• Published 13th Sep 2020
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A New World, A New Way: Requiem from the Lostbelt - Metroid Prime

The seeds of fantasy have descend. Now, 7 worlds fight for the right to live.

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Tree of Empty Harmony

Celestia and Luna’s jaws hit the floor as they looked off into the distance and saw something that defied explanation. But more worryingly, it brought into question everything they knew about a certain set of magical relics

From the Everfree Forest, a large structure that “looked” like the Tree of Harmony towered over land. But instead of looking like the sacred tree that the sisters took the Elements from, it now reassembled what appeared to be a Tree of Emptiness, at least in shape.

The six gems that were the Elements of Harmony floated around the tree, only connected by magical tendrils. The tree was now more alien in appearance, which given the circumstances was probably intentional.

Luna was the first to find the words that one could try and utter in this situation.

“How…what has happened to the Tree of Harmony!?”

Despite the question, it was somewhat obvious what had happened, the real question was how it happened.

The Tree of Harmony had always been an enigma. From the moment they discovered it, Celestia and Luna spent less time wondering how it came to be and more time thinking about how it could help them protect Equestria. Or more specifically, defeat Discord.

After Nightmare Moon was banished, Celestia did dedicate some time to try and figure out just what the tree was and where it came from. Was it a naturally occurring plant life, or was it artificially created by some all-powerful being like the goddess Harmony?

None of those mysteries were answered in the last millennia, and now the number of questions had only grown.


The elder alicorn was snapped out of her deep thought as Luna called her name. Now was not the time to ponder age-old questions.

“We worry about questions later Luna, right now our priority is meeting up with Twilight and her friends. After which we must head to the tree before anyone else ca-”

Celestia was cut off by the sound of explosions.

Looking back, they saw to their horror, flashes of light and bursts of energy being fired at the tree. Unseen individuals were currently attacking the tree from below and in the air.

And they had a good idea who.

“No, how could they get there so fast!?” Luna exclaimed.

Celestia opened her mouth but was once again interrupted by the sound of the throne room doors being flung open. In rushed a frantic looking Seth Crescent.

“Princess Celestia Princess Luna! Have you seen what has just appeared outside?”

“Yes Seth we have seen it,” Celestia said.

“Don’t tell me…is that the…”

“Tree of Emptiness, most likely, and yet….”

“And yet what?”

“Nevermind, we'll discuss it later.”

“Well anyway, it looks like Ponies and Pokemon are starting to panic in the street. What do you want to do?”

“For now, gather the guard and try to calm them down as reasonably as you can. I and Luna have to go to Ponyville now.”

“To meet up with Twilight I guess?”

“Yes, that, and also…” Celestia looked back to the tree, lights still flashing around it as it was assaulted with attacks from all sides.

“We might just have to save our world and everything we know.”

Ritsuka and Kirschtaria, despite having retreated to a safe distance, could not help but step back as this cosmic event unfolded before their eyes.

The very act of the tree emerging was so intense for the local space-time that Mash had to deploy her shield in order to protect the group from gravity waves and spatial distortions.

The Tree of Emptiness, also known as the Tree of Harmony, had expanded and grown in both magnitude and presence. Markarian, as was apparently its true name, had now grown to resemble the height of what they considered a Tree of Emptiness. Its shape however was different.

The last two trees Chaldea had cut down, Orochi and Sombrero, lacked anything resembling branches as far as they could tell. This tree on the other had not only had branches but had bloomed open like a flower. The inside of the tree could only be described as looking into the starry night sky. Finally, they could make out what looked like 5 distinctly colored lights floating around the tree, connected by transparent tethers to the purple center light of said tree. Kirschtaria could only guess that those were the Elements of Harmony.

“Incredible, It may look like a Fantasy Tree but it clearly had fused with and inherited the traits of what these ponies call the Tree of Harmony. I can only begin to imagine just what that means.”

Before anyone could respond to that, the communicator on Ritsuka’s arm lit up with the concerned face of Da Vinci.

“Woah okay, that’s a Tree of Emptiness if I ever saw one, I think at least.”

“Da Vinci, I need an analysis here!”

“Hold on Fujimaru, the spatial inconsistency is causing gravity fluctuations around the entire area. I need to readjust the instruments to get a clear, precise reading.”

“Well, what can you tell us now in your best-educated guess?” Kirschtaria said.

“Ok, gimme a second…..Woah.”

“Am I reading this correctly!?” Meuniere said in disbelief. “Are these really cosmic gamma rays!?”

“Alright brace yourselves for this guys, I don’t know how, I don’t know why, but that is a galaxy! An actual real galaxy inside the Tree of Emptiness!”

Everyone, from inside the Shadow Border, to the servants and masters outside could only hang their jaws at this huge revelation.

“A galaxy!?” Ritsuka said. “As in, a massive celestial body galaxy!?”

“Indeed,” Holmes said. “Unlike the trees in Russia and Scandinavia, this one has fully blossomed. It has long been said in many myths that the hollows of great trees connect to other worlds. This one apparently contains a galaxy and is named after Markarian, a type of galaxy with nuclei that contains excessive amounts of ultraviolet emissions. Although what greater significance this holds I cannot say.”

“Well any further analysis will have to wait,” Goredolf interrupted. “For now there is only one thing we have to do. The reason we came to this Lostbelt in the first place. Kirschtaria Wodime, Ritsuka Fujimaru, Mash Kyrelight, your objective is to cut down the Tree of Emptiness as quickly as you can. I don’t need to point out that pretty much everyone in this country can probably see this tree now, and I bet you my weeks’ worth of deserts that anyone who knows the significance of it is hightailing themselves to get here as we speak!”

“Understood director, we will commence the operation right now,” Kirschtaria said.

“Yes, Mash Kyrielight is engaging, the target is the heat source of the Tree of Emptiness 5,000 meters above the ground. Awaiting your orders master!”

Ritsuka and Kirschtaria looked at Mash and their team of assembled servants. They nodded at each other and held up their hands.

“In the name of Kirschtaria Wodime and by the power of my command spell-”

“In the name of Ritsuka Fujimaru and by the power of my command spell-”

Both masters trusted their fists into the air as the symbols on the back of their hands glowed red.

“-Everyone cut down the Tree of Emptiness!”

Two waves of mana rang out from that point, empowering the 10 servants and Mash with energy and command so absolute that they dare not defy it.

“You heard the man!” Mori Nagayoshi shouted as he unfolded his spear. “CHOP! CHOP CHOP CHOP!

The Berserker immediately jumped and latched himself into the tree. Digging his weapon into its bark, he began to drag it around the circumference of the tree at running speed.

“Heh, as if I’m going to be outdone!” Achilles whistled for his chariot which appeared and took him as well as Seigfried, and Sita. Karna and Ortlinde flew into the air while Gawain, Mordred, and Hippolyta ran towards the base of the tree.

“I’m sending magical energy from the Shadow Border that will allow servants to engage in midair combat! Ritsuka and Kirschtaria, you two find a safe distance and conceal yourselves!”

“What, why?”

“Because in the event that you know who shows up, I don’t want any of you getting captured or worse. As strong as your servants are, they cannot protect you for long against Arceus.”

Rituska hesitated, then felt a hand on his shoulder.

“Ritsuka, I know you feel it is your duty to stand beside your servants no matter what. I share your conviction. But this time we must be smart, even if we cut down the Tree of Emptiness, all of this will be meaningless if we end up being captured by Arceus.”

The master of Chaldea thought for a moment, a torn look on his face.

“Alright, we’ll hide. But I won’t leave this battlefield, I have to support Mash and everyone in case they need it.”

“Very well. Let’s go.”

Da Vinci let out a sigh as she saw the two masters move to another position.

Ritsuka’s bravery was very admirable at times, in a way he was the glue that held A-Team together. And yet, Da Vinci could not help but worry that it might get him in trouble one day.

“Hey speaking of Legendary Pokemon,” Meuniere said. “I’m picking up several signatures on par with divine spirits leaving the temple complex that’s in the middle of the Everfree Forest.”

“Thanks, Meuniere. Da Vinci turned back to the communicator mic. “Hey, guys. You’re about to have company.”

The Hall of Legends.

Suicune had just about enough of this “questioning” that was brought upon her by Giratina and Mewtwo. So far everything they had asked her was somehow related to either humanity, the act of Rapture Arceus performed to bring them here, or what she thinks of certain things.

“Suicune, did you feel the migration from our old world to this new home was the right decision?”

“I’m not sure.”

“How many times have you had to outrun trainers who wished to put you in a Pokeball for selfish reasons?”

“I don’t know, I stopped counting and caring to be honest.”

“Would you ever allow yourself to be captured by a Pokemon Trainer?”

“...Maybe, it depends.”

She read their reactions each time they gave an answer. Most of the time they either had a neutral reaction or they were a little displeased. It was starting to become clear they were trying to gauge just where her opinions stood when it came to her thoughts on humanity, Arceus, and their mission to save their species.

It was honestly starting to become annoying.

“One last question, Suicune,” Giratina said.

“Okay, shoot.”

“If there ever came a day when father does something that you vehemently disagree with, what would you do in that situation, follow his orders, or rebel against your family.”

Of course, the last question irritated her the most.

She locked eyes with the Renegade Pokemon for a while before giving him an answer.

“Let’s just say, I would follow the principles I was raised to believe in.”

That answer was clearly not what they wanted to hear. But Suicune could not care less.

“Can I go now?”

“....Fine, go back to whatever you were doing. Thank you for your time.

Without another word, Suicune turned around and walked out of the room. Once they were alone, Mewtwo spoke.

“I don’t trust her. A shame really, I thought that after everything she went through back on Earth, she would understand.”

“She’s just naive. She is still young for a legendary, only 150 years old. She has not experienced humanity’s evil enough to sway her opinion. Unlike you who had all of it dumped onto you at once."

Mewtwo closed his eyes. He remembered what Giovanni showed him, all those painful images. As much as he hated him, that man opened his eyes to the true nature of his species. Taking away what little innocence he had left, most of it was already gone after she died…..No, Mewtwo could not bear to think about her, about them, it was just too painful.

“I need to clear my head. I’m going to the Minotaur Empire as you said earlier. I’d rather not sit through another interrogation and potentially get mad at what the others might have to say.”

Giratina nodded. He knew Mewtwo was a patient Pokemon, but his temper was another thing. As much as he tried to better himself over the years, he still had a habit of getting mad wherever someone dare try and insult, question, or harm the Pokemon and Arceus in any way.

“Very then, good luck on hunting any servants you may come across. Oh, and if Golden Horn gives you trouble, remind him just how crucial our help is in defending his land against Porper Human History.”

Mewtwo smirked. “Oh, believe me, I will.”

The Genetic Pokemon disappeared in a blip of light. Leaving Giratina alone.

“Perhaps I should go out and seek the others, maybe I can find Chaldea before father wakes up. And then, everyone will see just how right we are-”

A loud rumbling sound followed by the entire temple shaking a bit interrupted Giratina’s thoughts.

“What was that?” Giratina reached out with his senses but for some reason, he kept getting distortions.

Using the mental link they shared as siblings, Giratina reached out to his brethren. “Palkia! Dialga!”

“Brother!” both of them said.

“What is going on!?”

“I think you should step outside and take a look,” Palkia said.

Despite wondering why Palkia didn’t just tell him, Giratina obliged and turned intangible and flew through the roof of the temple until he was outside. He came upon her fellow creation dragons looking at something behind him. Upon turning around, he immediately understood why they wanted him to come out.

A massive sky-scraping tree had appeared out of nowhere. It was radiating energy that was disrupting space-time on a scale that made Giratina mentally groan at the thought of all the poison gas clouds he would have to clean up back in the Distortion World. But he pushed those thoughts aside for now and focused on what was going on right here.

“Don’t tell me that’s what I think it is.”

“Well, if it’s not the Tree of Emptiness, it might be something just as if not more powerful,” Palkia said.

“What do you mean?” Dialga said.

“Because that tree is anything but empty.”

“In what way?” Giratina asked.

“Considering I am the expert when it comes to these things, I think you’ll take my word for it when I tell you there is a reenactment of an entire galaxy within that thing!”

Giratina and Dialga could almost not believe their ears.

“An entire galaxy, are you sure!?”

“Considering that me and Dialga can make one if we tried real hard, yes. It’s basically on par with the one Cyrus tried to have us make.”

“Okay, so what now?”

“I’ll tell you what, gather all the Legendary Pokemon, call back the others who are around the world. Open up a portal to get them here faster if you have to.”

“....I can’t.”

“What!? What do you mean you can’t!?” Giratina exclaimed.

“That tree’s very presence is disrupting time-space, meaning our powers are kinda useless while it’s here. I could try and open a portal, but it wouldn't last very long. Or worse it would lead to someplace we don't want to go.”

“Then move far away from here so that it doesn’t disrupt your powers.”

“Okay, but judging by how much energy that thing is emitting, I’ll have to travel some distance before I’m far enough away.”

“Just do it! The sooner we call back the others, the sooner we can help defend this tree. We have to get everyone here before-”

Giratina was once again interrupted by a loud sound. But it was not rumbling this time, but the sounds of energy blasts and explosions. Looking back at the tree, the three dragon Pokemon saw several servants flying around the massive structure and attacking it with everything they have.


“I’ll go get the others, Palkia, get away from here and try to open up portals to everyone else.”

“Already on it,” Palkia flew away as fast as his wings could carry him. Dialga then turned back to Giratina.

“What are you going to do brother?”

Giratina turned his head halfway to meet his gaze. “Just go get the others,” He then turned back and looked at the servants attacking the tree, his face contorting into one of anger.

“I’m going to defend our home.”

For the whole of Equestrian history, the one thing most ponies living around the kingdom could see if they were living close enough was Canterlot Mountain. Sitting in the center of the country, it overlooked the entirety of Equestria. And situated on its western side was the capital city of Canterlot itself. For the longest time, being able to see the capital in the distance gave ponies a sense of pride and assurance. That their Princesses would watch over and protect them, that their city would be the cornerstone of their nation.

But now, that was about to change.

The Tree of Emptiness had emerged, its branches extending well into the stratosphere. Meaning that on a day with clear skies, anyone from as far as Manehatten to the Crystal Empire could at the very least be able to glimpse at the massive structure. If Canterlot was the cornerstone of Equestria, this Tree, as they would soon come to accept, was the cornerstone of their entire existence. Whatever doubts some people possessed were soon dashed by just being able to lay eyes on it.

Those who did not believe in the tree simply because they could not see it quickly changed their tune. Others wanted to deny it simply because they could not accept the fact that their entire lives depended on a tree.

Whatever the case may be, the news would soon spread around the world about the location of the Tree of Emptiness being in Equestria. The already respected and powerful country was about to become even more important as many different interested parties would make their plans and plays.

One such play was about to take place in Ponyville. As a town that was the epicenter of weird things ever since Twilight Sparkle moved there, they were usually used to strange things happening in their humble town.

As such, when the Tree that was responsible for their world being unpruned showed up on their front doorstep, they did the one thing the people of Ponyville could do at that moment.


More specifically, scream and run around in circles.

But while the town descended into its weekly scheduled chaos, those with a little more sense, namely Twilight and her friends had convened in her treehouse.

“So you wanna tell me why we came back here instead of running straight towards that tree?” Rainbow Dash said.

“Because Rainbow we can’t just go in there without a plan.”

“Okay, and we couldn’t have this conversation outside?”

“I’d rather not try and talk over everyone screaming and shouting.”

“Honestly, you’d think they’d be used to this stuff by now.”

“This is different Rainbow, this is not something like a parasprite invasion or a cow stampede. We are talking about something that is related to the very fate of our world. While Mayor Mare and the Pokemon Rangers try to calm everyone down, we need to come up with a proper plan of what we are going to do in case Chaldea or a servant shows up and tries to attack the tree.

“Okay, I still don’t see why we had to do it in here.”

“Well aside from what I said before, I’d rather be inside when Princess Celestia comes here to talk to us.”

“Wait, Princess Celestia is coming here?

“Well considering what’s at stake I expect that she would.”

“Okay, but are really sure that-”

Rainbow Dash was interrupted when two alicorns teleported in right next to her.

“Well, what do you know?”

“Princess Celestia!”

“Twilight, I’m afraid we will have to skip greetings, there isn’t much time.”

“We know Princess, it’s only a matter of time before those no good Chaldeans try and attack the tree.”

A grim look crossed Celestia’s face. “I’m afraid they already are.”

Everyone’s eyes widened with shock.


“Yes, before we teleported here we saw servants attacking the tree,” Princess Luna said.

“Then why are we just standing around!?” Rainbow Dash said. “Let’s go there and kick some tail!”

“Hold on Rainbow Dash, y-you can’t just charge in there!” Fluttershy said.

“Watch me!” Rainbow flew for the nearest window but was caught in a magical grasp by Celestia before she would cause Twilight to have to fix another one of her windows.

“Rainbow Dash, as strong as you are, you cannot fight against a servant, none of you can.”

“We fought against servants before!”

“Yes, one servant, which would have defeated you all if not for Seth Crescent's timely intervention. These are multiple servants that are flying no less. Considering only half of you can fly, that's not much fighting power.”

“But we have you guys, they won’t stand a chance against two alicorns.”

“Normally you would be right, but still, one servant was enough to challenge me. The one called Karna, who I saw was among the servants attacking the tree.”

Twilight gulped. Karna as she remembered was a demigod with the same sun-based powers as Celestia. If he was among that group of servants, their battle would be a lot harder.

“Okay, but what about the Legendary Pokemon? There are dozens of them. Plus there is also Arceus! He can just blink and the fights over right?”

Celestia’s ears flattened against her head.

“I’m afraid we can’t count on Arceus or most of the Legendaries to help us this time.”

Twilight was confused.

“What do you mean?”

Celestia sighed. “Mew asked that I not share this information if I could help it. But Arceus is currently in a state where he can’t help us. That day where we have to assault that castle containing the Chaldeans, apparently he fought a servant that was the incarnation of a god.”

Twilight was once again shocked, it hadn’t occurred to her that gods could be summoned as servants.

“That fight took a lot of his power among other things. Arceus has entered a kind of sleep state where he has to recharge his power.”

“So, we really can’t count on Arceus to help us?”

Celestia shook her head. “Not this time. Also from what I’ve heard. Most of the Legendaries have been sent around the world to look for servants. I am not sure if they will make it back in time to help.”

“Ugh. This couldn’t have happened at the worst possible time,” Rarity said.

“So what, are we just supposed to sit here and do nothing?” Pinkie Pie said.

Twilight narrowed her eyes in determination.

“No, we are not giving up.”

Everyone looked at Twilight as her voice rose. “Arceus and most of the Legendaries not being able to help us means we have less of a chance of victory. But that doesn’t mean we can’t win. Everything that I have recently learned in the past few weeks has told me that I still have a lot and I mean a lot to learn about the world we live in. But I do know this, we don’t fight just because we know we’re gonna win, or that we have a good chance of winning, we fight because we have to win. We are the embodiment of the Elements of Harmony, and even if we don’t have the physical Elements anymore, our friendship remains. And in my opinion, that is more than enough.”

Celestia smiled. Her student had really grown.

“Twilight is right. No matter what, we must protect the tree with our lives.”

“I concur, we have spent enough time here chatting. Let us be off to the tree.”

“Uh, quick question though.”

“Yes, Applejack?”

“Y’all said the servants are flying around the tree right? Well not to be a downer, but like you said not all of us can fly, and no offense to Fluttershy, but she ain’t the best fighter out of all of us.”

“None taken,” the yellow pegasus said.

“I could cast that flying spell that gave Rarity wings during the Best Young Flyer competition. But that would take a lot of energy, and I can’t afford to be tired during the fight.”

“Hmmm, I and Luna could cast the spell, but those wings as you have seen are very fragile, one stray shot would send you all falling.”

“Don’t remind me,” Rarity said. Although she learn a lesson in humility that day, she did not like to think about how she almost died falling. And nearly took several Wonderbolts with her by knocking them out with her flailing hooves.

“I could try and reinforce them, but that would use a lot of magic, which would not be ideal.”

“Okay, then what about.”

All of a sudden, Twilight and her friends were no longer in her house, but rather she was now standing in some unknown space.

“Wha- what’s going on!?”

The six mares looked around, there was nothing as far as the eyes could see except twinkling stars. In a way, it looked very similar to the place the Elements of Harmony sent Twilight right before Celestia turned her into an alicorn.

“W-where are we?” Fluttershy said.

“Do not worry, you have nothing to fear, but I need you all to listen to me now.”

All six ponies turned to the source of the voice and were shocked at who they saw.

“It’s you!”

BGm In the Air

“I am no king, but I follow in the king's path. I will destroy all that I must to bring the king peace!”

"The blade of this holy sword is a copy of the sun itself. Holy sword of the stars, swing once again!"

Clarent Blood Arthur!
Rebellion Against My Beautiful Father

Excalibur Galatine!
Sword of Revolving Victory

Gawain and Mordred, siblings, Knights of the Round Table. In life, the latter had killed the former in order to get to her father on the hill of Camlann. But for this moment in time, they stood united in purpose and under the same master. With mana surging from their swords, they brought down their Noble Phantasms onto the Tree of Emptiness.

Kirschtaria observed from the ground with Ritsuka as the Tree of Emptiness momentarily shook and very small pieces of bark fell off into the forest below.

“It’s hurt, but not down, several more attacks, and a few more Noble Phantasms, and this thing goes down.”

“Siegfried, you’re up!”

The dragon-slaying knight who was floating nearby acknowledged.

“Yes master, deploying my Noble Phantasm.”

Siegfried. The knight who slew one of Fafnir’s incarnations, a creature born of the “Evil Dragon Phenomenon”. Bathing in his blood he obtained a skin similar to a dragon that could not be affected by any weapons. An ability not too dissimilar to Achilles who he was currently fighting alongside, and in another world, fought against. But just like Achilles, Siegfried also had a mortal weak point, a spot that if struck would mean his end.

But that was just his second Noble Phantasm. His first and greatest was the sword used to kill the evil dragon. One that rivaled the recently used Clarent in terms of power.

"The Evil Dragon shall fall, and the world will reach its sunset."

Its prototype was Nordic blade Gram. It could be a demonic sword or a holy sword depending on whoever wielded it.

“O sword, Let thee be filled"

The orange jewel within its hilt was filled with true ether from the Age of Gods. Soon to be unleashed like a twilight aura.

"I will bring you down-”

Balmung! Phantasmal Greatsword
Felling of the Sky Demon

The twilight swelled around the sword and was released as a flash of light, a surging wave with the simple purpose of destroying things.

Had the tree inherited the attributes of a dragon, more damage would have been done to it. But even without that, the Tree of Emptiness still felt the searing blaze of the dragon-slaying greatsword.

“Keep it up guys, this thing won’t last much longer,” Kirschtaria then help up his com wrist and spoke into it. “Ophelia, I need you to give Ortlinde the command to use her Noble Phantasm.”

“Yes, Kirschtaria!” Said the female magus from within the Shadow Border.

Up in the sky, the youngest Valkyrie Ortlinde prepared to manifest the bodies of her sisters. And in doing so perform the Noble Phantasm that was the crystallized embodiment of their legend.

But before any of that could happen, the Valkyrie felt a chill up her ghostly spine. Her swan mystic code, being meant for high-speed maneuvering and evading, quickly dodged the oncoming unseeable attack.

“Uh, what’s going on up there?” Ritsuka asked.

The shadowy figure that attempted to kill the Valkyrie, whose only distinguishing feature was its red glowing eyes, was now being looked upon by several servants. They remained on guard for whatever it would try next.

Giratina then dropped the pretenses and made himself corporeal again. His true form was now visible to those who could see him.

“Heroic Spirits, I am Giratina, first son of the God Arceus, ruler of the Distortion World and the dragon who holds authority over antimatter.”

Mordred being without much in the way of manners just shot back at him.

“Alright we get it big guy, you’re some kind of high-ranking Pokemon. Whatever, I guess you’re here to stop us?”

If looks could kill, Giratina would have ended Mordred and tortured her soul if he could help it. As the dragon who was painted as a traitor by humanity, nothing made him madder than being disrespected.

Even if someone didn’t know the exact significance of his role in the world. That fact that they didn’t care was even more irritating.

“I am only going to say this once, surrender. Surrender yourselves, surrender your human masters, and give up on this hopeless endeavor of yours. Do this, and Lord Arceus might show some leniency.”

“Well, buddy. Even if I was in the mood for surrendering. Which I will never do for as long as I live. What you’re offering is not worth the trouble.”

“You cannot win. Arceus is the god who rules over this world. It is by his grace and mercy that you all stand here today despite your insolence as humans.”


Giratina turned to the source of the voice and met eyes with Karna.

“I was told that the ones known as Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were the rulers of this land.”

Giratina narrowed his eyes.

“The Princesses are the rulers of Equestria, yes that is true. As well as the other national leaders who lead their own kingdoms. But at the end of the day, Arceus is a god. One who holds far greater power than any of them.”

“Power and Authority are indeed things that give a god their might and right to rule, that is undeniable. But he can only rule that which his authority extends to.”

“What are you implying servant?”

“I may not know much about this world that I was summoned into. But I do know some crucial things.”

Karna pointed his spear at the dragon.

“You and the Pokemon are not originally from this Lostbelt or even this planet for that matter. You traveled here from the vast parallel worlds seeking a new home away from the humans of your old home. In that matter, you both succeeded and failed. You escaped humanity and at the same time found humanity. Your arrival here was initially met with resistance and scrutiny, understandably because you didn’t know before entering another person’s house. Your Arceus did as they would say, walked in like you owned the place.”

“After which your father declared his intentions to stay since as god no one could oppose him. But so far, that’s all he gained, acceptance. On his own world, he would still have a right to rule as that was his right, here that is not the case. He may have the power and authority like a god should have, but he has no power or authority over the natives of this world.”

“In conclusion, your father is not a god who rules over this world, he is a god who is worshiped by his creations. No nation bows to him or shows him any more reverence than what is necessary or any reverence at all. The only thing he is, is a God of Pokemon, nothing more, nothing less.”

Those who knew Karna’s personality knew that he was virtually honest in his dealings. This has led to a habit of his where he can see through someone’s nature and facade very clearly, and dress them down to the point where he basically exposes their flaws and weaknesses. It also must be said that none of this is done out of a desire to mock or demean, but out of a genuine nice desire to help them.

After all, criticism is one of the best forms of helping people grow.

But that’s not how Giratina saw it.

Sure everything he said was technically true. But it was not a truth he wanted to hear.

“HahahaHAHAHAHA! You humans…..you really have no respect for anything or anyone other than yourselves. Then again, human history was always built on the backs of non-humans. But that ends now.”

As if on cue, several more Legendary Pokemon arrived on the scene. Composed of Latios and Latias, Giratina’s sisters the Lake Guardians, Darkrai, Yveltal, and Kyurem. The Regi trio was on the ground providing support. While Heatran could not do much but try and help the golems. As the entire battle was in the air, there was little they could do to help.

“It’s not everyone but it will have to do.”

Giratina knew that servants could be very powerful and deadly. It upset him that something that came from human origins would be able to stand against a Legendary Pokemon on their own power. While being beaten by their technology was one thing, having to fight humans who possess similar powers and feats to their own was another altogether.

“This may have once been your home servants of humanity but not anymore. You are merely ghosts clinging to a world that you have already left the moment you died. As the patriarch of ghost-type Pokemon, I will put you all to rest. The Age of Man is over, the Age of Pokemon begins now!”

“Oh yeah,” Achilles said. “Then come at us Pokemon!”

In the sky above Equestria, the battle for the future of two species began.

The mane six stood in awe as they recognized the being that had apparently brought them here.


The Goddess of Equus gave a small smile, which quickly faded.

“Hello Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy.”

“Uh, where are we?” Applejack asked.

“Let’s just say you are someplace where time moves slower than the mortal plane. I brought you all here so that I can talk to you.”

“Is this about what’s going on back in Equestria?” Rainbow Dash said. “Cause like we really need to get back there and help.”

“Patience young Rainbow Dash. Now, all you listen to what I am about to say. It concerns the fate of this world and the path you were all meant to walk down.”

Harmony’s eyes glowed and a familiar diamond-shaped box appeared before them. It had 5 keys inserted into the locks on most of its sides.

“I believe you all recognize this.”

The everypony's eyes widened in realization.

“Oh my gosh, that’s the chest that grew out of the Tree of Harmony!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

“Wow, I almost forgot about that thing,” Rainbow Dash said sheepishly.

“Yeah, I kinda forgot about that too,” Although to Twilight’s credit, it was not that she necessarily forgot about the chest. But rather, due to the events of the past year she never found the final key and as a result, the thought of the box went to the back of her mind.

“This chest that you all discovered at the Tree of Harmony, as I’m sure Twilight might have guessed by now, is a kind of test. I may be cheating by what I am about to tell you, but the circumstances require I do.”

“Tell us what?”

“I said this chest was a test, can any of you guess what that test was?”

The mane six were stumped for a bit.

“Does it have something to do with friendship?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“Yes, It does.”

Twilight wracked her brain, remembering all the times they had obtained keys and what events led to that happening.

“We got Rarity’s key first during her trip to Manehatten. She got it from Coco Pommel as a spool.”

“Ah yes I remember that day. Some pony took advantage of my generosity and I nearly lost faith in myself. I treated my friends badly when I should have been more considerate to them.”

“And yet you realized your mistake and did the right thing,” Harmony said.

“We got Rainbow Dash’s key as a pin from Spitfire.”

“I had to choose between flying with the Wonderbolts or my friends from Ponyville. I was loyal to both and it was hard to choose.”

“And in the end, you choose to remain a loyal friend.”

“Pinkie Pie’s key was a rubber chicken she got from Cheese Sandwich.”

“I was upset over the fact that someone could do parties just as good if not better than me. Then I realized that it’s not about who throws a better party, it’s about making everypony smile!”

“Indeed, smiles are what parties are made to bring to a person’s face.”

“We got Fluttershy’s key from the Breezies as a flower.”

“I learned that being kind to someone is a good thing, but not all kindness is helpful or what a pony needs.”

“If you love something, you protect it. But you must also be willing to let it go when the time comes.”

“Applejack’s key was a bit she got from Silver Shill, a pony who worked for the Flim Flam Brothers.”

“I knew those no-good varmints were selling a scam, but because it made Granny Smith happy, I kept my mouth quiet for too long.”

“One must be honest with themselves and in their dealings with their fellow ponies. You all got those keys from moments where your elements were tested. You had moments where you had doubt but in the end, you affirmed your resolve and became better wielders of those virtues. There is a word for what happened to you all on those days. What was it?”

Everyone had to take a moment to think. But it was Twilight who found the answer.

“Clarity, we all had a moment of clarity….I mean…most of us did.”

Twilight’s ears flattened against her head, her friends huddled around her in understanding.

“Do not be so sad Twilight, the fault is not within you,” Harmony assured. “But rather, it is a mixture of my fault and unforeseen circumstances.”

Twilight got up and stood at attention, she had a feeling this was going to be important to hear.

“Long ago, there was a centaur named Tirek who visited Equestria along with his brother Scorpan. But while Socrpan was interested in friendship, Tirek wanted power. He wished to become an unstoppable force. He had the power to permanently steal a person’s magic to make himself more powerful.”

“What happened to him?”

“He was sealed away by the Princesses in Tartarus. However, he recently escaped when Cerberus left his post at one point.”


“Oh great!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, “So we gotta deal with this guy on top of the servants who are attacking the Tree of Harmony, or Emptiness, or whatever it's called?”

“No, because Tirek is no longer a threat to anyone anymore.”


“He is dead, killed by Arceus….because I asked him to.”

“What!?” Twilight exclaimed. “Wait, what does this all have to do with the lesson I was supposed to learn?”

“I’m getting to that. Basically, the way I had set things up, you would have had your moment of clarity about friendship during your fight with Tirek. After which you would have opened the box, and from there, each of you would take the next step in the journey of your lives.”

“So why didn’t that happen?” Rarity asked?”

“Because of an unforeseen event, an event with world-changing ramifications, I believe I don’t have to spell it out.”

It was not hard to guess, at the same time they came to the realization and all said it all at once.

“The Pokemon.”

“Indeed. The arrival of the Pokemon changed everything. Events that were meant to take place never came to be, enemies that were meant to become friends remained enemies, castles that were meant to be built remain nothing but concepts. It could not be undone or corrected in time for what was about to happen.”

This was a lot to take in for everyone. Twilight in particular. It had not occurred to her that the arrival of the Pokemon had ramifications that would affect them in ways like this.

“Okay, are you saying the Pokemon coming here was a bad thing?” Applejack said in an accusatory tone.

“Not at all, their arrival was a double-edged sword. Sure some things were lost but you all gained so much more than what would have been.”

“Harmony is right,” Twilight said. “If I knew what would happen if the Pokemon came here and altered our fates, I would not have changed a single thing. The friends we gained are worth more than some shiny key I was meant to find.”

“I am glad you think that Twilight. You may not have found your clarity yet, but perhaps someday you will.”

All of a sudden that was a rubbing that shook the plane of existence.

“What was that!?” Pinkie Pie exclaimed.”

“The Tree of Emptiness, with every blow it takes it dies a little. And in consequence, the stability of our world becomes undone.”

“Then what are we waiting for, we need to get back there and help!” Rainbow Dash said

“And you shall, all of you will be given the power needed to turn the tide of battle.”

“Wait, what power?”

“I said that had you found the final key, all of you would have taken the next step in the journey of your lives. Among those things was a power you would have never known. The true power of the Tree of Harmony.”


“Due to the circumstances I will temporarily unlock the box and grant you a portion of the mystical Rainbow Power. With it, you will be able to fight on par with a servant and their Noble Phantasm.”

“Woah, you're saying we can fight servants with this! Well, what are you waiting for, gimmie!”

“Everypony hold still, this will only take a moment.”

Harmony’s eyes glowed as a silvery key manifested itself. It lacked the golden shine of its counterparts, but like them, it resembled the cutie mark of one meant to unlock the box with its power.

She inserted the key into the box, which caused it to glow. Light then poured out from each of the keyholes and shined on each of the mane six.

A brilliant rainbow shine engulfed them and the entire realm.

BGM Hypotosis Cosmos

Ragnarök Lífþrasir!
Final Phantasm - Girls Advent

The manifestation of Odin’s daughters threw their spears at the enemy Pokemon. The Lake Trio combined their psychic power to form a barrier that protected them and the Eon siblings.

“Alright you two, do it now!” Azelf said.

The two dragon guardians of Alto Mare flew together as one as they shouted in unison.

“Beyond evolution MEGA EVOLVE!”

A magnificent light enveloped the two like a sphere before shattering and revealing their new forms. They looked identical now save for the different colored eyes.

They flew around the Valkyries at a speed of which they could not keep track of them.

“Luster Purge!”

“Mist Ball!”

A beam and ball of energy struck the Valkyries, causing the manifestations to disappear, leaving Ortlinde alone.

“Give up, you're outnumbered!” Latios said.

Ortlinde regained her composure and looked at her two adversaries.

“You two share a similar shape and form, and the way you fight in unison, are you two related?”

“We are siblings. I am Latios and this is my sister Latias.”

“I see, so you are brother and sister.”

“Yes, and let me tell you something,” Latias said. “When we fight together, nothing can stop us. Family fights the best side by side!”

Ortlinde smiled. “I could agree more. Master!”

In the Shadow Border, Ophelia heard the telepathic request of her servant. Knowing what was being asked of her, she obliged.

“In the name of Ophelia Phamrsolone, and by the power of my command spell. Hildr! Thrúd! Manifest yourselves!”

The servant known as Valkyrie possessed a unique saint graph from other servants. While it was not uncommon for multiple servants to share a single saint graph like Anne Bonnie or Mary Read, Valkyrie was different.

With each ascension, a new Valkyrie would take the place of their sister in order to have better mana capacity. It was possible to manifest all three at once, but only if a sufficient amount of mana was provided.

The mana from a Command Spell was more than enough.

The elder siblings Hildr and Thrúd manifested themselves and stood alongside their sister and fellow Valkyrie.

“Alright! I have been itching for a good fight!” Hildr exclaimed.”

“I have arrived in response to my master’s summons, do not expect any mercy from me,” Thrúd said coldly.

“As you can see Latios and Latias, your side is not the only one who fights with family!”

Latias and Latios gave the Valkyries a stern look.

“Alright then, let’s see which family will win today!”

Two sets of siblings charged at each other, fighting with steel and speed.


Siegfried faced off against Giratina with a series of blows that he was all too familiar to use on a dragon. Giratina fought with claw and shadow. But with Siegfried being the smaller of the two, it made him more nimble.

“Shadow Claw!”

The Saber narrowly avoided being torn to ribbons by the shadowy dragon, nicking his face and drawing a drop of blood. A small price to pay in order to get close to his target.

In an instant, he drew his blade alongside the side of Renegade Pokemon, making a long gash in his body. Giratina cried out in pain as the sword did its work. He quickly turned around and fired several Aura Spheres in retaliation. As a move meant to hit the target no matter what, the dragon slayer had no choice but to parry each, but could not avoid getting hit by the last one.

The two were now a reasonable distance from each other where they could stop and think about their next attack.

Giratina looked down at his wound, it was not something that could be healed in the middle of battle. Still, he wondered why it had hurt so much.

Out of curiosity, he asked. “Who are you, servant?”

“I am Siegfried. Hero of the Nibelungenlied. The knight who slew the evil dragon Fafnir. And you are Giratina, as you yourself have stated.”

“That I am.”

“As a knight, I am honor-bound to tell you that you are at a disadvantage.”

“How so?”

“We heroic spirits are the embodiments of our legends, the stories people tell about us and the rumors we leave behind after our deaths, for better or worse.”

Siegfried gripped his sword.

“This sword in my hand was used to kill an evil dragon. As such it has become a dragon-slaying sword. And as you stated, you yourself are a dragon correct?”

Giratina gritted his teeth.

“I see so that’s how it is. That sword has the potential to kill me.”

“Indeed, and now that you have been informed, I am afraid I must end this now.”

Siegfried once again gripped his sword with both hands.

“O sword, Let thee be filled"

Mana surged through the blade in a green light once again.

“The evil dragon must fall, and the world will reach its sunset!”

Giratina in response prepared one of his strongest moves.

"I will bring you down-Balmung!

“Do. Not. Call me. AN EVIL DRAGON!”


At that moment two pillars of light, made by two beings from different worlds connected with each other. And an explosion rocked the sky.


Karna flew at Yveltal as the Pokemon of Death shot a Dark Pulse that he was certain would make contact with his target.

It didn’t.

In a flash, the Hero of the Kauravas fired a blast of solar flames that seared the Legendary’s back. But this left him open to an attack from Kyurem who grazed him with Dragon Pulse.

“Hey, watch it!” Yveltal said.

“Quit complaining, at least I didn’t use an Ice-type move.”

Karna lit a flame in his hand which he blew blazing embers at his opponents. The spread meant the two Pokemon could do little to avoid it. It hurt Kyurem the most but its low power meant he was not very damaged.

“I need you to slow him down, think you can do that?”

“I can, but don’t complain if you catch a cold.”

“I won’t, just do it.”

“Very well then.” Kyrurem’s eyes glowed yellow as the temperature began to fall.


Despite the heat emitted by the Tree of Emptiness, the air became cold and stiff.

Ice began to form around Karna in a circle pattern, they then went inward in an attempt to impale him.

“Lowering the temperature will not douse my flames. As the son of the sun god, it will take more than that.”

“That wasn’t to lower your firepower,” Yvetlal thought. “It was meant to slow you down.”

“Oblivion Wing!”

Karna attempted to avoid the attack but realized too late that the ice in the air made him slightly slower. Slow enough to be struck by Yveltal's signature move. The move bursting on impact and leaving a cloud of smoke behind

Oblivion Wing was a move that manifested Yveltal’s authority over death. Unless the target was strong enough or had enough life force, they would be withered and turned to stone.

“Hmph, no one has ever survived my Oblivion Wing.”

But before the dust could disperse to reveal the damage done, a tine beam of light appeared from it and struck Kyruem square in the chest, sending him falling to the forest below.


Karna swept away the rest of the dust with his spear. He looked only a little worse for wear.

“WHAT!? How? How did you survive that? My Oblivion Wing can kill any living thing!”

“And that right there is your mistake. As a servant, I am nothing more than ether in the shape and memories of someone else. I am not truly a living thing.”


“Also, my armor is made from the sun itself, the source of all. Only the Divine can break it. And I do sense some strong divinity within you. So you are capable of hurting me, I will say this much.”

“You’re mistaken, servant.”


“I don’t want to hurt you, I want to kill you!”

“Very well. But it seems I must end this now.”

Karna leveled his spear at Yveltal, beginning the chant that signaled the deployment of a Noble Phantasm.

“Beware the Sky….”

The Destruction Pokemon knew this attack was going to be a strong one. He activated Phantom Force in an attempt to avoid it. Realizing too late that this gave Karna a clear shot of the Tree of Emptiness.

Brahmastra Kundala!
O' Brahma, Curse Me

The shot passed through the intangible Yveltal and headed straight for the tree.

Then there was a flash of light.

Shadow Border.

“How are they doing up there?” Kadoc asked.

“According to our instruments, the Tree of Emptiness has taken a lot of damage, even with this fighting going on,” Da Vinci stated.

“How much more damage do you think it can take?” Ophelia said

“Well, I’m sure anyone or two more noble phantasms will do the job. But I’m afraid at the rate our servants are burning through their mana fighting the Legendaries, they may not have enough to finish the job.”


“Holmes is something on your mind?”

“Yes, actually. Despite things not looking very favorable, in my opinion, it could be a lot worse.”

“How so?” Kadoc asked.

“Without tempting fate, I have to ask this out loud, where is Arceus?”

That question was enough to get everyone’s attention.

“He’s right, not that I am complaining but why hasn’t he shown up?”

All of a sudden, the alarms on the Shadow Border consoles began to light up.

“Oh speak of the devil!”

Da Vinci looked at the screen and read the data.

“Don’t tell me, it’s Arceus isn’t it?” Goredolf asked worryingly.

“No, not Arceus.”

“Oh thank god.”

“But I am detecting 6 power magical energy signatures 5,000 meters above us where everyone is fighting. And…Woah..what is this!?”

In the skies around the Tree of Emptiness, a rainbow light caused the battle to momentarily pause.

When it died down a bit, six familiar mares floated together. Each of them had received new colors on their manes and coats. They glowed with a power that was powerful and colorful.

It took the Legendary Pokemon moment to recognize them.

“Princess Twilight is that you?” Giratina said.

“Yes, it is Giratina, and not just me.”

“Wow Rainbow Dash, you look awesome!” Latias said.

“You know it!”

“Huh, did the pretty ponies get a makeover or something?” Mordred said curtly. “You all look like something out of a children’s cartoon.”

“Attention servants, my name is Princess Twilight Sparkle of Equestria. And by the Rainbow Power vested in me, I ask you all to lower your weapons and surrender. Otherwise, you will see just how powerful our friendship is.”

“Heh, Rainbow Power shmamebow power, we can still take them.”

“Are you sure about that?”

The servants turned around to see Princess Celestia and Luna appear behind them. Along with a platoon of Royal Guards.

The 10 servants were now thoroughly surrounded.

“Ugh guys, this isn’t looking good,” Mash said.

“Heh, numbers ain’t nothing,” Achilles said. “No matter what I‘ll still keep fighting!”

“He’s right, don’t stop now!” Hippolyta said. “Not when we’re so close!”

“Alright then,” Twilight said, her mane glowing with her new colors. “If it’s a fight you want, it’s a fight you’ll get!”

Achilles cracked his regions and his chariot took off again.

“Xanthos! Balios! Pedasus! Let’s go! Come on, try to stop me! My chariot will run you down like a shooting star!”

It whipped around at the speed of sound and went further. Like a shooting star, it would take out anything that got in its way.

But Achilles was no longer the only shooting star in the sky.

This he found out when another star collided with him.

“Gahh what was that!?”

“Uh uh! You and I have some unfinished business!” Rainbow Dash said. In the air, the two fighters who would never back down from anything continued to clash.

Custom BGM
On the East side of the tree, Gawain faced off against Luna as the two warriors clashed with sword and horn.

“And what might your name be?” Luna said.

“I am Sir Gawain, Knight of the Round Table and Knight of the Sun. What’s yours?”

“Princess Luna, Alicron of the Moon and the Night.”

“Ah, so we have opposite powers, how appropriate.”

“Indeed, very appropriate.”


Karna and Celestia resumed their fight at the crown of the tree.

“I apologize that I had to retreat after our first encounter, I will not show you the same disrespect again.”

Celestia was surprised by his words, she could tell they were genuine.

“You really are a nice person aren’t you.”

“I only offer the respect and kindness an opponent on the battlefield deserves.”

“A shame that I have to fight you, if only it did not have to come to this.

“Indeed, as we are both blessed by the sun, I will admit that we are kindred individuals in that regard. A shame indeed.”


Near the base of the tree Mash deployed her shield to protect Siegfried from a combined attack from Giratina and Princess Twilight.

“Your shield is powerful servant, but I see that it can only take so much from my power combined with Princess Twilight’s….what did you call it again?”

“Rainbow Power. But Giratina is right, stand down, you fought bravely. There should be no need for us to fight.”

Mash picked up her shield as she stood beside Siegfried. Her Ortinax was starting to reach its limit.

“You're right, there should be no need for us to fight. I bear no animosity towards you and you do not seem to hate me,” Mash admitted.

Even with her eyes covered by that visor, Twilight could sense sadness in the demi servant.

“Then why do you fight? You know what will happen if our tree gets cut down. Why do you think your world deserves to live more than ours?”

“....I am not here to say which of our worlds deserves to live more. The only thing I know is that I lost too much already. Many people sacrificed themselves so that I and senpai could stand here today. I will not spit on their graves by just giving up and letting it all be for nothing. I could never face the Doctor again if I just gave up here right now!”

The sadness in her voice was replaced by determination. For a moment Twilight wondered just who the shield servant was referring to, but pushed that aside as both her and the saber charged at their opponents.

Back in the Shadow Border.

“Okay, now it’s really starting to not look good.”

“I think we’re way past that Da Vinci!” Meuniere exclaimed. “Everybody out there is completely outnumbered and outgunned! We need to either retreat or find some way to turn the tide.”

Indeed, this was not looking good for the servants of Chaldea. Mori was grappling with Applejack. Gawain and Mordred were pinned down by Kyrurem, Darkrai, and Pinkie Pie. Hippolyta, Sita and Ortlinde contended with the Lake Trio, Eon duo, and the Regi Trio.

“Ugh, Holmes, any ideas?”

“The way things are looking now, it’s only going to get worse. I don’t think they will be able to defeat them all if this keeps up.”

“What if we get more servants from the cave?” Kadoc suggested. “I could also send Anastasia.”

“I’m afraid either will arrive too late. The only option I can see that might work is if we finish this here and now.”

“And that option is?”

“...I need to talk to Kirschtaria and Ritsuka.”

Back in the Everfree Forest, the Masters looked on as their servants were getting beaten one by one.

“That is, I can’t just stand here and do nothing. We have to go help them, Kirschtaria!”

“I’m afraid our presence will not do much good other than getting us captured. We should just stay hidden like we were told.”

“But Mash is out there, I should be by her side, supporting her! No sitting here saving my own skin!”

Kirschtaria tsked. “He understood how much Ritsuka and Mash meant to each other. He knew that separating them was a shaky idea from the start.

“We’re losing, we’re so close, we just need one more good attack.”

At that point, Kirschtaria contemplated using his ideal magecraft. One use would be enough to finish this fight, but doing so would leave him exposed. Not to mention everyone would most likely get caught in the crossfire.

“Should I do it? I may be the only way we can win.”

Then Kirschtaria heard a beep and saw Ritsuka’s communicator light up. It was Holmes.


“Kirschtaria, Ritsuka, I may have a suggestion as to how we can win.”

“I’m all ears.”

“Ritsuka, how many command spells do you have left?”

“Just one.”

“Good, now listen very carefully-”


Back in the air Karna and Celestia continued to fight with fire and light. Karna was a better fighter than Celestia, but she was soon being supported by her guards as well as Yveltal and the Lake Guardians. Karna was now Outnumbered, and his mana was running low.

“This is not going in my favor.” He thought to himself. And yet, so long as my master will it, I shall continue to-”

Then Karna received a mental message from his master.

“I see very well.”

“Princess Celestia, all of you. I will admit that you have done well to fight with the spirit of those who wish to defend something precious. Truly praiseworthy.”

“Flattery will get you nowhere!” Yveltal said.

“I know, which is why this battle must end now.”

Karna’s armor began to glow.

“What I have done up to this point is not enough to end you…which is why-”

The golden pieces on his person began to burst into flames.

“I will need to unleash an attack that will bring about your absolute destruction!”

The flames grew bigger and bigger until all his golden armor was burned away. His spear changed shape as it was now longer and sported black blades.

The air and temperature shot through the roof as the very environment was affected by the simple activation of this Noble Phantasm.

The air became fire. The forest below was set ablaze and the rock, as well as the sediment, became molten.

Around Karna, energy continued to be unleashed as wave after wave of fire and heat reduced everything around the demigod to cinders and boils.

Those who gazed upon him could not take their eyes off despite the intense heat. Everyone including Legendaries could not believe the amount of energy the single servant was producing.

“O people Equestria, of Equus, O Princess of Sun. I bid you farewell. Out of respect for you as a fellow child of the sun, I offer you my strongest and most powerful attack!”

“What is he doing!?”

Pokemon and ponies who were fighting other servants stopped what they were doing and looked up. The brilliant and terrifying sight causing them to forget their opponents.

“Uh, Twilight you think we should do something about that!” Applejack said.

The wing-like armor on Karna’s back spread out into a wing of flames and in consequence another identical wing and armor manifested opposite of it.

“Know the mercy of the King of gods!”

“Girls! Everyone! We have to stop him!”

The other rainbow-powered mares in response to Twilight’s cries stopped fighting their opponents and regrouped as they flew up to Karna.

“With this single strike, I shall inflict extinction!”


The mares began to form up together to form a protective shield that would have been able to block that attack.

If not for…

“Oh no, you don’t!”

Achilles chariot came in and knocked them off course, sending them tumbling in different directions. This was followed by several other servants appearing and grappling with them to keep the mane six from interfering.

Seeing that her little ponies would not be able to get here in time, Princess Celestia knew what she had to do.


“Yes, sister!”

“I need you to put everything you have with me into casting a shield spell.”

“Will it be enough?”

“It will be…it has to.”

Karna pointed his spear directly at the Tree of Emptiness, and the Princess who put themselves between it and him.

“Indra, witness this blow….”

The two most powerful alicorns in the world touched their horns as a magical barrier that would put Shining Armor to shame appeared and was enlarged as much as it could be.

“Be reduced to cinders….”


O' Sun, Abide to Death

A massive beam of energy was shot forth from the spear. When it collided with the barrier, cracks began to form immediately.

“Don’t give up, we can still do it!”

“It won’t hold! Celestia!”

Cracks continued to form and form until…the sound of shattered glass was heard.


Giratina, Yveltal, Kyurem, the Regi Trio, Heatran all fired their Hyper Beams which pushed back at the god-killing spear. Even the ones without that move, the Lake Trio, the Eon Duo, Darkrai, all gave attacks of their own to help push back against extinction.

For a moment in time, it seemed like both sides were evenly matched.

And then.

“I order you with a command spell! Karna! Destroy the Tree of Emptiness!”

“...As you command, master.”

The Vasavi Shakti pushed through the attacks like fire through paper.

The Pokemon and Princesses disappeared as the Noble Phantasm made contact with the tree, and exploded with a force strong enough to kill a god.

A massive boom filled the air, light and fire engulfed the Tree of Empty Harmony.

And then only nothing more remained, but silence.

“It was inevitable….”


Author's Note:


Once again apologize for the long winter break. Expect chapters to resume the normal release schedule from now on.

And with this out of the way, Arc One inches closer to its climax and finale

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