• Published 13th Sep 2020
  • 3,760 Views, 703 Comments

A New World, A New Way: Requiem from the Lostbelt - Metroid Prime

The seeds of fantasy have descend. Now, 7 worlds fight for the right to live.

  • ...

PLA Meeting: Part 2

Trot finally made it to the room where Sev was holding his meeting. From what he was told, the snake had gathered all his Generals for this. Understandable since Zebrica was once again at war, and with Sev’s army making up half of the nation's forces, having all the Generals present was necessary.

The guards who were at the door acknowledged him and made way for the King, he then knocked on the door.

“Come in!” said Sev from the inside.

Trot opened the door and walked inside to the sight of all the Pokemon gathered there.

“Ah Trot, you made it just in time! We were just beginning to discuss my brilliant plan!”

“Oh, and just what kind of brilliant plan is this?” Trot said as he took a seat next to Sev.

“We are going to summon a servant to fight for us. For Zebrica!”

“Oh, you’re committed to that plan?” Trot said sarcastically.

“I am committed to everything! My plans, my women, my need for speed, my women!”

“You said women twice.”

“That just shows I am twice as committed!”

Trot just raised a brow.

“But enough about my women! We need to summon a servant so that we can even the odds against these invaders from the Lostbelt!”

“And how do you plan to do that? All the Ley Lines in Zebrica are destroyed. And if from what we heard is true, you need those things in order to call a servant.”

“Ah but you forget, there is a servant here in Zebrica who was summoned despite no ley line. That Ozymandias person! All we have to do is ask him and he’ll tell us how to do it!”

As soon as ‘his’ name was brought up, Trot’s mood took a 180.


“Great so lets-...come again?”

“No, we will not be talking to or associating ourselves with that egotistical usurper!”


It was at this point that Gard spoke up.

“Your majesty, I know Sev’s plans can be unconventional, but they have worked well in the past….most of the time.”

“Don’t get me wrong I understand and can even see the logic and merit in Sev’s plan, but anything that has to do with that Servant who claims to be Zebrica’s rightful ruler is out of the question!”

Trot put his hooves on the table in an assertive manner.

“I have spoken. I would literally like to discuss anything else.”

There was a moment of silence. Sev looked like he wanted to protest, but the look in Trot’s eye says he was not in the mood. He decided to table the discussion for another time.

“Alright, if we cannot talk about my amazing plan. Then I guess we can discuss how we might find other ways to fight this army. Any ideas?”

“So far they have occupied Tortuga and the surrounding area,” General Ag said. “They have not made any movements yet, but if they wanted to advance on the capital. They would have to go eastward. I suggest we send a vanguard to keep them at bay for now.”

“Agreed,” Trot said. “Any time we can buy is good.

“Given that our army is still weak and reduced from our last war, Is there any way we might be able to contact other nations for aid?”

Trot had to ramble his mind for a second. After all aid from other nations was always a topic that was rarely discussed.

Before his ascension to the throne, Zebrica was always an isolationist nation. Not needing help or playing politics with anyone else. That slowly changed when Celestia befriended his mother, but there was always pushback from the other closed-minded tribe leaders.

During the Civil War, when all the tribes began taking sides. Trot tried to ask for aid at the time but to no avail.

Due to not having any relationships with most other nations, none of them had the care to send aid to a nation that was currently in an internal power struggle. Not to mention the other nations were still trying to adjust to integrating Pokemon into their society after the World Summit. Which meant none of them were in the best state to send aid anyway.

Granted the situation was different now than it was before. With the current threat posing a danger to not just Zebrica, but the world. So one would expect things to be different.

So far, there were only two nations that he would consider to be on good terms with, Equestria and the Changeling Empire, due to his friendships with the ruling families of those nations.

So far he had only reached out to Celestia, but had yet to hear a word from her. And as for the Changeling Empire, well….they were dealing with their own problems. Namely the fact that Queen Chrysalis, his (one-sided) crush had escaped from her prison. Emperor Carapace had informed only the world leaders of this incident, which they all agreed to keep under wraps for the time being. After all, everyone had enough problems on their plate already.

So as of right now, allies were out of the question.

“I don’t think so, the other nations are busy with their own servant problems. And I haven't heard back from Celestia ever since I sent her a letter for help. Which worries me since her replies are rather quick.”

“What if we were to ask the Legendary Council for aid?” General Char said. “Surely Arceus would be willing to lend his most loyal supporters one of his family members for help.”

Now it was Sev’s turn to wrack his brain. Ever since he found out that Arceus didn’t even know who he was, until the World Summit, his faith in his creator god had plummeted. Which was one of the reasons he had switched his patron deity to Princess Luna, the one who actually helped him when he needed it.

Still, given the power of the Legendary Pokemon, it would not hurt to ask.

“I shall see what I can do. I may not like Arceus anymore, but he would be foolish to not send us any help considering what’s at stake.”

“Alright, aside from allies, what else can we do?” Ag said.

“I suggest we evacuate the towns and cities closest to Tortuga,” Sev said. “In all likelihood, they will be in the path of destruction the humans will inevitably create when they begin to attack the rest of the kingdom.”

“Good call, Trot said. In the meantime, let’s get the army in full swing. I must also address the nation…something I’m not looking forward to.”

They already just got out of one war, now it's back into the frying pan.”

“Alright, any other ideas?” Sev looked around.” No? Then this meeting is adjured!”

Everyone began to file out, but Sev called out to stop Trot.

“Trot, I must ask you something.”


“Part of me is telling me I should not pry, but why are you so against the idea of us going to that Ozymandias servant for aid?”

Trot gave him a look as if he just wanted to walk out the door and not say another word. But since they were alone now, he felt comfortable enough to share his insecurities.

“Sev, has anyone ever tried to usurp you from your command?”

The Pokemon tapped his chin with his tail before saying, “No”.

“No? Not ever, nobody was fed up with you so much that they decided they should be the one in charge?”

“No…well, I think there was that one group who defected to form their own team. But aside from that, everyone loves me! No one has ever attempted high treason in my PLA!”

Trot at first found that hard to believe, but the more had gotten to know Sev, the more he realized that the snake possessed something he sorely lacked.

Charisma, it was practically brimming from him. It was the only explanation as to why an entire army of Pokemon stuck with him for so long despite his mind not being the most sane.

“Well, then I can’t expect you to understand how I feel.”

“Still, you can tell me what’s bothering you. We are friends after all.”

Friends, another thing he was short in supply of.

Still, Celestia taught him that friendship is magic. And Celestia was never wrong.

“To be honest Sev, I feel intimidated, not to mention inadequate.”

“Intimidated? But that Servant?”

“Yes, I mean have you seen that guy!? Not only is he super powerful, but I bet he’s got a bigger ego than you.”

“That's ridiculous! No one had a bigger ego than me!”

Trot just deadpanned “At least he admits it”

“But forget about me, what is he to you? You are the leader of a mighty nation! A king whom all adore and listen to.”

“Sev, I don’t know if you have paid attention for the last year, but I am not any of those things!” Trot started to raise his voice. “I’m not even a decade into my rule and already I have been through a Civil War.”

“One that was started because of a few traitors.”

“Sev, internal conflicts don’t ever happen unless not everyone is happy with the status quo, or who is in charge. If everyone adores me like you claim, they would not have followed those quote ‘Few traitors’. And a mighty nation? Zebrica might as well be a third-world country with how weak and unstable it is.”

Trot hung his head

“I just….I feel like…”

“You're unworthy.”

Trot looked up at Sev who had a firm look on his face.

“That’s what’s been bothering you? You feel weak and inferior compared to everyone else.”

Trot said nothing, because Sev was saying exactly what he was thinking.


The Zebra King was taken aback by Sev’s outburst.

“If you were weak and inferior, you would not be standing here today. A weakling could not have done what you have, much less survive it all!”

Sev closed the gap between them and stared right into his eyes.

“The Trot I know would not be having a pity party just because some human came along who thinks he is better than you! Cause if that Trot is gone-”

Sev then slithered past him until he was at the door, before turning his head and saying.

“-Then we have already lost.”

Trot was then alone in the room, with nothing but his thoughts and the words Sev said to him.

Author's Note:

There is going to be a change in my job's work schedule, so hopefully I can make chapters at a more frequent pace.

Comments ( 53 )

Kinda expected it to be longer. Also was hoping to see Sev summon a servant.

IT LIVES! IT LIVES!!! HAHAHA!! YES MORE CHAOS AND DESTRUC-Hey, why is short? Awww... I wanted more death and destruction on the pokemon and ponies... No offense u bronies

I feel like the future for Equestria and the Pokemon is becoming bleaker and bleaker as time goes on.

Mostly because of what we learned in FGO JP. As well as the new Servants that just dropped in. Arcade Collab!

Even if Equestria and the Pokemon pull through, it will be a pyrrhic victory after all is said and done. Because not just Atlantis/Olympus, but there are other Lostbelts to get through, and all but one being super dangerous(SIN is relatively tame in comparison to the others) and two being even worse(Britain and South America).

...I just realized, but what would Camazotz think of Arceus, the Pokemon, and Equestria given their history with their humans and his own history with humans from his Lostbelt?


Yeah I wanted to make it longer but there are a lot of things I have to do on the weekends. And my weekdays are entirely devoted to my job and getting sleep after my job

I’m going to try and make the next chapter at least 8k but we’ll see

Camazotz a.k.a the gigachad altercraftsman is going to regain his sanity then immediately lose it again outta sheer rage and hate against Arceus

Beast Nero final ascension is god tier!

Goetia looking at Arceus: the lion, the witch and the audacity of this bi***

Tiamat looking at Arceus: NO

SPIDER GIRL? HELLO? Anyone know who this is?

Now all we need is a summonable Goetia.

Ordeal Call is here!



U-Olga gon be beefin for real now

How are everyone's rolls? Koyanskaya gave me hell, but I got money to spare so I was able to reach pity :(

I’m waiting till after mothman

Got Koyan on first multi roll. Hopefully get Oberon when he comes soon.

I got two Caenis, though I at least wanted one koyan…

I got Sus Moth Man on my first roll!

got him in 400 quartz

So how is the story going? Thought of some new incredible ways?

i want to update before the end of july

I had a thought. Could Jalter command all the dragon type Pokémon? Cuz if so, that's a good chunk of the heavy hitters. Add that to Chaldea's arsenal of horror that they can throw at the Pokémon.

I mean not really command so much as convince. Jalter's skill is a charisma, particularly towards dragons. Since we're treating dragons in the Nasuverse with equal weight to dragon type Pokemon, you could say Jalter could convince dragon types already sympathetic towards humanity or weak-minded enough.

You know, I wonder how a Super Sentai and Kamen Rider x ANWANW would play out? It would be a fun to see how that would play.

Well, we have big fluffy Cernpriestess spinning and an Alolan Cernunnos. Nasu honestly doing good work on Summer 9.

When are you going to continue ? It has been five months now

You said i want to update before the end of july but it's now September

Dude chill, just wait. The guy is probably dealing with some serious real life issues. No sense to just try and force him.

Comment posted by asianfanficreader99 deleted Oct 9th, 2023

Well at this point they probably have faced Zeus, Morgan, and the Calamities. So at first they would be skeptical and surprised by her behavior since she is all jolly and stuff. They would be more cautious and nervous around her when they find out that green avatar of light was her. And since they would only find out Kukulkan is the heart of ORT near the end probably wouldn’t matter much.

I wonder how the Mane Six, Celestia, Luna, Equestria and the Pokemons would fight against Lostbelt Zeus, The Machine God's, Olympus and Atlantis ? Do they even have a chance ?

So will you do a Halloween special for the crossover?


Just speedrun the Halloween event, have a newfound appreciation of Liz. Hopefully the Pokemon have the same :D

I Miss this...

Did something happen with the author?

No Idea, it’s just been a a really long while since the Last time this was updated. I really hope nothing bad has happened to him.

He was active 8 hours ago. I assume that this is related to his job, and it’s taking in a lot of his time. Although, I’m not quite certain why he’s not saying much since the last he’d talked. Well, I’m in a similar boat as the guy. Procrastination and busyness has taken up my schedule for months now…

Author, wherever you are, may God be with you!
-Davidtin, reader of your story

Ah, it happens, nothing left to do but be patient

Pretty much.


HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!! Good job for defeating the Ivan raid even before it started! :pinkiesad2:

The Pokemon are gonna have a field day in the Tunguska Sanctuary tho, now that I've finally read the story.

Happy New Year! Man it has been months since I came here. Had gotten Avenger Nobu and Fairy Lancelot! What about y’all?

Also do y’all think Pokémon will end up having their own Beast? My bets on Eternatus being their Beast.

so what new servants have yall got? I have fairy lancelot. Also what do yall think palworld? I have the game and can set up a multiplayer.

Congrats on becoming part of the Meluko gang! This isn't my year though, as I've already been spooked thrice... Achilles, Scheherazade, and Ana on Melusine, Koyans Dark, and Ishtar banners respectively...

Palworld is nice! A friend got it for me and we've just been playing on a world he set up. Fun take on Pokemon/Ark, but lots of Nintendo fans are salty... :rainbowderp:

Want to do multiplayer? I can send you a code.

Sure, multiplayer sounds fun!

So Prime, what are your thoughts on Palworld?

Ordeal Call II is out!

Very interesting that it is called ID. In psychology, I believe, ID is the subconscious part of the mind that deals with emotions and instincts. Which makes sense why it is Avenger focused.

Damn. I'm guessing this isn't being continued? Or is it a hiatus?

So I decided to make this Omake for the story.

For as long as I remember, I saw only a miasma of darkness. I could not feel nor hear. I had no concept of time nor space.

Until one day I found myself on a unknown world. As years go by, I began to feel. I could feel the energy all around me. I began to eat it. I hungered for more. As I devoured, I began to take shape and finally I wake. Now I could actually see what was around me, I could hear, I could speak.

As I toured this world, I saw creatures began to attack me, I felt pain for the first time and I HATED it! I attacked back, destroying those that brought me pain. And then I saw LIGHT. I couldn’t do anything to it. I asked “why are you stopping me!”and the LIGHTsaid this to me.


After that, I felt excruciating pain. And I am nothing able to feel, see, nor hear. But there is one thing I could feel.


I hated this world. I hated the inhabitants. I hated being unable to see. I hated being unable to feel. I hated the hear. I hated pain. And most of all, I HATE ARCEUS.



I will destroy him, detroy everything he love, and destroy everything he creates! I will have vengenance! And after what felt live eons, I awake once more! But, Arceus isn’t here, only those he abandoned, those left to suffer for his own arrogance. I searched but I couldn’t find him. My hatred is reaching its boiling point. Until


I heard its condition and accepted it without question.


It took me a while and I came up with one that I felt fit me more than anything.


AN: Now who could be the mysterious being talking to Eternatus? We may never know.

So what do y’all think of Traum EN?

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