• Published 13th Sep 2020
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A New World, A New Way: Requiem from the Lostbelt - Metroid Prime

The seeds of fantasy have descend. Now, 7 worlds fight for the right to live.

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And the Damage Done/Rage, Rage

Vasavi Shakti.

Once it belonged to the God of Thunder Indra, the then King of the Hindu Pantheon. It was gifted to Karna as compensation for his armor.

As a heroic spirit, Karna must sacrifice said armor in order to use the full power of the spear just once.

Although it was never once used during his lifetime, it was said that this spear was capable of destroying anything, even a god. As such, lesser beings are a matter of course.

At full power, nothing from shields, fortresses, armies, and entire nations can withstand its cleansing fire, they are all equally meaningless existences before Vasavi Shakti.

So, if such a weapon were to be ever used against a Tree of Emptiness, what do you think will happen?


“How are things looking down their Midnight?”

The batpony known as Midnight Song walked up to Seth, her usually peppy, and somewhat lewd attitude on standby due to the current circumstances.

“Well, I can tell you this boss. I don’t know how we are gonna calm these ponies anytime soon. I’m mean, this kingdom has seen some weird things over the last few years(and that's saying something), but a giant tree appearing out of nowhere? That's new.”

Seth stood on the castle walls as he looked into the distance. The tree was unlike anything he had ever seen.

The only other giant tree he could think of was the Tree of Begining. A massive rock formation that once resided in the Kanto region. He never got the chance to visit the place, although he heard it was home to ancient Pokemon and was rumored to be the places Mew frequently.

But this tree bore little resemblance to the Tree of Begining and had a very different significance. After all, it was all but confirmed that the tree they were all looking at was the Tree of Emptiness.

“Hey, Seth!”

The Luxray turned to see, Selena and Ingis walk up to him.

“We and the other guards managed to get most of the crowd that was at the castle gates to disperse. But there are still Ponies and Pokemon panicking all over the city,” Selena said.

“Yeah, it's like everyone thinks it's the end of the world or something,” Ingis added.

“Well, it might as well be.”

While the Princess and other World Leaders had informed the general public of the Lostbelts and servants, they had withheld the information regarding the Tree of Emptiness, the tree that supposedly was responsible for their very existence.

It was one thing to know, that their world was in a battle against several other timelines. But to know that their very existence depended on a tree would be hard to swallow. Especially since said tree was nowhere to be found up until this point.

No doubt after this, they would have to come clean about the tree and its significance.

But how would they handle it?


Seth’s thoughts were interrupted again as he turned to see a Royal Guard walk up to him and salute.

“Sir, there is a pony who is here to see you, she claims to be your significant other?”

Seth immediately knew who he was talking about.

“Where is she?”

Pretty soon, Seth and his Pokemon found themselves at the main gate, where a green Earth Pony was trying to peek her head over the guards watching to see.


“Let that pony through!” Seth said to the guards who obeyed.

Apple Fritter then squeezed through them and ran up to Seth who embraced her.

“Seth, what is going on? I was inside with Dextra and Titania when I started hearing people screaming. I came out and everyone was either running in circles or pointing at something. And when I saw what they were pointing at, I just couldn’t believe it.”

“Everything is going to be okay Fritter. The Princesses are currently investigating now.”

“The Princesses went to that thing themselves?” What is it?”

“It's called the tree-” Seth paused for a second. His mind was not sure if he should commit to revealing this information to her. He knew that Fritter would be able to understand if given a proper explanation. But Celestia had asked him not to tell anyone for fear of panic.

But this was Apple Fritter, his mate. The pony he would one day marry, very soon if things went well. Plus he had already told his Pokemon, who were just as much family as she was.

“Tree of what? Seth speak up!”


All of a sudden a low boom rang through the air accompanied by a bright light.

“What's going on?” Ingis said.

All of them quickly found the nearest stairs to the castle wall and climbed up it. They got to the top just in time to see an explosion engulf the Tree of Emptiness.

Everyone in the streets was shocked, to say the least at what they were seeing. But Seth was felt like his heart had stopped. The implications of what had just happened raced through his mind.

“Oh no.”

Stagland, the Deer Empire.

Shaymin used Psychic to lift the cup of tea to her mouth. As she took a sip, she could already tell just what tea leaves were used to make this drink. As with many Legendary Pokemon, Shaymin was given a specific role in the management and care of Earth. Her task was the making of seeds and new plant life. This made her good friends with Celebi and Zygarde who had similar roles with it came to the balance and order of nature.

It was probably for this reason why she and Zygarde were sent to the Stag Empire or Stagland as it was called by outsiders.

Its leader Empress Serva was the ruler of said nation, home to the nature-loving Deer. Most of its villages and cities were naturally made as a way to live in harmony with nature. Only the capital city was the most modernized and urban settlement in the Empire. Its main castle was not as big or glamorous as Canterlot, but it was still fit for a queen, or Empress in this case.

It was because of the Deer’s nature-loving culture that Shaymin decided to pay Serva a visit first before she went searching for servants. The Swords of Justice and Zygarde had already gone ahead of her. So it was not like nothing was getting done.

Right now, both here and Serva were sitting in the main throne room. A place with several murals and paintings for Stagland’s history all around them.

“This tea is delicious Serva.”

“Thank you Shaymin, I had my servants pick them from my private garden.”

“Your servants or the other kind?” Both of them snicked at the little joke.

“Speaking of which, how has thing been back in Equestria? “Serva asked. “Hopefully not much worse than what we are dealing with here?”

“Well, to be honest, things are starting to heat up. Recently Father and the others ran into Chaldea.”

“Oh really, Arceus found the humans foretold by Harmony. How did it go?”

“Not very well,” Shaymin said sheepishly. “They got away. Dad was very upset about that.”

“I can imagine. For someone with the powers of a god, he must be very upset if a mere few mortals escaped his grasp. Although I doubt he gained any humility from that experienced.”

Shaymin noticed the tone in her voice as Serva commented on her father. While she was not offended per se, it did pique her curiosity.

“Serva, what do you think about my father?”

The deer put her cup of tea down and let out a sigh.

“I apologize in advance for my words Shaymin, but I do not have the best opinion of Arceus.”

“I understand, I bet you and a lot of others don’t have the best opinion of dad for understandable reasons.”

“And most of them are the fact he just came here and dumped an entirely new species onto an already developed planet. Not that I don’t like the Pokemon, they are wonderful beings, and I do value my friendship with you.”

Shaymin smiled at that. She and the Empress had been getting along ever since they met at the World Summit. She was glad to be able to make friends outside of the Legendary Pokemon.

“But my criticism of your father has less to do with his moving here and more about the consent and consideration of those who were forced to change who they were.”

“Ah…you mean the humans who were transformed into Pokemon.”

“Yes, to be clear I can understand why he did it. How he felt the humans had gone too far in many places and hurt the Pokemon one too many times. But I just can’t understand why he would turn them into Pokemon. Do you know?”

“Well, he gave us the same explanation I assume he gave to the other World Leaders like you. That he wanted to preserve what was good about humans as a species.”

“Yes, he told us that much. But how can he preserve humanity's goodness as a species if they are no longer human? Sure they may be human at heart for now, but once their children are born that won’t be the case.”

“Huh, I guess you have a point.”

“To me, Shaymin, all of this speaks of a father who is punishing his child by forcibly making them be more like the better one.”

“Well, to be fair, said child did lock up the father and spent the next several thousand years bullying the other child.”

“Touche. But let me tell you a story,” Serva then turned and pointed to the throne. “You see that painting up there?”

Shaymin looked and saw above the throne a depiction of a large round furry creature. It had short legs and long arms, as well as long antlers growing out of its head. Its face had several red markings underneath its mouth and eye that made it look like it was sleeping.

“Before Arceus and Harmony made themselves known to the world, we deer only knew of and worshipped The Great Horned God of the Wilderness.”

“That's his name?”

“More like his title, we try not to use his real name too often out of reverence. Records and scriptures say that he was the progenitor of Deer and other nature-dwelling creatures like the Breezies. He was a kind and benevolent god.”


“But unfortunately, his first children were not as good as he raised them to be. Some of the first deer thought themselves superior thanks to their size and magic, especially over the Breezies. The Deer even tried to force the Breezies out of the forests. But rather than punish them, he made the Deer realize the folly of their actions since the forests needed the Breezies just as much as the Deer. And showed them that while he could change the Deer or Breezies to make the forest not dependent on them, he would not. Because nature is all about different species living together, not one being better or more important than the other. He knew that there was good in everyone, not just one species.”

“Ah, I see.”

“My point is, that while Arceus may think that turning the humans into Pokemon is a good thing, all he is saying is that humans are born inherently bad and will only bring harm to those around them.”

“I get it. I know not all humans are bad, but I just figured they would all get over it or realize that father was not going to change his mind. But no matter how you look at it, dad did something that was very immoral and inconsiderate.”

“I honestly wonder how he thought that it was a good idea.”

“Well actually it was Cresselia that came up with the idea, Arceus just took it and ran with it.”

“Oh really? Then if you ask me, she should all get some blame for what happened.”

“Yeah, I don’t think Darkrai would like it if people came to the temple just to harass Cresselia.”

“Well, that aside. Does your father plan on setting up places of worship anytime soon?”

“Celestia won’t let him, but I have a feeling he might get his way. There were a lot of his worshipers that visited the Hall of Legends when he made his presence known. So I imagine he would want his followers to have churches to worship.”

“Well, I doubt he would find many new followers from the Deer. The vast majority of the population only views The Great Horned God of the Wilderness as their patron god, as do I.”

“If you don’t mind, what is his real name? I’m curious since most other nations I visited don’t seem to worship other deities.”

“Well, if you must know, his name is-”


Both Deer and Pokemon jumped and spilled their tea as Hoopa pooped her head through one of her rings.

“Hoopa what I have told you about surprising people like that!?”

“Save the complaints, Giratina needs everyone back at the Hall of Legends now!”

“Why what’s wrong?”

“Long story short, the Tree of Emptiness just showed up on the Temple doorstep and the servants are currently throwing everything they have at it.”

The explanation was enough to make the Generosity Pokemon forget her annoyance as her bain raced to process what she had just heard.

“The Tree of Emptiness is what!?”

“Full explanations later, Giratina needs all hands, paws, and claws on deck or we won’t be around to tell the tale.”

“Okay, I get it. Sorry to cut our tea time short Serva.”

“No need for apologies, go and save our world.”

With a final nod. Shaymin flew through Hoopa’s ring and found herself in the skies of Equestria.

“Where are we? Why aren’t we at the Tree?”

“Dad said spatial distortions kept him from creating portals closer to the tree, so we're gonna have to fly from here.”

Nearby, other Legendaries such as Celebi, Victini, Jirachi, Ho-oh, and Rayquaza came out of portals and rings made by Palkia and Hoopa.

Looking off into the distance, Shaymin saw the shape of what looked like a purple glowing tree.

“Alright, let's do this.”

Shaymin was about to fly to the tree when there was a sudden glowing light. It grew in intensity and brightness as if the sun itself had manifested in the atmosphere.

“Umm, what is that?” Celebi asked in a very worried voice.

They saw as the ball of fire grew brighter and brighter as if something was about to happen.

“A sign that we need to go now!”

Shaymin flew towards the tree as fast as she could. Followed by the other Legendary Pokemon. But before she could reach even the vicinity of the Hall of Legends, the ball of fire exploded and engulfed the entire area. The force from the blast sent the Gratitude Pokemon spinning back a good distance before she regained control of herself.

Smoke and dust filled the air, and when it finally subsided, Shaymin was shocked at what she saw.


How long is a fraction of an instant? Long enough for Twilight to realize that in that moment, the Noble Phantasm unleashed by Karna had dramatically increased in power. Before, the combined efforts of the two Princesses and the Legendary Pokemon present would have been enough to possibly hold it back, but now it was not.

The fiery blast threatened to engulf them all in an incinerating death. So at that moment, Twilight had to decide.


Back on the ground, Ritsuka and Kirschtaria had gotten a good distance away before Karna had used his Vasavi Shakti. The two masters had witnessed the demigod use his greatest and most powerful attack to finish the job they came here to do.

“Well, nothing could have survived that,” Kirschtaria said.

Indeed, it would be a miracle or fluke if the Tree of Emptiness had somehow survived a Noble Phantasm of that rank and power.

Still, they had to make sure.

“Mash, is the Tree of Emptiness still standing?”

“Hold on senpai, the dust is still clearing up….wait I think I can see something.”


Celestia opened her eyes as she drew in a quick gasp of air. She got up and looked around, she saw that they were just outside Ponyville. Luna, as well as the other Legendary Pokemon, we're all getting up, they also being confused at what just happened.

She could recall that they were about to be overwhelmed by the attack unleashed by Karna. She could still recall its name, Vasavi Shakti. She remembered when Arceus gave her the backstory behind Karna that Vasavi Shakti was a powerful spear once owned by a god. That was no exaggeration. She could feel the searing heat of the flames, threatening to devour her and everyone else. Part of her knew that she could not stop the attack, and yet if she did not try, all of Equus was doomed.

And yet, how had she ended up here?

“What happened!?” Giratina said as he looked around confused. “How did we end up here!?”

“Oh thank Harmony, you're all okay!”

Celestia and some others turned to see Twilight and her friends running towards them. The glowing rainbow patterns that had adorned them were now gone. Whatever power that was given to them in that battle was not apparently gone, although Celestia planned to ask Twilight about that later.

“Twilight what happened?”

That question made the young alicorn stop in her tracks, she looked slightly ashamed as she looked her mentor in the eyes.

She remembered using her magic, which had received a significant boost from her power-up, to teleport the Princesses and Legendary Pokemon out of harm's way. Leaving to Tree of Emptiness to receive the full force of the Noble Phantasm. In that moment, she choose to save them, rather than try and protect the Tree of Emptiness.

“I…I save you. I…didn’t know what else to do.”

“…Twilight,” Celestia accepted the explanation with ease, in that moment, her student made a decision to save her friends rather than protect the world. A very understandable decision yes, but….

“What about the Tree of Emptiness!?” Yveltal asked. “What happened to it?”

Everyone looked in the distance as the tree’s highest branches were still visible above the dust cloud. But the integrity of the trunk remained a mystery.


Applejack turned to see the Applebloom and her friends Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo walking up to her the rest of the group.

“What's going on?”

“Sweetie Belle? What are you doing here?”

“Well, we were trying to see if we could get Cutie Marks in storybook making. Then we saw that big tree appear out of nowhere.”

“Yeah,” Scootaloo said. “We were on our way back to Ponyville when we ran into you guys.”

“Well you three fillies get back inside, it's not safe out here.”

“Hey guys,” Rainbow Dash said pointing to the Tree of Emptiness. “The smokes clearing up.”

From everywhere, all parties looked on as the smoke and dust around the Tree of Emptiness began to clear up.

The resulting scene was a large crater of destroyed forest and flora, any life that had been caught in that blast was reduced to ash.

And standing in the middle of it all, was a still-standing Tree of Emptiness.

“Oh, thank Harmony, it's still intact!” Luna exclaimed.

“Alright hallelujah,” Rainbow Dash said.

Back at the Tree, the servants looked upon the still intact tree.

“Oh come on this thing is still standing!?” Mordred said. “How is that possible?”

“Maybe on more punch will do it,” Mori said “If I can just find the right spot.”

“Wait,” Siegfried said.

“Huh, what do you mean wait?”

“Just wait.”

Everyone stood in silence for a few more moments.

Then, there was a loud audible crack. Loud enough that everyone could hear it from miles away.

Back in Canterlot, the sound was enough to make Seth, who had breathed a sigh of relief to being worried again.

“What was that?” Selena said.

“I-I need a telescope, does someone have a telescope?”

“I do sir!” said a Unicron guard who pulled one out of his bag.

“Good, now point it at the tree.”

The guard did so and Seth looked through the lens.

The Tree of Emptiness was still there, but its color was noticeably beginning to drain. From the bottom, a series of cracks began to slowly creep up the trunk of the tree.


The Luxury turned to look at Apple Fritter, who looked like she was about to fall over.

“Seth, I don’t feel so good.”

The Pokemon caught his mate began she hit the ground. He turned her over as he looked her in the eyes.

“Fritter, what's wrong? Tell me!”


Fritter’s body all of a sudden began to shimmer and partly vanish as if she was phasing in and out of view like a ghost.

“Fritter, what's happening!? Fritter!?”

“Ugh, boss.”

Seth then looked up to see Midnight Song similarly going through what was affecting Fritter.

“Uh Seth, it’s not just them.”

He looked up to see Ingis looking over the wall. When Seth poked his head over as well, his heart sank.

Ponies all over the place were falling over and going through the same thing as Fritter and Midnight. Pokemon looked in horror as their pony companions withered in pain.

“What is going on?”


Back in Ponyville Applejack saw as Applebloom and her friends all collapsed to the ground. She, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash were immediately at their sides as the fillies' eyes became heavy and their breathing became labored.

“Applejack…somethings…what’s happening…why…can’t I move….”

“Applebloom, Applebloom! APPLEBLOOM!!”


“It's alright, Sweetie Belle,” said Rarity, who was trying and failing to stay calm. “You’re going to be alright, just hold my hoof and everything will be alright.”


“Yeah, squirt, I’m here.”

“Am I….am I dying?”

“No you’re not, you’re not dying!”

“But…it feels….like I’m slipping away…”

The other Ponies and Pokemon looked on in horror as the three young fillies clung to life. Them from Ponyville, they heard a wave of cries and moans. Twilight took to the skies and look at her home. Everywhere, Ponies lay sprawled on the ground, only the Pokemon who did not seem to be affected by the affliction tried to do everything they could to help.

All over Equestria, and all over the world, Ponies, Dragons, Griffins, Zebras, and others felt a sudden pain and loss of will stand. As if their very existence had become unstable, they barely clung to life as they felt their very selves become disconnected from reality.

“What in the name of Arceus is happening!?” Latios cried out.

The answer came not from anyone who could speak. But simply by looking at the Tree of Emptiness. As more cracks began to form and as pieces of bark began to fall from the massive structure, the ponies' breathing became more labored, and they began to fade even further.

In Baltimare, Alice tried everything in her power to save a dying Slight Hoof and Quick Storm.

In Zebrica, Sev was frantically going around trying to get anyone to help Lighting Dust.

In the Griffin Empire Victoria had collapsed on the ground while Shredder did everything she could to help.

In the Changeling forests, Emperor Carapace felt his strength leave him as if his time was coming to an end.

In the simplest of terms, they were being erased from existence.


Shaymin and co. finally arrived at the Tree of Emptiness just in time to see the cracks forming and climbing up the tree.

“Oh no,” Celebi said.

“Are we too late?” Dialga said.

Celebi quickly established a telepathic connection with Giratina.

“Giratina we’re at the Tree of Emptiness. Where are you? What’s happening?”

“Celebi, you’re there is anyone else with you?”

“Yes, I’m here, and most of us are back. What’s going on?”

“I fear, the worst has come to pass.”


“The humans, I think they may have killed the Tree of Emptiness.”

“....No, that can’t be!”

“Tell that to the ponies around me who look like they are about to fade out of existence!”

With horror on her face, Celebi turned to the rest of the group.

“Giratina thinks the Tree of Emptiness is dying, he says the ponies are fading away.”

“It's true.”

All eyes were on Palkia as his body glowed.

“I can sense the spatial stability of this land and its native people, it’s becoming undone. They are all being erased from existence.”

All the Legendaries looked with panicked and sorrowful faces and the reality of the situation began to set in. The worst scenario that could have happened was now playing out right before them. The place they had come to call home was about to be destroyed, and all the new friends and family they had made were about to die as well.

“Wait, why aren’t we affected?” Hoopa said.

“Perhaps it’s because we are not native to planet and universe. Our connection to this land is not as strong as the people who were born here. Or maybe it might all take longer for us to fade away because of that same reason.”

“Can’t we do anything to stop it!?” Victini shouted. “We can’t allow it to end like this!”

For a moment, no one said a thing. Then Jirachi spoke up.

“I think, I have an idea!”

“Well let’s hear it!”

“The tree is dying because it has taken a substantial amount of damage. If we can find a way to heal or repair the damage done then it should stabilize it.”

“Okay, how can we do that?”

“We need someone who heals on a scale a level that can repair the tree and reverse its decay. But the only one who might be able to do that is…father.”

“And he doesn’t wake up for another few hours,” Hoopa said. “And no one can wake him up from his regen sleep until he is completely recovered.”

“Maybe if Palkia, Dialga, and Giratina all go together and force him to wake up, will that work?” Victini said.

“They might work, but it could also take too long,” Rayquaza said. “And we need to stop this now!”

“Rayquaza’s right. There’s no time! To go and wake up father,” Jirachi pointed out. “We need to stop this now.”

“Well, what else can we do? We can’t give up, we are the Legendary Pokemon! We never give up. We are the protectors of this world. We failed to protect our home planet, we will not fail to protect this new one!” Palkia shouted.

Jirachi like the rest was willing to do anything to save this new world they called home. And she did know of one more possible way to save the Tree of Emptiness, but it would come at a great cost.

She was about to put the option on the table, when she noticed someone was missing.

“Hey, where’d Shaymin go?”

Closer to the Tree of Emptiness, Shaymin hovered in front of the star-shaped mark that adorned the center of the tree. It was this place where she could feel the greatest heat source and where most of the tree’s life force was located. The cracking had yet to reach it, but it soon would.

Shaymin knew plantlife better than any other Legendary Pokemon. And despite her size, she was no slouch when it came to power and authority over plants. With a single flyby, she could turn a desolate field into a sea of flowers. She could create new berries and plants on a whim. It was within her power to do any and all things related to plants.

She knew that the Tree of Emptiness, the tree that sustained their entire world was dying. Its life was slipping away. In order to save it, the life force lost had to be replenished with new life. And not just any life, but one that would be compatible with it.

When Shaymin left the other Legendary Pokemon before they could notice, she already knew what she might have to do.

There was a moment of hesitation, Shaymin was not even sure if this would even work. And yet, there was no room for contemplation.

“Okay here goes nothing.”

Pressing her body against the bark of the tree, Shaymin used one of her most powerful moves, Aromatherapy. Normally such a move would only heal status conditions like burns or poison. But as the original creator of the move, Shaymin could do so much more, when used by her, the move could bring someone back from the brink of death.

“Come on, come on!”

Green waves of healing power propagated throughout the tree, almost immediately the cracking slowed down and eventually stopped. But that's all it did, it was not enough to reverse the damage done.

“This isn’t enough, I need to do more!” But Shaymin was could only do so much, especially on the surface. If she were to heal the tree fully, then she had to go further.

On a certain level, the Tree’s of Emptiness have their own will, a single desire to live and grow. Shaymin could sense that from the amount of contact she had with the tree.

“Hey, do you want to live?”

The tree said yes.

“Then, if you would allow it, let me in.”

The tree with no hesitation opened itself up and allowed the grass-type Legdnary Pokemon within itself.

As she was inside the tree, drifting towards its center, she could feel its properties and makeup on a much more personal scale. During that brief time, she was able to discern that the Tree of Emptiness had absorbed the properties of another tree, one with a life force of its own. But she could not if the other tree had been subverted willingly or unwillingly. The mind of the other tree was less strong but still had some influence.

Pushing that thought aside, Shaymin continued further until she finally reached the heart of the massive structure. Shaymin stood before it, she knew what she was about to do would not doubt kill her. That her life force would be enough to save the tree from dying. She thought of her friends, Zygarde, Victini, Cresselia, Celebi, Melloeta, Serva, and the others. No doubt they would be sad by her departure.

But for their home, and their lives, hers was a small price to pay.

“Heh, well I guess no one really lives forever huh. Sorry guys looks like I’ll be going ahead.”

With all of her will and power, Aromatherapy was used one last time. Her body glowed brighter and brighter until it began to dissolve into particles of light. Before the Gratitude Pokemon’s face vanished, she smiled one last smile which was accompanied by her last thoughts.

“I am so grateful for all the fun times and memories you all gave me, may your journey continu-”

The last vestiges of Shaymin dissolved into light, merging with the tree’s core and revitalizing it.

Outside, the Tree of Emptiness glowed a bright green as the cracks that had formed began to seal up and reverse from where they came.

Back on the ground, everyone saw as the tree began to heal itself.

“What’s going on?” Latias said. “What’s happening to the tree now?”

“Is it, is it being healed by something?” Luna said. “Or someone?”

Applebloom who was still being cradled by a distraught Applejack had stopped fading away. Her body began to stabilize as her breathing returned to normal.

“Applebloom! Applebloom!?”

“B-big sis?” The little filly blinked as she felt her strength return to her, as her body finally became whole again. Although part of her still felt a little dizzy from the whole experience.

“Oh thank Celestia!” Applejack embraced her little sister with tears in her eyes. “You’re going to be alright.”

“Can’t. Breath.”

“Oh, Sweetie Belle!” Rarity cried as she was dramatically embracing her sister harder than Applejack was. So tightly in fact that the little unicorn could only give muffled grunts as she tried to speak.

“Hey, you okay squirt?”

“Yeah, I think I’m fine Rainbow Dash.”

Seeing what was happening to the fillies, Twilight looked back to Ponyville. Her heart jumped for joy as she saw ponies getting back up on their feet, some of them being helped by Pokemon.

“How is this possible?” Celestia said.

Giratina who was just as confused as everyone else then received another telepathic message from Celebi.

“Giratina.” Instantly from the tone and sound of her voice knew that Celebi was in a sad mood, but for what reason?

“Celebi, what’s going on? Where are you?”

“I’m at the Tree of Emptiness.” Okay, now it sounded like she was crying.

“What’s wrong, what happened to the tree?”

“The Tree is fine, its just…Shaymin.”

“Why, what happened to Shaymin?”

“.....She’s gone.”


“I think….I saw her enter the tree, and now, I can longer feel her life force. She...she sacrificed herself to save....”

At that point, Giratina heard Celebi break down into tears as it caused their mental connection to cease.

And yet, Giratina perfectly understood the situation and what happened. His gaze lingered on the Tree of Emptiness, a solemn sadness overcoming him as well as he looked at it.

“Farewell, my friend."

In Equestria and all over the world, people began to feel the life return to them. As if the hand that threatened to drag them down to death had let go.

In Canterlot, Apple Fritter returned to normal as she was embraced by Seth.

“Oh Apple Fritter, you’re okay!” The couple was soon joined by Ingis and Selena as the family hugged each other.

“I thought I lost you there.”

“It’s okay Seth, I’m not going anywhere.”

The two then shared a loving kiss as the others gave them some space.


“Uh, can someone tell me what just happened!?” Kadoc said.

“I have no idea.” Meuniere said as he checked and double-checked the instruments. “One moment the Tree of Emptiness looked like it was about to kick the bucket, not it's looking much better than when we arrived here!”

“You think the Equestrians or maybe the Pokemon had something to do with it?” Ophelia suggested.

“Maybe, we'll have to check over the readings later but for now we got other problems.”

Just then, the Shadow Border got a call from Ritsuka and Kirschtaria.

“Guys, please tell me you have an explanation for this,” Ritsuka said.

“Sorry, Fujimaru. But we’re just as baffled as you are right now. What’s the situation over there?” Da Vinci said.

“Well, I think we can all see that the Tree of Emptiness has somehow been healed. And if you’re asking us to attack it again, don’t, they used all the mana we gave them to fire off those Noble Phantasms.”

“We’re also seeing more and more Legendary Pokemon showing up right now,” Kirschtaria said. “I and Fujimaru have asked the servants to all go into spirit form for now.”

“I see,” Holmes said interjecting. “As the tactical advisor, I can see that continuing to fight at this point is futile given our spent resources and the enemy receiving reinforcements. I recommend a retreat for now.”

“I agree with Holmes,” Da Vinci said. “This mission is a failure, Kirschtaria and Ritsuka, return to the Shadow Border for now. We talk about what to do next once we're in a safe location.”

“Roger that let’s go Fujimaru.”

“Alright, Mash, is everyone here?”

Mash, who had just regrouped with her senpai’s nodded.

“Yes master, all servants are accounted for in spirit form.”

“Alright, let’s go.”

A little later.

Mewtwo floated near the Tree of Emptiness as he took the time to observe along with Palkia and Dialga just what this tree was, and hopefully how it worked.

He was unfortunately one of the last Legendary Pokemon to arrive on the scene. A fact that he was not happy about, for if he had been here, perhaps what had happened could have been prevented.

The others had already told them about how the Tree of Emptiness was nearly destroyed. And in consequence of its dying state, the native people from every part of Equus began to fade away. That is, until Shaymin gave her life in order to restore the tree to full health.

Another Legendary Pokemon was dead. Another one of the oldest Pokemon in the world, a child of Arceus was no more. Thanks to the work of humans.

While Shaymin may have given her life of her own volition to save the world, Mewtwo directed all the blame on Chaldea. A fact that no one would argue against.

“I swear Chaldea. Shaymin’s life will be the last one you will take. I swear with Arceus as my witness, you will pay.”

Elsewhere, Celestia and Luna had returned to Canterlot. Leaving Twilight and friends to help reassure the citizens of Ponyville that everything would be alright.

Once they had arrived back at the Castle, there were many ponies with a lot of questions about what just happened. But before all that, she had a meeting with Luna, Seth, and the other guard captains.

“In short your highnesses, everypony is a little if not very much shaken by what just happened. While everything may seem fine for now, there are some who are worried that this may not just be a one-off thing. Especially since the timed appearance of that giant tree and everyone collapsing is not gonna go unnoticed.” Grissom said.

Celestia and Luna finished listening to the batpony’s report as they looked at each other.

“We have to tell the public, Tia. There is no way we can hide from everyone now.”

“Indeed, there is no avoiding this. I just worry about what might follow.”

Luna knew what Celestia was talking about. Once the truth came out. Equestria would become the epicenter of importance in the entire world. Once the other counties got word that the pony kingdom was where the Tree of Emptiness was located. The other World Leaders would no doubt be more very invested in what goes on in the Equestrian nation.

After all, whosoever controls the thing that keeps everyone alive, would no doubt have a significant influence over the world.

But Celestia was less concerned about an external foreign party and more worried about an internal faction that was ironically located far closer to the Tree of Emptiness than she was.

“Thank you, Captain Grissom, you are dismissed.”

The Night Guard Captain bowed before showing himself out.

“Seth Crescent, do you have anything to report?” Luna said.

“No your majesty. Everything I wanted to say was already conveyed by Grissom.”

“Really, is that all?”

“Yes, although may I request permission to take the rest of the day off?”

“Oh, for what reason?”

“I just, I wanna spend time with my family now. If that’s alright with you.”

The look in his eyes was more than enough to make Celestia and Luna understand what Seth meant.

“You may go Seth Crescent. Spend time with those you love, Harmony knows all of us need some of that right now.”

“Thank you, your majesty.”

And with that, the Luxray turned to walk out the door, leaving the Princess alone in the throne room once again.

“Sister, did the Legendary Pokemon say when Arceus wakes up?”

“If I remember correctly,” Celestia said. “He should wake up in less than two hours.”

“Are we gonna wait for him before we make the public address?”

“Of course we are.”

Celestia then got up and walked to the balcony. She looked out over her city and the land beneath her. Ponies continued to walk and go about their daily lives, although the once-bustling city was now much quieter than normal. Not that she couldn’t understand why.

Luna soon walked up beside her, before both sisters sat down. The exhaustion from everything that had happened today finally catching up to them.

“To think, we were this close to extinction Luna.”

“I know It’s almost had to believe.”

Celestia could still hear the words of Karna, how with that single blast, he would inflict extinction on them. His words were no exaggeration or lie. Today, all they had known and loved was nearly destroyed.

“Things were so much simpler when the only thing Equestria only had to worry about, was my return.”

As much as Celestia hates to agree. Luna was right. To think that only a few years ago, things like Discord and King Sombra were the biggest threat to Equestria and the world. Now, things had gotten far more complicated and the stakes were much higher.

No longer was this a simple good verse evil situation. No longer was the magic of friendship gonna be able to solve their problems in a day. This was gonna be in all likelihood a long, drawn out, and emotionally draining conflict. And even if they did win, nothing would be the same ever again.

Celestia was told that the Legendary Pokemon Shaymin had given her life in order to save the Tree of Emptiness and subsequently everyone on Equus.

With that in mind, she could not help but wonder. Just who might they lose in this war?

The Hall of Legends

Arceus opened his eyes as he physically and conceptually stretched his limbs. He then checked himself to see if everything had gone well.

“My power levels have returned to normal. Good.”

It was then Arceus received a mental message from his son. “Father are you awake?”

“Yes, Giratina. I am back, I have regained the energy I lost and have fully recovered from my injuries.”

“Good, we need you here, as soon as possible.”

Arceus then opened a portal as he stepped back into the mortal plane. He found himself in the main lobby of the Hall of Legends. To his surprise, every single Legendary Pokemon was waiting for him.

“Welcome back, Lord Arceus,” Mewtwo said.

Arceus looked around as he read the mood of the room. There was an air of relief and sadness at the same time.

“Is, something wrong?”

Everyone looked at each other, some not knowing where to start. But it was Giratina who stepped forward.

“Father, there is a lot we have to discuss.”

It took 10 minutes to explain what had happened during the time Arceus was asleep. But when it was all done, Arceus did not look upset or angry. No one knew if he was just holding it all in as Giratina explained everything, or if he was still letting all the information set in.

“And that’s what happened.”

Arceus scanned the room again, everyone waiting for his reaction. There were many ways this could go, and not everyone wanted the same thing.

“So…Shaymin is dead.”

“Yes, father.”

“But the Tree of Emptiness is safe?”

“Yes, father.”

“What of the Chaldeans? What happened to them?”

“We don’t know, they disappeared after everything was over. Mewtwo did a mind sweep of the area, but got nothing.”

“Anything else?”

“No, that’s it. Although we were hoping you could analyze the Tree of Emptiness later. Perhaps figure out how it works.”

“I will do that. What of Celestia and Luna?”

“They are planning to make a public announcement about the Tree of Emptiness, although they are waiting for your input.”

“I see, tell them I will visit them shortly.”

“Yes, father.”

“Good, you’re all dismissed.”

Everyone then slowly filed out of the lobby.

And once everyone was gone, Arceus teleported back to his personal realm…and let out a scream of rage and anguish that made the pocket dimension shake.

Shaymin, the Gratitude Pokemon. One of his eldest children after the Creation Dragons and the Lake Trio. She was the one who seeded the Earth with plants and flora. Who made the first berries and trees alongside Xerneas and Celebi.

And now she was gone.

Another immortal Legendary Pokemon killed. Another Pokemon that should have lived forever died before him and so many others.

First Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres, and now Shaymin.

Enough was enough.

“Up until this point, I was holding back as to not waste too much power, and to show restraint on my part. But Chaldea, your actions have led to the death of one of my Legendaries. That is unforgivable.”

Arceus’s eyes glowed with a divine power that would make even the faithless tremble before him.

“I swear as the God of Pokemon, all of you, will be brought to justice."


“And you are sure, everyone is alright?”

“Yes, Empress Serva. The entire population in the city seems to be fine for now.”

“What of the other cities and settlements. Any word from them?”

“We’re still getting reports. But so far the closest villages and towns report the same, your majesty, everyone is okay.”

“Very good, send me word if there are any changes or irregularities.”

“Yes your majesty, will do.”

The deer attendant then left the throne room leaving Empress Serva alone again.

The Empress of Stagland like many others was left shaken and disrupted by what just happened. Although the words she had heard Hoopa speak to Shaymin gave her some idea of what may have happened. She would have to talk with Celestia soon to get the full picture.

The Empress then turned and looked at the mural that hung over her throne. She walked towards it, her mind still on the same subject.

“I don’t know what happened. Or what will happen next, I just hope we will all find a way to survive all of this.”

With the recent appearances of Arceus and Harmony, some of the Deer were starting the question the existence of their patron god. But there were still those who had faith. And Harmony did speak of a time when there were many gods who walked this planet at one point. So maybe, their deity did exist at some point.

Either way, Serva was not about to lose faith now, especially since nothing short of a miracle probably occurred recently.

The Empress then knelt down as she closed her eyes and prayed.

“Oh Great God of the Wilderness, we thank you for this day and this gift of life that you have given us. We thank you for your protection, gentle kindness, and mercy. For it is you that we have to thank for our very existence every single day.”

Serva opened her eyes as she looked at the mural and finished her prayer.

“Please continue to watch over and protect us, Great God Cernunnos.”

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