• Published 13th Sep 2020
  • 3,760 Views, 703 Comments

A New World, A New Way: Requiem from the Lostbelt - Metroid Prime

The seeds of fantasy have descend. Now, 7 worlds fight for the right to live.

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Summer Solstice: Bonds and Celebrations

The Hall of Legends

Genesect stood in his laboratory as he tinkered away at his latest invention, or more accurately it was an improvement on an existing machine.

Ever since they had arrived here Genesect had spent most of his time in his room that he had turned into his private workshop. Due to the technological level of most countries in the new world being sub modern at best, things such as cars, telephones, power grids and the internet were yet to be made. The ancient Paleozoic Pokémon sought to (re)introduce some of these modern conveniences into society, then the former humans could show the other nations how they worked and functioned. Obviously he wasn’t just gonna dump everything onto them at once, as it would be too fast and confusing to adjust to the many advancements overnight.

Which is why he was gonna start them off with something simple and easy to use.

The radio tower of which he was building was much stronger than some of the average ones left back on Earth. This thing could potentially pick up signals from space if one wanted to.

“Alright, I’ll have this thing done within a day.”

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

“Who is it?”

“Its Registeel.”

Genesect sent a single which opened the door and allowed the child of Regigigas to come in.

“What are you working on?” He asked.

“Just a radio.”

The Iron Pokémon examined his fellow legendary’s work, giving a nod of approval.

“Ah, so this is what you intend to reintegrate into society. Good, it's a safe and simple choice.”

Genesect gave a small smile. Of the other members of his new extended family, Registeel was on the few he interacted with more than others. His understanding of metals and steel was an asset when it came to Genesect's inventions that required much use of the material. Not to mention that he respected his privacy as one of the more reclusive legendary Pokémon. It was one of the reasons why he basically never left the Hall of Legends ever since they arrived here. Even though some of the more sociable legends tried to get him to come out.

“So tell me, what's going on outside the walls of this place?”

“Well, tomorrow will be the holiday the Ponies of Equestria refer to as the Summer Solstice. Many are planning to attend since it will also be a gathering of world leaders as well.”

“I see.”





“Are you going to attend?”

“Sorry, too busy.”

“Genesect, you have as far as I know never set foot outside these halls. Not even to see what new world we live in.”

“Not true, the surveillance provided by Lord Arceus has more than given me enough views of this planet’s civilization and landscapes.”

“Those may as well be videos as pictures, I’m talking about going outside and getting some fresh air, meeting new people, getting in touch with nature once again.”

That last one struck a small cord in his logic processors.

When he was brought back to life, the prehistoric Pokémon retained most of his memories from his previous life. He remembered his days as a hunter, the top of the food chain, feared by prey and peers alike. The outdoors was all he had ever known. Then when Team Plasma brought him back, the changes they had made to him were more than just physical. His mind became cold and calculating, although to be fair it was always cold as a hunters mind should be. But he became more robotic, more intelligent and smart. Smart enough to escape his captivity and trash the laboratory that he was made in.

When Arceus recruited him to be a Legendary Pokémon, he more or less accepted out of a desire for a home, as his old one was long gone. He already felt out of place in the modern world, that fact that not long after his induction Arceus moved everyone to a new planet didn’t help. In this world, not only did he have the challenge of meeting new Pokémon, but several other new species as well. Even as a hunter, social interaction was not a priority for him. And even though this land encourages friendships above all else, he still found himself hesitant.

The reason why he was reinventing technology was so that he could still contribute and do his part as a legend. But was it enough?

“Look, I will sleep on the matter and give you my answer in the morning.”

Registeel sighed, “Alright, I know I can’t force you.”

The legendary turned around to leave.

“But if you plan on showing that radio off to the people. Maybe develop some social skills first so you don’t come off as a robot.”

The door closed as he left, leaving Genesect alone with his thoughts.

Ponyville, the next day

The starlight of Celestia’s sun crept over the horizon, shining over the peaceful and infamous town of Ponyville. Ponies and Pokémon of all shapes and sizes woke up to a new day, although for many this was meant to be a special day.

One of those many was Princess Twilight Sparkle, just as she did on the day of the most recent and historical World Summit, the purple alicorn woke up in a flash. She jumped out of bed and grabbed a checklist that she had prepared days in advance.

“Lets see, royal regalia, check. Backpack packed and ready, check. Spike still asleep, chec-”

It was at this point Twilight noticed that Spike was not in his crib like he normally was. Which given this was Spike we are talking about, was an anomaly.

“Spike?” Twilight called out.

“Down here!” said a young dragon's voice from below.

Twilight moved downstairs to the kitchen to see that Spike was just finishing making breakfast for the two of them.

“I hope you like your toast with jam Twilight.”

The princess was stunned for a moment, “Spike, did you actually get up early just to make me breakfast?”

“Uh huh, I wanted to be proactive since this is gonna be a long day, going well into the next one technically.”

Twilight remained still for a moment before rebooting, “Wow Spike, I never expected this from you. Taking the initiative, I’m proud of you.”

Spike blushed, “Aww shucks.”

“Ok, as soon as we’re all done with our breakfast, we’re gonna go and round up our friends.”

Gene woke up to the sound of knocking on the door, followed by the voice of an all too familiar Ninetales.

“Hello, anyone awake there?”

The Gallade got out of bed and walked to the door “Hold on I’m coming.” He said drowsy

Upon opening it he was greeted to a warm sight.

Abby and Kasai stood in the doorway, the sunlight complimenting their fiery manes and nature, his eyes then panned down two small figures that completed the family photo: a young Growlithe and Vulpix. Both no more than a year old looked up at him with beaming faces.

“Uncle Gene!” They both said in unison as they went up to nuzzle the Blade Pokémon’s legs. Gene could only chuckle, even since they were born, the twin children of the New Equestrian Pokémon Rangers Abby and Kasai had taken to calling him uncle Gene and his wife Auntie Belle.

“Hey guys, how are you two doing?”

“We’re tired,” Gold exclaimed. “Mommy made us get up way too early, we want to go back to sleep.”

“Now now,” Abby interjected. “You both can sleep more on the train ride to Canterlot, and if you’re still feeling tired then you can sleep in the castle”

“But it's still very important for me and mommy to get to Canterlot on time,” Kasai said. “Me and mommy have to do our jobs once we get there.”

The twins half heartedly murmured before saying okay.

It was then that something dawned on Gene.

“Wait, we didn’t oversleep did we? Is that why you're here?”

“Oh no, I’d just figure it would be nice if we could all walk together as a family to the train station to meet up with everyone else,” Abby said.

“Oh, I see.”

“We meant to tell you yesterday, but we got caught up trying to organize everything at the Ranger Headquarters for when we are gone.”

The twins then ran past Gene and then started to play with each other in the house.

“Don’t be too loud guys, your cousin Melody is still sleeping.”

Belle soon woke up to the noise as Abby and Kasai walked in, she rolled over to her precious bundle of pride and joy still sleeping soundly. She gently stroked her cheek as her child slept soundly.

A year ago, the idea of her and Gene having a child was a fantasy. Of the many things they had accepted in their life on the run, the possibility of them having a child was only a dream. But by the grace of Arceus their dream did not have to end, instead they saw the continuation of their dream. Their child, their beautiful Melody was sleeping there right in front of her. She was no dream, no imagination, she was a reality. The day their precious little Ralts was born was one of the happiest days of her life, rivaled only by her wedding day.

But, despite the continuation of her and Gene’s dream, she had to bring her little Ralts to an end.

Touching her daughter's forehead, she mentaly said: Wake up my little Melody.

Behind her green bangs, the Feeling Pokémon slowly woke up with a long yawn. She sat up and looked at the smiling Gardevoir above her.

“Morning mommy.”

“Good morning my little Melody.”

Belle then got out of bed, her daughter following suit. They walked downstairs into the living room and we’re greeted to the sight of the Trombley family in their house.

“Morning sleepy heads, ready for the day?” Abby said.

“If by day you mean the next 24 hours exactly, then we shall see.” Belle went up to her best friend and hugged her, which the Ninetales returned with a lick to the face.

“It's kinda crazy that we have to stay awake till the next morning so we can see Celestia raise the sun.”

Abby shrugged, “Well, unless she raises it much earlier, we can’t do anything about that.”

As Melody played with the twins, Belle went to the kitchen to find Gene cooking breakfast.

“Morning sweetie.” She said as she wrapped her arms around him.

“Morning my fairy princess.” Gene turned his head around and kissed her.

Belle looked back to make sure no one was listening before caressing her mate.

“So I was thinking last night.”

“Thinking what?”

“Thinking that maybe we should try and give Melody a younger sibling, I want to try for a boy.”

“Oh? And what would we name our boy?”

“Well if he grows up to be a Gallade like his amazing father, I’m thinking Arthur.”

“Arthur, that's a good name.”

“Yeah like King Arthur, after all if Gallades are like knights and King Arthur is the King of Knights...”

“A Pokémon King Arthur huh? Then wouldn’t that make Melody the jealous Morgan Le Fay?”

“Only if you don’t love her as much,” Belle said teasingly as she moved in for another kiss.

Korrina walked out of their house as the sunlight of Equestria’s star greeted her, she took in a deep breath as she readied herself to tackle the day.

“And a long day this is going to be.”

“Ready Korrina?” Lucario said as he stepped outside.

“Ready partner.”

Both Aura Pokémon clasped paws and made their way to the center of town. They sat at a bench as they waited for a group they were supposed to meet up with.

“Want me to go get us something to eat?” Lucario asked

“Oh no you don’t have to.”

“Korrina, its gonna be a long train ride to Canterlot. And I don’t think your body would want to wait to eat food there no matter how good it is.”

As if on cue, the former Gym Leader's stomach used growl.

“Okay, get me a sitrus berry smoothie.”

Lucario nodded and went to a nearby Pokémon Berry Smoothie stand.

Korrina smiled as Lucario went to get her food, leaving her to think back a moment. They were taking their relationship slow for now, ever since the kiss and the World Summit where Lucario confessed his feelings for her partner and trainer, Korrina had been unable to process just how their friendship might change going forward. On one hand, if she didn’t love Lucario, then it might have caused an awkward strain on their relationship. When she became a Pokémon, Korrina was one of many who wanted nothing more than to be human again. But as the days and weeks went by, that seemed like less and less of a possibility. A few months later and Korrina was starting to accept the fact that he would remain a Pokémon for the rest of her life. And even though she wasn’t exactly a fan of Pokémon/human relationships, her opinion slowly changed overtime. So with that acceptance, she began to see her partner Pokémon Lucario as maybe more than just a friend.

life moves on as they say. You have to work with what you got.

“Did someone order a sitrus berry smoothie?”

Korrina snapped out of her deep thought to see Lucario holding a cup to her, he himself had gotten a Wepear Berry Smoothie..

“Thanks partner.”

“No problem.”

As they both drank their drinks, it did not go unnoticed that both Lucario’s had moved closer together.

You know, maybe this won’t be so bad.

A few minutes later, the Pokémon and former human heard a familiar voice.

“Hey guys!”

Korrina looked and saw a group that consisted of one Abby and Kasai Trombley, their twin kids Gold and Silver, Gene, Belle, Melody, Draco, Fang, River, Mage and her mate Luke.

“Good morning everyone!” Lucario said.

The extended family(linked together by a Mismagious and a formally troubled Gallade) had all their stuff packed and ready for Canterlot.

“I see that everyone is ready.” Korrina concluded. “I kinda wish we all weren’t getting together for only one day.”

“Yeah,” Belle said. “The World Summit was really the last time when literally everyone got together from all over the world.”

“Even so, lets all take joy in the fact that we’re coming together to celebrate our bonds and friendships, as opposed to deciding if Pokémon will get to stay here,” Mage pointed out.

Gene nodded. “Alright, lets not keep Twilight and her friends waiting.”

Soon all 14 Pokémon and former humans made their way to the train station where 6 technicolor Ponies and one dragon were waiting. Pinkie of course went up to greet all of them.

“Hi Gene. Hi Belle. Hi Melody. Hi Draco. Hi Fang. Hi River. Hi Mage. Hi Luke. Hi Abby. Hi Kasai. Hi Gold and Silver!”

Everyone laughed and greeted her back.

“Pinkie Pie will always be Pinkie Pie,” Mage said.

“Alight everyone is here!” Rainbow Dash said enthusiastically, “You all ready to experience the Summer Solstice?!”


Soon everyone was one the train, and the long ride to Canterlot began.

Canterlot Castle.

Celestia sat in her throne room as aides and advisors ran back and forth getting everything ready.

“Princess Celestia, we need your signature for that delivery of cake ingredients that was just dropped off.”

“Very well,” Celestia said, signing the form with her quill.

“Princess Celestia, Captain Seth Crescent said that all final sweeps inside the castle are done, and that he will be moving to survey the castle walls now.”

“Good, tell him after he is done to take a break, he’s earned it.”

“Yes Princess.”

“Princess Celestia, we have received word that Emperor Carapace will dock in 2 hours. Empress Victoria and Empress Serva are estimated to follow shortly after.”

“Understood, make preparations for when they land.”

Soon there was a gap in the line of Ponies needing to talk with the sun Princess. Celestia took this opportunity to take a breather.

“This is almost as busy as when I was preparing for the World Summit, and that was not too long ago even.”

Princess Celestia steeled herself, took a deep breath and sat back in her seat. Technically she had no one to blame but herself.

It was her idea in the first place for the world leaders to attend this year's Summer Solstice. As well as make it a celebration of the Pokémon and the friendships that had been made between two different worlds. Although it might have been more fitting to do a celebration of the Pokémon on the anniversary of their arrival, or the day they were made citizens of Equus, Celestia believed that the first Summer Solstice with Pokémon should be a special one.

Most of the World Leaders had accepted her invitation, the only ones that couldn’t make it were Golden Horn and King Trotankhamun.

Golden Horn wasn’t coming for obvious reasons, being practically the only one who voted no when it came allowing the Pokémon to call this planet home, he became somewhat of an outcast among the world leaders. The Minotaur Emperor didn’t seem to care much, only caring about if or when the Pokémon will usurp him from his seat of power. And while he couldn’t exactly kick them out of his country, he did nothing to quell the resentment and indifference towards Pokémon in land.

It was boarding on discrimination. So it was no surprise why he didn’t want to partake in a celebration meant for Pokémon.

Celestia shook her head. She prayed to whatever god that was out their that Golden Horn would become more tolerant.

King Trotankhamun on the other hoof, had completely different reasons for not coming, much sadder reasons.

Almost as soon as he returned home, several tribal leaders of Zegypt declared war on those who remained loyal to the King, claiming that his handling of the Pokémon(for allowing them to stay) and his young and inexperienced role as a king made him an unfit ruler. Since this was an internal conflict very few world leaders other than Celestia sent support in an effort to end the war.

Arceus of course made it aware a few times that he would like to go and resolve the conflict himself since the outcome of the war would determine the future of Pokémon living in Zegypt. Of course Celestia told him to wait until the conflict escalated to a point where his intervention was necessary.

Fortunately no intervention was needed as the war ended a few weeks ago, but it was nearly a pyrrhic victory. Much land was devastated, and many lost their lives on both sides. The kingdom was in a weakened state that any of its enemies who were hiding in the shadows had the perfect opportunity to strike.

“I never did hear about whether or not the last Thirst was dealt with,” Celestia shuddered. Scared at the small possibility that the witch could undo the seal on an ancient evil that was banished long ago.

Zegypt needed its King now more than ever, so there was no way Trot was going to leave his people in their time of crisis to attend a celebration…

Which is why Commander Sev was going in his place.

Celestia let out a long sigh, hopefully that snake had mellowed out since she last saw him, or maybe the war only served to bring out his more impulsive nature.

Fortunately, the commander seemed to respect Princess Luna, even reworked the PLA to give praise to her as well as Arceus.

“I should talk to her about it, that way she can reign him in if he ever goes off on another one of his propaganda speeches.”

As if on cue, a certain blue Alicorn walked through the doors, a smile of satisfaction on her face.

“Good Afternoon dear sister, I have come to inform you that all of the preparations I had assigned have been completed. Also the ‘All Night Gala’ shall be ready to commence as soon as I raise the moon.”

“Very good Luna, now we just need to wait for Twilight and her friends to arrive, as well as the world leaders.”

“Fufu, to think that it has been 8 months since the Pokémon have arrived. So much has changed, thankfully mostly for the better.”

Celestia couldn’t agree more. Even though the appearance of Pokémon caused many problems upon their arrival, and will no doubt cause many problems in the future, the pros far outweigh the cons in many cases.

Crop production had increased tenfold with the assistance of many Grass, Ground and Bug type Pokémon. Many countries also now had means of controlling and distributing water due to Water and Ice type Pokémon. Flying Pokémon helped control the weather and avert natural disasters caused by high winds. In a way many nations now had some of the same benefits and abilities Ponies used to better Equestria.

“It is good to see that the works of Pokémon have helped them become more accepted by others.”

Princess Luna smiled, but then that smile became a frown as she remembered a certain pony who was not accepting. “Speaking of which, did you invite all the nobles to this event?”

Celestia looked puzzled for sec. “I only invited the World Leaders Luna, as for any other citizen of Equestria, they are allowed to attend a public celebration such as this. Much less the nobles who can come and leave the castle as they please.”

“Yes, but I am referring to a certain stuck up noble who had the gall to interrupt a wedding out of petty spite.”

Celestia immediately understood. “Oh.” She closed her eyes and thought for a second. “Despite his inexcusable behavior during that day, Prince Blueblood has not done anything illegal or offensive enough to warrant a ban from the castle grounds. Much less attend a public event.”

“Still, I would keep and eye on him if I were you.”

“Actually, after that little trip I sent him with Twilight and her friends to Griffinstone, his behavior seems to be improving.”

“.....We are talking about the same Blueblood right? I mean you may have known him longer than I have, but that selfish stuck up noble does not seem like the type of pony to change.”

“Anypony can change Luna, they just need the right experience and means to grow up and be better.”

Princess Luna thought for a second, her sister was always the forgiving one. While Luna was still learning to adjust to modern standards and society. The methods of ruling she imposed could be seen as dated to some ponies, and Luna was more impulsive when it came to how she did things.

But then again, there was a reason why Aegislash chose Celestia in the Everfree that day. Why despite the fact that we were meant to be equal co-rulers, everyone goes to and sees you as the “Head Princess” sister.

“Very well sister, lets just hope it doesn’t come to a point where Arceus will disable his vocal cords again, or worse.”

The solar Princess chuckled. “Hopefully not.”

The Friendship Express

Within the train car, everyone conversed and talked amongst themselves, catching up and making plans about what to do in Canterlot. The newborns however ran up and down the car as they chased each other.

“You can’t catch me!” Gold said to his sister.

“Just you wait!” Silver expressed as they jumped from seat to seat in a game of cat and mouse.

“Well I’ll be darned,” Applejack said as Gold jumped over her head. “These fellers are gettin bigger and faster every time I see them.

“Indeed,” Rarity said “Melody looks more and more like her mother everyday.”

Belle blushed, “Aww, thank you Rarity.”

Gene nuzzled his wife, “Perhaps one day she may grow up to be as beautiful as her mother.”


Meanwhile, one the other side of the car Twilight sat with Spike and Rarity as she talked about the Equestrian Ranger Union.

“So Abby, it's been 6 months since the Ranger Union opened. How do you think it's doing?”

“Oh it's going great Twilight. Ever since it opened former Rangers from all over the world have been signing up in order to protect Pokémon once again. We have had over 100 missions so far with a 97% success rating,” Abby’s smile faded for a bit. “We can’t save everyone and not every mission will be a complete success, but trial and error is expected when you start the Ranger Union anew in a new world.”

“Well, nothing in life is perfect, and there will be a few kinks to work out. I trust the veteran Rangers adjusting to their new environment and how the New Union works?”

“Well most of them to be honest.”

Twilight raised a brow at that, “Most?”

Abby and Kasai looked at each other and then back at Twilight.

“Unfortunately there were a few old Rangers who preferred how things were run back on Earth, those who still followed Hastings lead.”

“Hastings?” Rarity asked “You mean that guy who came to Ponyville and tried to arrest Gene, Belle and you two?”

Abby nodded sadly. “Yes, those Rangers still believed that Pokephillia is wrong and that we should be making rounds arresting those ‘disgusting lawbreakers’.”

Spike blew a raspberry, “Apparently they didn’t get memo, they have no power here and Pokephillia is not a crime in Equestria. I hope you chased them out the door.”

“Oh, nothing of the sort. I just told them to get over it and change, or I would be arresting them for attempting unlawful imprisonment and discrimination.”

“Heh, that works too.”

Abby took a deep breath and did a mental sigh. She could count on one paw how many former Rangers she met who still clung to the old ways. It was minuscule, but it still made her upset that good people like them still were stuck in their old ways like Hastings was. For all his intolerance, the man still did much good back on Earth. Even though Abby believed Pokémon were better than humans in many ways, she still wished for everyone to get along and find happiness in this new world. Not try to take away the happiness of others.

“I just hope they don’t end up like Hastings or worse.”

“Speaking of Hastings.” Twilight said “I may not like the guy, but how is he doing?”

Abby looked down a bit. “Mostly the same, he’s been getting therapy but the doctors say he’s still not well enough to be reintroduced into society.”

“Well, maybe one day he will be.”

“I hope so, I still want him to be part of the new Ranger Union. To continue to do good like he did back on Earth.”

Conversations continued until the Friendship Express arrived in Canterlot. The moment the train came to a stop, Pinkie Pie burst through the doors in barely contained glee.


Everyone else filled out of the train as Twilight used her magic to hold Pinkie in place. “Easy there Pinkie. It may be the afternoon, but there's still some time before the All Night Gala begins. Let's just get to the castle for now.”

“Oki doki loki!”

As the group made their way through Canterlot, they passed by the recently built Pokémon district. The area itself was hewed out from the side of Canterlot Mountain, with support pillars carved in as precautions. Everywhere they looked, Pokémon walked, worked and played. Sometimes they spotted a pony or two, but the majority of residents in this place were of Pokémon ethnicity.

“Wow, it's hard to believe this place wasn’t here a while ago,” Belle said.

“Princess Celestia spared no expense in giving Pokémon their own place to live in Canterlot,” Twilight explained. “She wanted them to feel at home as best as she could.”

“I even heard Princess Diancie has made her home in the caves underneath Canterlot. Apparently she’s ruling over a community of Carbink there.” Abby said.

“I was trapped in those caves once, not a fan. But I’m glad someone enjoys it down there.”

Soon the group made their way to the castle, where they were met with the sight of a Royal Guard composed of both Ponies and Pokémon.

“To think that over a year ago the Royal Guard only had ponies in it,” Fluttershy said.

“Yeah,” Rainbow Dash added. “Now it's boasting a Pokémon division that only an idiot would try and take on all at once.”

The party soon made their way inside where they were greeted by a Luxray in royal Guard attire as well as a Sylveon, Porygon, Absol, Charizard and a caramel colored bat pony.

“Hey guys, long time no see!” Seth crescent said.

“Hi Seth, been a while hasn’t it?” Gene said.

The former humans and their partners exchanged greetings while Rika played with the children.

“Oh my gosh you're all so cute!” The Sylveon said as she pulled all three of them into a hug as best as she could. “I wish Seth could hurry up and give me an egg.” The last part Rikka said with a hint of malicious intent.

Seth chuckled nervously as she tried to avoid his lover's gaze. “Soon Rikka, I’m still trying to raise Dextra.”

“Well don’t keep me waiting~” Rikka said as she licked her lips. “Otherwise I might not be able to hold myself back.”

Seth tried to change the subject. “Anyway, so Selena, Ingis, and Midnight Song can show you to your rooms. And once you’re done, Twilight Princess Celestia is waiting for you at the docks.”

“Ok, I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

Midnight Song turned and walked while swaying her hips back and forth.

“If anyone wants to follow me to the ‘bedchambers’ right this way~”

Seth sighed his soul into the ground.

After they had settled in, Twilight and some of her friends made their way to the docks where they found the two rulers of Equestria waiting for them.

“Princess Celestia, Princess Luna!”

Twilight went up and hugged her mentor who returned the gesture.

“Twilight it is always good to see you and your friends.” The alicorn looked up to see the gathered assembly, but her eye caught three newcomers who she hadn’t seen before.”

“Oh, and who might those three young ones be?”

The couples Gene, Belle, Abby and Kasai beamed with pride and held up their bundles of joy.

“Princess Celestia, this is our daughter Melody, our first child.”

“And these two twins are mine and Kasai’s, their names are Gold and Silver.”

“Oh my they’re simply just precious, hello there my name is Princess Celestia, welcome to my castle.”

The twins greeted Celestia with ease, but Melody seemed to look away from the alicorn's imposing figure.

Belle noticed this.

“It's okay sweetie, Princess Celestia is a nice pony. She was at mommy and daddy's wedding.”

Gene put his hands on his daughter's shoulders, “It's alright Melody, you can say hi.”

The Ralts managed to let out a small greeting.

“Hi nice to meet you.”

Celestia smiled, “Nice to meet you too.”


“Yes Luna?”

“The first delegate is arriving!”

Everyone turned to see a silver and black ship coming in from the distance.

“Alright then, it looks like Carapace will be first this time.”

The ship soon docked as the changelings flew from the ship and tied it down. After securing the vessel, the rampway opened and out stepped two guards who announced the arrival of their changeling leader

Announcing his Majesty, Emperor Carapace, ruler of the Changeling Empire.”

Soon the large and wise figure of Emperor Carapace stepped out.

Both Celestia, Luna and Twilight bowed to the Changeling ruler, “Emperor Carapace, it is good to see you so soon again.”

“Likewise Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Twilight. Heh, to think the World Summit was only 8 months ago, I never thought I’d be back here so soon. Only this time the circumstances are for the better.”

“Yes, hopefully there will be nothing this time that will call for a meeting of all the world leaders,” Twilight said.

“Well unless aliens invade my young Princess, I think my stay here will be much less stressful than before.”

“So Carapace, will you still be staying on your ship this time?”

“Actually, I think your castle will be more comfortable for this old changeling's body.”

Princess Celestia’s eyes widened. “That's great! I shall have the guards show you to your room.” Celestia motioned for the guards, who then showed the Emperor to his room.

“I shall see you all later, ta ta!”

Once they were alone again Luna turned to her sister. “It seems Carapace feels at ease enough to stay in the castle.”

“Yes, he no longer fears what might happen if he stays. Not to mention that Changeling fear has drastically decreased since the arrival of the Pokémon.”

“Indeed, the ponies mingling with a new species has made them more trustful of the unknown. Just another thing we have the Pokémon to thank for.”

“Ain’t it the truth.”

“Umm, Princess Celestia?”

“Yes Twilight?”

“When do you think Shining Armor and Cadence will get here? I mean I know King Sombra is dead, but the last time they tried to come here…”

Celestia draped a wing over Twilight.

“Its okay Twilight, I made sure to give their train extra security, plus I contacted them midway and they’re doing just fine, in fact-”

Celestia looked off into the distance.

“I think I can see them right now.”

Twilight turned her head to where Celestia was looking, and low and behold, she could see the shimmering glint of The Crystal Express in the distance. Its distinct look rolling across the plains as it neared Canterlot.

“Wow you’re right! It looks like they’ll be here in a few minutes.”

“See, nothing to worry about, I'm sure this time rather than saying they were attacked by someone or something. They will come bringing good tidings.”

Meanwhile on the Crystal Express, the mood was bland and tense. Both Prince Shining Armor and Princess Cadence sat in their seats while John walked back and forth around the car. Holly looked like she wanted to say something, but Shining Armor beat her to it.

“Uh John, could you sit down? You're kinda making me nervous.”

John snapped out of his trance and looked at the unicorn.

“Oh sorry, I was just thinking.”


John let out a sigh.

“Are we really gonna wait until after Celestia raises the sun to tell her what we found up north? I mean, I don’t fully understand what I saw, but the implications and theories that I can draw from it are foreboding.”

Shining and Cadence looked at each other and then back at John.

“Look John, I don’t like it either. I agree that this mystery needs to be solved as soon as possible. But to tell her now would raise too many questions. Plus we don’t need Arceus finding out so soon when we don’t know what's going on.”

John folded his arms. Then Cadence spoke.

“Telling Celestia means that she would tell Arceus, because she knows that it would be best to tell him sooner than later. And if what Celestia told me about Arceus is true, then informing him that humans are somehow here would send him into a frenzy. And having the God of Pokémon raging at an event meant to celebrate the bonds between him and his people would not look good. Especially in front of the other world leaders.”

John thought about if for a second, he didn’t like keeping big secrets like these, even if it was only for a little while. Then again, Arceus was a bold individual. He had shown before that he would make decisions without anyone's input or approval. That fact that he was the one who originally wanted to deal with Sombra said a lot about what type of god he was.

The kind who would take immediate and decisive action.

So as much as John would hate to admit it…

“Alright, we won’t tell Princess Celestia anything until after the Summer Solstice is over.”

Shining and Cadence nodded.

“Thank you John. I’m hoping we’re making the right decision.”

John looked out the window as he saw the train enter Canterlot.

‘Me too’

Soon the next ship to arrive was the Flagship Holzschiff of the Griffin Empire. As soon as the ship was tethered to the docks, out stepped Empress Victoria along with Grizelda, Shredder the Bisharp and her mate Roll the Lopunny.

“Princess Celestia, it is good to see you again.”

“Empress Victoria, how are you these days? Did anything eventful happen since we last met?”

“Aside from that army of Pokémon I had to deal with when I got back home, nothing really. The Empire has grown strong with the help of the Pokémon, especially Checkmate.”

“Speaking of which, where is the rest of Wiess’s group? Could they not make it?”

“Oh no, they were already on their way here. They should be arriving not too soon.”

“Oh good, I still need to have a proper talk with Weiss about not breaking into my bedchambers.”

Both Shredder and Roll let out a nervous laugh while Victoria looked embarrassed, she did not like being reminded of that incident.

“I once again apologize for my masters...unconventional behavior Princess,” Shredder said. “The last time I met with Weiss again, rest assured I gave him a very nice ‘chat’.”

Celestia chucked before motioning for the guards, “If there is nothing else, the guards can show you to your room Victoria.”

“Thank you Princess, I look forward to our time here.”

After the Griffin party left, a guard came in to announce the arrival of Princess Cadence and Shining Armor.

As soon as their group walked in, Twilight immediately ran over and hugged her big brother.

“Hi Twiley, how have you been?”

“Just great BBFF, how are things in the Crystal Empire?”

It did not escape Twilights notice that Shining and Cadence locked eyes for a split second.

“Oh just great Twiley, John has been a great help as a Captain of the Crystal Guard. And the Pokémon have benefited the Empire in so many ways. Plus of we’ve been thinking of ways use Pokémon power to-”

Cadence cleared her throat.

“Um Shining,” Cadence gestured over to the other Princesses standing in the room.

“Oh Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, my apologies I forgot you were there.”

“It's completely fine Shining Armor, family must come first.”

“Yeah” Shining Armor looked nervous for a second. “Well anyway, we’re gonna put our stuff in our room, see you all later!”

And just as fast as they arrived, they left, leaving some confused looks in the room.

Why was Shining so nervous? Twilight thought to herself. And what was that look he gave Cadence...I’ll have to ask them later.

Soon the next ship to arrive was the one bearing the flags of the Crystal Empire.

“Oh no.” Gene said. Twilight had told him before how Commander Sev was coming instead of the Zebra King due to the civil war in Zegypt. Gene sighed, hopefully he won’t be as loud or as talkative as he was last time.

The ship was soon docked, and once it was. Out stepped a Lucario and a Charizard.

“Announcing the arrival of the glorious Commander Sev, chosen of Arceus, of Trotankhamun, of Princess Luna herself.”

The night Princess turned red at that last part.

Sev then slithered off the ship, followed by his entourage, which included but not limited to: Lighting Dust, Lia, his mother, General Gard, General Ag, and a Riolu.

“Nobody panic, I! AM! HERE!”

The whole docking area went silent.

“Nobody is panicking Sev.” Luna said as she rubbed her forehead.

“You’re right, nobody is panicking. Because the panicking stopped the moment I arrived! No need to praise me, I do this for the people. For what good is a leader who shines as bright as the sun if he is not as warm and kind as the sun?”

There were some in the room who did not know if that was meant as a jab directed at Celestia, not even Celestia herself knew.

“Anyway Sev, I think it's best if I personally showed you to your room.”

“Of course Princess, how could I refuse the very pony of who the Pokémon Liberation Army worships. Praise be your name Luna, you are ten times the pony that Arceus will ever be.”

At this point Luna used her magic to grab Sev by the ear(“does he even have ears?”) and dragged him off the dock, followed by his group.

As soon as he was gone, everyone let out a sigh of relief.

“Well, at least this time he wasn’t spewing propaganda about how he will bring justice upon human heads.” Gene said.

“Yes, thankfully that was briefer than the last time he was here,” Celestia said. “Now lets see who is next to arrive.”

The next leader to arrive was Empress Serva, the ruler of Stagland once again brought Korrina’s grandfather Gurkinn.

As soon as she stepped off the ship, the Lucario was greeted with a hug from his granddaughter.

“Grandpa it’s good to see you again.”

“Likewise Korrina, you know I really should visit sometime outside of these gatherings. So how have things been going for you and Lucario since I last met?”

Both the gym leader and her partner looked at each and then back to the Mega Evolution Guru.

“Well, things are now longer awkward between us.”

“Yes, me and Korrina have never been happier.”

The elderly Pokémon noticed that the two were now clasping paws.

“Ah, I see. Well I am happy for the both of you.”

“Empress Serva, it is good to welcome you back to Equestria,” Celestia said

“Likewise Princess Celestia, I look forward to this celebration as much as anyone else. Although I hear that Golden Horn isn’t able to make it?”

Celestia shook her head. “No, I believe he said and I quote ‘I have much better things than to attend a celebration of Pokémon. Besides I don’t think I would feel very welcomed’.”

Serva smiled a bit. “Well, can’t win them all Celestia.”

The princess nodded in agreement. Despite everything, she had hoped that Golden Horn would have come to a realization that Pokémon were not a real threat and tried to actually get along with them. But it looks like that won’t happen anytime soon.

Hopefully he isn’t planning to do anything rash, the fact that he has been awfully quiet lately does not help.

“Well no use, dwelling on those with little tolerance in their hearts. Let me put down my things and then we can talk about some real good work that we have been doing.”

Soon after, the rest of the world leaders, King Faris, Grimm Halfpaw, Queen Oceana and Chief Thunderhooves arrived before the All Night Gala started. The Gala itself was just a means of people who wanted to stay awake until Celestia raised the sun. But even so, the party started at four for those who wanted to take part in the festivities but still wished to sleep after they had their fill of fun.

Arceus was in the main room of the Hall of Legends as an assemblage of his children stood before him, all of whom were ready to attend the Gala, and by extension the Summer Sun Celebration.

He gazed over the group assembled before him, some of the gathered Legendaries included: Mew, the legendary birds, the Legendary Beasts, Ho-oh, Lugia, the Lake trio, the Regi family, the Swords of Justice, Shaymin, Darkrai, Cresselia, Victini, Hoopa, Volcanion and Diancie.

“Is this everyone?” While there was nothing preventing some of the other legends from attending later, he wished to initially have a good number of his children from the start. It was then that Registeel raised his hand.

“I believe Genesect said he might attend.”

“A might is not a confirmation. Could you go see if he has come to a decision?”

“Yes grandfather.”

Genesect at the current moment was just finishing the final touches on his radio tower.

“Alright then, let's turn this thing on.”

But before the bug legendary could flip the switch, there was a knock on the door. Having already guessed who it was, he motioned for them to come in.

“Genesect, are you ready?”

“In just a minute, come watch me test this thing out.”

The steel type Regi walked in just as he turned on the radio tower. But the display was less than impressive as the only noise that came out was static.


“Well what? It works! I have built the first radio tower on Equus.”

“But therein lies the problem Genesect, if you have built the first radio, why are you listening in for other signals if there are no other radios?”

“Oh, but you misunderstand my fellow steel type, radios don’t just pick up other radio signals, they can also pick up space signals as well. And thanks to those satellites I made earlier that Palkia put into orbit for me, I can listen to everything in this solar system.”

Genesect then adjusted the receiver to detect signals from outer space.

But surprisingly, nothing happened.

“That's strange. While this tower obviously isn’t strong enough to detect possible signals from far away planets outside this solar system, it still should be able to pick up signals from things like stars and space anomalies.”

“I see, well you can worry about that after the gala.”

“Registeel, I don’t think you understand. Signals from space are constantly being emitted. So unless this thing is broken, something is very wrong here.”

“And like I said, you can solve this mystery after the party,” Registeel put his hand on his shoulder. “You have been cooped up in here for far too long, if you don’t start to make connections with the people of this world, you’ll never feel like home here.”

Genesect looked to his friend for a second, then back to the machine, his mind told him that this mystery may need his attention. On the other hand, he did say that he would make a decision on whether or not he would attend the celebration.

“Alright, I’ll go. But I may not stick around for when Celestia raises the sun. After all she practically does that everyday.”

If the Legendary Titan had a mouth, he’d be smiling. “I guess that's all I can ask for right now.”

Leaving the machine on to detect signals from both space and around the world, Genesect walked out of his laboratory.

“Who knows, once you get back, that little problem you're worrying about will turn out to be no big deal.”

But as Genesect and Registeel walked away from the room, no one was there to see as the radio tower detected and received an Equus based signal.

Encoded transmission received. Origin point: North Luna Ocean. Attempting to translate from all known languages and coding.

As the Gala finally got underway, many friends and family who hadn’t seen each other for a while ever since the World Summit began to catch up and mingle.

One such group was an odd family, namely a certain snake and his Sylveon daughter.

“Rikka my pride and joy! How has my heir been doing all these months since I last saw you?”

“Oh just great daddy, Sethy has just been the most wonderful mate I could ever want.”

“Is that so?” The snake eyed the former human with narrowed eyes. “Good, I would hate it if anything ‘bad’ happened to him.”

Seth just flashed Snake a grin. “Oh don’t worry Commander, I haven't done anything that would take away her innocence...yet.”


Seth backed up for a moment, while Ingis and Selena took an aggressive stance.

“You mean you haven't given me a grandchild yet!?”

The tension that had manifested immediately disappeared, which was then replaced by confusion.

“Pardon me?”

“I know you humans are an incompetent bunch, but eight months and nothing comes of this relationship? I give you my blessing, me! Commander Sev of the PLA and you don’t even have to gall to help continue the family line!?”

Sev would have gone on longer, but Rikka wrapped her feelers around the snake to calm him down.

“It's okay daddy, Seth just wants to take things slow,” Rikka then eyed Seth with bedroom eyes. “Although he did promise not to make me wait too long.”

Seth once again found himself backing up as the gaze of both father and daughter seem to drill into his soul.

“It’s okay sir, I really do want to have more kids someday. But for now I just want to try and be a good mate for your daughter.”

“Hmph, I expect nothing less. But the next time I visit, I better see at least seven potential heirs to the Pokémon Liberation Army.”

Seth took a massive gulp, “Seven?!” The Luxray could only imagine seven tiny Eevee or Shinx running around their already crowded home.

Ingis put a claw on his left shoulder, “Whelp, good luck brother, you’ll need it.”

Selena put a paw on his right. “Don’t worry, we’ll help out. Nothing to worry about.”

‘My life is weird’

Meanwhile on a nearby set of tables, Darkrai and Cresselia found themselves talking with another couple that they had been in contact with ever since the World Summit.

“So Cadence, how has your love life been? Anything you like to share?”

“Oh it's just been great Cresselia! Shining is still the sweetheart that he’s always been ever since the day I married him.”

“Well, I wouldn’t be a proper prince to my princess if I wasn’t.” Shining bragged.

“Oh yeah, I read all about your wedding day.” Cresselia shook her head as she recalled the events that transpired before. “Honesty, what is it with selfish jerks ruining weddings in this castle?”

“Well, while Blueblood got what he deserved. Chrysalis on the other hand was just trying to feed her people. Granted it was wrong of her to try and ruin my wedding to get what she wanted, but I can’t call her actions selfish and petty. So while it took me some time, I have come to forgive her for what she did.”

“Wow, you really forgive her?”

Cadence nodded. “I am the Princess of Love. To not forgive is to hold onto hate.”

“Wise words Princess,” Darkrai said.

“Indeed,” Cresselia added. While the Lunar Pokémon was a romantic and immersed in the idea of love, she technically wasn’t the Legendary Pokémon of Love. None of her powers gave her control over that concept. Even so many of her fellow Legendary Pokémon came to her for advice in regards to that subject, not to mention that she was the one who advocated for Pokémon/human relationships(and by extension it was her idea to turn humans into Pokémon).

“Oh but enough about my love life, tell me how have you two been doing?”

The two Legendary lovebirds looked at each other, before Darkrai put his hand on Cresselia’s wing.

“About that…”

Cadence tilted her head in confusion, “What's wrong? Did something happen?”

Shining Armor gasped as he jumped to a conclusion. “No! Don’t tell me, are you two taking a break from each other?”

Darkrai and Cresselia looked shocked for a second.

“What no!”

“Nothing like that we swear!”

Shining Armor shut his mouth before apologizing.

“Well it’s just, me and Cresselia have progressed to a point in our relationship to where we have...mated.”

Shining Armor gasped once again while Cadence squealed in glee.

“And not only that.” Darkrai then rubbed his beloved's belly with a gentle touch that came off as maternal.

“We’re expecting.” Cresselia said.

Cadence then squealed even louder until she noticed people were starting to stare at her.

“That's amazing you too!” Shining Armor said. “But wait, I’m kinda confused, is it gonna be a little Darkrai, or a baby Cresselia?”

“Actually,” Cresselia began. “Legendary Pokémon offspring are much different from how Pokémon produce children.”

“Indeed, when two different Pokémon mate, unless it's a ditto the offspring will always be the same species as the mother,” Darkrai said.

“However Legendary Pokémon are different. Whenever they produce offspring, the child is a completely new species of Pokémon.”

Shining and Cadence looked at each other and then back to their friends. “Really?”

“Yes, Lord Dialga birthed Celebi. Lord Palkia begat Hoopa. And Manaphy sired Phione.”

“That being said, the offspring do inherit certain powers from their progenitor. Celebi got her father's power to travel through time, and Hoopa got her mother's ability to create spatial portals to other places.”

“Interesting,” Shining Armor said. “So can I assume that whatever Legendary you give birth to will have some kind of power related to dreams.”

“We can only assume. Although the one thing we can be sure of is that we shall love and raise this child well.”

“Aww that's so sweet,” Cadence said

“Speaking of kids, Cresselia said. “I was wondering, when you two have a foal, what will you name them?”

“Hmmm, well, I have a lot of options. But two names I’m really fond of are ‘Valiant Heart’ and ‘Flurry Heart’.”

Emperor Carapace spent the first few hours talking among the other world leaders about their recent experiences in past months, he soon found himself chatting with Celestia about changeling affairs.

“In a way, the Pokémon have provided a boost in the amount of love we have received. In fact, ever since they arrived, we have been able to meet our quotes every month for the first time in years.”

“That's very good Carapace. I would hate to hear that your people are still starving.”

“Yes, it is a good reversal of fortune that has been a very long time coming. We just had to be patient, not be bold and ignorant.”

Celestia gave a small awkward chuckle, but it was followed by an equally awkward silence.

“Carapace, this may seem out of nowhere. But how is Quee- I mean how is Chrysalis doing?”

The Changeling ruler was silent for a moment before sighing. “Honestly Celestia, I’m getting worried at this point. I just don’t know what I have to do to get through to that girl.”

“Well, you mustn't give up on family Carapace.” As Celestia said this her gaze landed on the second oldest alicorn in the room. “You will have plenty of time to try to get through to Chrysalis.”

“You know what she said to me that last time I visited her? She wished I was dead.”


“She wished I was dead and wished that she could run through those quote ‘Elements of Harmony and that lovey dovey couple’.”

Princess Celestia’s anger rose for a second at the threat of life upon her loved ones, before she forced it down and took a deep breath. Chrysalis was in prison, she was no danger to anyone.

“I think her time in confinement has twisted her mind from trying to feed her people, to getting revenge on those who ‘wronged her’. What happened to the dutiful, caring granddaughter who wanted what was best for her country?”

Celestia was a bit surprised at this, she had only met Chrysalis a few times before her invasion. But the way Carapace just described her was completely different from what she knew.

Then again, I was not there when she was born, nor did I meet her until she was a grown mare.

“It makes me sad to think that my granddaughter may have to spend the rest of her life in that cell. Which is a long time for a royal changeling such as us.”

Carapace soon felt a hoof on his shoulder, and turned to the alicorn giving him a reassuring smile.

“Things can always change my friend. You never know what the future may bring.”

Carapace smiled and nodded.

“Your right. Perhaps after this celebration when I go home, I’ll know the exact words to get through to her.”

Across the room, Spike walked nervously to up to Rarity. His mind was racing through a dozen different possibilities of what might transpire next. But he was determined, if he was to get anywhere with her, he had to be a big boy and ask her.

He soon found Rarity all by herself, watching the other couples getting ready to dance to the slow music.

“Uhhh, R-rarity?”

The white unicorn turned her head to see an obviously nervous dragon.

“Oh Spike, how are you?”

“Oh, uh, great! Yeah just great!...So.. great party right?”

“Indeed, it's just so romantic to see all these happy couples dancing. Especially ones who are of different races. Aren’t such things just exciting to see.”

“Yeah, interspecies romance is great.”

There was a moment of silence as Rarity continued to watch the crowd.

“Hey Rarity, can I ask you something?”

“Of course Spike, what is it?” The unicorn didn’t seem to pay attention as her head was still focused elsewhere

“I was wondering if, maybe, I don’t know. If you wanted to, d-d-d-danc-”


Spike was then interrupted as a pony-like Pokémon walked up to Rarity, when she turned to face him, he noticed how her face lit up.

“Oh Keldeo there you are I was waiting for you!”

Spike recognized the Pokémon as the same one he had met when they had entered the Hall of Legends, on the day the Pokémon first appeared. But his mind was more focused on the fact that Rarity was nuzzling said Pokémon.

“Oh Spike, this is Keldeo, he is a Legendary Pokemon. You might remember him on the day we met Arceus right?”

“Uh no, you guys went to the Temple and left me at the Library.”

Rarity thought for a moment, "Oh right, I guess we did."

“Hi, I’m Keldeo. Rarity has told me a lot about you Spike. She tells me you have been a real help to her all these years.”

Spike folded his arms, “Oh yeah, cause she has never mentioned you too at all. How do you two know each other?”

“Oh Keldeo has been taking me on dates for the past 8 months. He’s been such a sweet Coltfriend.”


At that word Spike's heart sank to the bottom of his stomach, dissolving in the acidic liquid that broke down everything that entered it. Tears began to well up in his eyes, but he looked away.

“Spike, is something wrong?”

*Sniff* “Ugh, n-nothing Rarity...I have to go.”

And just like that Spike bolted from the room, ignoring Rarity’s calls as he continued to run.

Once he made his way to his room, he threw himself under his bedsheets and broke down crying.

Abby was enjoying the party, catching up with Seth, and meeting up with some of the other Rangers stationed all over Equestria was a nice change of pace. All in all she had a fun time.

However that was not the only reason she came to Canterlot. And despite visiting ours being over, Celestia had granted her special permission to see a certain hospitalized inmate.

Kasai wanted to join her in talking to the inmate she was visiting, but declined.

“I think it’s best if he only sees me for now.”

The Arcanine relented, “Alright, and Abby? Good luck.”

Within the mental ward of the Princess Cadence Memorial Hospital, a Conkeldurr sat in his cell. A straight jacket was wrapped around him to prevent harm to himself, after the 12th time he tried to end his life.

The guard stationed there opened the first metal door to his room as Abby walked in. Then she sat down as a second wall of plexiglass that separated them.

“Hastings, it's me Abby.”

The former co-founder of the Ranger Union only turned his head slightly, as if to acknowledge her. But then just shifted his body until he was facing the wall.

Abby took a deep breath.

“So, the doctors have told me you still haven't tried to kill yourself in 6 months. That must mean you don’t think you deserve to die anymore.”


Abby sighed, “Look Hastings, we both know that what you did was wrong. And that there are some Pokémon and ponies who I know that will never forgive you. But I can’t say that I have been perfect either. This Ninetales body has some great benefits, but it also comes with drawbacks. I have lashed out at people, cursed others who didn’t deserve it. And even if they did, it was not my place to do so.”

Hastings lifted his head up, but still said nothing.

“In a way I was like you, I used my powers to punish others. Just as you tried to enforce old laws to punish people because you thought they deserve it,” Abby took a deep breath again. “We both know we can’t change the past, and that there is no way we can ever forget what has happened.”

Abby looked behind her though the small window of the metal door, Kasai was still standing there, giving a reassuring smile.

“But I hope that one day in the future, we can be a part of each other's lives again. I don’t hate you sir, I could never hate you. You have done too much for me to ever deserve that.”

Having said what she had to say, Abby got up and walked to the door.

“Goodbye Albert, I wish you well.”

The door to Hasting’s cell then closed, and he was alone once again.

In the dim light of his cell, he mangled to let out a whisper.

“I could never hate you too.”

Arceus watched as his children, both Legendary and metaphorical mingled and interacted with many different species gathered in the gala hall. The god looked upon all the fruits his ‘works’ had bore and saw that it was good.

They all look so happy, he thought to himself. I guess everything worked out in the end. Actually, I really should thank Cresselia one day, after all the idea of turning humans into Pokémon was originally hers.

“Having fun?” A voice said.

The god opened his eyes to Empress Serva walking up to his side, joining him in viewing the crowd as the slow dance music got underway.

“As fun as a god can Empress. Honestly when you are as long lived as I am, you tend to have seen everything to a point where it kinda becomes boring.”

“But were you not trapped for millennia? Surely you must have missed so many new things that you wanna try out.”

“That is true,” Arceus closed his eyes as he recalled all those many times when he got bored in his prison. Not even watching his planet descend into hell was enough to keep his attention. “Honestly, I feel like if I ‘mingled’ with the crowd, I might intimidate them.”

“Well, if you aren’t going to socialize, mind if I ask you a few questions?”

Arceus raised a brow while looking at the deer, “What kind?”

“Personal questions. I will understand if you’re uncomfortable.”

Arceus shrugged. “Go ahead, I may not answer all of them, but I will answer to the best of my ability.”

“Alright. First of all, what are your plans now that you got everything you ever wanted out of this?”

Arceus had to think on that one for a moment. He had in large achieved everything he set out to do once he escaped his prison. His people were free, they had their whole future ahead of them. The only thing he could now do is maintain watch over them in peace.

“I suppose I could explore more of this universe, travel from planet to planet. I have all the time in the world to do so. Maybe see if there are any conquering aliens who might be looking to invade this world in the future.”

“Hmm, that's something I never considered. Although the answer of whether or not we are alone in the universe has already been solved. Very well, for my next question: How do some of your children feel about all of this? I find it unlikely that all of your Legendaries were on board with this exodus.”

Arceus was a bit surprised with that question. But the more he thought about it, the more he realized that he never really got everyone's honest opinion.

Despite being called: the Legendary Council, they really hadn’t acted like one. When Arceus decided to put his plan into motion, he did so without getting a yes or no answer from everybody. It made him wonder, were some of his children secretly against the plan from the beginning? Did they wish to remain on Earth, but kept silent because they already knew what the majority was going to be? Or did they not say anything to avoid being shunned?

“Actually, I haven't really asked them. I just proposed my plan and went with it. But I shall make a mental note to get their opinion later.”

Serva observed the Alpha Pokémon for a second, but found his answer satisfactory for now.

“Alright, final question now.”

“Ask away.”

“Why did you turn the humans you brought with you into Pokémon?”

If the last two questions didn’t make Arceus fluster, then this one did. But he was more so confused by it.

“I don’t understand. What do you mean by that?”

“Why did you turn the good hearted humans that came with you into Pokémon? You said it was because you were afraid that they would repeat the mistakes of their predecessors,” Empress Serva then narrowed her eyes at Arceus. “But I think there is more to it then that.”

“.....Like I told you and everyone at the World Summit, I turned them into Pokémon to prevent the evils of man from manifesting again. I did it so individuals like Gene could be with the ones they loved. If I didn't do it for those reasons, then what do you think I did them for?”

Now, both ruler and God were staring at each other directly, reading each other's body language as if to discern what they were thinking.

“Arceus, I can understand why you did what you did. I know that humans have wronged you, your species, your family. But did you even consider if some of them wanted to be Pokémon? Or wonder how they are handling being ripped front their lives and the bodies they were born with?”

The Pokémon God reflected for a moment. Remembering how just before he made his announcement to the world, he sensed the anger and resentment from Gym Leader Korrina. Anger directed at him and unjustly at Gene. How those who visited his temple begged him to revert them to their original forms, how they longed to go back home. How that son of Team Magma leader Maxie was currently trying everything within his power to undo what had been done to him and his followers.

He does not yet know the futility of his actions, maybe I should one day visit him just to tell him that. The god made a mental smug as he thought this.

“First of all, your logic for turning them into Pokémon so as to not repeat past mistakes has a glaring flaw. Let's say such a thing happens again, that a human invents a Pokeball, or that they treat a Pokémon as a lower life form. Would you not be there to stop it?”

Arceus remembered how he destroyed that Hoenn city in the desert, how he saw the look of horror on his priest's face as he beheld his god’s work.

“And that's just putting aside the fact that no national leader(myself included) would ever allow such injustice to take place even if a human committed these crimes. You also said it was to preserve humanities goodness. Tell me, how can you be preserving human goodness if they are no longer technically human?”

Arceus was about to give a response, but decided to let the Deer finish.

“You know what I think Lord Arceus, I think you have let your fear and hatred of humans drive your actions more than you would like to admit. You are like a father who has favored one child and shunned the other. A real parent, would love all his children regardless of what they have done. They would try to save them, not push them away.”

At this point Arceus felt like he was being talked down to, who was she to judge him? She did not know what had been through, what suffering he had experienced. He only showed her and the others a glimpse of what humans had done, she did not fully understand what humans were. What their tiny minds were capable of.

“I wonder what would happen if the scenario was reversed, if Pokémon had oppressed and treated humans unfairly? They certainly could have done it. Would the results have been the same? Or would you have been more forgiving of the Pokémon?”

Now the Legendary Pokémon was getting irritated, “Empress Serva, I can assure you that I love all my children equally. What I did to humanity was fully deserved, I regret some of the things I did during my plan. But the humans got off easy if you ask me, and my Legendaries would agree with me.”

“Oh, then let's go back to my second question. I asked you if any of your Legendaries had any objections about this plan. What if some of them did? And what if they were so against this plan, that they decided to stay on Earth to prove their point? What if they had chosen humanity over their own father?”

There was silence for a moment. Not even the music of the gala seemed to register in their ears. Serva stood with an emotionless expression, wondering if her questions had hit too close to home.

“I believe that's enough questions for now Empress, enjoy the rest of your evening.”

And just like that Arceus vanished in a flash of light. Leaving the ruler of the Deer alone with her thoughts.

Soon, it got a point where some got tired of partying and went to bed so they wouldn’t be sleepy in the morning. Twilight herself wanted to get at least 6 hours of shut eye before Celestia raised the sun.

As she entered her room, she noticed Spike was already fast asleep.

“Huh, I wondered where he disappeared off to. He must want to get as much sleep as he can before I wake him up tomorrow.”

Twilight then soon got into bed and closed her eyes.

“Goodnight Spike, sweet dreams.”

And yet if Twilight had looked more closely, she would have seen the face of a baby dragon in sorrow. His dreams anything but sweet.

Canterlot, After Dark


Time tinkered away as ponies and Pokémon slept in their beds, waiting for the sun to rise.


That was good, for the fiend that gleefully smiled at the plan that he and his partners were setting in place.


Oh how devilish it was! How vile and evil his actions were! Surely they would never be forgiven for this as long as they lived.

The fiend made his way to what was considered the Pokémon district of Canterlot, walking and stalking right past residents who were both awake and asleep.

The ones off in dream land never saw him, and the ones whom he walked right in front of did not even register that someone else was there.


Passing the stone supports carved from the mountain, making his way into houses and buildings, the fiend set about finishing the work he was sent to do.

He then entered one house, it was home to a nuclear family of Cubone and Marowak.

The fiend crept into their bedroom, his gleeful smile never leaving his face. His fair skinned hand gently caressed the face of the baby Cubone, his smile growing bigger as his wicked thoughts raced through his mind.


The fiend knew all about these creatures, how they had been tormented and enslaved back on their home world. How their god in his haste and anger spirited them away, while leaving his world to burn.


They thought they would be safe here, safe from harm, safe from Hu-

The fiend had to cover his mouth and flee, for he was not sure if he could contain his laughter.

Oh, such irony! Such tragedy! Such injustice! he thought to himself. Oh pitiful and sad creatures new to this world, you have no idea what you sowed! What great calamity your haste has brought upon you’


The fiend couldn't contain himself any longer, with haste, he made his way up the side of the mountain. He climbed to the very peek, his laughter already beginning to escape his teeth.

Soon he reached the top, and as soon as he confirmed he was alone and that no one would hear him, he shouted from the top of his lungs.

“Oh creatures of this world! Oh inhabitants of this land of strange tales! Your ignorance is the greatest gift this world has bestowed upon you!”

The fiend looked upon the land of magic and friendship, a world that could not exist from where he came from. If there was any shame or regret in his heart for the great sin he was about to commit, he pushed it aside.

For tomorrow, the whole of Equestria would light up the moment their Princess raised the sun over the horizon.

Yes, surely the whole of Equestria would glow in a great light.


Author's Note:

Feel free to leave feedback, I love reading your comments

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