• Published 13th Sep 2020
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A New World, A New Way: Requiem from the Lostbelt - Metroid Prime

The seeds of fantasy have descend. Now, 7 worlds fight for the right to live.

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Prologue: A New World/Pruning Theoretical Phenomenon

Stars, Cosmos, Gods, Animus, Antrum, Universe, Anima, Animasphere

Near-Future Observation Lens "SHEBA" online. Beginning observation of “Missing History”

Location: <redacted>

Difference Depth Measurement recorded as: EX

Time of divergence: <redacted> BC

Lostbelt Monarch: unknown

Name Designation as: ---- of ----- and ---------- --------- (Star of ------- -------)

Beginning Transmission:


“It's coming, run!”

“Where!? There's nowhere to run! There’s nothing left!”


“We are doomed, this is the end of us, of everything.”

“No there's still hope, that weapon forged by the fairies, it can stop that monster.”

“How can a mere blade do what men and gods could not?”


“It's over, we won.”

“No, the damage is done, they smell blood, they’re gonna come for us now.”


“Is there nothing that can be done?

“Wait, over there, someone is coming.”


“Who are you?”

“I am not your enemy.”

“I am your friend.”

“I am your salvation.”

End Transmission.


The thread that holds the universe together, as well as the carpet material upon which the design known as history is written. From the beginning of the universe to its inevitable end, the great tree known as time grows skyward, its branches stretching in every direction. When Arceus made the universe one of his first borne, the dragon Dialga allowed for the creation of ceaseless timelines, infinite possibilities, all of them equal and allowed to make their own mistakes.

But that is not the case in this world.

Just as living beings have a set amount of energy that they can use to power their body for work, play and productivity. So does this universe have only so much energy to sustain multiple timelines.

Every 100 years the universe reviews these timelines while applying a “Spiritron Record Anchoring Band”, or more commonly known as Quantum Time Locks. Upon review the universe sets aside timelines that are “Permissible to Revision” and “Designated for Removal”. Worlds that are closest to the trunk of the tree and are still mutable fall into the category of "Permissible to Revision". Worlds "Designated for Removal" are ones that strayed too far from that center to the point where its inhabitants cannot change their circumstance.

Then once timelines designated for removal are completely cut off, they become Lostbelts and are subsequently pruned from existence.

Just as Pokémon and people compete with each other, so too does history have its winners and losers. The winners of history are those who made the correct choices and had the best circumstance, the losers are those who made incorrect choices and failed to break free of theirs.

The creator god known as Arceus used his authority to bring his Pokémon and their trainers to the world of “Equus”, severing their chain of causality. But abandoned everyone else on their homeworld of Earth to die without proper judgement. At the same time he transformed all the humans he brought with him into Pokémon without their consent, forever taking away their human bodies, all the while denying any requests to revert them back.

Humanity as a species was over. Their home planet was soon to be a dead one.

Those with resentment in their hearts for the primates rejoiced and felt validated that their enslavers had been dealt justice. Those neutral on the matter simply accepted their circumstance and moved on, all the while saying that humanity got off easy considering. Those few who opposed this were in a way silenced as their murmurs and complaints fell on deaf ears and were simply told to let go of the past. This was a new world, and now they had to find a new way to live in it.

The future of this world seemed as bright and hopeful for both people as Arceus believed that his actions while hasty had ultimately turned out well.

How different things might have been, if only he had taken a closer look at the “world” he brought his people to.

The area north of the Crystal Empire, one year before the arrival of the Pokémon.

Bluebolt hated the cold.

More than that he hated the snow.

Cause not only was it cold, but once it touched your fur it melted and became wet, then it would build up and start to freeze your entire body.

This is why as a royal guard, it was his worst nightmare when he learned that he was assigned to the newly returned Crystal Empire. It would have been fine if he had been assigned to the palace where he could guard Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and Prince Shining Armor. But instead he got the worst roll and was assigned to border patrol at the far north.

“Day 15, and still nothing out here.” The earth pony muttered to himself.

The outpost was almost half a day away from the city by pegasi carriage. On hoove? Might as well be a week-long trek. Their next guard change wasn't for another month. Their base consisted of a single watch tower as well as a single barrack for 10 guards, it had all the essential needs to sustain them for a few more weeks, if they became stuck in a white out storm

Still, Bluebolt himself did not look forward to the times when he was posted at the gate in the freezing cold. Luckily for him if his internal clock was right, someone was gonna relieve him of his post right about….


The earth pony turned to see a grey pegasus approach him, his name was Felwinter, an appropriate name for someone in this weather. He had known him ever since he graduated the Royal Guard academy, while he wouldn't call him a close friend, Bluebolt was amicable enough not to avoid him.

“Time to switch, Sarge. says it's your turn on overwatch”

“Of course.” Bluebolt said, after a long rotation in the cold, guards stationed outside would then go inside, warm up, take a break and then position themselves inside the watchtower. The overwatch post meant that he would be at the top of the tower, giving him a longer view for anyone or Celestia forbid anything looking to cross the border unallowed.

“And yet nothing ever does.”

Even though the Empire was just recovering from King Sombra’s attempted invasion, the Prince and Princess thought it still appropriate to keep watch from anything that may try to cross the border from the north. Even still, the only thing beyond the border was Mount Everhoof and the Yaks to the northwest, but that was a problem for the western border.

Bluebolt entered the top of the tower and relieved the other guard there. Once again the earth pony was alone with his thoughts, but at least it was warm. His mind began to wander again as he thought of things happening in Canterlot, apparently a new Princess was being crowned with a royal coronation. That new Princess being Twilight Sparkle, Celestia’s student whom he had seen a few times when working in Canterlot Castle. Now what would he have given to see that.

“But it seems I'm doomed to be stuck here where nothing ever happens.”

If Bluebolt was a unicorn who knew the time travel spell, his future self would have traveled back in time and told him to never utter or think those words again.

Looking up to the sky, he thought he might catch a glimpse of the aurora lights that were near the north pole, instead what he saw was something bright streaking downward. At first he thought it might be a meteor, but it wasn't burning red, but rather blue. Plus it didn't look like it was burning up, instead it retained its initial size until it passed over the mountain and out of sight. A few seconds later, a low but audible thud was heard, followed by a rumbling that shook the area.

“What was that?”

Bluebolt began to walk down until he reached the main floor where ponies were already starting to gather around the Sarge asking questions.

“Sir what was that?”

“Was that a meteor?”

“Can we check it out?

“Yeah please, I need something to do other than stand around all day.”

“ATTENTION!” The Sarge said in a commanding voice, which off course caused everyone to stand at the ready.

“Now, some of you may think that we don’t have a specific protocol for this, and normally you’d be right. Cases like this would normally be handled by the big brains at Canterlot, especially that nut Bio Chem.”

A few ponies chuckled as they were well aware of the unicorn's antics.

“But since we’re all out here alone, it falls to me to make the right judgment regarding this situation. So here’s what's gonna happen, Short Circuit, you go now and send a message via scroll mail informing the Empire of what's happened here.”

“Yes sir!” A yellow unicorn then left into another room.

“Felwinter, Arc Node, Sol Spitter and Bluebolt, you four take a carriage and go see where this thing landed, determine if it has disturbed any wildlife in the area and report back. Do not try and secure the sight of impact if said foreign rock happens to contain something….”

“Out of this world sir?” Felwinter asked jokingly.

The Sarge only stared at the pegasus, “Just go and report back quickly, the weather out here is like the Everfree forest, unpredictable. You never know when a storm might show up out of nowhere.”

After packing a few essentials the four guards set off in the air carriage being pulled by Felwinter and Sol Spitter.

Mount Everhoof being big as it is took a while to get around, but it wasn't the hard part. The real task was finding the meteor as no pony ever saw where it landed. Luckily Arc Node took a math class before joining the Royal Guard.

“Based on its trajectory, I believe the impact site is about a few minutes from our current position.” The unicorn said.

“Alright colts, once we find this thing we mark our position and book it back to the outpost.”

They reached the area where Arc Node believed the space rock fell…..but found nothing.

“That's strange, even if it's not exactly here, we should be within eyesight of the thing.”

“I know,” Felwinter said “We have been flying for a few minutes and still seen nothing. Not even the smoke that should be coming out of a burning crater.”

“Hmmm,” Bluebolt rubbed his chin, “Somethings not right here.”

Then all of a sudden, there was a low rubbing followed by a roar that can only be described as alien.

Then. Silence.

All four guards waited with baited breath.

“What in the name of-”

Almost immediately something shot out of the ground, rocketing skyward as it pierced the heavens. The shockwave rocked the carriage as the guards tried to regain their balance, even Arc Node nearly fell off. When they regained their composure they looked up at something indescribable.

“Sweet Celestia and Luna.”

It looked like some kind of tower. No, tower wasn’t the right word, it was more like a...tree? Its trunk has ridges that would be associated with trees, but Bluebolt had never seen any trees that grew so tall and so large. Even still every instinct in his body told him that this was not any ordinary tree, at least not in the truest sense of the world. It felt...alive, like it had some will of its own.

“What is that thing?” Sol Spitter said for everypony.

Bluebolt then felt what the other three guards began to feel, a sense of dread, that they had to get away from here as far and fast as possible.

“We need to go, now!”

But before anyone could do anything, a loud howl began to sound throughout the land, and it wasn’t a beasts howl, it was more like the howl of a-


Bluebolt barely had time to react before snowflakes began to fall harder until he saw a storm forming in the distance.

“Felwinter, Sol Spitter get us out of here now!”

They immediately turned the carriage around and made a beeline for the border.

Both pegasi flew for as fast as their wings could carry them, but the storm was catching up, even if they did the selfish thing and ditched the carriage, they both knew they could not outrun this storm. Fortunately for them the border was just over Mount Everhoof, which they began to go around.

“We’re gonna make it!” Sol Spitter said as the light on the other side of the mountain began to appear, “We’re gonna make it!”

Then, their hope was dashed right before their eyes.

Seemingly out of nowhere another storm appeared right in front of them, this one looking more dangerous than the last.

“Go around it!”

But as Bluebolt looked to his left and right, his heart sank. From east to west on either side, the storm itself seemed to go in both directions as far as the eye could see.

They were trapped, trapped by what appeared to be-

“Its like theirs a wall of storms sealing us in!”

Just as the words left his mouth, the blizzard that was chasing them enveloped the entire group.

The first thing that came was freezing, Bluebolt felt his body temperature decrease with every second he was in this storm. This was no ordinary blizzard, even on the coldest days, no storm could do this much damage that fast to a pony’s body. Bluebolt tried to scream, but the second he opened his mouth, the saliva in it froze. Ice began to form all over all parts of his body, he couldn't even turn his head to see that his companions were already experiencing the first stages of frostbite. The metal reigns pulling the carriage snapped.

Then a fall.

Their bodies would hit the ground and shatter into countless pieces, but thankfully for the poor guards, they were already dead.

Bluebolt could only think one thing before expiring-

“Ah, this is why I hate the cold.”

Everfree Forest. The day of the Pokémon migration

Time and Space swirled around and coalesced in a single location, any animals in the surrounding area instinctively fled and sought shelter from something they couldn’t see coming. In the next instant a large temple complex situated on a mountain materialized in existence, it was as large and intimidating as the beings who brought it with it. Despite not coming down like a meteor, the very act of anchoring it to the world's surface texture sent rumblings throughout the surrounding area, letting all who felt it know that something had happened.

Above the peak of this large and majestic hall, a large white equine shaped being manifested itself for the first time in this world. His power, while drained from the journey, was still more than enough for whatever this world threw at him. He was an existence who what the world could only define as divine, a chief deity of his pantheon, an alien god from a foreign star.

His name was Arceus.

And for the first time in thousands of years, he let out a satisfied sigh.

“At last, a world without the evils of man.”

So sayeth the god, who looked upon his works and saw that it was good.

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