• Published 13th Sep 2020
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A New World, A New Way: Requiem from the Lostbelt - Metroid Prime

The seeds of fantasy have descend. Now, 7 worlds fight for the right to live.

  • ...

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Summer Solstice: City of Dancing Crimson

It was still two hours before Celestia was due to raise the sun, and at that point, the All-Night Gala was starting to wind down.

Genesect, for the most part, had only talked and mingled with his fellow legendaries as well as a few Pokemon. That being said, most of his conversations were the same, such as “Hey, how are you?” or “Some party huh”. Admittedly this made Genesect realize just how inept he was at socializing. He then tried to talk to some of the natives, but his conversations didn’t fare better.

The ponies or other races were mostly interested in what kind of Pokemon he was, to which he ended up always explaining. Often he would try to change the subject to other things like technology and innovation. Unfortunately, no one really cared or understood what was talking about. Genesect would end up rambling on to the point where he was doing most of the talking, and the people he was talking to had left before he noticed.

After a while, he just sat down alone with a glass of punch.

*Sigh* “Maybe this was a bad idea,” the legendary said to himself.

“Hey Genesect, some party am I right?”

The cyborg hunter looked up to see the familiar V-shaped ears of Victini.

“Hello Victini, can I help you?” Genesect’s voice gave off an uninterested tone.

“Aww come on. Don’t be a downer, the sun doesn’t rise for another two hours, there is still plenty of party time!”

The Paleozoic Pokemon only glanced at his fellow Unova legendary, the Pokemon of Victory was full of boundless energy, one that he was constantly burning up one way or another. This meant that he was always trying to cheer people up, whether they wanted it or not.

“I think I have experienced all this party has to offer, in fact, according to my calculations, I experienced everything within the first 47 minutes.”

“Heh, of course, you did.” Victini knew how the sole Bug-type Pokemon of the Legendary Council liked to perfect and be efficient in everything he did. This also meant that he got through things quickly just so he could have more time to do other things.

“Honestly I think I’m just going to go back to the temple.”

“Wait really?”

“Yes, if my interactions with everyone here taught me anything is that social interaction is not my forte.”

Genesect got up and began to walk away.

“Wait!” Victini went in front and blocked his path.

“You seriously haven’t had one good talk with anyone here?”

“No, not really.”

“Come on Genesect, this is the land where friendship is magic. To be a social loner and not have any friends is...taboo!”

“I have friends.”

“Registeel and the other Legends don’t count, I’m talking about a friend outside of the temple.”

“Well, as I said, I have not had one good interaction that would make me consider anyone in this room here my friend.”

“Hmmm, so you mean to say that you have talked to everyone currently in this room?”

“Yes, aside from the few who left already like Princess Twilight.”

“Ahhh, I see.” Victini smiled as if he just got an idea.


“Come with me, my friend.”


Moltres was more or less an easy-going Pokemon, as a legendary bird, she was among the more well known of the Legendary Pokemon. This also meant she was one of the patrons of Flying-type/bird Pokemon. That being said, she was not exactly top tier in terms of power. Which is why that collector was able to capture her and her siblings all those years ago.

The flaming bird was currently walking with her siblings looking for someone at the Gala. Someone who she wanted to speak with ever since they last met.

“Sister, remind me, just what are you going to do again?” Zapdos asked.

“I just want to talk to him brother, at first.”

“Yes, but why do you need both of us to accompany you, after all, they might get the wrong idea at first,” Articuno said.

“I know, but I just want to see how he might react to the proposal I am offering him.”

The birds of Ice and Lighting looked at each other and back to their younger sibling.

“Ah, there he is.”

The person she was looking for was currently among a group that comprised a Luxray, an Absol, a Sylveon, and a few other Pokemon.

“And then, Arceus finished me off with a Hyper Voice! Imagine being defeated by the voice of God himself.”

“I’m sure it was an experience,” Iris said nervously, although she had to admit she envied the Charizard a little. Fighting a Legendary Pokemon was more than anything she had ever done as a champion. “Although I heard you managed to beat Moltres once, how did that go?”

“Oh it was easy, barely broke a sweat.”

“Due tell Ingis.”

The Charizard suddenly got a chill up his spine, he turned around and found the source.

“After all, I think the fire generated from our battle may have evaporated any sweat from our bodies.”

Ingis blinked for a second before his confidant smile returned to his face.

“Moltres! How’s it going? Still not mad about that loss are you....or is that why you’re here?”

The Legendary bird chuckled, “No, although our last battle is why I’m here.” She turned to the other Pokemon standing beside him. “And you must be Seth Crescent, I have heard a lot about you.”

The Luxray smiled and held out his paw. “Hello, Lady Moltres. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, Ingis has told me a lot about your battle with him.”

The legendary bird studied the former human for a bit before shaking his paw with her wing(which Arceus had cast a spell on so she wouldn’t light everything on fire.)

“The pleasure is all mine, Mr. Crescent. Lady Diancie has told me many good things about you.”

“Oh really? I mean, I don’t know about that, all I did was help her find her people again.”

“Still, she was very grateful to see them again. She said she owes you one if you ever need to ask.”

“I see. Well, I’ll just keep that in mind.”

Articuno then leaned over and whispered to her brother.

“Raikou was right, he never turns that off.”

”Let’s just hope it doesn’t get him in trouble” Zapdos responded, it did not escape his eye that Rikka was giving the Luxray a stare.

“So, what is it that you wanted to talk to me to Ingis about?”

“Do you want a rematch, is that why you’re here?” Ignis’s thoughts raced at the chance to fight a Legendary once again.

“Actually, that’s exactly why I’m here.”

Seth and his Pokemon were a little shocked by that answer.

“Wait,” Selena said. “You really wanna fight Ingis again?”

“Yeah, I have never heard of Legendaries looking to pick a fight,” Iris added.

“Why of course, I may be a Legendary who has certain duties that maintain the balance of nature, but even we want to hone our skills in battle.”

“Oh, I see.”

“And actually, I have some way that we can make it even more interesting.”

Seth raised an eyebrow at that. “What do you mean more interesting?”

“Well, as you may have noticed, these are my brother and sister, Zapdos and Articuno.” Moltres gestured to her older siblings.

“Hello,” Articuno said.

“I was beginning to wonder if you had forgotten us, sister.”

Moltres rolled her eyes and continued.

“As I said before, I have heard a great deal about you Seth Crescent. Word is that you were a very strong trainer before the world shift.”

Seth had a bashful look on his face. “Oh, I’m sure that’s not completely true. Sure I may have fought Diantha once and gotten many Gym Badges, but nothing really came of my Pokemon League career before it ended.” Seth’s face looked sad for a second before forcing his smile back.

“Well, how about we give you a chance to see just how much you have grown, all of you?”

Ingis immediately figured out what the legendary was letting on.

“Do you mean!-”

“Seth, how would you and your Pokemon like to battle the Legendary Birds of Kanto?”

The entire group was stunned for a second, Seth was trying to process what she had just said.

“All three of you want to battle us?”

“Well, if Ingis was any indication of how strong your team is, then yes, we want to have a battle with you.”

“Well, I-”


All eyes were on Ingis as he breathed fire in excitement.

“Uh, Ingis,” Selena said.

“Come on guys, it’ll be great, our entire family, fighting three legendaries one on one. If I can do it, no reason you guys can’t keep up.”

Ingis then felt a paw grip his side.

“Are you doubting me,” Selena said in a threatening tone.

“Uh, no of course not!”


“Oh, she has him whipped really well-” Zapdos thought.

“Well,” Seth began. “I’ve never had this opportunity before, what do you guys think?”

“Well, I’m game,” Selena said.

“I’m down for this!” Rikka said.

“You all know my answer already!”

Seth then looked at the trio and nodded. “Then it's settled, we accept your challenge.”

The Legendary Birds all looked at each other in agreement.

“Very, well. We shall meet in the north fields outside Ponyville, Wednesday at noon.”

“We’ll be there. Can’t wait to whup your but again Moltres.”

The Flame Pokemon smiled. “You can try.”

Iris leaned over and whispered to Seth, “You guys don’t mind if I watch. I don’t wanna miss out on this.”

“Nah, you can come.”

On the other side of the room, Sev was watching as the Legendary Birds stopped talking to Seth and then left.

“Enjoying the party Commander Sev?”

The snake then turned to see a certain blue alicorn walk up beside him.

“Ah, Princess Luna! I haven't seen you since I arrived here.”

“My apologies, this may be a party, but I still have duties as a Princess to raise the Moon and guard the night.”

“Of course, far be it from me to question your knowledge and wisdom.”

Princess Luna chuckled a bit, “So tell me, how have you been lately? I trust that the war in Zebrica has not been too traumatic for you?”

“HA! I have fought wars all my life Princess, this is nothing new. Once again I was called to the field of battle to fulfill the duty of the PLA!”

“You mean, freeing Pokemon from humans?”

“No, that has been put on hold. I mean fighting for the freedom and liberation of all Pokemon. Those tribal leaders who dared to oppose the King made it very clear that they would like nothing more than to kick us out and have Zebrica be an isolated nation.”

Luna understood, from what Celestia had told her, there were more than a few zerba leaders who did not trust the elder alicorn. They believed that the many times Celestia saved their nation or aided them, was all part or a long term conspiracy to have Zebrica join under Equestria as a colony nation. Luna could only sigh at this.

”It amazes me how pride can make one believe that a helping hoof is one that secretly conceals a deadly weapon. Those ungrateful fools got what they deserved.”

“I heard that when you won the war, that you did not capture or kill all of the opposing leaders.”

“Hmph, those cowards boasted at the meetings all the time about their pride and might as Zebras. And yet the moment they saw that they were gonna lose, they ran with their tails between their legs. It almost makes me wish for the days when I fought against the humans and their evil machinations.”

Luna watched as Sev continued to go on about how he fought in many battles, despite her impression about him, Luna had to credit Sev. The snake was not a pushover when it came to fights, even though his state of mind was not completely stable.

“Speaking of which, tell me, has your hatred of humans diminished to the point where you can accept them now?”

Sev stopped and looked at Luna, then he thought for a moment.

“I said it before and I’ll say it again, we will always be the better species when compared to humans. Their sins are the reason we are all here in the first place. I may never forgive humanity for what they have done, nor will they ever achieve their own form of greatness now that they have become one with us….but I will try. This will be the last generation of humans(metaphorically speaking) so I will do what I can to make sure their evil ends with them.”

Sev then felt a wing wrap around him, and then looked up at Princess Luna.

“I suppose that is all I can ask for now, my student.”

Latias was maybe not the most approachable Pokemon, if only because of her brother and her father. But once people got to know her, she was one of the more friendly and sweet Legendary Pokemon of the Council.

A fact that her new boyfriend Ash could attest to.

Unlike the other guests, Latias, Latios, as well as Ash and his friends had decided to take their group outside where they had more room, besides, the Canterlot gardens were a beautiful sight to behold.

“So Ash, are you going to stay and see Celestia raise the sun?” Misty asked

“Of course I am,” The Pikachu said. “I’m always willing to see and experience new things. Even though seeing the sunrise is not really anything new.”

Misty chuckled lightly at that. It was true that whenever Ash heard about or saw something new, he would often get sidetracked from his journey to look or participate in whatever was going on. His subsequent companions could also attest to this as well.

“I still don’t get it, I mean how does she raise the sun?” Pikachu asked. “That thing must be impossibly heavy, plus it breaks all known laws of how planetary orbit works.”

Latias pondered for a bit.

“I think dad might know, but if he does, he’s not saying.”

“Well, science and physics was never my strong point anyway,” Ash chuckled nervously.

“So anyway, Misty, how have you been doing lately?” Latias said to the Vaporeon.

“Oh just great, I have finally found a job here, so I’ll soon be able to get my own place and not sleep in the forest anymore.”

“Oh, that is great!”

“Also, I finally found all of my other Pokemon. So there’s that.”

“That’s great Misty!” Ash said. As someone who basically found all of his Pokemon a few weeks after he came here, he was glad that one of his best friends had managed to find theirs.

“That being said Ash, what are you planning to do with your life here? I can’t imagine a Pokemon ever becoming a Pokemon master.”

Ash was stumped for a moment. “I...I don’t know really. It’s funny huh? Back on Earth, I knew exactly what I wanted to be. Who I wanted to be.”

Both of Ash's girlfriends could sense the sadness from the Pikachu. While they didn’t talk about it, Ash was a prime example of someone whose life and dreams were ripped right under him when Arceus moved everyone here. All of his dreams and goals, all his progress as a human had no place in this new world. Ash could never challenge another Gym again, never compete in another league again. He would never be the Pokemon Master he always wanted to be.

“I mean, I can’t even go back to being a Battle Frontier Brain. Plus even if that were possible, I’m not sure if Brandon would give me another recommendation.”

“Ugh, can we please not talk about him.” Latias said in an annoyed voice.

“Oh, sorry Latias.”

“Actually, Ash, have you gone to you know, talk to him after that day?” Misty inquired.

“Uh, no, I guess I haven’t.” Despite the fact that Brandon attacked him unprovoked, and was trying to enforce a law that held no power in Equestria, Ash did not hate Brandon. In fact, the former human had made it a point to one day talk to him and try to understand why he did what he did.

Ash was then snapped out of his thoughts when Pikachu put a hand on his shoulder.

“It’s ok Ash, I know you're one to never hold a grudge for long.”

“Thanks, Pikachu.”

“And for what it's worth, I forgive him as well.”

“Hmm, I’ll forgive him if he says sorry,” Misty said.

“I won’t.” Latias said with her arms folded, the legendary may be a sweet and kind Pokemon, but she was mostly unforgiving to those who hurt her loved ones. Especially the individuals who believed in those discriminatory laws. “Don’t know how he was good enough to get here,” she said under her breath.

Misty sensing that it was time to change the subject, spoke up.

“Ok enough about that, so Pikachu has Buneary asked you out yet? Or are you two already dating?”

Soon all eyes were on Pikachu, as he struggled to find words.

“Oh, you wanna know about that? Well, let me tell ya-”

Meanwhile, not far away, May and Dawn were having talks of their own.

“So May,” Dawn said, “Have you and Blaziken gotten to second base yet?”

The Delphox’s face then became as red as the rest of her body.

“Dawn! Seriously?”

The Lopunny couldn’t help but laugh her but off as her friend grew redder. Not to be the only one embarrassed tonight, May soon formulated a plan of retaliation.

“For your information, Blazeiken and I are saving each other for marriage. I’m not so eager to get it on asap. But that being said, let’s talk about your love life.”

Dawn looked confused for a second. “What do you mean by that?”

May grinned. “Well, just the other day, I came across someone who said they knew you.”

“Oh really? What was their name?”

“Didn’t ask, although they said that if ‘Dee Dee’ was around that I should tell him.”

Now it was Dawn’s turn to be as red as a Razz berry.

“Wait, Kenny was in Ponyville!? Looking for me!?” However, the Pokemon coordinator’s embarrassment soon rose further as May now found herself laughing louder than she had.

“What’s so funny!?

“Oh, man you should have seen the look on your face the moment I mentioned his name. You actually believed me.”

“Wait a second, how could you know Kenny’s pet nickname for me? I never told you that.”

“Oh, let’s just say a little yellow mouse told me.”

Dawn then started fuming, “Aaaaaassshhhhh!”

“Oh, don’t be mad at him. He probably didn’t even realize why I asked him if you had any rivals during your Pokemon Contest career.”

“Well, speaking of rivals, Ash told me you had a particular one as well. What was his name Drew?”


“Hm, something wrong May?”

“Oh, it’s just. Well. I did kinda meet him on Equus once.”

Dawn was a little surprised at this. “Really? When?”

“It was about a month ago, he found out where I was and came to me with another one of his roses. Unfortunately, just like Max and dad, he caught me and Blaziken kissing.”


“Yeah, Drew had a look of disappointment on his face. And I almost swear Blaziken had a smirk on his for a second.”

“Oh, well. You know what they say, the early ‘bird’ gets the worm. Or fox in this case.”

“Yeah,” May couldn’t help but think that if Blaziken hadn’t confessed to her, and if Drew had found her earlier.

No, she couldn’t dwell on what could have been. She would not have been able to move on every time she lost a Pokemon Contest if she kept thinking about how things might have been different.

“Alright, let stop talking about our love lives for a second. How’s Pikachu and Buneary? Are they a thing yet?”

“Oh, girl let me tell ya-”

Twilight rubbed her eyes as the alarm clock spell that she had cast woke her up. Looking at the time, it was a little under two hours before Princess Celestia was due to raise the Sun. But being the on-time student that she was, the alicorn was ready to be awake at 5 AM just so she wouldn’t run the risk of oversleeping.

But just before she could go and take a shower, there was a knock on the door.

“Huh, who could that be?”

Twilight walked to her room door and opened it, and was greeted to the sight of one Genesect and a Victini.

“Good morning Twilight!” The Victory Pokemon exclaimed.

“Oh, Good morning. Your name is Victini right?” Twilight had seen the legendary a few times during the last gala.

“That’s me, and this is Genesect.”

“Hello,” The bug legendary said in a neutral voice.

“Hi, it’s nice to meet you. Is there anything I can help you two with?”

“Actually, it’s not me who needs helping, but Genesect here. And it’s a problem that you are best at solving.”

“Oh? What kind of problem?”

“You see Princess, Genesect needs to make friends.”

Twilight blinked.

“Oh is that all?”

Genesect sighed, “Yes Princess, my fellow legendaries have been trying to help me develop social skills, but I’m afraid that my attempts so far have been poor.”

Twilight smiled, “Well, then you came to the right pony. If it's lessons on friendship that you need, then I can help you with that.”

“Thanks, good luck you two.” Before Genesect could even retort, Victini was already gone.

*Sigh* ‘Can never stay still can you.’

Twilight walked out into the hallway and closed the door. “Come on, let's go someplace more appropriate. Plus I don’t wanna wake up Spike.”

“Very well, lead the way Princess.”

Genesect then followed Twilight to one of the castle's study rooms, she then arranged for the servants to bring them snacks as they sat down at one of the tables.

“So tell me about yourself, I have met some of Arceus’s children before, but I haven't seen you yet.”

“Well, the first thing you should know about me is that I am the newest member of the Legendary Council.”

“Oh really? I thought Mewtwo was?”

“I came into being some time after him, and ironically in the same matter.”

“What? How so.”

“You see, just as Team Rocket created Mewtwo to be the strongest Pokemon ever, I was created by Team Plasma for a similar reason.”

Twilight gasped, Princess Celestia had told her about when she met Mewtwo after he was appointed ambassador, he showed her his memories of Earth. Why he was created, and how the Team Rocket leader Giovanni had tried to force him to do his bidding.

“However, unlike Mewtwo who was a clone of Mew, I was revived from the fossil of a prehistoric Pokemon.”

“Wait, so you’re a fossil Pokemon?” It wasn’t the first time Twilight had seen a Pokemon like him, the Tyrantrum that came with Emperor Carapace already raised so many questions on just how humans were able to resurrect dead fossils.

“Yes, I am as you can say, a temporal fish out of water. Cause unlike most fossil Pokemon, I retain memories of my former life. And while Team Rocket tampered with Mewtwo’s genes to make him stronger, Team Plasma used different modifications to augment me.”

Genesect then gestured to the cannon on him back.

“What is that?”

“It is my Techno cannon, when Team Plasma revived me, they cybernetically enhanced me with this weapon. Using different drives, I can switch the elemental typing of the cannon's main move Techno Blast.”

“Oh, I can’t imagine what you went through before you escaped from Team Plasma.”

Genesect was silent for a moment.



“Despite the fact that they ultimately intended to use me, I don’t resent Team Plasma, or humanity all that much.”

“Really, you don’t?”

“Yes, keep in mind that I was more apathetic at the time. I didn’t care for Team Plasma or their goals, but I understood that I was only reborn because of them. That being said, I was planning to escape before Latios and Latias broke me out. After that, the Legendary Pokemon trained me to be a new member of their group.”

“Very interesting, why did Arceus make you a member of his family?”

Genesect thought for a moment, before thinking back to the day when he dreamt of god.

“That is, a story for another time.”

“Oh, I see.” Twilight didn’t know why he stopped there, but she wouldn’t force him, whatever happened back then was his business.

“Anyway, that’s all. So about this problem that I have.”

“Ah yes. So tell me, what is the block you are trying to overcome in making friends?”

Genesect thought for a moment.

“Well, to be honest Princess, unlike Mewtwo who has to control his emotions so that he doesn’t do anything rash, I’m a rather cold and calculating Pokemon. It’s in my nature.”

“Your nature?”

“Yes. Before I was reborn, when I was alive, I was a predatory Pokemon. I hunted weaker Pokemon to feed myself and did so without remorse. Even if those Pokemon were just as sentient as me, I still had to eat.”

“Wow, I know Pokemon hunt other Pokemon, but still. If all Pokemon are sentient, then that would kinda make predators like you…”

“Murderers? Yes, you could look at it like that.”

“Yeah...” It was easy to forget that despite the Pokemon being intelligent, certain animalistic instincts such as predatory behavior and estrous cycles made them seem more beast than civil beings. No doubt such behavior helped contribute to the idea that they not be treated as equals to humans.

“The hunter does not apologize for his kill Princess Twilight. Arceus expects us to live as equals and citizens in this new world. But I’m not sure if some of the predator Pokemon would stop eating other Pokemon overnight, even with non-sentient animals living in the wild.”

“Hmmm, that is true,” When it came to food in Equestria, a herbivore lifestyle was the norm. Most of the meat was imported from other countries and with the arrival of the Pokemon, the meat industry had exploded in order to accommodate the new carnivore and omnivore citizens.

“Aside from that, I think I have an idea of why your attempts at friendship are a challenge.”

“Really? I haven’t even started talking about how my attempts went.”

“You’re a hunter, not to mention that you’ve said that you’re a cold and calculating Pokemon. That means that your emotions have not been exercised in a long time. You don’t really feel much do you?”

“...No, I suppose not.”

“Well then, guess we just have to help you be more open with other people. Emotions can be a complex thing, I won’t try to rush you. So why don’t we start with something simple.”

Genesect nodded, “Very well Princess.”

The castle servants then finally arrived with a tray of pastries and juices, Twilight took a donut and bit into it.

“Ok, first of all what are your hobbies? What do you like to do?”

“Well, I spend most of my time in my lab. I conduct experiments and tinker with machinery.”

Twilight’s eyes widened, “Really? So I take it you're a scientist?”

“Yes, you could say that.”

“That's great! I’m what Rainbow Dash calls a bookworm myself.”

“Ah, so you are a pony of science as well?”


Genesect leaned back in his chair, “Do tell me more.”

It was 45 minutes before Princess Celestia would raise the sun. Despite that, ponies began to gather in the designated open area to witness this annual event first hand. A certain section had been closed off in reservation for the World Leaders, Legendary Pokemon, and selected VIP.

For the Ponies, many of them had witnessed this many times before, for the Pokemon, this was their first time attending such a celebration.

Seth and his family took their seats in the VIP section as more and more people gathered from behind the red rope.

“Oh it's so exciting!” RIkka said as she took her seat next to Seth, “I can’t wait to see what this thing is all about.”

Selena took a seat right next to Ingis and Apple Fritter, the Absol then turned and leaned toward the earth pony.

“Remind me again why this is a big deal? I mean, Celestia is just raising the Sun. She practically does this every day. Plus, back on Earth the sun and moon moved on their own.”

“Well, that may be how the sun and moon work on your planet dear, but here in Equestria this day has a special meaning.” Apple Fritter turned to look at the stage where Princess Celestia would stand. “You all know by now the story of Nightmare Moon right? The Summer Sun Celebration was held ever since her defeat as a way of remembrance. However, ever since the Elements of Harmony saved Princess Luna, it has been changed in order to remember the day when our Princess of Moon came back to us.”

“Wow,” Seth said. “That's really nice of Princess Celestia. She must really want to help her sister move on from that, help her be more accepted into Equestria.”

“Yes, Princess Luna’s past is not today. This celebration is as much as hers as it is for Equestria.”

“And it should be!”

Most of the group flinched as they turned to their right and saw who was taking a seat next to them.

“After all,” Sev continued. “Princess Luna is a pony deserving of everyone's praise and adoration!”

Seth forced a smile. “Hello Commander Sev, I didn’t realize you had seats next to us.”

“You can thank our beloved Princess of the Night for that. I asked her for seats right next to my daughter, and she would not have it any other way.”

“Aww.” Rikka said while wrapping her feelers around her father. “This is just great!” She wrapped her other feeler around Seth. “We can now watch this as one big happy family, isn’t this great!?”

“Yeah...great.” Ingis and Selena said in underwhelming unison.


Back in the study room, Twilight and Genesect and been talking for over an hour, barely even realizing how much time had passed.

“Wait, so your first idea was to smash a dusk stone with a hammer?”

“Yeah…” Twilight said sheepishly, “In hindsight, that may not have been the best idea.”

The Bug-type legendary let out a laugh. “Next time maybe ask the experts before you try something like that again.”

“Sure, that way I can avoid having to clean up my entire lab.”

Both scientists let out a chuckle.

“You truly do have a mind meant for science Princess. I am elated that such a brain belongs to one the leaders of this nation. Your research will no doubt help bring ponies and Pokemon together.”

“Yes, that's all I want for the both out species, and this day will no doubt strengthen that bond.”

“Ah yes, speaking of which. How do you feel about integrating human technology into society? Minus the Pokeball of course.”

Twilight's eyes lit up. “Really? What kind of technology?”

“Well first off, I can’t help but notice that fast, long distance communication in the world is mostly limited to those magic scrolls. Am I right?”

“Yes, only very few are able to master the use of that spell. Spike is able to send letters with the power of his fire breath. While only high level unicorns can learn it. Otherwise the scroll itself has to be enchanted for lower level unicorns.”

“I see. Well I may have something that can help anyone talk to each other, without the use of magic. It's called a radio.”

“A radio? Yes, I believe I heard Professor Juniper mention them once. I believe it was called, telecommunication?”

“Yes, radios are just the first step for helping Equestria adjust to more widely available long distance communication. Just think about it, people will be able to talk to each other from all over the world. This will help bring others closer together as well as faster emergency response.”

“Yes, that would be very helpful. Although I’d kinda miss writing letters to Celestia about my lessons in friendship.”

“I have a prototype in my lab. It works, but there was a problem with it before I left.”

“Oh really? What kind of-...wait, what time is it?”

Genesect checked his internal chronometer. “It's 6:45 I believe.”

Twilight's eyes widened.

“Ohmygosh! It's 15 minutes before Princess Celestia raises the sun! I’m gonna be late.”

“Oh, I’m so sorry Princess, I must have wasted your time.”

“Not at all, but I gotta go now sorry!” And with that, Twilight ran out the door.

Genesect was alone for a moment before he thought to himself. “Hmmm, you know maybe I should check on that radio now. But I might miss the celebration myself.”

The legendary Pokemon thought for a minute before making his decision.


10 minutes until Princess Celestia raises the sun.

The crowd was starting to become packed now. Ponies and Pokemon from all over Equestria pushed and bumped against each other to try and get a closer look. Bird Pokemon perched on the trees, while Water type Pokemon filled the streams and canals.

A little Cubone and his Marowak parents shuffled through the crowd.

“Mommy mommy, I can’t see!”

“I know sweetie, just hold on for a second. The show hasn’t started yet.”

All of the World Leaders had taken their seats, while other VIP members began taking their reserved spots.

Moltres, Zapdos and Articuno perched in a spot right next to their father.

“So kids,” Lugia said. “Did you enjoy the party?”

“Yes father, it was nice,” Zapdos said.

“Although Articuno practically ate all the ice cream served there,” Moltres said.

“Hey! They kept refilling it! Plus no one said there was a limit!” Articuno said in her defence.

The guardian legendary of the sea could only chuckle, “As long as you had fun my children, I am happy that you are happy and well.”

The three birds all smiled at their fathers kindness.

“Thank you father.”

Nearby, Ash and his friends had all taken their seats by now.

“What do you think Ashy?” Latias said. “Are you excited?”

“I don’t know, I mean, we’re just watching the sun go up. Like I said before, I’m gonna try and enjoy this, but I don’t see what's the big deal.”

“Hmmm that is true.”

Misty interjected, “I guess one has to be ingrained into their culture in order to truly appreciate this holiday.”

Latios floated next to his sister.

“It's hard to believe we have gotten to this point,” the elder Eon duo member said.

“Yeah,” Latias nuzzled her brother for a second. “To think that we couldn’t do things like this back on Earth. This world really is the best outcome we could have asked for.”



The Hall of Legends.

Genesect entered his room and closed the door behind him, if his chronometer was correct, then Princess Celestia was about to raise the Sun any minute now.

“I shouldn't be here,” Genesect said to himself. “I should be out there with everyone else.

The legendary walked over to his prototype radio, his conflicted thoughts occupying his mind.

“She’s just raising the sun, what's so amazing about that?”

Other than the fact that it was meant at a day to celebrate the bonds between Pokemon and Ponies?

“Why, why can’t I connect with anyone? Sure Princess Twilight was nice to talk to, but why can’t I still not really care about them.”

Genesect looked upon the radio tower, and for once decided to be honest with himself.

Despite being a member of the Legendary Council, despite being someone who should be a guardian of the Pokemon. Genesect shamefully admitted to himself that he didn’t really care. He unfortunately never bonded with the Pokemon on a personal level like the other legendaries.

“I should care. They’re my people, the legendaries gave me a home when I had none. But I barely settled into my role as a legendary before I came here. And now I have to protect this new world?”

Genesect had never said this to anyone, but he preferred the humans world’s level of technology and innovation. Which was why he detested that fact that these ponies didn't even invent the car yet.

And there was one other thing he had yet to confide in anyone else. Genesect had not wanted to leave Earth.

He couldn't figure out why, but Earth was a place he felt more at home than here. Despite the problems caused by the humans, it was their home. And logically he felt that they should have stayed there and fixed whatever was wrong with it.

“But instead Arceus ran away, invalidating all the progress we have or will ever make on that world.”

Genesect walked up to the tower control panel.

“Oh well, no use crying over what has been done. Plus I doubt this is one of those cases where the past will catch up to us unawares.”

But as Genesect activated the tower, he began to hear something.

“What's this….a signal?” Genesect then began to boost the reception.

Genesect saw that the message was encoded. The computer had already translated it, but the signal was weak now.

“This is the……I am a survi-.......please meet me at……”

“It looks like it is playing on a loop, lets see if we can clear it up.”

But as the signal finally became clear, Genesct did not expect to hear what was being transmitted.

” I am a mage from Proper Human History. I am a mage from the correct history.”

“If you’re hearing this, please come find me.”

“This is the Baldanders. I am currently traveling across the North Atlantic Ocean.”

“I await other survivors. I repeat: I await other survivors from the correct history.”

“Please come find me at the following coordinates.”

“This is Baldanders, the Wandering Sea.”


Despite his highly intelligent mind, Genesect could not understand most of what was said. Proper Human History? Baldanders? Wandering Sea?

Genesect entered coordinates from the transmission, and at the same time tried to isolate the source of the signal.

“What is going on here?”

Genesect soon isolated the signal, it was coming from what the ponies referred to as the North Luna Ocean.

With all that done, Genesect then looked at the clock, the Summer Sun Celebration was starting now!

The legendary bolted from the room, then transformed into his “high speed flight configuration” and flew towards the door that linked the Hall of Legends to Canterlot.

“I don’t know who sent that signal,” Genesect thought to himself. “But if it has something to do with humans. Arceus may need to know.”

Spike woke up slowly, his bloodshot eyes blinking before last night's memories started flooding back into him.

He remembered. He remembered how he tried to ask Rarity, the love of his life, to a dance. How his world was shattered when that arrogant looking stallion, no, Pokemon came up and stole his mare.

Spike had no idea who that guy was, he knew he was a Pokemon at the very least. But why did that give him the right to steal Rarity from him!? Spike had known and helped Rarity for years, since the day he met her. So what if he was some big shot Legendary Pokemon!? Spike knew her first, he had done more for her than he ever did!

All of a sudden, dark thoughts began to creep into Spike’s head. He imagined himself confronting that thief of a Pokemon. He imagined growing to adult sizes, and…

“No, this is wrong.”

Despite his immense jealousy and broken heart, Spike knew he was better than that. The last time he got jealous of someone, it nearly didn’t end well. Besides, even if he wanted to, Keldeo was a Legendary Pokemon. And no doubt picking an ill intentioned fight with one would bring the wrath of Arceus down upon him.

Resigning himself to the fact that there was nothing he could do, Spike closed his eyes and tried to go back to sleep.

But he couldn’t.


Twilight ran outside as the celebration was about to commence. She then flew towards the big crowd that was gathering around the main stage. Soon she spotted her friends in the VIP section.

“Twilight over here!” Rainbow Dash said.

The alicorn Princess soon landed and took her seat right next to her best friends.

“Hi girls, sorry I’m late.”

“Oh it's fine sugarcube,” Applejack said in response.

“Yeah,” Pinkie Pie added. “So long as everypony is here, everything is fine!”

Twilight nodded, but then, she noticed that someone was missing from their group.

“Hey, has anyone seen Spike?”

It was at that point that the girls noticed that the baby dragon was nowhere to be seen.

“He must still be in bed. But I would think he would not be lazy enough to miss this.”

“Maybe something happened to him?” Fluttershy said.

Twilight then noticed that Rarity had been awfully silent this whole time.


“Oh! Yes, what is it Twilight?”

“Are you alright?”

“Oh yes darling, just thinking.”

“About what?”

“Well...last night Spike came to me and was about to ask something. But then he just took off with tears in his eyes.”

“What!? Why?”

“I don’t know, I just introduced him to Keldeo and he just left.”

“Did Keldeo say something to him?”

“No, nothing offensive. And all I did was just say that he was my coltfriend…….oh.”

The situation soon dawned on everyone, and then they understood exactly why Spike was not here to join them.

“Oh no…” Twilight said.

Gene, Belle, and Melody took their seats, while Abby and her family sat in the row behind them.

“So what's gonna happen now, mommy?” The little Ralts asked.

“Well sweetie, we are going to get to see Princess Luna lower the moon and Celestia raise the sun. Not everyone gets to see this, so this is a special day where everyone gets to see it.”

“Wow. But mommy, I tried looking at the sun before, and it hurt my eyes. Won’t everyone hurt their eyes looking at the sun?”

“Hmmm, that is true. Tell you what, you can look away if the sun starts to hurt your eyes.”

Abby watched with a smile as Belle doted on her daughter.

“You know, I never thought that you might have a daughter.” Abby said to Gene, who leaned back to hear her. “And I certainly never thought that she would grow up in a world that's different from her parents.”

“None of us did Abby.” Gene looked on as his wife continued to explain to their daughter about the Summer Sun Celebration. “Although one day she will have to learn about the world where we all came from, and why we had to learn it.”

“And for good reason, I might add. To be honest, there's not much about Earth and humanity that I will miss. I really prefer being the fluffy Ninetales that I am now.”

“So do I~” Kasai said as he licked his mate.


Princess Celestia stood behind the stage, she could hear the chatter from the crowd as they eagerly awaited their Princesses to lower the moon and raise the sun.

“There is certainly quite a crowd here,” Princess Luna said. “If the number of voices that I can hear is any indication.”

“Yes, this is looking to be quite a turnout.”

“I’m not interrupting anything am I?”

Both alicorns turned to see a certain Alpha Pokemon standing beside them.

“Good morning Arceus,” Princess Celestia said warmly.

The god of Pokemon nodded to the sisters.

“Good morning Princess Celestia, Princess Luna.”

“Good morning Arceus,” Princess Luna said. “Is there something you wish to discuss?”

“No, not really. I just came to express my gratitude for doing all of this. You could have just waited until the anniversary of my arrival to do a celebration like this.”

“We could have,” Princess Celestia said. “But something tells me that this day was a perfect day to help bring our two peoples closer together. It's been months since you all arrived, and I want to do something to help show just how far we have all come together.”

“Indeed Princess, I know that there still are a great many things that we can do. If only because both our people learn to trust each other, we may accomplish those great things.”

“Yes, to think that less than a year ago, we never knew you existed. Now, it's hard to imagine what life might have been had you not brought the Pokemon here” Princess Luna added.

Arceus looked out over the crowd, the many happy faces of Pokemon was something that he had always wanted to see. Pokemon walking as equals. No prejudice, no discrimination, his people were finally living as he had always wanted them to live. Free and happy.

“Yes, it's hard to think that we might have remained on Earth. Under the yoke of….sorry, now is not the time to dwell on things that no longer matter.”

Arceus turned back to the co-rulers of Equestria.

“I know that I don’t say this often, but I am sorry that I just dumped my Pokemon into your laps without warning. I really have been trying hard lately to not just do anything I want without the consent and opinion of others. Even creator gods like me have to follow rules and ethics, even if it doesn't seem like we may suffer any personal consequences. After all, if omnipotent beings just did whatever they wanted on a whim, it would be..”

“Chaos?” A voice said behind them.

The three turned around expecting to see Discord, but he was not there. Arceus then looked around and saw the spirit of Chaos sitting next to Fluttershy, an innocent smile on his face.

“Anyway...I believe it's time for you to do what you do best?”

The Princess nodded, they then began to walk up the steps. Arceus then teleported to a spot right next to his Legendaries.

“It's nice to see that he has matured since he first came here, sister.”

“Indeed Luna, I think Equestria and what it stands for has helped him mellow out since those days. I may even consider inviting him over for tea with us once in a while.”

“Maybe, but for now. Let us do what we came here to do.”

The royals guards sounded their trumpets as Princess Celestia and Luna walked onto the stage. The cheers of the crowd exploded as their rulers came into view.

Princess Celestia held up her hoof, and the crowd went silent.

“My Little Ponies, Pokemon, and friends from around the world, we gather here today to celebrate. And oh we do have a great many things to celebrate and be thankful about.”

Celestia looked over the crowd, the diversity and size of it making her beam.

“We are here to celebrate bonds and friendships that we formed in the last eight months. Ever since the Pokemon arrived, they have been met with many things, skepticism, fear, and hostility. But they have also been met with open arms, kind smiles, and helping hooves. All the Pokemon wanted was a world to call home, a world that would treat them as equals in mind, body, and spirit.”

There was a wave of cheers from the crowd.

Celestia turned to the World Leaders who were seated before her.

“I would like to thank the World Leaders who attend this celebration today. Indeed, I would like to thank: Emperor Carapace of the Changeling Kingdom, Empress Victoria of the Griffin Empire, Empress Serva of Stagland, King Faris of Saddle Arabia, Grimm Halfpaw of the Diamond Dogs, Queen Oceana of Marelantis, Chief Thunderhooves of the Buffalo, Prince Shining Armor and Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, and King Trotankhamun of Zebrica how could not be with us today. I would like to thank each and every one of them for accepting the Pokemon as full citizens of their respective nations, without them, none of this would be possible.”

Another wave of applause sounded from the crowd. Which made some of the leaders like Cadence and Victoria blush or beam with pride.

“And last but not least, we gather here to celebrate the day of the return of my beloved sister, and your Princess, Princess Luna!”

The Lunar Princess smiled with pride as the crowd all shouted cries of joy and admiration for their second Princess.

“It's nice to know that I am appreciated.”

“Thank you my little ponies, you are too kind.”

“And now, me and my sister shall perform the sacred duty that was passed on from the ancestral unicorns of Equestria. The duty that brings both night and day to the entire world! The rising and setting of the Sun and Moon!”

A final wave of cheers came from the crowd before the guards once again sounded their trumpets. Then, Princess Celestia and Luna stepped forward.

Princess Luna was first. She flew into the air, not high enough that no one could see her, but from a certain point of view, one could think she was holding the moon itself.

The alicorn of the Night gently floated down, the moon following her at the same speed of descent. Finally she touched the floor of the stage, and the moon disappeared over the horizon.

Everyone was silent as Princess Celestia began to crouch her knees.

“Oh, this is my favorite part!” Twilight said.

Everyone watched with bated breath as Princess Celestia flew into the air, slower and not as fast as Luna. With each beat of her wings, the Sun rose from behind the edge of Equestria. The glow of the star grew brighter and brighter as its Princess flew higher and higher.

Until finally, the sun aligned with the golden arch on the stage, and the morning had finally come. Princess Celestia looked down upon her kingdom, their faces in awe as the light of the sun shined brightly over Equestria.

Once again cheers and applause erupted from the crowd. Cheers from the ponies who held great love for their Princess. The Pokemon and first-timers who had just witnessed this event, now understood why it was a sight to behold.

Princess Celestia then touched down on the stage, and Luna walked up to her sister.

“We did it Tia.”

Celestia looked at her sister with a smile.

“Yes, we did.”

But then, the cries of happiness from the crowd, suddenly turn into gasps of awe and confusion. Many of them started pointing and looking at the sky.

“The sky! The Sky!”

“What's happening, what's going on!?”

Celestia and Luna looked just as confused as the crowd, then they turned around to saw what had grabbed their attention.

And they became just as stunned.

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The Sun and morning sky had begun to fade, soon the bright and yellow light of day was replaced with a blank blue night.

The reason why it could be called blank, was because there were no stars in the sky.

Soon, the looks of confusion turned into panic. Twilight then got up from her seat and flew onto the stage beside her fellow Princesses.

“Princess Celestia! What's going on?”

“I don’t know Twilight. Luna?”

“Tis not my doing, sister. I lowered the moon, but I was not responsible for this.”

“What is going on?”


Genesect flew through the castle hallways, trying to make his way outside. He then stopped in his tracks when he noticed the lighting change outside. Confused, he made his way to the nearest window and looked out.

The sun was gone, and in its place was a starless night sky.

“What in the name of Arceus?”

The Legendary Pokemon forgot for a moment the reason for his haste. His mind now fixated on the mysterious occurrence that people all over Equestria were no doubt witnessing.

But then, the situation got even eerier.

Something appeared in the sky, but they were not stars.

“Wait, what are those?”


Back at the stage area, everyone watched in awe as bright glowing meteors fell from the heavens. Five falling objects were counted in total, but what made them unnatural, was the trajectory of their descent.

“Wait, no, that's impossible!” Twilight exclaimed.

“What, this is it Twilight?” Princess Luna asked.

“The likelihood of a meteor falling straight down in a vertical angle is highly improbable, especially 5 meteors at the same time!”

“She's right.”

The three alicorns turned to see Arceus standing next to them, his gaze never leaving the falling stellar objects.

“Whatever those things are, they’re not meteors.”

“Then what are they?” Celestia said, a hint of worry in her voice.

Arceus concentrated his power, he attempted to observe the material and makeup of the meteors.

But to his utter surprise, he could not.

“What is this!?”

“Arceus, what's wrong?”

“I can’t discern the nature of those things.”

Twilight, as well as Celestia and Luna all gasped. As far as they knew, there was next to nothing that Arceus could not do. But the fact that he couldn’t glean the nature of a few space objects shocked them.

“Wait, what do you mean. Are your powers not working?” Luna asked.

“No, that's not the problem, my powers are fine. It's just that someone or something is keeping me from reading the nature of those meteors.”

“So, you mean someone is blocking your powers? Like if someone placed a spell on a book to keep you from reading it?”

“Yes, but the only other being capable of creating such a conceptual shroud would be another-

The terrifying realization dawned on Arceus, “No.”

Celestia looked, and upon Arceus’s face, she saw a facial expression that the god of Pokemon had never made before.


But before anyone could say anything else, the shining falling objects disappeared over the horizon.

And with them out of sight, the sky suddenly returned back to normal. The Sun reappeared where Celestia had left it.

But despite the strange phenomenon seemingly being over, everyone was still on edge. Thankfully, Seth was there. And while he may be off duty, he was still a member of the guard, whose job was to help people feel safe.

“Hey boss, ya think we should do something?” Midnight Song said.

“Yeah we should,” The Luxray got up from his seat. “Ingis, Selena, Rikka?”

Seth’s Pokemon got up from their seats and stood at attention, “What do you need us to do brother?”

“Ok, I think we should start evacuating this place. Whatever that was, it scared too many people and ruined the mood. So we need-”

Seth stopped when he noticed that Selena wasn’t paying attention, it looked like she was staring off into space.

“Selena, you okay?” Ingis said to his mate. That's when everyone noticed that her horn was vibrating. Seth’s family took an instinctive step back, for anyone who was an expert on Absol knew the meaning of their horns acting up.

Selena however, was in a world of her own. Sensing the subtle changes in the wind, the Disaster Pokemon took off running through the crowd, ignoring the cries of her family. Weaving her way through many ponies and Pokemon, she searched for the target that was causing her such disturbance.

That's when she heard a voice.

“Mommy, I don’t feel so good.”

Selena didn’t know why, but she felt drawn to the source of the voice, she soon came upon a Cubone being cradled in his mother’s arms, and he didn’t look good.

“What’s going on here?” Selena made her way through a few more ponies before she arrived in front of the small family.

The mother Marowak looked up at the Absol with pleading eyes.

“It's my son, I don’t know what's wrong. One second he was fine, and then the next he just collapsed like he had a fever!”

Selena looked over the Cubone, he definitely was looking worse for wear. Then, that's when she noticed a certain bulge coming from the child's stomach.

“Did this kid have a lot to eat today?”

“No, he only had milk. Nothing that would stuff him.”

“I see, and now that I look at it, it doesn’t look like a natural bruise. I think he may have a contusion.”

Both parents gasped at the possibility that their son may be very sick. But before Selena could go get help, she sensed another disturbance.


All the surrounding noise was drowned out as Selena began to hear the ticking of a clock.


She tried listening for the source but couldn’t isolate it, it was as if the noise was coming from all around her.


Selena tried focusing harder, then she heard a tick-tock sound that was very close.

She turned to look back at the Cubone, not noticing that Ingis had finally found her.


The Charizard touched down as he tried to get the attention of his mate.

“Selena, there you are! Why did you run off like that?”


Selena leaned closer as the mother continued to try and wake her child.


She heard the sound speed up as she brought her ear closer to the Cubone’s stomach.


“Selena, are you okay?” Ingis tried putting a claw on her shoulder.


Selena’s eyes widened.

Eyes, sides, knees, spine. Complete


Ticktock Bomb!:

Dozing Bomb.


An explosion rocked the entire mountain of Canterlot.

Twilight, felt a ringing sensation in her ears. As the noise died down, she opened her eyes. She then looked up and saw that Princess Celestia and Luna had shielded her from the blast with a protection spell.

“Twilight, are you alright?”

Twilight rubbed her ears as her hearing returned to normal levels

“Twilight are you alright?” Princess Celestia asked with a concerned voice.

“Yes, I think I’m alright.”

“Oh thank goodness.”

“What happened?”

Celestia looked behind Twilight, and her mouth hung open. The younger alicorn turned around and saw why.

The city of Canterlot was in flames.

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Korrina coughed as she opened her eyes. She tried getting up, only to find that she was pinned down by some debris.

“I got you!” Korrina heard Lucario’s voice as he picked up whatever was pinning her down. After that, he held out his paw to which she used to get up.

“Thanks, Lucario, I could have been crushed by whatever that was-” Korrina looked in horror as she saw what had pinned her down.

It was the partially blown up corpse of a large earth pony.

“Oh dear sweet Arceus.”

Looking away from the grisly sight, the former Kalos Gym Leader surveyed the destruction that had transformed the beautiful scenery into a hellscape.

Everywhere there were dead ponies and Pokemon as far as the eye could see. Those that had survived, we’re either running around screaming, looking for lost loved ones, or cradling their dead bodies.

“What happened, who could have done this?”

The air was filled with the smell of fire and charred flesh, as well as screams of crying Ponies and Pokemon.

“I don’t know Korrina.”

The former human felt Lucario clasp her paw.

“But these people need our help, don’t you agree?”

Korrina looked at her partner, then nodded in determination.



Arceus didn’t need to close his eyes when the explosion happened, but he wished he did.

His godly mind had seen and processed everything that happened. He saw how a number of explosions had occurred in several ponies and Pokemon. But by the time he realized what had happened, there was nothing he could do.

Arceus teleported high up into the sky and got a full view of Canterlot and just how far the damage had occurred. Aside from the main area where the Summer Sun Celebration was being held, there were a few concentrated fires in certain parts of Canterlot.

But the biggest section that caught his attention the most, was the large fire coming from the Pokemon district.

He could hear the screams of many Pokemon coming from the district, some of them dying, others trapped in their houses by fire and debris.

But before Arceus could cause the fire the cease, he heard several psychic voices call out to him.


“Azelf, Uxie, Mesprit, what is it?”

“The explosion, the fires!”

“Yes, I see them. I’m about to put them out now.”

“No you don’t understand, it’s not just in Canterlot!” Azelf exclaimed.

“What!? What do you mean!?”

“Father, it’s all over Equestria!” Mesprit added. “I’m getting high emotional readings from places like Manehatten, Las Pegasus, Cloudsdale, Maretropolis, Ponyville, and Baltimare!”

Upon hearing his daughter finish her telepathic message, Arceus teleported further into the stratosphere. He looked down upon the whole of Equestria and saw that what Mesprit said was true. Nearly every city and settlement in the kingdom had a fiery red glow to it. And from the looks of it, the dry summer season was causing the fire to spread fast!

“Oh me,” was the only thing Arceus could utter.


Back on the ground, Princess Celestia and Luna were doing their best to coordinate efforts to save the city. They had already sent the World Leaders to a safe location. Meanwhile, Twilight, her friends, as well as some of the former humans and their Pokemon had taken to the streets of Canterlot to resolve the situation there.

“Captain Grimsson! I need you to take your guards and form a search and rescue team. We have to evacuate the castle and clear out the festival.

“Yes, Princess Celestia!”

“Captain Crescent, Captain Song! Take as many guards as you need and begin evacuating the Pokemon District. That area seems to be the most damaged from the explosions. Save as many as you can, but don’t linger for too long. I fear that whatever caused those explosions may have compromised the support foundations that keep the mountain from falling on top of it.”

Seth nodded quickly, “Yes Princess Luna.” But just before he was about to turn around, Seth heard Ingis’s voice.


The Luxray turned around and his heart sank at the sight of what Ingis held in his arms.

“Selena!” Rikka cried out.

The Charizard gently set down the Absol, he was badly burnt and was barely breathing.

“She was near an explosion, one that took out a family of Marowak.”

Princess Luna walked over and cast a spell that checked over the injured Pokemon. After it was done, she looked up.

“She’s alive, but she won’t be for long if we don’t get her to a hospital.”

“Uh, Princess.”

“Yes Captain Song?”

“The entire left wing of the Princess Cadence Hospital is a pile of ash.”

Princess Luna let out a frustrated sigh. “Very well, I’ll have the castle medics set up a makeshift hospital at my sister’s school for gifted unicorns. That place should have supplies that we can work with.”

“Good thinking Princess.”

Luna nodded and turned back to Seth, “I shall take care of Selena for now. But there are others who need you right now Captain Seth.”

Seth took one last look at Selena before nodding to Luna.

“Take care of her Princess.”

“You have my word, not an inch more of harm shall come to her.”

Seth then took off in the opposite direction, although Ingis stopped for a second to turn his head around.

“Please keep her safe.”

Princess Luna once again nodded, after which, Ingis took off after his brother.

“Princess Celestia!”

The solar Princess looked up as she finished giving orders to a group of guards. She saw an Infernape that she recognized as John Williams., who was also flanked by Princess Cadence, Prince Shining Armor, and Holly Hearts. The Pokemon stood at attention.

“Captain John Williams ready and willing to help in whatever way you need me to your highness.”

“Princess Celestia, I may no longer be a Captain of the Canterlot Guard. But I believe I can still be of use.”

“Ah yes, John, Shining Armor. I have sent Princess Twilight and her friends to help coordinate fire suppression in the city. She could use the help in putting out the fires.

“Yes, Princess Celestia!” John said in response.

“I’m on it Princess! Although can I ask you something?”


“Where is Arceus? Is he helping with the relief efforts?”

Everyone stopped and thought for a second.

“Come to think of it, where is Arceus’ sister? I have not seen him since the explosion.”

“I haven’t seen him either Luna.”

“He could easily deal with these fires, so why-”

“Princess Celestia, everyone, listen!” The mental voice of Arceus sounded in everyone’s ears.

“Arceus, what is it?”

“It’s not just Canterlot that was hit, there are fires all over Equestria!”

There was a collective “WHAT!?” from everybody.

“I am better suited to teleporting all over Equestria to put out these fires. Can I trust you to deal with the situation in Canterlot?”

Celestia looked to her sister, and they both nodded.

“Yes Arceus, do what you have to, we shall handle Canterlot.”

“Very Well.” Arceus then cut off the mental link.

“Something, no, someone orchestrated this sister. A simultaneous attack on Equestria and all of her people. Who could be capable of performing such a monstrous act!?”

“I don’t know Luna,” Celestia turned her attention back to the raging fire that was consuming her city. “But we can find out after we deal with this.”


As a Pokemon Ranger, Abby Trombley’s job was to rescue Pokemon. So saving them from things like fires was nothing new.

Currently, the Ninetales was doing her best to lift a broken beam off of a Gloom. While Kasai broke down the door of a house to rescue a group of Meowstic.

“There's someone trapped under here!” A royal guard said, who was trying to dig out a Pokemon trapped under some wreckage.

“Ugh, someone help them!” Abby ordered. “I kinda have my paws full here!”

“I can help!”

The Pokemon looked to see the Pikachu she recognized as Ash Ketchum, running up to help the guard. “Just give me a second.” Ash got to work removing one stone at a time, unfortunately, his small size meant that he wasn’t getting the job done very fast.

“Ashy, stand back.”

The former Frontier Brain looked up to see Latias, the female member of the Eon duo lit up her eyes as she used the move psychic. The rocks safely came off in a way that would not cause the ones underneath to fall. Soon enough, the rubble cleared to reveal an injured Gible.

“Good work Latias.” Misty said as she finally caught up with her and Ash. “Now we just need to do something about these fires.”


“Misty, Latias!” Abby called out, “Use your water attacks on the building, the flames are too hot for any of the guards to get through.”

“On it!”

Both Pokemon came up to the building, and using a combination of Surf and Hydro Pump, extinguished the flames in the doorway, allowing the guards to get through. They then focus their water attacks on the windows that lead to the upper floors.

“Huh, didn’t expect to be doing this after the sun rose.” Misty said in between breathers.

“Me neither,” Latias grunted. “But we’re not done yet. Let's move on to the next building.”


Elsewhere the Legendary Birds of Kanto soared over the flaming spires of Canterlot Castle, Joined by their father Lugia, the ancient guardian of the Whirls islands directed his children in what to do.

“Okay, Zapdos, start up Rain Dance.”

“Yes father.

“Articuno, use a weak enough hail to cause a snowstorm.”

“On it.”

“And Moltres, use Gust to create a local current around the castle. This should maximize the effectiveness of this combination.”


Lugia watched as his children got to work.

Zapdos created a downpour without the lighting, his sister Arcticuno’s Hail caused the snow to mingle with the rain. If it didn’t melt on the way down, the snow would still douse the flames. Finally, Moltres’s Gust helped the rain and water reach places where it normally wouldn’t go. And surely but slowly, the Birds of Kanto saw their efforts bear fruit.

“Good work you three, I’m going to help put out the fires in the city.”

“Very well father.” Zapdos replied.

“Go, we got this!” Moltres added.


Inside Canterlot castle, most of the staff were being evacuated or rescued. But despite that, there were still those who were trapped in a few rooms.

“Help! Somepony help me!”

Spike was one of those few unfortunate.

“HELP! Twilight anybody!?”

Spike kept pounding on the dorm hoping that someone would hear him over the roaring flames. He turned his head around and scanned the room. It was quickly filling with smoke.

Nothing inside was on fire, but because the smoke had nowhere to go, it was starting to become suffocating.

Jumping out of the window was not an option since the room was a few stories of the ground. And Spike couldn’t even open it since the ceiling had collapsed in front of it.

“Come on! Is anyone there!? Please!”

Spike kept slamming his fists on the door, but to no avail. His strength was starting to fail, and his coughing was becoming more frequent.

“Please, help me.”

The baby dragon slumped to the floor, his vision becoming blurry.

“I’m sorry, Twilight…”

But just before Spike resigned himself to his fate, he heard a voice.

“Hey, is anyone in this room?”

Spike’s eyes widened, and he immediately got up.

“Yes, I'm in here. Get me out!”

“Alright, you might wanna stand back. Now!”

Spike quickly crawled to the other side of the room.

“Ok, I’m ready.”

There was a charging sound from the other side of the door. And in an instant, it was blasted off its hinges.

Spike looked up and saw his rescuer stepped out of smoke.

“My name is Genesect.”

“My name is Spike.”

“Yes, I saw you sleeping in here before. I thought you might have come out by now.”

“I...wanted to sleep in.”

Genesect walked over and grabbed the baby dragon’s claw.

“Well, nap times over, let's move.”

The Legendary Pokemon led Spike out of the room and into the hallway. They turned a corner, only to be met with more flames.

“Allow me to take care of this.” Genesect then grabbed his Water drive disc from his personal pocket dimension and inserted it into his back.

“Techno Blast!”


“Rikka, use Moonblast to blow away those debris. Ingis get those Pokemon out from the third floor of the building.”

“Got it Sethy.

“Whatever you say.”

Both Pokemon immediately got to work. But Seth was becoming increasingly worried as the fires continued to rage on.

“If only I had brought a Pokemon from the royal guard that could use water type moves. But they’re all spread too thin.”

Seth let out an electric discharge out of frustration, “I feel almost useless in this situation as a Luxray.”

“No use crying over what we can’t do Seth.”

The royal guard captain turned to see the honorary captain of the Crystal Empire walk up beside him.

“We just have to focus on what we can do,” John finished, who turned to look at the Luxray with a face of reassurance.

“Okay, your right. So what can we do? Last time I went to rescue someone from a burning building, I ended up in the hospital for a few days.”

“I have rescued Pokemon from places before. We just need to keep our heads down and be very careful not to exhaust ourselves.”

Seth nodded, “Okay I’ll follow your lead.”

“Good, lets go.”

Both law enforcement officers entered the building and made it to the second floor. They soon heard cries coming from one of the apartments.

“Someones in here!” Seth said.

John used a Mach Punch to bust down the door. Upon him and Seth entering it, he saw a Azumarill shaking in a corner.

John reached a hand out. “Ma’am come with us, we're here to rescue you.”

“But my baby boy! He’s trapped in the other room!”

“John, you get the mother out of her. I’ll get the kid.”

“Okay, ma’am I need you to come with me now. He’ll get your son.”

Although there was still fear in her eyes. The Azumarill nodded and took John’s hand.

Seth meanwhile found himself walking around a corner, only to find a room that was bursting with flames. Taking a deep breath, he leaped through the fire and into the room, although he was singed in a few places.

Seth looked around the bedroom, but saw no one.

“Hello? Is anyone in here?”

When no one answered, Seth activated his x-ray vision and saw a crying Azurill underneath the bed. Getting closer, Seth lowered his body until he could see the baby Pokemon.

“Hey, are you okay?”

The Azurill only continued to whimper in fear.

“Hey listen, I know you're scared. But you gotta come out of there.”

“But the fire,” Said the blue Pokemon. “It's scary.”

“I know it's scary kid, but this bed won’t keep the fire from getting to you. You have to trust me and come out of there.”

The Azurill looked hesitante for a second, but eventually he crawled out from under the bed. Seth then slung the Polka Dot Pokemon onto his back and turned towards the door.

“Okay, I know you don’t have hands yet. So bite onto my fur and hold on.”

The Azurill did what he was told and closed his eyes.

“Arceus preserved me,” Seth then held his breath again and jumped through the door.

Outside John walked the mother Azumarill out of the burning building and into the street.

“My baby, what about my baby!?”

“It's okay ma’am, Seth should be out with him any minute now.”

John turned back and looked at the building, although he had to admit, each waiting second was agonizing for him.

But then, he began to hear creaks and groans in the building's foundation. The structurally unsound noises only making his fear rise.

“Come on Seth come on. Your story doesn’t end here.” John then saw large cracks begin to form at the base of the building.

Suddenly, a large Luxray with a Azurill ran out of the building, just before the whole thing collapsed on itself.

“Mommy!” The baby Pokemon got off Seth and bounced towards its parent.

“Oh my baby!” The mother hugged her child, then looked at the two guard captains with grateful eyes.

“Thank you.”

“No thanks necessary ma’am,” John said

“Yeah, it's what we do,” Seth added.

The mother and son turned and joined the group of other Pokemon who were being treated by paramedics.

“You did good Seth. You may have even made a good police officer back on Earth.”

“Heh, I’m not sure they would have ever wanted me. Besides, there was another form of justice I was pursuing.”

Both former humans shared a small laugh.


Back at the castle, the Legendary Birds had all but put out the fires that had lit the outside of the castle.

“Looks like we're good here,” Moltres said.

“Yeah, we can just let the rain do its thing while the guards deal with the flames inside,” Zapdos added.

“Lets go and assist with putting out the fires in the city.” Articuno suggested.

But before the other two could agree with their sister, they heard something.


The birds stopped what they were doing and looked for the source of the cries.

“Where is that coming from?” Moltres said looking around.

Articuno darted his head from one spot to another, until his eyes locked onto a certain section of the castle.

“I think it's coming from the training grounds.”


The other two turned to follow their sister, soon they landed in the training grounds of the guard barracks.

“Hello, is anyone here?” Zapdos called out.

“We are the Legendary Birds, we’re here to assist you. Please precisely state where you are!” Articuno said.

Suddenly, there was a noise. But not the noise of a person calling for help, but the shifting and moving of metal.

The Legendary Birds looked up to see a large metal net forming over the training ground, the chains materializing from the four walls of the castle that surrounded them.

Confusion stunned the birds for a second, before Zapdos spoke up.

“What is the meaning of this? Who dares attempt to try and imprison us?”

“Oh this isn’t a prison,” a deep but audible voice said.

Zapdos looked around to try and find the source of the voice.

“It's to keep you from getting away.”

Articuno spread her wings and took an offensive stance.

“Whoever you are, I’ll just let you know, you are not the first person to try and capture us.”

“Oh really?” The voice said sarcastically.

“Yeah!” Moltres retorted. “And even if you wanted to, it's pointless. All we have to do is call out to Lord Arceus and he’ll be here in a flash.”

“I see, then it's a good thing we have him distracted for now.”

“Distracted?” Moltres said in confusion. “What do you mean?”

“Wait...are you the ones responsible for those explosions?” Zapdos said in an accusatory tone.

“Hmmmm, yes. You could say that. Although credit goes to my master for that idea.”

All three birds felt their anger rise.

“Why!? Why would you do such a thing?” Moltres shouted. “No doubt hundreds, if not thousands of Pokemon all over Equestria are dead or dying because of you!”

“Was this all just to get to us?” Articuno asked. “You just want to capture us, is that it?”

“Oh this isn’t to capture you.” The voice was louder and more clear this time.

The three legendary Pokemon turned and saw a shadowy figure walking through the flames.

“What I’m about to do, is meant to send a message.”

The birds stood together ready for anything.

But they could never have been ready, for what they saw step out of the fire.



“How, how can this be!?”

The figure stood there, a creepy smile on his face. And his eyes, his eyes had an evil glint in them.

“To be completely transparent.”

The figure unsheathed the sword that was in his hand.

“I’m going to murder all three of you.”

The three siblings all stood, there. Their minds still trying to process what was standing before them.

Zapdos was the first to recover.


A blast of lighting shot down from the sky, striking the spot where the person stood. When dust cleared, he was nowhere to be seen.

“Where is he? Did I get him?”

They all looked around, trying to find their adversary. Then, Zapdos felt something on his back.

“You know, when I was alive. I was a great manslayer.”

The Legendary bird of Lighting felt a blade press against his throat.

“So slaying a few birds should be easy, don’t you think?”


Tall Tale was a town that had a bad luck streak for the last year. When the Pokemon arrived, an Aggron rampaged through the town. Then the prices for goods skyrocketed, causing many to turn to petty thefts and poverty. Finally it was revealed that Mayor Grumble was a corrupt scumbag who used the town's money to commission a large golden statue. Thankfully after the Phantom Thief Fox exposed the rotten underbelly of the town's leadership, things were finally starting to turn around for the struggling settlement.

And then the bombs went off.

“Help! I’m trapped in here!”

“Hold on sir. I’ll be right with you!” a pony named Golden Star, the captain of Police for Tall Tale was trying to get to a pony who was trapped in a room. And the police had to work fast, because the fire was growing bigger.

“Come on dad lets bust the door down.”

“Silver Star wait!”


“You see the soot around the door son?”


“This means the fire in the room has no ventilation, so if we bust it down, the inrush of oxygen will cause an explosion.”

Silver Star observed the door, and grimley confirmed what his father said was true.

“Oh crap, what do we do now?”

“A unicorn could teleport inside and get that poor pony out. Go down to the station and see of you can find-”

“Dad wait look!”

Golden Star was about to say what, but when he looked, he became just as stunned as his son.

The fire was shrinking and shrinking with every second.

“What's going on here dad?”

“I don’t know, but I think it's safe to go in now.”

Soon, both father and son cop had gotten into the room and rescued the injured and slightly scorched pony. As they helped him limp back out the door, they could hear a commotion coming from outside.

“What's going on?” Silver Star said.

When they got outside, they saw several Ponies and Pokemon standing and looking into the sky. Golden Star looked up and he became equally amazed at what he was seeing.

The Legendary Pokemon Arceus was currently hovering above Tall Tale. He had his Flame plate was currently equipped, and was using its power to draw all the fire from the city into himself, absorbing the flames.

Arceus floated there for a few more seconds before the last of the fire was out. He then let out a mental sigh, after which he put his Flame plate back where it belonged.

Opening his eyes, he looked down at the people of Tall Tale. Some stood stunned for a second, before the Pokemon residents began to clap and cry cheers of happiness, the ponies soon joined them in the cheering.

*Sigh* “That's the last city. Took a little longer than I expected. I would have thought my powers would have recovered more by now.”

It had been months since his conversation with Equus’s deity, months when she released the seal that kept him from regenerating his powers on the world. He should have gotten stronger by now.

“Maybe I’ll have a word with her after this is all over. Just to be cer-”


Arceus froze.



“Another one!?” The god said in a terrified tone. “But h-how can that be?”

It was no exaggeration when Arceus told Princess Celestia that his legendary Pokemon were a part of him. Indeed, every single one of them embodied a certain authority that he possessed as a creator god. Even his “grandchildren”, the legendary Pokemon such as Celebi, Hoopa, Phione and the Legendary Birds and Beasts all possessed a fraction of his power. Of his very self.

So in the event that any of them suddenly died, like Latios for example, he would immediately know it.

And as of that moment, he had just felt the passing of Zapdos and Moltres.

“Father help me! Lord Arceus! Anyon-”


Articuno’s scream ceased along with her lifesigns.

Arceus gathered the energy from the absorbed fires, and within an attosecond, teleported to where he had heard Articuno’s last words.

Upon materializing, Arceus sensed the faint presence of another entity, but it was gone a second later.

When his eyes looked upon the scene before him, he recoiled in horror.

“No….nonononono. How...did...this…”

Arceus stood, motionless for 5.21 seconds.

And then he let out a sound.


“Okay, we’re almost there. One more Bubble Beam Piplup.”

“You got it Dawn!” The Penguin Pokemon let out one final Bubble Beam. Putting out the last of the flames.

“Wartortle use Water Gun!”

“As you wish May!” Her Wartortle used his attack to extinguish a Tervanant that was on fire.

“Alright, good work Piplup, you to May.”

“Thanks Dawn, and you were great as well Wartortle.”

Both water type Pokemon beamed with pride at their trainers' praise.

The Pokemon coordinators looked around for a moment, it seemed as if all of the fires in Canterlot City and the Pokemon district had been put out.

“I think we did it. All the fires are gone,” May said.

“Except for the castle though.” Dawn pointed out, her gaze on the still burning palace.

“You think we should go there and help?”

“Maybe, I’ll see if Ash and Misty wants to-”


A mental scream rippled across all of Canterlot, no, all of Equestria. It was a good thing that it was a mental scream, for had it been a normal one, everybody who had heard it would probably be deaf for 24 hours.

There was a long silence, then Dawn spoke.

“What in the name of Arceus was that?...May?”

The Delphox was still stunned for a second.

“Dawn, I think that was Arceus.”

“What, are you sure?”

May looked at Dawn with a serious face.

“I’m positive.”

“Well, if that was Arcues, it can be good if he’s screaming.”

“No kidding.”


At the Castle, Princess Celestia and Luna were at the castle, making sure that everyone got out safely.

“Is that everyone Captain Grimsson?” Princess Luna asked.

“I’m not sure Princess Luna. We still got teams inside looking for survivors.”

“Princess Celestia, Princess Luna!”

The alicorns and Grimsson looked to see two Lucario walking up to them.

“Korrina and Lucario. What is it?” Princess Luna asked.

“The Summer Sun festival has been cleared out, we wish to help in evacuating the castle.” Lucario said.

“Permission granted, although-” Princess Luna stopped as she saw Twilight and friends, along with Seth and John.

“Princess Celestia,” Twilight began. “All the fires in the city have been taken care of.”

“Yeah,” Rainbow Dash interjected. “Do you need us to do anything else?”

“Twilight, all of you. Let me just say thank you for all that you have done so far. And yes there's more that you can do.” Celestia turned to the castle. “As you can see the castle is still on fire. Now, what we need to do is-”


Everybody froze, then some of them blinked a few times.

“What was that?” Pinkie Pie said nonchalantly.

“That was Arceus.”

Everyone turned to see Genesect walk out of the castle, with a shaking Spike by his side.

“Spike!” Twilight rushed and threw her arms around her assistant and held him close. “I was so worried. Are you alright? Nothing broke or out of place?”

Spike coughed up a few puffs of smoke. “I’m fine Twilight, fireproof remember?”

“You’re fireproof?” Genesect asked. “I guess you weren’t in much danger compared to me.” The legendary mumbled about his 4x weakness to fire.

“Genesect,” Princess Celestia began. “You said that scream came from Arceus?”

“Oh yes, I’m 100% certain.”

“Then what happened?” Seth said in a worried voice. “What could make Arceus scream like that?”

“I don’t know. I don’t think he ever let out a cry like that.”


“Yeah, actually wait. The other Legendary Pokemon said there were two times had made a cry that loud. The first time was when the first Pokeball was invented and used. The second was when Latios….oh no.”

Everyone looked concerned as Genesects face morph into one of horror.

“Genesect. What is it?” Twilight asked.

“We need to find Lord Arceus now!”

Genesect turned into his flight mode and flew back into the castle.

“Everyone follow me!”

The assembled group outside the castle wasted no time and followed the Legendary Pokemon back into the burning building.

However as soon as they reached a hallway that split, Princess Celestia stopped.


Everyone stopped in their tracks.

“Korrina, Lucario, go look for survivors. The rest of us will follow Genesect.”

“But Princess,” the former Gym Leader began.

“Korrina, we can handle whatever is going on with Arceus. You two need to go and help others get out of the castle. I’m counting on you.”

Korrina looked like she wanted to protest, and the old her that first arrived here probably would have. But now.

“Okay Princess Celestia, you can count on me.”

“Thank you.”

“Good luck you two.” Twilight said.

The group then split off, one went towards the east wing of the castle, while Korrina and Lucario went to the west.

Genesect led the group down a few more corridors, until he finally came to a stop.

“Lord Arceus is beyond these doors, I can sense him.”

“These are the Royal Guard training grounds,” Princess Luna pointed out. “Why is he in there?”

“Can you sense anything else?” Twilight said.

“Actually, yes. Lord Arceus is radiating...pain..anger..sorrow. I...oh my.”

Genesect looked back to the group, and then back at the door.

Not being one for the dramatics, Genesect opened the doors quickly and walked into the Training grounds.

There they saw Arceus standing, motionless, and not acknowledging the new arrivals.

When everyone walked beside him and looked at what he was staring at, they all had different reactions.

Fluttershy and Rarity vomited. Applejack looked away. Twilight and Celestia stood stunned in silence. Seth, John and a few others took a few steps back, their minds trying to process what they were looking at.

Right there splayed across the training grounds, were the decapitated bodies of Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres. Their blood was still pouring from their wounds, staining the floor.

The place was silent for a good few seconds, then they heard the flapping of wings. Seth looked up to see the large form of Lugia touch down next to them.

The father of the dead birds walked a little closer, his brain trying to deny what was in front of him.

“No. My children, my precious..” Tears began to well up in his eyes.

Arceus, who up until this point had been silent, spoke. But the tone of voice he spoke was one not many people in that area had ever heard of, except maybe Lugia.

“Who. Did. This.”

Princess Celestia looked at the Pokemon god, and then tried to approach him.


She was only met with an eyeball sharply turning to look upon her, Arcues then began to radiate pure power.

“Who. Did. THIS!?”


“Who did this?”

Korrina and Lucario had come to an intersection, but they did not expect to find what they found.

All of the floor were dead bodies of Royal Guards, they had large lacerations on their sides, flanks and limbs. Most of them had their throats slit.

The grisly sight was enough to make the seasoned Gym Leader back up in fear.

“Lucario, who could have done this?”

“Korrina, I don’t-”


Both Lucarios turned to the source of the voice.


“It's coming from that room.”

Korrina vaulted towards the screams, when she entered the room, she gasped in unbelief.

Standing over the body of a dead Royal Guard, was something she never thought she would see again.

A human. A human with a blood stained katana in his hand.

“Huh, these chumps are what passes for warriors in this land?” The man said. “They're worse than those Pokemon.”

“Korrina, whats-” Lucario stopped as his eyes also laid upon the man. “Impossible.”

The man was dressed in traditional Kantonese clothing, he had a hat on his head that clashed with the rest of his clothing. He had two swords, one in his right hand, the other sheathed on his side.

Finally the man looked to the door and saw the new arrivals.

“Ahh, more lambs for slaughter,” the human flashed the pair a grisly smile.

Both Korrina and Lucario were capable fighters, Lucario more so than Korrina. But their aura sense told them that something was off about this man, that he was not normal. Not a normal human as he appeared to be.

Both parties stood facing each other, waiting for the other to make the next move.

“Lucario, go get Twilight.”

Lucario looked at his mate with disbelief in his eyes.


“I said, I want you to go and get Twilight and the others.” Korrina then activated a Bone Rush, and wielded the weapon in her hands. “I’ll hold him off.

“Korrina you can’t be serious!?”

“Oh go right on ahead little dog,” the man said. “I’ll just have fun with this one until you get back.”


“Korrina, I’m not leaving you. You know as well as I, this man may look human, but if he was the one who killed all those guards then….”

“Lucario, The guy who is standing here is someone who as far as we know shouldn’t be here. We need Twilight and the others to come see this. They need to so that they can tell the others that there is a human in Equestria. Now go!”

Lucario wanted to protest some more, he really did. Korrina was his trainer, his mate. He could tell just by looking at this guy that his skill level far outclassed hers. And yet…

“Don’t you dare die until I get back with help.”

“I’m not planning to.”

And with that, Lucario bolted from the room, leaving Korrina alone with the murderous looking man.

“Alright pal.” Korrina spun her Bone Rush in a twirl before taking an offensive stance. “What do I call you?”

“Heh, since you’re about to die, I guess I could tell you.”

The man unsheathed his other sword and also took an offensive stance.

“It's Izou, Okada Izou.”

Korrina boosted herself with a Quick Attack, and closed the gap between herself and the Ghost of Tosa.


Lucario used Extreme Speed to retrace his steps, then look around every corridor until he found Twilight and the others standing in the training grounds.

“Guy come quickly is Korrina! She’s-”

Lucario paused for a second, as he gazed upon the dead bodies of the Legendary Birds.

“Lucario?” Twilight turned around to see Korrina’s partner standing there, himself experiencing the awful sight for the first time. “Lucario!?”

Twilight’s voice snapped Lucario out of his stupor. “Oh Twilight, Korrina’s in trouble she needs you all now!”

“Why, what's wrong?” Seth said, interjecting.

“Korrina and I found a bunch of dead bodies, then we found a-”

That's when Lucario noticed Arceus standing there motionless, but he could feel the power and anger radiating from his aura.

“Lucario? What did you say, Korrina’s in trouble?”

“Yes, just come with me now!”

Twilight turned to look at Princess Celestia, who nodded.

“Go, we’ll stay here with Arceus.”


And so, everyone minus Princess Celestia and Luna followed Lucario down the hallways of the castle, you couldn’t go fast as they would not have been able to keep up. Which only made him worry even more.

“Please be okay, please be okay.”

Finally they all arrived at the room where he had left Korrina and Lucario burst open the door.

Upon going inside, his heart sank.


Twilight, her friends. As well as Seth and John entered the room and gasped at what they saw. Although Seth and John had more reasons to be surprised.

Korrina was on her knees. Bloody cuts and lacerations all over her body. She had lost an eye, and her left arm was limp. The man was standing behind her, his blade pressed against her neck.

The former Gym Leader looked up with remaining good eye.

She managed to choke out, “I’m sorry, Lucario.”

“No way.” John whispered.

“A human,” Seth said. “But that's impossible, humans aren’t supposed to be here!”

“Wait. That's what a human looks like?” Applejack said.

“It can’t be,” Twilight gawked. “Arceus turned all the humans into Pokemon, he couldn't have missed one. Did he?”

“Maybe he’s a Ditto?” Spike suggested. “That's always a possibility.”

John was about to retort, but for reasons he knew, he kept silent for now.

Lucario meanwhile had found his anger.

“Let. Her. Go.”

“Oh, and why should I? The man said. “After all, killing is one of the pleasures of life.

Everyone was stunned at the man's statement, how anyone could enjoy killing and call if a pleasure of life was appalling.

“Besides, I killed a lot of people today. Those guards, those birds, what's one more life.”

“Wait, you killed the Legendary Birds?!” Seth’s body began to crackle with lightning.

“Yeah they were about the only ones who put up a good fight. Although to be fair, I did sneak up on the yellow one.”

Seth’s eyes glowed with anger. “When Arceus gets his hands one you, and believe me, he will. Well, lets just say you may want to kill yourself before he does.”

“Heh. Ahahahahahah!” The man let out a maniacal laughter that could only be associated with an evil person.

“I died once.”

The human sliced his sword across Korrina’s neck, her body fell to the ground, and she began to drown in her own blood.

“That's nothing new.”

“NOOOOO!” Lucario shot an Aura Sphere at the killer, but it just passed through him as he disappeared.

Lucario rushed to Korrina’s side. “Korrina, no, stay with me please!”

The mortally wounded former human attempted to speak, but only raspy voices escaped her lips.

“Korrina, please don’t leave me.” Lucario’s tears began to fall down onto her face.

Korrina lifted up her arm, and stroked the head of her partner. She formed a weak smile.


Her arm fell down from her face, and the light in her eyes left her.

“Korrina? Korrina!?”

Lucario let out a few low sobs, he picked up his trainer's body and held it like he never wanted to let it go.

Almost everyone had either tears in their eyes or were looking away with their hands or hooves on their mouths.

Then, Twilight noticed something.

“Hey, what's that?”

A few, including John and Seth looked up and saw what Twilight was looking at.

There was writing on the wall, but the most obvious thing about it was that it was written in blood.

“The writing on the wall, what is it?”

“It's Kantonese, kinda, although it more of an old-style than the modern simplified,” Seth said

“What does it say?”

“It says: My name is Okada Izou, and this is ‘Ten Chuu’.”

“Ten Chuu?”

“It’s an old Kano phrase, it means: Justice from Heaven.”

A lone human stood up at a high point in Equestria, giving him a good view of all the death and destruction he had caused. The flames that consumed everything and everyone rose higher and higher into the sky. The smell of various burning things, flesh, wood, grass, and lives filled the air. The man took a big whiff of the repugnant smell, and then he exhaled in satisfaction.

All over the land, Ponies and Pokemon cried out in fear and agony. But for this despicable human being, he could only throw his head back and laugh. The kind of laughter one made when they were at their happiest.

After all. For Beryl Gut, killing was the greatest hedonistic pleasure in his life.

End of Prologue Arc

Author's Note:

Please comment are tell me what you think, I read all feedback.

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