• Published 13th Sep 2020
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A New World, A New Way: Requiem from the Lostbelt - Metroid Prime

The seeds of fantasy have descend. Now, 7 worlds fight for the right to live.

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Arc 2 Prologue: A Nation of New Conflict

"I've rattled around long enough to have learned one thing: the universe is cold, and cruel, and violent—but only if you choose to look at it that way." - Autobot Thunderclash

Zebrica. A mighty nation that had been around even before Equestria’s founding. A strong foundation was held by heroes and Pharaohs over generations. Not even the Griffon Empire to its North or the Diamond Dog tribes to its south could disrupt its peace of mind fully. No matter how much either of them tried.

That is until recently. With the death of the last pharaoh, Zebrica was left with only a newborn king. The untimely death of the king meant that the nation was unstable. Other nations looked at it as an opportunity. An unstable nation was one prime for exploitation. That is until Princess Celestia herself stepped in. With a calm mind and a thousand years of experience, she was able to keep Zebrica afloat and the other nations away. With a motherly tone, she was able to raise King Trotankhamun, King Trot for short, into a king worthy of his line. Once again, Zebrica was stable and prospering.

That is if you ignored key elements to the nation. Zebrica, for all its majesty, had always worried about outsiders. Generations of conflicts with other species had meant that zebras tended to keep to themselves. Zebrica was for zebras. No one else. While it was too forward with this dislike, the undercurrent feelings were there. So when a foreign ruler took their own king under her wing, and Zebrica had to lease a port city to Equestria, many nobles were in hysterics. The noble nation of Zebrica would not be a puppet state for someone else.

So while King Trot was loved by the masses, he was despised by the nobility. He, in their eyes, was nothing more than a prop for Equestria. To rule through him as their princess saw fit. It didn’t help that they now had two more, one of them was even said to be a former monster. No. That would not be due. Of course, they could do nothing more than wait. Perhaps they could steer the young king back on track. That was their goal after all since the public was on his side. Best not to fan the flames of a revolt before you had all the cards.

Then the pokemon arrived. Chaos ensued. So many different types of creatures appearing everywhere meant that Zebrica’s old paranoia was starting to get the best of the population. This was especially so in the northern states and tribes of Zebrica. The ones closest to the Griffon Empire. Most of this initial hysteria was able to be pacified due to King Trot and his new aid: Commander Sev.

Leader of the Pokemon Liberation Front, he was able to get most of the pokemon groups to comply and the hostility was lessened. This was further exemplified by his aid in combating the roaming Diamond Dog tribes. The combined efforts of the PLA and Zebrican army were able to put an end to some of the most feared tribes quite quickly. In the south, this earned them their ever dying praise. Support for pokemon started to skyrocket.

The nobles couldn’t have that. This was their best opportunity to gain power. So they stirred up resentment for the pokemon. This became easier with the aid of the Thrist. The last of a dying breed, she was a powerful griffon sorceress. With her help, she was able to back the Rebels when the time came for war.

And war did follow. For a full year, Zebrica was embroiled in a senseless war. Thousands upon thousands of zebras and pokemon were killed in the conflict. The war initially favored the Rebels due to catching the King and Commander off guard. No one was expecting the conflict to come to this. However, Commander Sev wasn’t one to be underestimated. Eventually the conflict was turned around on the rebels who, while had numbers, didn’t have skilled commanders to effectively use them. As well, King Trot’s army had larger and better embellished units considering they were bolstered by the pokemon.

Thrist was able to add her own units: mind controlled pokemon and Thirst griffon soldiers. The former was more of a nuisance since that operation was cut short during a raid. The latter were the Rebels best units and were feared by the king’s troops. Even many pokemon found them an issue in combat. Their magically enhanced bodies and armor were tough to get through.

Of course, Thrist never cared for the war nor the Rebel cause. The Rebels never cared for her either as she was a means to an end. Their beliefs in their own superiority kept both from effectively working together for the war effort. Of course, the Rebels winning wasn’t Thrist’s plan anyways. What she wanted was the outcome.

You see, the Thirst were a group of Griffons that worshiped Ragnoros. He was a Death God created by the Goddess of the planet. His original purpose was a simple one. If the world needed to be cleansed, say in the notion that evil took root, he would be sent to destroy everything so she could recreate life once more. He had performed it once. Unfortunately, he was ‘activated’ before his time. Some say it was the Thirst, although they only really came about after his release. Others say it was a villain like Grogar or was Grogar himself who unleashed the Death God. Either way, he was unleashed and wrecking havoc on the planet.

That is until he was stopped by a single warrior. Before the end could happen, a meteorite hit the planet. It was no ordinary piece of space rock. It was a piece of creation itself. A simple griffon blacksmith found it and, through guidance from the Goddess herself, was able to forge a weapon from the material.

Finality. The Sword of Beginning and End. Crafted from creation itself, no creature could stand up to it. Not even Ragnoros. Together with his companions, the griffon took the sword and charged into battle. Eventually, Ragnoros was defeated and his remains sent back to the realm of darkness from which he came. The sword was gifted to the griffon’s friend, a zebra, who went on to found Zebrica itself. This sword was passed through generations till it came to King Trot’s possession.

Thrist was one of the survivors of his followers. To this day, she wishes for him to come back. This war was her plan all along. All the death and suffering like had not been seen on the planet for generations was just what she needed for her spell.

Eventually she was able to summon Ragnoros. The Death God ravaged the areas around him. Thousands more lost their lives to the creature as nothing they could do would stop it. It was until the combined might of the PLA, Zebrican Army, Diamond Dog tribes and the legendaries Giratina and Rayquaza were they able to finally fight it. Sev and King Trot were able to deal the final blow with a combined attack with FInality in hoof. Ragnoros was dealt with and Thrist killed in the final battle.

Peace was finally at hand in Zebrica. The Diamond Dog tribes finally started to calm down their bloodlust, starting to integrate into Zebrican lives. The pokemon were the same, seen as heroes by the populace. Most of the remaining Rebels surrendered and while they had to pay for their insurrection, knew they’d eventually be able to go back home. A few stragglers still held out but were mostly dealt with soon afterwards. Their support was gone since they had inadvertently led to the near destruction of their country.

After that, rebuilding came naturally. The PLA and Zebrican army were fully integrated with each other. Even Diamond Dogs were allowed entry into the armed forces. Equestria sent aid to the struggling nation as did others. Finally Zebrica’s dislike of other nations and people started to disappear. It was a time of healing and a new life of prosperity was heading their way.

That is until recently. The explosion in Canterlot was the beginning of the troubles that plagued them now. It was an attack on a sovereign nation allied to their own. This upset King Trot quite fiercely due to his, in all intents and purposes, adopted mother Celestia was there as well. Commander Sev’s fury on his daughter being in the vicinity was also not understated.

Once again, the PLA and Zebrican army geared up for war. Once again, they prepared to protect what is theirs. Once again, Sev had more ideas.


King Trot languished in silent fury and despair as he looked own at the letter beneath him. It was something he dreaded to write. Concern over his ‘mother’ figure. Concern for her country. Concern for his and the world in general. He needed to ask her how she was. How the servants they now faced were being handled. He had seen enough bloodshed already. One could say it was the bloodiest conflict the world had seen in a thousand years.

Well until recently. Now he was going to be facing beings on par with legendaries. That was disconcerting. He had fought a being who could take on two and armies worth of soldiers. Knowing there were more then one made his heart sink.

He needed to be calm though. For his people. He put his pen down. He needed to write this letter.

The door was blown open.

“I have a brilliant idea,” Sev shouted as he slithered inwards, “Which is not at all shocking for it is I, Commander Sev, who is creating such an idea.”

King Trot sighed. Sev was a close confidant and what he would consider a good friend. However, he was hard to deal with. “What is the-”

“We must fight the hypothetical fire with hypothetical fire,” Sev shouted, “For when I fought mecha, I got mecha. When I fought tanks, I got tanks.”

“..... I don’t like where this is going.” King Trot said.

“For our enemy fights us with servants,” Sev said, “For why shall I not fight with my own?”

“You can’t have servants,” King Trot pointed out, “You’re a pokemon. They are human.”

“Well actually they are ghosts which make them technically pokemon,” Sev said.

“No that doesn’t,” Trot said, “They are the spirits of humans that have been given another form that has powers…” Trot’s voice wavered at the end.

Sev’s smirk only grew.

“...It’s not the same thing,” Trot defended himself and then shook his head. “Look, you can’t just get one. Chaldea has them and we should focus on fighting them or the world is doomed.”

“The world cannot be doomed for I deem the world to be here,” Sev said firmly. “I exist therefore we exist and that cannot be changed. We already have what we need to fight.”

“Then if we already have what we need,” Trot said, “Why do you want a servant?”

“Because they’re cool,” Sev said.

“........ Have you even seen one?”

“I’ve read the reports,” Sev said, wiping his blade on his chest as he grinned. “I have agents in Equestria, you know. My mind reaches places I cannot see since I am the great and powerful Commander Sev.”

Trot sighed, “Please stop spying on Equestria. Celestia won’t like that.”

“The country that houses my daughter houses my eyes and ears,” Sev’s eyes narrowed as he said that. “That changes for no one.”

“Fine, fine.” Trot sighed and sank into his chair. “You’re not going to give up on this, are you?”

“Just like the portal device idea and moon cannon,” Sev said, hissing in delight. “I will slap my nemesis one day again.”

“We can’t just open portals to other worlds,” Trot said, “This whole mess started because of that.”

“I mean,” Sev said, “Giratina does it all the time. He has his own dimension and all that. I see no reason for us not to have that power. Except when it leads to digital worlds.” He narrowed his eyes, “Never again.”

“...Can you stop having points and get out.” Trot said. “And stop mixing it in with nonsense.”

“Very well,” Sev said, “My points always land but sometimes others choose not to listen. But mark my words, I will be the very best master like no one ever was~ I will-”

“NO SINGING!” Trot threw his pen at the servant who dodged it. “But seriously, we have to plan for an attack.”

“Well I’ve got several,” Sev smiled, “Don’t worry, my comrade. We are in this together. That won’t change.”

Author's Note:

This prologue/recap chapter was written by Evowizard25. A big thanks to him!

Be sure to read A New World, A New Conflict to learn more about Sev, the PLA, and the nation of Zebrica!

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