he was deep in thought.

“I must admit, I was not aware of this. That another species had made their home on this planet.”

The pale white man opened his eyes.

“The Counter Force only provides servants with basic knowledge and mannerisms of the current times, as well as our objective upon being summoned into whatever timeframe. So as a result, I am unaware of the complete circumstances of this Lostbelt in the people who live in it. So now having learned this, I offer my most sincere condolences to those who suffered and journeyed here to this world.”

Celestia began to form a small mental smile. She had hoped that she could reason with this servant rather than fight him. For if there was any moral compass in his body, that surely, it may trump any orders that would cause the destruction of an entire world.

“That being said, my orders still stand. Until I find a master to form a contract with, I am currently under orders of the Counter Force to restore Proper Human History. Whatever that might entail.”

And just like that, Celestia’s smile faded.

Luna, having anticipated this response, spoke for her sister and for herself.

“So that is your answer? You will sentence this world and all who live in it to death? With not a care or thought for who might live in it!? Will you return to your Throne of Heroes content with the knowledge that you condemned billions to die without so much as ever getting to know any one of them!?”

Karna was silent.

“Answer me human! I have heard of your kind, of the horrors and atrocities that your species has committed, of the cruelty your people are capable of. If this really is humanity, if you really are one of the heroes of their history, the kind of hero who would kill countless beings with a straight face. Then I guess Arceus was right. Tell me, what kind of cruel, sinful world are you trying to save? Is it really so better than ours that it would be considered the proper one? If so, the world must have some really twisted idea of what kind of timeline it wants to cultivate.”



“...I am a hero Princess. I fight only so that I may not sully my honor or the honor of my father. Even if I were to have any misgivings of what orders I would be given, I would still carry them out as long as they came from the mouth of my current master.”

Luna’s faced scowled. Thankfully Celestia took over again.

“So that’s it, you are not going to stop or relent?”

“I’m sorry, but no.”

“Very well then.” Celestia then spread her wings out and straightened her legs. “By the authority vested in me, I Princess Celestia of Equestria order you to stand down Karna. If you turn yourself in without resistance, I assure you that you will be treated fairly under Equestrian law. Any attempt to resist and I will have no choice but to display my power here and now. I do not wish to fight you Karna, but if you do not come with us peacefully then I will make you.” The elder Princess punctuated this by igniting her horn in a golden glow.

Karna was unfazed by her statement, merely blinking as she gathered her power.

“Then it would seem that I have no choice but to fight. Very well.”

The Lancer-class servant held out his arm as a golden spear manifested in his hand. The end of said spear had a red cloth attached to it, while the head of the spear was shaped in a circle with five prongs pointing from the center.

The man took a battle stance as he griped his weapon tightly.

“Consider this first strike, as a declaration of war.”

The Princess of Equestria and the Prince of India stared at each other in high anticipation, both seemingly waiting for the other to make the first move. Luna and the other guards being equally on edge.

Celestia blinked for a split second.

Karna was no longer in front of her.


Celestia reacted even before she heard Luna’s voice. Looking to her back left, she caught the brief glimpse of a golden spear aimed at her head. In what would normally be impossible for a regular pony, Celestia ducked her head as the tip of the spear nicked her neck as it tried to impale it. A drop of blood staining her pure white coat.

“I shall end this quickly,” Karna then delivered a powerful kick to her midsection which sent Celestia rolling several meters away. The solar alicorn quickly spread her wings to stop herself and used the momentum to get back on her feet.

“Princess!” Ironside exclaimed. The stallion gripped his spear as he began to rally the other guards. “We have to help her!”

“No!” Celestia shouted. “I’ll handle this! Luna and the rest of you just stay back. Call for Mewtwo or any of the other Legendaries!”

Luna gritted her teeth, but relented. “Very well, everyone stand back! Someone contact Canterlot, tell them to find Mewtwo and get himself down here right now!”

The moon alicorn then looked back toward the battle, Celestia and Karna were now once again facing each other.

He’s fast, much faster than I ever anticipated. So I just have to keep up with him. Celestia then cast a spell on herself, it was an advanced mystic that made the user faster and swifter. It may have meant that Celestia would not be able to get off any powerful spells that required time to charge, but she didn’t need to defeat Karna, only distract him long enough until help arrived.

“Hopefully someone does come soon.”

Celestia fired a powerful beam from her horn directly at Karna. The Hero of Charity simply deflected it with his spear and charged at her with full speed. The Princess quickly cast a shield in front of her that repelled the stip of the spear that was aimed at her chest. Thinking quickly, she summoned several swords made of light aimed at Karna’s back. The servant saw this and jumped into the air, avoiding the constructs and used his Mana Burst to keep him in the air for a while.

“Watch yourself.”

Fire gathered in the tip of his spear, before shooting a beam of concentrated energy at Celestia. Rather than shielding herself this time, Celestia wisely dodged as the beam impacted the group and created a small explosion where she just was.

“So, fire is the element he wields.”

Celestia then shot several homing shots that then chased Karna as he landed back on the ground. After a few seconds and with a twirl of his spear, he parried the bolts until they were no more. Using this opening, Celestia got behind Karna and attempted to impale him in the shoulder. Once again anticipating an attack, the Lancer turned around and caught her horn with his spear. The two struggled for a bit as they pushed each other.

“He can’t use his spear like this, and yet, if I aim my horn just right-”

“O Agni.”

Celestia’s eyes widen as in half a second, the temperature in the area shot up quickly. The Princess barely had time to react before a column of fire erupted around them. The alicorn got back in time as the steam of fire bathed Karna in a glowing light. A lesser being would have had their skin boiled off had they been as close as she was when the fire ignited. But thankfully her alicorn physiology allowed her to survive with only a few singes on her coat.

When the fire stopped, the entire ground around him had become a scorched earth. But Karna looked as if the fire had had no effect on him whatsoever.

“He is immune to fire? Or just his own?” Celestia had learned that certain Pokemon had immunity to fire and extreme temperatures, in addition to the ability to absorb said fire to power up their moves. Was this servant like them?

“I guess I‘ll have to use spells that are not fire-based.” Celestia then began to charge a pure mana based attack and readied herself.

“Still, where is Mewtwo? I thought he of all Pokemon would want to be here right now.”

Hall of Legends, Giratina’s room

Mewtwo stood beside Giratina as the assemblage of other Legendary Pokemon in the room stood or sat down.

The Legendary Pokemon that were present were all the same from the other night. Namely Kyogre, Kyurem, Reshiram, Zygarde, Registeel, Regirock, Regigigas, Yveltal, Latios, Tornadus, and Thundurus. Once everyone got comfortable, Giratina spoke.

“I thank you all for once again coming here. Now, first things first. Have you all thought over what I said yesterday?”

Everyone either nodded or said yes.

“Good, so what are your answers?”

Several mons looked at each other before Latios spoke.

“While I would like the know the specifics of what you are proposing first Giratina. I am willing to help you if it ultimately means keeping this world safe.”

Then Yveltal raised his voice.

“I speak for Kyurem and Kyogre when I say that we will support you however we can. This is a war we are fighting. And I do not care for how it is fought.”

“Humanity is chaotic and unpredictable,” Zygarde said. “I will not allow their corruption to destroy this new world and dismantle the order we have been working so hard to achieve. If that means that humanity must die, then so be it.”

Regigigas went next. “I first want to know what exactly you plan to do. Even war has rules. How we fight it is a reflection of who we are. Humans may have sealed me away and separated me from my children. But that was a different humanity. We cannot judge this incarnation of the human race for the actions of the ones birthed by Mew.”

Giratina stared at the continent Pokemon.

“Regigigas speaks from himself,” His gaze then tilted down to Regirock and Registeel. “But what of his sons?”

The two golems looked at each other than at their father. Before speaking in unison.

“I and my brother support your plan Giratina.”

“Yes, this is the quickest and most efficient way to end this conflict.”

Regigigas looked down at his progeny, but otherwise did not give an indication if he was upset with their decision.

“For once Tornadus and I agree on something. Humanity has had their chance, it's time for this world to be a planet where they can no longer screw everything up.”

“Thunderous says something smart for once. Lord Arceus will thank us by the time this is over.”

And finally, Reshiram gave her answer.

“When I was with N, he spoke of a world where Pokemon and people lived separately. He had seen what humanity had done to them and wanted to make a world built upon a single truth. That Pokemon and Humans were incompatible beings, and that it would be better if they lived in separate worlds.”

Reshiram sighed.

“I must admit, that I supported N not just because he wanted to make a world or truth. But because I agreed with him. For too long, I have observed the lies and deceit that humanity has built up over the years. Their governments are corrupt and self-serving, ignoring the truths and reality of the world in order to keep themselves in power. Indeed, I have. Come to the conclusion that the Pokemon would be better off without humanity.

The Pokemon of Truth’s eyes blaze with conviction.

“Although I don’t know what N is doing or thinking right now, I know that his world of truth is finally achieved. Pokemon and Humans are now in separate worlds. That is why I’ll be damned if the world is destroyed. So yes Giratina, I will help you protect this planet and defeat humanity.”

Behind his mask, the ruler of the Distortion World smiled.

“Very well. So aside from Regigigas, we are all in agreement. Humanity must be destroyed. And unlike father who just left the ones back on Earth to slowly die. We shall eradicate them swiftly and thoroughly. If anyone has any objections to this please leave now.”

All eyes were on Regigigas, who looked down at his sons. Despite their faces being expressionless, they understood each other and where they stand. And then without a word, Regigigas left the room.

“Now then, before we get into the specifics of how we go about destroying humanity once and for all. Let’s go over what we know. Mewtwo if you would be so kind.”

The Genetic Pokemon stepped(or rather floated) forward. “From what we know, and from what Harmony told us, our main threats are the Counter Force and the Chaldeans. First, let’s talk about the Counter Force. From what we can understand, it is a metaphysical power that protects mankind from the possibility of extinction and works through deterrents in order to eliminate any real threat to mankind’s survival.”

Zygarde let out a grunt. “Can I just say how absurd it is that humans of all species somehow got a conceptual protective force that was made for the explicit purpose of keeping them alive for as long as possible!? I can think of several other races that deserve something like that more than those insolent humans. I mean, why didn’t we get a Counter Force?”

“Our world is built differently than theirs Zygarde,” Latios said. “Plus Arceus would have no need to make something like that, for the Pokemon, that job basically falls down to us legendaries.”

“Well, maybe he should have considering the numerous times those various Teams used us to change or rule the world. Or when Lysandere tried to destroy it. Can you imagine what would have happened if Calem had not stopped that man when he did?”

“Gentlemon!” Mewtwo said in a stern voice. “Please save this for another time. And Zygarde, while I do wholeheartedly agree with you. We can’t focus on the what-if and need to focus more on the now. So as I was saying the Counter Force will use various servants as tools in order to protect the humans from threats to their kind and from themselves. Currently, this Counter Force is deploying servants all over the world in order to attack and destroy us.”

“So how do we stop it?” Kyogre asked. “It’s not as if this Counter Force is a giant power core that we can just blow up and then problem solved. How do we stop it from sending servants here?”

“Harmony said that servants come into this world through the Ley Lines that feed magic into the environment. There may be other ways but this is the only way we know that they are being summoned here.”

Yveltal then spoke up.

“So why don’t we just destroy these Ley Lines? Every single one around the world.”

There were some murmuring and nods of agreement, but then Giratina said something.

“That would be unwise, the Ley Lines provide magic to the entire world, they are the blood vessels of the planet essentially. I have learned this during our time here. To destroy them would not only take away the ponies’ ability to use magic, but it may also have unknown consequences on the environment.”

Zygarde and several others widened their eyes at this, that part they hadn’t considered. “Hmmm. As the Pokemon of Order, I must maintain the balance of nature and its workings. If destroying the Ley Lines would upset that order, then I object to this.”

“But can’t Lord Arceus just fix them when this is all over?” Thunderous suggested. “I’m pretty sure a few Ley Line would be easy to repair for a god. Even if it means a few weeks or months without magic, that’s a small price to pay in order to save the world. So what it the ponies can’t use magic, we still got Pokemon who don’t need that to fight.”

“While some ponies are hardly defenseless without magic,” Reshiram iterated. “Taking away an essential aspect of their daily lives, nay a part of their very civilization is a risk and must be made with deliberation.”

The room became somewhat silent as the Pokemon deliberated doing something as drastic as that in order to save their world. This was something they obviously could not do without the consent of the World Leaders and the people of Equus. While the Pokemon now called this planet home. They had not stayed here long enough to have the right to make such a world-altering decision like that.

“We shall keep this option for later, and at some point I shall propose the idea to father,” Giratina said. “And even if he does agree, there are still many hoops we’d have to jump through in order to get that idea approved by the rest of the World Leaders.”

“Now let’s move from the Counter Force and onto Chaldea,” Mewtwo said in resuming. “Their full name is the Organization for the Preservation of the Human Order, Finis Chaldea. They are like the Counter Force in that they are tasked with defending mankind and ensuring its continued existence. And just like the Counter Force, they use servants as their main means of fighting. But unlike said Counter Force, they are not an intangible, invisible power. They are mainly comprised and lead by flesh and blood humans,” Mewtwo then smirked. “Humans that can be captured, deterred, and interrogated.”

“The solution to this one is simple,” Giratina continued. “All we have to do is find their base of operations and then father can just teleport there and take care of the rest.”

“The solution is indeed simple,” Kyruem said in his icy voice. “But how do we find it?”

“Unfortunately, Father has already visited the coordinates the was transmitted from wherever this Wandering Sea is. But he found nothing upon arrival. Plus there is no doubt that this Chaldea is using some kind of conceptual way to keep themselves hidden, otherwise, Harmony herself would have found out where they are by now.”

“Then it seems we are left with no other choice but to meet these Chaldeans on the field of battle. Capture one of their numbers, and get them to talk,” Reshiram said.

“Alternatively, Mewtwo or Arceus could just pluck the information right out of their head,” Tornadus suggested.

“That may be a problem,” Mewtwo said in an annoyed tone.


“Princess Celestia, especially after the incident with the Gallade. Does not trust me or Lord Arceus to handle matters of interrogation. She doesn’t think I would be delicate enough to handle the job.”

“What!?” Thunderous exclaimed. “The fate of the world rests in our hands, and Celestia wants to take the hard way to get there just because of some, moral code?”

“To be fair,” Latios said. “Mewtwo does indeed not seem to care about restraint when using his powers.”

The Genetic Pokemon glared at the male Eon duo member. “While there may be some truth to Latios’s words, I still do believe that a swift and efficient mind read will tell us the whereabouts of the Chaldean base,” Mewtwo then smiled. “Thankfully, I can detect and read the minds of anyone within a mile. And Lord Arceus’s influence is only limited by his imagination. Basically, neither of us has to be present in order to do what’s necessary.”

“Are you suggesting, that we go behind the Princess’s back and mind read without permission?” Latios asked.

“The Princess, in my opinion, is too soft for this kind of work. I don’t need to read her mind to tell that she is not a fighter, nor someone who is willing to do what’s necessary in order to win this conflict. She is a peacemaker and a diplomat, not a warrior. And in times of war and conflict, the latter is oftentimes more necessary in order to win.”

“So what are we-” A knock on the door interrupted whatever Latios was about to say.

“Who is it?” Giratina said.

The door opened to reveal Latias.

“Sister? Is there something you need?”

“Uh yeah, is Mewtwo here?”

The Genetic Pokemon made himself more visible to the female Eon Pokemon.

“I am here Latias. What is it?”

“There is a pony messenger crossed the meeting room to get here and they are calling you.”

Mewtwo raised an eyebrow. “Why, what is it?”

“They said that Celestia has found a servant. And needs you there right away. They also said something about why aren’t you in the castle where you said you’d be?”

All eyes were on the clone as his eyes widened.

“Did they say where Celestia was?”

The battle had only been going on for 2 minutes but already Celestia was running out of options.

Karna’s speed and power had pushed her to the edge in terms of pulling out new tricks in order to keep him at bay. It was as if the servant was memorizing her every move and was trying to find a way around it.

“He is an observant one. There is still another way to keep stalling him.”

Celestia dodged a beam that to her utter surprise came from Karna’s freaking eye! The shot sliced off the tip of her mane that floated to the ground and lost its magical luster.

The alicorn jumped back in order to take a breather, Karna recognized this and allowed the Princess a respite.

“Princess Celestia of Equestria, your will to fight shows the determination of someone who wants to protect. Admirable, as a ruler of a nation, that kind of conviction is something every leader should possess.”

He’s talking, good. Maybe I can make conversation with him until Mewtwo arrives.

“Thank you. Although you may be my enemy for now. I can tell from your words that you are someone who respects their opponent and means them no ill will. Such a mindset is good to have, even if that person is fighting a war where they must take countless lives.”

“I agree. And yet that is not all there is to you is there.”


“I noticed from the short time that we have exchanged blows that you’re were fighting less to kill me and more to keep on the defense. From that, I can conclude that you are not someone who is a warrior, but firmly a defender.”

“He can tell?” It was true that Celestia had not seen conflict for quite some time. For the last thousand years, her rule had been mostly peaceful and uneventful. Aside from the few small conflicts between other nations, of which she was called in to act as a negotiator, Celestia had not need to fight for a long time.

There was also the fact that Celestia hadn’t had a one on one battle for...as long as she could remember.

Most fights she could recall in which she fought personally were against groups or armies. This was simply because up until now, Celestia had never fought anyone who would or could be considered an equal in terms of power and ability. Up until Arceus arrived, Celestia was believed by many to be the most powerful being on Equus.

And now, she was fighting someone who for the first time in her life was giving her an actual challenge.

“Aside from that, I noticed that you stopped using fire-based attacks after I used my mana burst.”

“Is he talking about that fire column from earlier?”

“I also noticed that sun mark that appears to be on your posterior as well as the moon mark that is similarly located on your sister. Am I correct in assuming those marks are an indication of where you draw your power from?”

Celestia looked at Luna, both of them had a worrying expression on their face as Karna began to put two and two together about their greater roles in governing Equestria.

“You Princess Celestia are likened unto the sun, your sister is likened unto the moon. Am I correct in this?”

“...The marks you are referring to, are known as cutie marks, they are an...indication of our special talents. Of what we are best at. I have the power to raise the sun, while my sister Luna has the power to raise the moon. As such we are known as the Princess of the Sun and Moon respectively by our people. That being said, not all of our power comes from the Sun and Moon, we are merely its caretakers, nothing more.”

“I see…then I must apologize, since that is where I outrank you.”

Celestia’s eyes widened. “What?”

“I must ask for your forgiveness Princess, I have not been fully honest with you, and since you revealed your full name and title, it is only just that I do the same.”

Karna planted the hilt of his spear into the ground.

“My name is Karna, the Hero of Generosity, warrior of the Kaurava. I am the Son of Surya, the God of the Sun who inherited his great authority.”

As soon as the words left his mouth, both the guards and the Princesses felt sweat drip down their faces. His statement was well understood by all who had heard them.

Karna was the child of a god. And not just any god, but a god of the sun itself. This meant that he had the same powers as Princess Celestia.

“No.” Celestia thought to herself. “My abilities are related to controlling the sun and its movements. I can draw some power from it, even intensify its rays if I wanted to. But to wield the power of the sun as if I was a god, as if I was the embodiment of the sun? That is beyond me. But this man has it, not even the one of Legendaries as far as I know have powers related to the sun and moon.”

“This is the difference between us, Princess. You merely adopted the sun and its powers, while I was born from it. As such, in that category I outrank you. Allow me to demonstrate.”

Power began to gather in Karna’s spear, as he assumed an attack position.

Celestia backed up.

“Karna wait!”

“I know that you are stalling Princess, another thing I learned while fighting you. I do not know what kind of backup you are waiting for, which is why I shall end this now.”

Celestia took a stance, reading herself for whatever Karna was about to do.

Karna underhand gripped his spear, as it continued to fill with mana.

“Beware the sky…”

The hero of charity leaped into the air. His spear aimed directly at Celestia.

Brahmastra Kundala!
O' Brahma, Curse Me

The fiery spear soared and impact the ground, an explosion ripped through the air and lit up the entire area. The fireball was large enough that it could be seen from Canterlot and possibly Ponyville.


Twilight Sparkle woke up in a startle as a small explosion rocked her house.

“Wha, what’s going on?”

The alicorn looked out the window to see an orange glowing light in the distance.

“What is that?”

The light shined for a few more seconds before disappearing.

Looking to her right she saw that Spike was somehow still fast asleep. Looking out the window again, she saw that some houses began to turn their lights on as the explosion had apparently woken up a bunch of other residents.

“Hmmm, I’d better go check what that is. Plus if that’s what I think it is. I need to make sure it’s not a threat to the town.”

Getting out of bed, Twilight stretched in order to fully wake up her body, then she teleported.


Celestia’s eyes were still closed as the sound died down.

The shield that she had put up in order to protect herself and the guards behind her was on the verge of breaking. She could have just teleported far away out of the Noble Phantasm’s range, but that would have meant leaving her guards to die.

Opening her eyes, Celestia depowered the shield and surveyed the damage. And she was shocked, to say the least.

The entire area within a quarter-mile of the point of impact was a scorched earth, save for the area behind her that was protected by her barrier. Not only that but a cater now adorned the landscape as another mark of just how powerful that attack was.

Standing on the other side was Karna. His face was just as neutral as ever.

“My apologies Princess, but this is where we part ways.”

The “What!” That was heard by everybody actually came from Princess Luna rather than Celestia. “We’re not done here servant! Do not think you can just get away!”

“I’m sorry, but by using that Noble Phantasm I have already used up a significant portion of my magical energy. If this fight goes on any longer I will die of mana deprivation. Which I why I must now find a master who will grant me the magical energy I need in order to keep fighting.”


Unfountnatly for Celestia and Luna, Karna had already shifted into spirit form and was now gone.

A moment later, Celestia heard the sound of an incoming teleportation. She then turned around to see Mewtwo floating behind her.

The Legendary Pokemon took a good look around before asking the obvious question.

“Where is the servant Princess?”

Before anyone could answer, there was another teleportation.

“Princess Celestia?” Twilight said. “You're here too? Does that mean you saw that explosion was we-” Twilight trailed off as she saw Mewtwo as well as the crater and the still signed ground.

“Twilight, Mewtwo. Allow me to explain.”

After Celestia told the two new arrivals everything that happened, both of them had different reactions. Twilight was shocked and a little scared that someone was able to match her beloved mentor in power and surpass her in combat ability, the fact that he was also a sun-related being came as a surprise to her. Mewtwo on the other hand looked angry, no doubt at the fact that he was not here to fight this servant.

But unfortunately, Celestia beat him to that subject.

“Now with all that being said, Mewtwo, where were you!? I thought we agreed you wanted to be here so you could help me handle things like this?”

Despite the Legendary Pokemons pride, even he had to admit that she was right.

“My apologies Princess. I must admit that I was at a meeting with my fellow Legendary Pokemon during this time. And as such I was unreachable.”

Princess Celestia let out a defeated sigh.

“Well, no use dwelling on what could have been. If that is why you could not be here, if this meeting was so important, then I can understand.”

“I thank you for your understanding, and know that I will endeavor to be present when this happens again.”

Luna then spoke up.

“Now then, what shall we do sister? The servant has disappeared, and we currently possess no means of tracking him.”

“Let’s just go back to our homes and wait for when the next servant appears. I must admit my fight with Karna has shown me just how powerful these servants really are. I thought that they would be as strong as most of the Pokemon, but no, that man was nothing like the Hydreigon that we met in the forest. These servants really are just as powerful as Harmony said. Hopefully, we won’t have to fight another one anytime soo-”

Celestia was interrupted as 3 fire scrolls popped into existence. The insignia on them showing that they were all from the members of the royal guard.

The Princess unrolled the scrolls and with each one she read, her eyes grew wider and wider.

“Sister, what do they say?”

Celestia looked at everyone with a concerned expression on her face.

“More servants have appeared at three different Ley Lines across Equestria.”

Twilights eyes then became as wide as Celestia’s. “Where?”

“Rainbow Falls, Neighagra Falls, and Las Pegasus.”

“I say we all split up and go to different locations,” Mewtwo suggested. “I shall handle Las Pegasus.”

“Hmmm, very well, you go to Las Pegasus Mewtwo. I shall head to Rainbow Falls, Luna and Twilight, you go to Neighagra Falls.”

“Yes sister.”

“You can count on me, Princess.”

“Private Ironside.”

The unicorn guard walked up to the Princess and saluted. “Yes your highness?”

“Stay here and continue to report for any signs of more servants coming through.”

“As you wish Princess Celestia.”

And then with a final nod and acknowledgment, everyone teleported to different parts of Equestria.

Las Pegasus

The Genetic Pokemon’s teleportation into the city startled a few ponies and Pokemon who were still awake at this time of night. Ignoring the looks he was getting, Mewtwo then realized something he should have done before coming here.

“I forgot to ask Celestia where the Ley Line of this city was.”

After mentally chastising himself, Mewtwo then realized that he had another method of determining where the Ley Line was.

“If I just project my mind to cover the entire city, I can learn of where the stationed guards are located and just teleport there.”

Going with that option, Mewtwo was about to expand his psychic powers before he realized something. This city was Las Pegasus, home to two certain individuals who would not be happy knowing that he was here. One of them in particular would be very unhappy if Mewtwo had done what he was about to do.

Luke and Vincent Nurem.

Looking back, Mewtwo should have never tried to pry open what the Gallade was trying to hide. Even though Luke had a powerful physic mind, he really had no right to invade his mental sanctuary the way he did. Especially when it was revealed that he was a victim of child rape and abuse.

He allowed the Gallade to get a hit on him and he offered no resistance. He stood there and let Vincent rant on him when the Kadabra came to the castle. But when the Arcanine friend of Luke known as Kasai confronted him, he did not regret giving him the mental illusion of having fleas.

Even though he would never randomly invade another person’s mind again, that didn’t mean Mewtwo would never employ that power if it meant serving the greater good.

That being said, Mewtwo could not do a city mind scan as the Gallade would be affected as well, and no doubt he would see this as another invasion of privacy.

“Guess I have to look the old fashioned way.”

Mewtwo then flew into the air and began a visual search of the city. After a few minutes, he came across a park near the city center and spotted some ponies in armor standing, or in some cases sprawled all over the grass. Floating down and upon further inspection, he saw signs of struggle and damage to the surrounding area.

Upon reaching the ground, he got the attention of the guards that were still conscious.

“I am Lord Mewtwo, I am Lord Arceus’s ambassador to Equestria and her people. I was sent here by Princess Celestia in response to the servant that you said was here.”

One pony approached the Legendary, this one apparently being the leader of the group.

“The Princess sent you here?”

“Yes she did, tell me what happened, where is the servant?”

“Well, you see...”

Canterlot Castle, Later.

“The guards said that two servants appeared and engaged with them. They described them as wearing knightly armor and looked the part. Or at least that’s what I interpreted from them. After all, non of your ponies have ever seen a human before. So their descriptions may not be as accurate as if they knew what a human liked to dress as. Although I must admit human and ponies share similar style in clothing.”

Princess Celestia and Luna listened as Mewtwo gave his report from the guards stationed in Las Pegasus. Luna had dropped Twilight off back at Ponyville before coming back to the castle.

“Did the guards say how they fought?” Luna asked. “What powers did they have?”

“The Sergeant said that one of them had a sword and sounded male, while the other one wielded a lance and sounded female.”

“I see, and is that all?”

“Yes, so how did your trips go?

The sisters looked at each other and had a disappointed look on their faces.

“Unfortunately, both of us arrived too late as well, it seems that the servants fled rather than fought the guards. Thankfully this meant no casualties,” Celestia said.

“That being said I did learn a few things from the stationed guards about the servant that appeared at Neighagra falls. They described them as being shoot, dressed in blue with blue hair, and having a smart mouth. They used some kind of magic to trick the guards before running away while saying and I quote: ‘I’m a writer, not a fighter. So I’ll be taking my leave now’. If I had to guess, this servant may have been some kind of author when they were alive.”

“Interesting, Princess Celestia. What about you?”

“The guards said that servant seemingly only wore pants and had gauntlets on their hands, they had tan skin and black hair in a ponytail but didn’t seem to use any weapon. This servant apparently made quick work of the guards by incapacitating them all with a series of quick blows.”

“Hmmm, so so far we have 5 confirmed servants who appeared tonight. One of them called themselves Karna, two appear to be knights of some kind, another sounds like a rather weak servant, and the final one appears to be good at hand to hand combat.”

Luna rubbed her chin. “And of the 5 servants, we have only one of their names. The rest we are unable to identify.”

“And that’s if we can identify them,” Celestia said. We can’t be completely sure that this Earth shares the same historical figures as the Pokemon world. After all, I highly doubt that there was a sun god that existed on your world other than Arceus. Am I right Mewtwo?”

The Pokemon nodded. “Indeed, which means that we will need another means of identifying them.”

“Really? You can do that?”

“Arceus may no longer have the power to travel to another universe. But he can still observe them and learn of their histories.” The Genetic Pokemon then got up from his seat. “I shall tell Lord Arceus of what we have learned here tonight. I shall then report back later with what we may be able to find out about this Karna figure.”

And then with a final nod, Mewtwo teleported out of the room. Leaving the Princess alone.

“It has begun sister,” Luna said. “What we witnessed tonight was just a prelude of things to come. More and more Heroic Spirits will arrive, and if Karna is any indication, we are in for the fight of our lives.”

“I know, I can only hope that with the help of Arceus and the Pokemon, we may have a fighting chance in this conflict.”

“Yes, may Harmony watch over and protect us.” Luna began to walk out of the room. “It will be two hours before its time to raise the sun. I guess there is no point in going back to bed now.”

Finally, Celestia was alone with her thoughts. The alicorn reflecting upon her encounter with the servant who was the Son of the Sun God.

If there is one thing I should take away from that fight, is that Karna was correct in that I was not as good as a fighter as he was. I need to bridge that gap somehow.

With her mind made up, Celestia started to make her way to the library section of the castle.

A Forest, somewhere in Equestria.

Enkidu sat upon a rock as various animals gathered around them. The animals showing great affection and calmness around the servant. Enkidu in kind was very receptive and appreciative of the warm greeting that nature was giving them.

It had been a day or two since they were summoned into this world. As someone who drew their power directly from the Counter Force, the Lancer-class servant knew exactly why they were brought here and what they had to do at the critical moment.

But that would come later.

For now, the world’s oldest sidekick was just content with keeping themself busy by interacting with nature and staying in the woods. And not just because they felt at home in them, but also because another servant warned them that in their current shape they would be unwelcome in civilized areas.

However, there were also other inhabitants of the forest that were just as unwelcoming as the towns.

The other beasts of the forest, whom they later learned were called Pokemon, had either fled or attacked them on sight. Either time, Enkidu would defend themselves or the other beasts of the forest would come to their defense as they recognized Enkidu as a friend. The Pokemon would be perplexed at why animals would defend a “human”. And when Enkidu explained that they were not a human, but rather a servant the Pokemon would either flee in fear or become more aggressive.

Having simply accepted things as they were, Enkidu had now arrived at the point they were now, waiting until they met with another servant, or found a master to form a contract with.

Part of Enkidu wondered why the Pokemon, were adverse when it came to them, but they decided no to dwell on it too much.

“This world is very peaceful, it almost reminds me of those days I spent with him.”

Enkidu’s thoughts were interrupted when they felt another creature enter the radius of their Presence Detection. Actually, they had been within the radius for quite some time and had been making theory way closer to Enkidu. Right now they had stopped and were apparently observing the servant.

“I know that you are there, come out, I won’t harm you.”

A voice responded.

“Heh, I was found out so quickly, and here I thought I had mastered this illusion power by now.”

“Oh the illusion was perfect. But against me, I can detect you a mile away. So it is pointless to hide from me.”

A shimmering figure stepped out of the shadows and fully revealed himself. The creature was a black bipedal fox, its coat and hair were black except for the large green stripe running down the center of their mane. Although Enkidu could tell that the green color was also an illusion and that the proper color was red. The creature wore a black and white cap and had a gold cube-shaped accessory hanging from its waist.

“When I was told by some nearby Pokemon that there was a human in the middle of the forest. I did not expect them to be surrounded by animals.” The creature laughed for a moment. “Actually it kinda reminds me of when I was younger.

“Are you a Pokemon?” Enkidu asked.

“Yes, although I wasn’t always. Then again, I did feel more connected with them than I did with humans. I suppose you could say that this current form is a gift from Arceus.”

“Is there something you need from me?”

“Well, I don’t know if you realize this, but humans are now on the most wanted list. Apparently, beings that resemble humans called servants are trying to destroy the world. At least that’s what Arceus says. So what are you?”

“I am a servant. Lancer-class. And while some of what you said is true, I have no intention of hurting anyone for now.”

“I see, then can I ask you your name stranger?”

“Enkidu, what’s yours?”

“Natural Harmonia Gropius, although you can call me ‘N’ for short. And since your not hostile at the moment, I was hoping that we could talk.”

Enkidu smiled.

“Well them N, what is it that you wish to discuss?”

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