• Published 13th Sep 2020
  • 3,760 Views, 703 Comments

A New World, A New Way: Requiem from the Lostbelt - Metroid Prime

The seeds of fantasy have descend. Now, 7 worlds fight for the right to live.

  • ...

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Interlude: Dust and Sage

Lightning Dust walked through the palace of Cario.

The former Wonderbolt cadet was allowed permission to pace through its halls by special permission of King Trot. Thanks to her service in the civil war despite not being a formal civilian of Zebrica until after the conflict was over.

Despite this, the pegasus was neither a member of the PLA nor the army. She was not one to be tied down by any foreign powers. Which begs the question of why she was still here in the first place?

After she was taken( admittedly against her will) to Zebrica, she met Sev by chance meeting as her first impressions of him were not great.

She found the snake to be eccentric and crazy (which he was). The only thing that impressed her was his skills as a fighter. And the fact that his little group allowed her someplace to stay while she was here.

From the beginning, Sev was not shy about courting her, but she was hesitant about it. After all, why in the world would she want to date an alien snake? And yet strangely, she was not entirely against it.

But before any serious relationship could be formed, several things got in the way. Her visit back to her home of Equestria revealed that Sev had a daughter from a previous relationship. Not the biggest deal in the world since for now said daughter was content to stay in Equestria with her birth mother(which meant that she would not have to raise her). Then, when they got back to Zebrica, the civil war happened.

But all that was passed, and now their relationship was still in question.

“What am I doing?” She said to herself.

The person she was looking for was Sev, and the question she would ask him would decide if she was ready to be serious about their relationship.

Entering a wing of the palace, she came to the room where the PLA mostly used recreation. Hoping to find someone who knew where he was.

Inside were several Pokemon and Zebra most of which she did not recognize. But then she spotted her.

An Audio sitting alone at a table.

As she walked towards her, she called out her name.

“Umm, Miss Joy?”

The mother of Sev looked in the direction and saw Lighting dust walking towards her.

“Oh, hello Lightning Dust, how are you?”

“I’m fine. Hey, have you seen Sev anywhere?”

“Oh, I’m afraid you just missed him dear.”

“Where is he?”

“King Trot took and several others to investigate something out in the desert, I don’t know when they’ll be back.”

“Oh, I see then. Thanks for letting me know.”

The green pony turned around to walk away before she heard Joy speak up.

“Oh, why don’t you sit with me for a while until he gets back. I could use some company since my daughter is also out as well.”

Lightning Dust shrugged, turned around, and took a seat.

“So how are you today Lightning?”

“Just fine. It's actually pretty normal all things considered. Which is saying something. How about you?”

“Oh, I’m doing just wonderful! I just sent Lia on her third date with Lu. Those two just look so cute together.”

“Oh, that's nice. Glad she’s got someone.”

The tone in her voice was not unnoticed by Joy. And being as smart as she was, she knew the reason why.

“Speaking of which, have you and Sev gone on another date?”

The question caught her off guard and caused her green face to turn pink.


“Oh really? When was the last time you went out with him?”

“I don’t know, that's the problem! I think the last time we did something together was during the first few days we met!”

“Oh my, that is a long time.”

“The truth is, with all this craziness going on, he never thought to ask me out again.”

“Well, life happens. And it is really unfair how it has gotten in the way of you two being together. And to tell you the truth dear, I’d rather have you give me grandchildren first than Lia.”

Lightning Dust's face became even redder. “What makes you think our species is even…you know…compatible?”

“Well, if it's not, you can always ask Mew or Arceus for a little…help.”

*Sigh* “Aren’t we getting ahead of ourselves here? And wait, doesn’t Sev already have a kid?”

“Well, yes, but I rarely get to see Rikka. I want grandchildren I can spoil at home.”

“...Can I ask you something?”

“Anything dear.”

“Do you think that me and Sev could you know….work?”


“Well, given Sev being…you know…Sev, how well do you see the two of us working out? I mean he would be a high-maintenance coltfriend from what I have seen of him.”

“That is true, for anyone to commit to a serious relationship with Sev, they would need to put up with him and his personality. That can be said for most romantic couples, they each have their own flaws that make them hard to deal with at times, that's just how it is. Sure over time they can mellow out and become more accommodating to their mate, but really, there is no such thing as an ideal partner.”

“I know, I know.”

“So the question Lightning Dust, is how much of him are you willing to put up with?”

“Well, to be honest, after getting to know him for so long, nothing surprises me anymore.”

“I see, so you are willing to be with him despite all his..quirks?”


“If that's the case, then there is something else holding you back.”

“And what would that be?”

Joy took a sip of her tea.

“That my dear is a question you have to ask yourself.”

Equestria, Canterlot Castle.

Celestia shifted through another stack of documents and legislation that needed her signature.

Ever since Chaldea escaped, and the number of Servant sightings decreased. Things had returned to relatively normal.

That doesn’t mean things were the same though. With the Tree of Emptiness revealed to the world, word had spread quickly that it was located in Equestria. And as such many world leaders had sent her letters or talked to her via the viewing mirror in order to weigh in their opinion on the situation.

Several had offered troops and supplies in order to strengthen the perimeter around the Tree in order to protect it. This was understandable, after all that tree was now the most important location in the entire world.

Of course, some like King Golden Horn and King Faris wanted to have more influence and say on just exactly how the Tree should be protected. Celestia secretly suspected that they didn’t trust her with protecting it, at least in the case of Golden Horn. The Minotaur cited how the tree had nearly fallen under her watch, and only wished to help prevent something like this from happening again.

Apparently, he forgot that said Tree was located right next to where a literal god was living. But then again, the King never liked Arceus.

“Golden Horn will just have to deal with it. He may not like the Pokemon, but it is for the best that the Tree of Emptiness of located in Equestria. Here, it has the best protection possible. Here it is protected in the safest most capable nation possible. No one servant is going to lay a finger on it while I am still Princess.”

Then all of a sudden, the doors to the Throne room flew open.

“Princess Celestia!”

The white alicorn was not even startled, this sort of thing had become a recurring theme as of late.

“Yes, is something wrong?”

“A thief has broken into the kitchen and is consuming all the food and expensive wine!”

Now, this was most unusual, a food thief? Could it be some wild Pokemon?

“Have you identified this thief? Is it Pokemon?”

“No you majesty.”

“Is it s servant?”

“No, actually we're not entirely sure if it's one or the other.”

That was strange.

“Are you saying it's not a Pony, Pokemon or something else?”

“It…it appears to be a talking money, your majesty.”

A talking monkey? Thats new.

“And you’re sure it's not a Pokemon?”

“No your majesty, it said so itself.”

“.....Very well then, I shall see to this myself.”

One teleportation spell later and Celestia found herself in the royal kitchens, or at least what was left of them.

The place was a mess, food was thrown everywhere and pots and pans littered the floor.

She noticed that most of the fruits had one bite taken out of them before being discarded. But then she noticed that the Bananas and peaches were devoured more than the other fruits.

“The guard did say it was a monkey.”

Celestia then turned to see a group of ponies walk into the kitchen, it turned out to be the various chefs and cooks.

“Oh, Princess Celestia!” The head chef said. “I am so sorry that you must see the kitchen in such a sorry state.”

“No apologies necessary. Do you know where the perpetrator is?”

“Oh yes, he was last seen heading towards the wine cellars!”

“I see.”

One short walk later and Celestia found herself in the palace wine cellar. The guards that accompanied her all despaired at the state of the castle's supply of alcohol.

She then heard the sound of someone drinking, and following the noise, she came around a corner and came face to face with the culprit.

Indeed, it was a monkey, one the size of a regular human. Guzzling away on an entire barrel of 100-year-aged wine.

Surely he must have heard the footsteps of her and guards, but the thief continued to drink as if they werent there.

“Ahem!” One guard said.

The monkey ignored him.

Then Celestia spoke up. In the Canterlot Royal voice.


The monkey then put down the barrel, before he wiped his mouth and let out a loud and long belch.

“Ah, now that was good.” He said. “Not as great as the heavenly booze, but serviceable nonetheless.”

He turned to face Celestia who at this point was very annoyed.

“Excuse me, just who are you, and what do you think you are doing?”

“What does it look like?” The monkey said stretching himself. “I’m having a drink.”

“Yes, but did you think you have permission to drink all of the palace wine as well as make a mess in the kitchen?”

“Well it's not exactly as if I knew where you ponies store your bananas and peaches in this place, so I had to get creative.”

Okay, now Celestia was really annoyed.

“Granted, servants like me don’t need to eat, we just do it for the joy of eating. Good food is good food after all!”

She blinked. “You’re a servant?”

“Uh yeah, can’t you tell?”

“I thought all servants are humans? Or dead humans at least.”

“Now who told you that?”

The Princess was about to respond but was interrupted.

“Individuals who are recorded in the throne of heroes are beings who made a significant mark on human history. That is the criteria for becoming a servant. It doesn’t matter if you were a human, god, demon, or even a dragon. If you were considered by history to be a hero then you made the cut.”

Celestia opened her mouth, but then recalled how Arceus spoke of two gods he faced during the day they first met Chaldea. Plus, the energy this monkey radiated from him was undeniably that of a servant.

“Well if that's the case then who might you be?”

The monkey smiled.

“Glad you asked.”

A red staff manifested in his hand, which he pointed at Celestia and her guards.

“In my homeland was known as a king who ruled over a great kingdom of monkeys. A water deity who was a disciple to Xuanzang Sanzang. I am known as the Great Sage equal to heaven. Who fought all the host of heaven and even took a piss on the Buddha's finger!”

The Monkey King spun his spear before flashing an arrogant pose.

“But you can call me: Sun Wukong!"

Author's Note:

Okay so due to IRL stuff, this chapter is significantly shorter than it should be. But the next one will be the normal length and focus back on where the main cast is.

On the bright side, I can use this opportunity to deliver on what I promised on the TVTropes page challenge.

So here it is, my rolls for Artoria Caster as well as my gold servant collection.

And as a bonus, here is a recent commission I had someone make for a "What if?" child of Gudao and Proto Merlin.

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