• Published 13th Sep 2020
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A New World, A New Way: Requiem from the Lostbelt - Metroid Prime

The seeds of fantasy have descend. Now, 7 worlds fight for the right to live.

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King of Kings

“Then what is the meaning of their actions?”

“It's best if you read their report yourself, your majesty.”

The messenger then took a clipboard out of his sack and presented it to Trot. The Zerba king then began to read it.

But as he kept reading each line and sentence, his face became more and more upset. And by the time he was done. He was positively annoyed.

Report from Gaurd Patrol Delta, lead guard Lieutenant Sawdust.

Sometime around 0900 hours, an unknown and previously unseen pyramid temple complex manifested roughly 10 miles outside west of the city of Alexebria. My team was dispatched to learn about this strange pyramid at 1200 hours. Further investigation lead us to learn that this temple complex was somehow created by a servant.

We later learned that this servant shares the same name with one of the previous Kings of Zebrica, Ozymandias, or Ramses II. Of course, being human and not a Zebra, this claim sounded ridiculous at first, and we dismissed it as delusion.

However, we later brought in a Preist of Ra for consultant matters, and they confirmed that the power which radiated from the temple and this servant were similar if not identical to Ra himself. I must make a personal statement here by saying that I also find this claim dubious. While the gods of old may have once walked among us in ancient times, they are no longer with us. Legends explicitly state they withdrew to the Feild of Reeds a long time ago, which is why they could no longer help us when Ragnaros manifested for the first and most recently the second time.

Still, the word off a Preist is not to be taken lightly so I feel obligated to make a note of what they said.

As for the servant who claims to be Ozymandias, they had this to say. Quote: “I am Ozymandias, King of Kings, and ruler of Egypt, look upon me and despair, look upon me and rejoice. I have returned to save my homeland, to make it great again. As its one true ruler, as its greatest Pharaoh, I do swear this.”

“Ozymandias has spoken.”

Trot marched through the gates of the temple complex, his mood not improving.

The names of the former Kings and Pharaohs of Zebrica were revered and respected long after they had passed. They were the rock of the nation, the leaders and rulers whom the people look up to and loved.

Among them, Ozymandias was a former Zebra Pharaoh who was said to have led a Golden Age 300 years after the defeat of Ragnaros and the establishment of Zebrica.

So for some servant to appear and claim to be the great Ozymandias, was an insult to his ancestry. But what really made him mad was their claim of being the one true ruler of the kingdom.

After having to deal with a civil war where the other side wanted Trot disposed for NOT being the ruler they wanted him to be, he was not in the mood to be dealing with another usurper.

He already did not have the greatest self-esteem since he was still very young compared to the kings and Pharaohs of old. As such he did his best to hide that flaw of his from everyone except Celestia who he confided in.

But no more. He was going to confront this servant and show him who’s boss!

Sev and the others followed behind him. Some beheld the architecture, while others kept an eye out for anything suspicious.

“I don’t like this place,” Gard said. “I can sense that there is a heavy presence of magic.”

“Is it really that bad?” Loom asked.

“Simply put, I would not be surprised if our ‘host’ so to speak could force us out with a flick of his hand if he wanted to.”

“Then let's not give him a reason.”

Gard took one look at Sev who was still mumbling about paint cannons.

“I feel that will be harder than expected.”

The group soon made their way to the main entrance of the Pyramid. The doors were wide open for them to walk in.

Adorning the front were statues of humans and figures that were unknown to the Pokemon and Zebra. Although the latter could see the remarkable similarities between the architecture and style compared to their own temples and Pyramids.

“Why does the workmanship of these structures resemble our own?” A guard said.

“Perhaps a similar nation existed in the human world that closely resembles our own Zebrica.”

“You mean a nation based off of us?”

“Or the other way around,” Loom said.


“I’m just guessing, but maybe Zebrica was once a nation of humans in the distant past with a different name. And over time as humans vanished, the name was changed to Zebrica and came to be ruled by humans.”

“What utter drawl,” another guard said. “Everyone knows how the country was born, it never had any humans ruling it or living in it. It is and always has been a nation of Zebra.”

“Maybe, but how else would you explain the similarities?”

“Perhaps we can ask him,” Gard said.

Loom then turned to look as they entered the central room of the Pyramid and found a lone human sitting on a magnificent throne. The light from the room illuminated him with a radiance fit for a king.

He had the garments and accessories that closely reassembled ones worn by the ancient Pharaohs of old. His eyes were a golden hue as brilliant as the sun. On his face rested the arrogant and confident smile of a king.

Trot already did not like this guy before he met him, but now that he had seen his face, he knew he would never like him.

“Welcome! I trust your journey here was not tiresome?”

“Uh? No, we’re fine,” Trot said as matter of fact.

“Still, a fellow Pharaoh and his retainers should be attended to as such. Servants!”

Immediately, several humans dressed in attire appeared from both doors on each side of the room.

“Bring them some drinks, they are thirsty and we must show them proper hospitality.”

“Yes, Lord Ozymandias!”

The servants left and not 5 seconds later they came back with several golden drinkware and bowls containing what looked to be wine.

“Drink! I assure you, you shall find no better refreshments anywhere else.”

Trot was hesitant at first, but Sev and his Pokemon were already on their second glass.

“Hmmm! This is very good!” Loom said.

“I’m almost tempted to know the fermentation process of which this was made,” Gard added.

Trot looked back to the Zebra guards who all looked like they were waiting for his permission.

*Sigh* “Go ahead.”

Several of them whispered “Yes!” Before helping themselves to the wine and drink. Trot eventually got a cup, and silently admitted to himself that it indeed tasted very good.

“Thank you for the drinks.”

“No thanks necessary, as a fellow Pharaoh, you are deserving of the respect and treatment that comes with it.”

“Actually, that is what I am here to talk about!”

“Oh? Is that so?”

“Yes! Sir, you are a servant are you not?”


“And you are fighting for Proper Human History is that not true?”

“Indeed. As I said, I am Ozymandias. My class is Rider, in Proper Human History, I was the greatest Pharaoh and King of Egypt, and under my rule, my kingdom flourished and achieved a high never seen since.”

“Well then, I’m afraid I must challenge that claim!”

Ozymandias did not look surprised or fazed by that comment.

“Ho. And what do you mean by that?”

“You see, in our history and records, we have a Pharaoh named Ozymandias. A great Zebra king who also led our kingdom into a golden age. He was not a human from Proper Human History. So how can you have the same name as him?”

The servant did not blink. Instead, he let out a low subtle laugh, that then became louder and prouder as it went on. As if what Trot had just said was hilarious.

“What's so funny?” Trot shouted.

“I see so that's what is going on!”

Ozymandias stood up from his throne.

“Very, well I think it's best if I just show you.”

With a wave of his hand, the light from the ceiling turned a different color as the room dimmed. Then it projected an image onto the floor.

“As you know, this world has many different paths that it can take, one of those paths is known as Proper Human History. The other paths are known as Lostbelts, discarded histories unfit to live.”

An image showed several lines branching out into different lines and at some point, the outermost lines all stopped at a certain point. Meanwhile, the line near the center continued to grow.

“In Proper Human History, I am the ruler of the great Kingdom of Egypt, located on the continent of Africa.”

The image changed to show a giant landmass that was very similar to the continent the Zebrica was located on. It then zoomed in the upper right-hand corner to a very familiar dessert area.

“In that kingdom, I was born as the son of the Ra, Chief God of the Egyptian Pantheon, who blessed me as also being his incarnation.”

“WAIT WAIT hold up! Did you just say Ra!? As in Ra the sun god!?” one guard said.

“Umm, who’s Ra?” Sev asked.

“If you had bothered to learn anything about the culture of this nation Sev,” Gard began. “You would know that Ra is the highest existence in the Zebrica religious system. They worship him as the Sun god and the one who controls the cycle of the Sun.”

“You mean like how the Equestrians think Celestia moves the sun?”

“Yes. In fact, that was another reason the rebel faction did not like Celestia. Her existence contradicted Ra and his role in moving the Sun.”

“Well, when different people have different religions, you’ll always have fanatics who say that their god is better,” Loom added.

“Indeed!” Ozymandias said. “I am Ra’s offspring and his avatar! And by that right, I was the best king suited to rule Egypt. However, in this timeline, it seems history took a different turn.”

The image then shifted to what looked like Zebrica, but instead of Zebras walking around, it was humans. Their skin darkened from prolonged exposure to the sun.

“Whereas in Proper Human History, the nation known as Egypt came to be. Here in your timeline, that great nation would instead be called what you now refer to as Zebrica.”

The image changed from showing humans walking around, to Zebras.

“So, the nation of Zebrica is the Lostbelt version of this nation called Egypt is what you're saying?” Gard said.

“Yes, but in this case, names are trivial, I consider Egypt and Zebrica to be one and the same.”

“Ahem. If that's the case you should know that Zebrica already has a ruler. Me!” Trot said annoyed. “Now what is it that you want servant?”

“Have I not made that clear? I said I am here to save my homeland.”

“Your homeland is Egypt, not Zebrica.”

“As I said, to me they are the same.”

“No no no, I don’t think you seem to get what's going on here. I don’t care if you were some ruler back in your world. Or if you ruled a desert kingdom that just so happens to be located in the same place as us and worships the same gods as us, Zebrica is my kingdom. I am its sole ruler, I have fought off rouge Diamond Dog tribes, a rebellion to usurp me from power, and a primordial god of destruction! And I’ll be damned if I let some servant who claims to be the incarnation of Ra come in and replace me just to stroke their own ego!”

Trot then unsheathed Finality, the glowing blade radiating in the sunlight.

“So if your thinking about deposing me, you’ll have to kill me first.”

Sev and the others looked back between Trot and Ozymandias.

“Ah glad to see Trot is finally taking some initiative! He learned from the best after all!”

“I don’t think that's it,” Gard said.

“Hehe, you misunderstand Trot. I am not here to replace you.”

Trot who was not expecting that answer nearly dropped his sword in confusion.


“You are a Pharaoh. You will never reach my level of greatness, but you are a Pharaoh nonetheless. And this era is yours to rule.”

The Zebra king was amazing how he was complimenting him, while still bragging.

“That being said, you are still unequipped to handle the situation presented before you.”

The image on the floor changed to show a live image of the Lostbelt storm wall.

“Whatever you may think, you are not capable of handling whatever lies beyond that wall. I can faintly sense that there is some divinity there as if the Age of Gods still persists in the Lostbelt. You do not have the means to fight it.”

The image disappeared, and the room returned to normal lighting.

“But if you accept my help, then I shall fight alongside you with all that I am.”

Trot lowered his sword, he could hardly believe what he was hearing. Not only was this servant not hostile, but he was offering his help in fighting the forces of the Lostbelt.

“Do it.”

“Gah!” Trot jumped back. “Sev! What have I told you about whispering in my ear!?”

“Come on, this is the opportunity we have been waiting for! We have the chance to get a servant under our command, imagine what we could do. Not one could stop us!”

“Hold on,” Trot then looked back at Ozymandias. “Is there a catch? I’m willing to bet that you’re not going to do this for free right?”

“You are correct, I do have one thing to ask of you. One simple thing you have to do.”

“Okay, shoot.”

“By accepting my gracious offer, you not take any hostile action against Proper Human History.”


“To be clear, you will not hunt down nor harm any servants that manifest in this country. You will allow them the freedom to walk through this land, and in turn, they will not bother you or your people.”

“...Are you serious?”

“I am.”

“Then no.”


“Your servant friends are responsible for the attack on Canterlot! One of them nearly killed Celestia! Do you think I’d forgive them for that!? And on top of that, your Proper Human History is trying to erase us from existence! You really think I’ll agree to that considering what's at stake!?”

“Uh, your majesty,” Leutentent Sawdust said. “I think we should just step outside.”

“No! We don’t need this guy's help, we already have a god who is willing to help us. And as much as I don’t like him, I’m willing to bet Arceus is more power than whatever your offering buddy.”

Trot raised Finality at the Rider servant once again.

“So why don’t I just take your head right now?”

Ozymandias just blinked, and then smiled.

“Very well.” The servant got up from his high hair, and walked down the stairs until he was a few inches from the point of the sword.”

“If you think you can cut off my head, then do it, I permit you this one thing as Pharaoh.”

Trot blinked again. And everyone else followed suit.

“You’re serious?”

“I am. Go ahead, behead me. Or in fact, cut me to pieces if it will satisfy you.”

Ozymandias then bore his neck for all to see, but even then not everyone was convinced.

“I feel like this is some kind of trick,” Gard said. “When someone says something like that, it’s always followed up by some surprised or trick no one sees coming.”

“Oh come on,” Loom said. “You seriously think this guy has some kind of trick up his sleeve? What's he gonna, do? Just pick up his head and put it back on?”

Trot was listening in on what the others were saying, and he had to agree.

“In all likelihood, this may be a trick or something. Or perhaps, he wants me to attack him in order to prove something?”

Trot looked at the servant who was still standing there, waiting.

“Still, this sword is called Finality for a reason. I was able to kill a god, a servant like him should be no problem. Oh well, only one way to find out!”

And with one swing, Finality cut clean through the Pharaoh’s neck. His blood staining the pristine blade.



As fast as it had been inflicted, the wound that was on his neck had begun to heal before the blade was even done passing through his neck.

“H-how in the!?” Loom exclaimed.

Trot just gritted his teeth and just swung his sword again, only to get the same result. He then tried something different by swinging vertically from head to crotch.

Again, the body just began pulling itself back together as soon as the cut was inflicted.

“But, that's impossible! Finality is a weapon capable of killing gods!”

“Oh, is that what that blade can do, interesting. Normally an immortal killing blade would be capable of destroying me. But not here.”

“What do you mean!?”

“So long as I am in this temple, I am immortal. Not a single wound you inflict on me shall damage my spirit core. And attack you throw at me would be pointless.”

“You're kidding me.”

“Oh but do not be so sorrowful, even with a sword like that, it would be capable of inflicting lasting wounds on me at least. And with enough swings, it’s very possible you could kill me.”

“Okay, so why didn’t it?”

“Let me tell you another thing about servants that you don’t know. We Heroic Spirits receive great power in accordance with our fame, age, and worship after death. The more people revere us the more power we receive. And should we happen to be summoned in our homelands, the places that worship us the most, we will gain even greater power!”

“So, you're saying that-”

“Indeed, this land is Egypt, my home, and its people worship and praise the name Ozymandias.”

“B-but, no that can’t be right! You're not the same historical Ozymandias the people know about. The one we remember was a Zerba, not you!”

“Ah, but he still possesses my name, a name that originally belonged to me. And if he accomplished the same great deeds as me, then in the eyes of the world, we are one in the same.”

“But…GAaah! This is not fair, you can’t just come in here, act like you own the place, and just squat like a freeloader! I am the King of Zebrica, and mark my words, I will find a way to kill you. For my people, for Celestia and everyone you and your servant pals have hurt! Mark my words.”

“Hmph, you have the arrogance of a Pharaoh. I like that, eventually, you will see things my way. And know that the only way you’ll survive this is with my help.”

“Wait, there is still one thing we haven’t tried yet!” Sev said.

Trot looked back at the Seviper.

“No Sev, this is not the time for one of your crazy ideas.”

“My ideas are not crazy, and hear me out! The problem with killing him is that you're doing it too quickly.”


“In order to kill him, you must do it in a way that is slow and thorough, so that way you can leave nothing to chance. To make sure that he reduced to nothing!”

“And what kind of weapon could possibly do that?”

“What else!? The great weapon ever invented by human hands, the most destructive weapon in the world!”

Sev slammed his tail to the ground for dramatic effect.


The entire room went silent, Gard just facepalmed, while Trot banged his head with the flat of his sword for even allowing Sev to speak.

Ozymandias on the other hand just said.

“Who in their right mind would use a Road Roller for a weapon?”

“Ignore him! Cause let me tell you something buddy, I-”

“Ozy dear?”

A beautiful female voice came from one of the hallways, everyone turned to see a young human girl walk into the room.

She was dressed in Egyptian attire that was normally worn by royalty, she had pink flowers on her hair and a warm gentle smile on her face.

“Ah, Nefertari you’re back.”

Almost immediately, Trot’s hostility vanished when he heard that name.

“Yes, dear. The Spinx’s are well behaved and doing fine.”

“Ah good, how could they not when you are there. I’d expect nothing less from my own wife.”


“Allow me to into you all to my Queen. Nefertari.”

Trot noticed the look of genuine happiness on Ozymandias’s face. And the way he acted around her, as if she was someone he could never act arrogant towards.

“Oh, hello. You must be King of this land. We are so grateful for your hospitality.”

“U-umm, yes. Your gratitude is appreciated.”

“Has my husband been troubling you, he can act a little showy in front of people.”

“Yes, I can tell…..”

“Is something wrong?”

“N-no... I uh…We really should get going now.”

“Alright then, come again soon.”

“Okay, everyone. Let's go!”

As the party began to walk out of the Pyramid, Ozymandias spoke one last time.

“Remember, the offer is still on the table. And know that you will always be allowed back in here. Any Pharaoh of Egypt is welcome in my temples.”


On the way back to Cario, Trot just sat silently on the bridge. Not saying a word.

“What's got him in a mood?” Loom said.

“Perhaps he is still contemplating my genius idea of using a Steamroller on that servant. Once he is flattened like a pancake, surely he’ll see reason and come to our side!”

“How will be come to his side if he’s dead?”

“Ah, but that's the thing, he’ll already dead remember!”

“....You know what let's move on from that. I think he’s just salty about not being able to hurt the servant with his magic sword.”

“I don’t think that's it,” Gard said.

“Oh, and you know the answer.”

“Well, as soon as that female servant entered the room and Ozymandias said her name. I felt a wave of curiosity and sorrow emanate off of him.”

“Okay, so you're saying that girl had something to do with this?”

“Yes, a though the why escapes me.”

“Oh, you guys don’t know do you?”

The three turned to look at the Royal Scribe.

“Oh, your names Scribble Notte right?”

“Yes, that's me.”

“And what did you say?”

“Well, as you know, the King was orphaned at birth. His father died, and his mother the Queen followed shortly afterward.”

“I see, and?”

“Well, the name of Trot’s mother was, Nefertari.”

There was a look of realization on the Pokemon as it finally dawned on them.


“I see, so I guess hearing someone who has the same name as his deceased mother has brought up bad memories for him?” Loom said

“Well, the King at the time was too young to remember his mother. And it was Celestia who essentially raised him. Still, she knew Queen Nefertari before she died, they were close friends. And I recall that she would tell Trot stories of her mother.”

“Hmmm. I think I know what's really going on here,” Gard said.


“So, going by what we know, the human nation of Egypt is the Proper Human History equivalent of Zebrica. And the servant we just met who is called Ozymandias, is the human version of the one who supposedly ruled Zebrica centuries ago correct.”

“...Huh, I see where you're going here.”

“Exactly, so if the Ozymandias we just met is the counterpart to the Zebra Ozymandias who once existed. By that logic, the Nefertari we just met, may be the counterpart to the one who was Trot’s mother.”

Sev looked to Trot who was still sitting in silence.

One would expect him to slither up to his friend and say something. But for once, Sev restrained himself.

After all, he knew what Trot was going through.

Since he himself also never knew his real mother.

The Zebrican Western Sea border.

Rummington once again had his eyes glued to the telescope, once again, nothing but the sea and the storm wall filled his vision.

*Sigh* “At this point, I’m waiting for something to happen.”

As soon as the words left his mouth, he felt a twinge of regret. Saying things like that was tempting fate, and it was better for everyone if he didn’t.

He then heard the sound of someone coming up the stairs.

“Alright, back with dinner,” said Bard. She set the food down on the table and began to unwrap it.

“Don’t know why you insist to ear now, our shift ends in like 3 hours.”

Indeed, sometime after sunset, their shift would rotate, and both would be allowed to go home for the weekend. That being said.

“If there is an attack, I want to have a full stomach so I can fight better. I’d rather not be hungry when fighting.”

“Huh, your weird like that you know.”

“I’m just being prepared as best I can be. I want to be able to defend this port and this kingdom as best as I can.”

“Then why be a coast guard? Why not join the ranks of the royal palace?”

Because we are the first line of defense. If an enemy gets past us, it's because we failed to stop them. By the time they get to the palace, in my opinion, it's already over.”

“So you think the Royal Gaurd can’t defend the king? The PLA won’t protect the capital.”

“I’m just being realistic here, if they can make it to the palace, then they already won.”

Barb sighed and Rummington waited for her to say something else. But when he looked up at her, he saw her looking past him and into the sea.

“Hey Rum?”

“Barb, what have I told you about calling me tha-”

“What's that over there?”

Rummington got up and looked through the telescope to where Barb was aiming it at.

The Zerba sighed as he once again spotted a black object floating in the sea.

“It could just be another rock. But then again…”

He looked through the telescope again.

And in that moment, he wished she could have never been more wrong.

What was actually a fuzzy black dot in the distance, was really a large ship. Several ships actually.

One by one they all came out of the storm wall. In a few seconds, they went from about 5 to 10, and then 10 to 20…

They were not like any ships he had ever seen before in his life. The design was similar enough to perhaps a Minoutour ship, but it looks more futuristic. The sails glowed yellow with some unknown energy.

“Bard sound the alarm!”

“What!?” Rum what do you see?”

“Just sound the alarm, do it now!”

Sensing the urgency in her friends' voice, Barb knew he was not joking. Running to a panel, she tapped a magical button that lit up before a loud blaring horn began to sound from the tower.

The other nearby watchtowers heard this, and once looking through their own telescopes, they saw the approaching fleet. And turned on their alarms as well.

The people of Tortuga knew what this sound meant, having previously experienced a civil war however, they hoped it would be a sound they would never have to hear again.

It meant an invasion.

Out towards the sea, the fleet which carried soldiers blessed with the power of gods sailed towards the port city. As its people were beginning their evacuations, the soldiers on board were preparing their arms and armaments.

At the flagship of this technologically advanced fleet of ships, stood a man covered from head to toe in armor fashioned by the Goddess of Wisdom. His face was obscured by his mask, but both gave off the same emotion they wanted to convey to their enemies.


A soldier walked up to the man and stood at attention.

“Commander, we will arrive at the settlement before sunset.”

“Very good Lieutenant, keep her going at a steady pace.”

“Yes, sir. What are your orders once we make landfall?”

The man did not turn to acknowledge the soldier, only keeping his eyes on the target in from of him.

“Our orders come from the Great God himself, passed down by his retainer Lord Darnic. They were clear and precise.”

Behind his mask, the man narrowed his eyes.

“Kill them all, with extreme prejudice.”

Author's Note:

Again, sorry that this was late.

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is just that good of a game.

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